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I was out today, on the bike, walking around a nature reserve with friends, and for the first time ever we were able to discuss the elephant in the room. I was, I am, in such a position that I needed reassurance, and to talk my life over.Now, I know they are friends, and they know about me, but for the first time I was reminded why I write supportive characters. As 'normal' as can be, married, two kids, they were totally without reservations in supporting me, and I realise I am actually blessed. Don't want to go into too much rambling, but I am now smiling.


We all need supportive

We all need supportive people in our lives, from time to time, anyway, and it's good that you have them. Many of us tend to self-isolate, from years of hiding who we were, even when we're no longer hiding, the old habits stick around, at times. We don't all have Ginny in our lives to break through the isolation, so it's good when we can manage it on our own.



kristina l s's picture

needs a friend now and then. Acceptance is all we mostly 'ask' for and if it comes unreserved from people we know and that 'know' but aren't fussed... well yeah, blessed will do.



That's the way it should be.

Keep smilin'.


Growing old disgracefully.


Even better

At my music club tonight one ot the other members made a throwaway comment about college, and it turned out that 35 years ago we were not only at college together but in the same folk club. He didn't know me at all, nor I remember him, but mutual friends....

Sorry to gush, but this has been a good day.