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Chapter 19
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman
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We must see about a thousand people and beasts running and flying toward us. In seconds they gather around us. The Wilsons greet the Moores with hugs, tears and laughter. King Oren and Queen White Dove fairy troops’ quickly gathers around Caliber and his mate. They have glad hearts because they get to be near them one more time. They laugh and cry in each other’s presence.
I get pounded on the back and hugged by several kings and queens from ages ago. I greet King David and his son King Solomon and a few other leaders from around the world. I greet King Arthur again. Brianna gets hugged by their respective Queens as well.
Then we see Anna Dawson, Anya, Merlin and the Goddess Rhiannon appear in our midst.
“I hope we’re not too late, Arthur.”
“No, you’re not late, Merlin. You, Anya, Anna and Rhiannon just fell asleep to be in our midst on this joyous occasion.”
“That’s good, Arthur.”
Mike, Kenny, Brian, Charles and Allen quickly get together to talk about old times.
“So, what’s it like up here, Kenny?”
“Oh, it’s a blast, Brian. We get to play football games with fields up to a mile or more in length.”
“Uh, that’s a bit far to throw a football.”
“No, it’s not. You get to do the impossible in kicking and throwing footballs just as far.”
“You won’t feel the pain when you get tackled for a loss.”
“Oh, man. I wish we could play in a game like that.”
“Then come on, Charles. We’ll get a game together with some of the football legends up here.”
Then all five of them fly off in a search of some legendary football heroes to have a great game of football.
The Wilsons and the Moores look at their sons flying off in the search of adventure and to do something new.
“Well, there they go, Robert. I’m sure we’ll hear some great stories from them.”
“That we will, Larry. That we will.”
Then King Arthur speaks up, “Friends, ancestors and descendants, may I have your attention.”
Everyone quiets down to hear King Arthur.
“We are gathered here to celebrate the reunion of the four houses of the Isles. It has been foretold it would happen some day in the future, far from my time on the throne. It has been 1,500 years since then. I am thankful for my faithful knight here, Sir Moore of the Highland Moors of Cymry for keeping my first born son and grandson alive.”
Everyone claps their hands in appreciation. Some of his friends nearby put a hand onto his shoulder. He nods his head at King Arthur with a smile. King Arthur’s son, Loholt puts a hand onto Sir Moore’s shoulder.
“Sir Loholt then had a son in secret to continue the line through the Moore name. Mordred is actually my nephew. Since I rejected him as heir to the throne, he developed a deep hatred for me. From that rejection, he caused many problems for us all.”
Then Queen Guinevere speaks up, “I too, wish to convey my thanks to my descendants as well to keep our heritage and line strong as well. For the Wilson family name came from William Wallace. Even though Sir Wallace is not of noble birth, the name was chosen to hide my ancestry as well.”
Then the Celtic Goddess Rhiannon speaks up, “I was asked by Merlin to write down the ancestry and the descendants of Arthur and Guinevere before it was forgotten among your people. I agreed to the task. I wrote the names down into two separate books. They are in the Moore’s cabin in Mt. Blanc, NC. The home and property are well protected with spells set by me and Merlin. The Precious Heirlooms of the Rings are with Merlin as well. The sword is buried very deep in the lake where you returned the sword to me, Arthur. It is waiting for the right time for Richard to claim it.”
“What of the dragons in the Rings, Arthur?”
“Ah . . . the dragons, Y Ddraig Goch and Albion. Then there is Ddraigmab, their son. Those three rings are very powerful, Richard and Brianna. The two Rings are for you two to wear. They belong to you both. Ddraigmab’s ring is for your future descendants who will be King of the Isles.”
“If and when that time comes, Arthur. How long should that reign be before Brianna and I step aside?”
“Reign for fifty years and no more. It will lay the foundation for the Isles to be in good standing until The Ultimate Last Battle.”
“Thank you, Arthur. What about Mordred’s Legacy? Obviously I need to do something about that group.”
Everyone looks more solemn now.
“Before you confront them, Richard. You and Brianna must know some of the history on the Isles before we came on the scene.”
“It’s an influence of unfathomable dimensions that no one expected to happen here on Earth, but it did happen. All we can say, the Creator has his ways of ensuring his Creation survives until the Ultimate Last Battle. Once the event happened, King Azazel grew in great rage against the Creator. The main reason for his rage is this. The people can now travel from star system to star system to escape his wrath. He was hoping no one would learn interstellar travel and is isolated and alone. If that were to happen, then it would have been easier for him to destroy the Creator’s Creation.”
“Yes, Arthur and Guinevere.”
