The Angry Mermaid 37 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 37.

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A chapter in which drustina is forced to assist in the battle despite being heavily pregnant. Queen Meronee also takes advantage of Drustina's gravid state to avail herself of drustina's duality and sperm to meet her own dynastic ends.

The Angry Mermaid 37.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 37.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun. Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin. Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab The moor who taught numbers.
Eric Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton. Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia Arton’s wife.
Isobel. Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus King of the Capetani.
Shaleen Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan. The scullery maid.
Isaar. Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega. Tyrant King to the west.
Portua. Portega’s grandson.
Jubail. Old Fisherman.
Mutas Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia King of Malta.
Alviar Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.
Horam The Egyptian master Boat builder.
Muraa King Astos’s male partner.
Tuk Makurian general.
Fantu. Makurian Captain.

The Nile in Nubia.

The Angry mermaid 37.

The moon had set sometime just after the middle hour and the rain clouds were covering the stars. A pure black darkness enveloped Drustina’s room.

Her bump was beginning to make her uncomfortable and she lay in the pitch black alternately wishing her bump would hurry up and be born and then wondering about tactics for the coming engagement. It was a worry, for their modest forces would finally have to face the massed Alwan forces. Consequently sleep escaped her.

Suddenly she sensed there was somebody or something else in her room. She silently gripped her sword and shifted into the darkest corner where the bed as touching the back wall of the little bedroom she had been allotted in the large farmhouse that served as a head-quarters. Invisible to all she crouched low to try and use what little light there was intermittently coming through the window as dark rainclouds slipped by Sirius, the brightest star. Then, as a gap in the clouds illuminated the window, Drustina saw a dark shape silhouetted against the stars. Her sword came up silently and she felt a soft resistance of prodded flesh as her razor sharp Toledo blade touched the intruder.

There was a sudden jerk and a squeal of pain.

“Ouch!! Sod it girl, don’t you ever sleep?”

“Meronee!? Is that you?”

“Yes dammit! You’ve cut my tit!”

“Well don’t creep up on people when they appear to be sleeping!”

“Have you got a reed wick oil light?” Meronee demanded.

“Yes. It’s on the side table but you’ll have to get a light from the torch in the alleyway.”

Meronee cursed and stumbled through the darkness in her urgency to get a light and check out her wound. She returned holding the little, ignited oil lamp up to her bleeding breast.

“Damn you! Look what you’ve done!”

“Well you shouldn’t creep around like that. Pisht girl. It’s only a little nick!”

As she scolded Queen Meronee, Drustina attended to the cut efficiently with herbs and poultices from her ‘war bag’. As she quickly stopped the bleeding she continued scolding the impetuous Nobatian Queen.

“Anyway, you know I sleep at all times with my sword beside me. It’s your fault. You’re lucky I didn’t run you through. So why the hell are you creeping around my bed at this unearthly time?” It’s long gone the middle hour!”

“Dammit Drustina. I wanted to share your bed!”

“My bed!” Drustina squawked.

“Hush girl! D’you want the whole bloody camp to know?”

“Why d’you want to sleep with me?” Drustina croaked hoarsely as the surprise still strangled her voice.”

“Why d’you bloody think?” Meronee replied as she knelt on the bed while Drustina relaxed her hold on her sword and felt under her pillow for her dagger

“Oh God! You’re not another one like Astos are you? What is it with these Nile Pharoes?”

“No, damn you I’m not. If you want it bluntly, I want your child.”

“My child! You can’t, it’s Astos’s child! He’s the father and our plan is to have the baby in Egypt.”

“No you fool! Not your child, child! Not that child. The other way you silly cow. I want you to father a child in me!”
Drustina fell silent.

“I’ve never done that. I make the fluids but nobody knows if I’m potent.”

“You said it works like a man’s cock!”

“Oh it certainly works, at least the stiffening and spurting bits work but as to fertile seed, well, I’ve never been proven. I’ve never penetrated a maid yet.”

“What! You’re telling me you are a male virgin?”

