Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend -3- Tim’s Debut at the Opera

Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend -3- Tim’s Debut at the Opera

By Cindybelle
C June 2007

Tim’s date with Jason at the Opera brings some surprises, though his mom’s
behaviour seems to be getting more bizarre. Can his sister, Janette, help?


At the rehearsal on Friday night Mrs Cartwright asked me how my mother was getting on with the dresses for the show. “She has just about finished two dresses for me, including the wedding dress,” I said

“I’m sure they will be very pretty, she did so well with your costume for Dorothy last time, I can’t wait to see them,” replied Mrs Cartwright.

I thought about telling her about the bridal underwear that mom had bought for me, but that brought the whole episode back to mind and I just could not bring myself to mention it.

When I got home after the rehearsal my mind turned to what I could wear to go to the Opera tomorrow. I couldn’t face asking mom about it, so I went along to Cathy’s room to ask her, she had sort of relented on me recently so maybe she would be helpful I thought.

I explained, “Cathy I’m going to the Opera in London tomorrow with Jason, and I don’t have any suitable clothes, I’ve just got my school stuff and casual jeans and T shirts, what on earth can I do?”

“The opera, with Jason? I didn’t know you were into opera Tim and why Jason, don’t you want to go with Aubrey? How did you get tickets?” She queried.

I answered her queries , that it was the Mikado and Jason’s mom got the tickets but said Aubrey and I were too young to go up to London together,

“I’d much prefer to go with Aubrey, but it doesn’t look like its an option” I said.

“Well then let’s see if I can help, Jason is a snappy dresser so we’ll have to make sure you look good. This is where you have it tough Tim, being the younger sister I got Janette’s cast offs, but that doesn’t help you does it?” said Cathy.

She went over to her other wardrobe and searched in it for some of her older stuff which she had kept from when she was smaller.

“How about these slacks Tim, they’re black, they are made of Lycra so are pretty comfortable and they look the right length,” she said as she held them alongside me.

I took them from her, they looked OK, even had a fly front. “They might do but they look a bit on the slim side around the top,” I said.

“Only one way to find out, try them on” urged Cathy.

I took them from her and tried to undo the fly buttons, but there weren’t any. “No, no that’s just part of the design, they button down the side, look” said Cathy, opening four little buttons down the side.

“Oh, I see” I said, a little less sure this was going to work. However I took off my jeans and pulled on Cathy’s slacks. They did fit OK, the length was fine, but they were very close fitting around my trunk.

“Well they are alright, but you can’t wear them with boxers Tim. Look, Lycra is a stretchy fabric and you can see the outline of your boxers all crumpled up under the slacks. You will have to wear panties underneath, also that will help tidy you up at the front, you don’t want to show a bulge, do you?” said Cathy.

I looked down, she was right, the front was very tight, and the outline of the boxers showed through very distinctly. “I guess that’s the only way this will work” I said.

So out came a pair of her panties, white this time and with only a tiny bit of lace around the waist and legs, “That’s about the best I can do Tim” she said as she held them out for me.

“Thanks, Cathy. Do you have any shirts I can wear with a tie that might be suitable?” I asked.

She came back from her wardrobe with what was definitely looked like a shirt, it was a kind of check pattern, pink and white. “I know you may not like the colour Tim, but honestly pink is an in colour for men, even John has a couple of pink shirts now” she said.

“All right, I’ll try it then” I said. So I took it from her and started to put it on. I found I couldn’t do up the buttons and as I was struggling, Cathy said,

“No Tim, this shirt buttons up the other way, here let me do it,” So she took over.

When she was done I walked over to her mirror. I was not too impressed by what I saw. The trousers were all right as long as you didn’t look too closely, the shirt however had a rounded collar, not pointed like on a mans shirt and the pink was a bit strong for my taste.

“Now with a tie that will look very smart, and you do have that real nice leather jacket that Janette gave you last Christmas.”

“I guess this will have to do, but I wish I had a proper suit or something” I said sadly.

“Oh Tim, I’m sorry, if mom and I hadn’t concocted that outfit for you for the wedding we could have got you a suit then and it would have done for today as well” said Cathy.

