Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (3/?)

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (3/?)
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

Author's Note: Kudos to djkauf for betaing this for me. Pic Credit: Found at Comicvine.
This story is unfinished at this point..

Chapter Three

I didn’t quite make it to the front porch before spotting some unknown guy’s insides spread out over his outsides. It was then that I took in the whole scene like a normal teenager who killed twelve people with a sword for the first time.

All those Saturday afternoon karate movies showed were the occasional red marks where the bad guy gets stabbed or slashed by the hero. Using real swords on human bodies was a lot messier in real life.

I held it together though. I didn’t lose my lunch and make Logan’s job that much harder; however my stomach wouldn’t quit rolling.

The guy inside was dragged out. I stoked the fire and added a couple of logs to make it blaze up to fight the approaching cold that I knew would be by at any minute.

Stripping Logan’s bed, I tossed the sheets and blanket into the wash with extra bleach before the stains set. That left me wringing out a mop for the twentieth time, and then working with a sponge to clean up the mess of the initial spray.

Blood was everywhere, little droplets of it that I had to break cleanser out to clean up because they had already dried.

After a while, the work seemed to get easier to perform. Maybe it was because there wasn’t gore everywhere anymore and it resembled dark red paint more than anything else, or it was because I was just used to it already. Maybe it was a little of both.

It wasn’t until I started sweeping up the glass that I thought we maybe should have called the sheriff, because it was a crime scene. Somehow I thought Logan might frown on my suggesting that. In all of my time at his cabin, I hadn’t seen anyone bother to come up his trail, much less law enforcement. He didn’t even have a mailbox; we had to travel into town to use a Post Office Box.

After I finished, I found Logan’s cleaning kit and got to work on the sword I borrowed, and then replaced it in its sheath above the bed before moving the bedding from the washer to the drier.

By that time, the cold started bothering me.


I think I got about thirty minutes of sleep and even then it was probably five minute spurts because I nodded off. That’s when dawn broke.

Giving up on any decent rest, I got dressed in warm clothes and prepared for a more cleanup time. Red clashes with white in case you wanted to know. Since it hadn’t snowed the night previous, the front looked like a slaughterhouse without the actual cows.

The porch was littered with weapons and tools that I was familiar with. There were even two keys, which meant that there were probably a couple of trucks or vans around somewhere.

“Did you get any sleep?”

I turned to see Logan standing at the corner of the cabin dressed only in dirty jeans and his boots, smoking a cigar.

How far had I fallen where I wasn’t immediately turned on at the sight? What a waste of a perfectly good sexually charged pose.

“No. You’ve been working all night?”

He grunted. “Big hole to dig.”


Logan pulled out his cigar and gave me an odd look. “You’re sorry that you defended yourself?”

I shrugged. “I guess there’s no really clean way of killing someone with the weapons that were available.”

With another grunt he thumbed behind the cabin. “I’ve got some Oxyclean out back. Grab a scoop and spread it over the mess.”

My eyebrows rose. “Detergent?”

“Hydrogen Peroxide in powered form. It breaks up the blood on the snow and soil. If you don’t do it now, it’ll start reeking in a few hours. I don’t need that with my nose.”

It was a five gallon plastic can of the stuff. He had four of them. What does that tell you about Logan?

When I was done with that I heard him showering in the back. I took a seat on the porch and looked at the weapons. Instinctively, I knew the ninjatō were crap compared to Logan’s katana. Those are the short and straight swords that you might have seen in karate movies. I did retrieve a tantō for my own use. It was about eight inches long.

“You don’t want anything else?”

Looking up, I saw Logan standing at the doorway with a towel around his shoulders, in a clean pair of jeans and his cowboy boots on. I shook my head.

“The shuriken are poison tipped and I’d rather buy a katana on Ebay than use a ninjatō.”

He made a noise that I associated with amusement. “I’ll find something else for you.”

“You aren’t mad that I touched your sword?”

“Under the circumstances, no.” He looked down at the weapons. “Pack up everything of yours. We’re leaving.”

I stood and gave him a penetrating look. “Where? Why?”

