Not really a question about a game, but just wondering, how many people here play video games. Not that stuff on facebook, but like Xbox, PS3 stuff like that.
Myself I own a PS1, PS2 PS3 Xbox (but it's almost ready to die) Xbox 360, with a live account a Gamecube and a Wii. I also have the DS, but have rarely played that. I want to get a PSP but right now money is tight.
Huge fan of RPG's. Totally got into Fable 3 a few days ago. I also have a love affair with the Castlevania series. Not all of them, but some of them are just too damn awesome.If I could I would dress up in leather armor and carry a whip for Halloween. Found a few of the Arcade games of my past too, like the 6 player X-Men stand up arcade game and the four player Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, plus Dragon's lair and Space Ace (Now who remembers those?) And around Christmas time I dust off some PS2 games that are all anthologies of like early arcade games and stuff from the Atari 2600
So any other gamers out there?
I myself own a ps1, ps2, ps3, Gameboy advance sp and nintendo ds.
I'm a fan of rpg games like the final fantasy and kingdom hearts series. I wasn't even a teenager when arcade games were still in, so I never got in to it all that much.
But yeah, I love videogames, though lately not as much anymore, social life, college and my short attention span (viedeogames aren't an escape of reality anymore, so it can't hold my attention like it used to...) are getting in the way to truly enjoy the games like I used to.
grtz & hugs,
Sarah xxx
Err Well
I own a PS2, GBA, PS3, DSI
Also play WoW on PC, also various RPG's on the PS3
To give a simple "yes",
would probably be facetious and unhelpful.
I have been known to dabble.
- - -
I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^
Argh your catgirl is so cute
Argh your catgirl is so cute ;) I so want to cuddle her ^^
Back to the topic, I'm a gamer to... I have a gamecube, but I prefere playing PC games... RPG, RTS some shooters... I've even had my times with MMORPGs *blush*
I find that the more
I find that the more 'advanced' video games get the less I enjoy them. I prefer console RPGs such as the final fantasy series (1-9) and games like Dragon Quest. These days those sort of games are very rare and if you can find one they're not usually very good. So mostly I just stick to my old NES, SNES and PS1.
Have delightfully devious day,
I love final fantasy
That first game was just awesome and I found it re-done for the PS1. I also have Dragon Quest 1 2 and 3 on my Gameboy.
I enjoy some of the newer games because of the acting. But some of the old NES games still rock, like all of the Zelda and Mega Man games.
Zelda and Megaman are two of
Zelda and Megaman are two of my favorite series.
Have delightfully devious day,
Guilty as charged.
PS2 and Xbox with gold live subscription.
Liked Fable 1& 2 but a review for 3 remarked it was so similar to the others that it was not worth playing.
Guitar Hero when I am in the mood to rock :) Halo and call of Duty feeds my secret blood lust...oh and Laura Croft and Resident Evil and ...
I like the
Rockband and Guitar hero games.
Drives my Roommate's eldest niece nuts when I can sing to a song and not even look at the screen. Teach her to think I've never heard of the Beatles before, or other songs that came out 20 years ago.
Fable 3 has it's moments. The dog is a bit better, then in area's he's not. Halo is a good series. Haven't played for a few months though. I suck at FPS
And I remember the first time I played the first Resident Evil. It was late at midnight and I was trying to keep quiet, thinking my wife was asleep. So I had all the lights off in the living room. Volume turned up with headphones on to keep the noise from waking her. Get's up to a cut scene and I was waaaaay into the game. She walks up behind me and touched my shoulder, causing me to scream like a little girl.
Scared while playing Resident Evil with lights off
Bahahah... reminds me of the time I was playing Alien Trilogy on the PSOne in the basement, at night, with all the lights out, really into the game... when a box or something falls somewhere behind me. The racket made me jump a foot and my first thought was "ohshit afacehuggerisdownherewithme!" My heart was racing in the classic fight or flight response.
