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It Figures
by: Moongoddess
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My thanks go out to My beta readers EOF and Elizabeth Jean,
Hugest hugs and endless thanks to my Editrix Lisa_Lore...lost without your style!
Amazing Thanks again, my sweetest Muse Dani, this is dead-icated to you.
*Do the Panic — Phantom Planet, from the album Raise the Dead © 2008 Alex Greenwald*
The polish on the fingernail was chipped; it was attached to a grimy finger that pressed the play button on the portable stereo. The Guitar line began and was joined by Drum and Bass…. The sound echoed down the alley…
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
She was never sure whether they could really hear or whether it was the vibrations from the driving bass line that drew them like flies to honey. ‘I wonder, if we ever get civilization back up and running, could I use all my observations as research toward a degree?’ she thought with a giggle.
Black clouds are upon us
it’s doomsday on the other side of town.
‘Doctor Amanda Fischer, Zombioligist,’ sorta rolled off the tongue … damnit! Where were all the fucking shamblers tonight?! Now she was getting mad; last thing she wanted to do was leave the high ground and have to hunt them at street level. That meant gearing up and putting her ‘armor’ on. And it was a hot evening for early October. She sighed. Was it ironic that she was playing a cut from an album called ‘Raise the Dead’ to lure them to herself?
When most would just give up for dead,
So I said: "Al B. don't get so upset."
We all get scared of sticking out our necks
It's expected!
What was that… movement? She turned to her infrared camera… very little heat coming off the figure and the majority of it was in the primary motor cortex of the corpse. She made a note of the time and general condition of the zombie: relatively fresh, wasn’t particularly desiccated yet, probably a bite victim and not a reawakening. Tough looking guy, too. Amanda shook her head sadly.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo be do
so panic.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
She hit record on her cameras, settled herself behind the C14 Timberwolf and took careful aim… breathe in… hold…squeeze the trigger… The suppressor took some of the noise out of her shot, but it wasn’t the ‘phut’ noise you used to hear in movies and on TV. Yes! Clean shot… The body collapsed with the top half of its head missing. Pull the bolt back, push forward and reload. She sighed as she straightened up. She preferred the reawakened to the bite victims.
It's time to lose control!
Come on come on
Turn off your radio!
At least most of the reawakened resembled aliens or something, while the bite victims looked like pale people, neighbours, doctors, friends…family… Amanda turned away from that thought… it still haunted her. Nothing on her cameras; she relaxed and lit a cigarette. ‘Christ! This is the fucking world I inherited?’ she thought savagely. ‘This wasn’t in the life plan… find a nice guy, settle down, raise a family, grow old, die… and stay fucking dead!’ She took a deep drag. Nowhere was ‘survive zombie apocalypse, rebuild civilization’ in that plan.
you’re gonna feel alright!
Come on come on
let’s do the panic tonight!
There, to the right of her field of fire, several zeds… four or five REAs, fish in a barrel. Aim, pop, aim, pop... they went down like marionettes with their strings cut. Like playing Left 4 Dead as a boy. She sure didn’t look anything like that video game playing teen now. Amanda had realized around the age of fifteen that she wasn’t like any of the other guys she hung around with, and that she had never had anything in common with them… well, maybe the video games.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
Her mom had accepted her pretty well right off. Her father had taken some time and he had mourned the loss of his son, but eventually welcomed his daughter. It was business as usual for the most part at home. She had talked to her doctor, who was trying as hard as she could to help Amanda, but she really had no knowledge of transgenderism, or gender dysphoria as it was listed in DSM IV. The doctor made calls and contacts at the University of Western Ontario, and soon Amanda had a psychiatrist helping her understand what she was going through.
And shaking all of our change out,
And Charlotte's tossing her hair to the hounds
Amanda started living as herself when she turned sixteen. She had told her friends and, as her psychiatrist had warned her, some abandoned her… that had hurt. The school board had been informed and she went back to school as Amanda. That was a difficult time, but she survived. Bullies tried to make her life miserable, but she could and did fight back; the slurs they tried rolled off her back... she wasn’t a fag, she was a girl. It was some of the other girls who tried hardest to hurt her, but Amanda knew who she was, inside and slowly, now outside as well. One of her best days had been when they were taunting her… the cheerleader types… near graduation and she stopped and pointed at each one in turn and said “your outer beauty is going to fade… your inner ugliness is forever.” And turned and walked away.
