Jessica's Journey - Part 6


Jessica’s Journey

Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

By, Cain129

Part 6

Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.


Synopsis:   Jessica had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, and on the day of her father’s funeral that fear turned out to be justified. A run in with her Uncle James resulted in Jessica being assaulted and unconscious.


Chapter 15


All I can tell you is what my birth mother and Aunt Janet have told me, because I wasn’t awake to see what followed. After I hit the ground and everything went black, Scotty lost it and jumped my uncle James. They both ended up on the ground with Scotty on top, delivering punch after punch to my uncle. By the time that the police arrived, Uncle James was lying on the ground, beaten so bad that they had to take him to the hospital. Chances were that he wouldn’t be eating solid foods for quite some time.

The police had originally tried to arrest Scotty, but Mom and Aunt Janet stepped in and told the police what happened. They still took Scotty to the police station, but Aunt Janet went with him. She gave them her statement, as did a few others that witnessed Uncle James assaulting me and the fight that ensued between Scotty and Uncle James.

I called Janice, my adopted mom, and she came to the hospital to get me. I was checked out by a doctor at the hospital, and he cleared me to go home. He set my broken nose, and told me I had a mild concussion. There was really nothing much that they could do for me, other than observe me over the next few hours and prescribe painkillers. Considering my adopted mother was a doctor, and quite capable of watching me herself, he decided that there really wasn’t much use in keeping me. If something went wrong, Mom would pretty much know what had to be done.

After being released I said goodbye to my birth mother and told her I would give her a call later. Before she left she gave me a hug and kiss. “I’m sorry this happened, honey.”

“It’s not your fault Mom, you didn’t do anything wrong. Uncle James was to blame, and Scotty took care of him. Thanks for staying with me though, Mom. I imagine you’ve had enough of hospitals for awhile.” I told her, jokingly.

“The last thing I was thinking about was the hospital, Jessica. I was more worried about you than anything.” She said sadly.

“Still, you were here for me, and that means a lot to me.” I leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Tell Aunt Janet that I’m alright, and I’ll give her a call soon.


After saying my goodbyes to my birth mother, Mom and I made the drive home. It was nice to get out of the hospital. I had spent enough time there over the last three months that I really wasn’t looking to spend anymore time there then needed.

“Do you feel like talking about what happened, Jessica?” Mom asked, concerned.

“Not really Mom, I’m just glad it’s all over with. I knew eventually something like this was going to happen. I’m just glad that it happened where I had lots of witnesses. Something tells me that I won’t be hearing from Uncle James anytime soon. There’s no way that he can talk his way out of this, there were too many witnesses.

I feel bad for Scotty, though. He shouldn’t have to put up with all of the baggage that I carry. If it was me in his shoes I‘d have likely just walked away. But he doesn’t feel that way, and I love him.”

Mom smiled. “Honey, he stays because he loves you. I was wrong about the two of you. I thought he would hinder your recovery because of everything that happened, but he’s had the opposite effect. Instead of making your life more complicated, he has helped you become the person you are today.

Don’t get me wrong Jessica. Most boys his age only care about one thing, Sex. It’s rare to find someone his age that is mature enough to realize there is more to a relationship than just sex. When you find someone like that, you should hold on to them with all of your heart. Scotty is a lot like your Anthony, he’s a keeper.

“Some boys his age would have been scared half to death to stand up to a grown man like your uncle. From what Sarah said, Scotty didn’t think twice. He jumped your uncle and beat him to a pulp. That alone tells me more then anything how much he cares for you, Jessica.” Mom said with a smile.

I smiled, “Yeah, Scotty is not like most of the boys I know. He’s special, and never once made me feel any less of a girl because of how I was born. Most guys would have run if when they found out that I was raised to be a boy. Scotty’s different, he knows the truth about who I was before, but he only sees me as a girl and not some messed up freak.” I said as the tears began to run down my face. “I really don’t deserve him Mom, but God help me, I love him and can’t picture living my life without him there.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that honey, what you two have can only get stronger with time. Besides, something tells me if I told you to stop seeing him you would tell me to go straight to hell.” Mom said, giggling.

I shook my head. “I don’t think that I would use those exact words Mom, but yeah, I would definitely tell you where to go and how to get there.” I said and the two of us started giggling. “They say laughter is the best medicine, but evidently whoever said that didn’t have a broken nose and concussion, because laughter hurts like hell.”

Chapter 16


After arriving home I was met by Megan and Jennifer, who came running as Mom and I walked though the front door. It wasn’t long before both of them were hugging me half to death.

“Jessica, are you all right?” Megan said looking worried. “I was so worried when I saw the note Mom left for me.

