Magnetic Personality - 2

Magnetic Personality-
Part Two


The room door opened and a very good looking redhead strode in. Her bearing was military, even though she was dressed in an expensive business suit. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lorna, My name is Heather McNeil Hudson, here on behalf of The Canadian Government, Department H.”

Magnetic Personality
Part Two

Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This Retcon universe belongs to Lilith Langtree, and I thank her for allowing us to play in her sandbox. This is a retcon of Polaris in the Marvel Comics Universe. Marvel Comics owns the character and all rights associated with him/her/it. Captain Canuck is TM Comely Comics. Mr. Canoehead is TM the Frantics and CBC. All other characters that appear are copyright their creators / re-creators and only used with permission. Image copyright VOC. Once again Thanks to Lilith Langtree, EOF, and Donjo, for the invaluable help.

Chapter Four
“’Leadership is not magnetic personality--that can just as well be a glib tongue.’ Peter Drucker”

Sarah Hallowell stood to greet the newcomer, “How can we help the Government Ms. Hudson?”

Heather shook her hand and sat down across from the three, “It’s not so much what your client can do for the Government and more of what we at Department H can do for your client Ms. Hallowell.” Sarah started to reply but Lorna held up her hand.

“Just what can ‘Department H’ do for me Ms. Hudson?” Lorna asked. “So far, no one has even told me my status as a citizen. Everyone else seems to be more interested in covering their asses, so I rather figured the ‘Conservative Government’ would be doing more of the same.”

Heather looked at Lorna and nodded, “Direct. They said you were not the sort to tap dance around. Look Lorna, the government, especially department H, has been on the lookout for talented individuals to aid in protecting the sovereignty of Canada for some time,” she reached into a briefcase and pulled out a thick folder, “there have been stories and rumours of special people for almost as long as we have been a nation and even before.”

Heather opened the folder and placed it so the three women could read it, “They weren’t always stories either. There have been heroes before now. Department H was set up in the 1960’s to track down the superheroes.” she paused and smiled, “They weren’t always called Metas, you know. We offered aid and assistance to anyone wanting it. When Jade made her broadcast we went on high alert and now you are the first Canadian Metahuman we have found.”

Lorna looked at the folder with great interest. Nelvana, Johnny Canuck, and Canada Jack. Her father used to tell her stories of them at bedtime, “Hey, three Captain Canucks?” she asked in astonishment as she read further, “Oh come on! Mr. Canoehead? You can’t be serious.”

“All special talents and all assisted by various arms of the government,” Heather responded, “H was formed to bring all the talents under one roof.”

“And H is offering… what, exactly?” asked Lorna, not even looking up from the file.

“Well, an update to your status as a Canadian citizen for a start,” Heather replied. “Birth Certificate, Passport, Social Insurance, training to control your abilities and find out the range of those abilities, and Government sanction if you choose to take up the activities that so many other Metas have, crime fighting.”

Lorna looked at Lucy then at Sarah, “This may be the best thing for me right now,” she told them, “And it’s not like I have much left to keep me here, the police tell me that I fried pretty much all my electronics, None of the clothing is my size anymore. So why not a fresh start?”

Sarah held up a cautioning finger, “What does the government expect of Lorna? There’s always a quid pro quo attached.”

Heather reached into her briefcase and withdrew another folder, which she handed to Sarah, “This document outlines exactly what the government offers and what it expects in return,” she sighed, “long story short ladies, Canada wants’ its own American Dream. A symbol of the true North; strong and free. And, in the long run, you may want the feds on your side.”

Sarah looked up from the document she was perusing, “Why would that be Ms. Hudson?”

Heather looked Lorna straight in the eyes, “Right now, people don’t know what to make of you, Lorna. Hence the rush to indemnify themselves, but…” she paused for a moment, “what happens when someone files a lawsuit against you, for some perceived ‘injury’ or slight or whatever crosses the mind of someone looking to make a quick buck. Hell, you blacked out a third of south-western Ontario when your Meta turned. You don’t think it’s likely that someone who missed the last half hour of Idol will launch a nuisance lawsuit?”