Right next to the screeching owl,
High school had not been all bad… she had made some friends, and her best friends stuck by her. Eventually people started to forget who she had been and focused on who she was. Amanda wasn’t stupid either; she got excellent grades and a lot of offers from a lot of Universities. She had options, and decided that U of T School of Medicine was where she wanted to go; she wanted to become a specialist in Gender and help others like herself. Something moved, distracting her from her thoughts. She looked through the scope to see some poor bastard running, trying to hold his intestines in. She could see the bite marks on his face and arms and took careful aim. He dropped, and the zeds that had pursued him converged to feed. She had a busy twenty minutes then, as the fresh kill drew more and more of them from the surrounding area.
of people walking across you when you're down.
And that's it.
A couple of the fresher shamblers took notice of her and started down toward her nest, so she grabbed the AR15 and took them out. Sometimes it seemed that they could think… just a little… when they were fresh; Amanda shuddered at the thought that there still might be a bit of the original people trapped in those decaying hulks. She shook herself. ‘They might have been people…human once, but now they’re just dangerous vermin.’ Amanda reminded herself.
U of T was great… no one knew her, just another face in the crowd. She worked hard through pre med and English, her major and minor, and took in all the campus had to offer. Staying active was fun and helped her look more like the young woman she was. Fencing, track, even target shooting with guns; knowing firearms made her feel safer in a big city. Small town girl, indeed. Her Psychiatrist referred her to a gender clinic in the city and she was on track to becoming fully herself. Her first four years had been heaven and she managed to keep an active social life too… she dated and went to parties and managed to keep her “secret” secret.
It's satanic.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
Between Amanda’s scholarships, various grants and bursaries, her education was almost free, which had been a blessing because only her reassignment surgery was covered under the province's health plan. She had that surgery as soon as she was approved and went to a clinic outside Montreal. As she healed from the complex surgery, she began to save for her cosmetic procedures. Amanda graduated at age 21, female down to her new birth certificate.
It's time to lose control!
During her med school years, Amanda had a labiaplasty, a tracheal shave and a “boob job”. Not stupid big, just an average size for her height and weight, a largish b cup. She was happy with her girls and her body and, according to her psych classes; she was one of the few women who were. ‘Guess I had to work harder for it,’ she thought after class that day. ‘I had to fight to get what was handed to them.’ Amanda also started dating more frequently at med school, but didn’t ever have a serious relationship with any one partner. One of her partners had been a bit of a survivalist and took her to his cottage / bunker. John was certain that civilization would collapse in 2012; he was the one who taught her everything she knew about automatic assault weapons, sniper weapons and explosives. ‘And when you think about it, he was only off on the date by about 24 months’ she mused wryly.
Turn off your radio!
Amanda was twenty five and a newly minted intern psychologist when things started to get weird. Scattered reports began coming in from all over of some kind of psychosis causing virus that was transferrable through bodily fluid transference. The U.S. Center for Disease Control was discounting the story, and the World Health Organization had not even taken official notice. They could have nipped this apocalypse in the bud if they had investigated, but it was epidemic before they even started to move their bureaucratic asses. It was a global pandemic by Z day… the tipping point had been reached. The zeds outnumbered the living and no one knew where the initial infection came from. There were theories, of course, all put forward by survivors who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend… germ warfare, lab accident, mutated superbug and so on right up to aliens, magic, bad hamburgers, divine wrath, Gaia deciding to purge its parasitic human infestation...
Yeah you can bring your friends!
So we all do the panic again!
Amanda saw her first shambler in an autopsy suite. It kind of looked like one of the cadavers from med school, except this time the corpse was strapped down and fighting to get off the table. It was horrifying, and kept trying to bite the personnel until its head was secured and then made this low continuous groaning noise. It became quiet when a section of its skull was removed and a tissue sample was taken. It was still fighting to get out of its bonds when a full autopsy was completed. The room was cleared and a single gunshot was fired. All the tests showed a kind of bacterial mass that spread through the corpse but reacted only with necrotic tissue. It ate living tissue in Petri dishes, but stopped when the cells died. The cells then reanimated in a grotesque parody of life functions, the highest concentration of the bacteria would settle in the brain tissue, somehow controlling the corpse.
