my brother brought me down

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Had a conversation with my brother yesterday. While a well-meaning guy, he managed to make me feel like crap by telling me I model male behavior well. He'll never understand why that hurts my feelings, sadly.


Sounds like...

a left handed compliment. It seems he may be saying... you're a good actress. You had him and other fooled.

Now you just need to drop the acting... let people see what you're trying to get out.

I know for me it was hard to let go. I think its the hardest part of 'passing'. One day you will be out doing something and it will click.
I remember one day I was out 'dressed' in a pair of stretch pants (NOT leggings or other form fitting stuff) and a purple colours floral print jacket with a non-descript gender neutral t-shirt. I don't know to this day what I was doing....but no make up no jewelry, no hair adornments, nothing overtly femme except my jacket... I walked into the men's and three guys screamed... "HEY LADY! WRONG ROOM!"

Its hard to tell that you are acting... until you aren't. I doubt most people can just turn it off... we were raised and we learned how to fit in. Its not something we are consciously aware of... so how do you turn off something you don't realise your doing.

Your brothers hurtful comment may have been constructive.
