Jubal: 8: The Human Race

Jubal: The Human Race

Copyright  © 2011 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

A change of pace for young Jubal's life.

- - - WARNING - - -
The following story contains a scene of physical violence, attempted murder, and an attempted rape. Caution is suggested as you proceed.

Jubal didn't mind needles too much. Sure, it was a little pain, but she got that much and more when running full out. So, she sat there quietly while the nurse drew some blood for the tests they were planning on running.

After the nurse was done, the doctor came in.

"Hello, Jubal, I'm Doctor Sprauc"

"So, are you the endocrinologist?"

"That's a big word. Yes I am." He put on one of those miles you reserve for trained monkeys and other people's children.

"Doctor, while I may look like a nine year old, and my in fact be nine years old, I am neither an idiot, nor am I uneducated."

Mama Joey smiled at this, but continued to sit quietly in the corner.

The doctor straightened up, looked appraisingly at Jubal, and then smiled for real, "When Dr. Rath told me that he had a gifted child coming to see me, I never imagined. My apologies. Dr. Rath tends to get a little excited where his transsexual clients are concerned."

"Ah, but I am not your standard transsexual, doctor. Of course not. He'd never be referring a nine year old for hormone replacement."

She smiled at him, letting her tone soften a bit. "I apologize for snapping at you. It's actually easier dealing with the teens at my school than most adults."

"You don't find yourself an outcast there?"

"Not really. I think it's mostly to do with certain school policies regarding harassment and hazing, but they're really a great group of kids."

"That really is quite amazing."

"Well, being as they're a private school, they can actually expel students. I don't think most public schools have that luxury."

"Too true. Well, getting back to the point of your visit, I will be running some tests regarding your levels of human growth hormone. It is possible, although remote, that you have a growth condition, but for right now, we may simply be jumping the gun. The main thing that concerns me is that you have been approximately around the 50th percentile of height for your age. In the past couple of years, you've dropped a bit below the line.

"Where you would normally be about 54 inches at this age, you are only 52 inches."

"Two inches doesn't seem very much."

"Not much, no. And we may simply be borrowing trouble. It's also a possibility that it's related to your intersex condition. I noticed that you never had your gonads tested to see if your male or female parts were active?"

"I think they wanted me to make a determination of my gender without influence. I might have tried to force myself one way or the other assuming it was 'right'."

"Well, then we'd better get you checked out. It will affect the direction your body chemistry will be going in, and suggest courses of treatment before you go through your surgery."

"Thank you doctor."


Doctor Sprauc looked the results of the test over again, and yet again. According to what he saw when he examined the child, this shouldn't normally be possible, but it certainly explained a couple of things. Apparently some sort of environmental chemical had really interfered with the prenatal sexual development of this child.

The tissue of the gonads alternated between ovarian and testicular. In short, the child had ovotestis.

A genetic test would be able to determine the 'true' sex of the child, but nothing else would. Well, time to write up his report, and let the child know.

It would have been nice to give better news though. He wasn't sure he would be able to tell most adults that they were sterile, let alone a child of nine.


Katie knocked on the door, and Mama Joey let her in. "Jubal is upstairs, honey."

Katie quietly climbed the stairs, not wanting to disturb her friend, but hoping she could do something to help.

Jubal was sitting on her bed holding one of the pillows to her chest. She just stared off into the middle distance, not doing anything else. Her eyes were puffy from crying, but she currently seemed all cried out.

Katie was about to try to back out again, not even sure she could handle this when Jubal spoke.

"I always assumed that I'd pick the 'right' gender. That my body would tell me which was the correct way for me to go, you know?"

Katie nodded and came to sit down next to her friend.

"I assumed that choosing to be a girl would let me have children. That I'd get the opportunity to be the mother than my grandparents promised me I could be."

"Jubal. . ."

"It's okay, Katie. At least I hope it will be."

