the Name Game

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Well, as much as I am looking forward to working, I'm not looking forward to the small hiccup I have to deal with. Until I can legally change my name, my male name will be on my name tag. So, until I can afford to change it, I'll be a girl named "Todd" ..... Ah, well.


the Name Game

Maybe Walmart will let you tape Dorothy over Todd, or let you use Colleen.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Name Tags

erin's picture

When I worked at Disneyland one of the rules was that you had to wear a nametag with your costume. The rule did not say it had to have your name on it. :) People frequently had different names than their own put on their nametags and would sometimes lend or borrow tags or just swap tags with a friend. I still remember the hulking ride-operator whose nametag read, "Suzie". :)

The Suzie tag was a spareone that was left in one of the breakrooms for anyone to use if they forgot to bring their tag. I used it myself a time or two. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

A rose, by any other name...

Zoe Taylor's picture

*giggle* Sorry. I couldn't resist. :-) I did once know a trans-man who had a similar problem. He worked at Wal-Mart, and managed to convince his super to let him truncate his nametag to just "D", though I have no idea how he managed it, or I'd happily pass it along.

You might try to get away with your initials as a "name", if you had a middle/first name that that would work with (Thinking of my good friend T.J. :-))

* * *

"...and then the day came when the
risk to remain tight in a bud was more
painful than the risk it took to blossom."

-- Anais Nin

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

~* Queen of Sweetness *~

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Yep I agree with Zoes

... I go to Costco in the states and one of the ladies who do the food demos has PITA on her name tag. And it was not referring to a certain animal rights organization.



Me too

Just thinking of a song titled, "A Girl Named Todd."


kristina l s's picture

I mean you get a job as Dorothy yet because of some pedantic technical legality you can't use that AKA in public. Sigh, the world is run by petty minded bureaucrats ... not my favourite thing. Make your own damn name tag. Or maybe just wear that Tshirt. Mutter, mutter, mutter...


If they insist on Todd ...

then see if they'll misspell it as Tod, then just say you're Dot with a weird sense of humour :)