“They know where we’re at. That means they won’t stop coming until they get what they want. We’ll drop by your mother’s first and then there are a few people I need to talk to.”

That kind of startled me, but made sense when I thought about it. “What is it they want?”

Logan pressed his lips together like he didn’t want to say. “The mask and the sword.”

I felt a chill go down my spine. “The mask… it’s here?”

He ignored my question. “The sword was one of his making. He presented it to me when I survived his tests. It’s the only one that’s survived all these years… that I know of anyway.”

I pondered that for a moment.

“Get a move on, half-pint. We need to be on the road within the hour if we’re going to beat the storm that’s coming in.”


Once we passed Duluth the roads were less icy so we got to open up the bikes a little more.

Get this: I’m carrying the map case with Logan’s sword. I even have the key to the lock.

His reasoning was that he wanted to keep them separate and there was no way in hell I was carrying that mask after what it did to me. Plus, Logan came equipped with his own weapons; I had squat.

“Hey, Kitty,” his voice came over the mike.

Since we’d be doing a lot of traveling, I suggested that we equip his helmet with a mike that connected to mine.


“I thought that dragon tattoo was on your ankle.”

Considering what skin was showing took me a moment. My sweater and jacket had ridden up and my lower back was probably showing.

“It was on my arm originally. That means it’s moved again, and I have no idea how or why, so don’t ask.”

He grunted.

Then another thought came to me. Logan was staring at my butt. A quick thrill ran through me and I might have arched my back a little more so it showed off better. It was just for a few minutes though; that position gets uncomfortable after a while.

We arrived midafternoon only stopping for gas and a very quick lunch, and once to pee. Did I ever tell you how much I hated using public restrooms since I became a girl? Those little travel cans of Lysol are a godsend.

I was exhausted when we pulled into the driveway of my house, almost tipping my bike over when I stopped.

“Your mother’s not home?”

I almost laughed. “Yeah, she has this thing called a job. It normally ends about five o’clock. I know it’s kind of weird, but there you go.”

He grunted at me.

“Don’t worry; I have a key.”

I popped open the garage and we rolled our bikes inside before heading through the back door.

“I’m going to have a real shower with real hot water. Help yourself to the kitchen and TV if you want. This may take a while.”


I used up all the hot water. I think I may have had three or four orgasms in the process just from the pounding water. I seriously missed it.

Standing in front of the mirror, I admired my newer athletic body once more. Granted it wasn’t bulging with muscles like I had when I was a guy, but my abs were hard and my arms and legs had taut definition. The soft body I had before was gone.

I missed my mirror. All I had was a small travel one and it wasn’t much smaller than the one Logan used for shaving once every new moon.

“God, my ass is fantastic. No wonder he was staring. Who wouldn’t?”

There, above that marvel of sculpted perfection, sat Lockheed in a different position than before. I don’t mean he was in a different location, which he was. When he moved to my ankle, he was sitting upright with his hands or paws or whatever in front of him, kind of like a dog sits. This time he was lounging on his belly with his front hands crossed and his legs splayed out. A tiny puff of smoke was coming out of his nostrils as well.

I pulled up a pair of really short Under Armour stretchy shorts and a matching cropped tank top. There was kata’s that needed to be performed before the day was out. I didn’t want to get rusty and I also wanted to take another shower after the hot water tank heated another batch of delicious liquid.

Not taking anything for granted, I grabbed the map container and the key.

When I made it to the living room, Logan was passed out on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He left his shirt on, dammit.

The sun was still shining in the back yard, so I called Mom and let her know we were in town before starting my workout.


Since Logan was dead to the world, I went ahead and took the katana out for use in my kata’s. It was something that I hadn’t had a chance to do since I hadn’t progressed that far in my lessons. However, since the evil download from hell, I knew exactly what to do. Then I lost myself to the movements.

“Don’t get near her just yet,” Logan’s voice said from a distance. “That’s sword is sharp.”

“Logan, she’s so beautiful. She’s changed so much in just three months.”

“Kid’s got good genes and she’s devoted to her studying.”