"No, it's not okay. I know how I'd feel if I received the same news. Sure, there are some women that don't want children. But I'm not one of them. I love playing with my nieces and nephews. My sister just had her first and he is so tiny. The thought of having one of my own fills me with joy every time I look at the little guy."

Jubal began to cry again, and Katie wrapped her up in a hug. "I wanted to finally be normal, Katie. Sure, I'd still be freaky intelligent, but I wanted to be normal for once in my life. I wanted to be a real girl, not this in between freak that everyone humors."

"You are a real girl, Jubal. You always have been to me anyway. And normal is over rated."

"So says the person who's normal."

Katie pulled off her right shoe and pulled something out of it.

It was an insert that was about an inch and a half thick.

"I have to wear shoes all the time so I can use this. My right leg is shorter than my left, and has been for pretty much my whole life. I'm not normal, Jubal. Like I said, it's not all it's cracked up to be."

"Katie, I didn't mean. . .I'm sorry I'm being such a baby about this."

"Jubal, you're entitled to a cry or two. Besides, I came to tell you that we have a surprise for you back at school. Someone decided you just needed to keep yourself busy."


Entering the school, it was impossible to look anywhere without seeing Jubal's face. There were posters all over the place.

Jubal as highly embarrassed and she blushed crimson as soon as she saw it. She looked at the posters trying to determine exactly what was going on. How would this keep her busy?

Then she noticed the words that were written on each and every one: Queen Jubal for Student Body President.

"Oh, no. I'm not doing this."

"Come on, Jubal. You're a shoo-in."

"That's the problem. I don't want to be roped into organizing the reunions from now until the end of eternity."

"Oh come on, that's only every five or ten years. And besides, it'll be fun for you to be on the student council."

"For certain definitions of fun. You know, where it's defined as to total lack of the same?"

"Come on, Jubal. If you lose, then no worries. If you win, then you know people support you."

"Wait, you didn't tell everyone. . ."

"Of course not. That's your own private hell. We just want you to be in our public one for a while," Katie said with an evil grin.

"Thank you, Katie."

"For what?"

"Making me come back to school so I could campaign against myself."


"Hey, you guys are running my election campaign, so I feel obligated to sabotage it."

Katie laughed at this, and the two of them headed further into the school to participate in teenaged life.


The Victor, the current student body president, began speaking over the PA giving the announcements for the morning.

"We have a request from the Thoreau Society to avoid playing ultimate football in the south field, as the trees that were planted on Earth Day are still struggling. As we all know, these trees were planted in memoriam of the students who died in a drunk driving accident the Christmas before. Already, one of the trees has been trampled, and they would like us to protect the other two."

"And finally, the news you've all been waiting for, but are sure to know already, the winner of the election for next year's student body president is Jubal Marie Franks. Her council will consist of. . ."


"Congratulations on reaching double digits finally."

Jubal had been spacing out as she walked down the hallway. There was a lot to do, even this year, as the heir presumptive to the title of student body president.

"Congratulations, Jubal. Looking god for such an old lady!"

"Way to go, Jubal!"

Jubal smiled a little smile, and said, "Thanks."

"It's all downhill from here, Jubal."

Jubal found Katie near their shared locker. "What's going on, Katie?"

"I don't know. You ready to head in for lunch?"

"Sure, why not."

They entered the cafeteria and were assaulted by a giant yellow sign with black lettering: "Happy Birthday Jubal. The big 1-0 never looked so good."

"Guys! I thought we discussed plastering me all over the school." She tried to look severe, but she was giggling too hard to pull it off.

"That was your picture, and you'll notice that there is no picture up there," George said as he walked up.

"Hey, sweetie," Katie said and planted a kiss on George's lips.

Jubal turned away blushing.

"If your highness would follow me, please, your throne awaits."

George placed Jubal's hand in the crook of his arm and regally proceeded to their normal place at the head of the cafeteria. For the first time she noticed one of the upholstered arm chairs from the counseling office.

George helped her to climb up onto the table and seated her in her chair.

