The Angry Mermaid 30 or Y morforwyn Dicllon 30

A sroy describing how Drustina manages to get her way and advance her aims.

The reputed Colossus of Rhodes.

The Angry Mermaid 30.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun. Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin. Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab The moor who taught numbers.
Eric Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton. Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia Arton’s wife.
Isobel. Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus King of the Capetani.
Shaleen Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan. The scullery maid.
Isaar. Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega. Tyrant King to the west.
Portua. Portega’s grandson.
Jubail. Old Fisherman.
Mutas Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia King of Malta.
Alviar Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.
Horam The Egyptian master Boat builder.

“What! The King! A Baby by the king but he, he’s not interested in women, he likes men; he likes cock” Torvel scoffed.
Drustina gave Torvel an old look.


Torvel’s eyes widened and Arina giggled as Torvel suddenly realised what he’d said. He stared at Drustina and shook his head disbelievingly.

“Are you sure you’d want to sleep with such an effete little oddball. He’d not be good fathering material. A pretty insipid example of a man.”

“You could say the same about me Torvel, a pretty weird example of a woman, what with a cock and all.”

“Yes but you’re,” he hesitated looking for the right word and failed. There was no way he could describe Drustina, no way to allay to her duality without inviting offence. He fell back on tried and tested flattery. “But you’re pretty. Every man in Egypt fancies you. I’ve seen their heads turn every time they clap eyes on your yellow hair.”
Drustina smiled as she immediately recognized his diplomacy.

“Don’t try flattery darling, it doesn’t work in the wrong places or the wrong circumstances and this is one of those wrong circumstances.”

Torvel looked troubled.

“Are you absolutely sure Dru? I mean, what if his children are born weak and effete?”

Drustina sighed, in truth she wasn’t really sure, it just seemed like a more certain way to gain the king’s total support in her quest to meet the famous Nubian Queen. Now the idea of a state visit had been suggested with her and King Astos attending upon Queen Meronee, she knew that a pregnancy during her stay in Nubia would not impair her learning. She would be treated as a royal visitor. A thoughtful silence settled on the trio, eventually Arina broke it.

“If it speeds up our trip to Nubia then I say go for it. The sooner you have learned Queenship from Meronee, the sooner we return to Cymru and Brittanie.”

“With a baby in tow,” Torvel Countered.

“I get the feeling the idea is that I leave the baby behind, and Astos’s sister Amitor rears it along with her own child. They’ll be related as first cousins anyway.”

“Oh, so you still see us as husband and wife then.”

“No silly! I see us as companions and lovers but they’ll be first cousins through Astos and Amitor who are brother and sister. If Astos rears them both they couldn’t have a better start in life. What baby needs to be dragged around Europe while their mother looks for ways to win back her country?”

“You’re still determined in this ambition aren’t you?” Torvel remarked somewhat censoriously.

“Yes!” Drustina replied as though daring either he or Arina to challenge her ambition.

“Well so be it. I’d have thought after having two children taken from you, you’d never want that to happen again.”

“This time it’s voluntary. It’s me making the decision; at least, it’s me choosing to have his child. They’ve been good hosts to us while this river’s flood has made it difficult to travel up it.”

Drustina became stressed and teared up with emotion.

“This isn’t easy for me you know!” She snapped. “No mother ever wants’ to give up her children. I’m torn!”

Torvel looked thoughtful as he posed the next question.

“Which is more important to you Drustina ... winning back your homeland or keeping any more children you might bear?”

Drustina stared at him, rather taken aback by Torvel’s insight. His question caused her to stop and think. The woman part of her said ‘the children’ but the man part of her (and there was still a man part to her psyche,) said ‘homeland’. Torvel’s exposure of her mental duality had come as some sort of a surprise. She collapsed on the bed and started sobbing woefully. Arina immediately settled beside her and sat on the edge of the bed as she rubbed Drustina’s heaving back. She looked up at Torvel a little angered.

“You shouldn’t have put her on the spot like that.”

Torvel gasped.

“Come off it Arina, Dru put herself in this position. All I did was clarify the situation.”

“A girl doesn’t like questions like that rammed down her throat. You should have been more tactful. Show her some support.”
Torvel snorted then cursed.

“Dammit! I’ve shown her nothing but support ever since she rescued me from the Barbary pirates!”

Arina fell silent. Torvel was at least right in that respect, he had been by their side through almost every event except when they had separated by mutual consent to embark upon associated enterprises. Torvel had been the most constant and loyal companion to both girls. Arina apologised.