‘That was about all we learned before things went to hell,’ Amanda thought bitterly. ‘Fat load of good I was doing at the hospital anyways. Last thing they needed was a shrink. Bio anatomy came in handy though, figuring out the best spot to shoot them to maximize brain splatter.’ She smiled and lit another smoke. She and John had sped out of Toronto in his humvee to his survival bunker. Amanda learned a lot about both the organism and fighting the shambling dead in that two week period. John lasted a only a week before he got bitten… some macho bullshit about hunting them. First, any bite, no matter how small, was a death sentence. Twenty hours after you were bitten, you died… three hours later, you were a genuine George A. Romero zombie.
Second thing Amanda learned quickly was it was no picnic for the infected… it was gruesome and painful and mercy killing was a kindness. Third, there wasn’t an established lifespan for the organism, but the corpses would dry up and become less mobile and more flammable. Those were the easiest to take down. Other lessons? Guns jammed, swords didn’t need to be reloaded but required you be elbows deep in the action so you have to watch being swarmed, and flame throwers weren’t hard to make but shouldn't be used near a safehouse (oops). Amanda popped three more REAs and a fresh kill. Killing John’s corpse had been emotional, but she hadn’t hesitated, nor had Amanda hesitated to clear as much of the bunker out and load it into the humvee.
“I never should have tried to go home,” she sighed and said out loud. “Should have known that no one would survive.” Home had been horrifying… having to ‘kill’ all the people she had known growing up… but she learned so much about fighting the things, and that taught her to be cautious and quiet, to take the high ground and pop the skulls. Anything else just slowed them down a little. Amanda looked down at her kill zone… it was getting dark, and even up in her blind she wouldn’t be safe. She closed the sheet metal covered shutters and secured them tightly and shut everything down. Amanda took a final look around and shut the door behind her for the night, locking up the guard tower at what had once been Kingston’s prison for women.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
The place had been a mess when she arrived and was terrifying. She had avoided major population centers for the most part, and most small town held few survivors, but she needed ammunition and supplies, and a town with seven penal facilities and two others nearby should have a couple of armories to raid. Amanda stumbled across P4W quite by accident. It was the only prison that wasn’t left open and abandoned, and that was simply because it had been closed for ten years before Z day occurred. Getting in had not been easy and that pleased her. If it was hard for her, it would be nearly impossible for a shambler. It took the better part of two months, but summer was harder on shamblers than on her.
It's time to lose control!
Come on. Come on
Turn off your radio!
Amanda had a safe haven from the Zeds. She waited for others to come and find haven with her.
You're gonna feel alright!
Come on, come on
let’s do the panic tonight!
Amanda had power and food and water, Amanda had weapons and ammunition and explosives. She waited, six months she waited.
It's time to lose control!
Come on, come on
Turn off your radio
Amanda was alive, Amanda was a survivor. Today was the same as all the others: no one came, no one but the walking dead.
Yeah, you can bring your friends!
Come on, come on
so we all do the panic again
After everything she had achieved in her life, becoming the woman she was, Amanda was utterly alone.
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
Well come on!
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo be do
Ba ba ba, ba ba sha-doo
“It figures…” She started to weep.
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This is very well written,
This is very well written, and very sad. Well thought out. I wouldn't have survived, don't have the skills.
John Robert Mead
Thank you LG
Comments like this are a very real reason why i write, I try to bring a sense of unreal realism to things like this...
I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
That's the truth.
I know that I wouldn't survive about 99% of the stuff I like to read. Get transported to another world? Alien invasions? Zombie's? I'm toast. Too old and out of shape plus lacking the resources to make it. Not that I would give up cradling my broken microwave oven, but push come to shove I would fall. I got a 'I am Legend' vibe off of this. All along with hordes of undead trying to kill her.
Zombies appreciate the taste of your brain,
but I appreciate it's capabilities. ^_^
- - -
Royal catgirl of the court of the Empress of Euphoria. I like fine seafood, and I love huggles! ^_^

Thankee much Cutiekitty!
It's nice to be appreciated for both...
Hugs and Catnip,
Whether or Not
We have no existence unless others accept us as we are.
Do you really believe that?
"Others" don't give a damn. Despite the nonsense spewed by hate mongers most people don't care what you are or what you do as long as it doesn't directly impact them. Even if it does directly impact them doesn't guarantee they will do anything about it. Note how many people have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars on the value of their homes, or simply lost their homes, and yet those occupying Wall Street are considered the terrorists while no one has gone to jail for their financial crimes. That value in your home didn't disappear. It went into someone's bank account.
