The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 3 Rescue Mission Ch. 27

The Rescue Mission
Chapter 27

Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


The fairies, Brianna and I wake up in the morning at sunrise. We get ourselves ready. Brianna opens a door in the room she hasn’t opened before. She sees a box with a hole opening on top.

“Richard, what is this box with the hole on top?”

I look inside the room. “That’s the lavatory.”

“What? I don’t see any piping, tank, turn handle or water. I surely don’t need to relieve myself in there. It would be a huge mess.”

“It’s a magic box. There are spells on it to send the excrement to a volcano in the northern part of the continent here.”

“They use magic to send it there to burn it?”

“That’s right, Brianna. Also, when you are done, the next spell kicks in to clean your bottom.”

Brianna giggles, “Now, I have to try that. Is there a light in the room?”

“There is Brianna. It will come on when you step into the room.”

“Let me guess, there is a spell on the crystal to detect someone in the room.”

“That’s a good guess, my love.”

“Well, here goes. I do need to relieve myself this morning. I will need a proper bath soon.”

“Yours is down the hallway. It is next to the men’s bath.”

“That’s fine, Richard.” Brianna steps into the room. The crystal lights up, then she closes the door. She undresses and takes care of herself. When she gets done, she gets a surprise sensation on the cleaning spell. A water mist is created, then air is gently blown to dry her bottom. She gets up to check herself. “That’s not too bad. It’s a shame we can’t do this on Earth.”

She gets herself dressed, then she steps out of the room. We finish getting ourselves ready for the morning repast.

“How did you sleep last night, father?”

“It took awhile for the muscles to relax, Levi. Probably an hour after my time with Brianna in the bed they finally relaxed.”

“Shiri and I thought as much. We were all nervous right along with you.”

“I’m sorry to keep you all up, my fairies.”

“That’s okay, mother. You flew for the first time yesterday. It was the same with us when we learned how to fly for the first time in fairy mode and in butterfly mode.”

“Hmm . . . thank you for that insight, Ruby. So, that means I wasn’t alone in that regard.”

“That’s right, Omega.”

“Hmm . . . Okay, is everyone ready?”

Everyone responds in one voice, “Yes!”

We all giggle and laugh as we exit the door and enter the hallway. We walk down the steps to the foyer and to the dining room. We walk inside and see everyone there waiting for us. We sit down and have the morning repast. After giving thanks to the Creator, we eat our breakfast in about forty-five minutes.

We get up and break apart. Brianna follows the ladies out to the gardens. Bianca and Lavan follow Brianna. My other fairies follow me. I walk to the Castle Tailor shop. Once the King and I get in there, we see Sir Trenton and Sir Valmar there as well. My fairies take their rest sitting around the shop and out of the way.

“It’s time to fit the new armor on you, Richard.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” I see the pieces laid out on the table. I undress to my shorts, T-shirt and socks. The new padding is attached to the armor pieces. I see two slots on the padding and the back body plate for my wings. I put the breast plate and the back plate on. It is the same setup as before with the shoulder straps. Then the padding for the leg armor is put on. Then the leg armor is attached to the upper body pieces. Then the boots are put on. This time the boots have metal plates attached. Then the wrist bow gauntlets are put on. The next item is the helmet. I see it has two crystals mounted above the brow. One is a light crystal, and the other is a communication crystal. Finally, the new sword and scabbard are attached to the waist.

“Okay, Richard, pay attention. There is ethereal space ore in the belt band here.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“It is your source to do magic with the armor. The helmet is the same as the last time, but we’ve added the light crystal and the communication crystal. Your darts are contained in this cartridge on each wrist. It will automatically load the darts into the wrist bows by pushing the right button in the palm of the glove. We have eliminated the bow and string. Try it.”

I bring down my middle finger and press the button. I hear a click sound and see a dart move into the wrist launch cradle and lock in place. It is ready to be released.

“The button to release the dart is the left button in the palm of the glove.”

I take aim at a wall. I push the left button. The dart shoots out and hits the wall. We see a frozen spot on the wall. The dart comes back immediately into the cartridge on the wrist. There is an opening where the darts are loaded into the cartridge.