“Believe me Meronee! It’s easier being laid as a girl than it is getting laid as a man. I had thought that Arina and I would ... you know, but she chose somebody else. I find my compensations in my motherhood.”

There was a silent pause as Meronee realised Drustina had been slightly wounded by Arina choosing to find another companion. By any measure, Arina had found an excellent mate in Captain Fantu. Meronee felt sorrow for Drustina and sensed the warrior’s despair. As a wave of sympathy for Drustina radiated from Meronee’s breast she made herself comfortable and gently laid her hand on Drustina’s fertile bump. She sighed as the bump ‘kicked’ and her hand gently rubbed Drustina’s belly. Meronee decided to concentrate on the good things in Drustina’s much travelled life.

“You’re just so lucky, d’you know that?”

“How so?” Drustina wondered. “I’m about to face another battle that we still have no certainty of winning, my companion Arina has forsaken me for another, I’m far away from my homeland and I’m deemed a monstrous blasphemy by these ‘one-god’ bishops.”

“Not here you’re not; not in Egypt, not in Nobatia and not in Makuria.” Meronee countered.

“But your bishops ...” Drustina hesitated.

“Are not of the same mind as Rome’s bishops. They are Coptic Christians.” Meronee finished for her.

“Well, I must confess, they do seem a bit more — you know, understanding; compassionate.”

“They are,” Meronee reassured the pregnant girl, “and I have it from my own bishops that if I have a child by you it will not be condemned; even if it follows you ... you know, your duality.”

“God forbid!” Drustina sighed. “So far that hasn’t happened!”

“Would you give me a child then?”

“What? How? Look at my huge belly. How will we make union?”

“I’m flexible girl. Where there’s a will ...”

Drustina sucked her lip thoughtfully and the silence prompted Meronee to action. She slithered down into the bed and Drustina felt soft lips envelope her flaccid manhood. She twitched and gave a little guttural croak as the first stirrings of male desire made themselves known to her cock. Drustina had never felt lips on her manhood before and she started to make little growling sounds deep in her throat. She had lived now for so long as a girl that the sounds came as something of a surprise. She craned her neck over her pregnant lump to see Meronee’s smile gazing up at her in the lamplight. Her tongue was extended now and Meronee was licking the stiff, extended shaft. Drustina humped almost automatically as a long repressed maleness surfaced in her mind.

“Are you sure you can fit onto it ... that is, without crushing my own babies.” Drustina whispered.

“That’s not a problem my sweet young queen,” Meronee replied, “my problem is my virginity.”

Drustina’s eyes widened with realisation and she let off an involuntary chuckle.

“Bloody hell! Of course, you’re the virgin fighting queen!”

“And you are the lioness of Carthage! So come let us make a child to forge a dynasty that will rule all of Egypt.”

Drustina could only lie there as her bump served to immobilise her somewhat but Meronee knew what she wanted and how to get it. As her girl parts made touch with Drustina’s maleness they were already slick with desire. Drustina let out a gasp of lust as her manhood sensed the wet scabbard enveloping it. Meronee had impaled herself just far enough to feel her maidenhood being challenged.

“Mmmm!” That’s just so delicious!” Meronee rasped hoarsely.”

Drustina ached to hump her hips but was unsure of the consequences. She had known a girl’s hurt of virgin loss when first she slept with Torvel so she was determined not to make Meronee’s first time a painful memory. Drustina struggled to show all the gentleness and awareness to Meronee that Torvel had shown to her. Eventually, Meronee concluded she was sufficiently lubricated and impaled to take the next cautious step. She gently rocked her hips, experimentally at first but as the need took her, the action became more forceful and more demanding. She sensed the giving of her maidenhood and concluded that the barrier was breached. There was a tearing sensation but the pain was nothing like what she had expected. She had heard women tell of devastating hurt when first taken. Realising she was fully impaled Meronee looked down at Drustina wonderingly as a mild, confused disappointment crossed her face.

“Aren’t you supposed to thrust?!

“Yes. And I want to ... desperately; but I am waiting for you to say.”

“You’re sweet!” Meronee sighed. “Go to it lover, but gently please.”