“How’s she doing otherwise? Girl-wise I mean.”

He chuckled. “Are you asking if she’s embraced being a girl?”

“That’s a little fluffy, but yes.”

“There are times I know it frustrates her, like when she doesn’t have the strength to do something she used to as a guy, but overall, I think she enjoys it now.”

Mom made some sort of noise that I couldn’t define.

“Is she attracted to you?”

I nearly dropped the sword, but held it together.

“Do you really want me to answer that, Terri?”

There was a long pause before I heard my mother speak again.

“Don’t break her heart, Logan. I mean it.”

He grunted and I heard him strike a match. “She can take care of herself… better than anyone I know.”

“Are you serious?”

“Kid’s got hidden depths.”

When I came to the end of my kata, I opened my eyes and looked over at them. “Could you not smoke that thing upwind from me while I’m working out?”

He smirked and moved a few feet over so his smoke would waft away in a cross breeze.

I sheathed the katana right before Mom attacked me in a hug.

“Kitty, I missed you so much.”

I squeezed her tight. “I missed you too, Mom.”

Logan stayed outside and puffed on his cigar while mom pulled me in and started dinner.

“Are you on birth control?”

My brows rose. “Um, no.”

She sighed. “You do realize that you can get pregnant now. All it takes is one time.”

“Yeah, I remember that from health class, Mom. It’s not like I’m surrounded by tons of boys that are itching to bed me or something.”

She smirked. “Nope, just one boy, and he’s looking particularly well-muscled at the moment.”

My spine stiffened. “It’s not like that.”

“So you won’t mind if I take him into my bed tonight?”

Jealousy almost raged within. She’d had her chance and she gave him up!

She smiled this time. “I thought so. Be careful, Kitty. I’ll make you an appointment with my ob/gyn for tomorrow. You’ll get on the pill. If things don’t work out between the two of you then nothing’s lost, but if you do decide to try things out then you definitely don’t want a condom getting in the way.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. “Oh my God.”

“Don’t be like that. Logan is an animal in bed… and out of bed actually.”

“Mom, please.”

“You could do much worse, and if you’re willing to live up in the forest, in the middle of nowhere, then he’s the man for you.”

“You’re not going to stop, are you?”

“We should go shopping tomorrow. You really don’t want him to take your virginity the old fashion way. The man is gifted. You really wouldn’t enjoy it. We’ll get you a few toys to get things in proper shape, if you take my meaning.”

By that point my face was flaming.


The next morning Logan wanted to hit the road, but Mom nearly disemboweled him at the thought. She had things to do with her daughter whose time he had monopolized for the last three months. The least he could do let her spend one single day in her presence for God’s sake!

I nearly couldn’t contain the laughter when she laid that guilt trip on him. It was nice to see him cowed for once.

The rest of the day wasn’t so nice for me.

I got to spread my legs nice and wide in front of a total stranger while he took a rusty paint scraper and tunneled for gold in my vagina. Okay, it wasn’t that bad, but gheeze, could they come up with a more embarrassing way to be tested? I don’t think they could. And what’s up with the male doctor?

Mom dragged me to the solon next where I had my first ever haircut as a girl. I was tempted to tell them to cut it all off just to see everyone’s reaction, but I really liked my hair the length it was, so she just shaped it up a little and got the worst of it out of my eyes.

Short fake nails came next and the manicurist chided me for letting my hands look like a boys. I drew the line at letting them have access to my feet. I can’t stand it when people touch my feet. I don’t know why.

Then Mom had them make me up, professionally. I had serious doubts about that one. Makeup and I just didn’t get along very well. At the end, when they showed me what they’d done, I couldn’t believe it.


“Hmm?” I said back to Mom as I stared at myself in the mirror.

“Think he’ll like it?”


It wasn’t like she used tons of makeup to make me into this super seductive sex goddess or something unreal like that. The artist shaped my eyebrows into an angled arc that spoke of danger more than anything else. Some eyeliner, a little thicker, and sharp on the ends; the tiniest bit of eye shadow to darken the skin tone above my eyes; a tad of blush on my cheek bones, and a dark lipstick that she called plum was all she put on.

