Dragon and Tiger - Awakenings

Dragon and Tiger

By Darian Deamos

Chapter One: Awakenings

Jason woke slowly. There was an ache in his body and his head was pounding. There was a feeling of wrongness as he slowly fought his way to consciousness. He went to wipe the detritus of sleep from his eyes, and became aware of a problem. His hand was manacled up and away from his body.

Moments after his fact made itself known, its implications percolated into his awareness, and alarm chased the remnants of sleep from his mind. Shaking his head to clear his wits he took stock of his situation.

*Ok then, what’s going on here.* He blinked his eyes several times and the darkness didn’t change. *Right, so either I’m suddenly and painlessly blind, or it’s really fucking dark in here. Also, I seem to be manacled to something. I know I’m vertical from the way my hair is falling on my head. I’m being held spread-eagle. The manacles are fairly snug to boot. So, waking up to find myself ornamenting someone’s wall. I can think of better things to wake up to.*

He tried to think back to the last thing he remembered doing. He had gone out with some of the guys from work. There was the drinking, the food, they were shooting bull. Then those chicks came in and started carousing. They bought everyone drinks and things got blurry and faded into nothing. *Someone must have slipped me a micky,* he thought. This realization irritated him into vocalizing his emotions in one traditional and accurate statement.

“Well, fuck.”

As far as Jason could see, he was in a pitch black room, alone. So, he was understandably startled when a voice answered him, “Soon enough, my pet, soon enough. You’ll get all the fucking you can take very soon indeed.”

The voice was very cultured and controlled, too much so. To Jason, it screamed “Hi, I’m a megalomaniacal wacko!” He whipped his head around in an attempt to find the owner of this rather scary/sexy voice. As it happens, this was fortunate for him, as he heard the rustling that warned him to close his eyes as the tarp covering the apparatus he was hanging on was torn away. This allowed him to retain most of his dignity, and to open his eyes without either blinking like a fool or squinting like a blind man, and to get a good look at the owner of that earlier voice.

The woman before him, who he assumed to be the owner of said voice, would have garnered the accolade of spectacular beauty, were it not for her eyes. They took her face, and turned a sensual beauty into something dead and cruel. Her eyes had no laughter or love in them, only cruelty and desire, as if, for her, the whole of the world consisted of nothing but toys for her cruel games. The rest of her was, however, truly gorgeous to look upon. A pair of full, firm breasts were provocatively displayed upon a fit, thin frame with a narrow waist and full, but not overdone hips, all mounted on long, dramatic legs. If a body could be said to have been built with a message in mind, hers was, and that message was “Desire me.” All of this was spoiled by those soulless, cruel eyes, turning what could have been an incredibly attractive woman into an obvious threat that no sane man would interact with for long. It would inevitably cost him far more than any pleasure that body could give him was worth. In fact, Jason could remember telling this exact body exactly that.

“You’re the one from the club. The one who was heading up that group of chicks. What the hell do you want from me?” Jason was sure of it now. This psycho was definitely the same bitch who had tried to get into his pants last night (last night? Was it last night, how long was he out for anyways?). And now that he thought about it he was fairly certain that she was also the one who slipped him whatever it was that knocked him out. He was fairly pleased that he had kept both his voice and his expression free of panic and anger, and his statement as free of information as possible.

She was not as skilled as he in this regard, examining him with an expression filled with both anger and disdain. Her gaze swept up and down his 6’6” form, taking in every part of him, from his shoulder length hair to his well muscled but trim body to his muscular limbs, finally resting on his currently rather under excited manhood. Jason ignored her scrutiny, choosing instead to stare at her eyes rather than acknowledge her rather crude and deliberate examination. His captor was either very confident or very insane, or perhaps both, because her next statement was rather odd to his mind. “Mmmm, smart and built. No wonder she’s so besotted with you, youngling. You must be very capable of servicing so very many of her needs. It seems almost a shame. Almost.”

Jason’s response was deliberately both bored and condescending. “No, what’s a shame is that someone so beautiful as you should be so very desperate as to actually need to tie a man down to keep him. Are you really THAT bad of a lay?” He forced his face into an expression of bored curiosity, watching her closely. She obviously didn’t know much about actually dealing with anyone who wasn’t cowed by either her aggressive manner or her admittedly impressive body, and he was going to take advantage of that to buy as much time as possible. Chris knew where he was going last night, and had expected him home. She had tracked him down in seemingly impossible situations before, and he was hoping she could pull it off again. Besides, the longer he drew this out, the greater the odds of something occurring that would allow him to free himself. It looked like he struck a nerve with that last statement, much to his satisfaction.

The mystery woman’s face was twisted into a snarl of rage, and she seemed a short step from physical violence. Jason just stared at her with thinly veiled contempt. She snarled at him, “Well then, we’ll just have to make sure that one of us is more than capable of filling a man's bed satisfactorily then won’t we.” She walked up to him and seized his privates in a VERY uncomfortable grip. “We’ll just have to make a few, hmmm, adjustments, to the plumbing first, eh?” She switched from near murderous rage to insane cackling laughter in a heartbeat. “I’ll bet the guys will just love the little bimbo you’ve been hiding under all that disgusting machismo.”

Jason fought to keep his emotions under control and to keep that struggle from showing on his face. He succeeded at both, but barely. “So,” he drawled in that special voice he saved for infants and the mentally retarded, “what did momma Drake’s little boy do to earn such a TERRIFIC reward.” He switched to his best idiot Californian impersonation, “I’m sure you don’t, like, do this for, like, every kid you, like, trip across, yano?” He gave her a grin that was part sneer, part dopey smile, and pure insult.

Her insane little smile just got a little wider, and Jason was just a little unsettled. “Oh no, my dear. I do this for every little boy I can. It’s the least I can do. The ones who pleasure me willingly I turn slowly, letting them enjoy their release into glorious female flesh. They inevitably become my closest friends.” Jason feigned astonished enthusiasm at that, but was secretly appalled. That meant that those half dozen or so girls that had been with this bitch at the bar had all been men. They had been flirting with such obvious enthusiasm and, desire, that he was appalled that she could so completely subvert a mind like that. Unless they were transvestites. That was possible, but unlikely. But psycho lady was continuing. “The others, the ones who reject me and my glorious change, they get remade, and the playthings I craft from them serve my customers as entertainment. They take great pleasure in it. And so will you, soon enough my dear JD, so will you.” She wasn’t kidding, and she wasn’t joking. She really thought she was capable of turning him, Jason Drake, a 29 year old man, and ex army ranger, into a cock sucking whore. He felt a little sick at the prospect. He had been in the army for 5 years, and had taken the torture and captivity courses as part of his ranger training. He knew that breaking a person and rebuilding their personality was possible, and he knew that enacting physical changes of the magnitude she was talking about were in general possible, and that put a slightly different complexion on things. He had to get as much information out of this fruit bat as he could, while it could still do him some good. But how to go about it?

He decided that his verbal fencing was the right way to go. “So, you’re going to take this magnificent and studly six and a half foot man o’ manliness and try to turn it into some sort of Amazon super whore. All because I didn’t want to fuck you. Seems a little petty to me, really. Downright childish for someone of your obvious skill and ability. I mean really, if getting turned down makes you bimboize someone, what would you do to a love’em and leave’em.” The bitch looked furious and actually reached back and punched him, hard, right in the gut. He saw it coming and didn’t even flinch. He just stared at her with a look that said, ‘is that IT?’ *Bingo,* he thought.

She glared at him and finally snapped. “You stupid fucking MAN! You think that anyone could leave me after sampling my wares? I am Perfection. I have sculpted my body into a vision of loveliness and trained myself in seduction for CENTURIES.” Her voice switched from insane anger into insane hysteria. “Besides, after a night with me, they can’t stop. I’m addictive you see. It’s in my fluids, you see, a component of my saliva and lubrication. It’s only a mild euphoric, but it’s as addictive as heroin or crack. After a night with me, you CAN’T leave, not without going through a withdrawal that would make anything a druggie would go through seem pleasant in comparison. By the time I start in on their bodies, my lovers are already half female mentally, and by the time I’m done, the MAN they were is gone. I’m an artiste you see. I sculpt sluts, out of men. But you, no you’re special. I’m going to make you a little four foot eight girl with boobs like melons and this adorable little bubble butt. You’ll look so cute in a schoolgirl uniform. I’ll leave just enough of you in there to realize what’s going on as you suck and fuck your way through your life in a pink haze, unable to do anything but rail at the inside of your little mental cage. And your precious Christina Felix will have to come back to me or wallow in misery. That’s why I went after you, you see. You made her happy. And that just isn’t allowed I’m afraid. Nobody is allowed to make Chris happy but me. He has to learn that her life is a punishment. She can have no life but that which I allow, and no happiness but that which comes from me. Bringing you to my attention was just a happy side effect, but not one I can pass by, unfortunately for you.” She looked up at him and grinned, sending a flutter of uneasiness through Jason’s gut. “Now, shall we begin?”

That last statement seemed to be rhetorical, so for once Jason kept his mouth shut. What this nut cake said was disturbing him. He knew what was possible through surgery, and while it was certainly possible to physically turn a man into a woman, taking a physically imposing male like himself and turning him into the kind of caricature of womanhood she was describing simply wasn’t possible. In addition she had implied that Chris had been one of her victims. He had been to the ob/gyn with Chris a time or two, and seen her tampons when she was having her periods, and that just isn’t possible. Hell, even her DNA read as female. And unless this lady was some kind to mutant, super-addictive pussy juice and drool like she was describing was just out there, and even as a mutation, it was fucking weird. But when she simply pointed at the ring he was chained to and it levitated up and floated off the metal stand it was on and over into the middle of the room, he was forced to admit that maybe, just maybe, he was out of his depth.