“On the Isles lay the quarry for the blue stone that is used for Stonehenge. However, this blue stone is very unique from all other blue stones on Earth. Upon close inspection of the stone, it appears as ordinary feldspar. When the surface is smooth and brightly polished, the surface looks like the stars in the heavens. The secret is in the alignment of the stones at the various stages of Stonehenge itself. The blue stone did not become activated until magic was used upon the stone.”
“When was it used for the first time?”
“At the time of Atlantis, Richard. Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean before it was finally split apart and sank before the Great Flood. A much smaller Atlantis was rebuilt in the Mediterranean Ocean near Greece. Then that too was split apart by a volcano. Then it was decided that such a society should never exist on this world anymore. The magic of Atlantis was found in the Ethereal Space ore. When used with the bluestone, it created a natural transporter to travel anywhere on Earth where another blue stone exists. For that to happen, the multiple and smaller stone pillars at Stonehenge were taken to other locations around the world. As far as we know, there are twenty blue stone pillars missing from the original group of eighty. Perhaps the Creator took them and put them on worlds that need that link back to us.”
“Oh, wow.”
Merlin speaks up next, “Yes, a natural transporter, Richard. When the people sought to use it to explore the Heavens that is when bad things started to happen. The First Crossing occurred at the time of the first Atlantis. Only twelve people showed up, and I was among them. We had no problems mixing with the population of the people then. I was very young at the time. For income I did some stealing of jewels from time to time on the first Atlantis. I didn’t know I could be a wizard at the time or even have a long life.”
“One of many wars started to take place. The Second Crossing occurred during one particular war, a group of dwarves and dragons were surrounded by a large army. Then a dwarf used his Ethereal Space ore to activate the blue stones at Stonehenge. At the time, the arrangement of the stones was in a crescent shape. That is about 2,600 years before the Common Era. They disappeared in a flash of blue light. In their place appear a group of elves who were fighting for their own lives from where they came from. There were thirty elves in that group. They consisted of several families, men and women. Among the group is a prince from Gondor. He is descended from Numinor as well and blessed with long life. He had children here on Earth, of which I am and you are descended from. That line is written down in those two books in your possession, Richard.”
Then Anya speaks up, “My original name is Anyawin on Middle-Earth. I came in the Second Crossing. Some of my people intermingled with the local people on the Isles. From that came many stories and myths. These included the Leprechauns and the other little people found there. Those little people are for real, Richard and Brianna. They were already on the Isles before we came there. We found land and sea dragons, centaurs, dwarfs and unicorns there as well. There is elvish blood in Guenevere and Arthur. The fairies came from Caliber, which you already know.”
“The advancing army backed off because they saw we were far better fighters than they were. They were welcomed with open arms to join them.”
“Which world did you come from, Merlin and Anya?”
“We came from Middle-Earth, Richard. The Second Crossing group stayed on the Isles to start over. Among the second group is the legendary elvish smith, Feanor. He was just given a mortal wound during our fight against Gothmog and the Balrogs when we were transported here. We were able to nurse him back to health with an antidote we discovered on the Isles. He is still alive and lives within the Forbidden Forest with the other elves there. He forged the sword from what is available here on Earth. It is a unique combination of metals, Ethereal Space ore and Evenshard stone before all of the stones sank at the time of the Great Flood. Most of Feanor’s spirit is kept in the Halls of Mandos. It will be released and be rejoined with him at the Ultimate Last Battle.”
“Just for your information everyone. The Creator told me that not all of the Ethereal Space ore and the Evenshard stone on Earth were sent to the bottom of the ocean.”
“Where did it go, Richard?”
“The Ethereal Space ore mingled with our magnetic rocks to give our Auroras at the North and South poles. The Eleven Magi gathered up the pure ores and kept them for their own use. Someday, when I meet them again, I will be taking it from them. They have abused the ores for the wrong reasons.”
“Yes, they have, Richard. You’ll be the one who will use it properly.”
King Arthur continues, “To me, Caledfwlch was a strong sword, Richard. However, I never could use its full potential power. By itself it can cut stone and steel very easily. There are magical properties within it that only you can use. Do not hand the sword to your descendants. They will not have the power to use it. The sword will leave a mark on their hands if anyone tries to lift it and are not destined to wield it. The grip is made of unicorn horn.” Arthur smiles at me.
“Yes, Arthur. I see the connection now.”
“The other weapons he built are located elsewhere on Earth and not on Earth.”
“He made nine weapons for a Japanese swordsman to confront an evil that came from King Azazel. When you do your Far East tour in a couple of years, you will understand then, Richard.”
“Yes, Arthur. Do you know how the Eleven Magi became turned to the bad side, Arthur?”
“I do, Richard. I reviewed some old images up here when I had some free time. When King Azazel was thrown down onto Earth that is when he influenced the people here to have wars. When the elves showed up during the First Crossing, he saw another opportunity to further spread his plans of destruction upon Earth after he had calmed down from his rage. Azazel then appeared to them as a wise man, he told them there is a way to achieve balance in their souls. It is to be done at the full moon every time. They are to recite a special phrase before a special altar. Once it is accomplished, he said their lives will become more balanced.”
