The FAMiLY LEADER is a political organization whose president propelled Mike Huckabee to a win in the Iowa caucuses.
They've designed a pledge to vet presidential candidates.
Two candidates have already signed it.
The pledge vows protection of women and children from "all forms of pornography".
I'm fairly certain those who know Big Closet would agree it does not have pornographic content. My fear is that "pornography" will become a wedge issue under which that definition will be broadened.
Politices once had a two to three week period running up to the election that was termed "the silly season". During that time candidates could be expected to do and say foolish things out of fear and frustration. Modern politics has made the silly season longer and more inane.
In my opinion this vow, and the rhetoric around it, are a dangerous threat to BC's ongoing existence.
A Shot Across BC's Bow?
Not just here, but other sites as well.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Can't Agree, Jill...
Obviously I could be wrong, but it seems to me that the pledge is going to stand or fall on the gay marriage issue and (just maybe) personal fidelity. Maybe I should have read more of the fine print, but everything else I was seeing there was basically boilerplate, the same tired assertions we always get from the christian-nation folks.
"Moral" Republicans will sign on (except perhaps for someone like Gingrich who already flunked the fidelity part), libertarian Republicans won't, and everybody will ignore it, elected or not, when January 2013 comes around. So what else is new?
Keep it friendly
I'm not that worried about this sort of thing; it's really not so different from stuff we've heard before from both left and right. Politicians (I almost said people) make noise and get elected or not and seldom does anything like this have any real impact on a national level. It has happened, though, but recently mostly at State level and in places like Canada and Germany.
Corporations are more likely to shoot free speech in the head in pursuit of what they see as wider marketability. Witness that I can't use either Google ads or Paypal donations on this site even though both will happily deal with B&N, Borders and Amazon who actually sell much more questionable material by any objective measure.
This is relevant to the site but let's keep the discussion civil or I will have to pull the topic.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Like the Mickey Mouse Club...
...we're living in the "Anything Can Happen" Day! No one thought that the Defense of Marriage Act had a chance to pass and yet it did. And in 1993, everyone (caution: Hyperbolic statement) thought that restrictions on gays in the military would end once Bill Clinton was elected, but we ended up instead with Don't Ask, Don't Tell. What we face when the folks in charge, no matter what stripe, dole out rights as if they came from a beneficent and benign government rather than being inalienable. Something to be alarmed about? Perhaps not, but certainly something to remain concerned about and of which to take frequent notice.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Of course
...first, you all have to agree on a definition of 'pornography', whatever that is.
Get ten people in a room, ten definitions of porn. At least.
And, why only protect women and children from pornography? Doesn't that break equality laws? Or is it perfectly reasonable for men to look at porn? I think we should be told!
One must always remember Tom
One must always remember Tom Lehrer when thinking about pornography.
Give me smut and nothing but; A dirty novel I can't shut, I don't know what, compares with smut!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Their pledge says nothing about ritual sacrifice or bestiality
So obviously they're IN FAVOR of boinking hippos and committing human sacrifice- the fiends!
No? But it's the kind of logic these hippo boinkers employ. Every politician they coerce into signing this thing will be held up as an example that their group's agenda represent the will of the people in our God fearing nation. And those who refuse to commit their signature to this unweildy mishmosh of different ideas, maybe because they object to one particular little part in there (what does that stuff about taxes have to do with God ordained heterosexual monogamy?), can be claimed to be actively promoting the absolute worst things the pledge mentions---like sexual slave trafficking---in those television scare ads full of stormy skies and ominous groaning music that we'll be seeing so many of before the next election. And a lot of rubes will fall for it. Reminds me of what Lincoln or somebody said about people mostly getting the kind of government they deserve. Oh well, becoming disillusioned with the whole mess lets fanatics like this win by default. You do what you can...