“Sorry Torvel, you’re right, it’s just that a girl doesn’t always think like a man.”

Torvel grinned.

“Ain’t that the truth!”

He settled on the other side of Drustina and joined Arina in the massaging. His heavier hand elicited a grunt and a giggle from Drustina. The mood changed and the trio eventually fell to chatting about plans. Naturally Drustina’s plans monopolised the conversation but Torvel for the first time expressed his hopes of returning to Brittanie as did Arina. This improved Drustina’s mood no end. She had at least three proven and trusted companions to help her attempt her ambition if not achieve it. They then fell to discussing sex with King Astos and Torvel’s progress with Queen Amitor. Drustina sniggered as she considered the idea.

“He’s such an effeminate wimp, I mean, I’m taller than him and possibly stronger than him. D’you think he’ll get it up?”

They all chuckled and made lewd suggestions, Torvel had the final word.

“Once he sees your cock Drustina he’ll be mesmerized with attraction.”

Drustina had the womanly grace to blush and yet she punched Torvel’s arm. It was quite a forceful punch and Torvel winced momentarily.

“Ouch! You minx, that sword arm of yours is still as effective as ever!”

“And don’t you forget it partner.” Drustina finished as Arina chuckled.

“If you use those muscles on King Astos, you’ll possibly break his back. You’d best go easy on him.”

Drustina smiled then advanced the conversation by asking Torvel.

“Will you run this insane idea past Amitor? See what her take is on it.”

Torvel grinned.”

“I’ll be seeing her tonight. I’ll run it by her in bed.”

They left the apartment and went for a stroll down the harbour to see how the Egyptian copy of The Angry Mermaid was progressing. Drustina had dressed for the occasion in leggings and a short jerkin to facilitate scrambling around the builder’s yard. She got several strange looks from both men and women as they walked through the city but her reputation by then was well known. When they arrived at the yard an apprentice met her and ushered her towards Horam, the master-builder’s office. He showed her some detailed drawings of every plank on the Mermaid and then led her to the copy sitting up on stocks. Drustina spent the whole afternoon chatting about boats and found the exercise relaxing. Torvel and Arina had soon tired after the first few looks and returned to the city to meet with Queen Amitor to discuss her brother’s intentions. It was getting dark by the time Drustina had exhausted the master-builders knowledge and he hers, so he invited her to stay and eat with his family.

“This is a rough area my lady, will you be safe going home alone?”

“I have my sword and my dagger.” She smiled. “Provided I am not taken by surprise, I will be okay.”

“The city watches patrol every hour until the middle hour of the night and their route takes them past the end of this street. I think it best if you wait until they arrive and then accompany them on their rounds until they meet with the palace guards every hour by the canal bridge. Then I can be certain of your safety.”

“That’s very considerate of you master, I look forward to meeting your family.”

With arrangements made Drustina accompanied the master-builder back to his house. There she met his two sons and three daughters. The boys were beside themselves with joy and kept pumping Drustina all through the meal for more tales of her illustrious journeys.

The older son had nearly finished his boat-building apprenticeship and was a fine well formed lad of nineteen, a year older than Drustina. His younger brother followed in the same mould and the Master Boat-Builder had good cause to be proud of his sons. Drustina eventually tired of their constant demands for more stories and she diverted her attentions to the three daughters who had remained mostly demurely quiet during the first courses. She fell to discussing ‘girl stuff’ like childbirth and clothes and the boys were bemused by the strange ‘volte-face’ of their famous host’s behaviour. Drustina sensed their confusion and turned to smile at the two boys.

“We’ll discuss boatbuilding later boys but please remember I am as much a girl as a boy. I like to chat with girls about clothes and other things.”

The boys had the grace and good manners to blush and courteously excused themselves while Drustina chatted with the daughters and wife. Later, the whole family assembled on the roof and after briefly chatting about boat-building, Drustina spoke to the father.

“Can you spare one of your sons for about a year? It might delay his completion of his indentures but the break might be worth his while.”

The master builder frowned uncertainly.

“What are you offering?”

“A trip up the Nile to Nobatia. I am accompanying King Astos on a state visit and I will need a couple of assistants.”
Both boy’s eyes widened with excitement, ’an adventure!!’ and Drustina could see the pleading in their eyes as each silently begged for it to be them. Their father looked at them and pondered then he looked at their mother with a questioning glance.
“Are you happy for one of them to travel for a year my dear?”

Drustina hastily corrected them.

