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Encrypted 8
Chapter 8
I wake but I don’t wake. I mean I open my eyes and the world is changed again. I’m not lost but I’m here…or rather there again in this place that’s outside of myself. I look around and see myself and Brandy still intertwined it bed.
I hold my image self’s? Hands out in front of me and I seem to look like myself but there’s this blue-white shimmer around myself. I try to keep calm and just try and record all the strangeness.
There is a cord, a line like a plug or a tether between myself here and my body, it’s connected to the strange aura around me here as and image.
~Okay, I’m a remote. ~
I move and flicker around the house, literally flicker like I’m not walking but I’m instantly there. Speed of thought?
Time seems to have no meaning to me here. The clocks don’t move, and anything with an electrical current running through it I can see the energy, where it is, how it flows and even see it though an object it it’s solid.
~It’s so strange, it’s so fascinating.~
And the matrix thing, the encryption the longer I stare at something the more of the “code.” That makes it up lights up to my sight. It’s easier to see in living things. Most of my “code” is missing compared to Brandi’s well not missing but most of it is me being outside of myself.
Fascinating, and really hard to grasp. I can understand what I’m seeing but right now but being able to grasp the scope of things.
I’m lost in the study of things in the house and that has me so enthralled until I feel this strange sensation and I’m confused until I flicker back to the bedroom and I can see Brandy nuzzling my neck, kissing in little bits and there’s changes of her energies, more awake but also more awake in certain areas…her breasts and below have increased concentrations.
I’m almost going to wake or try to when I notice there’s not bits of each other’s energy in each other but like part of my code and part of her code had interacted with each other and has become similar to each other. I can see bit’s of me getting bits of her copied over as she is nuzzling and kissing me.
I reach in and touch that reaction.
Oh….it’s love?
Not like the indefinable thing but that part of us when we bring something or each other into a relationship and you feel this kind of connection, this kind of melding?
I just seen it, felt it, and there’s……..
It’s real, it’s really…real.
Emotions are hard for me sometimes, things are so much better when there’s a fact to them, a reality about them.
I just felt without a shadow of a doubt that she loved me, loves me and that part of Brandi is going to be part of me forever.
If it’s true for me and her then.
It has to be true for everyone.
Oh so very much Oh.
I think flicker back into myself and I can feel it so much more for a second before it becomes part of that good feeling and those good sensation when someone you’re in love with is kissing you.
I’m crying because it’s real, this changes everything so much. I’m not sobbing but just letting out happy tears much more than usual.
I wasn’t good at crying either but I was good at depression.
I’m not depressed this morning. And you know…no I’ll tell her.
I roll over and kiss her back on the lips and she returns the kiss deeper and again and again and I feel “penny” awake. “Morning Maddie love.”
“It’s not morning.”
“It’s morning somewhere.” She kisses me again. “Are you okay? You’re crying”
“Oh I’m very good…I just really started to figure out that Love is real, and feel how much that you love me.”
“Oh, of course Love’s real honey.”
“I know, I know that now.” She looks at me and rubs noses with me and kisses me again and I can’t stop the smile on my face because I know we’re becoming more and more one with each other…
“Yes love.”
“Make love to me? Please, I want to be one with you.” I mean it not like fusing or anything but with knowing what I know now and how we bond with intimate acts and even just touches there’s part of me now that really needs to experience lovemaking and the truth of it, I want to feel this.
“I was hoping that you’d say that.” And she kisses me and breaks the kiss and moves her mouth to my breast and I gasp at the feeling, was it better? Was it stronger? Am I feeling this more now that I’m aware of it?
It was so incredible, it was like last night too, early this morning I mean where we might not have the real anatomy of GG women but we definitely, definitely are having lesbian sex.
There is a flavor to the intent she has as she makes love to me. She is not feeling me as a male even thought there are parts of me that are.
It was like this before and it wasn’t either. When she’s inside of me I can feel her so much more! I can feel her not making love to me in the Homosexual way but as me, the real me, Madison as she see’s me and it’s not the whole thing but there’s flashes and they are so.
Brandy make long slow and sweet passionate love to me and I can feel her in those flashes making love to the girl that I am, the woman that she loves and the one she knows I am and she is so clear in that being the way that she see’s me and that she loves me that I think some of Brandy’s “normality” has started rubbing off inside of my code because I’m crying through the entire thing and calling out vocally. Gripping the sheets, shaking as I’m taken to a place that’s………….Just so like every other girl caught deep in the throes of passion.