“That took some doing. I like this cartridge design for the darts.”

“We like it too, Richard. Now, you don’t have to say anything. Remember what I said about using the mind to work the magic?”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“There is a bunch of spells in the helmet. It will read your thoughts and do what you need to get it done.”

“Wow. That includes going invisible into the Ethereal Space?”

“Yes, it does, Richard.”

“We’ll now go out to the training fields and go through the paces for you to learn the new armor and how to use the new sword.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“All of the armor can be buffed to shine like a mirror. The two forearm shields are the same as well.”

We walk out to the training fields for my first practice in the armor.

“The first thing for you to do, is going through the Forest Run. This time you can use your unicorn abilities. But we suggest you use your normal self first.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

Sir Halgren, Sir Trenton and I walk to the Forest Run. King Thranton, King Tierion, Sir Valmar and Sir Leland tend to the main field to make sure the others are going through their paces. My fairies follow us to the forest.

We get to the beginning part of the course. Sir Trenton takes out a stop watch.

“We were able to learn from your watch gifts, Richard. We compared the clocks from King Thranton with your watch. There is no difference in the speeds. That means, your world and ours spin at the same rate.”

“That’s great, Sir Trenton.” I get into position with my hand on the pillar.

“Get set, go!”

I run down the path. My fairies follow me as I remember the layout as I run down the path. I keep a steady pace. I climb the roots at angles, I jump over the fallen tree by using the step and swing my legs around to the left of me. When I run down the incline, I see they have installed a stone step in the embankment. I run at full speed. I plant my left foot on the stone step. I spring high into the air. I land on the other side cleanly. I keep running forward. When I see the giant boulders, I quickly do the side steps to get through quickly. I turn the corner and run as fast as I can. I touch the second pillar. I walk around slowly to catch my breath back. “Pant . . . pant . . .”

“That’s very good, Richard. You did that in 20 minutes.”

“Thank you, sirs.” Sir Halgren hands me a cup of cold water to drink. I drink it slowly while I walk around.

“Okay, it’s time to use your unicorn abilities in endurance, strength and agility.”

“Yes, sir.” I hand the empty cup to Sir Halgren. I walk over to the first pillar. I sense my fairies need some quick energy. I blow my breath upon them.

“Thank you, father, mother, Omega.”

I get into position when I place my left hand on the pillar.

“Get set, go!”

I concentrate on what I need to do. I run down the path and pick up the pace. My fairies follow me and keep up with me. The climb up the tree roots is a lot faster this time. I only used the rope once to keep my balance forward. Then I run down the path toward the fallen tree. I run forward and place my hand on the pillar and bring my body around quickly. I can probably leap over that with some more practice.

That’s right, Richard.

Thank you, Creator.

I run down the incline very fast. I do a high leap and keep running in strides on the other side. When I see the giant boulders, I do the side step in one leap with each pair. I exit the forest and turn right. I run to the pillar and touch it with my hand.

I stand there not too much out of breath.

“That’s very good, Richard. You did that in 10 minutes. How do you feel?”

“That was very exhilarating. I jumped across that stream in fluid motion. For a brief moment, it felt like I was flying in the air.”

“We did too, Richard.”

“The next time I run it, I will try to leap over that fallen tree in a running stride.”

“Save that for the next time you do it.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

“Okay, now that is out of the way. Let’s work with the new abilities in the armor and the sword.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

We walk back to the training fields. My fairies fly quickly into the forest looking for some fruit and nuts to restore their energy. Once they find it, they pick them up and take it with them. They follow me as I walk to an area where they have an unusual device. It is a large upright box with an opening on the side.

“In this box, we were able to build a laser rifle. It took the dwarf designers about six moons to figure it out. Eventually we’ll get it small enough to be carried by hand.”

“How is it powered?”

“With the Ethereal Space ore, lenses and light crystals, the laser chamber is amplified by the Ethereal space ore.”

“You solved a lot of problems compared to my world, Sir Trenton.”