Lorna covered her eyes, “See why I said I didn’t want to see anyone Lucy? All my adult life I’ve kept my head down and worked hard so I didn’t have to deal with the Idiocrasy. Now it seems that every moron with a petty complaint will be sharpening their knives and aiming them at my back,” tears began to run from under her hands, “I didn’t ask for any of this…” she broke down sobbing.

Lucy wrapped her arms around Lorna protectively, “Ohhh honey…shhhh… I know and I’m here for you.” The little blond rocked Lorna in her arms, “She’s right you know, she didn’t ask for any of this,” Lucy looked at Heather, “Ms. Hudson, if it’s possible and if Lorna wants me along, I’d like to be part of her medical team, if only to give her some sense of continuity in her life and to be a friendly face amongst strangers.”

“You want to stay with me?” Lorna sniffed back tears and looked at Lucy then at Heather, “Can she? Come with me?”

“I’m authorized to negotiate, so I don’t see why not Lorna,” Heather responded, “anything else you would need?”

Sarah looked up from the document again, “Well, aside from no mention of salary, the deal lives up to what Ms. Hudson has said. I’d suggest taking them up on it, but, there should be an exit clause,” she looked directly at Heather, “or was indentured servitude part of the deal?”

Heather looked startled, “I… I wasn’t involved in the drafting of the document… I honestly had no idea…”

Lorna giggled, “Sorry Heather, no offense intended, but you should see your face right now,” she smiled brightly, wiping her face dry, “you see why Sarah has been my attorney for 15 years? She misses very little. So, how do we proceed?”

“First thing we do is I sit down with a government attorney and we fix,” Sarah held up the document like a dead rat, “this, so that both parties are dealt with fairly.”

“I wonder why they never show the lawyers of super heroes in the comic books?” Lucy giggled.

Chapter Five
“‘The essential element in personal magnetism is a consuming sincerity - an overwhelming faith in the importance of the work one has to do.’ Bruce Barton”

It was another three weeks before an agreement was reached and travel arrangements could be made, but Lucy didn’t allow Lorna to be idle during that time. Sarah and Heather had cleared up the matters of identification by mixing Larry’s personal history with Lorna’s, so she didn’t lose any of her qualifications or financial holdings. Now armed with new credit and debit cards Lucy planned to drag Lorna all over Toronto’s shopping and fashion districts to equip her with what Lucy called the ‘essentials’. The ‘essentials’ left Lorna’s head spinning.

“Lorna, I’m sorry, but you can’t just wear a t-shirt and jeans all the time. And what do they have you in? Cheap Wal — Mart underwear?” Lucy shuddered visibly, “Hun, cotton underwear are ok if they’re well made, but you deserve much better, and I hate to keep reminding you of this, but you are a remarkably beautiful woman now.”

Lorna lifted her face from her arms and glared at Lucy, “and I suppose a ‘pretty woman’ shopping montage will allow me to suddenly come to terms with my lurking femininity?” she snorted, “I still have a hard time recognizing myself in the mirror.”

“That’s what I’m hoping to change Lorna,” Lucy took her hand; “I’m hoping to help you reset your self image. I’m not trying to erase your former life; I’m trying to get you to embrace your new one. I can’t help you discover and hone your abilities, but maybe I can help you get comfortable in your skin.”

‘Getting comfortable’ started with a trip to the Toronto Eaton’s Centre. Lucy held on to the cards because Lorna had expressed concern about wiping the mag stripes. “Now Lorna, I’m not asking you to force yourself to enjoy this, but I do want you to try to keep an open mind,” she said as she led the taller woman into the mall.

Lorna’s eyes widened in surprise as she took in the sheer volume of the centre, the place seemed to stretch on forever. “Can’t we just go shop in Sears?” she whispered, glancing at the milling throngs of shoppers, “or better yet, just get a coffee at Starbuck’s and forget this trip?”

Lucy took Lorna’s hand gently but firmly and led her to the last place Lorna wished to go, Victoria’s Secret, “Into the deep end Lor, we start with a good foundation,” Lucy giggled, “so to speak.”

Lorna’s mouth went dry as she saw the racks of lingerie, the stacks of panties, and hangers of intimate items that surrounded her. For a moment she thought that she tasted something metallic, coppery and she seemed to feel an electric tingle in her mouth, like licking a 9 volt battery.