“Oh it won’t be a year. More like a few months. I will be staying for a year but King Astos and his party will only attend for a couple of weeks then he returns without me. I hope to stay as a guest of Queen Meronee with my erstwhile companion Arina.”

The mother’s smile brightened and she nodded her consent.

“I can stand being without them for a couple of months if you can dear,” she replied to her husband. “Let both of them go.

It’ll do them good to see a bit of the world. Besides, the king can feed them for a couple of months; they can eat him out of house and home for a change.”

Drustina chuckled for she had watched the growing boys packing away vast amounts of food and it showed only as muscle on their raw-boned frames.

The boys let out a cheer of excitement and dashed off to tell their friends. The master builder smiled as he watched them dashing off and her turned to Drustina.

“You’ve not only made their day, you’ve made their lives.”

As Drustina turned to agree she caught one of the daughters with a tiny tear in her eye. She instantly sensed the reason and she leant forward.

“What’s wrong darling?”

The girl peeped out from her head scarf that she had slipped over her head to keep warm in the cooling evening. It was a typically feminine movement designed to win affection, and sympathy from her father. Drustina recognised the feminine ploy but kept her counsel and waited for the girl to explain, which she did in halting whispers.

“It’s not fair; the boys get to go everywhere. We girls are always stuck at home and go nowhere.”

Drustina said nothing but had the good grace to await the Master builder’s response. The older man stared thoughtfully then glanced questioningly at his wife. The lady had the grace to smile and shrug her shoulders so Horam turned to Drustina.

“Would it be safe for a sixteen-year-old girl to accompany you? I’ve heard of the wild scrapes you seem to get into.”

Drustina chuckled.

“This is a state visit Horam. I shouldn’t think there will be much risk. The king’s party will number hundreds if not thousands. There will even be a cavalry detachment riding on either river bank alongside the royal procession as it travels up the river. Astos will be keen to impress Meronee with Egypt and the Empire’s wealth and power. The whole trip will take a month to organise while the floods abate.”

Having explained the circumstances Drustina could sense the oldest sister’s excitement. Her two younger sisters were rightfully deemed too young at eleven and nine but the older girl wept with delight. She came around the table to hug first her mother, then her father and finally Drustina.

“You will look after her won’t you?” Horam begged. She’s my daughter and I hold her precious.”

“She’ll be well protected and her reputation will not suffer. There are a whole posse of royal chaperones as ladies of the court. It might even do her some good if she enters into the royal circles. Become perhaps a minor lady of the court.”

“Doubt that,” the mother observed, “we are commoners despite Horam being the king’s chief boat builder.”

“So was I; once,” Drustina answered. “People can rise to higher status.”

Horam wagged his head.

“Not much hope in this empire. Ennoblement is determined by the emperor in Constantinople.”

“Well, she might meet a noble and catch his eye. She could marry one for she’s a very pretty girl; aren’t you?”

Drustina finished as she turned to smile at the overjoyed girl. Horam’s wife simply grinned knowingly. ‘Drustina obviously knew how to win a girl’s loyalty.’

On this note Drustina paid her respects and made her way back to the Palace. Horam escorted her back to the end of the street and waited with her until the watch patrol appeared. Drustina smiled at the boat-builder’s concern.

It would be a fool who tried to rob her,’ she thought privately as she fingered her fine Toledo blade. However, she had learned not to buck in the face of convention. The watch patrol’s function was to provide an omnibus escort service for any who wished to avail themselves of it during the hours of darkness. As the patrol approached, Drustina counted at least a dozen ladies and older men availing themselves of the civil protection.

As the patrol passed them, the sergeant saluted Horam as the king’s chief boat builder and Drustina fell in beside the other women who stared curiously at her leggings and tunic. She bid Horam goodnight and stepped along with the patrol while other people joined and left the group as it wove its way through the streets. Eventually it arrived at the square and she approached the Palace guard. Enough palace staff recognised her to allow her instant entry.

“Where have you been my lady?” The captain of the guard asked. “You had no need to use the watch patrol; we would have sent you a private escort.”

“I have been dining with Horam the master builder. His servants had been sent home so there was nobody to send you a message to come and fetch me. Besides captain, I can look after myself but it was nice to meet ordinary people amongst the patrol. Three of his children will be accompanying me on the state visit. Officially to learn of other boat-building techniques and tropical woods but also as a general educational visit. As King Astos’s primary guest I have a right to a score of retainers but I’ll not be taking that many.”

The captain of the guard’s eyes widened.