“But it didn’t happen that way, Arthur.”
“No, it didn’t, Richard. What it did, it expelled their good side and let their bad side come in control.”
“Then where did the good side go, Arthur? It had to go somewhere.”
“It did go somewhere, Richard. It went to the twelfth magus.”
Then Merlin looks astonished with wide eyes, “What? It went to me? I don’t have them, Arthur.”
“You do, Merlin. They are the eleven skin suits that hang in your closet.”
Then everyone starts to laugh out loud and see the big joke for what it is from the Creator.
“Then all I have to do is to rejoin the skin suits back to the respective owners. Then they will be in their right minds again. When should I do that, Arthur?”
“Do it as a present to them when the Ultimate Last Battle takes place. Then you can join them and help correct the damage that Melkor unleashed on Middle-Earth when the Door of Night is opened.”
Anya and Merlin hug each other upon hearing the great news to help their own people. We all clap our hands as well when we heard the good news.
“Richard, when that Door of Night is opened, a great and evil army will come out. Among their number is the great dragon Ancalagon. He was supposedly killed by Earendil. His wound was very deep, but he was still alive, barely. The Orcs and the Goblins nursed him back to health behind the Door of Night.”
“How do you know about this, Arthur?”
“The Creator sent me on a scouting mission from up here, Merlin. The Door of Night is a separate realm from Demon World that is known among the seven dark realms or hells as we call them on Earth. Richard, when you face Ancalagon, you must find his good side. It is very small and buried deep within his mind. Once you have awakened it, Ancalagon will then take the army away from Melkor and Sauron. Then Turin can finally come in and kill Melkor. Then both will be sent to their ultimate doom by the Creator.”
“I hope I can remember it all, Arthur.”
“You won’t, Richard. Your mind is very clear here in Heaven. When you are back down on Earth, you will remember pieces of what we’ve talked about. But when the event is about to happen, you will recall vividly what you need to do.”
“Then let’s hope I do, Arthur.”
“Now back to the Mordred problem, Richard. This is the saddest news of all. Mordred and Morgan Le Fay, his mother, are still on Earth.”
Everyone exclaims out loud except for those who know the story. “What??!?!?!”
“They made a deal with the devil, literally. They were given the life span of a Middle-Earth elf when he killed him cold blood and they drank his blood. Then King Azazel through Sauron’s Spirit, granted them long life.”
“Is there a way to undo that ritual, Arthur?”
Others yell out loud, “Yes, they cheated death! They must face it like we all have, Arthur!”
Arthur raises his hand to quiet them down. “I don’t know what the circumstances will be, Richard. The sword is your only defense against them. Perhaps just touching the sword onto their bodies might be enough to end the curse.”
“Sigh . . . yes Arthur. I understand.”
Then we see some beasts coming in closer that I barely remembered. Then I see a familiar face from an old dream. “Nathan!”
We hug each other, then we look at each other as we smile and laugh together. “Hah, hah, hah, . . . “
“You gave me some of your memories when I was on Twainor the last time, Nathan.”
“Yes I did, Richard. It worked to perfection to give you the clues you needed about the Nephelim giants.”
“That was great. I love it.”
Then Nathan introduces me to the beasts that are with him. I meet some centaurs, dwarves and dragons. Athena and Einhorn are not here, because they are still alive on Twainor.
Then Brianna comes near while I’m talking with them.
“Who are you talking to, Richard?”
“These are dwarves, centaurs and dragons, Brianna. These are the ones who arrived on Twainor thousands of years ago. I take it the bluestone transporter was used, Nathan?”
“Not this time, Richard. The Creator took them before the Great Flood. That way there was no trace of them leaving Earth.”
“That makes sense, Nathan.”
Brianna and I are now walking around hand in hand as we greet and talk to some more people. Then all of a sudden, appearing before us is Renard, Trianna, Sir Halgren, King Tierion, Queen Shiranna, and Avel the unicorn. Also, Sir Trenton, Sir Valmar and Sir Leland are present as well.
Then Amber and Cobalt fly to Avel quickly. “Oh we miss you very much, mother.”
“I miss you too, Amber. How is it going on Earth?”
“It’s going great, Avel. We have helped Richard many times.”
“I’m sure you have.”
Then I approach Avel. Avel presses his head into me as I hug his neck. We break apart and look at each other.
“This is a surprise to see you, Avel.”
“It most certainly is, Richard. Who is this young lady standing next to you?”
“Egads, where are my manners?!” I speak out really loud. “Friends, ancestors and descendants, before you stand the people I met while I was on Twainor serving as their Outside Helper. I introduce to you Wizard Renard and his wife, Sorceress Trianna.” They nod their heads in acknowledgment. “This is Sir Halgren, who is my Escort and body guard on Twainor.” He nods his head. “These three knights are the military leadership of their Kingdom. Their names are Sir Trenton, Sir Valmar and Sir Leland.” They nod their heads up and down. “This is King Tierion and Queen Shiranna. They are from the Kingdom of Thryson on the planet Twainor. I am under them when I’m there.” They nod their heads as well. “And last but not least is Avel, my unicorn brother. He gave birth to Amber and Cobalt on Twainor.” Avel nods his head as well. “This is the same Avel who was killed by his brother Kayin when he was in human form. His story is found in the ancient writings from the Jewish people.”
Everyone clap and cheer for their presence among us. Sir Halgren and I hug each other quickly. I get the same treatment from Renard and Trianna. I nod my head to King Tierion and Queen Shiranna. They nod their heads in return. Then we hug each other.
“This is a surprise seeing you here, Richard. What’s the occasion?”
“Brianna finally found me on Earth. We are now engaged to be married.”
“Congratulations, Richard and Brianna!”
“When is the marriage date?”
Brianna and I look at each other. “I don’t know when it will be, my King. Probably within a year at the most. How long has it been since I was on Twainor, Renard?”
“You have been gone for about six moons, Richard.”
“According to my time, it has been about four years.”
“You must let us know when you get married. We would like to be there when it happens.”
Then we all hear a voice from the Heavens. “Let there be two marriages and two honeymoon trips. There will be a month honeymoon period on Twainor followed by another month period on Earth. Citizens of Twainor, you have six outer moon periods to get ready. It will be a different time span on Earth.”
We look at each other with wide-eye expressions. “Well, I guess the Creator wants two separate ceremonies.”
“Then let it be so, Richard and Brianna. We’ll let you do your marriage first, then you fly to Twainor for the ceremonies there. Stay there a month, then fly back for your second honeymoon trip. You will be back on the same day you leave from Earth.”
We look at each other. We begin to nod our heads up and down and agree to King Tierion’s suggestion.
Then King Arthur speaks up, “Then let it be done, Richard and Brianna.”
“Then we’ll make the plans, Arthur. Oh before I forget, Wizard, I mean Merlin. Will you please come here?”
“Yes, Richard. What is it?”
“You need to explain to Renard what you did to my contact crystal, and the last time I used it.”
“Ah yes. Renard needs to know.”
“What do I need to know, Richard?”
“When we last talked via the crystals, our military installations picked up our conversation.”
“That’s not good, Richard. What is the solution, Wizard?”
“I put another spell on the crystal to scramble the frequency.”
“You scrambled the frequency? How am I supposed to know how you did it?”
“I added a smaller frequency around it to act as a shell. It diffused the main frequency. The frequency shell number is 24.25.”
“Okay, I see the picture in what you did. How am I going to do it on my end?”
Then I speak up, “Take one or more crystals that have that number Renard and touch the crystals that you use to contact me.”
“That’s good, Richard. Hopefully, I will remember this when you contact me the next time.”
I smile at Renard, “Well, the Creator could do the reminder for you, Renard.”
Renard smiles back, “Well, he has done it before.”
Then King Tierion speaks up, “Then we’ll look forward to your next call to finalize the preparations.”
“That is a must, my King. Also, we’ll need the unicorns so that Brianna can be changed like I am.”
King Tierion and Queen Shiranna look at Brianna. “Don’t be frightened, Brianna. It won’t hurt at all. Has Richard tried to describe the change to you?”
“He really hasn’t, even though he has tried, Queen Shiranna. Hopefully during the next six months, we’ll be sharing our hopes and wishes as the counseling begins for us.”
“Then share your hearts together, Brianna. That is a must to keep your marriage alive and well.”
Then Sir Trenton, Sir Valmar, Sir Leland and Sir Halgren approach me.
“So have you learned any new moves, Richard?”
“I have, Sir Valmar. I have earned the brown sash with the third degree since I was with you the last time. I am now going for the first black sash and on my way to being a Shaolin Dragon Master.”
“That’s great, Richard. You’ll be a formidable foe if someone should cross you.”
We continue talking and sharing our lives together.
“What is this I hear, Richard? You could be King of a country on Earth?”
“It is true, King Tierion. Brianna and I are descended from King Arthur and Queen Guenevere here. I don’t know when it will happen. The situation is not right for us to claim the throne and crown. It has to be the right situation for us to do it. Also, there is a group that will be against us. The group’s name is Mordred’s Legacy. It goes all the way back to the time of King Arthur, fifteen hundred years ago.”
“I see, you’ll need to take care of them so they won’t be a thorn in your side.”
“I agree, King Tierion.”
Then Sir Trenton notices Croin flying about with the other dragons. Then they land near us. “Croin, I didn’t know you were here.”
“Well, this vision of Croin you are seeing is Richard’s memory of me. My real self is back on Twainor.”
“That’s incredible. Richard, how is this possible?”
“Well, I have discovered I can do some magic on my own on Earth. The Wizard was able to bring the memories of everyone I have met on Twainor to come forth from me. My memories of you have helped me from time to time. Your memory can be solid or be like a ghost.”
“That’s amazing. So, what will happen when you arrive on Twainor? Are these memories of us will be with you?”
“That’s a good question, Sir Valmar. There is one idea that crossed my mind. I would let the memories join back into you. Then you will be instantly updated on what has happened on Earth. Most of you are about the Earth scouting the land. Your memories are seeing how we live our lives.”
“If that could work, Richard. It will save you a lot of time in explaining to us how it is on Earth.”
“That’s my thought exactly, Sir Leland.”
“You mentioned the last time, Richard, if there were any Ethereal Space ore on your world. Is there any?”
“Yes, there is Renard. However, most of it is mixed with our magnetic rocks. It gives our auroras near the poles of Earth.”
“Ah, so the Creator did remove it from your world.”
“However, not all of it is gone, Trianna. There are group of Eleven Magi who gathered the last of the Ethereal Space ore and the Evenshard stone before it sank into Earth below. They have used it for the wrong reasons. They have caused a lot of problems here on Earth with it. Sometime in the future, I will meet them and take the ores from them.”
“Excellent, Richard. Then it will be in the right hands for the right reasons.”
Eventually, Allen, Brian, Charles, Kenny and Mike return back to us. They talk wildly about the fun they had.
“We played several fantastic games of football. We met all of the football greats, dad. We met Gale Sayers, Bob Lilly, Red Grange, Roger Staubach, and many more I can’t remember right now.”
“It was fantastic. The score must have been in the hundreds on both sides. Then we played another game where the defenses had their chance to shine. The score during that game was very low.”
“Oh man, that was an intense game. No one gave an inch. The special teams did a fantastic job in pinning the opposing teams.”
Then we hear from the Creator again.
“It is time for the gathering to end. Give your well wishes. Some of you will be here visiting your loved ones here from time to time as needed until the Ultimate Last Battle is finished.”
We all start to hug each other and give our best wishes to each other. Then the ones who came from Earth and Twainor starts to sink below the ground. We all wave our hands to each other and yell out to one another again.
“It will be great to see you again my friends!”
“We’ll contact the other worlds, Richard! It will be a great time of rejoicing!”
“Thank you, Renard!”
Then we fly back to our respective worlds quickly. We enter our respective bodies where we are sleeping on the beds.
Then we hear the alarm go off at 8 AM. “Bzzzzz . . . !!”
We slowly get up. I get up quickly to turn off the alarm. “Oh, what a night.”
The fairies slowly get up as well. “Did we all have the same dream, father?”
“Yes we did, Lavan. We were all there. Try to keep the memory fresh in your minds. It is the only way to do it.”
“We’ll try, mother.”
“At least we get to see Avel. It was great to see him again.”
“It was, Amber. Have no worries. Everyone will be coming with us to Twainor. I’m also going to invite King Oren and Queen White Dove as well.”
“That’s great, father.”
“Okay, it’s time to get ready. Brianna will be here at 9 AM for breakfast, my fairies.”
“Okay, Omega, father, mother.”
The fairies fly to the kitchen sink to have their morning shower. I step into the bathroom to have my own. We get done in about fifteen minutes. I get myself dressed with a pair of jeans and one of the new flannel shirts I received from the Wilsons. The fairies also get dressed up warmly as well with their warm clothes.
I then walk out to the kitchen and start getting the breakfast put together. I put some water into a pot, then I pour enough oatmeal into it for Brianna and me. While that is heating up. I pour out some apple juice into two cups. Then I hear the door bell ring. “Ding . . . dong!”
I walk over to the front door and open it. Brianna immediately jumps into my arms as we hug and kiss each other and let the cold air into the bungalow. We finally break apart to close the door.
“I just started to put the breakfast together, Brianna. I need to finish making the bedroom neat.”
“That’s good, Richard. I’ll take it from here.” She takes off her coat and drapes it onto a sofa chair.
The fairies follow in quickly as I walk into the bedroom to put away the sweats and pull the sheets, blanket and cover back over the bed. The fairies do the same in straightening out their beds and putting their night clothes away as well. Then I walk back out to the living room area and my fairies follow me as well.
I walk over to the kitchen to see what she is doing. I see the glasses of juice put on the dining table. Enough paper plates are put out for each pair of fairies. Brianna finished cutting up an apple and a plum. Then she mixes them together and divides it into two bowls. I take the bowls and place them on the table for our two place settings. She stirs the oatmeal from time to time to make sure of the consistency. “Get out the milk and raisins. Are your fairies getting what they want?”
“Yes, they will pick up which fruit and nut they want from the bowls I already have put out.”
“Okay, fairies, pick your food. It is almost time.”
“Yes, Brianna.”
The fairies fly over to the bowls to pick out which set of fruits and nuts they will eat for their morning breakfast. They bring their food to the paper plates and set them there. I open the fridge to take out the milk and a box of raisins. I place them on the table. I place the cinnamon spice container on the table as well. “Brianna, do you want me to warm up the milk in the micro-oven?”
“Yes, go ahead and do that. Don’t make it too hot.”
“Yes, Brianna.” I open a cabinet door to retrieve a pitcher. I pour some milk into it. I place the plastic jug of milk back into the fridge. I put the pitcher of milk into the micro-oven. I set it for fifteen seconds. After time ends, I take it out to taste test it with a spoon. “Another fifteen seconds aught to do it.” I place the pitcher back in and set the timer for another fifteen seconds. The timer ends, I take it out to test it again.
Brianna tries the milk this time. “That’s just right, Richard.”
“Fairies, just to be fair. Do you want your nuts warmed up?”
“Yes, father, mother, Omega!”
“Yes, it helps us keep warm longer and taste best for us.”
I take the paper plates one at a time. I take the fruit off the plates and set them aside on another plate nearby. I put a plate in and close the door. I set the time for five seconds. I know it can’t be too hot for them. Brianna takes each plate and exchanges it with another one from the table. I get done with warming their nuts up in about two minutes.
I put the pitcher on the table with a cloth underneath it. Brianna spoon out the oatmeal into two bowls until the pot is empty. She then places the pot into the sink and turns on the water to fill it some. Then she turns off the water. We each take a bowl and place in front of a chair on the table. We then take our seats. The fairies sit near their plates by brother and sister. I see that Bianca and Lavan are the closest to Brianna.
Brianna holds my hand, then all of the fairies get up to get closer to us so they can hold hands with each other and us. I give the morning Thanks to the Creator.
“Creator, I just want to thank you for a wonderful Christmas. It has been the best ever. Thank you for the dream gathering last night that we get to see our loved ones whom we haven’t seen for a long time. I know Brianna made some new friends in heaven as well. Keep us safe for the new year ahead. Thank you for this food we are about to eat. Let it give us the strength we need to do your work. Brianna, do you have anything to add?”
Brianna speaks up, “Thank you, Creator, for a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for this engagement ring from Richard. It is very precious to me because it comes from his golden heart. Keep us safe throughout the new year as well. Thank you for this breakfast with Richard and his fairies. It is just another bonding moment in our lives. Thank you, Creator.”
We all respond together at the same time. “Thank you, Creator.”
The fairies return back to their own place setting. We enjoy the breakfast very much. We savor the warmth and flavor it brings to our stomachs and taste buds. Surprisingly we don’t talk at all while we eat. We just look at each other and smile. I guess as we do this more often, we’ll be opening up to each other more readily.
Once we get done, we clean up the table and clean the dishes and silverware. The used paper plates and paper napkins are thrown into the trash can. Then Brianna and I sit together on a double sofa chair. My fairies come near, but are hesitant in what to do next.
“Why are they hesitant, Richard?”
“On weekend mornings, after we have eaten our breakfast, my fairies come near to me to lie on my stomach or sit in a pocket together. Soon their heart beats are in rhythm with mine. It allows us to be one together and enjoy each other’s presence. It is one of our bonding times.”
“That’s sweet. I love it. I can imagine it the same way when we have our own children.” Then she looks at Bianca and Lavan. “I know you two have been near to me lately. I don’t think we are ready to bond together, Bianca and Lavan.”
“We are not ready either, Brianna. When you two do get married, then we’ll bond with you. As more of us are born, I can imagine at least two more pairs of fairies that will bond with you. We’ll be by your side just like we are with Richard. When you are pregnant with a child, you will definitely need our help to comfort you when Richard is not there with you.”
“That’s good to know, Bianca. But when I come close to giving birth, I will need Richard’s strength to get me to the hospital.”
“We are strong if all of us act together, Brianna. We can lift you up from the bed if you need it. Of course, we have been born on the bed in Richard’s room. We have never witnessed a child being born yet, but we have heard it can be done before going to the hospital.”
“Well, I have read stories that are incredible to believe in, Lavan. I’ve read a story where the child is born en route to the hospital. Sometimes the police aid in the delivery if it is happening too fast. They’re all kinds of situations when a child is brought forth. We’ll just have to take it day by day.”
“That is a must, Brianna. Then we’ll be here to help you care for the child as well. We have been around babies at the apartment complex where Richard lives. We can tell you the baby becomes really quiet when a butterfly is nearby and sees it.”
“That’s an idea, Ruby. I can imagine what some of the toys are and how the room will be decorated for the baby. Richard, you live in a two bedroom apartment. If we are having four children, we’ll need to be in a house.”
“I know, Brianna. Once I get back to Jacksonville, I will start hunting for a two-story house near some woods in my spare time.” The fairies flutter in quickly to find their spot as I lean back the sofa chair half. Esmeralda and Emeril slip into my left shirt pocket first. Ruby and Rubio slip into my right shirt pocket. Amber and Cobalt sit on my shoulders, Tiger and Tigress lie on my stomach and chest.
Brianna leans her sofa chair half back as well. We interlock our arms before we hold our hands together. We then start hearing Amber and Cobalt humming softly a soothing melody. Brianna smiles when she hears it. We all hum along together with the melody. After fifteen minutes of bonding, the fairies end their bonding session with me. They get up and flutter about the room. Brianna and I reposition the sofa chairs to the up position.
“I love it, Richard. It definitely helps me to stay calm all day. I’ll miss it while you are back in Jacksonville in June.”
“I’ll miss your presence while I’m there. Well, my fairies, it is cold out there. Do you want to go and flutter about? You’ll probably fly to the gator hole to stay warm.”
“We’ve decided to stay around here, father.”
“Okay, I’ll open the door for you so you can get your exercise. I’ll leave the sliding glass door open an inch with the screen partition closed and unlocked.”
“That’s wide enough for us to get back in mother. Thank you.”
I open the door and they all change into butterflies. They flutter out quickly to do some flying about. I close the door and walk to the sliding glass door. I open it one inch and move the screen partition over to close it and leave it unlocked.
“How long will they be out there, Richard?”
“They will be out there for about an hour. When they come back in, they will need to warm up quickly under a blanket on the bed. After they get warmed up, they will eat some more nuts and fruits to restore their strength.”
“You must buy a lot of nuts and fruits for them. It will cost you as you bear more fairies.”
“I know, Brianna. But they can take care of themselves in the woods. King Oren’s fairy troop has taught my fairies how to do it. There are four from his fairy troop with me. That reminds me, I need to send an email to Traphel.”
I open my cell phone and access the email program. I type a letter of how things are going here. I also include the news of Brianna accepting the engagement ring. I also tell him of the plans for the wedding ceremonies and the honeymoon trips here on Earth and on Twainor and to visit the unicorns on Twainor with King Oren and Queen White Dove. Once it is all done, I send the email to the spare cell phone in my bedroom.
“It shouldn’t take long for him to reply.”
About ten minutes later, I get a response back from Traphel. He congratulates me on the engagement with Brianna. He also tells me he is looking forward to meeting the unicorns on Twainor. It will be a dream come true for him and Rose Lace. He also writes the apartment is doing well and has weathered the storms with ease. He looks forward when they see me in June.
I show the response to Brianna. She smiles that all is well back at the apartment. I go into the bedroom and put a warm blanket on the bed.
After an hour, the fairies slide the screen door aside, they flutter in quickly. They get under the blanket I lay on the bed to get warm. After about thirty minutes they come back out to the living room. They take what they want from the bowls and have their meal to restore their energy.
The rest of the week was really relaxing. Brianna and I would take walks on the beach side. Sometimes the fairies would accompany us by fluttering around us or sitting on our shoulders or head to stay warm. On Saturday and Sunday, I spent time with the Wilson family in watching some football games on TV. During the commercial breaks, Allen, Brian and Charles would tell stories of they did during the summer vacations with my brothers, Mike and Kenny.
“There was this one time, Mike and Kenny decided to raid the camp kitchen refrigerator. When they get there, they find the doors locked. They looked all around as quiet as they can to find anything to eat. All they found were the loaves of bread for the sandwiches. So, they took two loaves back to their cabin.”
“Yeah, when they get there, they see the Camp Director sitting on the steps leading into their cabin.”
“Oops, Hello, sir.”
“Hello Mike and Kenny. I see you have two loaves of bread from the kitchen pantry. This makes the second time you have done something like this yesterday. The last time, you both took several jars of peanut butter and jelly.”
“Uh . . . yes sir.”
“Were you planning on making your own PB and J sandwiches?”
“Well, we get really hungry at night. You don’t feed us enough during the day.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Kenny. I’ll take the two loaves that you have. You both are getting KP duty for the next two days.”
Mike and Kenny moan out loud at the same time, “Oh man. That’s a bummer.”
We all laugh out loud at the predicament they found themselves in.