“There can be no other way with this bump to shift.” Drustina sighed.

Meronee curved her slender body over Drustina’s belly so as not to crush it but embrace it. Drustina felt a warm comfort and humped responsively even as the ‘bump’ kicked. They both giggled as they felt the movement.

“He wants to join in!” Meronee squeaked as she savoured the thrust of Drustina’s hips.

“He’ll know my needs soon. They say an unborn child feels its mother’s feelings. Are you comfortable?”

“Perfectly,” Meronee cooed, “are you?”

Drustina giggled then snorted with amusement.

“I’m lying on my back with a perfectly beautiful virgin busying herself with my body. If that’s not ‘comfortable’, then what is?
What more could a boy ask for on his first time?”

Meronee joined in the chuckles but they soon turned to the more passionate sounds of lovemaking as the pair explored each other’s bodies with an intensity born of novelty.

Queen Meronee’s maidservant found them still embraced long before dawn brought sounds of preparations for the impending battle. The girl gave a startled gasp when she finally found her queen, for on discovering the Queen Meronee’s empty bed, she had gone silently searching for her ruler without giving away any secrets. It was a pleased maidservant who had finally found Meronee in Drustina’s bed for she was simply relieved to learn that her leader was safe and sound. She had been Meronee’s maidservant for over ten summers and knew her mistress well.

“Wake up ma-am, the troops are readying ma-am. They will expect you at their head soon.”

Reluctantly the pair parted and Drustina was amused to see just how open and unaffected Meronee was in front of her maidservant. Even the dried bloodstains of her lost virginity, sticking on her thighs did not seem to faze her as Meronee made her excuses to Drustina and left to have a quick bathe and breakfast.

“See you at the council in an hour.” Was Meronee’s parting word.

“An hour was plenty of time for Drustina to wash and eat. In battle mode she was used to quick preparations and she found herself loitering idly outside the council tent while waiting for other commanders to assemble. General Tuk was the next to appear and they chatted briefly before entering the tent. Soon the other seats were filled and the council made their final preparations. Drustina’s task reflected her encumbered condition and she was simply to organise the river transport as and where the troops were needed.

Drustina had two big problems. The first was arranging effective signals to get the boats and troops to where they were most needed. With Arina as her second in command they at least had two leaders who understood their own signals and that would avoid confusion. On the West bank of the Nile, riders were placed as unimpeded messengers to carry complex information up and down the bank quickly. Thus would the ship commanders keep a close eye on developments in the battle-field.

The second problem was creating some sort of barrier that could prevent Alwan ships from using the Nile’s northward flow to send down fighting ships or fire ships to cause problems for Drustina’s logistics and supply train.

To this end they landed a large party of farmers to work as military engineers and set a cable across the Nile that could be drawn tighter if any enemy ships were sighted coming down the river. This required several dozen’s of oxen to be mustered on the west bank where the end of the semi buoyant reed rope cable could be drawn tight if anything threatened. At first they thought it would be a simple matter of drawing the cable tight across the river but experiments proved that a large loop worked better. It put less strain on the cable and funnelled any floating objects into the belly of the loop. There they would be concentrated as they fetched up against the cable and they could be more effectively dealt with. This preparation was to prove extremely successful.

Ashore, Captain Fantu had long departed for the high ridge to prepare his Ta Seti bowmen for the coming fight while general Tuk had the main task of attacking the Alwan camp. In this at least, the allied forces now held the bottleneck between the east bank and the buttress end of the high ridge. There, just as in the famous Battle of Thermopylea, a small force could hold off a larger force simply by dint of the confined space between the buttress and the Nile Bank. The main difference being that Tuk’s forces could not be flanked by any secret path through the higher ground. Captain Fantu held that high ground and he had every intention of keeping it. Drustina hoped that the plan would suffice. Apart from landing reinforcements where general Tuk thought best needed, she also had the additional duty of providing the other side of the gauntlet of arrows that Fantu would lay down from the buttress. To this end, Drustina had organised three additional fast, small craft to ferry the archers where best needed. Just like Fantu’s forces mounted on their horses on the ridge, so Drustina’s bowmen were mobile up and down the river bank. Apart from general Tuk’s small but heavily armed troop at the choke point, nearly all the other combatants were highly mobile and lightly armed. Speed and surprise were to be Drustina’s main weapons and she secretly hoped her plan worked. For it was mainly her plan and, because the first part had worked satisfactorily, the allies were prepared to use the second phase.

