Quite A Lot of Sex


Hi all - This is the first story I've submitted here. My others live at Fictionmania, but it was suggested to me that I should put them up here as well. If people enjoy this one, I'll bring the others over too, and post my new ones here as well. If people say "Lord no, keep that dreck away from here!" I'll slink quietly to my bed and cry in my pillow. :-)

It's a story about Wilbur Green, who desperately wants to be transformed into a huge boobed bimbo. Imagine his delight when he finds out there is indeed magic in the world and his dreams are possible! Imagine his distress when things don't go exactly as he planned!

Hope you enjoy!


Wilbur Green grabbed a hold of his guide's outstretched hand and pulled
himself up into the small cave entrance, just as the rocks beneath his
feet crumbled and dropped the one hundred feet into the rough waters

"Uh, thugs re cha," Will spoke in his best Tibetan. "Thugs re cha."

His sherpa guide bowed in return, making Will feel a bit more confident
that he'd actually said thank you.

Each time Will had tried to get his guide's attention, though, he got a
strange look in return. Not so much yesterday, the first day of their
journey, but very much so this morning.

"Sa Mik Mar we... go.. now?" Will asked. He'd wanted to start calling
the guide by a shorter name, but didn't want to assume that "Sa" was what
he was supposed to use. So he kept using the whole thing.

He hoped he was pronouncing it correctly. Will never heard it
pronounced, it was just written for him on top of the itinerary, which he
picked up in the small Tibetan town from which he began.

The guide looked at him, confused, and smiled. Sitting in small cave on
the side of a mountain... on the way to something he's sought his whole
life... Will knew this was not time to take chances.

Will pulled out the piece of paper and read "Sa Mik Mar" and pointed at
the guide.

The guide smiled, unfolded the schedule Will had given him and said "Sa
Mik Mar" while pointing at the calendar for the day before.

"Sa Mik Mar," the guide said. "Tooos day."

"Great," Will thought. "I've been calling this guy a day of the week."

Whether it was the cold, the climb, the language barrier, or just the
total frustration of a fool's errand, Will sat down against the cave wall
and began to sob.

He felt his guide's hand on his shoulder, and looked up.

"Tuesday", or whatever his name was, was smiling.

"Here," the guide said, pointing to the back of the cave. "Here"

Will wiped his eyes and saw what he'd missed - a small entrance in the
back of the cave. The entrance was surrounded with ancient cave
paintings of gods and men interacting.

Will stood up, and clapped both his hands on Tuesday's shoulders. "Here!"
he shouted! "Here!"

Will reached into his pack for a small notebook, and then made his way
towards the small opening. He looked back at Tuesday, and held his hand
up to him as if to say "stay."

Tuesday nodded in agreement, although the look on his face told Will that
Tuesday wasn't too keen on proceeding even if he'd have been invited.

Will ducked his head and entered the small tunnel, which he could see was
less than 25 feet long. His heart was pounding in his chest, causing his
flashlight to shake as he saw the mouth of the next entrance in front of

And as he drew closer, he could see that, somehow, the room itself seemed
to have its own source of light, which just could not be possible.

Sure enough, however, when he finally reached the entrance and stood
straight up, there it was - the statue of Nyima Mu, the Tibetan god of
the Sun. The statue, almost impossibly, seemed to give off its own
light, bathing the small cave room in an eerie glow.

Will's hands trembled as he pulled out his notebook, nervously flipping
through the words he'd reread thousands of time. Legend had it that the
person who finds the statue, and stands in its presence, is given one
wish in reward for his journey, and to prove the power of Nyima Mu.

He had told his friends and family nothing of this legend, because he
knew they'd laugh at him, but he had no choice but to speak of the legend
in looking for a guide in Tibet. And although many laughed at him, he
found some who believed it.

One man, a former guide who had studied in Europe for many years before
returning home, said that this legend was feared by most in Tibet, as the
wisher could bring great doom upon their people.

In fact, Will had to promise to use the wish only upon himself, and do
nothing which would harm his surroundings. He agreed easily, and was
given access to a guide.

And now that he stood in front of the statue, he felt for the first time
that his dream might finally come true. Will took a deep breath and
smiled. He could finally wish to be what he had always longed for, to be
transformed into a beautiful woman.


Will had read as much as he could on the legend of Nyima Mu, but there
was not much written. Still, he had seen what the supplicant must do in
order to have his wish granted.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cut diamond he'd
purchased and laid it upon the small stone altar. Then, dropping to one
knee, he read the words he'd so carefully crafted in his notebook.

"Oh great Nyima Mu, powerful as the sun and so great for providing warmth
for your people, I kneel before you now wishing for you to show mercy on
me and show me your great power. I, Wilbur Green, wish for the body of a
gorgeous woman. A living embodiment of sexual energy and desire. I have
deep respect for the ways of the Tibetan people, but I respectfully
request that this body look and speak as if born in America. With this,
I make my wish"

Will bowed his head, and pulled out a second offering of a diamond and
laid it at the foot of the altar.

When he pulled his hand from it, he felt a strong current of air enter
the cave, as the sand drew up and swirled around him. He held his eyes
tightly closed, as the sand was beating against his skin feeling like the
pricking of millions of needles. Still, even with his eyes closed, he
could sense that the room was full of light. The wind increased, and the
pain on his body from the beating sand increased.

Will felt himself changing. The sand continued to pound on him, but he
felt a heaviness growing on his chest, and at his bottom. He could feel
his growing ass pushing against the back of his bended knees, and grew
excited as his wish was finally, after all these years, coming true.

And then, suddenly, it stopped.

Will remained frozen for a moment. Scared to open his eyes, yet so
anxious to do so. His mind raced - should he feel his new breasts first?
Look at his new face? He'd remembered to pack a small travel mirror in
his jacket, and eyes closed, he reached in and got it.

He could hear himself breathing, labored and shaking. He pulled the
mirror up to his face, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes.

"I'm beautiful!" Will cooed, in a deeper voice than he'd imagined. In
fact, it sounded very much like his own voice. Which made good sense,
since the face he was looking at... was his. Dirty with sand, yes, but
his regular face nonetheless.

He stood up, confused. As he did so, he felt immense amounts of sand,
which had gotten into his shirt and pants during the sand storm, flow out
of his clothing.

With a huge sigh, he shook himself hard, watching the sand which he
thought had been his new feminine parts tumble back to the cave floor.

Both diamonds were gone, swept away, he assumed, and Nyima Mu's statute
was gone as well.

Legend stated that upon granting of a wish, the statue would again seek a
new place, never to be found by anyone who had wished upon it ever again.

Will continued to look at himself in the mirror, confused and saddened.

"Maybe," he said to himself, "Maybe the change takes time? The statue's
gone. The diamonds are gone. The wind... it... seemed to work."

Will was 35 years old, and had wished to be a sexual, big breasted woman
since his late teens. It had been almost 10 years ago that he began
seeking out ways to accomplish this through myths and legends that most
dismissed, and today was the first day any of his work had resulted in
him actually finding what he sought.

So he was not going to let himself be defeated that easily. He would
return to his hotel room, and await the changes. Or perhaps fly home and
do the same.

As he made his way through the short tunnel again, hoping that Tuesday
had not been scared off by the sand storm, he had convinced himself that
the changes were to come. That he'd done everything right and would soon
be rewarded.

When he reentered the main cave, however, and saw a naked, large boobed
blonde woman finger fucking herself to orgasm, he felt somehow less


"Who... are you?" Will chirped. But in his gut he had a sinking feeling
he knew the answer.

"Mmmmm, you can keep calling me Tuesday if you like," the girl said. "But
I'm hoping you'll want me every day of the week, not just one."

Will stood there, stunned, as Tuesday walked over to him, pulled down his
pants, and began to give him what would be the greatest, most awkward,
and frankly shortest blow job of his entire life.

As Tuesday lay naked on the stone cave floor afterwards, Will pulled up
his pants and didn't know what to say. He went over to his bag and
pulled out a second set of clothes and his spare jacket, and dressed
Tuesday herself, as she spent her time just feeling and groping her own

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean this to happen to you. It was
supposed to happen to me! Maybe we can find it again and..."

"Oh, don't bother," Tuesday said. "It was really wonderful. Mmmmm, the
sand was warm. Then it was hot. So hot.... And now I look like this,
and I still feel so hot. I know you wanted to be a woman like me, but I'd
have to say I'm glad you're not!"

"But your life, I didn't mean to mess it up like this... "

"Mess it up? I climbed these mountains for a living. Most of my friends
and family have been killed doing it. It's horrible work. And now... I
can come back to America with you.... And ...mmmmmm"

"Wait," Will said. "I can't take you back. I mean, we have to fix this."

Tuesday reached down on the ground and pulled out a US Passport with the
name Tuesday Brown on it.

"See? I'm a US Citizen... and your total sex slave! Come on, let's do
it right here in the cave."

Will was surprised that he did not have a stroke and drop dead right on
the site. Or maybe, he thought, he had. He'd spent years tracking the
legend of Nyima Mu... putting so much effort into something no one
believed. But he found it, and it was actually true. It could make a
man into a woman. And it did. Except, it made someone ELSE into one,
someone who now wanted to fuck his brains out. In the middle of a cave.
In Tibet .