It was so simple even I could do it… well, I’d have to practice that eyeliner a little, but it looked like I’d be able to do something like that.

It made me look older, more experienced, kind of femme fatal. I freaking loved it.


“Mom, what?” I said with more than a little exasperation at having her interrupt my basking.

She giggled at me. “Come on, honey. It’s time to leave.”

We made one more stop and I’m not talking about that experience. You’ll just have to use your imagination.

We got back home about four and Mom nearly ran to her room to get ready. Logan was taking her out to dinner since I got to spend the day with her. Truthfully, I welcomed the time alone. Being cooped up in a cabin in the forest of Minnesota, with only one person to talk to, wasn’t exactly conducive to quality mental control.

There was that and Mom wanted to give me some private time to do something. She was quite familiar with Logan’s acute sense of smell.

The one good thing I got out of the whole experience that day was Logan’s reaction to seeing me all made up and quaffed properly.

“Mom did the girl thing with me. What do you think?”

His lips kind of shifted which I hadn’t seen all too often, but I had seen the heated look in his eyes before, and it was definitely back for seconds.

He grunted, of course. “You look good without all that stuff.”

It was his way of saying, “Kitty, you’re hotter than hell, but I always think you’re hotter than hell.” At least I think it was.

I smiled and licked my lips. “Thank you, Logan.”


After taking care of a little business, afterward I was very sore.

Okay, I know I’ve been beating around the bush about this subject, but Mom bought me a vibrator and a dildo. There, I said it.

The vibrator was to loosen things up and the dildo was supposed to be just a little smaller than the man I was failing to seduce. I swear I never had this hard of a time trying to attract someone.

I played with the vibrator for a while and I have to give Mom serious props for that suggestion. The dildo, on the other hand, was enormous, but I was tenacious. It wasn’t exactly porn star huge, but it was definitely a little larger than I had been as a guy.

The trick was to make sure I was sufficiently… um, ready. That took a lot of time and a lot of patience.

One would think with all the activity that I had endured over the last three months that I might have broken my hymen already; no, not me. I’ve got a super-hymen and it wasn’t very happy about being disposed of by artificial means. For all you girls out there that are thinking about having a boyfriend take your virginity, here’s what you can expect, if you’re still intact that is.

You know that webbing between your thumb and index finger? Grab a pair of pliers and just rip that skin right out.

Magical experience my ass.

After I cleaned up, I had to use a damn tampon and panty liner, like I don’t get to use those enough.

On top of that I felt entirely stretched beyond comprehension. Mom told me what to expect. She said that sometime girls differed, but that she had a difficult time of it and since I seemed to be following her side of the family genetically, odds are that I would too, hence the toys.

Enough about my gross and painful Introduction to Sex 101: The Dildo.

Once I was dressed and out the door, I realized I probably shouldn’t be riding a motorcycle so soon after. It wasn’t entirely awful, just distracting and a little itchy.

It was Friday, and I seriously wanted to catch the game between the Dragons and the Panthers at my old high school. It was the last one of the season and probably the last chance I’d get to see any of my old friends.

When I saw that Logan took the package the mask was wrapped up in, I thought it best to take the sword tucked away in its map case, so I looked like a dork sitting there on the bleachers, dressed in tight jeans a red sweater, my leather jacket, riding boots, and a map case between my legs.

I scored a hotdog, greasy fries, and a milkshake at the concession stand before finding a seat. It was almost better than my Mom’s cooking.

Not that she’s an awful cook, just the opposite in fact. But having nothing but deer meat and vegetables for the last three months, any change was nirvana, especially in the junk food category.

I wanted to sit up close to the team so I could talk to the guys, but I thought about how they’d treat me. I’d be a hot girl looking to get laid, so I moved in front of the cheerleaders instead.

One of my old girlfriends was on the squad. It wasn’t like I dated her or anything right before I changed. I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time. But we did hang out the previous year, went to Homecoming together and then broke it off after the beginning of the year.

We had sex a handful of times and parted friends unlike most of my other girlfriends. Some of them are psycho to this day.