I didn't mean to get all political on you, but the general theme of your story is "hanging on to hope when the odds are against you". For most in our boat, we can largely determine our odds. If you want to climb the face of the cliff, that is your choice, or you could saunter up the gradual walking path. Both can be fun.
Loved the reference to Night of the Living Dead. In my early twenties a friend talked me into seeing the film. This was in 1972, about four years after it came out originally but it was being re-released quite often. I was embarrassed to note the average age of the other movie patrons was under twelve. Not so embarrassed that I wished I was dead.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Funny thing is Angela,
A great deal of the so called 1% see the rest of us as shamblers... non thinking, non feeling blobs that exist to make them richer. it's a very carnie viewpoint... i ran with a carnival one season and saw how they separated the world into Us and the Marks. according to some psychologists, it's also psychopathic behaviour... lol... that's scary, uber wealthy psychopaths... hehehe
i'm glad you enjoyed the story Angela!
Psychology of the Group
In order to be an "Us" there has to be a "Them".
As Hitler once said. "It's their fault you have problems. The Final Solution is obvious." Had he called his "Final Solution" a Crusade it might have sold better in Peoria. In some circles it's called "rallying the base".
Carnies have a tough life no one would willingly accept without a bit of jingoistic jabber.
In the carnival if you're not sure who the mark is . . . it's you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
You gave the undead life.
I think one of the most difficult tasks a writer can accomplish is making the impossible seem plausible.
Making zombies come to life?... you set the bar pretty high with that one.
But Diana, you didn't just clear that bar, you flew over it!
Thank you Lora!
High praise indeed, but i keep flashing on Young Frankenstein where Froderick Fronkinstein yells "GIVE MY CREATION LIFE!"...(giggles)
Not really into
the zombie thing, but I enjoyed this. Brains!!!
Shambles into the hug...
SRS Panacea collides with Confucius...
and meets Zombies?
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Buckaroo DiMaggio
Love, Andrea Lena
Trust me to complicate
A simple tale of the undead (winks),
Thank you *AA* for reading this (huge Smile)
Hugs and more hugs,
It Figures
Too bad for the girl. Which is her in the pic?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
the less dead of the two Stanman
She smells better too...*giggles*
Looking at the pic...
...the zombie hunter really could do with a more protective outfit. That's an awful lot of exposed skin there...
But, eek, what a story though.
Personally, in her shoes, once I'd found a safe haven in the prison I would have only left to stock up on supplies. Zombie killing? Do that from the prison roof! Possibly also find the local radio station and (assuming the building isn't 'contaminated') work out how to record a message and put it on 24/7 autoplay.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Don't you watch the movies?
no matter how bad the situation, the girl has to be nearly naked to survive... Hollywood calls this Less (clothing) is More (money) giggles...
as to hunting... more of pest control, keeping the town as clear as possible...
I love your braaaaains too...
Great job, sweetie. Oh, but you mentioned me twice in the credits. That makes me all blushy and angry and stuff. Grrr, grr...
(Pssst, was that convincing? Been a few years since Dramatic Arts class.)
This story was inspired after I was telling Diana about some of my characters in an old school online game (as in, mostly text based, with simple ascii graphics for maps and stuff). The game is at if you want to try it. The girl in this story is loosely based on my character, Amanda Fisher, whose profile can be seen here:
Ick, her clothes are all full of gore. She just came through a major battle recently. I have to get her to a mall and loot some new attire.
If you make it to the Greentown suburb, NW corner (where St George's Hospital is), you may see Amanda there or in the general vicinity.
The story turned out great, though! I love it...
Lisa "Dani" Danielle
Thank you for triple duty Lisa Danielle
it means so much to me to be writing again, and now writing for you...bliss.
You did a great clean up and pointed out the plot holes for me... (are they like potholes?)
Next one i write for you will have more romance... less zombies...
More romance, less zombies...
Maybe... romantic zombies?
Maybe not.
Now *I* have to get writing something. Too busy READING everybody's great stories.
*hugs and smooches*
Your non-zombie romantic fool, Dani
Great Brains!
Finally a tg zombie story! Thanks Moon, nicely played. I had been thinking of something similar myself at first then chose to re-write the other story for here. Loved the realism you did a great job with the whole character development and the description of how they become zombies.