Lucy was busy speaking with a fitter who looked like a playmate centerfold, “Really, she never bothered pampering herself,” she said to the sales woman, “spent almost all her time studying and gaming. A true geekette,” Lucy giggled.

The tall brunette who’s nametag declared her to be Anna glided over to Lorna, who was still as a deer in the headlights of an oncoming car, “Hello dear, don’t worry about anything,” Anna said soothingly, “ we’ll get you fixed up in no time,” and led the limp looking girl towards the dressing rooms gently.

Over the course of then next thirty minutes, Lorna was stripped down to her cotton panties and posed, prodded, measured and generally handled like a side of beef while Anna took notes on a form. She gratefully sat when Anna finally left the room.

There was a gentle knock at the door, “How’s the trial by fire Hun?” Lucy asked, “Having any fun yet?”

Lorna scowled, as if the glare would penetrate the closed door, “well, she’s friendlier than most doctors, but the procedures felt similar,” she grumped.

“It’s ok Lorna, the hard part is done, now the fun begins,” Lucy giggled, “and here comes your fairy godmother with delights for your senses.” Lorna could hear the smile in Lucy’s voice.

“Oh joy,” Lorna snarked.

Anna brought in a large selection of panties, brassieres and other filmy objects Lorna couldn’t identify and had her try them all on in turn, judging them by some criteria that escaped Lorna completely. There were two piles in the room, the reject pile smaller than the sales pile, Anna had gotten Lorna to admit liking several of the combinations and even gotten a small smile from Lorna as she looked in the mirror. She and Anna had finally settled on a pale green satin set to wear, and Anna collected the buy items and left Lorna to get dressed again.

“I have to admit that these do feel better on my skin,” she glanced at herself in the mirror, “and I do look better…” there was a sudden flash of the coppery taste again, followed quickly by a scream from the store and the sound of a firecracker going off. No, not a fire cracker, she realized, a gun!

Lorna’s senses came alive. She could feel the metal around her, but it felt odd, like it was vibrating. Iron, copper, aluminum… steel, straight ahead. She opened the door quietly and moved around the outer wall of the store and felt the steel with even more strength.

“I said get the fuck down on the floor you stupid cows!” the larger of the four masked men screamed as he pointed his gun directly at, “Lucy!” Lorna involuntarily screamed.

Four guns whirled in her direction, “Are you deaf and stupid you bitch?!” the leader bellowed, “Do you want to die?”

Something inside Lorna’s mind clicked into place, “Bitch? Moi?” the air around her crackled with static and she grinned crookedly, “That’s Mistress to you, you pansy!”

Lorna reached out with her left hand and made a grabbing gesture, her eyes glowing green. The handguns were yanked from the resisting hands of the would be robbers. She examined the hardware for a moment before dissembling them and letting the parts fall to the floor. The furthest of the crooks tried to run for the mall entrance, Lorna gestured and a large metal shelving unit fell on him.

“Yes, pansies,” she smiled directly at the leader, “what kind of man would rob a lingerie store?” She gestured with her right hand and the other two henchmen were completely corralled by display racks. The leader chose that moment to pull a knife and charge her, “Really? Are you that stupid?” she asked snidely and plucked the knife from the thugs grasp before he moved 10 feet. Lorna grabbed hold of the man’s studded leather belt with her new found power and lifted him into the air. “You must be that stupid,” she growled, “you pointed a gun at my friend.”

There was a commotion at the door, “Ok Miss, you can put the bad man down now,” Lorna looked towards the voice, finally, the police... with guns drawn and pointed at her. She sighed.

“As you wish, officer,” and let the thug drop to the ground. He bounced, twice.

Lorna ignored the police and ran towards Lucy. “Christ! Are you ok girl?” she looked at the other women, “nobody hurt? Geeze Lucy, can’t leave you alone for a second,” she took the little blonds’ hands and then quietly passed out.

Lorna woke up with a wet towel on her forehead and a paramedic checking her pulse. Lucy leaned into her field of vision, “Hey, there you are,” she smiled, “big tough heroine faints.” Lorna blinked, “is that what happened? I suddenly felt very drained and weak,”

She sat bolt upright, “Is everyone ok?”