"Surreal just doesn't cut it as a word to describe this," Will thought.

"Look, we need to get down from here Tuesday... do you remember how?"
Will said, trying to close the jacket around her big chest, even as her
hands were rubbing against the crotch of his pants.

"Mmmmm, I think so," she said. "Lots of stuff from my life before are
just fading away... but I think... I think I still know how to get us

"Well then we better get going before you forget ok?" Will said.

Tuesday started to pout. Will could see her mind being rewritten with
every passing second.

"Um look, I promise to fuck you as many times as you want when we get
down, ok?"

"Yippie!" said Tuesday. "Let's go."

Will put on his jacket and his pack, and took one more furtive look back
towards the small cave room, which was now dark with the absence of the
never-to-be-found again statue of Nyima Mu.

He shook his head and followed Tuesday out of the cave.


Getting Tuesday back to his apartment in Silver Springs , Maryland was no
small feat. Each step required some sort of sexual payola for her. He
had to fuck her in an abandoned hut to get her to board a pontoon boat on
one leg, and had to let her give him a blow job in the bathroom of an
American Airlines flight from Chicago to Baltimore on the final leg.

He even had to let her give him a hand job in the cab on the way to his

Will had mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, in just the three
day trip home, he'd had more sex than he'd ever had in his life. But
part of him still ached to be on the other end of the equation. Tuesday,
for her part, was loving every moment of it, wanting nothing more than
constant sex with the man she now called Master.

"Please, just call me Will," Will whispered in the cab, hoping the cab
driver was not listening, nor had picked up on Tuesday's groaning in the
backseat as she made Will cum in his pants. "You have to stop that
Master stuff"

"Mmmmm, whatever you say, Master Will," Tuesday said loudly as they
pulled up to his apartment. No way the cabbie didn't hear that, Will

After exiting the cab, Will handed the driver $20 for the $19 fare,
realizing that it was the last of the cash he had on him.

"I wish I could give you a bigger tip," Will said weakly, hoping the
cabbie didn't notice the bulge and stain on his paints.

"Listen buddy, the only tip I want from you is how do I get one of those
for my own?" he said, nodding towards Tuesday.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Will said. The cabbie gave him
a "fuck you" glance and drove off.

"Is this where we live, Master?" Tuesday asked, even as she had stripped
naked and was squeezing and juggling her boobs to the gawks of the few
passersby on this late winter evening.

Will turned and saw her, grabbing her arm and pulling her into his

"Sorority week," he said brightly to a pair of older women waiting for
the elevator inside.

"We'll get the next one," they said in unison, as Tuesday was pawing at
Will's crotch just as the elevator doors closed.


Having Tuesday in his apartment was quite the adjustment for Will. He
couldn't take her out, she wouldn't wear clothes for long. He'd given up
trying to get her to call him anything but Master, and instead had just
used that status to keep her in check.

But her mind was so addled by sex, only a few minutes after he
"commanded" her to wear clothing, she'd forget and get naked again.

After his Tibetan "vacation", Will had returned to his job as Associate
Vice President for Carlson Industries, as moderately successful paper
goods manufacturer. His job was just that - a job. He was paid
moderately well, but he and his fellow AVP's spent much of their time
complaining about how overpaid and underworked their boss was. Of
course, no one questioned why Bruce CARLSON had gotten the job.

Still, Will had one advantage in his position - since his boss didn't
really do much of anything, Will had plenty of time to continue his
search for the magic that would help him using his office computer.

Prior to Tibet he had done much of his work at home, but he found it
difficult to get much work at home done at all, what with the tremendous
amounts of sex he was having.

A few times he'd almost slipped and told his best friend, Martin Cohen,
about Tuesday. He wanted to tell someone. But he could never figure out
a way to do it without sounding like either a complete loon, a slave
trader, or a kidnapper.

He fed her, he gave her as much attention as he could, and she was happy.
For now, that had to be enough.

And when he finally got a line on an antique ring called the "Ring of
Reversal", he thought he might have the solution to both of his problems.

The ring, he had read, granted the exact opposite of the wisher's wish.
The stories of it were always told to point out how the greedy got their
comeuppance. It had become a mere tool of fiction writers in the last
twenty years, but he had seen enough references to it in the late 1800's
to believe it may have been real.

So when he received an e-mail from one of the many antique dealers around
the country he had searching for a "special" ring for him, his heart

" Two rubies on the side," he read, "And two intertwined snakes on the
face. One in gold, one in silver. The gold snake had a silver head, and
the silver snake has a gold head..."

Will sat back and smiled, and then pumped his fist in the air.

"This is it. It has to be!"

The auction was over the weekend, at an estate sale in Georgia . All he
would have to do is fly down there, purchase it and...

And then he remembered Tuesday.

There was no way he could successful get her to behave long enough to
make the trip, and he didn't think the antique crowd was the kind of
place to understand a naked woman with her face buried in the crotch of
someone desperately trying to bid for an old ring.

He thought briefly of just leaving her for a few days, or maybe
purchasing a small cage... but he realized he could never do that to

The only way this would work was with some help, and the only person he
could think of was Martin.

He reluctantly e-mailed his friend, and they agreed to grab dinner that
night. Will had asked Martin to meet him at his place first. Now he had
the rest of the day to figure out what he was going to tell him.


When Martin arrived, Will was standing outside his apartment door waiting
for him.

"What are you doing out here, buddy," Martin said with a grin on his
face. "Haven't cleaned up in a few weeks? I could give a shit."

"No, it's not that," Will said. "It's something I brought back from Tibet
. I... haven't shown anyone yet. But I've been dying to. I need some
help with it."

Martin grinned, and rubbed his hands together. "You scored some Tibetan
weed? I've never heard of it, but if it's got you all freaked out it
must be some good shit. I'm game!"

Before Will could respond, they both heard a light tapping at the door,
coming from inside the apartment, along with a muffled female voice.

"Dude, you got someone in there?" Martin said. "Since when did you
become Mr. Stud?"

"Since Tibet ," Will said, opening the door to reveal the naked Tuesday,
her hands pulling at her erect nipples and smiling.

"Dude!" said Martin, as Will pushed him inside and closed the door.

"Martin, this is Tuesday. Tuesday this is Martin."

"Um... hi," said Martin, his face bright red.

"Are you Master's friend?" Tuesday asked.

"Master?" Martin said, looking at Will. Will just shrugged and put up
his hands.

"Um, yes, I'm his good good friend," Martin said.

"Then do you want to fuck me?" Tuesday cooed.

"Tuesday, go to the bedroom and um... I want you to cum 10 times before
you come back out, ok?" Will said.

"Oh, yes Master" she said, bounding back into the bedroom.

"Dude. What the FUCK is going on here? This is... totally awesome!"
Martin said, holding up his hand for a high five.

"No, it's not," Will said. "Martin, I'm in some trouble."

"Wait," said Martin, taking a step back. "You're not like on of those
sexual predators or whatever. This isn't some freaky Dateline NBC thing,
is it?"

"No," Will said. "Look, I ... I promise I'll explain everything to you in
a few days. The thing is, I've got to go out of town for a few days, and
I can't take her, and I can't leave her alone. I was wondering... would
you stay with her for the weekend? Please?"

Martin looked around the apartment, and then leaned into Will very

"I swear to God, if like Aston Kutcher pops out right now, I am not going
to be able to be your friend anymore," Martin whispered.

"It's no joke, Martin." Will said. "Just stay here with her this weekend.
I left $200 on the counter. Order in. Please don't try to go out. And
meet the delivery people outside the door like I met you it's... easier."

Martin crossed his arms. "So. You want me to stay here, in your
apartment, with this drop dead gorgeous naked girl, and order food all

"Yes," Will said. "And you'll probably have quite a lot of sex. Quite
more than you think you would want. Right now you don't think that's
possible. We'll see how you answer that on Sunday when I get back."

Before Martin could answer, Tuesday emerged from the bedroom, her hair
messed and her body gleaming in sweat. A huge smile on her face.

"Ten times?" Will asked?

"Um... eleven times," Tuesday giggled. "I lost count."

"Eleven times?" Martin asked Will.

"Eleven times," Will said flatly.

"But it was like two minutes? I mean..." Martin stopped what he was
saying, and hugged Will. "I love you man. You know that, right? I love

Will pushed him away. "That's a yes, I take it?"

"Hey, anything to help a friend," Martin grinned.

Will walked over to Tuesday, and took her hands. To Martin it looked
like almost a romantic gesture. But to Will it was the only way to keep
her hands off his cock for 10 seconds.

"Tuesday, honey, I have to go away for a few days. But my good good
friend Martin said he'll stay with you, ok?"

"Awwwww, you're going away? Why can't I go?" she whined.

"Well... because it's business for people who wear clothes, honey," he
said. Will had taken to talking to Tuesday as if she were about eight
years old. "But Martin will be here, and he thinks you're really really

"Mmmmm, you do?" said Tuesday, fixing her hair. As if Martin had even
noticed her hair.

"Oh yeah, very very sexy," Martin said.

"Well.... Ok, if you say so Master!" Tuesday bounded over to Martin and
grabbed him by the hand, pulling him towards the bedroom. "Come on
Master's friend, let's have some fun."

Martin looked back at Will with a huge smile on his face, but a hint of
fear as well.

