Escape to Yourself

A few hours on a Saturday night, so what ya gonna do...

Lonely roads and lost towns. Quiet places where you can think.
Not that that necessarily gets you anywhere.
Space is what it is, as are people.

This is a work of adult fiction.
No resemblance to reality should be inferred or expected.
Copyright : KLS 2007

Escape to Yourself

By Kristina.L.S.

He really had no idea where he was and surprising as that may be to some, he welcomed it. Being nowhere was good. Every-time he was somewhere; there was trouble. It wasn't like he wanted to be a trouble magnet but that seemed to be the case. All he had to do was, be… wherever and the shit hit the fan. So he avoided people. Kept away from the mobs, anywhere that so called fellow humans gathered in any sort of number.

The heat shimmered in the distance, causing everything to dance and sway to some off time beat.

Another car; the second in… nearly an hour he thought… probably should get a watch… wizzed past; windows closed, air-conditioning on max, against the heat. Not even a turn of the head to acknowledge the upturned thumb. The lone figure out here, in the middle of wherever the hell this was, slight and carrying nothing but a small duffle. Hardly a threat, there was nowhere for a gang of accomplices to hide, but still it was a risk. I mean who wants to take a chance and invite… well whatever evil no doubt lurks in the mind of this… person. Shit, I mean who would choose to walk alone… here.

The thought intruded itself… time mattered. 'Oh please, don't start that crap again. Time, what a load of shit.' All a clock had ever meant to him was failure.~ ~You were too slow. You're late. Stop thinking, just do it like I tell you. The rules are there for a reason. Time waits for no man. Get it into gear son, clocks a tickin'. ~~ There was a whole bunch more but what difference did it make. Time and him did not get on.

For some reason he had never quite been able to explain, the question, 'Why?' always hung in the air in front of everything. Since he was old enough to ask it, it had been there. At first people where pleased or amused, 'what a delightfully precocious child'… ' if only others would ask'… But that soon changed to irritation. The smile became a frown and if only became, just do what I say.

His introspection was interrupted by a strange sound. It took him a moment to realise what it was… a car was slowing to a stop beside him. Now that was odd. Here he was hands in pockets his whole body clenched against the heat, not making any attempt to bum a ride and this lunatic… stops.

The battered old cattle truck slowed and stopped just behind him. Martha took in the slight figure that she had first thought to be a girl, but now was not sure. Why on earth would anyone be walking out here? It was miles from anywhere and you could die here within hours.

She watched as the figure took another few steps before registering that the truck had stopped. Watched as it straightened, stretched slightly and turned toward her.

She… well, she had expected a smile of gratitude. But instead she got a stare of… emptiness? Total indifference? For some reason she shivered and could not think why…except… ' Was this a man or a woman? And anyway what the hell was whoever this was doing here? '

Her eyes roamed the figure that stood, what five yards away, just looking at her. Waiting for what? A bloody invitation for Christ's sake? Shit. It was 46 fuckin degrees; enough to fry a bloody egg on the dashboard. Well come on ya daft little shit, whatever you are. Get in here out of the damn heat.

Martha rolled the window down just enough to call…"Well come on then I didn't bloody stop for the fun of it, get you're arse in here. It's fuckin' hot and I wanna get home. "

Even then the girl stood as if unsure whether she wanted to get in or stay where she was, walking out here in the desert. Christ, a nutter, just what she needed. Still couldn't leave the stupid fool out here to die.

The slight figure in faded denim jeans and shirt with a light tan cotton jacket hanging loosely on her frame stood quite still. A dusty brown leather duffle slung over the left shoulder and just as dusty and similar coloured boots pointed her way. A faded and sweat stained akubra tilted low over the eyes hid the face somewhat.

Martha decided she would make one last offer. "Well are you gonna stand out here and bake or get in… and tell me your name?", that last muttered near silently.

He stood silently appraising this woman and her offer. It was a simple human gesture of help he supposed. Yet nothing was what it seemed anymore. Everything always depended on explanations and assumptions being met or dismissed. He sighed silently, ... 'why couldn't it ever be a simple, I can take you this far and then I'm gone, no questions.' ... Well that wouldn't be human would it? People have questions and want answers. Doesn't matter at all whether you want to give them or not.

With an almost unnoticeable shrug he moved toward her and Martha suddenly had a twinge of fear. 'What the hell was she doing? Picking up… whoever this was in the middle of nowhere.'

The door opened and a soft voice…"Thanks for stopping. I figured I'd be walking all day."

She squinted a little trying to decide who she had picked up. 'Was it a girl or a guy?' Her eyes roamed up and down and her mind spun trying to make a decision.

He slammed the door not too hard and stuffing his bag between his legs turned to the woman that had called him in. The question on her face was as plain as a sign. Who or what are you? He closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Opened and looked straight at her, "Does it matter?"

She jumped as though shocked.

"What? What the hell do you mean does it matter?" 'Christ who is this and why the fuck did I stop.' Her thoughts were spinning. Maddened murderers, sex fiends, alien invaders. 'Bloody government, should keep loony's locked up instead of letting them roam wild.'

He sighed again, this time out loud.

"If you could just drop me anywhere near a town… wherever's convenient."

She looked at… her. Eyes closed and seemingly no threat. Yet, she was afraid. Martha put the truck in gear and headed toward town.

The ride of perhaps forty minutes was silent except for the whistle of the air around the truck and the quiet whir of the tyres on the road.

He stirred from a semi sleep as the truck pulled to the side or the road. Missed the first part of the woman's statement.

"…'s a nice little town. A few hundred people, easy going. Might find some work if ya's lookin'. Anyway, this is as far as I go, I'm off thataway…" she gestured with a vague arm wave. The still slightly puzzled expression on her face told him she had not made any decisions… either way. Good enough, he thought. At least he was free to go for now.

"Just a few k down the road an' ya's there. " There was a slightly hopeful expression on her face as she looked at him. Her gaze flicked up and down, trying to decide.

He nodded to her, "Thanks for the ride. I appreciate it." Climbed out grabbing his bag and softly slammed the door. Stood there as she looked at him through the glass and then without a gesture beyond a slight shake of the head, pulled out and headed away.

Martha's eye's flicked to the rearview as she pulled away. The girl just stood there looking in the direction of town. Not even glancing at the truck as it pulled away.

"Well that is something weird. Better off out of it Martha old girl." Her eyes flicked forward toward home and with them so went her thoughts.

His ears told him the truck had pulled away and once again he was alone in the wilderness. 'A few k to whereverville huh. Oh well, no better, no worse probably.'

He shifted the bag on his shoulder and pushed the hat a bit tighter on his head. 'Let's see what the future brings.'

He didn't even glance left or right, the silence told him nothing was close. Crossed the dirt verge and the strip of tar and back onto dirt and kept to the left side as he headed into…

…don't ask for answers. I probably don't have them.

Any thoughts, comments or questions
I can be contacted [email protected]
Anything short of abuse welcome.

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