“Yeah, we were just about to take a cab to the hospital,” Jennifer said as she continued hugging me.

“I’m fine, it’s just a broken nose, and it will heal. My uncle James got the worst of it though. Scotty beat him up really bad.”

“What about Scotty, is he alright?” Megan asked, looking a little worried.

“Yeah, he and my Aunt Janet went to the police station to file a report. I need to call him and tell him that I’m home.”

After talking with Megan and Jennifer for a few minutes I called Scotty’s cell phone and within a few rings he answered.

“Hi baby, are you alright?”

“Yeah Jessica, I‘m fine, just a black eye and a few bruises. I’m on my way over to your place now. Your aunt and I were just at the hospital, and they told us that you were already released.

I should be about 30 minutes. I’ll be dropping your Aunt off first. She says that she wants to talk to you, so I’m handing the phone over to her now, honey. I’ll see you in a bit, love you baby.”

“I love you too more.” I said into the phone before my Aunt spoke up.

“Hi Jessica, how are you doing? Sorry I couldn’t stay at the hospital, but someone had to go to the police station with Scotty. That retarded uncle of yours was trying to say that Scotty started the fight and he wanted to press charges. He was saying that Scotty assaulted him, but your mother and I saw the whole thing, as did everyone else that was in the parking lot.”

“I just wanted to make sure that the police arrested the right person and none of James family was able to lie to the police about him. Thank God it happened where there were witnesses otherwise he might have got away with it.” Aunt Janet said, sounding tired out.

“Thanks for taking care of Scotty Aunt Janet. You’re right, Dad’s side of the family would have lied and tried to make it look like Uncle James was the victim. I hope they throw the book at him.” I said, angrily. “Don’t worry about me Aunt Janet. I’m alright, nothing that a little rest won’t fix, anyway.”

“Well, you give me a call when you’re feeling better, Jessica. Take care of yourself, and for God’s sake don’t let that man of yours get away.”

“Believe me, Aunt Janet I’m not letting him get away.” I said, smiling. “I’ll give you a call later in the week, Aunt Janet, and thanks for taking care of everything for me.”

“Anytime love, talk to you later Jessica.” Janet said as she ended the call.

After getting off the phone, I headed off to the washroom to have a better look at the damage. It looked bad, but it would heal up in time. I was emotionally exhausted and knew that I was still somewhat numb to what happened, maybe even in shock. I knew that I should have been angrier than I was, but deep down I had known that something like this could happen, and I had emotionally prepared myself. I found myself more worried about Scotty’s safety then my own.


I spent the next 10 minutes in the bath room redoing my makeup and trying to cover up the bruises with only mild success. Women have been doing that trick for years, but I was not all that successful. I guess like anything, practice makes perfect and this was a skill that I would sooner not have to learn. I have no intension of becoming any man’s punching bag.

With everything that had happened, I needed a little bit of time to myself and just hung out in my room, I was laying on my bed with I heard a knock on my door. “It’s open!” I called out.

“I thought it was Scotty, but it turned out to be Dad that walked through the door. “Hi baby, I just wanted to check on you, are you alright?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’m fine, well a little shook up, but I’ll be alright”

“I should have been there with you today!”

“It’s alright Daddy, it’s not your fault. It would have happened if you were there or not. Uncle James is going to jail, where he belongs. Believe me, I’ll have no problem going to court and telling them what happened, and as far as I’m concerned, he can rot in jail.

“Well, I’m just glad you are alright honey. If you need to talk you know where to find Me.” Daddy said as he gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

“I love you, Daddy.” I told him, returning his hug

“I know sweetie, I love you too,” he said, and I felt so secure and protected.

Dad and I were still talking, when I heard someone knocking on my door. I turned and saw that it was Scotty! The poor guy looked like he had been in a fight with Rocky and lost.   I ran over to him and pretty much jumped into his arms. The two of us just held and kissed one another, carefully avoiding my poor nose.

Once I came up for air, I looked Scotty in the eyes. “I was so worried about you”

“I’m alright Jessica, believe me, I’ve been through worse. I’m just happy that you are alright, honey.”

Dad got up and came over and shook Scotty’s hand. “I want to thank you for taking care my daughter. When the two of you started dating, Janice and I thought it was a bad idea. I know now that we were wrong.”

“It’s alright Mr. Tanner, considering everything that Jessica’s been through. I can understand why you would feel that way, but to be honest with you, even if you had forbid me from seeing Jessica, I wouldn’t have been able to stay away. I love her and have from the moment she came into my life.”

Dad smiled, “I can see that now Scotty, and you have my blessing. You will most likely end up being my son in law anyway.”

