Imagine you're visiting a coastal town on holiday. This town has a working harbour, so you decide to have a walk along the quay. Now, what would you expect to find on the quayside? Fish, perhaps? This tourist apparently didn't think so...
The 46-year-old was outraged that his children, aged seven and nine, had been forced to endure the sight of 12 crates of dead fish and crabs, piled up on the quayside. He said the ordeal had left them “quite distressed” and demanded to know why the harbourmaster was not more considerate to tourists.
“There were flies flying around and the smell was awful,” he said. “The ship was just sat there not doing anything, and there were 12 crates of dead crabs and fish just lying there covered in flies.
“It’s not the sort of thing you want to see on holiday, there was a real stench. My children were quite distressed by it. These people should be a bit more considerate to the holidaymakers."
Meanwhile, it seems as though the French take romance seriously. A recent court case has proved that inadequate bedroom performance can be grounds not only for divorce, but also for suing the ex partner for damages. If only her lawyers had been around in London in the first half of the 16th century... :)
[EDIT] Fixed top link - helps not to stick a newline in the middle of a link! [/EDIT]
Quite right too
next we'll be having farmyards and the countryside full of manure and tractors and noisy chickens that wake people up. How dare fishermen clog up out quaysides with dead things, not to mention the lack of prosecutions for encouraging gulls to mess everywhere. What is this country coming to?
As for the Frog unable to spawn - tough.
PS the top link didn't work.
Was his pole a tad inadequate?
Let's not jump to conclusions...
/sigh I could have said I toad you so, but that might be stretching things too far...
I bet...
...that story would have been in the Newts of the World....
Its local Lincolnshire edition, Newts of the Wold.
I have my coat, and have called a taxi.
...What did you call your Taxi? Tiffany? Chelsea? or the ubiquitous Tammy? I call my taxi Madeline...
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
There have been many lawsuits in the US ...
when people move out and begin new communities or just build on land which had been farmland and is still near farmland over just such things as the noise and smell of the farms that were there long before they were. Often, when a city spreads out into such an area, they try to prevent the remaining farms from doing what they were doing when all their neighbors were farmers, too.
And they complain or sue about the noise of an airport that was built out away from town, but which was encroached upon my sprawl. I will give anyone who has been there since the airport was much smaller and the planes were less noisy, a bit of a break. But anyone who moves in and immediately begins complaining about what was obviously there before they bought the home, gets no sympathy from me.
When I lived in California, I remember when San Jose Municipal Airport was by itself. Later, San Jose had to decide forcibly to buy up a couple of square miles of homes to solve complaints. They also close the airport to most flights and all commercial flights from 11PM to 6AM, except for flights running late, which are allowed in.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
All Those Times She Had A Headache
Now I can get my own back, but I suppose I'll have to move to France first,
The tourist + the fishy looking crum-bums
Back in the mid-80's I was working at a fishmarket/restaurant in south Orange County CA, where on weekends we had a little Hawiaan slack key band play. It was a fun place. I rang the register, poured drinks and called folks up for their orders. A woman came up very indignant, complaining about some men around the corner in the dining area I couldn't see. They were taking up a table, weren't ordering anything, and were ragged. She shuddered, "They look like crumb bums!"
We had a lot of homeless in the area---I'd recently been one---and girded myself for the task of having to 86 someone I probably knew. I went around the corner and there were three of the local fishermen, all scraggly beards, watch caps and flannel who had just brought in a freezer-hold full of snapper, beat up and tired after a week at sea. I got them all Cokes and told the woman that they were kind of important to our business and I wasn't about to kick them out. She stormed out, giving the usual threats about never coming back. I wonder if she knew the guy in Devon...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Some people have been known to move to a location in close proximity to a church, then moan about the local campanologist club: see this article or this article for examples.
On the other hand, one church faced complaints of a different kind - the bells were out of tune! They've since been temporarily removed so the experts at Whitechapel Bell Foundry can retune them. The bells will then be reinstalled.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Monty Python
Monty Python did a sketch years back about a man and wife who were atheists and complaining about the church bells. Then the church begins to come towards their house. I looked on you-tube, but won't post the video they have here.
so here's the link to the script instead
I'll admit that if they were
I'll admit that if they were really out of tune, I'd complain also.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Bizarre complaint...
Proves that REAL LIFE is stranger than fiction.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The One Thing That Bothered Me...
...about the story, and the one thing I wish the reporter would have addressed if it was incorrect, was the description of the crates of crabs as "dead." All the crates of uncooked crabs I've seen in the marketplace were quite alive, usually packed with a little wet seaweed to help keep them moist. Not sure if there are some other kind of crabs in Cornwall that have better keeping qualities, but the kinds we have here in the U.S. rapidly decompose if they're not alive.
Good rule of thumb: Never buy an unprocessed crab or lobster that's already dead. Being alive is your only guarantee of freshness.
There's nothing ladylike about devouring a crustacean, or more delicious.