My dog had to be taken to the vet today

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Well, my dog had to be taken to the vet today, and it turned out she had an infection in a gland in her rear. She's stuck wearing the cone thing, and will need pain meds for the next ten days, but it could have been worse.


Oh no!

Not the collar of shame! However, like you said it could be worse. Pet or not they're still members of the family. Good to hear it's treatable.

cone collar

Just be sure to keep the cone pointed out to keep dog from chewing and licking. I want to yell at TV the few occasions I watch it and happen to see that, I think VW commercial, when the idiot turns the collar around to stream line his dog for his stupid idea of speed. I mean, if you turn the collar around you may as well take it off because it won't do it's job.

Also, I don't know what was the cause of the problem but although it stinks, it messy and sometimes you squirt yourself and others you might want to watch and learn how to express your dogs anal glands to keep them from getting infected or overfilled which are one of the reasons they drag their butts.

that's just too gross!

Our dog's anal glands would need cleaning about once a year, it cost $20.00 to have the vet do it. They offered to show me how it's done, but I said, "That's OK, I'd rather pay you to do it!"

They can remove the anal glands, but it costs $600.00. Our dog didn't have any problems until she was eight years old, so that wouldn't have been cost effective.

Regarding the "Cone of shame", they can't reach anything with it upside down either. My sister's cat had abdominal surgery, they put a flexible cone on him. It looked like a hoodless poncho. He couldn't reach a thing!

Mr. Ram