Carly looked good in her outfit, with her blonde hair bouncing around in a ponytail. I tried to look at her in a sexual way and I pulled back nothing; not even the slightest desire to kiss her.

I suppose that was a good thing. At least I didn’t have to worry about being a lesbian on top of everything else.

Once their current cheer was over she stopped and looked at me for a second with curiosity then shook it off.

I watched most of the game and was slightly annoyed that the team could go on without me. The guy they put in my position even looked better than I did. They still got their butts handed to them in the first half though.

“Wow, you really have team spirit,” said some guy from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw David something-or-other. I was bad with last names. Anyway, he was a Choir-fa… um, he sang in the Choir. Sorry, what can I say? I was a jock and sometimes a jerk as well. I’ve learned my lesson and I don’t say Choir-fag anymore.

“Your tattoo, I mean.”

Dammit, my shirt and jacket were riding up again. What is it with girls clothes?

“Uh… yeah.”

I turned back around and pulled my sweater back down. I heard a muffled, “Dumbass, what’d you say something for?”

Great, there was more than one boy trying to get a peek at my panties and perving on my butt. Well, it was a spectacular butt. I guess I could let it slide.

I bought a Dragon pin from one of the vendors walking the isles selling cold popcorn and hot chocolate. It was a memento of what I had missed.

As the game went on my interest lessened until I was entering a melancholy attitude. So I got up and slung the map case over my shoulder, waved goodbye to Carly and headed out.

She waved back even more confused than she was before.

I passed through the unattended gate and before I hit the parking lot I heard someone call out.


I stopped and turned around. Guess who it was? No, it wasn’t the choir kid.

“Do I know you?”

I sighed with a happy memory of the short time we dated. “Sorta.”

She came to a stop pretty close to me and I could smell her perfume wafting in the breeze.

“You look really familiar, but I can’t place your face. I’m sorry.”

Looking around, I had a sudden urge to tell somebody, the truth. I know I said I didn’t want anyone to know about me turning into a girl, but I’d lost a good portion of my life three months ago.

“I’m… I was Kevin Pryde.”

Her eyebrows bunched and then as she looked at me, they shot open. “You’re a metahuman?”

I gave her a short nod. “Happened in the hospital after I took that bad hit.”

“I wondered what happened. I called your mom, but she said you left town with family issues.”

I shifted my feet feeling a little uneasy. “Yeah, I got back in yesterday, but I’m leaving again. I just wanted to stop off and…”

I couldn’t finish.

“Are you okay? You look good. You look gorgeous.”

“I’m fine. Thank you.” She was about to say something, but I stopped her. “Look, can you not say anything to anyone? I just…”

She nodded. “Sure.” That was followed by her making an X-gesture over her heart. Carly was seriously cute that way. She made an amazing cheerleader.

“Listen, the gang’s going out for pizza after the game.”

I saw where that was going and started shaking my head.

“I was going to say I could blow them off if you want to talk or something.”

The offer was really attractive. “I’d like that.”

Her smile lit up the area as she jumped forward and grabbed my hand.

“You gotta come back in and wait for the game to be over. Then we can take off.”

When we were halfway up the pathway was when we were interrupted.

Five short Japanese guys stepped out from behind the maintenance shed and cut us off. My senses went on high alert and I jerked Carly to a stop with a quick look behind us. Five more were coming in through the gate.

“Don’t move from this spot, Carly. When I tell you to run, you run for the stadium, okay?”

One of the guys decided to talk this time.

“Give us the sword and she can live.”

I reached under my jacket and retrieved the tantō.

“You guys just never learn.”

“Kevin?” Carly said with a large amount of anxiety in her voice.

“It’s Kitty now. Trust me, Carly. I’m better than them.”

Feeling something from behind, I grabbed Carly’s neck and pushed her down with me.

Poison coated shuriken flew over our heads and one of the five in front screamed out. Reaching out I pointed my index finger in the air like I did back at the cabin.

On irotahi chanoga jiba tai sowaka.”