I still have no idea why whatever it was chose that moment to fall, but it was awesome timing.
As for gaming, I generally preferred playing them on the computer over game systems (especially for, say, games like GTA), but some exceptions. I have a PSOne (although the last time I played it was when the nieces and nephews were over), but no other systems. When we were younger, though, my brother had a SNES and an Atari Jaguar (which most people here have probably never heard of). SNES had some awesome games for its day, including a lot of great RPGs. I liked Lufia, Secret of Mana... I don't even remember the rest anymore. Jaguar didn't catch on, didn't have a lot of games, but I liked AvP and Temptest 2000 and a few others. On the Playstation, I loved the Twisted Metal games (vehicular combat), except TM 4, which I didn't like the interface/control system on. I also liked the Tekken games, even though I'm not usually into the fighters. And all the time I spent on King's Field... But I've got a stack of about 50 other games for it.
Last night Diana and I were in geek heaven, reminiscing about favorite old games (arcade and some computer games, mostly).
Both of my brothers now share an apartment, along with the two sons of one of them, and it's a major fortress of testosterone there, so when I visit, my Lisa side hides, except for the gamer girl part. They have most of the recent systems (and a few of the older).
Holy bouncing facehuggers!
I had to look and I still own the Alien Trilogy. Some games are best in hte dark with the sound wayyy up. Like Conker, Live and reloeaded. There is a zombie part and you can hear voices all around you saying things like "Turn around." very creepy. Or Bio Shock where the bad guys have this thing for showing up behind you and standing there, so when you turn around, you're nose to nose with them.
The other night I was playing Resident Evil 4, in the living room with the lights off and our cat that has breathing problems was behind me. It's hard to say what he sounds like, but when it get's creepy on the screen and he stars making raspy, snort like sounds, it's hard not to scream. Then for added fun, ouir kitten decided to attack me while Tippy was snorting. I about peed myself.
I recall the Atari Jaguar. Around the same time as the Neo Geo home system if I recall and the Sega Saturn. We got a couple stores here in town that sell old systems and games and they have those. I found a game I was looking for there, but for $129.00, I said no.
And thanks for knowing the Secret of Mana. I had to download that for the Wii, along with the SNES Zelda game (A link to the past)
creepy creepy
I still get creeped out in Left 4 Dead when you go close to a witch...
Ah, cats are fun when you're playing scary games.
I'm not as big a gamer as i once was
unless second life counts... ehehehehehe... i had some really early consoles like the Magnavox Oddessy
an original NES and a couple of game boys... i started computer gaming more with the Sierra stuff, Land of the lounge lizards, space quest, etc... so i'm no great shakes... but i loved the big cabinet arcade games!
Like Lisa said... we were gabbing and geeking and sharing links till late... FUN!
Sierra and Lounge Lizards
Oh, God... Leisure Suit Larry! Bahahah... I remember that.
We played a lot of the Sierra games too...
Yes, I am
I am a gamer, but I don't own any consoles. All my gaming is done through the PC platform. I'm mainly into FPS with occasional RTS. Never really gotten into RPG.
Also I don't tend to play online, most of my gaming is in single player game modes.
I've always been a gamer
But I don't have the manual dexterity for most console games. I do play City of Heroes and occasionally Worlds of Wonder but my klutziness makes my character a liability in high level groups.
More, I play strategy games like Civilization and Rails. I get on kicks where I play the heck out of one game for weeks at a time, then I may not game at all for months.
Right now, I'm thinking of starting up a local gaming group for Gurps. My idea for a campaign is kind of based on the Cowboys and Aliens movie (less than on the comic book) but set in the Renaissance with swords and muskets. I did that kind of gaming for many years, two or more nights a week.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I've been playing video
I've been playing video games for about as long as I can remember. Started with the Atari 2600 when I was...3 or 4? Got a PC when I was 5 or 6 (Atari 130XE). Original Nintendo came next, followed by IBM PC. Been using the PC for most of my gaming but I do have a DS (DSi now, the old DS died).