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Part of the reason
A small part, probably, that we get defined as pornographic content by so many web blockers is actually the name "TopShelf" being here. For a long time people referred to "top shelf" materials as things that weren't appropriate for minors. More pornographic materials, alcohol, etc were all put on the top shelf in the establishments that carried them to prevent those who weren't supposed to have access from even perusing them.
Never heard that
Honest. Top shelf to me connotes superior quality. I don't think the name has anything to do with getting restricted by some nanny software, the prominent word transgender is plenty.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
According to several sources....
....including this one: the phrase has both connotations that you and Edeyn mention, plus a few that are fairly distasteful. I know that top shelf was almost always equated with 'top drawer' as in top quality, but I've also heard for a long time that it meant 'men's literature or interests,' accepted to mean pornography. I suppose those who choose to will read into it anything they want.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Top drawer
Is the phrase over here for quality. Top shelf is absolutely connected to "gentlemen's magazines" and relates to their position on the magazine stands.
In the USA, the term is ambiguous...
Witness Top Shelf Tailors, whom we must suppose are not supplying cutaway black leather chaps with (or without) studs for the leather-bar trade.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Well, in growing up (Ottawa, West Virginia, and Texas), I never thought about it much, but the connotation was always "Keep it away from children, put it on the top shelf."
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I know that if I go to any of the local Panera Bread stores I am unable to go to BCTS. It's been blocked for 'nudity and pornography' (No that is not a typo; the site is blocked for nudity...) and every time I send them a message that this site is neither (and I've never received a response). If I plan on doing anything on BCTS, I just connect from the hotspot on my phone, and do what I need to do. These changes occurred after a different company purchased the local stores...
All of our local Paneras use OpenDNS to provide DNS Resolution. I've tried forcing Google's DNS at the machine level, but that fails (I presume they block the IP addresses) and trying to get here by way of IP address fails because of some sort of load balancing or IP masking scheme used at the server side...
I can see blocking a site like Fictionmania or Nifty (in some ways, but not others); But I don't get BCTS. It's one group of people trying to tell the rest of us how to live our lives...
This site is called 'Top Shelf' because, in my opinion, (and I'm sure that others will agree) this site hosts the best of the best of TG fiction. I'm honored to have the privilege of posting here...
TopShelf name
I named the current version TopShelf because of the BigCloset metaphor. The top shelf of a closet is where you put your sweaters, hats and other valuable items that don't fit on ordinary hangers. Seemed appropriate to me. And yeah, there's no pornography at BC although there is a tiny bit of nudity in some cartoons I drew.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
>> if I go to any of the local Panera Bread stores...
It may also be that their "net filter" provider is simply filtering "adult" sites -- which BC is -- and only lack precision in their description of what they're doing. You may not read them, but there are some fairly explicit stories posted here, and there is a stunning lack of unanimity about where lines should be drawn. The problem may be one of fuzzy communication rather than any invidious slight toward the GLBT population.
That said, in general, I try to "vote with my feet," so if I become aware of a store which doesn't appreciate the custom of either me or my friends and acquaintances, I tend not to shop there and let them know why, perhaps mentioning that I intend to let others know of my personal decision.
Panera also sells re-branded products made by (and therefore helping to fund) the Blount Foods (Blount Fine Foods) owner's "mission from God" to keep GLBT people out of the marriage market and away from "decent folk."
Panera in general is attempting to function on a higher level, and do have some nice things going for them, so perhaps the best manner of raising the volume a bit is to send a letter to Lambda Legal Defense or other largish organisation, and to send *another* letter to Panera asking them why they're supporting (indirectly) attacks on GLBT people through sourcing from Blount.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I didn't know that. One of
I didn't know that. One of the reasons why I frequent Panera is that they have seemingly bottomless coffee and pop cups. I generally don't eat there, but do get a lot of writing done. I have yet to have someone ask what I'm writing...
Before Covelli's took over the lot of the stores, I was able to access BCTS from there, on their network. Then they changed their provider. I think they block my attempt at using Google's DNS servers so that I can't circumvent the OpenDNS sever and the restrictions it places on the network... Now our public library system on the other hand, blocks seemingly nothing until you get outside the a certain range of ports (I've never figured out what that range is)...