In case you were wondering from last time. It’s part of the Kuji-kiri that I picked up from the download. There are certain things that the imitation ninja’s couldn’t control. This was one of them.

Time seemed to slow down for them and speed up for me. I was up before I uttered the last syllable, racing to the one that was reaching for his blade first. I jabbed the tantō in his heart and used him as a brace to spin around and kick the second one in the throat. Whipping out my blade, I landed on my feet and sliced through the back of the neck of another.

Following through with the movement I spun and drove my fingers into the fourth guy’s windpipe and slammed the tantō into the chest of the last. When I stop, I looked up at Carly’s wide eyes.

“Run now!”

Time seemed to resume at its frantic pace.

The other five had stopped and looked at what I just did.

Bending over I wiped off the blade on one of the ninja’s clothes. They were dressed normally this time to blend in with the crowd. I reversed the grip and stood at the ready while I listened to two of the ones I attacked choking to death from crushed throats.

“You guys still want to do this?”

Carly ran past me, but I heard her footsteps stop.

Only one of them stepped forward with a ninjatō he’d pulled out from under his long coat.

I didn’t like the reach he had, but truthfully it wasn’t much longer than mine. That’s the problem with the so-called ninja blade. It was short.

“Last warning,” I said.

“Give us the blade and we’ll let you go in peace,” he said in perfect English.

“It’s not mine to give, bub.”

So he attacked.

I gave him three strikes to break my defense then I tightened my left fist and hit him as hard as I could right over his heart.

The sound of a rib cracking filled the air and he dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.

The other four turned and ran. Once they were in the parking lot and I heard tires squealing in the gravel I sheathed the tantō and turned back.

Carly was looking at the guy I just punched and then at me. She couldn’t have been more than ten feet away.


Her eyes snapped back to me. She didn’t say anything. She just turned and ran.


I jammed my helmet on and called Logan immediately. Well, I called my mom. Logan didn’t have a cell phone.

She was laughing when she answered.


“Mom, let me talk to Logan, quick.”


“Mom, now.”

I caught her voice in the background. “It’s Kitty.”


“I just got attacked by another ninja glee club at a football game; six down and four ran.”

The sound of his feral growl was loud over the cell. “Get back home and get loaded up. We’re leaving tonight.”

“Protect my mom, Logan.”

He must have closed the line. I started up the bike and pulled out, crossing the front of the stadium on the way out. Security was already on top of the situation and Carly was with them. So much for that talk.

I was halfway home when I heard the alert for a text message.

Thanx for the save. ~C

Texting and riding a motorcycle really don’t mix so I held off replying; besides, I still didn’t know if it was really her and if she was on my side. The look on her face and her bringing the guards onto the scene was still fresh in my head. It might very well have been a cop texting me.

I tried thinking about whether or not I left anything behind with my fingerprints, and then I remembered the security cameras that were around the stadium. Odds were that I was on several of them. In all likelihood, the main event was taped for posterity’s sake and would be on the evening news. Wouldn’t that just be swell?

Once I was at the house, I paused for a moment to make sure the area was secure. I didn’t possess Logan’s keen sense of smell, but somewhere along the line I’d developed a sort of danger radar. There was nothing like that at home.

I hurriedly shoved everything in my duffle, and had to swipe one of my mom’s towels to wrap up my toys with. I wouldn’t want those falling out just anywhere. In a few minutes, my life was once again secure on the back of my bike while I awaited the return of Logan and my mom.

While I did that, I went to Mom’s makeup drawer and sifted through her lipsticks until I found one that was a pretty close match to what I was wearing. I refreshed a little and checked my hair. Helmets do awful things to the natural wave of my long hair.

What? Just because I was on the run from killer ninja’s in modern day suburban Chicago doesn’t mean I can’t take a moment to primp.

I took another few minutes to sniff a lot of different perfumes and found one that I liked, dotting a little on my wrists and behind my ears, before pocketing the lipstick and the almost full bottle. I’d have to pay Mom back later.

When that was done, I grabbed Logan’s bag and went to the garage to wait.