And then there’s this thunderstorm of her code flashing into mine as Brandy climaxes inside of me and I cry out and she cries out and it’s so much…too much…I pass out.
I don’t really wake up.
But I’m projecting again.
I look around but it’s not like before, the energies around me are different, muted or blurry and I’m not in the house but I’m.
“Bradley! You get your ass in this house boy!” I turn and see this young tenish African Canadian boy running to get away from this older black woman. She has him by the scruff of the shirt and I’m drawn to the scene. There’s a centering of the data around them.
~I don’t understand?~
She moves the child rougher than I’m used to seeing but she doesn’t really hurt him. “I told You! No more hanging around Jessie and his hoodlums, you think you’re tough and all gangsta, not in this family! You’re grounded! Now get your ass in the basement!” She slaps him in the back of the head and yells again. “Go and get your school books and do your damned homework!”
The woman fades a bit like everything else only the young black child is still in focus so I follow him flickering to his room.
He’s not upset, he’s shakingly opening a set of floorboards and takes out a black garbage bag and he stuffs it into his school bag. He yells out though. “This ain’t fucking fair!”
There’s a reply. “Well life isn’t fair Bradley, I’m not having My son be so ganged up hoodlum! You’re going to be a good Christian boy even if it kills me! Next time you’ll think first before you and those hoodlums are throwing rocks at peoples cars.”
“They we’re cars the was cabs and they were rag-heads!”
“I didn’t raise you to be some racist! Get down there now!”
“For how long!”
“Until bedtime, everyday, all week!”
“No Buts!”
I’m very confused, I’m worried for the boy because to be sent to the basement sounds cruel. I’m a mental image that doesn’t match the actual place I see once he gets there stomping the entire way.
His mother is right beside the door and there’s siblings in other rooms giggling and laughing at his punishment. He goes down the stairs upset looking and she closes the door on him and locks him in.
I was expecting some thing worse, but the basement has wall to wall carpet and there’s books and a desk and a lot of religious stuff here and I see him smile, I know that smile.
He takes out his books and then the bag and he goes to the bathroom and gets undressed. Then he get’s dressed a pair of panties, a bra, and a very carefully folded dress. He tucks and dresses and there’s a familiar sigh and smile but it’s a sad smile in the mirror. He pitches his voice softer and runs his fingers through his really short haircut.
“I hate my hair.”
I watch her, or this fledgling version of her and here locked away as a punishment she’s able to be free. I watch her as she dances and smiles, Yes that’s my girl.
She dances and twirls and practices walking and sitting and pretending. She seems like Brandy so alive and vibrant and even the hair has a sort of modern look I guess now?
There’s a yell. “Dinner!”
She does a mad dash and changes from her to Bradley and she stops in front of the mirror and two tears slip out. Before she runs up to the door…
There’s a flash around me but in my head too as it all vanishes away and I’m in bed and feel Brandy’s breasts pressed into me and she’s shivering, no shaking a little and I can tell the way she’s breathing she’s trying to get a hold of herself.
“Brandy.” I breath out her name.
“Yeah…” She sounds close to crying, she doing that fast breathing.
I roll over and move so I’m looking at her face and kiss her very gently and as girly and femme? As I can, I cup her left breast and gently feel it and kiss her again. “Are you alright, you’re upset.”
“Just a dream Maddie, just reliving some of the bad old days.”
“Those days made you. There’s some good with the bad.”
“I know, it’s just… (sigh)…I thought I was past it all.”
“You are past it, you aren’t the person you were, you’re the beautiful woman that loves me and I love back.”
I kiss with her some more and I can see the little girl there that was trying to live in little fits and starts in that basement office. It’s her I start kissing, trying to maybe reach her like I did when I was there in her dream or memories. I’m not sure but I think our intimacy let my code interface with hers and I was there in her dreams.
I’m not sure, how or why yet I was there or why I’m the one seeing these things and experiencing these things but I will.
I need to understand this.
Brandy needs me too, needs me now.
I kiss her again and cup both her breasts and roll over on top of her and cupping her breasts. I go slowly feeling out her energy, just the electrical currents feeling the responses to my lips suckling and my touches and my tongue. When I feel the nerves that are responsible for her pleasure I give them more energy, I turn up the signal gain on her pleasure centers and make love to Brandy reading her responses and trying to use this thing I have to make her feel like a beautiful woman.