"Have fun," Will said. "I'll be back on Sunday."


Will was a bundle of nerves at the estate auction. He hadn't been to one
before, just seen them on TV. This seemed like more people than he'd
imagined. He was so shocked at how large the gathering was when he
arrived that he hatched a secondary plan: He would try to get a hold of
the ring here, under the guise of checking it out, and then make his

The only thing he couldn't figure out was how to word the wish so that
he'd be back at home, or how he'd get home. Being turned into a hot sexy
woman in the middle of an antique show might cause some major problems,
he thought.

The idea was moot anyway, when he saw the ring displayed in a sealed
glass case. It was beautiful. His hands were shaking just holding the

"May I see that, please," said an oddly deep voice behind him.

Will's heart sank, as he put the case in the large meaty hand of a very
manly looking "woman".

"Oh, quite nice," she said, deeply. "Quite lovely."

The woman put the case down and moved on, but Will was in full panic
mode. He hadn't anticipated someone who knew about the ring too, but now
face to face with a cross-dresser, and not a very good one at that... he
was panicked.

Will had about $13,000 in his checking account, as was prepared to spend
as much as possible. The pre-auction estimate on the ring was $1,500 to
$2,000, but after seeing the cross-dress he knew that number would be
irrelevant. He'd hoped to save some in order to get him started on his
new life, but he realized that there won't be a new life unless he wins
the ring, so he decided to pay whatever it takes. And just hope that it
is enough.

It was two long hours of watching people bid on smoker's cabinets,
butter churns, paintings by artists he'd never heard of, and beaten up
looking collectible toys before the ring - lot number 216 - came up.

Will scanned the room and saw the "woman" staring back at him, smiling.

The bidding opened at $500 and quickly moved to $800, with the cross-
dresser and a few other bidders in the mix. Will sat silently, not
wanting to give away his interest to the others until he had to.

When the cross-dresser bid $950, and no one went to $960, Will raised his
card for the first time.

He and the cross-dresser went back and forth for a bit, with Will
wondering if he could go over his savings and use a credit card. He HAD
to have the ring. But he was sure "she" felt the same way.

Which is why he was shocked to hear, "Going one, going twice... sold" on
his bid for $1,100. He looked over to the cross-dresser and smiled, and
she smiled back. As she did so, a young girl bounced over to her and
grabbed her by the neck. "Mommmmmyyyy!" the girl said. "Are you having

"Oh, so much fun, sweetie," the cross-dresser said. "I bought you some
lovely jewelry so far."

"Oh...yeah!" said the little girl.

Will laughed. This wasn't a cross-dresser after all. Just a very, VERY
homely looking woman. And by looking at her, the daughter was heading
towards the same fate.

Will felt guilty, but he had made an honest mistake. Still, as he
triumphantly wrote a check and received his prize, he couldn't help
thinking that it was probably a very good idea to buy that young girl as
much jewelry as possible.


Will did nothing but hold the case in his hand the entire flight home.
He didn't dare open it and touch it, for fear that he wouldn't be able to
contain himself from making his one wish. There was not a ton of
information about the Ring of Reversal, but the consensus seemed to be
that you held the ring, clearly state your wish beginning with "I wish"
and that's it.

"Just a few more minutes" he said out loud to no one in particular as he
road the elevator up to his apartment. "I'm getting this one right."

When Will opened his apartment door, he was greeted by the site of Martin
sprawled out on the floor with Tuesday on top of him, riding his cock for
all it was worth. She was holding both of Martin's hands tight to her
boobs, and moaning loudly.

Will couldn't tell if Martin was even awake.

"Master!" Tuesday shouted, and jumped off Martin, his cock making a loud
"pop" sound as it quickly pulled out of her wet pussy. "I missed you!"

Tuesday jumped into Will's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and
starting nibbling on his ear. "I'm soooo happy you're home."

"Yes, me too," Will said, gently pushing her off. "Tuesday. Couch!" he
said firmly, as she dismounted him and walked to the couch and sat down

"Martin... you still with us?" Will said.

Martin rolled over towards Will, without the energy to even consider
hiding his naked body from his friend.

"She.... Never... stops.." Martin said. "I slept like... two hours,
total. I think I.... blacked out a few times....It was.... It
was......AWESOME, DUDE!"

Martin sat up, and pulled a pillow over his crotch.

"You know, you can tell her things like SLEEP or COUCH or EAT and she'll
take a break," Will said laughing. "I probably should have told you
that, huh?"

"Wouldn't have used them my friend, wouldn't have used them," Martin
smiled in response.

Martin got up and walked towards the kitchen. His walk had the
unmistakable air of someone who'd be fucking for about 30 hours. Will
recognized it at once.

"I've walked like that," Will laughed. "It looks good on you."

Martin grabbed a box of Life cereal from the cabinet and started eating
it out of the box.

"Seriously, though man, what is her deal?" Martin said. "We talked
some... but not too much. And what she said... didn't make any sense."

Will frowned slightly. He had prepared a little speech to tell Martin,
but it seems that maybe Tuesday had already done it. In some ways,
however, he felt relief.

"What did she tell you?"

"Well... she said...she was your guide in Tibet ? She said you wished on
an ancient sun god and turned her into this, and then brought her back

Will nodded. "Yeah, I know it's crazy, but it's also true."

Martin then spoke at bit more delicately. "She also said, and granted, I
know her elevator stops many many floors before the top... but she said
that you had actually wished that it was you who got changed into the
woman? But something went wrong?"

Will sighed.

"Dude, is that true?" Martin said. "Cause, you were always kind of a
ladies' man, you know? I mean, you want to be a chick?"

"I'm not... I'm not gay, Martin." Will said. "Or ... I don't know.
I've just always wanted to be in that kind of body. To be a big sexy
woman. To have that life. I'd do anything for it. And obviously, I've

Martin sat silently for a minute, crunching the cereal. Will was afraid
of what was coming next.

"Well... how come you didn't just do the surgery and stuff, buddy? Don't
people do that all the time?"

"You ever see what those women look like?" Will said. "Plus, even the
good looking ones... I mean, I can never be as hot and sexy as I wish for
Martin. And the longer I wait the harder it gets. Maybe if when I was
18 I did it... I don't know. But the fact is, yes, that's what I want.
And that's what I wished for in Tibet , and I fucked it up."

"Is that what was in Georgia ?" Martin asked. "You found something?"

Will nodded, and pulled the case from his carry on.

"It's called the Ring of Reversal."

Martin scooted over to get a better look.

"Looks old," he said, taking the case from Will.

"I think it is," Will said.

"How's it work?"

"Well, you make a wish, and it bounces back on you. So if I wished I was
really tall, I think I'd become really short. Or if I wish you got fired
from your job, then I'd get fired."

"Or I'd get a promotion?" Martin asked.

"Well...hmmm... maybe," Will said. "I don't know. But I've got my wish
all worded out, and I think I can make it work."

Martin stared at him. "You really gonna do this, huh?"

Will nodded.

"But, I need your help, Martin. Once I get changed... I'll be like
Tuesday. Would you ever... I mean, would you ever... take care of both
of us? I've tried to think of a way to get what I want and wish her back
in the same wish, but I can't do it. But I need to know she'd be ok."

Martin smiled. "So what are you going to wish?"

Will smiled. "I am going to wish that you get turned into a big boobed
sex hungry young woman, Martin."

Martin's eyes grew wide.

"You better be fucking sure this is a Ring of REVERSAL then" he said.

Martin opened the case to look more closely at the ring.

"Don't touch it!" Will screamed.

"I'm not touching it, believe me," Martin said. "Just getting a look at
it. Martin then set it down on the table, careful not to touch the ring.

"You sure about this reversal thing, Will?" Martin asked.

"Yeah," said Will.

"Ok then," Martin smiled, looking over at Tuesday. I mean, it's weird
cause you're my friend, but I'd love to have two big boobed slaves that
look like her!"

There was a sudden, blinding flash of light in the room, followed by a
large popping sound.

When Will opened his eyes, he saw Tuesday sitting where Martin once
was... but Tuesday also sitting on the couch.


"Stop screaming, Master," said the transformed Martin. "I really like
this. And I'd really really like to show you my appreciation!"

As the transformed Martin started moving towards Will, Will started
backing up.

"Hey, no fair without me!" said Tuesday, popping up off the couch and
heading over towards them.

"Hey... you look like me!" said Tuesday. "I'm Tuesday!"

"Um... then I'm Wednesday!" said the old Martin.

"Hee hee" they said in unison, as Wednesday kicked off Martin's clothing.

"You have got to be kidding me," said Will, before being dragged by the
twins to his bedroom for a night of amazing sex.

As they entered the bedroom, the Ring of Reversal vanished, leaving only
the empty case.


The next two weeks were exhausting for Will. At one point, he'd given up
and went to an adult superstore right outside of town. He was
embarrassed to enter, and horrified when he got inside. Still, he felt
he had to do it.

He had never been dildo shopping before, but if he didn't pick something
up soon, he was going to have a crisis on his hands at home. Plus, he
was really fond of having a banana in the morning for his breakfast. And
ever since he got back from Tibet , any bananas he'd purchase from the
market... well, he just wasn't that interested in eating them.

The guy behind the register was creepy, but Will figured it went with the
territory. He was smart enough NOT to pay with a credit card, and took
his purchases to the front.