As he floated across the room, he attempted to divine how she was doing this. It wasn’t by strings, because when he shifted his weight against one side or the other, the ring did not rock. It was not with magnets, because there wasn’t any way to levitate objects magnetically on the scale being demonstrated without equipment that would be visible from his vantage point. He was, in a word, stumped, so he figured that he may as well get her talking. “So,” he drawled, doing his best to look only mildly curious, “how exactly are you managing this then? It’s a very good special effect.”

The bitch laughed at him. “Why, magic my dear, what else?” She held up a hand and looked at him quizzically as he floated to a stop before her. “She didn’t tell you did she. I’m insulted she wouldn’t have mentioned her dear friend. Well it doesn’t matter. I’m a sorceress, I use magic, and you are just some particularly irritating raw materiel I’m using to make a new whore for one of my brothels.” She walked away from him, ignoring hem almost completely, and began rummaging around on a table.

Jason was pissed off. There was no way in hell that he was going to loose to this bitch. Chris was coming, he knew she was; he just had to hold on, stall for time. And to do that, he needed to get her talking again, and stop doing whatever she was doing. If her past behavior was any indication, the best way to do that was to get her ranting. But first he needed to figure out how. Just then, an idea occurred to him. He let some of the venom of his anger drip into his voice as he spoke, “You’re crazy you know that, right.”

She looked up at him, and in that instant he knew he had miscalculated. She thought he was referring to her claim of being a sorceress, not her philosophy. He just pushed her into acting faster. She walked over to the ring he was hanging on and began to attach something to the base. “Say that again after you’ve fucked a few johns, dear.” There was real venom in her voice, as if she found that accusation both disappointing, and personally insulting. “The spell is bound to the circle, time to introduce you to your new body. Relax, you’ll enjoy this, you won’t have a choice.” She smiled, and the expression transformed her face from mildly unsettling to a visage of ineffable foulness. She seemed to take obscene pleasure in the fact that Jason would be forced to enjoy his upcoming transformation. It struck him as an obscene form of rape.

She stepped back and stared at him. He glared back. In that moment he vowed that no matter what she did to him, he would destroy this thing wearing a woman’s skin. In that moment he allowed the full measure of his rage into his expression, a hard glare that had terrified hardened men and driven off muggers. She flinched. “No fear,” she muttered. She lost it then, shrieking at the top of her lungs, “Damn you, I’ll make you fear me!” She raised her right hand and a red glow seemed spread from it. An answering incandescence ignited along runes carved in the iron ring Jason was chained to, bathing the room in a sudden, sanguine light. For one eternal moment, Jason felt like someone had plugged his brain into an electrical socket. Then a green glow flared from his right hand and a network of palely glowing green lines appeared over his body, spreading out from an emerald band on his right middle finger. The bitch screeched, “NOOOOOOO! That’s impossible!” She turned her gaze to Jason and he was gratified to see a fair amount of panic in her eyes. “Where did you get that ring?” she demanded of him.

Jason had forgotten about the ring. It was a gift from Chris, a good luck charm. He smirked at the sorceress before him, “It was a gift from Chris. A charm for protection she said.” His smirk widened. “What, didn’t you notice it when you stripped me?” In fact, Jason didn’t even remember putting it on, but if it really was a protection charm, which seemed likely given the lightshow, then a forgetfulness bit didn’t seem too out of place.

The bitch didn’t like that at all. “That’s not possible. I destroyed his gift when I transformed that whore. She can’t use magic. It’s not possible.” She looked caught between shock and outrage. It was at this point that the door to the chamber they were in chose to be blown in by what sounded like a howitzer.

Jason was looking in almost the right direction, so he was the first to see her framed by the now destroyed doorframe. Chris Felix wasn’t a petite woman. Standing 5’9” with a body that porn stars paid thousands of dollars for copies of, she was an intimidating sight in black jeans with a grey halter restraining her ample breasts, and curves that a black canvas duster tried valiantly but in futility to conceal. In her right hand was an old broadsword, and her left was glowing with an angry green light that matched her eyes perfectly. She raised the broadsword as if she knew exactly what she was doing and tossed her head to get her long, pale blond hair away from her face. Jason smirked. Chris was pissed off. She didn’t get this dramatic unless she was really pissed, but it was always pleasant to watch. He was going to have to ask her where she got the sword though. Among a dozen other things. He smiled at her. Before the witch finished turning around, she winked at him, then turned her attention to the other woman, her expression all business.

The bitch in question seemed to take her appearance in stride, smiling with sudden confidence. “Ah, Christine, my pet, you always did have such a way with dramatic entrances. I still remember that time you managed to upstage me at Lord Carmichael’s ball. How about you put away your toy and come sit by mistress then, pet.” Her expression was pleasant, but her tone was commanding, as if she was addressing a wayward dog, or a servant returning from a long vacation.

Chris’ reaction seemed to discomfit her some. “Step away from my mate, Morganna, or I’ll kill you myself.” There was real hate in those words, anger that this woman had taken and hurt her beloved. And behind that was the old hate of the wounded for the one who has wounded her. “NOW, Morganna. I won’t say it again.”

The woman, Morganna, Chris had named her, looked shocked and hurt. “Now is that any way to talk to your mistress, pet. To the one who.”

Chris interrupted her with a glare and an abrupt motion with the blade. “Raped my identity and twisted my mind around until I couldn’t even recognize myself anymore? Be glad I don’t haul off and kill you myself. It took me years to recover from what you did to me, you bitch. Do you really think I’m gonna let you do it to my MATE! You’ve gone crazier, bitch.”

Morganna was about to loose it. She was fuming and her hands and eyes were beginning to glow red with power. “How DARE you speak to me like that you ungrateful whore. I made you, you slut. I gave you the gift of womanhood, made you superior to that weak piddling male slug you were, all for the mere price of your magic. But you couldn’t even do that could you. Couldn’t put down the magic, could you. You said you wanted nothing more to do with it. You swore on your life you wanted rid of it. Traitor. Forsworn.” The last was said with particular malice, as if it were a curse of especial potency.

Chris just smirked. Jason knew that smirk. It was the smirk she used when she knew something you didn’t, and that she knew you wouldn’t like it at all. “I didn’t want anything to do with magic. That was her price though, for helping me to recover from what you did to me. That all the magic be mine. And once it was unsealed, I was not to seal it again. How I used it, or if I even did at all, was my business, but I was to have the power.” Smirking at the slightly baffled look on Morganna’s face, Chris pointed with her sword at something behind Jason. “Her price, of course, Morganna. Who did you expect me to go to for help?”

Morganna was still turning around when she caught sight of something behind Jason, and before she could summon forth any reaction more than a look of abject terror a melodious voice drifted from behind him. “Well hello dear, it has been a while hasn’t it.”

The woman that walked out from behind Jason was, without a doubt the most stunning woman he had ever seen. She wasn’t particularly busty, but she had a respectable set of curves, and she walked with a lithe grace that evoked water and wind and fire and nature itself, without seeming particularly erotic. Her hair was the red of a fire, and her eyes were the green of rarest emeralds. Her skin was the pale white of finest cream, and she seemed to glow with an unearthly light, her sheer white gown fluttering in an unseen breeze that did not touch her hair. Next to her, the erotic, aggressive sexuality of Chris seemed coarse but noble, and Morganna seemed hideous and disfigured.

Morganna shrank in on herself for a moment, but only for a moment. She drew her self up and faced this new woman. “Hello, Mother.” Jason was shocked *She’s Morganna’s mother? Huh, apple must have fallen really fucking far from the tree.* Morganna smiled a smile that was half fearful, half supplicating. “He is my prey mother, as is my right to claim. He propositioned me.”

The ethereal beauty raised one perfectly manicured crimson arch of an eyebrow at Jason. He didn’t need any help interpreting the expression. “Definitely not by choice. In fact I told her to blow off. And walked away from the table when she didn’t seem to take no for and answer. She apparently took that as an excuse to spike my drink with something narcotic, because after I went back and finished my beer, I don’t remember a damn thing. She may very well have gotten me to suggest something, but if so, it definitely wasn’t because I was in possession of my faculties.” He would have shrugged, but the ache in his shoulders made that painfully unwise.

The strange woman looked at him for a moment, and Jason got the strange impression that she could straight into his soul, see things that he didn’t necessarily want anyone to be poking their noses into. Then she smiled slightly at him, and turned to face her daughter. “Morganna,” she spoke, and her voice was like symphony, musical and perfect, “you are technically within your rights.” Chris looked as if she was about to protest, with her sword, when the woman held up her hand. Her nails were silver, Jason noted, and she continued. “But you have broken the spirit of our agreement in so many different ways that I find myself sickened. I have looked into your menagerie in the manor above, and at the employees of your ‘escort’ service. You have become twisted, Morganna. You have allowed your power and hate to twist you into something I can not even imagine. What you did to Chris was within the Laws, barely, but this,” she made a gesture that encompassed the room and everything beyond it, “is beyond the pale. I must act.”

Morganna looked terrified, and turned to run only to find herself face to point with Chris’ blade. She turned back to the strange woman, a look of abject terror on her face. The woman’s face was strangely sad as she turned to Jason. “She has wronged many, but you are the only one whose mind is still intact, and impartial. What sentence do you impose for those she has wronged?”