Chapter 17


Scotty stayed with me most of the night, and the two of us just laid in bed together. It felt so good to be held by him. The two of us talked most of the night until I eventually ended up passing out in his arms. I awoke from my sleep when Scotty was trying to pry himself free from my clutches.   “Honey, I wish that you didn’t have to go.” I said sleepily.

“Sorry baby, you know that I’d love to stay but something tells me your parents wouldn’t approve, and I’m already an hour past my curfew.”

“It’s alright, Scotty I understand, but you owe me a kiss before you go.”

Scotty smiled, then leaned over and kissed me. As the two of us kissed I wrapped my arms around his neck and found myself returning his kiss with a passion inside me that I didn’t even know existed.

“See you tomorrow, honey.” I told him once I finally let him go.

“You can count on it honey. Love you baby.” Scotty said with a smile.

“I love you more Scotty.” I said grinning.

Scotty laughed. “That’s not possible, but anyway honey, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


That night I’d like to say that I had a well rested sleep, but that wasn’t the case. Even with the medicine that Dr. Humphrey prescribed, I was still unable to really get much sleep. What little sleep that I did have was haunted with nightmares of what had happened at Dad’s funeral.   I’d tried to be strong and hold my feeling together while I was around family and friends, but now that I was alone they were free, and I couldn’t help but cry.

It was all so stupid, his death was not my fault. I tried to save him, but he wouldn’t listen to me. They blame me for his death, like he was the victim not me.

“I am so tired of all this bullshit! God, please. just make it all stop. Let me be happy for once in my freaking life!” I cried out.

I cried myself to sleep and by the time I woke up it was after 9am. It felt like I hadn’t slept at all. I slowly pulled myself out of bed, rather surprised that for the first time this week, my evil nemesis wasn’t outside my window ramming his beak into the side of the house. Maybe the little bugger decided to piss off someone else for a change, I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way into the bathroom and started running a hot bath. I’d been pretty lazy last night, and never bothered changing. My new dress was pretty much ruined, it was covered in blood. I undressed and tossed it into the garbage then took off my slip, panties and bra, tossed them in the laundry hamper, climbed into that bath and leaned back , trying to relax.

I pretty much just laid there for close to an hour, not wanting to face the world and trying to figure out what I wanted to do for today. I had made plans to spend the weekend camping with Amy and Tara, but to be honest it was really the last thing that I wanted to do at the moment.

Even though it would have done me good to get away from everything, I guess there was this little part of me that just wanted to hide from the world and feel sorry for myself. I just didn’t have that luxury.   I made a promise to Amy and Tara to join them, and besides Scotty would be there with me.   I climbed out of the bathtub and pulled out the stopper, then grabbed a towel and started drying myself off. I then made my way back into my bedroom and grabbed a clean pair of panties and bra from the dresser and started getting dressed.

Today was going to be a tee shirt and jeans kind of day. Something told me tracking though the woods in a sundress and sandals really wouldn’t be very wise. After getting dressed I started filling up my backpack with everything that I would need for the weekend, Jeans, my blue sundress in case we end up going into town, my makeup, a few blouses and a couple on tank tops and lastly my new bikini, which I knew Scotty would enjoy more then me.

Once everything was packed up and was ready to go. I rolled up the sleeping bag that I had borrowed from Megan, then tied it off and attached it to the bottom of my backpack. As far as the tent went, Scotty was going to take care of that. He was also going to bring both of his acoustic guitars so that the two of us could practice together, which was something that I was really looking forward to. It seemed like whenever the two of us played together, there was like a perfect union of sound and thought. What made it special was that it was something we both loved, although the two of us had our own styles when it came to music that we liked to play.

Me, I was a county girl at heart while Scotty was into rock music. It really showed in the way he played his guitar, but he was a true musician and gifted enough that he could pretty much play any kind of music. Like me, he could pick up a song by listening to it, playing it through a couple of times, and then he could play it without much trouble. This ability was a rare gift that the two of us shared.

“Maybe this weekend won’t to be too bad.” I smiled to myself.

After carrying my backpack into the living room and leaving it near the front door, I could hear the sound of Mom, Dad and Megan in the kitchen having breakfast together, and I made my way inside.

“Good morning honey, how are you doing this morning?”

“Good morning Mom, I’m doing alright, although I didn’t really sleep very well.” I said pouring myself a coffee and joining everyone at the table.

“That’s understandable, especially after everything that happened yesterday.” Dad said with a frown.

“Are you still going camping Jessica?” asked Megan.

“Yeah, part of me isn’t really into it, but I think it will do me some good just to get away from everything, even if it’s just for the weekend.”