“But Horam only has two boys. Will you taking one of his daughters then?”

“Yes. The oldest, Miriam.”

“Oh please my lady, I have only one daughter but she would dearly love to accompany the visit. Could you find it in your heart to retain her as a member of your party?”

Drustina sighed. She liked the captain of the guard and he would be accompanying the party anyway as the king’s chief protector. It could do no harm to allow his daughter to come. She nodded wearily and the Captain actually bent down to kiss her forehead. Drustina chuckled.

“That’s a nice compliment captain. Thank you for treating me wholly as a woman.”

The captain smiled and flirted slightly.

“I know who and what you are my lady but I know you are also a skilled warrior and general. Also Miriam and my daughter are of the same age, they will be good company for each other. They will worship you, just as my men worship you, just as the men of Carthage did. By the way, there are letters awaiting you in your apartment. They bear the seal of Queen Meronee. It appears your reputation precedes you.”

Drustina wagged her head and smiled. The captain was impossible.

“Flattery will get you everywhere captain but there are to be no more in my party. Do not tell your friends or they will all be clamouring to have their children join us. I have five young ones accompanying me now Arina, Horam’s three and your daughter. Torvel stays with Queen Amitor until the seed-deed is complete.”

The captain chuckled at Drustina’s euphemism for Torvel impregnation duties then remarked with a grin.

“Horam’s oldest boy is older than you, how can you speak of him as a young child?”

“You know what I mean. He’s never left home and he barely knows how to wipe his own arse.”

“Well I have to grant you that milady. Nobody can deny that you’ve seen a bit of life. It just tickled me that you referred to him as a young one.”

.With these words, the captain waved the guard aside as Drustina made her weary way to bed. It had been a busy day. When she
crept into her chamber in the dark to avoid disturbing Arina she found somebody else in her bed.

“Who the hell are you?” She demanded as the sword appeared magically in her hand.”

“Don’t you fool! It’s me Astos!”

“What the hell are you doing here? Where’s Arina?”

“She’s next door, she’s okay. I thought it best if we started this business in private. Just to see if things work.”

Drustina snorted contemptuously.

“We know my ‘things’ work. It’s you that’s the question!”

“Alright, don’t make some stupid issue of it. This is just kingly duties to satisfy some stupid laws of Christian succession.”

“Isn’t Amitor’s child enough?”

“It’s these stupid Christians ... male heir and all that!”

“Huh. How can they tell who the father is?”

“That doesn’t matter, but the emperor demands that I produce an heir to avoid any conflict if the succession issue ever arises.”

“I see. This I presume is the orthodox bishops in Constantinople.”

“In a word, yes. As you already know I am not the absolute ruler here.”

Drustina nodded and smirked.

“So how would they, that is the emperor and his bishops, know that you’re the father?”

“They don’t. They just assume that the woman is secure from the sexual attentions of other men.”

“And how would they assume that?” Drustina smirked.

“She is placed in a secure place.”

“Well you can forget that idea for a start. I have no intentions of being held a prisoner! I am perfectly safe from ‘sexual attentions’ as you put it.” She tapped the blade of her sword on the end of the bed to emphasise her point.

“I know that,” Astos replied. “Everybody knows of your sword skills. I’m here because I don’t want anybody to know if I’m a complete failure.”

Drustina’s heart softened.

“The poor bastard,” she thought, ‘royal duties were onerous enough without forcing a body to go against his own will.’ She sat on the edge of the bed and extended her hand to rest upon Astos’s shoulder.

“Are you that afraid?”

“Not of you,” Astos admitted. “I’m afraid I might not succeed.”

“Well then concentrate on my cock. Ignore the other attributes, at least until you feel more comfortable. Just pretend I’m a man, well — you don’t have to pretend because I’ve got a cock.”

She felt a timid hand carefully drift down her body towards her groin. It hesitated at the groove of her thigh where her leg joined her hip so Drustina took the opportunity to undress. She tugged off the leggings and slid the tunic over her shoulders just as any other man might have done. Then she stood with the moonlight glistening on her skin as she caught Astos’s eyes reflecting in the same light.

“Are you crying?” She whispered.

Astos did not answer but Drustina didn’t need one. The tears glittered like diamonds on his cheeks.

“There’s no need to be afraid,” she whispered again. “Here, hold this.”

She sat beside him and took his trembling hand as she guided it down to her groin and placed it on her stiffening cock. Astos let out a relieved sob and plunged his head down to engulf her manhood in his mouth. Drustina gasped at first then let out a soft giggle as she squirmed with delight.