General Tuk opened the account just as dawn was breaking and after all the allied troops had fed well but slept poorly. Few soldiers sleep easy on the eve of a big battle. Fortunately, the Alwan forces had presumed they would commence the attack for they still had the superior forces. Thus it came as a surprise when they found their defences being tested at daybreak even before the Alwan troops had eaten. Firstly a large detachment of mounted Ta Seti bowmen swept down from the ridge and attacked the picket lines to cause confusion as Tuk’s vanguard advanced as quickly as they could. The alarm spread rapidly through the Alwan camp as mounted bowmen struck as hard and as deeply as they dared before meeting resistance. Once it became too dangerous to charge around on horseback, the archers retreated behind their own advancing front line to provide flank support and rapid reinforcement where required.

Tuk noted with some satisfaction that the paucity of Alwan cavalry put the Alwan army at a severe disadvantage thanks to the previous guerrilla war of attrition during their march north. Yes there were a few squadrons of cavalry but nothing in sufficient numbers to provide that singular heavy blow that a full cavalry charge could inflict. The scattered squadrons spent most of their effective effort countering the rampages of the mounted Ta Seti bowmen.

Despite this initial success, the sheer size of the Alwan forces eventually organised into an irresistible force and the Allies retreated cautiously to prepared defence lines at the buttress choke-point. As the counter attacking Alwans pursued the allies north they had easy progress until they fetched up like a wave upon sand against Tuk’s prepared defences.

As the Alwan’s way was blocked they found themselves being fired on from above by Captain Fantu’s forces on the buttress crown and from the water by Drustina’s few ships that could be spared from the logistics exercise. Only about a hundred archers fired from three ships but their contribution to the destruction of the Alwan Moral far outweighed the allied material investment. Tucked down behind the bulwarks under their modest turtles of shields, the Nobatian archers were almost invulnerable to the Alwan retaliation as salvo after salvo was fired into the Alwan flank. The Alwan tyrant king could only fume and curse for his mighty siege engines were too clumsy to manoeuvre and aim at the moving ships.

Nevertheless, despite the allied mobility and flexibility, the massed Alwan army was proving a damnably hard nut to crack. Drustina received a message from General Tuk to launch the waterborne assault force at the most effective point but Drustina was hard put to find it. Finally, after being forced to recognise that it would have to be a ‘do-or-die’ attack, she chose a point where the bank was firm and not too steep and where the Alwan flank seemed thinly manned. The remaining ships relinquished their ‘convoy duty’ collected the hidden assault force from the west bank and delivered it where Drustina and the Nobatian Lieutenants thought best.

The ships flung the assault force ashore on the east bank at a point where the bank fell away to form a step and some trees had fetched up during the last flood. It gave the men a brief chance to dash ashore behind the protection of the beached tree-trunks and somewhere to give them a respite before launching themselves into the Alwan flank.

“Thank God for their red tunics!” Drustina remarked to her aid-de-comp as her archers and Fantu’s Ta Seti cavalry fired salvoes into the Alwan troops who had massed to address the growing wound in their side where the waterborne forces threatened once again to split the Alwan column.

“They’ve landed my liege,” a panting lieutenant panted up to report, “but it’s hard going. Please release me and my men to support them.”

Drustina eyed the fight and realised their small assault force was reaching an impasse. If they expanded their beach-head they’d need more troops to hold their perimeter. The lieutenant was right, more troops were needed. With a weary heart she gave the order and reflected silently that she was sending the men to a certain death. The Angry Mermaid and her three companion ships surged forward and rammed their prows into the sandy bank as the remaining men shouldered their bows and took up their swords and shields. As one they leapt ashore to plunge into the thick of the fighting while Drustina struggled with her apprentice lads to wiggle the Mermaid’ off the bank.