What I wanted to know was how they found us. I could see them finding the cabin. I mean, maybe they’ve been staking it out for years, waiting for the mask to show up or something. The thing was I didn’t have the mask. I had the sword. Were they tracking it? Did it come equipped with LoJack.

While I was considering the possibility of a little guy dressed in black in a room somewhere, calling LoJack several times in a row asking where his car was, the garage door opened and in rolled Logan and my mom.

She had her arms around Logan’s waist and I quashed a brief surge of jealously.

When he killed the motor, I helped Mom off the back and handed him his duffle.

“Sorry we’ve got to run.”

“Kitty, Logan tried to explain, but…”

“Mom, we don’t have any time. I promise I’ll call and explain, but we’ve got to leave right away.”

She looked at me and then at Logan. “You better.”

Mom gave me a bone crunching hug and told me she loved me. I hugged back and did the same. Then she hit Logan on his upper arm, and it wasn’t a love tap.

“You take care of my daughter, Logan, or you’ll have me to answer to.” Then she hugged him.

My mother is kind of odd at times.

Did I ever tell you how much I hate riding at night, wearing jeans, in freezing temperatures, in the rain?

Rain is bad enough on a motorcycle. On bare skin it’s like being popped with a rubber band, except about a hundred or two hundred times at once, and it never stops until you do. With clothes on, it’s like being popped by a rubber band a hundred… well, you get the idea; clothes help, but not much.

We rode until we were in Indiana and then Logan picked the first motel we came upon. It was almost worse when we stopped. My jacket and jeans were coated with ice. The only reason my visor wasn’t frozen over was because of my hot breath and my constantly wiping it off.

When he came back and saw me shaking beyond simple shivering. We hurried to the room and I killed the engine. The bike would have fallen over with me on it, but Logan grabbed it in time and flipped the kickstand down then he picked me up in his arms.

Ice broke apart from my clothes while he managed the key in the lock and nearly kicked the door open. I was dropped to the bed and I couldn’t hear anything over the sound of my teeth chattering.

I tried undoing my chinstrap, but my fingers were useless, cold and numb.

I don’t know when I started fading out, but the scalding hot shower woke my butt up really quick. I know I screamed.

“Shh, you’ll be okay,” he said in soothing tones. “We just need to get you warmed up. I won’t let you go.”

The hot water pounded on my back and pretty soon on my front. I was fading in and out all the while. When the water stopped I felt a towel wrapped around me and my skin rubbed vigorously. The next thing I knew I was being covered up. My teeth were still chattering, but it didn’t feel like I was going to break any of them anytime soon.

Then there was a feeling of real warmth along my back and legs like a pre-heated bear skin rug had been wrapped around my body. It was then that I finally sighed and dropped off.


Something was tickling my nose and if it was Logan with another squirrel tail I was going to be seriously pissed.

I opened my eyes and stared out over an expansive severely muscled chest, and it was chest hair that was tweaking my pert nose.

Rolling my eyes around I noticed we were in some hotel room and for some reason I was in bed with Logan. I’d know that chest anywhere, honestly. The odd part about the situation was that I didn’t have a stitch of clothing on, and neither did he.

Oh my God. We had sex and I don’t even remember it. No, hold on.

I wasn’t sore, and if I’m not mistaken I was pretty sure there was still a tampon wedged inside me.

Then I remembered the night before, the ice, the shower, the warmth.

For a moment I was embarrassed as hell that Logan stripped me down and showered with me, but the truth of the matter was that at the moment I was so comfortable I didn’t care. So instead of freaking out I lifted my leg higher over his and tightened my grip across his unnaturally hard abdomen, sighing in contentment.

That was probably a bad thing to do, because he woke up. I heard him inhale taking my scent like he always did.

“If you move, I may have to hurt you,” I said.

Instead of making things uncomfortable, Logan cleared his throat. “You were hypothermic. I didn’t take advantage.”

“I know. Thank you. I’m just very warm and comfortable right now, so stay still for a little while longer.”

He breathed in, making my head raise a little, and then he relaxed.

I wished I could press myself harder onto his side. Instead, I had to satiate that need with stroking my leg along his. Now that I knew what his body felt like, I wanted it even more.

