"the name you choose is like a promise you make"
The above is a quote from the latest episode of Dr. Who, but it got me thinking. I chose the name Dorothy because it was the mirror image of Todd (Tod Backwards is Dot, and the rest followed) And I added the middle name Colleen so I would be different from any other Dorothy out there, and in honor of the name I would have had if I had been born female.
But, without knowing it, I was making a promise - Dorothy means "gift from God" and Colleen is slang for girl, so in choosing that name, I declared myself the gift from God girl, or if you prefer, the girl who is a gift from God.
So now its up to me to live up to that promise, to be a girl who is a gift from God - to my friends, my family, to everyone I interact with.
I'm going to do my best, and I pray God blesses my effort.
We'll just have to see how it all works out, wont we?
Dorothy, Gift from God
You always were a gift from God.
You just couldn't see it until now.
(another gift from God,
who had trouble seeing it too)
...from even before she was born!
Love, Andrea Lena
I have thought up many names over the years. Amber, Sarah, Marie, and more. If I feminized my male name it would be Stephenie. I hate that name. I had a friend named Stephen( pronounced stef-en not Steven) we were in grade school together. He was targeted as the gay kid and called Stephenie a lot. So I tried other names but I just kept coming back to Jessica. ever since I was a small child, I have always loved the name Jessica. It's a common name but at the same time it's classy. I wanted to keep my middle initial the same so I went with Marie as a middle name. I love my name. I just wish I could be Jessica Marie for real.
Love to all.
Jessica Marie
DC...you think too much. But that's okay. You make up for those around here who don't think at all!!!
May You Always Have Strength...
Kelly LaBrat
My chosen name means "Noble" (Patricia or Patrick or Pat [which I'm called in male mode]) "Of the Sea" (Marie) "Little Rock" (Allen). So now I need to keep the promise to be a noble of the sea little rock.
I think I've always been a bit noble and a rock, but of the sea? I'm not sure how that would fit in.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Aren't we all?
A gift from God, that is. And it's always a promise to us, as well as a task for us.
A promise, because I don't think God would give a gift he doesn't love.
So, by giving each of us to the world, God says, "I love you. Yes, especially you."
A task, because with so much love from God I feel I should "pay forward" some to my fellow humans.
So you all get a free virtual hug from me. Enjoy! :-)
--- Martin
I promise you,
I am quite literally "an extravagance" to my "owner". :)
I can only imagine, hon