Jason looked at Chris, but her eyes were closed, and it looked as if she was holding off killing Morganna by extreme effort of will. He thought about what she had claimed to have done, and what she had planned to do to him. Then he looked at her, and looked into her eyes. “Can I sentence death?” The ethereal woman shook her head in the negative. “Then exile. Place her somewhere where none will come across her, save by chance and fate, prevent any and all from leaving that place, and bind her to serve any and all who command her, in any way.” The sentence was harsh, but in his mind fair. She would be alone, unless god, fate, or chance saw fit to deposit companions to her prison, but even if others did find their way in, there was no leaving, and she would be forced to serve them. A fitting punishment for one who had obsessed over enforcing her will over others.

The woman in white nodded at his pronouncement. “A wise and fitting punishment, young dragon.” She raised a hand and a silver mist seemed to rise up from the ground around Morganna. She shrieked in defiance and rage and attempted to break free, but it was as if the mist was made of iron, and tendrils wrapped themselves around her arms and immobilized her. Then the mist covered her completely, and her shrieks faded away, and then the mist dispersed and she was gone. The woman bowed her head, seeming only slightly exhausted, and pronounced, “So mote it be.” She looked up at Chris and regarded her with an inquisitive look. “Are you satisfied, Christian, now that your tormentor has faced justice.”

Chris didn’t look satisfied, she looked worried. “I’ll figure that out when we’ve gotten Jason out of this thing,” was her response as she stabbed her sword into the ground. Remarkably, it sunk several inches into the concrete floor and stayed there, looking oddly like an Excalibur sculpture. She walked over and inspected the ring binding Jason, then cursed. “Cassandra, please come here and tell me I’m wrong.” She looked near to tears. Jason looked at her, and decided that his questions could wait till he was detached from this floating sculpture.

The flame haired woman walked around and stood next to Chris. Her beautiful features shifted into a frown, and she sharply looked at Jason’s right hand, then her gaze bored into his eyes. Jason returned her gaze, confused, and time seemed to stretch out into infinity. Then she blinked and shook her head. “The spell upon the ring has begun; we cannot remove him without reducing him to ash, or allowing it to come to fruition. However, it would appear that your protection spell is preventing the spell from grasping his form, and as such it cannot proceed.” Cassandra glanced at Chris, an odd look on her beautiful face. “What, exactly, was the ward supposed to do?”

Chris looked up at me with a similarly odd expression on her face. “A simple protection and concealment charm. Fate magic, very low key. I have no idea how it’s doing this.” She seemed stunned. “This is thaumaturgy. I haven’t run thaumaturgy in decades, and never this strong. It shouldn’t be capable of this. I don’t even know how to make something that can do this…” she trailed off, a look of equal parts, fear, wonder and astonishment on her face.

Cassandra, however, smiled. “Love can give you the strength to do many things, dear. Now, let us see about leaving your mate in as comfortable a body as we may, hmmm? Take my hand, and, hmmm, yes, you should be the one who does that. Place your left hand on the ward.” Cassandra took Chris’ right hand in her left, and the two of them just floated up to eye level with Jason. Cassandra placed her free hand on his left shoulder, while Chris placed her free hand on the hand with the ring. Cassandra looked at Jason an in a quiet voice said, “Close your eyes dear, we’re adjourning to a more comfortable setting.” Jason shut his eyes, and the world fell away.

He was fully clothed, sitting in a comfortable leather chair, and there was a cold drink in his hand. Jason was afraid to open his eyes for fear it was an illusion. But when he did, it was all there, the chair (his favorite chair from the apartment), the drink (a cold Sam Adams, his thinking beer), and the clothes (blue denim and black cotton, arranged into pants and a shirt). He closed his eyes again, sighed, and drank some of the beer. It even tasted right. Feminine giggling entered his consciousness from somewhere and he cracked an eyebrow to see Chris and Cassandra sitting on chairs of there own, well Chris had a couch, and Cassandra was sitting on something that resembled a very well padded throne, but he was willing to call them chairs at the moment. Cassandra smiled, and it reached all the way up into her eyes and made them sparkle like gems. “Enjoying your respite, dear?”

Jason grinned back, “Very much so. Nice beer by the way.”

“Thank your mate, she managed all the details. I am impressed. Her control has come a long way since I finished her training.”

Chris had a sudden fit of the blushes. “Thank you Cassandra, but I’m still a neophyte compared to you.”

Cassandra simply smiled at her, and waved off the disclaimer. “We should get to business,” she said, as the smile faded from her eyes and her face fell into a serious expression. “Jason, you are currently within the influence of an active transmutation ring. I won’t go into the details, but for completeness sake, I’ll say this. Transmutation rings are an innovation of my daughter Morganna. They can hold a great many spells of transmutation and transfiguration, and apply them all to the target chained to them. The one you are on is currently attempting to seize your body and transform it into something. Knowing my daughter, it is most likely some form of mindless female sexual plaything.”

Jason nodded. “She was bragging about what she was going to do to me. She said,” he rolled his eyes up and thought, “she said’ ‘I’m going to make you a little four foot eight girl with boobs like melons and this adorable little bubble butt. You’ll look so cute in a schoolgirl uniform. I’ll leave just enough of you in there to realize what’s going on as you suck and fuck your way through your life in a pink haze, unable to do anything but rail at the inside of your little mental cage.’ She was rather upset with me for the crime of not being terribly intimidated by her.”

Chris suddenly broke out laughing and nearly fell off her couch. Jason stared at her, and Cassandra managed to make a slightly irritated expression look attractive. “Sorry,” gasped Chris, “sorry, it’s just that your last line Jason, if you knew Morganna at all well, well… Never mind, I’ll explain later. Work now.” She pushed her self upright and smoothed her expression with an effort of will.

Cassandra coughed and recaptured their attention. “Well, yes, at least now we know what it’s trying to do to you. The interesting thing about this, situation, is that the ward that your mate gave you Jason,” she nodded at Chris, “has somehow used its power to prevent the spells in the ring from taking action. They have hold of you, but they cannot act. This is a temporary situation, but a fortunate one, because it gives us time to plan. We cannot remove you from the ring without causing the energies invested in it to fracture, causing them to rush through your body in an uncontrolled manner. Death is the most likely and fortunate outcome in that case. What we can do, is modify the spells on the ring, either refining them, or changing parts that have not yet become active, and at the moment the only actual instruction that the magic is acting on is the instruction to make you a beautiful female. The magic has yet to really touch you, so the more specific parts of the spell have not yet been invoked. But this brings up the point of what, exactly, we are going to do now. I see three options. One, remove you from the ring, and hope you survive the backlash intact in body and mind. This is about as likely as a meteorite hitting you on the forehead.” Jason grimaced at that. “Two, DO nothing, and allow the spell to modify you however Morganna set it, and then attempt to fix it later. The odds of us being able to actually accomplish that feat are only slightly better than the previous option, and you would have to spend the time while we sought that solution in the freakish body that Morganna had intended to imprison you in.” Jason wasn’t any more thrilled with this option than he was with the last. “Or, lastly, we use what leeway we have before the spells take effect to shape the body you will be left with. The problem with this solution is that it makes the change more intimate, more personal. It’s what Morganna did to those she was actually capable of seducing. She got them to accept and co-operate with their transformation on at least some level. That makes the transformation all but irreversible.” Cassandra shrugged. “Those are your options as I see them. Christina?”

Chris shook her head. “No, Cassandra, as usual, you’re right. I don’t like it, but I can’t come up with any other options.” She looked at Jason, who was sitting there, trying to absorb all of this. “Cassandra, if you would give us a moment to decide?”

Cassandra nodded. “I will withdraw and monitor. When you have come to a decision, tell me. It the mean time, I will study the spells. It may aid us.” She stood and promptly faded out of existence.

Chris rose and walked over to Jason. She stood there for a long moment while Jason just stared at her, both of them trying to put words to what had just happened. Then Chris just broke down sobbing and threw herself at Jason and wrapped her arms around him in a terrified embrace. “Oh, Jason, I was so afraid. I knew something was wrong and when I went to the bar I could smell Morganna, and I knew she had come after you. And I was so terrified that she would twist you into something that wouldn’t even remember me and I’d never see you again.” She sobbed into his shoulder and dissolved into incoherent, frantic babbling. Jason just wrapped his arms around her and murmured comforting nonsense into her hair, letting the fear he had kept bottled up since he had awoken flow out of him. Chris was here, she had brought help, the crazy bitch was gone, and things were going to be better now.

There was only one problem, but it was a doozy. “So what do we do now,” he whispered into her ear. “And just how much time do we have?”

Chris pulled herself away from him and looked at him. Then she grinned, overcome by a sudden whimsy, and hopped up, swinging her legs over his lap, her duster billowing out over one of the arms of the chair, and landed sitting in his lap. “Now we plan, dear.” She said, grinning at him. He was safe now. Morganna was gone, and she wasn’t coming back, and all they had to do was get out of this annoying little pickle they were in and they could go home. It would all work out. She considered the problem facing them, and came to a few conclusions. “Well, can we agree that Cass’ first option is just, no joy?”

Jason shuddered, and hugged Chris closer. “Yeah. No way in hell are we doing that. So, that leaves the female route.” He looked at her, “you are alright with that, right?”

Chris chuckled, a rich throaty laugh that made Jason want to ravish her on the spot. “I’m fine. I’d rather not loose your fabulously entertaining equipment down here,” she grabbed at her own crotch, “but if I had to chose between having you as a woman or not having you at all, I’ll take the woman. What about you? Can you live with this?”