I used to fill every bit of my spare time with video games but I don't so much anymore. Part of that is expense (saving up for surgery so I spend as little as I possibly can), and part of that is that my system isn't up for modern games anymore. Which is still money since I could upgrade it. is great for that, though, since I can get older games cheap that will run on XP or Vista without a problem.
I don't seem to feel the need to play games as much as I used to, perhaps because I'm not hiding from myself anymore. Still, a little gaming every now and then is nice. Especially if I'm angry or frustrated and I can take it out on some pixelated bad guys! ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Bad guys must pay!
When I used to drive for a living, I'd take frustrations from the road out with Grand Theft Auto. It never left the house.
Carmagedon was always good
Carmagedon was always good for that, too. I miss that game. ;)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Pushing 60 very hard
The very first game platform I ever owned was a Gameboy Color I got in a trade for something he wanted badly. I was about 50 then. I used it to play Pokemon red, blue and yellow while working security at construction sites etc overnight. Over the years I have accumulated a couple more of those, and I got an SP off ebay because of the super bright screen I could use an night. I wound up with a traded-in DS that I kind of like because it still allows the use of the older game carts also. I'll probably never trade up again. My kids never had any consoles, cause they weren't around then, but we have guardianship off a 16 yeard old grandson. He was given an old PS-1 and I got him a PS-2 for Christmas one year after the 1 died. He is still using the PS-2 and I have a few game-cubes sitting around. I have about 15 grandkids and it gives them something to do when they are visiting. Back in 2008, I think, while I had a few bucks, all the grandkids got handheld game consoles or a game cube, for Christmas, depending on what was currently in their homes. I got them at Game Stop, used, with a 1 year warranty, for dirt cheap. They have probably been trashed by now, knowing most of them. I don't use them myself, except for the older Pokemon games, which I still use to kill time with while working long boring hours. I never really got into any of the R-P games,but I really enjoy reading stories like A Walk in the Dark, They Don't Need Any Rules, The Soul Never Dies, and so many others like them. I mention these three only because they are good, and are done by fine authors that post here, and they are recent. There are others out there. My apologies for any slighted feelings by an author I missed. My Grandson does play D&D under rules for 3.5, and some other stuff, plus he is into LARPing. His group thinks he is King because out behind where we is is the "PERFECT" LARPing environment, the bunch has ever seen.
Still young
I have an Uncle who has been playing games for years. He used to have a Tandy computer and I remember playing on that. He's almost 70 and has a huge TV with his systems and computer all hooked to it. He used to be about RPG, but now it's Real time strategy stuff.
I got my Gameboy Advance a few years back when the gas station I worked at was having it's gas tanks and lines re-done. The store was still open, but we had very few people coming in. So I'd get there, do all my work in the first hour, then sit and play.
I doubt
that we will ever get him a PS 3 console, based on what I hear in the game stores while I was there. I was told that with the PS 3, the info on the disc is right on the surface, one tiny scratch and you just throw it away.. with the game cube, the disc could at least be polished to remove the light surface scratches and continued to be played. Not sure about the Wi, but did not hear much good about them, or bad for that matter. I am not sure what he is reallllly into, other than first person games. He loved Sly Cooper, and I truly enjoyed watching him go right through them, tearing things up. I just can't get a controller to work for me, just I just stay with the SP, or the old DS, and while I have tried many games, and keep about thirty around for the kids to play when they visit, the only ones I play are still the Pokemon. But I am not sure if I will invest in the new black/white series. I am not a fan of Pokemon, the games are just easy for me to play, and I don't have to manuever or get tricky playing them. Simple, like me.
Good question...
Are you a gamer, if you don't play many games?