Have you scene the new Walking Dead episode? Season two started this week I havent watched it yet, its in my DVR, waiting for the right fright night to scare myself. The whole lone survivor thing always interested and scared me. How long would I last? Would I go insane? How long could anyone really?
Nice job though. Happy Halloween!
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
Thank you Nikki!
I have been reading all the entries and really enjoyed yours too... I guess a lone survivor could work... but i sure hope the living find Amanda first...
Thank you for reading and commenting, my bread and butter.
Hugs, Spoooooky Hugs,
Your Welkies!!
Hey Diana, thanks glad you liked mine too. Yeah I would not like to be all alone, first it would get scary, second really boding to be the last one. I mean what would be the point of living then? Course it always seems on most movies like this when the other person does find someone to be with they are always stupid or psycho and get everyone else killed. Kind of like the slasher flick formula, the kids that make out and have sex are always the first to get killed.
So does that mean your going to write another part?
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
i intended this as a one shot Nikki
but the way my brain bounces from place to place, you never know.
Walking Dead Season 2 Premiere
Oh, thanks for reminding me I taped that the other night and haven't watched it yet. (missed the first ten minutes though)
Welkies Lisa
I still havent watched mine yet, I hope my DVR recorded it all. Last weeks House episode didnt record cause of the baseball game and then I had to wait till last night for it to finally show up on the ON DEMAND list, which is ridiculous. I sent them a angry email about it, well not really angry, more displeased. I dont get angry much. It doesnt really get one anywhere. Besides I am too sweet, I guess.
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
Nikki Thong
"Be loving, forgiving, open, happy, sharing, thoughtful, musical, cry a little everyday, but for goodness sakes be honest with yourself!"
"Satin makes me sooooo happy! Giggles!"
Walking Dead
I just noticed something when I watched it yesterday...
The actors who play Dale, Andrea, and Carol (mother whose abusive husband died last season) were all also in The Mist a few years ago, which I just saw again last week.
Sad but great story Diana,
Sad but great story Diana, really felt for the character and her loneliness, maybe you could one day do a sequel where a hunky guy or hot babe rides in to rescue her and take her somewhere safe?
Maybe that could be written during Summer romance contest :P
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Big Grin....
The outbreak is under control... the cleanup begins and in rides princ(ess) charming on a chrome hog! Yay!
Thanks Lizzie!
Interesting story concept
Interesting story concept and definitely fits the Halloween theme which is rapidly approaching us. The final 'all alone' end reminded me of an old "Twilight Zone" episode in which the main character is the last person left, and is an avid reader. Then, as he gets 'settled in', breaks his glasses and has no way of getting others.
Burgess Merideth
was the reader... classic Serling and i'm honoured to be compared even a little to him.
Thank you so much Janice,
Biggest hugs,
Same loss of hope.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I am amazed at least ONE group weren't immune
I mean, zombies want your Brrraaaains!
Thus most politicians must be immune... It's a NO-BRAINER.
Sorry, my inner 13 year-old couldn't resist.
Cute, bittersweet tale.
I wouldn't mind a sequal but this stands well by itself.
Follow your muse, so far she's been spot on.
John in Wsuwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Sorry it took me so long to get to this
but then again it was so worth the wait. I'm not a fan of halloween stories or zombie stuff but this I liked. I really liked the song giving a break between the paragraphs that's a lot of work and it certainly shows.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Wah. Great opening line, fun
Wah. Great opening line, fun but tragic story. Sad.
Well done
Bleak like a good zombie story should be. I like it!
Thank you Heather
i tried for that "end of the world as we know it" vibe.
thanks for reading and commenting,
Vegetarian zombies
Vegetarian Zombies...
Oh, now that was CORNY...
Whole grrrrrrrrraaaains!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Gotta love zombie humor
John in Wauwatosa
Stop it now...all of you...
You will be PUN-ISHED... ;p
Do you reckon the zombies are dead on their feet? o.0 Boom boom sorry couldn't resist the pressure to reply was killing me roflmao
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Very apocalyptic.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to read this in time for the contest, but it was a great companion on a recent train ride. It has a very ‘day after tomorrow’ narrative feel. Not sure about the horror tag, I didn't feel frightened but this was like playing Fallout or something of that nature more than a Biohazard.
Still, mixing the song with the recognition worked excellently, and had great fun reading it.
Thank you.
how did i miss this one?
Fantastic stuff, sis.