A cop wandered over, “Well that depends what you mean by ok miss…” he looked at his notes, “Dane, is it? The ringleader had a dislocated shoulder, the one with the shelving unit on him has a broken leg and the other two soiled themselves.” The officer grinned, “We caught the tail end of your act and I’m guessing you’re the Meta that the brief from Ottawa was about?”

Lorna felt the heat rise in her cheeks and swallowed hard, “Right place at the wrong time officer,” she read his tag, “Knapp. When I saw him point that gun at my friend, well he’s lucky I don’t consider killing as an option,” she smiled weakly.

Officer Knapp patted her on the shoulder, “Well from what I saw, you exercised considerable restraint. Now,” he flipped his notepad shut, “we will need a full statement from you, but we can get it at the hospital.” He handed her his card and walked off to interview another witness.

“You impressed the cops, but I see through you Miss Dane,” Lucy smiled and glanced at the card, “Officer Whitman Knapp will have to wait till we do a full check up on you. And this doesn’t get you out of shopping either; you just get a rain delay.” Lucy helped Lorna on to the stretcher and settled her under the orange blanket, walking with the paramedics to the ambulance for the ride back to Sunnybrook.

Chapter Six
“‘A compass in the north is worthless. You got true north and magnetic north and the needle just goes round in circles. It's all dead reckoning’ Paul Eitel”

Lorna slept 12 hours straight and ate a very large breakfast the next day. She was lingering over coffee when Heather walked in, “Well, not quite the controlled introduction to the public that we wanted, but it is dammed good press,” she threw the Toronto Star down on Lorna’s bed table and read from the Sun’s banner, “‘GREEN HAIRED HOTTIE BOPS BAD GUYS!’ ugh, as bad as the New York Post. The Star is a bit better.”

Lorna picked up the paper, “‘NEW CANADIAN META FOILS HIGH END ROBBERY’. Yeah, I always liked the Star,” she read a bit, finding speculation and witness accounts, “Sorry Heather, it all just happened.”

“I’m not here to chew you out Lorna, but I am going to debrief you,” Heather started a digital recorder, safely away from Lorna; “I need to know every detail, no matter how small about the incident.”

‘… I could actually feel the metal around me, but it felt buzzy, like it was vibrating. I… felt the steel in the hand guns and then,” Lorna closed her eyes, “I saw that slug pointing the gun at Lucy and all of a sudden,’ she paused, “everything clicked into focus, I could feel the guns in my grasp, I could feel the sum of their parts. The rest was just like fighting hand to hand, but I was at least 20 to 30 feet away from them all the time.”

“Anything else, anything at all Lorna,” Heather prompted.

“No…Yes! I could sort of see everything around me, even behind me and the people all had …auras, yellow green auras,” Lorna remembered suddenly.

“And around me?” Heather asked.

Lorna squinted, “yeeeess... very faint but there’s an aura or…” she snapped her fingers, “your EM field!”

Heather nodded and tossed a quarter at Lorna’s head. It stopped dead in the air, Heather made a note in her book, “Completely unconsciously defence mechanism,” She smiled at Lorna, “can you manipulate the coin?”

Lorna looked at the coin hovering before her and narrowed her eyes. The coin began to turn on its axis, faster, until it was a silvery blur. It slowed and floated back to Heather.

“I’ll take that as a yes then,” Heather closed her notebook and stopped the recorder, “the police, specifically an officer Whitman Knapp, wants your statement and a blond tornado wants to come in,” she smiled, “your overall performance though? Pretty good for a green recruit,” Heather walked out of the room as Lucy burst in.

She bustled around the room like a nervous cat, tidying, arranging, never quite meeting Lorna’s eyes, “Ohhh you’re ok, Heather looked happy, did you sleep well, how was breakfast?” she trailed off and walked to Lorna’s side.

“What’s wrong Lucy?” she took the young woman’s hand in hers, “You’re very upset, why?”

Lucy silently looked into Lorna’s eyes and decided. She leaned in and kissed Lorna softly on the lips. Lorna was startled but then kissed the nurse back, with rising heat. They broke the kiss a moment later and Lucy looked frightened.

“That was very nice Lucy,” Lorna said softly, “but that wasn’t for just saving you, was it?”