I USED to play a lot of games (board games - from Avalon Hill & SPI)... But one thing I noticed as I approached College, was that the more strategic games were more of interest. I thought about it at the time, and what I was enjoying was the planning and organizing of "stuff". I played Civ - and once they added the option, I generally ended up winning (when the machine players didn't whoop me) with a "cultural" victory from building up my civilization. I did the same thing in Alpha Centauri... And, these same factors are what pulled me into OTHER games. The more a game was about "building things up" the more I was interested. I never had ANY interest in the first person shooter genre. Doom, for example, had no attraction at all.
I did enjoy Dungeons & Dragons. But, what I enjoyed there was the rich world, the role playing, and the shared storytelling that it allowed. The time or three I played in a game that was "you fight orcs. you fight ogres. you fight Xyzs. etc." just to get treasures... I was VERY disappointed in the GAME. The social side was the only thing that kept me in those games.
I played Anarchy Online (& still do on occasion - I have two paid up accounts - LOL)... Mostly for the stuff around the game - developing a character; interacting with others; etc. The fighting actually detracted from the game - for me - though I did it adequately as it was needed to keep the characters going. I never got into the Player v. Player battling.
I used to - before coming out to my wife - play a LOT more. I also started writing, and that took up a lot of the time I used to play games.
Am I a gamer? I don't know. I'm a person that plays games on occasion. I enjoy being social in a game.
I'm not much of a gamer, but will occasionally boot up SC4D (SimCity 4 Deluxe) for a few hours. The game doesn't automatically save, so particularly if you have lots of custom content (my plugins folder is currently ~3 GB) it's important to save regularly, so you don't lose 3 hours worth of citybuilding if something goes wrong and you suffer a CTD (crash to desktop)...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
What Saless said
What Saless said really hit home for me. It's something I've only just begun to realize recently as my interest in gaming has faded more and more. There was a time when I could spend weeks on end, every spare moment, laser-focused on video games because it let me escape, especially if the protagonist was female :-P
And then around 2001 I discovered online games - Asheron's Call specifically. In my entire gaming career I've played ... three male characters, and they didn't last long.
But I digress :-)
Yes, I am absolutely a gamer, even though as I said, my interest has waned somewhat as I've come to accept myself. I love story-driven games, whether RPGs or shooters (I loved Metal Gear Solid 4 even though it got a little ... culturally awkward at times). I had trouble getting into RTSes and fighters because a lot of them felt like the story was just tacked on, though I could say that about a lot of modern games.
As far as systems I have my gaming PC, Wii, 360, and PS3. The PS3 is one of the original launch day "fatties" so between that and a *cough* special software for playing old games that are no longer produced *cough*, I pretty much have everything covered for my gaming desires.
Oh, I do love macabre/horror games. The old Resident Evils, Silent Hill series (though I splurged on a couple of pairs of heels rather than pre-ordering the Silent Hill HD collection. I want to see how other die-hards react to the new voice acting ;-)), and I didn't like Silent Hill: Homecoming so I'll wait on Downpour as well (but I loved Shattered Memories. The Wii controls being unresponsive at times just added to the sheer terror in an unintended way :-P)
Ahh, let's see. Pretty much any RPG made for the SNES I've played, and I often joke that my goth side started with Castlevania II when I was like, eight I think. Oh, and of course the Rock Band series - vocals, bass, and occasionally drums, but mostly bass. It's no secret that Heedless Despair, the fictional band in my Becoming Robin novel set is directly inspired by my Rock Band 2 and 3 group of the same name.
These days I don't do a lot of MMORPG gaming anymore. I dabbled in World of Warcraft for some time, I played City of Heroes from 2004 to 2007ish, a little Champions Online, and I've been a D&D geek since 3e, mostly for the epic storylines and the rich roleplaying potential.
I'm constantly coming up with new characters that I'll never actually use in a game just because I love creating rich character backstories :-) Used to drive my DM nuts when a character would come close to dying, and I'd casually name off half a dozen others I could have ready by next session if it came to it.