As he put the assortment of sex toys on the counter, the clerk looked at
him and smiled.

"If you need someone to use these on you, son," the clerk said. "We gots
a list in the back."

"Uh, no thanks," said Will, leaving a $50 dollar bill for $42 worth of
merchandise and quickly leaving the store.

As he drove away, though, Will wondered if when he finally goes get
transformed, would he consider going back to that store to find some
"fun"? He sure hoped not. That guy gave him the creeps.

His bigger issue was work. Because of his long night at home with
Tuesday and Wednesday, Will was a zombie at work most days. And he was
more dedicated than ever find a way to be transformed. Now having found
two ways, and messed both of them up, he at least knew for certain that
there was magic in the world.

But there clearly was no magic at Carlson Industries.

Will knew he deserved it, because he had been slacking off, but being
reprimanded by Bruce Carlson still rubbed him the wrong way. This guy
might be his boss, but he had no right to complain about anyone not
working hard.

Still, as a result of reduced performance, Will was forced to log his
daily activities more closely... a task usually done only by the
company's junior employees.

Will complied without a peep. The fact was, he needed his job more than
ever. Keeping Tuesday and Wednesday stocked with food and sex toys was
eating up most of his monthly expenses, and between the cost of the tip
to Tibet and purchasing the Ring of Reversal, he'd taken a bite out of
his savings.

So most of his time searching for new artifacts was at work after hours.
Tuesday and Wednesday did not like that, making them extra horny each
night when he returned, thus keeping him up even later.... And thus the
cycle continued.

Ordinary, Will was very careful about which websites he would visit at
the office, and even what searches he would run. He had heard many times
that deleted files can be recovered, and the last thing he wanted was to
be caught doing this. He'd be fired for sure.

But he had little choice. The first few weeks, he went to a few sites,
but after about a month he had thrown caution to the wind. The only
problem he had was that some of the pop ups he was getting were quite
graphic, and the spam in his mailbox was perverted.

But he rearranged his desk slightly so that his monitor was not visible
from his office door, and that was as good as he could do.

He almost deleted the e-mail without reading it.

He got so many each night asking if he "wanted a bigger penis", he almost
didn't read the one asking if he "wanted a big change".

But having hit a brick wall in some reports of a dark magic spell he'd
heard rumored, he opened it on a whim.

He was instantly glad that he did.

"Dear Ron - Do you seek a change in your life? Work got you down? Can't
attract women with that scrawny body? What would you give if you could
change it all? For just $299, you can use the PC Changer, the first
automated computer program which will rearrange your life, or the life of
anyone you wish, in any way you see fit.

How can we offer such and amazing deal for just $299? Because we want
YOU to be happy, Ron, and we're such nice guys.

Just click here to see testimonials of those who have bought the program,
and click here to buy it for yourself!

Act soon, as this offer expires in three days!"

"Probably a crock of shit," Will thought. And who is this Ron? But
considering what he'd seen the past few months, he could not just dismiss
it. The only instances of a program like this he'd ever come across were
in fictional stories, but maybe, he hoped, there was some truth to them.

He stayed until nearly midnight reading the testimonials. Guys who
wished themselves wealthy. Guys who gave themselves big muscular bodies.
Guys who got promotions, or hot women to fall in love with them. Guys
who wished their wives had bigger tits.

There were, of course, no ways to contact any of the people making the
testimonials. And Will had read enough for the night. He felt grateful
that neither Tuesday nor Wednesday could quite figure out how to use the
phone anymore, or they'd be calling him non stop.

He closed the offer and shut down his computer. He had been a long day,
and maybe a little sex would relax him.

He knew he wouldn't find out, as he was on his way to having, as usual,
quite a lot of sex.


The next day was a disaster. He was forty-five minutes late for work,
when his morning shower turned into a three-way fuck fest, and neither
Tuesday nor Wednesday would let him leave until he watched them cum using
their new two-headed dildo.

They had broken the first five two-headed dildos he had purchased, and he
was glad to see this one holding up to the wear and tear, but still he
didn't like being late for work.

But that was just the start of things.

When he arrived he was immediately called into Bruce Carlson's office.
It had turned out that Will had somehow infected the office e-mail system
with a virus that was corrupting everyone's address books.

The tech department had confirmed that it came from Will's computer, and
they would be up later in the day to check out his system and hard drive

"It wasn't intentional, Bruce," Will said. "These things happen. I'm
sorry but it's not my fault."

"Maybe," sneered Bruce, "But I've told them to block internet access on
your log in for a while. Internet access is a privilege, not a right.
And you've lost the privilege."

Will was steaming. "It's not a privilege, I need it for work, Bruce!
That's one of my sources for getting pricing, and watching the market
each day. What am I supposed to do about that?"

Bruce really didn't know what Will did for his job. He honestly didn't
know, or care, what most people did. He just knew he didn't like it when
he heard from the board of directors that there was a problem, so he
decided to act "like a boss."

"If you can't do your job, maybe we should get someone in here who can,"
said Bruce full of bluster.

Will thought of talking back, but instead just left and returned to his
office. He was angry at Bruce, but much more at himself. "The guy's an
idiot," Will thought. "But he's also mostly right. I did it. It came
from my e-mail, and it was done looking at non-business related stuff."

Will knew he had a few hours to clean up his computer the best he could,
and hoped that he wouldn't be found out. He pulled all his research text
files onto a flash drive, and then started going through his email.

That's when he remembered the PC Changer.

"What do I have to lose?" he thought.

He opened the link and paid the fee with his credit card. In only a few
minutes, he was staring at the start up screen for PC Changer.

The whole program was based on a questionnaire, so Will began filling it

YOUR NAME: Will Green
YOUR TITLE: Associate Vice President
HAIR: Black
EYES: Brown
IQ (estimate if don't know): 120

AGE: 19
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Blue
CHEST CUP (up to GG): GG
PERSONALITY (angel, normal, sexy, slutty): SLUTTY
IQ: 90
OCCUPATION (pick one or "don't care"): Don't care

PICK UP TO THREE: Body, Mind, Reality


Will sat there, looking at the cursor. He clicked on "reality, others"
and a pop up box opened up that said that all reality would be altered to
match the changes, and that the person transformed would have existed
since birth, the old person would not have. Everyone but the person
running the program would accept the new reality.

He smiled. This would be great. If he, Will, had never existed... then
he wouldn't have gone to Tibet . Tuesday would be back home, as would
Wednesday. Each of the other options also had pop up boxes, but he did
not have time to do them, as he saw the tech person in Bruce's office at
the moment.

"Why not?" Will thought, and hit "execute"

His screen went bright blue, followed by bright pink. This, he thought,
was an encouraging color.

An hourglass appeared on the screen, with a small dialog box saying
"Processing", but Will could see nothing happening to him.

He nearly leapt out of his chair when his intercom buzzed.

"Mr. Green, will you come in here, please?" Bruce's voice boomed.

Will tried escaping from the program, but they keyboard had no effect.
He tried holding the PC power button down, but it did not power off.

"As soon as possible, Mr. Green," Bruce's voice boomed again.

Flustered, Will turned off his monitor, so at least the bright pink
screen wouldn't be visible, and walked to Bruce's office.

As he arrived, Bruce brushed past him with a scrowl, saying "I'll leave
you two alone" and closed the door behind him.

Will sat down at the small conference table, where Rita Brennan from the
personnel department had a file open.

"Mr. Green, as you know we have a problem," she said.

"Oh, God," Will thought, "I'm going to get fired."

"Look, Ms. Brennan," Will said. "I don't think it is that big of a deal.
It was an accident and it won't happen again."

Rita sat back in her chair, and stared at him, a frown on her face.

"Mr. Green," she said. "I think perhaps you are not realizing the
severity of this. And it is not, an isolated incident."

Will felt a warm flush over his body, and felt unsettled for a moment,
but it quickly passed.

"Look, Rita? May I call you Rita?," Will said. "Just because someone is
related to the founders of the company, I don't think it is fair for them
to be able to harass people like this...the whole thing.."

Rita cut him off. "I quite agree, Mr. Green." She passed him a sheet of

"These are all the recorded offenses in the past 45 days, alone," she
said. "Our security cameras have caught a constant stream of
inappropriate behavior, some of which has been reported, some of which
has not. For goodness sake, sex with custodians?"

Will leaned in closer. "Come again? Sex with... what are you talking

"Exactly, Sir." She said. It's best if we keep you out of this. We have
asked Ms. Carlson to clean out her desk. She has been fired. And her
family has told her she is no longer welcome back, this was her final
chance. If I may say... the woman... is a slut."

Will's head was reeling.

"Oh wait... oh, not again." He said, grabbing his hair with his hands.

"Not again, what, Sir?" Rita said, but without even answering, Will
escorted her out of the office and thanked her for her time.

He looked all around the office. It now had Will's pictures on the wall.
Will's diplomas. And a name plate which said, "Will Green - President."

Bruce Carlson came bouncing into the room. Or at least what WAS Bruce
Carlson. And by the size of his tits, "bouncing" was his only mode of

"Oh, Mr. Green... please. I'm like so so sorry. Don't fire me, I got no
where to go!"

Will stared at his former boss, speechless.

"Uh, just to humor me... what is your name?"

