Bizarre complaint...

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Imagine you're visiting a coastal town on holiday. This town has a working harbour, so you decide to have a walk along the quay. Now, what would you expect to find on the quayside? Fish, perhaps? This tourist apparently didn't think so...

The 46-year-old was outraged that his children, aged seven and nine, had been forced to endure the sight of 12 crates of dead fish and crabs, piled up on the quayside. He said the ordeal had left them “quite distressed” and demanded to know why the harbourmaster was not more considerate to tourists.

“There were flies flying around and the smell was awful,” he said. “The ship was just sat there not doing anything, and there were 12 crates of dead crabs and fish just lying there covered in flies.

“It’s not the sort of thing you want to see on holiday, there was a real stench. My children were quite distressed by it. These people should be a bit more considerate to the holidaymakers."


Meanwhile, it seems as though the French take romance seriously. A recent court case has proved that inadequate bedroom performance can be grounds not only for divorce, but also for suing the ex partner for damages. If only her lawyers had been around in London in the first half of the 16th century... :)

[EDIT] Fixed top link - helps not to stick a newline in the middle of a link! [/EDIT]

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