I don’t think either of us have been as vocal before. Me before, her now…
We’re cuddling together as we come down and the elevated signal gain on the sensual nerves lasts about ten minutes, I think I could enhance my own feelings like that if I started before making love, I’m not sure if I could concentrate enough while being made love to.
We’re both panting when she looks at me and kisses me. “Wow…I…wow, Maddie it’s never been like that before.”
“Then it was good then?”
“Oh god yes, it was good.”
“Good, I was trying to make it feel better for you.”
“Thank you Baby, awesome job….”
“You’re welcome.” I’m not sure if she understands what I meant and I’m not sure she understood what we did. I am not sure of it either. I need to know more for when she asks.
We kiss more and we head into the bathroom and take a long hot bubble bath together and spend time getting beautiful together. And ready for her work, I…I don’t.
“Honey you’re not coming with me?” She asks.
“No.” I’m biting my lower lip and fighting the urge to count on my fingers.
“Did one of the guys do something?”
“No, no I like the staff and your place too but I need to acclimate myself to being here and alone. I’m not a bartender I’m a mathematical engineer.”
“Good.” She smiles as she kisses me. “I’m proud you’re ready to try this. And that you’re getting back to the work that you know.” She gives you another kiss. “You’re better than the club.”
“There’s nothing wrong with the club or the people that work there.” I kiss her back and rub her sides.
“I Love that you see the world that way.”
We kiss and we make a bit of supper just some homemade Mac & Cheese she makes and I’ve never had it homemade before and it was really good. I like cheesy as much as crunchy her macaroni was very good and creamy. We do the dishes together and we dance together in the kitchen again. More kissing, I want to kiss her more and more touch our codes together be her girl, be a girl in love with another girl. I’m glad she loves kissing as much as I do.
Even as she’s starting pretty up I’m kissing her long and deep one more time before she pulls the door shut on Pretty and drives off to work.
I hug myself a bit and head inside the house. I’m alone and scared, this is my first time alone since the attack and it’s still a new place.
I’m missing her so much already and my nerves are on so much an edge, I’m wiping away a few tears as I make a hot chocolate with hazelnut creamer and a marshmallow.
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love is real!
oh yes, their love is very, very real
thank you Bailey for a good feeling on a trying day
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
You're very Welcome Angel Dorothy.
It was definitely part of the theme of this to show that Love is so much more than something we feel. That it's a very real part of the universe.
*Big Hugs for the bad day*
Bailey Summers
real love
Real love can only happen if both people feel the same way about each other ,Great chapter Bailey ,thank you :)
Definitely Roo:)
I'm in total agreement with that and lucky at the same time with my girl Jonelle. You're very welcome Roo and thanks for the comments.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Enhanced Sex?
Sounds like Maddie is on to something. Her perceptions are so different than the rest of us. How will this affect their relationship in the future? How much can Maddie change things? Is she seeing Brandy's past, or reading a memory? Personally, I believe she's linking into Brandy's memories, and with her abilities, can she alter those memories? Wow, so muany questions!
I love the story, Bailey, it makes me think. I know that things are more convoluted than they seem, and that there may be a bad side to Maddie's perceptiolns, but I don't know what it would be, or how it will affect them.
Will Maddie be returning to her job? How will that work? You tell a mean story, Bailey. Don't mind me, just drag me along!
There's a lot of things Maddie is discovering...
more and more about the Encryption code and how to use that to manipulate energies. she does believe that from absorbing so much of Brandy's Code into herself that she saw or linked up the this memory of Brandy's past.
Changing things scares the heck out of Maddie, she's sure she might be able too but is scared of changing who she is on a bigger level or worse Brandy.
Then there's if she changes the code that much in one person or thing will it cascade and effect everything else?
I'm really glad you liked the story and there's something cool when the main character has as many questions as the reader.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
It seems to me.
That there is healing going on both sides here. Nicely done.
There's definitely some healing going on.
Brandy gets to have someone to love and be loved by and Maddie...Maddie got to experience Love as something she can quantify as a force of nature as something real instead of as a feeling...That's something powerful.
Thanks Maggie.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
code sharing
she enhanced her own code before with the signal to her breasts, will she be able to effect the hardware side of them also without hormone treatment? you write an intresting tale here of science and love. great job, thanks
Wow that's a good
Wow that's a good question... Like rewriting a certain very basic code of the body. Although I don't know if the human body has something to rewrite its DNA.