Jubal sat regally in her chair, and surveyed the faces looking up at her. "As our first order of business as queen, we shall order the execution of everyone. Off with your heads!"

There was general laughter at this, and as soon as it died down a bit, Jubal continued, "However, I shall offer a stay of execution, provided that you never do this again?"

"We make no such promises, My queen!"

"Amanda, perform a tickle torture on your boyfriend."

"At once, my queen."

There was laughter and smiles from everyone, as Jubal sat in mock court.

"I think it worked, George," Katie said quietly.

"It was all you. And yeah, it did. I haven't seen her laughing and joking like this since. . .she got the news."

"I know. So, should we go ahead with plans for the fashion show?"

"You better, or I really will order your execution. Thank you for this."

Katie looked up into Jubal's eyes. Jubal was smiling down on her two best friends, and truly happy. Katie's initial spurt of fear over being overheard slowly relaxed and she smiled back.


Jubal looked out past the curtain. The auditorium was packed. The tech crew had outdone themselves. They'd extended a strip off the center of the stage across the first few rows of seats. It was even lit well.

Jubal and the other girls had practiced walking up and down it almost constantly over the past month, and Jubal even found herself even strutting a bit off the catwalk.

One more day of this and everything could go back to normal. One more day of this and she could go back to her life. . .she hoped.

They opened the curtain just a bit where Jubal and the other models would come out. "Our first offering for you this evening is a lovely cream and white dress in satin and lace."

That was her queue and Jubal was off and down the strip of plywood and two by fours.

As soon as she stepped into the lighting the audience went away. She could hear them still, and see the occasional flash from a camera, but she was in her own world. She walked out to the end of the runway confidently, posed for a moment, and then turned and walked back and off stage through the space in the curtain.

She rushed over to the rack of clothing, dropped the dress she was wearing and put on the next one. She was glad that it was nothing but the other models and a couple of female teachers up on the stage. She might have felt too self-conscious changing otherwise. As it was some of the other models were blushing furiously as they changed.

Jubal hurried over to her place in the line for her next entrance and waited as the girls went out one by one. Before she knew it, she was next in line waiting for her queue.

"Our next dress. . ."

And she was off strutting her stuff down the runway a second time. She struck a different pose this time and she was off to the back and out through the curtain again.

Another change and waiting again. She noticed that the other girls were getting less self-conscious as it went on, and they were beginning to enjoy themselves.

They even began to giggle quietly as they joked amongst themselves.

Things were going so well. After this she only had one more change. Out, pose, back in and change, and she was waiting for her fourth and final trip down the runway.

This was a slightly longer gown, almost formal. She'd successfully navigated most of the way down the runway when her descending foot trapped a bit of the dress. She tripped as she was almost to the end of the runway.

There was a gasp from the audience, but she caught herself before tumbling off the end.

She hopped back up and gave a little girl 'did I do that?' pose before kicking up her heel and continuing down the runway.

She was blushing furiously by the time she got off stage.

Katie came over to her and hugged her. "That almost looked planned, Jubal. It was really cute."

"But I messed up your dress. I tore the hem completely off."

"That's alright. I like that one the least anyway."

Jubal giggled with Katie over this and the two of them got lined up across the back of the stage for final look with the designers.

"Ladies and Gentleman, the Griffin Academy High School designers and models.

As each of their names were announced, they each took a bow, and then it was over.

"I am never doing that again, Katie."

"Oh, we'll see." She said with a knowing smile. It was obvious that Jubal had fun up there, right up until her little tumble. Given the right opportunity, she might one day find herself up there again.


The state championship for varsity football was held on December first, and Jubal, Katie and George had al ridden together. Jubal and Katie had gotten special permission to ride on the bus with the players and cheerleaders.

The game was a foregone conclusion as halftime approached, and Katie and Jubal got a bit bored. Griffin was already four touchdowns ahead when they put in their third string team. They got their fifth touchdown at that point.