“Well its too late now, but thanks for your help,” I replied. So, off to my room I went, where I tried on my leather jacket. I really loved the jacket that Janette had bought me. With the jacket on I didn’t look at all bad as long as you didn’t look too closely at the shirt collar.

I had arranged to meet Aubrey at 10 o’clock in Bramfield on the Saturday morning and Jason would meet us around 11.30 at the station coffee bar before he and I caught the train up to London.

“My, you look smart” said Aubrey as she walked up to greet me.

“And you look gorgeous as always” I replied. She really did. She has lovely long flowing brown hair that frames her face and was wearing a yellow and green checked skirt and green top.

We walked around the shops, just window shopping and chatting, With mom’s dressmaking I guess I’m fairly knowledgeable on clothes, so I enjoyed chatting with Aubrey on what she liked and what I liked and making comments on people we passed. She was so easy and fun to talk to, before this I had found with other girls that it is sometimes difficult to really find common ground, but with Aubrey time just flew by.

“I wish I was going with you today Tim” she said as we walked hand in hand down the High street.

“Yes, it would be so nice if we could have gone together, I mean I like Jason, but it would have been different with you,” I replied. “You must come through to my place next week, there is a swimming competition at my school and we could go on somewhere afterwards.”

“Oh yes and maybe I could see the dresses your mom is making for you, I’d love to see your bridal outfit.” said Aubrey mischievously.

“She will probably have you modelling for her if you come, I seem to spend most of evenings acting as a model right now”

“You mean she uses you to model all her dresses?” queried Aubrey.

“ Since she gave up her job in Bramfield, she now does dress making full time, so she sort of relies on me to help, I don’t like it but I promised I would help as much as I could.” I explained.

“Tim, I think you do too much, it’s really not fair for her to rope you in to model dresses for her, maybe if I come round next week I could stand in for you,” she suggested. “You are too good natured, you need to learn to say no.”

“Believe me I try, Aubrey, but mom knows how to lay down the law, you’ll see if you come round next week.”

Very soon it was time to meet Jason at the station. “We have time for a coffee before we catch the London train, come on, my treat,” he said.

The station coffee bar was hot, so as we started to sit down I took off my jacket. I turned and saw both Aubrey and Jason were looking at me. “What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Let me look,” said Jason, as he examined closely my trousers and shirt, “Well I see you did come as Tammy, after all, those are girls slacks and that most certainly is a girls shirt.”

“Oh, is it that obvious?” I quailed.

“Yes, Tim and its also obvious from the outlines under those tight slacks that you are wearing panties, why have you done this, do you like wearing girls things?” asked Aubrey.

“No, its not that, its just that I have nothing smart to wear, so I had to borrow some things from Cathy. Mom doesn’t have a lot of money especially now she has changed her job, and I’m the only boy in the family and seem to be last in line for clothes of my own” I explained.

“I’m sorry Tim, I hadn’t realised, I think you look nice whatever you wear, don’t worry. Jason, you must look after Tim and not hassle him over this.” said Aubrey.

“I’d never do that,” said Jason “I’m fine with Tim just as he is, I don’t mind how he dresses, in fact I think he looks just great as he is,” replied Jason.

After the coffee I said my goodbyes to Aubrey and then Jason and I got on the train for London. We had a weird experience on the train. The train had separate compartments and we initially got one to ourselves. I took off my jacket and Jason sat next to me and we chatted for a while. He then reached for my hand again and just held it loosely, but as it was resting on my knee this time, I let him go ahead.

Just then the compartment door opened and in walked an elderly lady, “I hope you don’t mind me joining you there aren’t any empty compartments left?” she said.

After a few moments once she was settled she said “Well, you do make a nice couple, I know girls and boys start going together much younger these days. That is a lovely blouse you are wearing young lady,” she said.

I looked over at Jason, who was smiling. She must be short sighted I thought. Jason played it for laughs, “Yes isn’t she pretty”, he said and he turned towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

“I wish young girls didn’t wear trousers so much, I think a skirt or dress is so much more feminine,” said the old gal . “What do you think young lady?”

“I….I prefer a skirt as well,” I stuttered, “Its just that for a day in town and a visit to the opera I thought these slacks would be better”. I reckoned it was easier to keep up the pretence, than try to explain.