“Hey! Lover boy. If you suck me dry, I won’t be able to get it up for you again later.”

Astos hesitated and giggled effeminately as he released her sex from his lips.

“You don’t have to get it up. I’m the one who has to service you.”

“Does that frighten you?” Drustina asked.

“Yes,” he choked as another nervous sob betrayed his fears.

“Well take your time. Just try getting used to me and my cock.”

“That’s exactly what I am doing!” He mumbled as his head returned once more to Drustina’s groin.

Drustina got the impression that Astos was using her manhood as a baby used a dummy, for comfort and pacification. As she savoured the delights of Astos’s ministrations, she started stroking his hair and before she knew it she was wrapping his hair around her fingers and driving him onwards. To her surprise Astos made no complaints, even when she exploded in the final paroxysm of delight.

Her thrashings gradually subsided and they lay for most of the night with Astos nuzzling her manhood and Drustina trying to get some sleep. Morning found them both sunken eyed and pale with exhaustion. When Arina put her head around the door, Drustina just stared wearily, begged her to get her some breakfast then motioned her away. Astos was buried under the sheets and invisible to the casual observer. When Arina left to eat breakfast, Astos emerged.

“Has she gone?”

“Yes, but she’s coming back with some food.”

“Mmmm. I’ve had all the sustenance I’ll need.”

Drustina lay on her back with her head against the bed-board as she stroked Astos’s face.

“I think it’s about time you reciprocated my favours isn’t it?”

“Mmm. What d’you mean?”

“You’ve consumed my elixirs so I need now to receive some of yours.”

“Have I got to?”

“You’ve got to try. If I’m to have this baby by you, I’m afraid it’s a bloody necessity.”

“I’m not sure if I can.”

“Oh come on. You’ve played with my cock all night. If you haven’t decided I’m man enough to please you by now, you never will. Just take me as you would your regular partners and put it in the other hole. There’s not much difference. You never know, while you’re feeling my cock stiffen, you might even get to like it.”

“What about these?” Astos asked as he gently tweaked her nipples.

“Oww. Leave those alone. That hurts you cheeky bugger.”

Astos frowned.

“Will I hurt you if I crush them?”

“Don’t worry shrimp; I’ll be able to protect my tits. I’m bigger than you and stronger. Think of me as the man in this relationship.”

“Only if you’ll shag me.”

Drustina paused.

“I’ll only do that, once you’ve managed to shag me. Fair’s fair.”

“I might not be able to do that. I’m going to have to go slowly with this.”

“Duuhh! We all knew that from the start. That’s why you’re trying it with a woman who’s also a man with a cock!”

“D’you think of yourself as a man?” Astos wondered.

“We’re not trying to get inside my head here Astos; we’re trying to get inside my front arse.”

The king gave a chuckle.

“Front arse. I like that. You’re a man with two arseholes.”

“If that’s what works for you then think of it like that.”

“That makes you every gay’s dream.”

“Right,” Drustina grinned, “then try to hold on to that dream when we go for it.”

Their pillow talk was interrupted by Arina’s entrance with a large tray of breakfast food. Her eyes widened knowingly as she clocked Astos lying in Drustina’s arms.

“So you did stay over last night.” She smiled.

“I’ll stay wherever I like, it’s my bloody palace.”

Arina placed the tray beside the bed and slid under the blanket on Drustina’s side. Astos’s eyes widened.

“I hope you don’t think I’m going to let you do girly stuff!”

Arina sniggered.

“No silly. I use Drustina’s cock, don’t you?”

“We’ve shared stuff.” Astos confessed demurely. “But we’ve not done the necessary yet.”

“Oy. D’you mind not talking about me as if I’m not here.” Drustina protested.

Astos giggled and made to go down and suck Drustina’s cock again. Drustina tapped him smartly on the crown of his head.

“Hey. That won’t beget a bloody baby. You’re going to have to bite the bullet ... and not that one either!”

Astos looked across at Arina and nodded to Drustina.

“She’ll have to go. I’m a bit shy with women.”

“How d’you know. Amitor said you’ve never been with one.”

“The cheeky cow! I have been with them but couldn’t do it.”

“Will you be able to do it with me then?” Drustina asked.

“If I can get fixated on your cock; yes.”

Drustina shrugged and motioned to Arina to make herself scarce. Arina frowned and returned to the annexe where she’d spent the night alone. Drustina smiled into Astos’s nervous eyes.