Oh, last but not least, I have to mention The Sims. In the Sims 2 era I had the great fortune to stumble on a website called Simmergirl, a group of TG modders and meshers who created female clothing/hair for "male" body/voice sims, but even before that I owned every single Sims 2 expansion released, and that's a trend that's continued into the more robust Sims 3. I'm more cautious about buying expansions now-a-days, but I can't deny that a good friend once jokingly said.
"Sooo it's like pixelated Barbies?"
"Pretty much."
Hey, I missed my chance to play with dolls (much) :-P
Aaaanyway, in short, yeah, I'm pretty much an all-around gamer girl child of the 1980s video game industry revolution. I love a little bit of everything, with a particular draw toward games with stories or female protagonists (Samus Aran! <3)
As of right now...
Any game I have that you can pick the sex of the main character, it's all female.
Whenever I play the left for Dead games (For those who don't know, it's zombie survival) with friends, if one roommate is playing, she takes the girl character. If not, I take her. I used to play the Valkyrie in Gauntlet too. Still got to get Rockband 3. Found out they got the song, Paradise by the dashboard lights as a download and some Billy Joel. I need to sing!!!!!
OMG I completely forgot Left 4 Dead!
Zoey fit me so well, with her encyclopedic knowledge of horror movies, that it's actually how I got my pen name. I left off the 'y', bastardized my family name, and "Zoe Taylor" was born ^_~
But people think 'Zoe' fits me so well that I'll probably keep it if/when I transition :-D
I enjoyed hearing Francis
complain through the whole thing. "I hate stairs" "I hate hospitals." Almost as bad as Ellis from the second game and all the stories about him and his buddy. I must say, in the dark, this one is okay, till you hear the special infected coming, like the gagging of hte boomer, or the choking of the smoker.
There's talk of a #3. I hope they make it, the last two were good, just dont mess with what is working
The banter was great. I
The banter was great. I think my personal favorite, though I can't for the life of me remember who said it now, was
Well, that and Zoey, in the hospital elevator.
... And now I'm going to have to go re-download L4D.
Picking Female Characters
Yeah, I'm sure my friends/brothers/nephews have noticed I always pick female characters in games, although they haven't said anything (to me anyway).
They don't seem to mind when we play multiplayer Left 4 Dead, though. Someone has to play the female characters, and I'll do it...
I don't know if they've figured out why I do it or think I'm weird or anything... LOL
Oh God... Gauntlet... "Wizard shot the food!" "Valkyrie is about to die!"
I am an ageing gamer and proud of it.
As child of the gaming revelution at the tender age of 47 I am not ashamed of my affection for game playing.
I do believe the children of the 50's still hang on to their "Rock 'n' Roll' music. Got no problem with that but all the cynics of game-playing must understand my teen years. Glued to the "Space Invaders" arcade machines at the age of thirteen.
I have been hooked on every new game tech advancement ever since. My reflexes have grown slower with age but cut me in half and you will still see the word gamer inscribed from within.
It may be a genarational thing but I will enjoy gaming to the day I die. (Old age hopefuly :))
You can carry on after you die,
if you have extra lives! = )
- - -
I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^
Gamer till the day I
Gamer till the day I die
Used to own a PS1, PS2, PS3 and XBOX but I'm more a PC gamer ...
Playing BGO, CO and I'll be going back to STO when they start with f2p (gotto love Cryptic lolz)
Gametypes I like most are RTS and FPS but I'll dable in MMORPG also -> CO and ST, I'm don' with WOW.
-> remember the old Atari
-> remember the old Atari and SEGA arcadegames ... although I have to have been about 4 or something like that.
Going to the local pizza place
and finding Pac Man and Mrs Pac Man, dig dug, (Althought those are Namco) Donkey Kong. Heck, there's a Shakey's pizza in my hometown of Oroville CA that still has the sit down Mrs Pac man table game. and as of 2004, it still worked. I was addicted to Centipede as a kid. We'd go to Shakeys and I'd play as long as I could.