The girl giggled. "I'm Bryce Carlson, silly. You know that!"

"Um, Bryce... sit here and stay here, ok? I'll be right back."

Will ran out to his former office, but found someone else sitting there.
He then looked over to where "Bryce" had come from, a secretarial cube,
and saw his old computer sitting there.

Hesitantly, he turned on the monitor.




"Unresolved issues?" Will hissed. "That was supposed to be me! I didn't
just want a stupid promotion!"

Will clicked on "unresolved issues" and followed the prompts:



REASON (text only please): I didn't want him kicked out of his family! I
didn't want his job! I was supposed to have the ideal body!

The pink screen briefly returned, but "PROCESSING" was quickly replaced

This time, however, the screen returned to his Windows Desktop, and the
PC Changer program was nowhere to be found. Will looked down, and he was

He returned to his office to see Bryce sitting at the conference table,
as if nothing had happened.

"Bryce?" Will asked.

"Um, sorry. You got me confused. I'm Bunny Boobies." The girl cooed.

"Oh, of course you are," said Will.

"You are like... OMG hot," Bunny said. "Like... your body is like... it's
like... ummm..."

"Wait, let me guess," Will said, dejectedly. "It's 'ideal'?"

"Ohhh, big word, yah," said Bunny. "Mostly, I just want to fuck you."

Will went to close his office door, before a co-worker named Brain
Chestler stopped in.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say congratulations," Brain said, shaking
Will's hand. "I mean, you deserved it. When old man Rogers retired, we
knew the board would hire you."

Brian noticed the hot woman sitting at Will's conference table, slowly
unbuttoning her blouse.

"Um... holy shit, Will! Who's she?"

"Uh, she was here for an interview. Look, thanks but I gotta go."

"Yeah, you go!" said Brian, as Will closed the door on him.

"Bunny, huh?" Will said. "Do you have a driver's license or anything?"

"Um... no," she said, taking off her blouse.

"Any credit cards?"

"Um... no," slipping out of her high heels.

"Do you have a place to live?"

"Um... no," she said, unhooking her bra and letting her gigantic tits
free to wobble on her chest.

"Do you remember anything about who you are?" he asked, desperately.

"Um... yeah, I'm Bunny, and I totally want to fuck you... Mr. President!"

Will sighed, closed the shades on his new office windows, and let Bunny
have her way with him.


The first few weeks with Bunny were difficult for Will. First off, his
tiny apartment really wasn't big enough for four people, and second of
all, the amount of sex needed by Bunny, Tuesday and Wednesday was off the

Bunny seemed to fit in well with the other girls, though. She had the
largest breasts of the three of them, and Tuesday and Wednesday seemed to
enjoy playing with them.

Feeding them became an issue as well. Will had no time to cook for them,
as they really wouldn't allow it anyway. So he took to getting food in
bulk at the price club. Large bags of cheetoes, giant boxes of crackers,
huge jars of pickles... whatever he could find.

The girls didn't care, and just ate for energy.

For his part, Will began taking several multi-vitamins a day to try to
keep up. He was fortunate that now in Bruce's old job, he had a lot more
time and flexibility at work.

And the extra money helped too.

He spent hours and hours at work trying to find another way to be
transformed. He had heard of a native American warrior spell when he
first started his quest, and he focused most of his energies following
that path.

It finally paid some dividends, when he found reference to it in a book
on the "great spirit". Legend has it that when the members of a tribe
were down in numbers, and needed someone to defend it, they could join
together and transform someone who is willing intp their champion. Only
the will of the gathered and the willingness of the one can accomplish
the feat.

Will was frustrated by the vagueness of the description of the ceremony,
but its one paragraph description did seem to provide him with the way.

"The hopi would take a talisman of another great warrior, and the
"chosen" would hold it. The tribe would encircle him and chant for what
it wished. If their collective will was strong enough, the "great
spirit" would pull the essence from the talisman and grant their
requests. Each tribe could make this request only in its darkest hour,
and then only one time in its history."

Will thought this posed many issues, the first of which was... who
carries talismans these days? Second, where would get a "tribe" who
wished for what he did?

Later that night, while Tuesday was sucking his cock and he was sucking
on Bunny's tits and finger fucking Wednesday to a screaming orgasm, it
hit him... Balder University.

Balder University was just a few miles from his office, and known locally
for its active fraternity system. Certainly, a fraternity full of horny
college kids would be interested in what he wanted.

Actually, he knew almost at once, they wouldn't. Would a group of 20 year
old men want to listen to a 35 year old man who says he wants them to
turn him into a girl? Will realized that he needed another tact. He
needed to speak their language.

And when Bunny sat on his face as he licked her orgasm, he knew just what
that language was.


Will had a pounding headache as he drove up to Balder's Fraternity Row.
He had done some research and determined that the Beta Theta Pi house was
the one which most often got into trouble at Balder. Just what he was
looking for.

But his headache had nothing to do with research. It had to do with
getting Tuesday, Wednesday and Bunny to wear the bathrobes he'd laid out
for them, and keep them on in the car for the 15 minute ride.

It was the first time he'd taken the three of them out of the house, and
it was a nightmare.
Twenty seconds into the trip, all three robes were off, and the girls
were masturbating each other in the back seat and begging Will to pull
over and fuck them.

He tried threatening to "turn this car around" as his father once did,
but all that did was make them excited about the idea of going home and

So by the time the arrived at the Beta house, he was exhausted.

"Listen girls, if you will put those robes on for 10 minutes, I promise
when we get home I'll stay up all night with you, ok? And I'll even go
into work a bit late tomorrow. Is that a deal?" he begged.

"Clothes are stinky!" Bunny whined.

"I love being naked!" Tuesday and Wednesday said in unison.

"Fine, fine... I ... um... know they are stinky. And I know naked is
better. But 10 minutes, ok? Please?"

"Ok, Master," said Tuesday. "It's a deal. But first you got to do
something for us, ok? Pleeeease?"

Will nodded and got out of the car. The backseat was tight, but he laid
down on the seat and let the three of them share in a blow job, each
taking turns until he exploded in Wednesdays mouth. He zipped up as he
watched the three of them kissing deeply to share in their "reward."

His knees a little wobbly, from the experience, Will got out of the car,
and walked towards the front door with his temporarily robbed girls.

"HEY, MARK, DID YOU ORDER ANY STRIPPERS?" Colin Hart screamed after
opening to door to see Will and the girls.

"NOT THAT I REMEMBER... BUT MAYBE!" screamed a voice from somewhere
inside the house in response.

"Excuse me, no one ordered these girls," Will said. "My name is Will,
and if you'd let me come in, I have a proposal for you that I think
you'll like."

Colin looked over the three girls, wiped his floppy blonde hair out of
his face, and noticed each of the tugging on the robe they were wearing.
He noticed that Bunny's was barley containing her giant tits.

He couldn't move out of the door way fast enough to let them in.

When the frat brothers had gathered in the common room, Will tried to
explain his proposal. But all eyes were on the girls, each of whom kept
tugging on their robes as if they were radioactive. Will explained about
the Hopi Indians, he explained about the Great Spirit, and he explained
about the tribe who needs a new warrior.

Finally, out of frustration, he turned and said "10 minutes are up".

The girls gleefully took off their robes, began rubbing against each


Will instructed the girls to put their robes back on, and they did so,
begrudgingly, murmuring "yes Master" as they did so. He instructed them
to go back to the car and wait, and to the chagrin of the gathered frat

"Hi, I'm Mark Floyd, chapter president," said the young man who took
Will's hand and shook it. "You're telling me, we could get one of those?
Do we have a choice? Because I think we'd take the one with the giant
boobs. The others look like twins, and we'd hate to break up your set."

Will laughed.

"No, no, Mark," Will said. "You'd get your very own, designed to whatever
specifications you all want. All I'd need from you is that you track
down something from a girl you all lust for, and then get everyone to
focus on what you want when I perform a little ceremony... and that's

Will didn't see any reason to tell them that it would be he that is
turned into this woman, nor that they'd also end up inheriting the three
other girls too. Because if he had, they might have gotten freaked out
about having a former man, or worse, said that three is enough and just
tried to take Tuesday, Wednesday, and Bunny.

"Well, why waste time?" Mark said. "I don't have to conference with my
housemates, we'd want one like the big titted one."

Will suddenly felt nervous. They were going to do this now? He tried to
contain his excitement, especially considering how his luck had been
running. But he took a deep breath and said "sounds good to me."

Will told Mark that they needed to clear out the room, and draw a small
circle on the floor, and then a larger circle around it. Will could tell
that Mark probably thought a lot of this was bullshit, but he also could
tell that Mark saw the three huge boobed girls being escorted back in
from the car by Colin. The robes obviously were left in the car.

"Colin, get one of the hairs off the head of the big titted one, will
ya?" yelled Mark.

"They're all big titted, Mark," responded Colin.

"The REALLY big titted one," Mark said, shaking his head.

"Pledges," he said to Will, smiling.

As the frat boys cleared the room, Will laughed watching Colin try to get
one of Bunny's hairs, while Tuesday and Wednesday were rubbing their
bodies up against his. Will was glad to see someone else in the line of
fire, and for a moment grew excited thinking he could soon join them all
in making a real man out of Colin.