“We know, Richard. Okay, put on your forearm shields. When the laser hits the shields, you can decide how you want to use it. The shields and your armor contain the Evenshard stone. You can absorb it or reflect it. Then use your new sword to absorb. Direct the energy at that object over there.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” I see several wooden crates with painted concentric circles on it. It is in front of a high mound of dirt.

Sir Halgren gets behind the laser box. I put on my forearm shields and get into position to absorb the blast.

All of a sudden, a powerful light beam is emitted from the box. It hits my shields. I see them glow the same color as the laser color, red. I turn to face the target.

“Now think in your mind what you want to do.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.” Hit target!

The laser beam is emitted from the shields to the target. It gets destroyed quickly into many pieces.

“That’s very good, Richard. Now try it with the sword. You have a brief moment to get the light beam to hit the blade. We want to see your reaction on how fast you are. Leave the sword in the scabbard.”

“Yes, sir.”

Sir Halgren points the laser at my upper legs. When Sir Halgren activates the laser, I see the lenses glowing for an instant. I see that I need to bring the sword down in front of me. I withdraw the sword out of the scabbard. I bring the sword down quickly. The light beam hits the sword just in time. It glows a red color.

I point the sword at another wooden crate. Hit the target. The light from the sword shoots out from it. It hits the wooden crate and gets shattered in many pieces.

“That’s very good, Richard. What told you the direction of the laser beam?”

“I saw the lens glow briefly before the laser beam shot out, sir. I then knew the angle where to put the sword.”

“Excellent, Richard. That is what our knights and dwarf warriors figured out as well. Now we’ll see how you do in multiple attacks.”

“Sir Trenton, if I find myself overwhelmed. Can I use my martial arts?”

“By all means, Richard, we need to see it all put together. You will have five opponents, and some several surprises. It is a lot more complex than what we did in preparation for the Nefelim Giants.”

“Yes, Sir Trenton.”

We walk to a larger part of the field. I see a roped off area. Already there are a thousand knights and dwarf warriors gathered around. I see the Commanders and the royalty standing in the wooden tower watching over us.

Once I get inside and in the center of the circle, I see three knights and two dwarf warriors walk in from the edge. They start circling around me.

“There is only one rule here. It is to get your opponent asleep with a sleep dart.”

We yell out together, “Yes, Sir Trenton!”

Everyone starts to make personal bets with one another. Some say I will take all five down at once, while some say I will lose really fast.

Hmm . . . I think I better take the first shot at them. Wrist gauntlets, five sleep darts. Shadow each one right behind their backs. Return to the cartridge when I say ‘darts return’. I take aim in the air. I point above them. I shoot out five darts. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!” Light crystal on!

“You missed by a wide margin, Richard. Now it’s our turn!”

All five disappear into the Ethereal Space at once.

I hear people yelling out loud, “Look out, Richard!”

Then we hear five darts whizzing toward me. The five darts bounce off the invisible light shield around me. They bounce to the ground harmlessly.

“Now it’s my turn to end this!” I raise my right gauntlet high above my head. “Darts return!”

Then all of a sudden the five soldiers appear from the Ethereal Space. We see they are about twenty feet from getting ready to do another attack. They fall asleep to the ground. The five darts return to the cartridge on the wrist gauntlet. “Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!”

“Whoa! Did you see that?”

“How did he do that?”

Then we hear Sir Trenton speaking up really loud as he walks into the roped off arena. “How did he do it, men? He didn’t use sound to distract their minds. Come on now, think!”

Everyone looks at each other with doubtful faces.

Sir Trenton looks at me, “How did you do it, Richard?”

“I remembered the first time we went as a group to Angathorn Castle. We encountered a flock of birds. They screeched at us to cause us to wince in pain in our ears. Sir Halgren told me, if those birds passed through us, we get disoriented. Then we appear from the Ethereal Space and land in the ocean water to get a bath. So, I shot out five sleep darts that shadowed a predetermined distance from them before they disappeared.”

Then everyone begins to laugh out loud as they remembered what the basics are in flying in the Ethereal Space.

“Hah! Hah! I love it!”

“As soon as the sleep darts passed through their bodies, they fell asleep!”