Jason looked at her. “I like being a guy Chris. I’ve been a guy for nearly 30 years now. I’d like to keep being one. But if I have to choose between being turned into crispy critters or a girl, I’ll take the girl. Just so I don’t lose you.”

Chris kissed him on the nose. “No chance of that lover. You know as well as I do that I’m bi. And, I’ll be perfectly honest, I prefer girls, I always have. I think you can guess why.” She looked away, suddenly ashamed.

Jason placed one hand on her chin and turned her face back towards his. “It. Does. Not. Matter. Doesn’t matter now, won’t matter later. I love who you ARE, your body’s just an attractive bonus.” He smirked at her. “Now the question becomes, do we take the Morganna Special, and try to reverse it? Or do we design me a custom body and learn to live with it?”

Chris got suddenly serious. “I would almost say go with the Morganna Special, but I don’t trust it. It’s far too easy for her to have worked in all sorts of physical compulsions into that body that would make your life hell. And we have no way of knowing if we’ll even be capable of reversing it.” She looked mournfully at Jason. “I really think the custom body is the way to go”

Jason smiled at her. That was the same conclusion that he had reached. “You’re not just saying that because you prefer chicks, right? This isn’t some kind of twisted way for you to indulge in your hidden lesbian tendencies?” He punctuated his questions with tickling to her ribs.

Chris collapsed into giggles under the onslaught from Jason’s fingers. She recovered, sat up, and punched him lightly on the arm. “No you pervert! No, Jason, in all seriousness, it would be my greatest pleasure for you to have become my husband. For us to have had a life together as husband and wife. I’ll miss you, you know.” She smiled and kissed him.

Jason reveled in the kiss, and when they came up for air, said, “Hey, I’m not going anywhere.”

Chris just shook her head. “Don’t think that this won’t change you. I know, from intense personal experience, that if you do this you won’t be the same person anymore. Oh, you’ll be close, but the changes we’re talking about now go deeper than just a pair of knockers on your chest and some different plumbing down below. You will be completely female, in every way. Don’t think that that won’t influence your thinking, at least a little. Most likely more then a little. Whoever you become, she won’t be Jason. I’m sure as hell not Christian anymore.”

Jason was slightly concerned. “What, I’ll slowly turn into some kind of bimbo?”

Chris laughed. “No, not for long anyways. Look at it this way. Christian was as straight as an arrow, never even gave another guy a speculative glance. Me, Christina, I like the cock. It feels good. The things men can do to this body.” She shudders. “Mmmmm, yummy. And yet, if I were to picture myself in bed with someone other than you, I always get a woman. I can go to a strip club and get just as horny as any guy, looking at the girls there. It’s a dichotomy, and it changes you. It’s not a bad thing, though. I’d like to think that becoming Christina was a good thing for me. I’ve adapted. Wouldn’t go back if you paid me.”

Jason laughed. “Well, that makes sense. I appreciate the warning. Now how about this. Why don’t we design exactly the kind of woman I’m going to become? Do you think that that will help?”

Chris kissed him again, hard. When she broke the kiss, she smiled, slowly. “Yes, I do. But first, we should tell Cass.”

Cassandra’s voice echoed around them. “I know, children. I’ve been following the general discussion. I have managed to reinforce the effect of the ward, so you have some time in there. Why don’t you relax, I’ll make sure the link is stable and put your bodies somewhere safe, while I do the prep work.”

Chris looked up and smiled. “Thank you, Cassandra, that would be perfect.” Jason just looked embarrassed. Chris felt Cassandra’s presence withdraw from the link holding them together, and could feel the flow of energies around her physical body. She smiled, and directed her attention back to Jason, who was looking a little confused. “She isn’t watching any more. She’s teleporting us to her workshop where she can prepare what she needs to help us, and where we can complete the spells without the risk of one of Morganna’s toys walking in on us.”

Jason smiled. “Good. Now never mention that bitch again. She’s gone, and good riddance. Now what did you have in mind,” he inquired as she stood up from off his lap and he rose himself, thinking of what kind of woman he was going to make of himself. *What kind of woman am I going to be? There’s a thought I’d never thought I’d have. There are more things in heaven and earth…* He shook his head.

Chris just stared at him, hungrily. Then she took off her coat and tossed it aside, and advanced towards him with lust in her every motion. “Oh, no. Not yet. No work yet,” she purred at him as she wrapped her arms around him. “All this talk about you becoming a woman has gotten me all horny and I’m determined that we’re both going to enjoy your body while we have it. Now hurry up and fuck me, you putz,” and she kissed him, hard, her tongue invading his mouth and fencing with his for a moment before he recovered and began to give as good as he got. He crushed her to him, she pressed herself into him. Their hands roved over each others bodies, eliciting gasps and groans of pleasure from each of them. Her top was gone in moments, as Jason’s hands found her generous breasts and began kneading them, rolling the flesh in his large hands and tweaking her hard, erect nipples, making her gasp, and moan in delight. She ran her nails down his back and crushed his pelvis to hers, grinding the crotch of her jeans into his. She moaned with need as her slight, feminine frame leaned against his large masculine one. “Slowly,” she moaned, “I want to be able to remember this for the rest of time…”

So did Jason. This was most likely the last time they would be able to make love as a man and a woman, and he wanted it to be perfect. So he took his time, and teased her breasts and nipples, while kissing her and caressing her ass, listening to her moan and gasp in pleasure, paying attention to her every response. Most of his attention was on making her pleasure even greater, but a small part of his mind was watching her, and listening, and was considering the fact that soon enough, it would be him writhing under the touch of another, gasping as a nipple is tweaked, groaning as a breast is kneaded, shuddering in ecstasy as someone’s ministrations brought him to orgasm. It made him both more desperate and more considerate. His own desire built as he brought her to orgasm before he even got her pants off. Once she was naked, her hands stopped caressing him and started undoing his pants, a sudden need giving them speed. He silenced them by crushing Chris’s slight form to his, and snaking his other hand around behind her and sticking one of his fingers inside her vagina. She gasped in surprise, and shuddered in orgasm as she came from the sudden penetration.

Chris was on fire. Every nerve in her body was screaming with need, and her pussy ached to have his cock in it. She needed him, more than anything, but she suddenly had a better idea. She slowly drew him backwards, towards the couch she had made for herself, all the while she tried to undo his pants with one hand and played with her own breasts with the other and he fingered her pussy and kissed her. When her legs bumped into the back of the couch and she suddenly fell into a sitting position, her hand dragged his pants and boxers down with them, freeing Jason’s magnificent organ directly in front of her face. Suddenly there was a penis in front of her, and without even thinking, she swallowed it. She had never willingly given head before; it was always something that gay men did. And she wasn’t gay. It was one of her few hang ups left from when she had been Christian. And with Jason, it didn’t matter. She just wanted him to feel good. And she’d never get another chance after this. So she took him into her mouth, and began to lick and suck at the appendage before her. Her hands came up and she began to play with his balls. He gasped. Morganna had made her learn to perform fellatio. She had known that Chris found it degrading, and had made a game of forcing Chris to perform it for her guests. But now, with Jason, facing what they were facing, it felt right. In moments, he stiffened and Chris swallowed his cock completely as it spat cum down her throat. *Heh, whadda ya know, I actually liked that. Who would have known.*

Jason shuddered as he ejaculated into Chris’ mouth. He could imagine what it was like for her to give him a blow job. He was touched that she had decided to do it. When he was done he drew her up and kissed her, tasting his spunk on her lips. His dick was getting hard again, and he was, if anything, more energetic then before. He looked into her eyes, and murmured “Thank you,” in her ear.

Chris just pulled him down on top of her and purred. “Get down here and fuck me properly then.” As he descended into her, he continued playing with her tits. He stroked his penis over the mouth of her pussy, making her gasp and groan with need. “Oh, god, NOW!” She screamed, and wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her. The penetration was sudden, and the spike of pleasure drove her over into the most intense orgasm yet. When she was of a mind to notice details again, she found Jason slowly pumping in and out of her, while playing with her breasts. Her hands clutched him to her and the two of them began to move with increased need and passion. Suddenly she could feel him stiffen inside of her, and she felt the warm flood of his seed into her womb. That sent her off again, and they collapsed together, spent.

Jason roused himself, what felt like an eternity later, and found himself floating in a black void, holding Chris in his arms, wrapped in a grey sheet. He nuzzled her hair, and she shifted her head and murmured, “Good Morning” up at him.

“Good Morning yourself. How long were we out?”

“Perceived time, about 3 hours, real time, about 1.”

“Time does funny things in here, huh.”

“Yup. Astral conferences are funny like that. First time I’ve had sex here though. It was fun.”

“Yeah. So, what’d ya do with the room, and where did you get the sheet?”

“Same place your clothes came from, and went to. I made them up. Since we didn’t need it as a reference, I dissolved the room. Do you want it back?”

“Maybe later. Let’s just talk now.”

“Pillow talk or shop talk?”

“Shop talk, I’m afraid.”


“A few.” Jason smiled a bit and hugged her. “Don’t think I’m a pervert for this O.K.?”

“Jason,” Chris craned her neck around and looked up at him, “I’m a woman, who used to be a man, who is bi-sexual, with lesbian tendencies, who just finished having the most passionate sex of either of his or her lives. And I love you. Now spit it out.” She dimpled at him.

Jason sighed. “Alright, just don’t laugh. While we were going at it back there, and you were wonderful too, love, a thought occurred to me. It was ‘Soon, I’ll be on the receiving end of this,’ and you know what? Watching you, that didn’t seem like such a bad thing.”