There was a definite chill in the air, and a light frost on the ground. They went under the stands where it was enclosed and a bit warmer to talk. As soon as they got there, they began to hear something going on. It sounded a little bit like something hitting a wet bag of sand.

"That's what you get for pretending you're something you're not, faggot."

Jubal and Katie rushed over and saw three boys standing around kicking a girl on the ground. "Hey, leave her alone!"

Jubal rushed over, forgetting that she wasn't the most intimidating of people.

The boys started as if to run, and then saw who it was. "Hey boys, looks like we may get the faggot what a real girl does when a guy asks her nicely."

"Jubal, I don't think this is a good idea, Katie whispered at her."

"How 'bout it, ladies? Want to show this faggot how a real girl has a good time?"

They turned to run, and Jubal piled on the speed. She'd quickly outdistanced her friend when she heard a call of 'got you!' behind her.

"Jubal, go get help!"

With tears in her eyes, Jubal continued running, looking for anyone who could help them. She ran out into the stands and started yelling. "Help me! I think some boys are trying to rape my friend Katie!"

George had been going slowly insane watching the game unfold when he heard Jubal crying out behind him.


"George," Coach Hensen yelled, "what are you waiting for, take the first string line and go and help her! Move it!"

"You heard Coach!"

More than just the linemen and George charged off the field. They lifted each other into the stands and ran after the receding figure of Jubal.

"Come on, guys, are we going to let a girl out run us?"

There were chuckles and the team piled on more speed. They caught up to, and then passed, Jubal. They rounded a corner in the corridor and one of the boys was beginning to lower himself onto Katie, completely oblivious of what was happening behind him.

George hit him with a flying tackle and began to beat the living tar out of him. A couple of the other players held his friends off while a number of them tried to pull him off the would be assailant.

"George, stop it! You're going to kill him. I'm alright. I'm alright."

Katie began to cry and George just went limp. He turn to her and folded her into his arms.

While holding Katie, Gorge turned to survey the damage he'd caused to the little punk. He was thinking happy thoughts to himself when Jubal's voice broke in on his reverie.

"She's not breathing!"

"Anyone got a cell phone on them?"

They dialed 911 and waited for the EMT's and police to arrive.

The girls face was a wreck, and Jubal didn't know what to do. They'd taken a course in CPR last year, but what did you do when you were afraid her neck might be broken?

A few moments later, one of the EMTs that had been attending the game rushed up to the group of teens, pushing his way in.

"Make a hole!"

The EMT rushed to the girl's side, and began checking for pulse, adjusted her head a bit, carefully, and began CPR.

"I need someone to help with compressions."

Katie pushed George forward, and he knelt to help.

They continued for five minutes until the rest of the EMTs arrived, swapping positions, and occasionally one or another of the football players would take a turn.

"We have a weak pulse, good, let's get her boarded and to the hospital.


Because of the mass exodus of the team from the field, Griffin was forced to forfeit, but sometimes there are more important things than football.

Even though they didn't know her, the team, Jubal, and Katie sat in the waiting room, wondering what would happen. A doctor came out into the waiting room and looked surprised to see the team. Not seeing anyone else, the doctor turned to leave, but Jubal jumped up.

"Could you tell us any news regarding the girl we brought in here?"

"I'm sorry, but if you're not her family. . ."

"You don't have to spell out her condition, but if you could just tell us if she's going to be alright?"

"I really can't I'm so sorry, kids. Rules are rules."

A woman ran into the ER. She looked as though she'd been crying, and was not completely put together.

"Doctor, I'm looking for my son, I mean my daughter. I was told she was brought in here? Is she alright?"

"Are you Ms. Daius?"

"Yes, I'm Emily Daius. How is Rowan? How is my daughter?"

"Your. . .daughter has been severely beaten. Luckily she has no broken bones, but. . ."

"Tell me doctor."

"I don't think it's appropriate. . ." The doctor looked at the students in the waiting room.

"Who are all of these people?"

"We were responsible for saving your daughter's life after some boys tried to kill her."

"Just tell us doctor."