“I’ll definitely have to remember this tactic!”

Sir Trenton and I look at each other with smiles. We nod our heads at the same time. Then some wizards come forward to wake up the soldiers. They are told what had happen. They look a bit embarrassed as they remember the basics of flying in the Ethereal Space.

“Okay, now that part is over with. I need some volunteers to spar with Richard. It will be five soldiers. However, it won’t be done at once. It will be two on one, three on one for example. It will benefit us and him. We need to learn how to coordinate our attacks against a better fighter. He will block each hit that is aimed at him. He will also initiate some of the offense to keep us alert. The rest of you will return to the training fields to continue until the noon repast.”

Then three more knights and two dwarf warriors come forward. They are willing to participate in the exercise.

“Before we start, I have some moves that will give me some space when fighting.”

“What kind of move is that, Richard?”

“I learned how to do some wind and air movements. I won’t be using my wings. They will come from my hands and arms. I’ll demonstrate.” I concentrate within myself, then once I feel the chi build up in me, I swing my right fist and arm upward. A gust of wind comes from that and moves a soldier back a few feet.

“Oh wow! That’s really good. I guess this stem from your wings, Richard.”

“It is to certain extent, sir knight. It actually comes from a bird we have on Earth. It is the crane. All right, I’ll start off using the fighting staff.”

A fighting staff is thrown toward me. I catch it quickly. I start spinning it in front of me while the two of the men start circling around me.

The first one swings his staff at me. I block it quickly. The other one comes in from the back side. I kick my leg and foot into his stomach to push him back.

They circle me again, looking for an opening move. This time they both come in at the same time at my torso. I jump up and dive over it and roll forward. I swing my staff around quickly to trip one of them into the other. They both fall down together.

They get up again. Now a third opponent comes in at the same time. They circle me again. Just when they lunge at me, I do a quick circle arm slash. The wind from the attack pushes back two of the attackers. I attack the single dwarf warrior. He blocks my hit and tries to pin my staff downward. The other two recover quickly to attack from behind. I then do a double leg wind attack. They get pushed back again. The dwarf warrior tries to hit my legs. I block the attack with my staff. He backs away quickly from my retaliation move.

The three circle me again. Then they stop at the same time. I see them nod their heads at me. I nod my head to each one.

Sir Valmar comes in this time. “That’s very good, men and Richard. Tell us what you were thinking at the time?”

“We tried to get in, but Richard had a good defense. His wind moves kept us two at bay so he could concentrate on one warrior.”

“Even with two attacks at the same time, he used his arms and legs to defend himself from both sides at once.”

“So, what does that tell us what we need to do in the training fields?”

“We need to get used to multiple attacks from several sides at once.”

The five soldiers look at each other and nod their heads at the same time.

“That’s good, you’re learning. After the noon repast, we’ll focus on that.”

“Yes, Sir Valmar!”

“You can go and get cooled down in time for the noon repast. You are with us in the dining hall, Richard. Brianna is having her noon repast with the ladies only.”

“Yes, Sir Valmar.”

My fairies fly in quickly to be near me. “That was great father. We loved how you defended yourself.”

“Thank you, Tiger. I know you, Tigress, Levi and Shiri are becoming good protectors. Perhaps it is time you can teach yourselves some new moves and our fairies some basics.”

“Thank you for the idea, mother. Yes, we must all be prepared in any situation.”

“You’re welcome, Shiri.”

My fairies seek out some other fairies from Avel. They agree to help each other to learn some new moves and to defend themselves better. They fly off into the woods to begin their sessions and have their noon repast.

I walk to the dining hall with the men. We laugh among ourselves as we tell each other stories from our time together. I recognize the shoulder patch on some of the soldiers for participating in the Nefelim Attack on Captain Dar-re’s ship.

We enter inside the main hall. I see it will be full with the King’s Knights and King’s Dwarf Brigade. I meet several of the sergeants that I haven’t seen in awhile. We laugh as we greet each other. They can sense I’m much stronger than the last time I was here.

I get invited to sit with the commanders on the front dais. We hear a shout from the front doors to the dining hall. “All in!”