Chris smiled at him. “It’s not, lover. I’ll be happy to show just how much of a not bad thing it is. But ok, so how does this affect our problem?”

“Well, remember how I needed to figure out what king of woman I wanted to be? I think I have. I want to be beautiful, sexy, erotic, and pleasurable.”

Chris crinkled her nose at him. “Oh, so you want to be a porn star?”

He squeezed her middle. “No, or not specifically. If I’m gonna be a woman, I want to be a hot one, one who has a body and knows how to enjoy it.”

Chris smiled up at Jason. She had hoped that was the conclusion he would reach, and it made her happier, knowing that she could help him. “All right. Jason, I was hoping you would say that, but adjusting is going to be hard.”

Jason shook his head. “Only if I try to fight it. Try to stay male. And I’m not going to. I gave that up when I made this choice. So I figure, go all out. Be big bad and sexy. Enjoy it. Be a sex symbol. It’ll be fun.”

Chris smiled. “Sounds like the attitude of someone else I know.” Jason raised an eyebrow at her. “Me, Jason. When I left Cassandra’s manor after she helped me get out from under Morganna’s programming, I made the same decision. I knew I couldn’t be male again, and I was my own wet dream, so I figured, why not. Learn to love it. Some things took time though. Sex, for one. But that attitude will definitely help.”

Jason held her for a moment, both taking comfort in the presence of the other. Finally Jason spoke. “I’m going to be more passive, aren’t I?”

Chris looked at him and snorted. “When was the last time I was passive? Emotional, yes, passive, no. There are differences. Being held as opposed to holding, being deferred to, having doors and tables held for you, that kind of thing. And being stared at. Especially being stared at. You have to make a decision to like it. It you let it annoy you, or embarrass you; you’ll never have any peace. So you enjoy it, because you can’t stop it. The rest of it I can help with. The little things I can help with. But stuff like the staring, the comments, the attention, you have to deal with that yourself. No one can help you with that.”

Jason grinned fiercely, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Chris grinned back. “Right. Let’s go build your dream girl then.” She pushed herself away from Jason, and suddenly the blanket dissolved into mist, and black mist formed around Chris’ body. The mist formed into her usual halter top, jeans, and duster, and her black combat boots. Jason suddenly noticed that the boots were also 4” heels. Chris noticed the look and smiled. “Finally noticed those, eh? I can fight in ‘em, so you know. I just like the look.” She modeled the outfit a bit then frowned. “Right, down to business.” Suddenly there was a floor under his feet; he was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt. Chris walked over to him. A vaguely human shaped blob of mist floated up from the floor. “Alright Jason, exercise time. Focus on the mist, and imagine your dream girl. Your deepest darkest sexual fantasy girl. And I know damn well it’s not me. I’m my very own fantasy girl. I’m just giving you a faster way to get to the end result then I got.”

Jason focused on the mist, and went inside himself, to where he kept his fantasy girls. When you spend 5 years in the army, pinups and fantasy girls are elevated to the level of national pastime. You wind up putting a library of them together in your head, to take out when you’re standing around on guard duty at two in the morning. Jason went looking for his. He found it readily enough. He had always liked tall girls with big racks, so that was the first thing he decided on. It didn’t take long, and suddenly there was the picture in his head, and within moments it was taking form in the mist. She was 6’2”, with long legs. She had a gymnast build, long lithe limbs, hiding a deceptive strength; she had wide hips and a firm ass, with a narrowed waist, and a firm pair of breasts that were large, spherical, and, in Jason’s mind, perfect. She had long black hair; coming down to her knees, and her skin was flawlessly white. Her eyes were green, and she smiled, showing perfect teeth. Everything stabilized, and Chris let out a whistle. “Damn, Jason, you’re gonna be fucking hot.” And then things got weird.

There was a dull roaring coming from the darkness around them, growing louder, and Chris was looking around with a concerned expression on her face. Jason looked away from the image he had conjured and looked at her. “I take it that this isn’t normal?” He looked concerned. Then he felt it. It was like there was something coiling around his spine, working his way up from his hips into his chest, and into his mind. He could feel it, working its way through him, looking for a way out, and then it found it. He gasped. “Chris. Something’s wrong!”

Chris looked at him, and then at the image. She watched in amazement as it changed. Its breasts grew even larger, its waist narrowed, the lips got fuller and the facial structure altered. The legs slimmed and seemed to grow longer, the eyes got richer, seeming to turn into pieces of gemstone, and they changed shape, becoming slightly slanted, as if she had Asian blood somewhere in her ancestry. Crimson started to appear on her ankle, wrapping itself around her ankle 3 times, then moving up her leg, twining around it as it went, till it went up her back and around her right shoulder, over onto her chest above her breasts. Tendrils swept out, embracing her hips, cupping one breast and grasping the other. Then two green slits appeared, opening into eyes of solid emerald. Her nails extended and sharpened into inch and a half long talons, and the splotch of red defined itself into scales and ridges, becoming a tattoo of a dragon. The dragon sprouted wings, curling around her sides. She opened her mouth to speak, her canines, both upper and lower, extending a quarter inch, leaving her with fangs. “Release me, Discover me, Chain me, Become me.” The dragon’s head, below her throat, opened its mouth and flames cascaded out into the valley between her breasts, spreading out onto her stomach, writhing in sinuous curves and shapes suggestive of orgiastic imagery, causing her to arch her back and cry out in pleasure, her voice speaking of power and sensuality. Then she stood, arching her back proudly, sexuality and confidence in her very posture, and locked her emerald gaze on Jason, her jewel-like eyes boring into his soul.

Jason swallowed uneasily, his eyes never leaving the apparition before him. “Chris, this was you, wasn’t it?” There was something about this figure, something that drew him to it. Something he couldn’t quite place. “Please tell me this was you.”

Chris was just as uneasy. She had never seen or heard of anything astral acting like this. “No, Jason, this wasn’t me. I don’t have a fucking clue what the hell is going on.”

Cassandra’s voice echoed through the void, “I, on the other hand, suspected this might happen.” Her voice sounded both amused and resigned. “You need to do this here Jason. You need to resolve this here, before you proceed, or it will cause problems later. Significant ones. Your power has awakened, and it must be mastered.”

Both Jason and the image looked around in shock, the image mirroring his motion. Chris looked stunned, and responded, “But I tested him, he doesn’t have the Gift. What power are you talking about?”

Cassandra’s disembodied voice was amused. “Did you really think that ours was the only magic in the world, my dear? There are other kinds of power at play in the world, and your friend Jason has one of them. He has the soul of a dragon, and he must master it, or it will master him. Focus Jason, not on the image, but on what is different from what it was. On what you have released within it.”

Jason stared at the conjured woman, as she stared back, meeting her sultry green gaze with his steely blue. Then he stared past her gaze, past her sullen sexuality, and into his own soul. He gasped. “Oh my god. The power that’s there. The potential. Oh god.” He closed his eyes, fighting back against visions that swam through his mind, struggling to grasp them. He swam through a sea of ideas, grasping at one, then another, till a picture began to assemble. Slowly, he forced the images into a coherent whole, and processed them, looking through them slowly and methodically. He gasped. “I know what she is.”

Suddenly, she stopped being his reflection, and attacked him. He fell before her, landing on the floor and grappling with her. She began to laugh, a sultry, sexy, lustful laugh that hinted at the unbridled pleasure she was taking in her actions. He snarled at her, and rolled a knee into her perfect stomach and flipped her over him. He rolled to his feet and turned, watching her flow to her feet in one serpentine motion. She bared her fangs and snarled at him. “I will devour you, and take your woman, weakling. You cannot contain me!”

She jumped at him, and suddenly froze in mid leap. Jason was standing there, glaring at her. “Yes, you bitch, I can. You’re nothing but a fragment of me. A part of me that I have been containing for fourteen years.” He glared at the frozen image. “I know what you are, and I know how to control you.” He simply stared at her, and chains began to wrap around her, binding her, spread eagle, just as his physical body was. “All my lust, all my aggression, all my greed. That’s you. But then again, you’re also my joy, my passion, my commitment. You are emotion, nothing more, nothing less. Emotion without fetter or control is dangerous, potentially deadly. But without it, we are nothing but shells, fated to live our lives without meaning or conviction. Now sit there and SHUDDAP!!”

There was a flash, and the image was back where it started, standing in a relaxed pose that screamed sex, appearing to watch them with a sultry, seductive gaze. Jason heard a whisper in his mind, *become me,* and then he winced as wind blew through the mindscape. Jason and Chris gaped, as a crimson dragon, easily the size of a large horse, descended from above to land near them, and bent its head before Jason. He just stared at it. Then its tongue darted out and licked his face. His whole face, with one lick. Jason laughed and grabbed its head, scratching it behind the crest. It sighed, settled down, and opened its emerald eyes, looking at Chris, then at the image. “So, Jason, introduce me to your mate.”

Jason laughed at the pole-axed expression on Chris’ face. “It’s fine Chris. Really. This is, hmmm, Astra. Yes. This is Astra. She’s my dragon.”

Astra cocked a brow ridge at that. “It would be as accurate,” she rumbled, “to say that you are my human. We are two halves of the same person.”

Chris looked stunned. “What the hell? Jason?”

“Yes,” both Jason and Astra said, simultaneously.

“Oh, hell,” Chris sighed. “Do you have any idea what just happened?”

“Yes,” laughed Jason, leaning against Astra’s neck. “But I’m not sure how to explain it. I’m sure Cassandra could tell you why it happened now, but as to what happened, that’s simple. I woke Astra up. I’m not sure exactly what that means, other than that I seem to have a dragon living in my soul, but I would guess that it would give me a fair amount of power, magically. Other than that, I’m not sure.”

