Well, I turned 45 this morning while at work. Its going to be a quiet day, sleeping and then going to work, so nothing much for a birthday. Doing a supper with my brother and sister in law tomorrow, and plan to be in my best skirt for the occasion, especially since I will have to leave from the restaurant and go to work. My brother and sister in law wont approve, but frankly, I don't care.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday and many more.
Happy Birthday Dorothy!
GASP!!! You are having
GASP!!! You are having another one of those? I would have sworn I heard you say you were giving them up after last year!!
Regardless, Happy Birthday.
There was a caveman named Ogg who found a nice new cave for his family. The only flaw was the very large boulder that partially blocked access to the interior. He thought and thought, and finally tried to use a lever to move the boulder. He broke several levers as he was unable to move the boulder. He was about to give up when his big friend Nate wandered by.
He called to Nate and asked him to move the boulder. Nate said, "Uh hey man, like no prob." and picked up the boulder and placed it well below the cave mouth.
That long story just goes to prove -- "Better Nate than Lever.", and also better another birthday than the alternative.
Hope your day is a good one.
Yes...an adorable Canadian....
...for over forty-five percent of a century and still going strong. Many happy returns of the day, dear one.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Baby Sitting
Dorothy is a baby compared to us. I and perhaps you baby sat for little kids like Dorothy.
Dorothy, Happy Birthday.
Realy I would.
I would really like to see your side of 45 again. Happy Birthday and enjoy your dinner.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
The only bad question is the one not asked.
Happy B'Day D.C.!!!
[email protected] ...and many more.;)
Love And Hugs,
[email protected]
A mere child ;-)
Have a great day!
WOW 45
I just want to know what you are going to do when you grow up HUGS DOTTY LOVE YOU GIRL--RICHIE2
Happy birthday! Have a
Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day and just be yourself.
Happy Birthday!
And good for you on the dinner! Go Dot! Huge hugs!
Happy birthday and good luck
Happy birthday and good luck with your plan.
- Terry
Happy Birthday
Birthdays are wonderful occasions that when u get older u wish u was another decade younger, even though they are to remind u that time goes forward and not backwards, everyone deserves to have a birthday and a 45th i hope your bday is as fruitful as your smile blow out those candles and wish the wish that u most deem to wish, have fun in your skirt, and keep your head high hunny cause ur a very wonderful young women who is indeed worthy of her own special day and always remember its not what others say or think that matters its where your heart guides u through life that matters most always be strong and have a wonderful birthday girl you totally deserve it!!! :)
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Hope you had
a good birthday. And remember illegitimae non carborundum.