Sir Trenton stands up, “Greetings, Thryson Kingdom, Castle Commanders, Dwarf Warriors from King Thranton’s Under Kingdom. Tomorrow is a very special day for all of us. Richard Moore, our Outside Helper will be getting married for the third time.”

This brings a few chuckles from the men in the room. They quiet down quickly.

“There will be special guests invited to this grand ceremony. We’ll have visitors and representatives from our other Outside Helpers’ worlds and others in the Local Group. All of the land and sea dragons, unicorns, fairies, head of centaur clans and representatives from each Kingdom will be there. It will be very crowded there. We are using the pavilion camps as extra places for people from our Kingdom to spend the night. We already have our tents, kitchens and other necessities for this gathering. We’ll be leaving right after the morning repast, tomorrow morning. It will be a two-day gathering. Therefore, use the contact crystals to view the ceremonies from here. The ceremonies will take place at the second mark in the afternoon.”

“We are not defenseless with every leader there. Our Lieutenant Commander, Duke Traylor, will be here to oversee everything. We wish Richard and his wife, Brianna, best wishes from all of us. Even with his new status, he is still our Outside Helper. We’ll take it step by step with each event in our lives. Wizard Gryphon, please give the Thanks to the Creator.”

Wizard Gryphon stands up, “Yes, Sir Trenton. Creator of the Universe, we wish to give you thanks for all of your wonderful blessings. We thank you that Richard has returned to us safely. Keep him and his wife safe wherever they go. They have more things to do for you in the future. We thank you for this food. Let it renew our strength so we can defend your precious gem in the heavens. Thank you, Creator.”

Everyone responds with one voice, “Thank you, Creator.”

We serve ourselves from the bowls in front of us. I see it is roasted birds for the noon meal. I take three pieces like I see the other commanders take from the bowls. Then I take a spoonful of vegetables as well. I drink from my mug some very cold water.

It takes about half-mark to finish the main dish. Then I take two whole fruits from the bowls. We cut into them to remove the seeds and the rinds from the fruit. It takes another quarter-mark to get done with that. We clean up ourselves with damp towels already placed in front of us.

Sir Trenton stands back up, “Men, we have one more full session today. It will be focused on how to do multiple attacks and defend from multiple attacks. You have another quarter-mark until we start again on the fields. Thryson Kingdom, you’re dismissed.”

Everyone gets up from their benches. They walk out to the fields to get ready for the afternoon session.

Slowly they learn the basics of defending against two and three people at once. They realize they will be doing this for at least a moon period until they get it right. They even used the new capabilities of the new armor to make it more interesting.

By the fourth mark in the afternoon, the training sessions are ended. Everyone walks back to their rooms to get cleaned up for the evening repast. When I get to my room, I see Brianna and my fairies there.

“Ugh! You’re sweaty and smelly, Richard.”

“I know, Brianna. I’ll be down at the bath facility to get clean.”

“You better hurry. Your stench is ruining our flower scents.”

“I’m going. I’m going.” I open the drawer to take a fresh pair of socks, shorts, underwear, and T-shirt with me to the bath facility.

They all laugh and giggle as I leave the room in a hurry. I walk down the hallway and enter the bath facility. I see there is one empty. The others are occupied.

“Hello, Richard. You better get in the tub quick.”

“I hear you, King Thranton. I had a big work out today.” I quickly take off my armor with the pages’ help. Then I disrobe and put my smelly clothes on the chair. They take it all to get it cleaned up while I have my bath.

I soap myself down in the hot water. It feels good to be clean again. After another ten minutes of scrubbing my skin and cleaning my hair. I stand up to get rinsed off. One of the pages pours some water over me carefully to get the soap off of me. Then I step out of the tub to dry off. Then I put on my clothes that I brought with me. Then the armor and padding are brought to me. I carry the pieces and the clothes I had underneath me, back to the room. Brianna opens the door for me. I walk in and put the armor and clothes on the bed. I put them away, where they belong. I then get dressed with one of the new clothes we just received from the Castle Tailor shop.

“Now you look better, Richard.” Brianna combs my hair. “Hmm . . . it needs another trim, Richard.”