The thought of doing something like that three months ago would have been ridiculous, but at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to just crawl on top of him and showing Logan exactly how I felt. So naturally, I rubbed my hand across his chest and then pulled away.

Throwing the blanket aside I pushed out of bed and padded to the bathroom. There was more than enough light peeking through the window for him to see every inch of me. My face heated up a little, but I knew he’d already seen everything that I had, so what was the point in covering up and acting like a sixteen year old girl with her first boyfriend.

I was seriously proud of my body and all the work I’d put into it.

Once I’d peed, disposed of the tampon, and cleaned the old makeup off my face I felt a hundred percent better. It was then that I remembered I didn’t bring any clothes with me.

I smiled naughtily to myself in the mirror and walked back out.

Logan was already dressed in his jeans and facing away from me. I seriously frowned.

“What did I say about moving?”

He grunted and I was about to go on full pout mode. Instead of whining, I walked up behind him and pressed my front along his back, trying in vain to slip my arms around his chest. He stiffened.


“Logan,” I teased.

“I told Terri I’d take care of you.”

That made me almost giggle. “So, take care of me.”

I let my hands wander down his abdomen, but he caught my wrists before I made it to anything interesting.

“You’re eighteen.”

“And you still haven’t told me how old you are. I’m an adult, Logan. I can make my own decisions, and I’m on the pill.”

He stiffened at that, and no I don’t mean he stiffened there, but I was hopeful.


“My Mom. That’s one of the things we did yesterday. So, we have her blessing.”

I reinitiated my decent toward the button of his jeans, but he held my wrists fast.

“I said, no,” he snapped.

With that, he released me and went to the bathroom, slamming the door along the way.

My face heated to scalding levels and my eyes were watering with embarrassment.

“Stupid. I can’t believe you threw yourself at him,” I whispered harshly at myself as I tore into my duffle. “You’re worse than Becky Myers.”

She was the class bike, and yes, I had a ride.

Panties were on in a flash, along with my leather pants, a black cami and black cardigan on top of that. I didn’t bother with a bra because I wanted to be fully dressed when Logan came back out.

“Stupid, slutty move, Pryde. He doesn’t want you that way. I think it’s obvious. And now you’ve gone and made yourself look like a fool. Brilliant!”

Stuffing my feet in the boots, I zipped them up and gathered my half dry clothes, throwing them in a complimentary plastic bag, jamming the lot in the duffle and sealing it closed.

As I heard the door open I slid my helmet on and did up the chin strap.


I didn’t bother looking at him. I just shouldered the map case and dragged my duffle out to the bike to strap it down. Anger welled up inside me at what I’d done. I hated feeling embarrassed and there I was making the biggest ass of myself. I mean he had sex with my mom for God sake. What was I thinking?

That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned quick and slammed a palm strike into the chest of the stupid ninja that decided to show up at a really bad time. Except it wasn’t a ninja.

If it wasn’t so serious I would have laughed at the scene. I actually lifted Logan up off of his feet and he flew about a foot back before landing on his ass, grabbing his chest right in the middle.

I took a step toward him when I realized what I’d done.


I stopped. He was to his feet in seconds, but he didn’t do anything except stand there and look at me. Instead of making things worse, I zipped up my jacket, got on the bike, started it up, and left.

I may have broken a few traffic laws on the way out of town and once I found an exotic sports car that had a really nice radar detector on the dash, I trailed in his wake for as long as my gas lasted, until I entered the city limits of Indianapolis.

I stopped and filled up, and washed my face again to get rid of the tear stains. The padding inside my helmet was soaked so I grabbed some paper towels and blotted at it until it was mostly dry.

“You’re pathetic, Pryde.”

When I got back on the bike I looked around, wondering what to do next. I looked back the way I came, almost hoping that I’d see Logan pulling in any second, and then I looked south. I sniffed again, wiped my nose, and then put my helmet on.

I was tired of being cold all the time. All I wanted to do was to be back in that rundown motel room and under the covers again so I could do it all over and not make an idiot of myself.

“South it is.”


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