Astra blew a smoke ring. “We’re kind of like you sorceress. We can use and manipulate power. But instead of using the power from the world around us, stored in talismans and objects, we use our own. It’s much the same, and I expect you to be giving us lessons in the use of this power. We will have different strengths and weaknesses than a sorcery user I would imagine, due to the difference in energy sources, but the power I sense about you is similar enough to my own that most of the techniques should be the same.”

Cassandra’s voice rang out again, “They are, actually, and I’m sure Chris would be glad to teach you. But you still have the last stage of your binding to complete.”

Chris nodded, still rather in shock at Astra’s sudden appearance, and Jason chuckled. “Yes, indeed. The image is ready, whatever you were going to do with it.”

Chris shook her head, and then closed her eyes. Jason suspected that she was having a conversation with Cassandra in private. That suspicion was confirmed a moment later when she walked to the image and waved a hand, and the image was encased in green light, and then vanished. She turned to Jason and Astra, “I sent the image to Cass, Jason. You’re absolutely certain about this, right.”

He nodded. “Oh yeah.” He suddenly looked embarrassed. “Could I ask you for a favor though?” Chris nodded, slowly. “My, um, parts.” He indicated his crotch. “Could we make a mold? You know, as a trophy?” He looked sheepish.

Chris just stared at him. Then she fell over laughing. Astra started wheezing next to him, and he realized that she was laughing as well. He blushed brilliantly crimson, and smacked her on the snout. “It’s not that funny.”

Rolling around on the ground, Chris laughed some more, and in between breaths, gasped, “Yes… It… Is…” Slowly, she brought herself under control, and nodded. “Sure. I can do that. I’ll even make it into a pair of vibrators, just so that we always have something to remember your manhood with.” She grinned at him, and he blushed furiously. “You get embarrassed by the strangest things, Jason. Lets get out of here, I wanna see this new you.”

Jason looked puzzled. “How exactly do I do that?”

“You close your eyes, and then you open your eyes.”

Jason blinked at her, slowly.

“No you twit. Close your eyes here, then open your REAL eyes.”

Jason blinked at her, then closed his eyes again, and concentrated on opening his real eyes. It was hard. It was like he was opening a door that has a weight pressed down against it. But once it worked, it worked all at once, and his eyes snapped open and he gasped in shock.

“Easy there, dear.” Cassandra’s hand was on his chest, calming him. “It’s a little disorienting, at first.”

“Holy crap, what a rush.” Jason had suddenly felt every single part of his body at once, in detail. It was intense. He panicked for a moment when he no longer felt Astra’s presence, then her felt her dimly, and he realized that until he finished this transformation, she was still separated from him. He wasn’t sure if this terrified him or encouraged him, with regards to what was to come.

Cassandra smiled at him. “With practice, you will learn to return more slowly, so that it is not quite so much of a shock. Observe Christine.”

Jason watched, as Chris slowly woke, her mouth stirring, then one hand rising to caress one of her generous breasts, slowly massaging it, as she blinked and focused on her surroundings. She smiled at him, then, and stood. “So Cassandra, is it ready?”

Cassandra nodded. “Yes, I have inscribed the ring with the changes necessary for the desired physical result, and modified the sensory overly of the spells as we discussed.”

Jason raised an eyebrow at that. Chris smiled, “Don’t worry. It’s something I came up with to help you adjust. Trust me.” Jason smiled at her as she turned to Cassandra again. “Are the preservation vial’s ready?”

Cassandra nodded. “Are you sure you wish to go through with this? It is rather drastic. Are you sure you are ready?”

Chris looked very serious as she nodded. “I gave this a lot of thought. It’s what I want.”

“You have not asked your mate.”

Chris sighed. “Right, well, err…” She turned to Jason, looking embarrassed. “How do you feel about being a dad?”

Jason looked at her funny from his vantage point chained to the ring. “You ask me this, now?”

Chris nodded. “I was going to take advantage of a part of your transformation to inseminate myself. I want us to have a child, and this will be the absolute last time you’ll be able to father it traditionally.” She looked at him seriously.

He sighed. “It’s your choice. Just think about the kid. Don’t bring a child into the world if you don’t think we’ll be able to raise it right.”

She nodded, looking very serious. “I have. We can, and we will. Don’t worry, this will all work out.” The two of them exchanged looks, implying a long discussion later, and then Chris turned to Cassandra. “Alright, let’s get this over with,” she said, taking off her coat.

Cassandra nodded at a table of to the side, apparently made out of blue marble. “The preservation vials and the camcorder are over there.” Jason noted that there were several stoppered vials in a rack and a camcorder on a tripod laying on it, as well as several towels, a bolt cutter, and a bathrobe. Cassandra turned and walked out of the room, waving over her shoulder and calling back, “Have fun children.” Then she shut the door behind her, and Jason dimly felt something close around the room.

His confusion must have shown on his face because Chris nodded at him. “Soundproofing spell.” She walked over to the door, and traced a glowing green pattern onto it, while Jason again sensed something indescribable from the door. “And that’s a locking spell. It should insure some privacy.” She motioned to the camcorder. “You take a look around and get as comfortable as possible; I’ll set up the camera.”

Jason began to just that, though he was a little concerned about the comment about the camera. *Just what is she planning? Ah well, at least the room is nicer.* It was, too. The last actual, physical, room he had been in was rather rough, nothing more than four walls a floor and ceiling, all of concrete, with some florescent lights, and a sturdy metal table over on one side. Well and the apparatus holding the ring he was stuck to. His current accommodations were significantly more luxurious. The floor was dark tile, some shade of green that was almost black, with patterns in shades of slightly lighter green inlaid into it. The walls were painted a forest green, and the ceiling was covered with a painting of the night sky. There were two tables in the room, both of dark blue marble, veined with black, one holding the items he has noted earlier, the other strewn with what looked like chemistry equipment, but Jason figured wasn’t sure. There was also a cot on one wall, where Chris had been lying when he first awoke. From what he could see, he was floating in a depression at the rear of the room, because he could see the back wall when he turned his head, and his feet seemed level with the floor, and he remembered the ring liked to float about a foot above the floor.

He looked back at Chris, who was standing near the door fiddling with a camcorder, focusing it on him. “Chris, what, exactly, do you intend to do with that?”

She looked at him through the viewfinder, grinning, “Record this monumental event in your life, for posterity. Also, it’ll make great porn.”

Jason glared at her. “Great, now I’m a porn star.” Then he thought about it. “But from the way you’re talking, this is going to be quite a show. I think I’ll like being able to see it from the outside some time. So long as this stays private.”

She chuckled. “Oh, definitely. I know what you mean. I most certainly want the recordings Morganna made of me.” There was an old pain under her words, and Jason decided not to press it. “Right, that’s done. You ready?”

“As I can be. You want to let me know what’s coming?”

She chuckled. “Coming. Funny. You are.”

Jason stared at her.

“All right. All right. Here’s what’s going to happen. First, you’re going to expel all of your uniquely male material.”

Jason looked concerned, “Uniquely male material?”
“Sperm, Jason. You’re going to cum yourself dry.” Chris giggled. It sounded rather strange, coming from her. “It’ll be fun, don’t worry. I’ll try to get as much as I can in the preservation vials, then I’ll cram you in me, and let you load me up. There’s the kid. And yes, as a sorceress, I can guarantee that I’ll take. Then you get a breather for a few minutes, and then the physical transformation will begin. And I can’t tell you exactly what will happen with that, because I don’t know how Morganna structured the original spell. The end result, however, is that hanging where you are now, with your mind inhabiting it, will be that incredibly sexy, kinky body you designed for yourself. Then we go and fuck like rabbits till tomorrow morning.” She grinned broadly at that last statement and licked her lips. “Call it a reward for indulging my kinky, perverted, latent lesbian tendencies.”

“All right then,” Jason gulped, “We just have one thing to do first.” Chris looked at him, confused. “Our trophy?”

Chris giggled. “Oh, sure. I think I have something that can help that.” She went over to the table with the chemistry set, and rooted around for a minute. “Here we go, this should do.” She walked over with a chunk of modeling clay. “I can see that you’re definitely eager.” She smirked at his crotch, where his manhood was most definitely standing at attention. It was actually beginning to hurt, a little. “I wonder how long he’s been waiting?” She walked over to Jason and bent down to study his most intimate of parts.

Jason looked away and sighed, while tensing the muscles in his crotch, making his dick bob up and down in front of Chris. “Come on Chris, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Hell, you apparently had one yourself, once upon a time.” Chris giggled, and Jason sighed again. “Get on with it.” He gasped in shock as she suddenly reached up and wrapped the modeling clay around his member. “Fuck, that’s cold, Chris.”

Chris just ignored him, and focused on molding the clay around his privates, getting his balls and his entire penis. She salivated as she thought about what it had tasted like, in the astral conference. She wanted to taste the real thing, but she knew she didn’t have time. Maybe later, if he had any left after she knocked herself up. She finished, and cast a spell to harden the clay, then eased it off of him, wincing as he gasped when she yanked his balls a bit easing them out of the mold. “Sorry. Think about it this way, after this, you won’t have to worry about that happening ever again.”

“That’s not a comforting thought, Chris.” He sighed. “Can I make a confession? I’m terrified of this, you know? I’m a guy, damn it. What kind of guy turns himself into a girl? Before all this, I never even thought about what it was like to be a girl. Now I’m going to be one. What does that make me?” He was near tears. “Am I going to be able to live with this?”