"Your daughter was struck repeatedly in the genitals with a blunt object, likely a boot or shoe. The soft tissue damage will heal, but. . ."

Ms. Daius began to collapse, and a couple of the lineman caught her and lowered her into a seat.

The doctor looked at them apologetically and then and then mumbled something about going back to see his patient and left.

"My poor child. What have they done to you."

"Ms. Daius?"

Jubal was wearing a skirt and leggings today, and looked very much like a preteen girl.

"How can I help you little one?"

"I'm sure that everything's not bad. Your daughter is alive, right?"

"Yes, she's alive, and I guess this is what she wanted. To be a girl. But now? I always thought my son would come back to me. That he would grow out of this and give me grand children eventually."

"Oh, I didn't really understand."

"I know, it's such a big concept for a child."

Jubal snorted, "No, not that. I didn't understand that she was transsexual. It makes sense now the things the boys were yelling at her. Well, now we have something in common, your daughter and I. Neither one of us will be able to have children."

Shock was painted on Ms. Daius' face, "you're a transsexual?"

Jubal giggled, "nothing so simple as that, but I am sterile. It's taken this moment for me to realize that even in this I am more normal than I thought. There are lots of people unable to have children. Your daughter and I are only two of them.

"Just give her love, Ms. Daius. There are so many different options for people who can't have children naturally. I had a wonderful set of adoptive parents, and I'm sure that if she wants, adoption is a route open to her."


"It's a long story. Are you sure you have the time?"

"Only if you want to tell it."

The team gathered around to listen as Jubal related his story. Some of them had heard parts of it. Some had lived through most of it, but none had heard it from Jubal's perspective.

When she finished, even some of the football players had tears in their eyes. When they noticed, they began a round of friendly punches, manning up as it were.

"Thank you so much for telling me, young lady. Have you ever considered becoming an author?"

"Oh, I only have one story to tell. Maybe when I've lived more I'll have more than just my own story."

"Well, your story is more than enough living for most people I know, and even in the short version you've told me, it has worth. I know this isn't something you've thought about, but I'd love to publish your autobiography if you tell it in print half as well as you just told it to me."

Ms. Daius handed Jubal a card. It read Beverly Daius, editor, Terra Firma Press.

"Can I think about it, Ms. Daius?"

"Yes, as long as you call me Beverly. I'm going to head up and see how my daughter is doing. Thank you so much for the comfort you've given me."

"All I did was tell you my story."

"That was enough, Jubal. You are a beautiful girl, and you've come through the trials of your life so much better than many other people I know."

"I've made mistakes, though. I'm not perfect. Putting me up as some sort of example would be a disservice to all the other people out there who have gone through so much more than I have."

"Jubal, one thing I would suggest is that you learn how to accept a compliment. And just write your story."

"Fine, I'll write it. I'm sure when I finish you'll realize even you don't want to publish it."

"Jubal, you are a special girl. Don't sell yourself short."

Jubal and Katie giggled as Ms. Daius went through the double doors into the rest of the hospital.


The watcher closed the session on the DVD, and popped it out of his DRD-R. Well, another one done, and another report to write.

Maybe sometime he'd write his own story, but for now living in the stories of others contented him. Such a nice ending. So much had happened this year, and since he began to watch Jubal. There was more to this story, He was sure, but not for now.

For now he sealed up the DVD in a case for his own personal collection and then began to go through the footage deciding what he would provide to Mr. Hastings.

After that he would be deleting the rest of the video he'd taken. He debated including the rest of the footage from her junior and senior years, and then decided against it. The first story was done, and Mr. Hastings didn't need any of that.

Mr. Hastings needed whatever he, the watcher, provided him.

And this story, for the moment, was done.

He smiled into the darkness and caressed Jubal's still face on the monitor. He stopped the playback at the moment when she had stood to accept her diploma. The smile on her face was all the light he needed.

"Yes, for now, Jubal, your story is done. We'll see where it takes the two of us in the future."

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