got my 3 month evalutation at work

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And I guess it went okay. I was rated a 3.25 out of 5, so above the minimum, but not as good as I hoped. I'll have to try and do better by the next evaluation.



If they were going to try to cull you out they would have begun here. So take it as a positive and never give them anything negative to put in your file.

Ask for a meeting with your supervisors


You should ask to meet with your supervisors and ask them directly, "How Can I Improve?" or "How Do I Meet the Standard That Wal-Mart Wants fro Me?" Make your question a positive one, not a negative one, eg: "What Did I Do Wrong To Only Get a 3.25?"

Also read your manual or talk with some old timers. It is possible that a 3.25 maybe the highest or near the highest grade that a new employee can get. A lower mark, leads you to work harder. If they gave a 5, the first time out to an employee tehy might slack off.