“Well do enjoy yourselves, and you look after her young man,” she said as the train pulled into London.

“Oh, yes I will,” said Jason, “She is my very special girlfriend”

Oh, yuk, I thought, how do I keep on getting into these situations. As she walked away, I turned to Jason and said, “Look Jason, It’s one thing playing a joke on that old lady, but I really don’t want my visit to the opera spoilt if you are going to be behaving as if I was your girlfriend, please let’s quit the playacting and then I can relax a bit.”

“I’m sorry Tim, I didn’t realise it was upsetting you so much. I promise I’ll behave like a gentleman.” He affirmed.

“You don’t have to go that far, just behave as if you were my brother or better yet, my cousin, which is what you are, remember?” I replied.

We walked round to the theatre and took our seats. The Opera Company was based in the Coliseum Theatre and it was enormous. Our school hall seats 400. According to the programme this theatre holds over 2,300 on 4 levels. We had fantastic seats in the sixth row of the stalls, right in the middle.

After the huge orchestra had played the overture, the curtains opened. The stage was gigantic, from our seats it was all you could see and the opening scene was a real stunner, a brilliantly lit white set with the whole cast and chorus coming on dressed in black and white, over forty of them. If this is opera then its fantastic I thought, I was thrilled and I grabbed hold of Jason’s hand without thinking, he turned to me and waved his finger from side to side as if to say ‘don’t do that’. I smiled sheepishly and took my hand away.

At the interval a large lady who was sitting next to me, turned to me and said “Its nice to see youngsters enjoying the show. You must have saved up a long time for seats as good as these?”

“This is my cousin Jason and his mom got the tickets through her choir and as we are both playing in our schools productions of the Mikado she let us have the tickets. I’m Timothy, by the way,” I said, just to make sure there would be no more girl / boy mix ups.

“Oh, that’s interesting. What roles are you going to be playing?” she asked.

“I’m playing Yum Yum — I go to an all boys school, but Jason is playing Nanki Poo at his school — they do it jointly with a girls school.” I explained.

“What do you think of the lady playing Yum Yum here today?” asked the lady.

“I think she is brilliant. I only hope I can pick up some tips from her as I watch,”` I said.

“Well, would you like to meet her and see if she can help you?” She asked

“What do you mean?” I said, startled.

“ I’m Anita Jenkins and Miriam Jenkins is my sister, I can take you back stage after the matinee and you can meet her,” she said. I looked at the programme and sure enough it said Yum Yum played by Miriam Jenkins.

“ Well that’s very kind of you, but are you sure, won’t she be wanting to get changed and leave the theatre?” I said

“No, she has to do the evening performance so she won’t be leaving the theatre and she loves helping young people,” she said.

We then watched the second act. This was the part where Miriam came onstage ready to put on her wedding gown. I was astonished therefore to see she wore a very opaque white gown when she first came on, you could hardly see even her ankles, it was nothing like the outfit mom was providing for me with the transparent peignoir and the corset and stockings all on show.

Then when it came to putting on the wedding dress, the gown was removed and underneath she had on a long slip or petticoat, you never saw any revealing underwear at all. What is going on with mom, I thought. I needed to talk with Mrs Cartwright next week and try to get her help to stop mom going overboard on her outfits for me.

At the end of the show, Anita took us through a maze of passages and corridors to the dressing rooms and into Miriam Jenkins room.

“Miriam, this is Timothy and this is Jason, they are both playing in their schools own Mikado productions, young Timothy here is playing Yum Yum,” said Anita.

“ Gosh that’s a big role for a young boy like you. Do you know any of the songs yet?” asked Miriam.

“Well there is the three maids song, plus I’ve done the solo ‘The sun who’s rays are all ablaze’ the one you sang in Act 2.” I replied.

“Do you want to let me hear you sing that and see if I can give you any advice, I have a keyboard here” she said pointing across the room.

I started saying “Would you do that? I mean it’s only a school production and I….” but she interrupted me.

“Timothy, if I don’t have time to help and advise young people then I’m not a good representative of my profession, now stand over there and I’ll play the introduction, and off we’ll go,” she said.