I think her code technique is rather interesting. I wonder if it is a form of telepathy or something else. What are those codes they share with each other? Feelings? Memories? Skills?
If she really could alter her lovers memories her ability would be rather scary.
Thank you for writing this awesome story,
It might be possible but Maddie would never do that.
Oh and to sort of answer the question, it's something else. A skill down load would be a massive undertaking even with her abilities, Memories she just seen through patching into a dream/memory, feelings she'd have limited success with so far.
Great comments Beyogi.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Yes she'll be able to turn on certain natural
hormone producing areas and turn others off once she learns how to do that. But genes? That's a whole other set of things and a lot more code. Plus what if that changes who she is?
Thanks for reading and commenting LoneWolf:)
*Hugs and Howls.*
Bailey Summers
How very peculiar.
...But also very wonderful. ^_^ Bailey Summers magic once again.
*HuggleSnugglePurrHappytailswish* <3
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

It's definitely of this side of different Extravagance:)
I'm glad that you liked the story:)
Oh and thanks for the comments too.
*Huggles and soft scratches.*
Bailey Summers
Madison and Brandy
are up there in the Pantheon of unique, loving couples that you have gifted us with Bailey. the power and depth of emotion that Maddie is learning to feel and understand is equal only to the love and emotion she is sharing with Brandy. The fact that there is so much healing going on, that Maddie can even attempt to be alone, AND try to be a mathematician again after the traumas is a tribute to the healing power of the love this couple shares.
Thank you for building your worlds and inviting us in Bailey.
Biggest Warmest Happiest Hugs,
Member of Bailey's Angels
Thank You So Much Moon:)
I loved the really, really great comment. I like to write about the love that two people can find and what can happen to people both inside and out when they do find their one and only. Thanks to that Love Maddie is able to take some of those steps forward into her life.
*Biggest Warmest Happiest Hugs Back.*
Angel Moon.
Bailey Summers
In My Experience, This Is Most Similar To An Acid Trip
But...back to the story: On some level, Maddie starts out in a dream; her body is asleep when she has the out-of-body-experience. I guess that her "code reading" and "gain adjusting" is not some mutant/super power; it's more on the order of RL ESP experiences or RL Wiccan Magick, ie knowledge gains as in empathy and telepathy and very slight adjustments to the "hardware (wetware) or firmware" in her lovers brain. I think their codes aren't DNA, but body electrical signaling, most of this concentrated in their brains.
They love each other; their interactions build up more and more memories and info in each others brain. Maddie's brain is filling more a more with Brandi and vice versa. The memories and knowledge are not like computer bytes. Memories are more like holograms with parts of the info spread within and among various parts of the brain, like sensation processing (sight, feel, body sense, smell...), the emotion area, thought, judgment, etc. Additionally, the feelings, knowledge, memories, pleasure stimulations are not just electrical impulses in the neurons and changes in "conductivity" in the synapses, but are also stimulated chemicals: endorphins, dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin, etc. which give sensations of pleasure, bonding, satisfaction, well being, euphoria, etc.
I don't think Maddie is superhumyn, she's just many standard deviations away from the normal "average" in various ways. She should be thought of as an Autistic Savant
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
It's like all of that but it's more than that too.
Maddie can seen the Encryption, basically the math code for the entire basis of reality. Now being aware means that you can interact with it and change it. Change the code of something or alter it. The electrical things are just easiest because she's flipping switches.
But what happened with her and Brandy is this.
You get used to people and objects. They become part of you and you them, that's just life.
One thing in the universe cannot help but be effected by the things that it interacts with changing what it is and how it evolves constantly.
Thus code rubs off on other code groups or programs.
We shape/change our code that makes us who we are by just living and being exposed to someone or some thing.
Maddie can perceive the code and manipulate it to the extent she was pulling in enough of Brandy to in effect get a password of sorts into her memories.
Confusing I know, but it's the way I see it sort of.
Your explanation works just as well with the RL Psi/Magik thing is just seen by Maddie because of her austism/aspergers mixture as a math thing.
All in all still very cool and yeah a bit like being on acid:)
Thanks for the amazing comment Renee.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
It was fascinating to see
It was fascinating to see Brandy's past. Makes one wonder what were the interactions with the hoodlums back then. :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Thanks Faraway:)
Missed seeing you here:)
I've bee meaning to get to more of Brandy's past. I want to show what her life was like trying to hide being TG in a rough neighborhood where it's really not done. I want to bring out some of Maddy's past too.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers