Since there will be a mostly harmless shower scene, I'm probably going to raise the rating to R for this chapter, simply because there will be some description of female nudity and bathing. Nothing overtly sexual, thanks to it being from Drew's perspective, were the same shower scene written from Christina's perspective... Might have to take it up even higher ;P
Honestly, as much as I avoid gratuitous sexuality, the subject matter alone for this story really isn't suitable for anyone who wouldn't be permitted to an R movie. It's not necessarily because it'd put any nasty thoughts in a younger persons head, though it could, especially with the upcoming scene in chapter 3, but because I highly doubt they'd even understand what they're reading. I mean, really understand it.
About the bit about Christina and sexuality...
I went into her head for about two paragraphs during Janet's trip down memory lane and she already mentioned a single comment that was overtly sexual, though it'd go right over the head of anyone too young to hear it.
Abigail Drew.