So I took off my jacket and stood, very nervous, as she played the introduction, she nodded to me and I started the song. I thought she might stop after the first verse, but she continued all the way through. When we got to the last line “we are very wide awake, the moon and I” Miriam turned to me and with Anita started applauding, Jason joined in as well. I could feel myself blushing furiously.

“That was really very good, your phrasing and expression and the way you project your voice is wonderful, you have a lovely voice. I could only pick out a couple of times you went very, very slightly off key , you have a gift young man.” Said Miriam, “Which school do you go to?”

“Charterborough. It’s in Surrey” I explained,

“ I know where it is, I live just five miles away, I had a son of my own there a few years ago. Is Mrs Cartwright still in charge of drama and music?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“ Well I’ll give her a call and see if she wants any help, I used to help before and if the rest of the cast is as good as you are, I’d love to see the show myself. Now, would you like to sing on the stage of the London Coliseum, Timothy? Come with me and we’ll fix it for you.”

So saying and before I could speak, she took me by the hand and we swept down the corridor and eventually made our way on stage. The curtain was up and auditorium was empty apart from some people tidying up, there were some stage hands rearranging the set for the evening and a pianist, apparently practising, was playing in the orchestra pit.

“Is that you Alastair? Could you help accompany this young man in the second act Yum Yum solo please?” she asked. He nodded. “Right then Timothy , stand there centre stage and imagine there are 2000 people out there and you want them all to hear.”

I gulped and looked at the vast auditorium, Miriam had a loud voice and everyone working in the place had stopped and was looking at me as I walked up to the front of the stage. I was really nervous and my legs were turning to jelly. Jason whispered to me as I passed him, “Go for it Tim, break a leg!” That made me laugh a little and just broke my tension at the right moment.

The pianist struck up the introduction and I launched into the song, trying to remember to reach out into the auditorium, my nervousness went and I even managed to do some of the stage movements and gestures Mrs Cartwright was teaching me.

When I reached the end everyone applauded, even the stage hands, Miriam came up and grabbed me and said “Well how do you feel now, after your first solo performance at the London Coliseum?” I looked at her and then around the vast theatre.

“That was the most amazing experience, ….I can’t thank you enough, …you have…. been so kind….” I struggled to speak , and then I’m ashamed to say I started weeping with the emotion of it all. One minute I’m dreading life when my mom is forcing me to do things I don’t want to do, then I meet people who are so kind and helpful. It is all so confusing I thought.

“ Oh you sweet boy. Come on Timothy, I think you must have had enough excitement for one day” said Miriam. “Its time for me to get ready for this evening and you two better set off home. I’ll be in touch with Mrs Cartwright” with that she gave me a hug shook Jason’s hand and then Anita escorted us both out of the theatre.

“You were very quiet there Jason,” I said as we walked back towards the station “ I’m sorry if I sort of monopolised the time with Miriam Jenkins.

“It’s not necessary to apologise Tim, you were the centre of attention and deserved to be, hell, your singing of that song was better than the girl who is going to be doing it in our production, her voice is thin and weedy compared with yours. She was right, you have a gift,” said Jason.” Tell you what lets walk down the Thames embankment for a while before we catch the train home, it’s a nice night.”

“OK then, you’re right it is pleasant,” I said. I felt very happy at that moment after the experiences of the afternoon and reached out and took hold of Jason’s hand as we walked along.

“Did you see the reaction when you took your jacket off in Miriam’s room as you started singing?” asked Jason.

“Reaction, what reaction?”

“Miriam noticed your girls slacks and blouse and pointing at them looked across at Anita with a puzzled expression. Anita just made a shush, keep quiet sign to her, and she let it ride.” Jason explained. “Later when you were singing on stage Anita asked me about it, I just said you were more comfortable in girls clothes.”

“You what!!” I yelled, taking my hand away , “Jason, stop right there, how could you, its not true, and now you’ve made me look a fool. She is coming to my school remember!!”

“Whoa, got you that time, Tim. Look all I really said was that money was a bit tight and you just borrowed stuff from your sister so you looked smart. She just said ‘Oh what a shame I’ll see if Miriam can help in some way.”

I relaxed a bit at that and we resumed walking until we reached a point where we had a view across the river to St Pauls. Jason suggested we sat down, he took my hand and put his arm around my shoulder. There was something comforting about that, so I snuggled up a bit closer to him. It was a nice feeling, I felt a little drained after the singing in such a big place and I day dreamed for a while of actually performing there.

“Tim, you know I promised I would never come on to you as long as you didn’t want to me too,” Jason said quietly. I’m finding it very hard not too right now”

Around us on other benches were courting couples, doing what couples do on a Saturday night. I turned to him and looked at his handsome face, he was such a nice boy, I felt sorry for him but at the same time also scared of what I might let myself in for. “Jason, if you wanted just to cuddle a bit, I guess I wouldn’t mind too much,” I almost whispered.

With that he took hold of me tightly and I put my head on his shoulder, then I turned towards him and gave a slight peck on his cheek. I could feel him tense up, so I turned away again. But I felt a tingle myself at that time, I know now that was the first early stirrings of puberty, but at the time I didn’t fully realise what it all meant.

We stayed like that for about half an hour, then slowly walked back, his arm round my shoulder. No one paid any attention to us we were just another young couple walking together — somehow it was a nice feeling.

On the train home we still held hands. In the brighter lights on the train a few people looked at us but there were no comments. At Bramfield station we said our goodbyes.

“Tammy, I really enjoyed today with you, it was wonderful to see you on stage at the Coliseum, I was so proud of you. I think you belong on stage and in beautiful costumes.” said Jason.

“Well I’ve had a fantastic day, both the opera which was superb and the experiences afterwards, and I include our walk down the Thames in that” I added. I reached up intending to give him another peck on the cheek to say goodnight, but he grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me hard on the lips. “I’ve wanted to do that all night, I’m sorry Tammy, I really do want you, I can’t help it.” I looked up at him, there were tears in his eyes..

But with that he turned straight away and walked, almost ran, across to his platform. I looked after him thinking ‘oh what have I done now, how do I get out of this and what about Aubrey?’ all these thoughts crowded in on me, I felt dizzy so I sat down and tried to collect myself while I waited for my train. Tomorrow I decided I would really have to have a long talk with Janette.

When I got home, as soon as I walked in the door mom said “You are later than I expected, I wish I had time to go to the opera. I’ve been dressmaking all day, now I need your help to fit and shape some of these dresses”

I felt crestfallen. I was planning to tell her about my singing at the Coliseum, I thought she would be proud. But all I got was, “Well I see you’re already in girls clothes, so take those ones off and let’s get started.”

I took off the blouse and slacks and stood there. “Oh, already in panties as well, that’s good, because this first dress is for a 14 year old girl who has a bust line so you need a bra also. So saying she picked up a white lacy bra and tied it round me, and put two pads in the cups — this was getting weird again, I felt.

“So you don’t soil the dress you had better wear a slip as well,” so saying she dropped a long pink satin slip over my shoulders, “Yes that’s better, now lets try on the dress, then stand on that stool”.

I stood there while mom pinned and tucked the dress for what seemed like ages. After a while she said, “This isn’t working properly, I need to see how the dress hangs when you are wearing heels. Those shoes and tights you wore at the wedding are still up in your room, go put them on and I’ll see if I can finish this dress tonight”

I trudged upstairs and retrieved the terrible orange satin shoes and the tights, even looking at them brought back memories of that awful day. I wriggled into the white tights again and eventually figured how to buckle up the shoes and downstairs I went now completely dressed in girls underwear bra, panties, tights and a slip, plus the very uncomfortable shoes.

“Now, lets get the dress back on you for a while, I shouldn’t be much longer” said mom.

After a few moments the front doorbell rang. My mom went to answer it leaving me there. I heard her chatting for a while, and then I heard her say, “Come on in” to whoever it was.

Oh no, I thought, who is she inviting in while I’m stood like this?

It was Mrs Pugh our next door neighbour followed, I was horrified to see, by her nine year old daughter.

“ I’ll just finish up this dress which Tim is modelling then I’ll measure up Teresa for her birthday dress,” said Mom.

“Oh, what a good boy to help your Mom like this,” said Mrs Pugh, “I’ve got to say you look very nice, doesn’t he Teresa? and you’re wearing the shoes and stockings. I could never get our Tony to do anything like this.”