Lucy turned beet red and seemed to want to flee the room, “oh god… um… no,”

Lorna grabbed her hand. “It’s ok Hun…” Lorna soothed the frightened girl, “I think I know, and it’s ok.”

Lucy looked at Lorna with eyes filled with tears and hope, “Really? Ohhh Lorna, I think I’m in love with you and I didn’t know if you were ok with that and my family knows about me but not too many others and are you sure…” the words came tumbling out in a rush that trailed off.

“Ok with it? Little love, I’ve been attracted to you since I opened my eyes here,” Lorna smiled warmly; “you didn’t think I’d be looking at Officer Knapp did you? You have been a source of strength and happiness to me since I woke up as…well me. Lucy, I was a guy… you are so attractive and caring, I couldn’t not love you,” she smiled, “I just never thought that you could love me, so I kept my mouth shut. When that ass aimed his gun at you, well…”

Lucy shut Lorna up with a deeper kiss then before, then looked her in the eyes, “shhhh my love, you’re babbling.”


‘It’s easier somehow,’ Lorna thought, ‘knowing someone loves you makes it easier to deal with your fears.” She smiled as she watched Lucy usher officer Knapp out of the room.

“What are you smiling about Lor?” asked Lucy, “you look like the cat that swallowed the canary.”

“I was just thinking about love, and you, and loving you sweet girl,” Lorna grinned, “I never felt this way before and I like feeling this way.” Lucy got up on the bed beside Lorna and snuggled in close, “Never? Really? In 45 years you never fell in love?” she shook her head, “I know you are pretty snide and sometimes grumpy, but never?”

Lorna kissed the little blond and brushed a lock from her face, “I’m sort of glad you never met the old me, my dearest,” she smiled, “I was a real dork loser, with a side order of arrogance and a huge ego. I… Larry barely tolerated the world and avoided contact with people because he was so much smarter than they were. He worked nights and locked himself into that crummy apartment, going on the internet and arguing about stuff that was really not that important,” she paused to kiss Lucy again, “what I have now is important, not the abilities, but the human contact, and your love.”

Lucy looked into Lorna’s green eyes, “Oh Lor! That’s so sad, if your Meta hadn’t turned…” she trailed off.

“It did, and I’m here with you now,” Lorna smiled happily, “and now being a girl is a bit less scary.”

Lucy smiled brightly, “Being a girl is a blast, you’ll see,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes, “and I don’t mean shopping either.”

“Why Miss Caplin, Whatever could you mean?” Lorna giggled, “Well, I hope you don’t mind breaking in the rookie.”

It was a week later that Lorna and Lucy received a visit from Sarah. She walked over to the work area that they had set up earlier and put down her briefcase, before looking at the other women, “So Dane, interesting week you had. I received a phone call from Columbus, Ohio yesterday,” she paused, “that’s where The Limited head office is... ok, those blank stares are really annoying,” Sarah frowned, “They own Victoria’s Secret... ahh, the dawning light of comprehension.”
“See why she’s been my Attorney for so long Lucy?” Lorna chuckled, “she’s enough of a smartass to hold her own with me.”

Sarah gave an ironic bow and continued, “Well it seems they were very impressed by your ‘timely intervention’ during the attempted robbery and would like to feature you in some of their advertising,” she glanced at her notes, “some PR flack called you the ‘Meta Angel’. Look Lorna,” Sarah smiled at her client and friend, “I really don’t mind fielding a few inquiries for you, but if this keeps up, we have to open a new case file for you.” She put her notes down and looked at the girls, focussing on them for the first time.

Lucy smiled, but Lorna blushed under Sarah’s scrutiny, “You’re about to make things difficult for me, aren’t you?” Sarah snorted, “How long have you been corrupting this sweet young girl, Lorna?”

“It wasn’t Lorna, Sarah,” Lucy spoke up, “Lorna didn’t think that this was even a possibility. I took the initiative Sarah, and well, we’re happy.”

Sarah opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Heather from the doorway, “Well good for you two but I can see we are going to need a pr team on you,” she sounded annoyed, “Ms. Hallowell, I think you and the government will have to work closely together on Ms. Dane’s file from now on... you should get a team together.”

End Part Two
Magnetic Personality

Next time: We meet the team at Department H and Lorna stretches her abilities to their theoretical limits.

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