She shrank as she heard Alwan arrows start to ‘thunk’ into the woodwork. There were not many for most of the Alwan archers had been forced to resort to swords to repel the waterborne assault but even the few arrows that still flew presented a danger to Drustina and her tiny crew. It was impossible to expose themselves as they struggled to adjust sails and wiggle the ‘Mermaid’s’ stem out of the sand. Drustina cursed as she realised that somehow, her beloved little ship was stuck fast. One of the apprentices tried to look over the side but immediately invited a shower of arrows. His face greyed with fear as an arrow grazed his ear and he dived below the gunwale. Drustina realised they were in a serious jam. The flow of the river had them pinned firmly against an underwater obstruction and the little ship was going nowhere. Some of the Alwan archers realised they had a stranded ship in their sights. Drustina crawled along behind the rail to discuss their plight with the three apprentice boys.

“We can’t get her free boys.” She told them.

“Will we have to abandon her and swim for it?” The youngest apprentice asked.

“Not If I can bloody well help it. The ship is still packed with arrows and my war bow is down in the stern.” She replied.

“What can one bow do against that?” Another apprentice asked as he motioned his hand higher than the bulwark to indicate the Alwan forces.

An arrow sliced through the air to pierce his palm and he screamed more in shock and anger than fear.

“The bastards! Damn them!”

“Just be thankful you didn’t stick your head above the parapet.”

The boy looked stupidly at the offending arrow and cursed again as Drustina took hold of his wrist. Before he could protest she snapped the shaft and pulled the short remnant through the wounded palm. With the arrow removed the boy squeezed the painful wound and continued cursing while Drustina cast around the bilges looking for spare shields.. Another arrow whistled close by her head and she ducked lower as she cursed.

“Dammit! There’s a crack-shot bowman amongst their ranks. We’ll have to stop him.”

“How?” Asked the oldest apprentice.

“I’ll have to try and take him out. If you three form a small turtle with those shields by the foot of the mast, I’ll crawl back and get my bow.”

“Will you be able to hit him from here?”

“I’m going to try. It’s no good just sitting here and waiting to die. If our shore party are overwhelmed we’re done for unless we swim the river and I’m in no fit state to go plunging into rivers with this belly.”

The boys nodded as each concluded they were trapped so they might as well fight. They crawled around on their bellies to gather the spare shields whilst Drustina slithered under the thwarts to dig out her beloved war bow. As she strung it she realised she had a better view of the battle from the higher stern timbers so she motioned to the three lads to crawl aft and join her. When they reached her it was immediately apparent that a better Turtle could be effected using the additional higher bulwarks that protected the fat stern. Within seconds a small turtle was formed and Drustina was at last free to peep through the carefully controlled gap to study the Alwan forces. Finally she picked out what appeared to be the marksman with his bow. She explained how she wanted the turtle shields adjusted then carefully took aim. It was a long shot.

She cursed as her eyes followed her arrow while it struck another warrior who had inadvertently stepped between Drustina and her target. Fortunately the marksman had not noticed where the arrow had come from in the mayhem of battle and with Fantu’s arrows still continuing to rain down tracing Drustina’s shot would prove difficult. He stood choosing another target among the landing force so Drustina nocked her bow again and took careful aim.

Once again another man rose up in the path of the arrow and it lodged in his shoulder. Drustina did not hear the scream but the opposing marksman did. Drustina cursed as the marksman’s eyes started to scan the sector that contained the Angry Mermaid. He had realised there were still shots coming from one of the boats.

He stepped around a fighting couple to get a better look and inadvertently gave Drustina a clear shot. Drustina needed no second invitation and her arrow flew straight and true. The man crumpled to the ground and Drustina let go a sigh of relief as she turned to her apprentice boys.

“I’ve got him lads, he’s down.”

The youngest lad was about to stand up and cheer but the injured apprentice pulled him down with an angry snarl.