Within five minutes the room was cleared, and two pledges had painted a
small red circle in the center of the room, and a larger one filling up
the rest of the room.

"You could have just put down tape or something," Will said to Mark. "I
didn't mean for you to wreck your floor."

"You've never lived in a fraternity, have you?" said Mark with a laugh.

With the circles drawn and Colin handing Will the hair, there was no
reason for further delay.

The frat brothers were certainly revved up, not only by the thought of
what was to come, but by the three gorgeous naked women milling around
their house.

Will was panicked a bit. He didn't want to mess this up. Still, after
making the girls promise to stay out of the room (he didn't want their
thoughts mingling with those of the frat boys), he strode into the
circle, and held the hair high above his head.

"Now, I want each of you to think about what you most desire. You need
to start chanting it. Can you do that?" Will said.

Will took a deep breath, as the chant of "sex, sex, SEX, SEX" grew louder
around him.

With no script to use, he remembered the paragraph, and the words he had
prepared to say.

"Oh Great Spirit, we beg of you to show your mercy. This tribe needs a
new champion. I hold here the ...talisman, I guess, of that which they
most desire. Take its essence, oh Great Spirit, and give them what they
desire. Give them the champion they call for. Heed us, Great Spirit!"

Will felt momentarily ridiculous, until the whole house started to shake.
He looked up at his hand, holding the hair aloft, and noticed it was
glowing. He smiled. The glow flowed like oil, moving down his arm and
slowly covering his body. He was giving off a light, and the chants of
"Sex, Sex, SEX, SEX" grew louder and louder... and higher and higher.

Will was frozen in place, unable to move, as the substance encased him.
When it went over his face, he was unable to speak... but he could see
just fine. He watched in horror as one by one, each of the frat boys in
the circle turned into woman. Some looked nearly identical to Bunny.
Some had different hair color, a few were shorter, many had breasts that
were more the size of Tuesday and Wednesday.

The last two transform were Mark and Colin. He could see the look of
fear on Mark's face as the changes moved around the circle towards him.
Will guessed that they too were unable to move. And as Mark changed into
what looked like Bunny's younger, smaller boobed sister, his look of
panic turned into one of lust... for Will.

Colin mouthed the word 'sorry' just as he was transformed, and with that
the house shook furiously and Will fell hard to the floor, as did each of
the now transformed fraternity brothers.

"What did you do?" Will demanded of the transformed Colin. Will could
see Colin's brain being rewritten as they spoke, but luckily Colin had
enough of the old him left to croak out a response in his now unfamiliar

"I ... uh... the girls were like... doing stuff to me," she said. "I ..
never done that before and I couldn't, you know....get a hair? So I
just, I just ... took one of mine and figured you wouldn't notice you
know? I'm so sorry.... But like... you can fuck me really really hard if
that makes you feel better! I know it would totally make me feel

Will, felt sick. He got to his feet as about 20 hot, naked, young women
started moving towards him, with lust in their eyes. "You're our
champion! Please fuck us" some shouted. "I love you," came from others.
"My titties are nice and big" from one red headed vixen.

As Will was fending off what could only really now be called his harem,
he figured out that the Great Spirit did as he asked. Took the male
essence of Colin, and since Will was already male, the only way the men
could get the sex with the woman they desired was for them to actually
become it themselves. The great spirit delivered, making Will their

"I hate the Great Spirit," said Will, his voice muffled as his head was
pulled between a pair of massive tits.

Hearing all the commotion, Tuesday, Wednesday and Bunny returned to the
room, and joined in the fun.

Will knew he had a whole new problem now. Reality didn't get altered
like it did with Bunny. People were going to miss a whole fraternity of
college students. But he couldn't fit twenty or so people in his car,

He tried talking to the new girls to see if they knew anything that could
help, but they were too far gone at this point, simply wanting to fuck
and suck their "champion" as much as they good.

Will managed to escape the room for a moment, however, and noticed as U-
Haul parked in the back driveway. It was early in the semester, and
obviously one of these "boys" was moving in stuff from home.

And while he imagined U-Hauls had been used for many things in their
lifetimes, as he herded 19 busty naked bimbos who used to be fraternity
boys (he counted) into the back of the U-Haul, he imagined that this
might be a first.

And rather than deal with issues on the ride back, he put Tuesday,
Wednesday and Bunny in the back too.

He had no idea how his apartment was going to hold all of these girls,
but it was all he could think of. He'd have to come back and get his car

And he didn't doubt for a moment that he'd never be able to invoke the
Great Spirit again, either. That was just his luck.


Will took the next week off from work. He made daily trips to the price
club to get food, and spent the rest of the time in an endless orgy of
sex with 22 large breasted women who considered him their master.

The girls took turn sleeping on the bed, the couch, and the floor. They
didn't all sleep at once, so no matter the hour, someone was having sex
with someone or someones else. And anytime Will was awake, the girls
made sure he was part of it.

At one point he tried to figure out all the new girls' names... but to no
avail. None of them seemed to remember their lives as boys, and they all
seemed to have named themselves.

He felt horrible at what had happened to them, and incredibly jealous and
envious at the same time. He was incredibly turned on by seeing them,
and he had been having more sex than any man on the face of the planet,
but he also wished more than anything he could just trade places with any
one of them.

In short he was cranky, tired, and sore.

And even more motivated to find some way to make things right, and get
what he wanted.

But the reason he took the week off was that he had to find a new place
to live. They couldn't keep on living in his little one bedroom

He also knew that he'd have a tough time moving the group to another
building, as it would obviously draw quite a bit of attention.

So instead he found that a two-bedroom apartment in his building was
available, and decided to make the move.

Moving was a pain in the ass, of course.

He had to move all his stuff by himself. He couldn't take the chance on
movers, and he couldn't use the girls. He needed them for the furniture,
though, but he did so in the middle of the night.

If there were any light sleepers in the building, they would have seen
quite the show had they looked out their peepholes.

He ordered two sleeper sofas online, but because he'd already moved the
girls to the new apartment, he had to have them delivered to his old
apartment, and then dragged them to the new one.

At least in this new space, he had enough room for everyone to have
access to a bed, pullout or sofa... at least for the few hours a day each
of them were not trying to suck Will's dick or get him to fuck them.


The worst part for Will was that he had exhausted all the avenues of
research he'd compiled over the years. The irony that they ALL worked,
but none of them worked on HIM, was not lost on him.

But even with his greatest leads exhausted, the fact that he now was
certain that true magic did exist made him more likely to chase what he'd
previously thought of as flights of fantasy.

Which is why he only felt a little silly traipsing through the woods in
some backwater part of Massachusetts which intersected with a section of
the Appalachian Trail . Silly, because he was doing it because of rumors
of a witch that lived in these woods and enchanted hikers who were trying
to complete the trial walk. It sounded a lot like the Loch Ness monster
to him, but after what he'd seen in recent weeks, he couldn't discount

He left Tuesday in charge of the girls. He didn't know if that would do
any good, but he had left jumbo size bags of Doritos and breakfast
cereals, as well as gallons and gallons of juice, and hoped that would
work. They all seemed resistant to even the sniffles, so he didn't think
it mattered too much what they ate. He started to understand what it
must be like to work at the zoo and be in charge of the monkey cages - if
the monkey cages were full of giant boobed sex maniacs.

When Will stumbled upon the small hut in the middle of the woods, with
smoke puffing out of a small chimney, he felt that either he'd found his
target, or that Hansel and Gretel would be showing up any minute now.

Will steeled himself, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. The
worst part for him was that he had a strategy... but he hated it.

The door opened a sliver, and a nervous looking man peered out.

"What do you want?" he said, nervously.

Will shrugged. "I demand to see the witch," he said with as much false
bravado as he could muster.

The door opener's eyes widened.

"There's... there's no witch here! Be on your way!"

As he began to close the door, the door opener whispered, "Run as fast as
you can!"

Will knocked again.

"You're still here?" whispered the man, opening the door a bit wider this
time. "Run away, you have no idea..."

The door swung open, revealing a surprisingly lavishly decorated room,
and a tall, thin strikingly pretty woman with straight black hair.

"Adrian! Shoo, go fix dinner!" she hissed. "Leave us be!"

Will braced himself again, and tried to play the part of a pompous ass.

"What is this, some bad fairy tale?" he said. "I suppose I should be
thankful that you don't have a crooked nose with a wart on it."

Just as the words crossed his lips, her figure shimmered and she turned
into a duplicate of the wicked witch from Snow White.

Before Will could even say anything, she reached behind her back and
offered him an apple.

He tried to contain himself, but he couldn't. He tried to keep the cool,
hard look of a tough guy. But he couldn't. He started to laugh. And he
couldn't stop.

Adrian stared at him from horror in the back of the room. The witch, for
her part, just stared at him, although a small smile seemed to appear in
the corners of her mouth.

"What brings you here?" she said.

"You don't know?" Will said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Can't read
minds? I want... I demand... that you grant me a wish."

"You don't strike me as the demanding type," she said, looking at him
curiously. "I will humor you. What is it you seek?"

Will steeled himself, reciting the words from his carefully prepared

"I wish to have a huge breasted, dumb bimbo of my own. Be able to
manipulate her body whenever I wish, without resistance. She will think
of nothing but sex."

The witch stared at him, a small smirk crossing her lips.