We note with displeasure...
...that it starts out with a hateful lie, saying "equality of the sexes" with their lips whilst hiding their true intentions in an unexplained footnote: "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his." Ephesians 5:22-23
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Paternalism much?
Protect the *women*? Group us in with the children on issues of 'being exposed?'
So.. men only need apply? Gotta protect us helpless, powerless lil' things?
Are these people THAT ignorant???
Why yes, as a matter of fact!
....I've always counted on the kindness of well meanin' but pretentious and arrogant males to protect me, haven't you? Excuse me, Miss Michelle, would you be so kind as to help this old girl to a chair? I think that Ah'm comin' down with the vapors!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Maybe not
More like manipulative of their constituency but don't confuse what the leaders say to their followers with what they actually understand and know themselves. Willful ignorance is the problem, the elephant in the room is not the GOP symbol but the tacit acceptance of leadership of the prejudices of the lowest common denominator.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Generally speaking, they're a fickle bunch. Some have principles - and they generally fall into two types: those that will stick by them regardless of what happens, and those that are more open-minded.
Then there's the other sort. The kind that would sell their soul to mythical beings if they thought it would garner them a few more votes.
I suppose you could add a third category: the robot. They're effectively a walking, talking party manifesto. Whatever the party believes, they believe. If party HQ is trying to sell a message, they will blindly quote it, without actually giving it any thought or consideration. They're probably the easiest to tackle in media interviews, as regardless of how a question is put to them, they will mindlessly churn out the party line, without variation. They're probably the kind that quake in their proverbial boots if they learn they've got an upcoming interview with John Humphrys (who grills politicians for breakfast on BBC Radio 4's Today) or Jeremy Paxman (who grills politicians for supper on BBC Two's Newsnight.)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Politician's Credo
This all reminds me of the Politician's Credo, something that circulated years ago in the Xerox days:
I know you believe you understand
what you thought I said;
But what you don't realize is that
What you heard is not what I meant.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
Barefoot, Pregnant, Kitchen
They seem to have left off three of their core philosophies.
There are a few things I wonder about in their pledge. Apparently it is bad for women and children to be sold as sex slaves, but OK to sell men. It is bad for women to be to be exposed to rape, sexual harassment, torture, etc. but OK for men to exposed to this. They are against pornography but pro Free Speech.
A confused bunch if you ask me.
The U S Supreme Court has constantly said that controlling pornography is unconstitutional! A recent ruling said that violent computer games cannot be controlled by any U S government, federal or state. How many women who otherwise support this proposal have read a romance novel where the sex scenes are hot? I've read more than 100 romance novels and over 99% had some variation of him piercing her maidenhead. In fact the sex scenes in these novels make even our "XXX" rated stories seem tame by comparison. Therefore anyone who is a victim of said law should sue the government for all that he or she can get!
Just because something is
Just because something is unconstitutional doesn't mean they won't try... Hell, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled quite a few years ago that the way we fund our schools is unconstitutional. We're still funding them the same way... With Property taxes... In doing research for 'Pinks', I've come across a number of cases in which state that schools have a duty to protect GLBT students in the same way they protect non-GLBT students. You always hear reports from the students that have been harassed that 'the school said they brought it on them selves by being GLBT' Crock of shit if you ask me....
In some ways it seems to me that we need to just start over... The Congress needs to step up and actually pass some laws that make sense...
Maybe Congress would pass laws that made more sense... if they'd actually READ the bills before passing them.
T'ain't law.
This is merely some random activist/lobby group trying to tell politicians what to at least try to do for their paycheck - support that groups philosophies.
It's not really anything new or that interesting, really. I bet if we did some digging and found out who's all signed it, there'd be no surprises there either.
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
Maybe Congress would pass laws that made more sense... if they'd actually READ the bills before passing them.