Chris stood up and put aside her mold, carefully setting it on the cot. She touched his face and hugged her mate, the man she would have made her husband, and the person who she was going to spend the rest of her life with. “It makes you brave, love. That’s all. You’ve been put in a situation with precious few options, through no fault of your own. You made all the right choices, and got screwed anyways. You had to make a choice. Die or change. So you have to give up your gender, Trade your balls for tits, and your prick for a cunt. So what. Your dangly bits don’t make you a man. They make you male, but not a man. Being a man is about not running away, about facing what the world throws at you, and taking it head on, like a man. You’re not running away, you chose to try to live, to stay with those you love, and those who love you. So you become female to do it. So what. Won’t make you less of a man. And you won’t have to do it alone. I’m here. I always will be. Now are we going to do this?”

Jason just shook, for what felt like forever. Then he bent his head and kissed Chris on the neck and whispered in her ear, “Thanks, I needed that. Now let’s do this. I want to give you the chance to show me just how much fun you can have as a girl.” Chris pulled back and looked at him. Then she kissed him, straight on the lips.

When they finally came up for air, she whispered, “I’ll miss you.” Then she reached up and put her hand on the ring on his hand, the ring that was holding back the spells on the circle he was chained to, and chanted. The jade ring broke, dissolving into powder, and pain shot through Jason, causing him to gasp in shock. Chris stepped back and grabbed the vials off of the table with one hand, while unzipping her pants with the other. She walked over to the cot with the mold on it, placed the rack of vials on it, and quickly stripped out of her pants, jacket, and top, sliding out of her panties next while Jason struggled to contain the feelings rushing through him. Finally, she was completely nude, and she went over and started the camcorder. “No turning back now,” she said, and Jason could only nod in agreement, as another wave of magic hit him, and he began to feel something stirring in his loins.

“The vials,” he gasped.

“Fuck, that was fast,” Chris was shocked. When she took her ride, the ring had taken a good 5 minutes to bring her to the point of emptying her balls. Then again, Morganna had been messing with her for a while before that anyways, so maybe she wasn’t the best reference. She cursed softly under her breath, and grabbed the rack of vials and unstoppered one and stuck it over the tip of Jason’s cock, right as it began to spurt. In seconds, that vial was full, and she quickly replaced it with another. This went on, 11 more times, till the full dozen vials were full, and the time between spurts was getting longer. Then, with all the vials full, she grabbed Jason’s shoulders, swung her legs around his waist, and impaled her aching pussy on his twitching cock. She gasped, as she ground herself into his crotch, and he erupted again, the seed filling her womb, and she came, right there, from the burst of magic that came with it. She screamed, burying her head in Jason's shoulder, shuddering with reaction, and then climbed of off him. A quick spell insured that the mess stayed inside her, and insuring conception. Then she crouched and shoved his whole manhood inside her mouth.

Jason was gasping with pleasure. He has never cum this many times in a row before. Every time he came, the pleasure just built up again, and he came again. He gasped as Chris mounted him, sliding herself onto his member moaning in pleasure, then grabbing him with ecstasy as he erupted inside her, apparently causing a spontaneous orgasm on her part. He felt a little bad when she climbed off him, but then he felt her doing something with the energies around her, something focused on her abdomen and crotch, and he realized that she had just used her magic to insure she was pregnant. *I’m a father. Thank God, I’m a father!* That thought filled him with such pride that he didn’t notice what Chris was doing till she suddenly dived down and inhaled his member, swallowing it completely. He was stunned, but had little time to react as he began to cum again. He was barely aware of Chris fingering herself and mashing one of her breasts with her other hand as she crouched there, sucking him, swallowing all the spunk he was shooting into her mouth. Every time he came, she did so as well it seemed. Then the pleasure rolled over him again and he closed his eyes and groaned.

Chris was delirious with pleasure. She had her man down her throat and she could taste his spunk. She fingered herself franticly and groped her breast in desperation, frantic for stimulation. She was debasing herself, and she didn’t care. She needed this, desperately. Every time he came, the magic washed over her, and she was driven into a yet more intense orgasm. It was all she could do to keep swallowing and not choke herself. But the pleasure was so intense, and she couldn’t bring herself to stop. She lost herself in a haze of lust and pleasure, magnified by the magic surging over her lover, until she finally felt him softening in her mouth, and she rocked back on her heels, noticing for the first time the cum streaming down her chin, in her hair, and over her breasts. She turned, smiled at the camera, and scooped the spunk from her breasts, and licked it off her finger. “Yum,” she cooed, and looked up at Jason, who was staring down at her, looking both spent, and rather shocked. “I can’t believe I never did that before.” She stood up and held her hair in her hand. “Ugh, or maybe I can. That was mind-blowing, in a good way, but I’m sorta glad it was a one time thing. Cleaning this up is going to be a pain.”

Jason laughed wearily. “I never knew you had it in you. You looked like you enjoyed yourself.”

Chris grinned, and moved over to the table with the towels and began to clean herself off. “I did. But, somehow, I think that that was mostly because the magic was shooting me off every time you came in me. The rest of it just pushed me even higher. It was definitely a unique experience.”

“So that wasn’t normal then?” Jason asked sarcastically.

“No, you putz. I’m not normally that much of a cum addict.” She looked pensive. “Not anymore, anyway.” Her expression cleared and she smiled at him as she pulled most of the jism from her hair. “Relax; you’ve got a few more minutes till the transformation proper starts. Try to catch your breath; it’s going to be intense.”

Jason took a deep breath, and then asked, “Define intense.”

Chris smiled. “You’ll experience exactly what having your new equipment used feels like. Female orgasm. Several actually. You’ll like it.”

Jason smiled back, and tried to relax. So that’s what she meant by sensation overlay. He could imagine that having his body rearranged might feel a little unpleasant, or at least odd, but she had arranged for it to be his induction into female orgasm. *Well then,* he thought to himself, *I’d better pay attention.* He slowed his breathing, forcing himself to take slow, deep breaths, forcing himself to be calm, to wait.

Chris was taking the mold and the rack of vials, now filled with his sperm, and put them back on the table, then took the towels and the robe and walked them over the cot, being very careful to walk behind the camcorder. She sat down, and looked at him, a faint green light simmering in her eyes. She blinked, and it was gone, and she asked him, “It should be starting any time now. The circle has grasped you completely now, you should start feeling it soon. If she was still using the same spells, it will start as a light tingling under your skin.”

Jason closed his eyes, then nodded and opened them again. “I can feel it. It’s like something is massaging my bones.” Even as he said it, he could feel it, like something was working at his skeleton, shifting it slightly. It wasn’t painful, exactly, more odd, and a little uncomfortable, as Jason could feel himself changing. Chris watched in a mixture of sadness and awe as her lover shrank, his whole body shrinking as his frame shrank in on itself, his arms and legs shrinking, and the chains connecting him to the circle stretching out as they did so, so that his body didn’t actually move, even as he lost four inches of height. His penis and scrotum had begun to shrivel up, and clung close to his body, as his shoulders shrank, and his hips expanded. His face shifted, as his skull changed, shifting his face into a female shape and proportion, his cheekbones becoming more prominent, and his nose shrinking. His teeth shifted, with his canines extending, and his eyes shifted as their sockets reshaped themselves.

Jason gasped again, as the sensation moved outward into his body, and his voice was thick from his new dentition, “Now it’s in my muscles, my arms and legs, my chest. This feels so weird…” Chris watched, a tear slowly falling down her face as she watched the man who she had loved slowly consumed by the female he was becoming, a quiet smile on her face. His face was first this time, his lips plumping up, and his features shifting into those of the image, ones that screamed of sex and sensuality. His arms and legs were next as they thinned, losing mass, but not tone, becoming the toned, lithe limbs of a gymnast or dancer. Then the changed moved to his torso, with his chest swelling just slightly, into the hint of breasts, his ass firming and plumping out, as his waist contracted in, his torso becoming as firm and toned as his limbs had been.

Jason could feel the sensation moving outward, into his skin, and growing more pleasurable. He could feel a need building within him, and his voice was harsh from more than the changes in his throat when he gasped, “It’s getting stronger, and moving out. Oh god, Chris, don’t cry love!” Chris was openly weeping now, while smiling and watching her lover change. She watched as his skin paled and smoothed, becoming perfectly smooth, and as perfectly pale as a porcelain doll. Shades of red began to dot his skin, and his nipples grew, with his aureoles expanding to those of a full breasted woman, and his nipples assumed the size of pencil erasers. His nails grew and extended into inch and a half long things, sharpening themselves into talons. Jason gasped in pleasure as the final changes began, and his final decent into womanhood commenced.

Chris wept for the man who would have been her husband, and smiled for the woman he had the courage to become. “Oh, Jason,” she cried, “I’ll miss you so much. I’ll never forget you.” She watched as the shriveled thing that was all that was left of Jason’s male genitalia was sucked up inside of him and the flesh of his crotch flowed and shaped itself into the mound and slit of perfect, hairless female genitalia, with a perfect, dainty triangle of midnight black pubic hair just above it. Jason gasped in pleasure as he felt his new vagina form, then felt the intensity of pleasure in his chest, as his breasts began to grow. Chris watched in awe and growing excitement as Jason’s breasts swelled outward, growing larger and larger, her lover gasping in pleasure as the sensations swept over his body.