"That is what you wish? Exactly that?" she said.

"Yes," Will said, as strongly as possible. "Give me what I deserve."

Her eyes grew wide at that part, and Will had a glimmer that this might
well work.

"Yes, yes," she sneered. "I think I will give you EXACTLY what you have
asked for, and EXACTLY what you deserve."

It took all of Will's efforts to contain a smile.

The witch began to chant under her breath. The wind in the woods picked
up, and Will felt a chill go through him. Her chanting grew louder,
drowning out the wind, and her eyes turned bright green.

"INACTO!" she shrieked and Will braced himself... but the wind suddenly
died down, and it was over.

He looked at her, a perplexed look in his eyes. But before he could say
anything, she stepped to one side, and where Adrian was once standing,
now stood a naked, curly blonde haired woman with impossibly huge breasts
and a look of utter lust in her eyes.

"Come to your new master, GIRL" sneered the witch, and the transformed
Adrian approached Will hungrily and began rubbing up against his crotch.

Will was speechless.

"Her name is Adrianne now," the witch said. "And she is yours."

Will just stared.

"Well?" the witch said.

"Um.... Thank you?" said Will, utterly defeated.

"Yes, yes, you caught me on a good day," said the witch. "Plus, this one
has been in my service for almost two years, and frankly has been getting
on my nerves of late. I'll take a new slave from the hikers. I'm glad
to be done with him."

The witch pushed the new couple out the door, and began to close it
behind them.

"Neither of you will ever see this house again, so do not seek it," she

Will started to say something, but the witch cut him off.

"Despite your attitude, I can tell you are a good person," she said,
almost softly. "You are lucky that I could sense that. Your wish was
worded quite poorly. I could have also granted your wish by turning YOU
into the large breasted bimbo. You should be more careful in the future.
Good day to you."

And with that, she slammed the door shut, and Will stared forward at the
large trees where the hut stood just a second before. And as he stood
there, he noticed that Adrianne had already unzipped his pants, and was
taking his cock deep into her new female mouth.


The two months after Adrianne joined the group were tough ones for Will.

He was taking several multivitamins each day to try to keep up with the
girls' needs, but it wasn't enough. Still, he noticed that his sexual
prowess had increased to an amazing degree. Out of necessity, he'd
learned to bring women to orgasm through several methods in a very short
period of time.

Of course, he realized that these women were so constantly aroused that
sitting down on a fabric couch cushion in the wrong way could, and
actually often did, lead them to orgasm on the spot. So he couldn't take
that much credit.

He had gotten his schedule down to a routine. Each Monday he would go to
the sex shop and stock up on dildos and other sex toys for them. On a
particularly busy week he'd have to go again before the weekend, but
sometimes they could make it through. He'd given up worrying about only
using cash. Not only did he use his credit card now, but he had a
standing order each week that he just picked up and paid for.

Tuesday was grocery night. At first he was aware of the odd looks he got
at the Price Club, buying all the junk food he was buying in enormous
bulk. But now it was so commonplace for him he was aware of nothing but
the tasks at hand.

He no longer felt bad about the girls living on a diet of chips and
breakfast cereal. They seemed to like it.

What worried him more was that there were still articles in the paper
about the missing group of Balder University students. Obviously, all
articles revealed that no progress was being made, but Will felt badly
that he couldn't do something for the parents of the transformed
fraternity boys. For their part, the new girls couldn't be happier with
their lives, it seemed, and had no memories at all about their former

He checked in on his friend Martin's family from time to time, and it
seemed as if they thought of Will as an old friend of their younger
daughter. There were no pictures of Martin in the house, nor any mention
of him. That was a good thing.

Bruce Carlson, too, seemed to never have existed.

As for Tuesday... Will had almost forgotten she'd ever been a man before.

He thought many times of some way to get the girls out of his apartment,
but nothing he thought of worked. Obviously, the group of them could
staff the world's most popular strip club or brothel, but only Tuesday
had any form of identity or identification... so anything like that,
would invite trouble. It had gotten to the point where Will just
accepted that they were his, forever.

But what he hadn't given up on, was joining them.

He had, if anything, become more obsessed with his search. At work, the
painful, bowlegged way he had to walk due to his near constant sexual
activity was explained by the fact that he'd taken up horse riding as a

Everyone seemed to buy it, and it left him a ready excuse for afternoons
away doing "riding" lessons. In fact, he would take his laptop to a
nearby coffee house and take advantage of their internet service to
continue his searches.

And a discovery that very afternoon had him very excited as he made his
way home that evening.

In fact, as he was fist fucking both Tuesday and Wednesday, having his
dick sucked by one of the frat girls, and eating out Bunny while the rest
of them tried to get in there somewhere, Will's mind was hatching a plan.

As the frat girl pulled his cock out of her mouth so that he would shoot
his load on the face and tits of several of them, Will had decided what
to do. It was high risk, but what choice did he have?


A "smash and grab." Will was pretty sure that is what your basic garden
variety breaking and entering was called.

As Will walked into the Silver Springs Antiquities Museum , he was
partially troubled that throughout this whole, surreal ordeal... he had
yet to commit a crime. And yet that was what he was about to do.

He felt his breathing quicken, and briefly thought about turning around.
But even as he started to turn, he felt a stinging feeling in his groin
from the muscle he was sure he pulled this morning when he fell off a
pile of at least 11 women who had dragged him up on top of their giant
boobed pyramid and had their way with him.

Maybe one little crime wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, he

Plus, if this worked, he knew he'd never be caught. If it didn't work?
Well, he knew he'd be one of those "stupid criminals caught on tape" you
see on TV every night. But at least being in prison he might get a good
night's sleep.

He exhaled deeply, and walked towards the new Persian display on loan
from the Museum of Natural History in New York and mentally committed
himself to the task at hand.

It wasn't hard to find. It looked just like the picture he'd seen in the
paper. In a glass cabinet with many other old bits of pottery from
Persia sat something that looked like, well, a magic lamp.

Will balled his fist up in his jacket pocket. He shook his head
slightly. All the other avenues, he'd researched, double checked, triple
checked. Spent years trying to develop.

And now, he's left with seeing a picture of something that looks like the
lamp from an Ali Baba movie and deciding to steal it.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures. He was pretty sure that is
what his exhausted cock would tell him if it could speak, he thought with
a laugh.

There were about 15 people in the room, not counting the two museum
guards. And, of course, two video cameras mounted on the wall.

But it was time.

Will took a deep breath, pulled his fist out of his pocket and smashed it
through the glass.


Will thought the alarm was a lot louder than it would be at a Silver
Springs Maryland museum, but then he realized it wasn't an alarm. He was
shrieking in pain.

He opened his eyes and began rooting through the broken glass for the
lamp, grabbing it just as the shocked museum guards were walking towards
him with confused looks on their faces.

Will grabbed the lamp, pulled it out of the case, and before he could
even rub it or speak, there was a hissing sound and a thick cloud of
smoke surrounded him. He heard a loud popping sound, and seconds later
he was back in his apartment, the lamp in his now unbloodied hand,
staring at a woman who looked like a genie straight from central casting
in Hollywood .

"I'd say I can't believe this," Will sighed. "But I can."

"I think 'thank you' is in order," said the slightly perturbed genie.
"Don't you? I saved you back there."

"Yes, sorry. Thanks," said Will. His return slowly started dawning on
the pack of naked women, and they made their way towards him like
zombies. Huge boobed, naked zombies with smiles on their faces. Ok, he
thought. They are nothing like zombies.

"So," Will said. "You're a genie, yes? And I get ... three wishes?"

"I am a djinn, yes," she said. "My name is... Marjorie."

"Marjorie?" That doesn't sound much like a genie name," Will said with a

"Want to go back to the museum?" Marjorie snapped.

"Want to go back to the lamp?" Will snapped back.

Marjorie waved her hand and the lamp left Will's hand and vanished.

"No, I really do not," she said, smiling.

Before Will could say anything, she continued.

"I was stuck in the lamp, yes," she said. "So thanks for opening it. But
let's face it, no one opens a genie lamp for anything but selfish
motives. So don't get all high and mighty with me. Someone got me drunk
about 500 years ago, and stuck me in the lamp. Let's leave it at that.
But now that I'm out, I'm out. I don't owe you anything."

Marjorie looked around, and smiled.

"Plus.... Looks to me like there can't be too much you could want, huh?
You have some other djinn working here too?"

Will shook his head, and sat down on the edge of the couch, putting his
face in his hands. Even as he did so, Tuesday and Wednesday started
massaging his shoulders.

"Look," Marjorie said. "I didn't mean to be snippy. It was cramped in
there. And most of the time, the wi-fi signal stinks. My fantasy camel
racing team was totally messed up this season, because I couldn't get
online to make transactions during the whole trip from New York to.....
where are we now?"

" Silver Springs , Maryland ," Will answered, his face still in his

"Whatever," she said. "So when you let me out, I was able to bring you
'home' and fix your hand. But you seem almost impossibly unhappy for a
man in this situation... so if you want to fill me in, maybe I can help
you out."

Will explained everything. From the very beginning. At one point, when
he started to get too distracted from the women trying to get his pants
off, Marjorie waved her hand and all the housemates laid down comfortably
and fell asleep.