“We’ll take care of it, Brianna.” Then the fairies come flying around my head quickly. They use their flint knives to trim my hair. Once they are satisfied with how I look, they stop.

“That is a good trim job, fairies. I like it.”

“Thank you, Brianna. We’ll give these hair trimmings to the fairies here. We’re sure they will appreciate it.”

“I’m sure they will, Amber. Well, it’s time for the evening repast. Oh, Brianna. How did it go this afternoon with the ladies?”

“It went fine. I’ll tell you all about it before we go to bed tonight.”

We walk and fly out to the hallway. We go down the staircase and enter the foyer area of the castle. We enter the dinning hall. The fairies fly to their table quickly. It is the same sitting arrangement when everyone is present.

Wizard Renard and Sorceress Trianna give the evening Thanks to the Creator. They sit down when they get done. Then the servers come out to deliver our evening meal. We see it is grilled fish and vegetables. When I taste the spices on the vegetables, I taste one of the ideas that I gave Beharn the last time I was here. There is a spicy vinaigrette on the vegetables. It complements the grill fish and salad very well.

Everyone enjoys the evening meal very much. Then the fruits are brought out. We see the fruits cut up in pieces for us. This time, everyone gets a fruit flower arrangement in front of them.

We get done with the dinner in time for the evening sunset. We walk out to the courtyard for the evening sunset dance. I sit down on the empty chair among the musicians. I play a different introduction song before the colorful lights appear in the courtyard. The musicians pick up the light and lively number quickly. Everyone on begins to dance in the courtyard. Brianna smiles at me while I play the song. Once the first time is over with, I put the musical instrument down on the chair. The musicians continue with the song while Brianna and I dance together with everyone else. We have some big smiles looking at each other. Then the colorful light display leaves the courtyard. We look to the West and see the Thryson Mountain range light up like a multicolored crown before it disappears.

We look up in the sky to see the stars, the twin moons, and the nebulae appear before us. We clap our hands and give thanks to the Creator for another wonderful day. King Tierion and Queen Shiranna approaches us, arm in arm.

“You must have everything packed and ready before we leave after the morning meal. We’ll eat a light meal together. There will be a noon meal in the Grand Castle. When the ceremonies are over with, there will be a bigger evening meal then.”

“We understand, my King and Queen.”

We walk back into the Castle to get ready for bed. My fairies follow us in. Once we enter in the room, Brianna sets me down on the bed. She sits beside me.

“This is what we talked about today, Richard. I asked them what is it like in the home and in the bedroom.”

“What did they tell you?”

“They said that most are conservative in sleeping in the beds. That means wearing the long night shirt and shorts for the men. The women are in sleep wear dresses or gowns. That’s just for appearances when walking about the home. However, when it comes to the bed, there is nothing wrong in exploring each other like we have been doing in the bed.”

“Hmm . . . that’s interesting. So, it can get racy under the covers.” I smile at Brianna.

Brianna smiles at me, “That’s right, Richard. Besides, in order for them to have sex to produce children, the night clothes have to be pushed aside. They ask each other for permission if they want to have sex that night.”

“So, if someone says ‘no’. The night clothes stay down.”

“That’s right, lover boy. But we can still touch each other like we have been doing.”

“Do you want to try that, Brianna?”

“Hmm . . . not yet. We’re not done exploring our bodies right now.”

“That’s fine by me. We’ll have to do the night clothes starting tomorrow night.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“Okay, lets get ready for bed. We’ll have to pack some clothes tonight and do the rest tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, father, mother, Omega!”

We get ourselves packed for tomorrow’s trip. I make sure all of the fairies shower setup is in the satchel for the initial packing. Then in the morning, their blankets and pillows will be put in the satchel.

Brianna and I make sure our three satchels are full, including our wedding clothes. They are all white with the embroidery style from the fairies. We see patterns of butterflies, unicorns and flowers on our clothes. My own fairies love the design on the fabrics.

Once everything is settled down, we get into our beds for a good night of sleep. Soon, we are sound asleep. We have peaceful dreams throughout the night.

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