Suddenly, to Jason, It felt like there was something inside him, moving in and out, sliding inside his vagina. With a shock, he realized that it felt like something was fucking him. For an instant, he felt violated, shocked. He was a man. He did the penetrating, he wasn’t the penetrated. Then the pleasure hit, and any thought of wrongness were swept away in the glory of female sexual pleasure. He gasped in amazement and pleasure, arching his body, and the sensation was joined by another, in his rear. Now he has something fucking him in his pussy and in his ass. He was astonished by the pleasure, and shook from it, crying out, “Oh, Chris, it’s so good!” He was astonished by his own voice; it had become a rich, sultry, sexy, smoky, soprano. He gasped in amazement. “Oh, god, Chris!” He shook from pleasure, and opened his mouth to cry out, only to find that he couldn’t. It felt like something was being shoved down his throat, moving in and out of his mouth. *Oh, God, my mouth. Now I’m being fucked in the mouth,* the thoughts ran through his head, and he began to suck and lick the phantom phallus invading his mouth, his vagina and anus squeezing and throbbing on their respective penetrations. Jason moaned and shook in pleasure, arching his back further, throwing his massive breasts forward, and suddenly the new sensations swept over them, as if something was sucking and biting his nipples, which were now standing painfully at attention. His breasts felt as if someone were kneading them, and he could feel something being shoved between his breasts, being moved back and forth, and it felt so good. He threw his head back, gasping as shuddering, barely maintaining consciousness as orgasm rolled over him, causing every nerve in his body to fire, and waves of silky midnight black hair cascaded down behind him as he did so.

Jason shuddered and moaned, wanting to scream and cry out in pleasure as he was violated in every orifice and his breasts were fucked. His body glistened with sweat, and his back was arched back, his lips open wide, with his hips and ass rocking back and forth, a vision of wanton sexual pleasure. The red scales of the tattoo began to take shape over his luscious form, starting at his right ankle and wrapping up his perfect, lithe leg. They wrapped up his full, round ass, and spread into the body of the dragon over his arched, tensed back, the wings unfurling around his sides, and the hind legs of the dragon curling around his feminine hips to clench the hind claws of the dragon into the front of his lower stomach, right next to his small patch of pubic hair. The scales continued as Jason shook in orgasm after orgasm, up his back, narrowing into the dragon’s neck, and the forelegs moving around to his luscious breasts. One foreleg reached around to cup the underside of one mammoth breast, almost tenderly, while the other stretched around to grasp the other, as if to claim it. The dragon’s neck coiled around her left shoulder, its head settling on her chest above his firm, spherical mammaries. The spines of its neck climbed up his neck, as his tongue stretched almost 6 inches out of his mouth, trying to coil around an imaginary phallus.

Slowly, as if waking up from ages of sleep the eyes of the dragon opened, and they were liquid pools of emerald green, almost as if gemstone chips had been imbedded into Jason’s skin. Flames cascaded out of the dragon’s mouth, licking over the tops of his breasts, slipping into the ample valley of his cleavage, and spreading down onto the plain of his flat, female stomach. They twisted and played over his narrow, girlish waist, making sensual, sexual curves and shapes, shapes that called out to the mind, and suggested images of debauchery and sex, without ever being anything more than the suggestion of an image. The flames stretched down to her glistening, trembling female sex, and traced the edges of her vulva with the tongues of their fire, and Jason screamed in orgasm, his eyes snapping open to reveal pools of brilliant emerald where his eyes should have been. Screaming joyously, “Oh, Chris, YES!” fluid spurted from his cunt, splashing into the basin beneath him, running down his legs, and his whole body tensed, arching backwards painfully as every muscle in his body spasmed with pleasure in the strongest orgasm Jason had ever experienced. Then he went limp and collapsed into the chains holding him, spent. The spell was done, and his transformation was complete.

Jason was exhausted. That had felt so good! No wonder that Chris was so content, if that’s what being female could feel like. *I can live with that. So it’s not being a guy. But WOW! I could get used to that. We are gonna have so much fun.* A slow, contented smile stretched his new sensual lips, as he contemplated having orgasms like that with Chris. Then suddenly there was a towel being rubbed across his face, wiping the sweat from his brow, and bringing his focus back to reality.

Chris was standing there with a towel, wiping his face, grinning at him, holding the bolt cutters in her other hand. “Liked it, eh? Strength, Jason, Time to get you off of this thing.” She slipped the towel under his hair and around his neck, with the ends dangling onto the tops of his breasts. She bent down, and deftly cut the chain binding his left leg to the circle, and it dissolved completely when she did so, leaving his dainty ankle free, and his leg free to flop bonelessly, still almost 2 feet from the bottom of the basin. Chris swiftly repeated the action with the other leg, and Jason was hanging there by his arms. He summoned up his strength, finding that the weariness was swiftly leaving his body, and he tensed his arms, holding himself up with his upper body strength alone.

Chris stared at him in awe. “Damn girl, you’re fucking strong. From your build, I thought you’d barely be able to do a few push ups. Hold on, I’ll brace you.” Much to Jason’s relief, Chris slipped one shoulder under his right arm, and braced him, planting her feet on opposite sides of the basin, which now that he looked at it, seemed to be a nothing so much as a mediumish tub sunk into the ground She cut the chain holding his right hand, and like the ones holding his leg, the whole manacle just dissolved. He quickly rotated his arm down, transferring his weight onto Chris, still holding onto the other chain.

Chris grunted at the increase in weight, but didn’t flinch. “I’m stronger than I look too, ya know,” she grinned back at him. “Now, let’s swing you onto solid ground.” So saying, she stepped back and to the side, forcing Jason to rotate with the chain, and suddenly Jason had cold tile under his feet. He stood, shakily, his balance a little off due to the rather drastic changes to his body, and held his arm over to Chris. She smiled, and cut the last chain from him. His arm hung free. He was finally free from that circle. All it had cost him was his manhood. His emotions finally burst free of his control and he began to sob.

Jason collapsed towards the floor, his legs loosing their strength, and Chris moved to catch him. She clutched his body, still slick with sweat, to her as he sobbed into her shoulder. “Oh, god, Chris,” he cried, the tears streaming down his face, “oh, god, why?”

He sobbed inconsolably as Chris let him over to the cot, tears staining her cheeks as well. She sat him down, and he hugged her, their breasts crushed together, “Shhhhh, Jason, it’s over now. It’s over, and we’re alright. You’re alive, and that’s all that matters. Morganna is gone, you’re alive, and we’re together, and that means that everything is right with the world.” Then she hugged him close, and they cried out their pain and loss.

After a few minutes, Jason was calmed down, and was looking himself over on the cot. He was staring at his breasts, hefting one gigantic tit in his hand. “My god, why did I make these so big?”

Chris just laughed. “Because you’re a guy, lover, and you love boobs.”

Jason smiled, and the expression made Chris want to ravish him. “Hell yes, girl.” He shook his head, “It’s just a little odd, seeing them from this angle.” He drew his hand down the valley between his breasts, shivering a little as he did so. “But they felt so good. That was what you meant by sensory overlay earlier, right?” He grabbed a towel and began to rub himself dry, and started.

Chris chuckled, “Heh, pat yourself, Jason. Your skin is a lot more sensitive now. It’s usually a good thing, but you need to be a little more careful occasionally.” She took one herself and began to pat herself dry as well.

Jason looked at his hand, shrugged, and began to pat himself dry, and smiled at how much better that felt. Chris dried her self off first, and then began to get dressed. “When you finish, put on the robe, it ought to fit. You realize that that body is a hell of a lot more modified then we thought.” She had her panties back on, and was picking up her halter from the table.

Jason answered while he was drying his own crotch, and marveling at his new equipment. “How so.”

Chris shrugged as she flipped her hair out from behind her halter and started to adjust her bust. “Those nails, for one, look damned indestructible. That and I saw your tongue stretching out of your mouth earlier. It looked almost half a foot long.” She bent over and grabbed her pants.

Jason stopped drying himself and stared at her. “So I’m some sort of freak?”

Chris shrugged again as she wiggled into her pants. “No more so than I am. I just think that fusing with your dragon soul did more that give you a boob job and a sweet ass tattoo. You’ve got some surprises in that body, I’m sure of it. Figuring it out should be fun.” She walked over to the cot to grab her coat.

Jason nodded at that. “Makes sense I suppose. If Astra didn’t have any effect on me, I’d be really surprised.” He finished drying himself and moved to grab the silk robe on the cot.

Chris grabbed her coat and nodded at Jason. “Put that on, and we’ll get out of here. Cass’ll have given us a suite, and you need to be decent so we don’t shock the hired help over much. It’s silk, you’ll like it, and it’ll feel nice against your skin.”

Jason grimaced at the garment, “It’s not the silk, it’s the color. I hate pink. Ah well, beggars can’t be choosers.” He donned the offending garment and stood, belting it about his narrow waist. It came to mid thigh on him, and barely closed over his hugely abundant chest.

Chris laughed, swept her duster on, and adjusted Jason’s robe a little to display his cleavage to maximum effect. Then she reached up and kissed him. When they came up for air, she smiled at him. “Even in four inch heels, you’re still an inch taller than me. And you’ve got a bigger chest to boot. I’m almost jealous.” She pulled out a black elastic hair tie from the inner pocket of her duster and tied her hair back into a high ponytail. “Alright, let’s go find our room.”

Jason grinned as she handed him another hair tie and he tied his hair back in a similar tail. “Yes, lets.”

Chris walked over and opened the door for Jason, who bowed slightly, grinning broadly, and walked out into the hallway. Chris followed him out and closed the door behind them. After she did, the symbol glowed on the door again, sealing it shut. The two of them headed out into the mansion, to face what the future would bring.


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