“Get down you stupid kid. There’s plenty more where that bastard came from.”

The youngster was about to protest to Drustina but when he caught her nodding sagely and staring meaningfully at him, he realised his fellow apprentice was probably right. They continued forming their turtle and could only marvel as Drustina made each of her extra-long arrows count. Through a tiny gap in the rear bulwark planks, the senior apprentice could give a running commentary as he described the chaos Drustina’s arrows were causing. He turned to Drustina with some satisfaction .

“Did you really mean to hit him ... that officer with the shiny armour?”

“The very same,” Drustina replied.

The older apprentice grinned.

“Remind me never to wear fancy armour and stuff if I’m ever in a fight.”

Drustina wagged her head despairingly.

“Haven’t you noticed. You’re in a bloody fight right now?”

“Well; yes — but; we’re not in any danger now. Your arrows have taken out their officers and stuff.”

“There’s a site more fighting to do yet kid. Believe me. You’ll find use for that shiny sword in your belt before this day is out so mind you keep it to hand at all time.”

The apprentice frowned slightly and curled his fingers around the sword in his belt while his companions looked on apprehensively. Drustina had to scold them gently.

“Pay attention to your turtle, the more we can knock out, the better for us later.”

They tightened the interlocking shields in their hands and Drustina resumed her attrition. Now however, with the immediate officers and sergeants knocked out, the Alwan troops nearest the Angry Mermaid were degenerating into an uncontrolled mob. Drustina smiled knowingly.

“We’ll have them on the run if Tuk can hold the northern front. They’re bottled up on four sides and I can see Fantu working his way down the face of the buttress with some of his bowmen. They’ve forsaken their bows for swords so he must have spotted an opportunity. The remainder of Fantu’s bowmen continued pouring arrows down into the main body of the Alwan force. It was this barrage that was containing most of the Alwan effort for without it, general Tuk’s forces would have been overwhelmed. Then Fantu disappeared behind the main melee and the last Drustina saw was Fantu fighting his way south towards the city of Khartoum.
Her attention was drawn again to the artillery fight between the bowmen.

“I think all the Alwan bowmen have run out of arrows, everybody’s using a sword.” The oldest Apprentice reported as he squinted through his spy-hole.

Drustina peered through her shooting aperture and concluded the apprentice was right. All arrows erupting from the Alwan ranks, had ceased. She spoke with satisfaction for it seemed the day was at long last going their way. Then, to her despair, she saw the arrow barrage from Fantu’s force start to wither. The arrows were not coming so thick and fast.

Where they running out of arrows as well?’ She asked herself as she decided to continue the tactic

“We’ll just keep pumping arrows into the mass whilst making sure we don’t hit our own red tunics.”

Cautiously the apprentices disassembled their Turtle and sought out some bows. Drustina instructed them to aim well away from the main melee where stray arrows could well kill their own men. She felt a kick in her belly and had to settle between the thwarts as the apprentices satisfied their bloodlust and pumped arrow after arrow into the main body of Alwan troops. There was little else they could do.

Then the wounded apprentice let out a shout and called to Drustina.

“There’s some sort of activity going on to the south. I can see more red tunics fighting the Alwans close to Khartoum.”

Drustina hauled herself clumsily to her feet and stood on the high poop to make out the situation. She couldn't understand where the extra troops had come from. They were certainly wearing red tunics but Drustina could not recognise them. Finally, one of the apprentices, the new Makurian inductee determined the truth.

“They must be allied troops who have sallied forth from the city. Look, they’re wearing the helmets of the city guard. I recognise them, my cousin wears one.

“My God!” She concluded. “Somebody in that bunch of cowardly bastards must have grown a pair of balls.”

The apprentice boys laughed at her crude feminism.

With another substantial force added to the Allied strength, the battle finally looked to be going their way. The refreshed city guard had come late in the afternoon to the fight and in truth, Drustina felt the allies were already beginning to win but nevertheless, she was grateful for the help. The battle would be shortened and fewer men would be killed. Her thoughts were confirmed as the sun began to set and, a white flag was waving over the northern Alwan force engaged with General Tuk

“At last,” Drustina sighed and sagged exhausted onto the main thwart at the foot of ‘The Mermaid’s mast’.