“You might be right, it’s not going to help much moping around the house, and you haven’t spent much time with Amy lately.” Megan said with a smile.

“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to, it just seems every time we make plans to get together something happens. I think it’ll do us both some good to have some time together alone. I really have missed her. “I said sadly.

“What time are you planning on leaving honey?” asked Dad.

  “Scotty and I will be heading over to Amy’s and Tara’s apartment, then we’ll make the trip there together.”

“Just make sure you have your phone charged honey, and keep in touch with us.” Mom said. Her voice sounding worried.

“Don’t worry Mommy, I’m alright. I know I look terrible, but I’ve been through worse. These are just bruises, but what Scotty did to my uncle will take much longer to heal” I said, proudly smiling.

What did Scotty do to him?” asked Megan

“Nothing much, just two black eyes, broken nose, broken Jaw and a few broken ribs. Nothing less then what that creep deserved.” I said with a smile.

“Maybe your uncle will get it through his head that it’s not a good idea to beat on a girl when her boyfriend is with her.” Megan said sarcastically.

“Nope, my uncle’s not that bright, but maybe eating from a straw for the next month will at least be a reminder of his stupidity.”

“The only thing that is bothering me is why I haven’t heard from the police, don’t they have to take a statement for me to press charges against my uncle?”

“There is a good reason for that Jessica. The assault happened in the open and there were plenty of witnesses. The police were able to press charges without your consent. They already have your Aunt’s statement on file as well as Scotty’s, so there really was no reason for them to bother you. They may still want to question you sometime in the future, but they have more then enough to put your uncle in jail for quite some time.” Dad said with a smile.

“I hope that they lock him up for a very long time” Megan said in anger.

“I doubt that will happen, he’ll likely be released in six months with good behavior. It’s not like he can really get into much trouble behind bars.” I said sadly.

“Jessica’s right, it’s not fair but that’s how our justice system works. Most of the time the criminals seem to have more rights then the victim. It really shouldn’t be that way but that is just how things seem to work.” Mom said frowning.

“That’s not fair!” Megan said in frustration.

“Life’s not always fair, it’s just the way things are Megan. Thanks to Scotty, though. I guess that he’s received a fitting punishment. It will be awhile before he can even eat a normal meal, and he must be in a lot of pain. When they release him from the hospital, all he has is jail to look forward to. I would imagine that he’s in no hurry to be discharged from the hospital, knowing what is waiting him in jail.” I said with a smile

“It serves him right. He should be thankful that Scotty got to him, and that it wasn’t me, I would have beaten him half to death.” Daddy said, sounding really angry.

“I’m glad you weren’t there, Daddy. I’ve already lost one father and the last thing I want is to have you thrown in jail. I couldn’t bear losing you too.” I said as my eyes began to tear up.

“That will never happen Jessica. Even when I’m an old man and you’re married and have a family of your own, I will always be your father and you will always be my little girl. That goes for you too, Megan and I’m very proud of both of you. I know that I’m not always around. But I love the both of you more than you will ever know.” Dad said with a big smile.

“We love you too Daddy,” Megan said as she wiped her eyes, I guess that I wasn’t the only one who was crying.

“Yeah, just like Megan said Daddy, but I love you more.” I said giggling.

“Yeah right sis,” Megan said as she chucked a soggy cheerio at me it landed on my forehead, which forced me to return the favor. Mom finally made us stop, but only after Dad started feeling left out and nailed mom between the eyes with one of his own. With behavior like this, it might make you wonder who was the parent and who was the child, but really, who cares?   We were all having fun.


I have to admit that I love times like this, and being part of a real family that enjoyed spending time together. Even just doing stupid little things like this meant something. These would be the memories that I would look back on later in life. I was so lucky to have them in my life, to have parents that cared about me and to have a sister that I could share silly moments like this with. It was moments like this that made all the hardship that had plagued me throughout the years seem manageable. I no longer felt like I was looking from the outside in and being jealous of what other people had, because as far as my life goes, I have everything that I ever wanted and more.


Meanwhile a few hours later across town, James Roberts lies in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the bed. Outside his room, a police officer waits for the doctors to clear James Roberts to be taken to jail.   A little ways down the hall, the officer notices some commotion. He quickly decides that he should try to help, and he leaves to check out what is going on.

Once the officer leaves, a nurse enters the room and quietly makes her way over to James bed and takes a needle out and injects the contents into James’ IV.  

He soon starts moaning in pain, as the contents of the needle work their way into his body. The nurse then takes the pillow and uses it to muffle the sound of James’ desperate calls for help. As his body slowly becomes still, the nurse says four words, just before James dies.

Nobody hurts my Daughter.”


End of part 6

To be continued in part 7

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