It took Will nearly an hour to tell the story. And he was exhausted when
he was done.

"Hmmm....yes, yes, yes," Marjorie said. "Guess the lesson about not
getting involved with things you don't understand was lost on you, huh?"

Will just frowned.

"Ok, I was just teasing," she said. "As with all things like this,
there's good news, and bad news. Which do you want? Wait, don't answer.
I'm pretty sure you could use some good news. And that good news is, I
can help you. I can turn you into a woman."

Will, for the first time, smiled. But the smile slowly faded. "You said
there's bad news, too," he said.

"Yes. The magic you've been dealing with is powerful stuff. I cannot
undo it. I can't put these... lovely ladies... back to what they have
been, sorry."

Somewhere inside of Will, that did register as bad news. But the shock,
joy, and utter relief of the good news still colored all his reactions.

"You really can do this? You can change me?"
"Yes, I can. And I will... if you want it," she said. "But what of your
friends here?"

"Can't you do something with them?" Will asked.

"I cannot turn the fraternity boys back to what they were," she said.
"And I've probed their minds... there's nothing left of what they used to
be. They all have unusual names, by the way? Did you know one is named
Vanilla? And why would one be called Cheetos?"

Will blushed.

"But what I can do, is create duplicates of their old male selves." she
said. "I will create them from their parents' memories of them. They
won't be exactly who they were, of course. In fact they'll be idealized
versions of them. In effect, they'll be the people their parents THOUGHT
they were. I'm sure they'll all end up being virgins," she said with a

"But the parents will be thrilled and notice nothing, and the police
investigation will be over. And my guess is they will all lead good
lives. That is the best I can do there."

Will nodded. "Sounds good, but that really doesn't do much for my
situation, does it?"

Marjorie sighed. "No, it does not. But then, you are getting your wish,
aren't you?"

"Yes," Will said. "I wish to be a beautiful woman. Please."

Marjorie nodded. "But I will not do something to harm innocent people.
And if you are not here to support these girls, that will harm them. So
even once transformed, you must care for them. Agreed?"

Will frowned again. She didn't seem to be able to read his mind, so he
agreed. He knew he could always deal with this other issue later.

What Will did not realize was that Marjorie did not need the ability to
read minds in order to read his intentions. She looked at him intently,
and nodded in return.

"So be it," she said. "You are ready, so we will begin."

Will sat up straight, and looked at the piles of huge titted naked women
sleeping all around him. Soon, he would join them. This, he knew, was
going to work.

Marjorie did nothing for what seemed like two minutes to Will, but in
reality was about ten seconds. Then, when he could see here eyes open
wide and stare right at him, she waved her hand.

Will almost jumped at the sensation running through his body. He felt
that he was lifted up off his seat as he felt his ass expand, and quickly
put his hands on his chest so he could feel his new breasts growing.
They started slowly, but then grew out and out... getting bigger and
bigger. His hands grew more and more delicate and he was overjoyed. But
his breasts kept changing. Instead of growing out, he felt their weight
pulling downward, and as his hands tried to contain them and lift them
back up, he saw them growing more and more frail and spotted. All around
him he heard popping sounds, along with odd, guttural howls.

He was pulled out of his stupor by a knock at the door. His instinct was
to get up out of the chair, but he found himself unable to do so. As he
looked to the door, though, he saw it open, and a pair of young women
walked in.

"Oh, good morning Ms. Wiggington," the brunette said a bit too loudly.
"How are you today?"

Will, too shocked to say anything, just nodded. At that point he felt
something jump into his lap, and looked down to see it was a cat.
Scanning the room, there seemed to be at least 20 of them...and the
strong smell of cat and litter hit his nose.

He tried to stare at the girls closely to see if he recognized them, but
his eyes seemed almost to have a total haze over them. And words would
not come out of his mouth. He began to pet the cat in his lap with a
frail, shaky hand.

"Janice here will feed your cats and change their boxes for you, Ms.
Wiggington," the brunette shouted. "We're sorry we couldn't come
earlier, it was a busy day. And I'll take care of you."

Will felt himself being hoisted out of the chair by the brunette, and
taken to the bedroom. She laid him on the bed, and lifted up the light
blue house coat he was wearing, and felt her pull down what at first
seemed like panties, but he realized instead were adult diapers.

"Oh good, it seems like you got up yourself today, Ms. Wiggington! Good
for you!" said the brunette brightly.

As she changed Will into fresh clothing, the brunette saw a picture on
the bedside table. She picked it up and showed it to Will. It was hard
for him to make out.

"You were quite a beautiful young woman," the brunette said. "I bet you
had lots of gentlemen in your day!"

Will scanned his memory, hoping to find any experiences he, or this body,
might have had at a younger age. But there was none. His mind was
unchanged. He started to frown, and a tear came down his face.

The brunette hospice nurse, assuming that she had somehow insulted her
client, stammered and corrected herself.

"Oh, I didn't mean to say that you aren't a beautiful woman now," she
said. "Because you are. You are! I only hope I look as pretty as you do
when I'm 94."

With that, the brunette sat Will up, and began combing his long, gray
hair. When she was done, she returned Will to his chair in the living

The two nurses stayed for another hour. Will was spoon fed some sort of
food, given one injection, and had his hands rubbed with some sort of
cream. He tried to speak a few times, but just could not muster the

When the two nurses got up to leave, Will heard Janice, who it seemed had
not been here before, say to the brunette "please kill me before I ever
get like that, ok?" The brunette suppressed a small chuckle as they
reached the door.

"Good bye Ms Wiggington," they both said loudly, and in unison, as they
closed the door.

Will sat in the chair for another hour. Still and silent. The only
thing he heard was the constant meowing of cats, many of which would jump
up onto his lap for a few moments to be petted.

Here he was. A woman. A once beautiful one too. For the four or five
seconds he felt the body of his dreams, he was so happy. But now all he
could feel was heartache, anger at Marjorie and sadness.

At that moment, a cat jumped into his lap again. But this time, he felt
the weight of the cat pressing hard on his lap. The weight grew heavier
and heavier, and as he looked down on it, his eyes cleared and he saw the
cat transforming into Wednesday. At the same time, his own body was
changing as well. Getting bigger, stronger, and much younger. He soon
realized that he was transforming back into himself. And as both
transformations completed, Wednesday sat in his lap sucking hard on his
cock. He was so relieved to be back that he just sat back and enjoyed

When he opened his eyes, he saw Marjorie glaring at him.

"You were going to just leave them here, or dump them off on someone,
weren't you?" she said.

"No," Will said. "It's not like that. It's just, I didn't ask for all
this... it's not fair that I.."

"Do you realize," Marjorie said with a chuckle, "that what you have is
even beyond the wildest fantasies of almost every male on the planet?
And don't tell me you haven't loved the sex you've been having. I saw
you enjoy what that one just did to you."

Will blushed. He couldn't figure out how to respond.

"You wanted to be a woman. To be a huge boobed woman. Well now you're
literally surrounded by them. You have all the tits, and pussy, and soft
womanly curves you could ever have asked for. And you don't have to
date, or worry about relationships or hurt feelings. You have more than
you ever could have dreamed of. Any fantasy you want, these girls will
fulfill for you... without a second's hesitation. And yet you still
complain. Pathetic. So here's the deal," she continued. "You brought
this on yourself, and you have to take responsibility."

She waved her hand, and Will felt his cock spring back to life, much to
Wednesday's excitement. Wednesday immediately went back to sucking on it

"I have made it so that you will be given quite a large bonus from your
work, enough to make you set for life. And because, admittedly, the
sexual odds are stacked against you in here, I've given you the sexual
stamina of about 10 of your porn stars. You are fortunate that these
women are impervious to disease and aging, so you need to do nothing in
that regard."

Marjorie waved her hand again, and an odd looking lamp appeared on the
mantle above the fireplace.

"That lamp, is what you call a lava lamp," she said. "Yes, I know it is
not current. I believe you call it 'kitschy' or something like that. As
you can see, it is now a bright pink. When these girls are unhappy, its
color will change. When and if it turns blue, they are unhappy, and you
will once again turn into Ms. Wiggington.

The first time, it will be for a day. The next time, a week, and then
next time... a year. The fourth time, and I will be back. Trust me,
Will, you do not wish me to come back."

All around him, Will could see the other girls awaking, and moving
towards him, smiling. Some started kissing him and rubbing him, while
others started doing that to each other.

"You said... they won't get any older?" Will said. "But I will. I mean,
eventually, I won't be able to ... keep them happy."

"Yes, yes," Marjorie said. "And when that happens I will return. And
we'll have to think of something to do with them. But for now, I believe
your admirers want to test out the new you," she said with a laugh.

And with another "pop" she was gone. Will stared at the pink lava lamp
on his mantle, and saw it slowly being obscured as huge mounds of tit
flesh from every direction blocked his field of vision.

Will sighed, and dove into the pile of girls with a passion. He had to
admit that Marjorie was right about a lot of the things she said. Plus,
he had to really admit that he had no desire at all to be Ms. Wiggington
again. So as the waves and waves of jiggling tits slapped against his
face and pressed against his body, as he felt his cock being sucked and
licked by a dozen tongues, he realized that he rest of his life was going
to be spent surrounded by these girls, and taking care of them.

And, of course, having quite a lot of sex.

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