The day long effort from dawn to dusk had taken its toll of her pregnant body and she simply lay with a relieved smile as her three loyal apprentices called on some of the victorious allied troops to help drag the ship free of its impediments. Whilst other victorious commanders met and greeted each other on the field, the three apprentices ferried their sleeping queen back to Meronee’s main camp.

Drustina woke late the next morning to find Meronee and Arina peering anxiously into her face.

“How d’you feel?” Arina asked as she motioned to the nurse to fetch some strawberry tea.

“Tired.” Drustina whispered

“Yes, well it’s bed for you now.” Meronee commanded. “My healer thinks you might have got your dates wrong. This baby is further along than you think.”

Drustina became agitated.

“But I want the children born in Egypt, I want Astos to be with me. Dammit! I can’t be out by two months! He must have got me pregnant after the first coupling. The randy little sod!”

Meronee smiled for she knew full well the effeminate nature of King Astos. It seemed ironic that such an effeminate little king could have got the superbly built Drustina pregnant after one coupling on the wedding night. She reassured Drustina.

“We all know you want the babies born in Egypt my dear. Arina repeated it this morning when my healer mentioned her concerns. Have you noticed your breasts?”

Drustina fingered her nipples and started as she felt the sticky milk oozing out.

“Damn it! I’m near my time!”

“Yes, we think you are. Your ship is being prepared as we speak to speed you north to Egypt. Arina, your three apprentices, Fantu and I will accompany you. There should always be a royal witness to a royal birth and if you become parturient on the journey, I will be there to confirm the births.”

Drustina smiled and struggled to sit up. Arina expressed her concerns.

“Take it easy cousin. Mermaid is being readied as we speak. We’ll be gone before the sun is at noon.”

Drustina smiled weakly and Arina left to prepare their ship while Meronee stayed to chat.

“You’ve caused another sensation you know.”

“How? I hardly had anything to do with the fighting.”

“You may not think it. But the bowman you picked off with great skill was the king’s cousin and rated the best bowman in all Africa.”

“Says who, and how big is this Africa?”

“Well that’s as maybe, but then you also shot their deputy commander, you know the one with the fancy tunic. That’s when their moral started to falter. General Tuk fully admits they were losing it up until that point. You marksmanship with that bow has become legend.”

“I’m still not as good as ...”

“Your sister Aiofe,” Meronee finished, “yes we’ve heard that a hundred times. She must be some queen!”

“You should know, you are fully in contact with her.”

Meronee nodded as a nurse arrived with food. Drustina was not surprised to find she was hungry and quickly wolfed down the meal. Meronee watched thoughtfully.

“D’you want some more?”

Drustina nodded and she was halfway through her second helping when Tuk and Fantu visited. Each bore huge smiles and some valuable gold jewellery. Drustina tried her best to sit up straight and look regal in the bed but her efforts and subterfuge were soon spotted. The men smiled indulgently as the astute General Tuk remarked.

“You are already every inch a queen my lady and I wish you all success on your journey north down the mother river. My people cannot thank you enough. You might be pleased to learn I am promoted commander in chief and I owe it all to you. I and Fantu here will be deeply sorry to see you go.”

Both General Tuk and the newly promoted Colonel Fantu bent down to hug and kiss their heroine then made their excuses and left. Arina returned to assist with Drustina’s bath and before noon they were boarding The Angry Mermaid preparatory to journeying north.
As Drustina was assisted by Arina and Queen Meronee to the quayside, the whole allied force had assembled to wish her God-speed and safe voyage. Even the Makurian king and his queen had come to attend at the quay and they sheepishly thanked Drustina for her invaluable services. Drustina received yet more gold jewellery from the Makurian queen but she was too tired for any valedictory speeches and simply waved and smiled as she struggled to board her precious Mermaid. The rest of the party joined her and the convoy of escorting ships followed Mermaid down the river.

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