“To make matters worse, Richard. They had to do the KP duty after the social dance with the girls camp nearby. The girls they met were disappointed they had to do it. That meant no night kissing until the girls got back into the buses.”
“They definitely deserved that justice for pulling that food theft off.”
We all laugh some more. We watch some more football on TV on Saturday and Sunday.
It is now approaching January 1 and New Year’s Eve. The Rescue Mission is throwing a big party in the restaurant. The guards were able to buy some fireworks to shoot off from the island. We also watched the usual celebrations on TV as well.
We shouted out loud at the same time the countdown to 12 midnight while we watched the TV. Once we entered the New Year, we all hugged and kissed each other. Brian and Charles got a lot of hug kisses from the single ladies. Again, they got lipstick kisses on their faces. This time, more ladies got their picture taken. I did get hugs and kisses from Larry, Helen and Karen at least. Some of the ladies who did approach me just settled for some hugs from me. If they tried to kiss me, they got the ‘evil-eye’ from Brianna. Once they saw her stern face, they broke off quickly and rejoined the other ladies in the restaurant.
A little bit later, we walked outside to watch the fireworks shoot up in the sky. It was not as spectacular as the ones we saw on TV, but they were good enough for us. Some bloomed into glittering showers. Some were star bursts of red, blue and white. We all clapped, ‘Oooh’ and ‘ah . . . hh’ and cheered for the display we saw.
Once the fireworks were over, we went back to our rooms and bungalows. It is now time for me to begin my work for the company and get really busy for the next six months. That includes learning more moves for the first black sash and the counseling sessions with Brianna.
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Hello BC Sci-fans,
Hello again BC Sci-fans,
I'm back. I survived my mom for two Wednesdays. It went well.
Now I need to give a plug here for a storyline. Where did the SRU Wizard come from? I did some reading of various authors in Fiction Mania. This one intrigued me the most. So, I'm giving the proper kudos for Pretzelgirl for this story line.
Secret Origins of the Wizard: My Antediluvian Baby
Author: Pretzelgirl
Also, if you noticed, I gave Anya from Bikini Beach an origin as well.
When I get to the fifth book, it will have the title of "Then and Now". I will create a scene that is not too noticeable in that story. The question I will leave with you so it will bug your brain until then is this. How did that roof tile get loose in the first place?
Now I can imagine some questions coming out is this First and Second Crossing. Was there an exchange with the First Crossing as depicted in the Second Crossing? No there wasn't. Again this will be elaborated and told in the fifth book. Also, time, space and distance is a problem here. The clue here is there no time correlation between Earth and Middle Earth.
Tolkien was asked when did these events occurred. He responded that the Book 3 of the Tolkien Trilogy happened 2000 years ago our time. Now for those who are savvy Tolkien readers, when did Feanor supposedly "died"? The Halls of Mandos is a true statement concerning that piece of information. Also, the Smilaris gems he created must be resolved according to what is promised there about the White Trees.
Another thing to remember, Tolkien never did outline how the last Battle of Battles will be done, except for the phrase, The Door of Night. So, I will be providing an alternative idea about this Ultimate Last Battle.
There are other pieces of information scattered through out this chapter that should blow you away. I will let you guess like crazy what I'm thinking. However, I won't respond directly to your questions posted here. I don't want to ruin the surprises for the other readers here.
Well, take care my friends. Have a great week everyone.
The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 3 Rescue Mission Ch. 19
The three dragons mentioned with the sword, are they linked to the silmarils or the three elven ring from middle earth?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Go back to Book 2
Hello Stanman,
You need to go back to Book 2. I wrote a chapter where Richard was able to open the wooden box to reveal two of the rings. The third one is in Merlin's possession (or the SRU Wizard for safe keeping).
The three elven rings are with Galadriel, Celeborn and Gandalf when they sailed to the West at the end of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy saga.
These three dragons are native to Earth. The red dragon represents Cymry/Wales. The white dragon represents the Pict/Scottish heritage. Their son, Ddraigmab, is well . . . their son. They were alive at one point in their life. Eventually they were killed. When the rings were made, the three dragon spirits entered those rings. In the beginning, the white ring is for Guinevere, the red ring is for Arthur and the third ring was for their son, Loholt. But, Mordred caused a lot of problems back then, so the rings became hidden with the Moore Clan. Not to be worn again until Richard and Brianna become king and Queen.
Now what will happen after that fifty year reign? Richard and Brianna will be able to "disappear" and have a quiet life and Richard can continue his work in getting Earth prepared for the future. They will still keep tabs on what is happening in the Isles and to lend a hand when needed, when their children have their turn in being rulers.
The Silmarlis are gems that Feanor created. They contain the light from the White Trees before they were darkened. Eventually the White Trees will be restored along with their light.
I hope this helps jog your memory. Have a great week.
Happy Me my favorite story continues.
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