“I suppose you’d better go for my cock then; if it gets you better accustomed to my body, so much the better.”
Astos grinned and eagerly resumed sucking. It wasn’t long before Drustina responded and she let out a very unmaidenly grunt of delight when she orgasmed. As she humped and groaned she reached out to pull Astos’s head to her own but instead Astos guided her hand to his own stiffening organ. Drustina sensed success and she giggled.

“We’d better use that while we can; lover.”

Astos seemed unsure but Drustina carefully eased the smaller man on top of her and gently spread her legs as she matched her female part to his male. Astos groaned contentedly as he felt Drustina’s male part stiffen between them and he probed curiously with his erection as Drustina eagerly humped her vagina onto his cock and finally completed the union. Astos let out a mild squeak of surprise as he suddenly found his length enveloped by the slippery velvet scabbard. He humped curiously as he savoured the strange experience then he whispered.

“It’s easier than a boy but it feels just as good. Can you squeeze me like when you clench your arse?”

“Shut up and hump.”

“No I mean it Drustina, can you clamp your cunt around me?”

For an answer Drustina exercised muscles that even other women didn’t have for her duality lent some added skills to her lower anatomy. She pressed her prostate gland as though making to pee but instead her cervix and vagina walls contacted with a vice-like grip. Astos squealed with surprise.

“Oooww! Shit girl, go easy. Where did you get those muscles?”

Same place I got my cock, balls, cunt and tits.

“Jee’ze! Your stronger than any boy I’ve been with, do it again but gentler.”

Drustina frowned impatiently. “Oh okay then. By the Gods, you’re a fussy bugger. Just hump boy! I’ll do the rest and milk you dry!”

She felt Astos physically relax as he settled down into a regular rhythm. After several strokes she repeated her earlier contraction but more gently. Astos let out a soft groan and started pumping more vigorously. Drustina realised that she might be getting a result.

It came quickly after that. Astos let out a gasp and grunted several times as Drustina felt the semen doing much as Torvel’s semen did, splatter against the walls of her vaginal scabbard. She did not share a mutual orgasm for she had climaxed earlier from Astos’s oral ministrations but she savoured the thought that she could still work her magic on one who had been deemed by everybody to only function with boys. Drustina was doubtful that she had conceived though for she was at the wrong time in her cycle. The healer woman of Carthage had explained everything to her when she had become pregnant to Torvel. Initially, she had anticipated awaiting the right time in her cycle then going to Astos’s bed at or soon after commencing the voyage up the Nile for the state visit. As Astos completed his pleasures Drustina gently held him to her breasts. He sighed and nuzzled her which caused her to giggle.

“D’you like them?” She whispered.

“What; these?”

“What else silly?”

“I prefer your other attributes.” Astos replied without any hint of guilt. “Before the Christian’s came, Sapphic and Homoic love was acceptable.”

“And what about monsters, abominations?” Drustina wondered aloud.
Astos looked at her.

“What d’you mean?”

“I mean freaks, oddities; people like me?”
Astos gaped at her.

“You may be an oddity my lady but you were never a monster. Nor where you an abomination. That’s the Roman thing. We Copts strive to stop such censure. If you were born as you are then that is how the lord God made you. Who is man to adjudge the will of God?”

“So you do not see me as a monster?”

“Hell no! You’ve just enabled me to father a child. My seed lies in you. If you are with child then how can you be a monster?”

“Will you look after the child? Will you be able to care for it?”

“My God girl! I am king of Egypt. I have servants aplenty, the child will want for nothing.”

“Except perhaps a mother.” Drustina observed guiltily.

“The child will have an aunt and a cousin to grow up with. Amitor cannot wait for you to have my child. She will mother it like her own. Besides, you do not have to leave us; there is even a crown if you remain married to me.”

“I’m not married to you now,” Drustina cautioned him.

“It will be a simple ceremony then you can divorce me as soon as the child is born. Provided we are technically man and wife when the child is born, then the child is my legitimate heir.”

“What happens if our child and Amitor’s are the same sex?”

“My child; that is your child ... our child has precedence to the throne.”

“And Amitor’s child?”

“Will still be a member of the royal family and enjoy such privileges and benefits as befits them.”

Drustina nodded slowly. Provided the child she would be forced to leave behind was treated properly and enjoyed the nurturing of a good mother in Amitor, Drustina was happy. The pair unravelled from their embrace and started to eat the food Arina had delivered. Drustina called through the door and Arina joined them. They discussed the plans for the state visit up the river as they finished their breakfast then Astos returned to affairs of state.

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