We had an arcade in the hometown, till the manager caught caught having sex with minors in the back. Not too bad, just like 16 and 17, but the town shut down all arcades for fear it would happen again. So we all started going to the four pizza places in town, or to the local 7-11's which had arcade games at the time
You forgot Double Dragon :),
You forgot Double Dragon :), Gaiden and the one with the slide (I forgot the name)
I can remember further back!
Commodore? The first home computers. Sinclair in competition.
Antiques probably worth a bit of money now to collectors.
As I recall you attached a cassete recorder with a tape catridge inserted in order to play very basic games.
The times have changed rapidly. My memories are from a UK perspective. Brand names and perspectives may vary demo-graphically. 0^0
Commodore 64
I can remember just two titles from that. The port of Zaxxon, the space game, which took like an hour or so to load. Fort Apocalypse, which was an action game involving a chopper trying to get to the people underground.
As if!
C'mon, no self respecting gnork would ever NOT love video games.
I got hooked back on the NES with the original Final Fantasy, loved using a two red mage, 1 fighter, and 1 white mage group.
I've played every Final Fantasy game from 1 through 10, I've played X-2, but I stopped playing them when I saw XII.
I've become more interested in the modern action rpg instead of the classic turn-based or classic action. I still enjoy adventure games such as Zelda, as well.
I was introduced to the MMORPG with EverQuest, and my first character was a female wood elf druid with a ruddy complexion, red hair, and crystal blue eyes. My second was a male froglok cleric, fairly standard model.
Since then, in all the MMORPG's I've ever played, my female to male character ratio has always remained almost even, though with a slight lean towards females. When other people ask me about it, I always jokingly say, which bum would you rather look at all day? Hers, bringing up my druid, or his, bringing up my paladin, who was a male high elf.
I've pretty well quit MMO's nowadays, and the last time that came up was before I'd admitted to myself that I wasn't quite normal.
Anyways, I'm mostly interested in story driven games. The few FPS other than Wolf3d that I've truly enjoyed were ones like Perfect Dark, with a truly unique story not seen in any other medium, and which plays an important part in the game mechanics. Mostly, I play action RPG's and adventures, some turn-based and strategy rpg's. I've never really gotten into arcade type games, though I've been known to put lots of hours into Mario and Sonic classic platformers, the newer 3d stuff has never caught much interest though. I enjoy the Soul Calibur Series, and I liked the couple entries in the Bushido Blade series, I've also quite enjoyed the Super Smash Brothers games, but I mostly don't care too much for the fighter genre.
Which makes my two all-time favorite Action RPG series a true mystery, their battle systems are almost direct descendants of fighting games.
Currently owned consoles: PS2, Xbox 360, PSP. Previously played consoles owned by another party: GBA, Wii, GameCube, N64, PS1, SNES, NES, Genesis, Master System.
I of course also have my quite beefy computer capable of emulating the PS2 and GameCube full speed as well as all the older consoles. I've always had a desktop computer, or at least access to one, since as far as I can remember. I also currently own a fairly powerful laptop, and a Nokia N810 Internet Tablet.
So no... definitely a gamer here, though I don't really have as much time for them anymore as I would like. My PSP has been receiving the most attention of late, since I can play it while riding somewhere in a car while someone else drives.
Abigail Drew.
A gamer question
Me, I've done male and female characters in video games and roleplaying games, depending upon my mood and whether or not a em is needed, I will volunteer to be a fem
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
As for me
I am a PC gamer predominantly, and am mostly addicted to the flash games on Kongregate...
However as for more elaborate answer, I am mostly a Strategy and RPG gamer, and really enjoy the less sophisticated games that were in the ancient times. I mean, seriously, one of the more recent games I played was Jurrasic War from year 1998. And that's not the only one of the older games I keep on my hard drive.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!