I didn’t speak, I was too embarrassed. “What a pretty dress and you make such a pretty girl,” said Teresa, as she and her mum walked all round me as mom went on with her work.

“Maybe Teresa could help you with modelling for the younger girls Mrs Bramlett, would you like that Teresa?” said Mrs Pugh.

“Oh yes Mummy,” said Teresa, “could I wear nice dresses like Timmy does?”

“That would be a nice help Teresa, yes you could be my second model, you would like to have company wouldn’t you Tim?” said mom.

I don’t think she expected a reply and I didn’t offer one, this was just too embarrassing, and then I thought of Teresa’s brother Tony a 14 year old tearaway, once he found out he could make my life very difficult. This was getting worse and worse.

“Right, Tim, that should do for tonight, lets get you out of that dress and then you can go and change You might as well take the things you’re wearing up to your room and keep them there until you need them again,” said mom as she removed the dress, leaving me there in my underwear.

“Oh, that’s a pretty slip, he really has dressed completely for the modelling, hasn’t he?” said Mrs Pugh, as Teresa looked wide eyed at me standing there. I thought ‘Oh no, she will tell all the neighbourhood kids about this — now I’m in real trouble.’

“Yes, to get the right fit he has to wear a bra as well and he already has panties, he likes to dress properly, don’t you Tim?” replied mom.

“Please mom, just let me go upstairs, I don’t want to talk,” I said as I rushed out of the room.

I ran upstairs and took off the slip and bra and peeled off the tights and placed them in the bottom drawer with my stupid wedding outfit, then I hung up in the slacks and blouse I’d worn today alongside Aubrey’s party dress. With that and the bridal dress and underwear which I saw mom had now hung up in my wardrobe, I now had nearly more girls clothes than boys in there. Having felt so happy earlier in the day, I now felt completely washed out and miserable, I had planned to call Aubrey and tell her about my London Coliseum appearance but just could not bring myself to call her in my present mood., I was still in Cathy’s panties, but just felt too tired to change and went straight to bed still wearing them.

Next morning I went for swimming practise. Now that was great, I always feel better after a practise session and I put up some pretty good times, I sat and had a diet coke with the other guys in the club lounge before heading home. When I reached the bottom of our road, I heard Janette call out, “Tim, over here” She was in her car.

“Tim, I need to speak to you before I go back to Bristol. I’ve picked up my things from the house, but I have also just had a major row with mom, where can we go?”

“Well now is the time I have to go to the Sunhill old folks home, I go every Sunday afternoon, how about after that?” I suggested.

“Can’t you cry off for just one day?” she asked.

“I haven’t missed for over a year now, I really wouldn’t like to let them down”

“OK then, is it all right if I come along with you?” she asked. After I nodded, she continued, “What is it you do there, tidying up the place, or what?”

“Not exactly, why don’t you come in and see for yourself,” I urged.

So we drove there and went in, as we did so the matron rushed up and gave me a kiss and ruffled my hair. I wished she wouldn’t do it every time. I introduced Janette.

The matron then said to her “Have you come to see how your little brother has stolen the hearts of everyone in the place, he is a treasure.”

“Erm…. yes”, said Janette, a bit taken aback, “That was the idea.”

I left them chatting and then started my normal afternoon. At first I just went round and visited the folk, mainly ladies, there were very few men in the home, and basically just chatted with them. I had soon learned that many of them got very few visitors and they just liked to talk. After a while I had got to remember their names and the names of their families, which they loved to talk about, so I just talked and listened while holding their hands. I let them ruffle my hair which just about everyone in this place seemed to want to do, it is something to do with having curly fair hair I guess.

Then at four o’clock they all have tea in the main conservatory room. I help with that and then I play some old sing along tunes on a keyboard and try to get them to join in. I found the keyboard covered with dust in a cupboard and managed to rig it up with some speakers I found on a skip and I learned a load of old tunes and played them while I encouraged them to join in. It was hard work at first but now just about everyone sang along or clapped in time

After this and just before I left I usually sang a solo for them. This time I played and sang my Mikado song, the one I had sung yesterday. The whole of the nursing staff came in for that and there was some really nice applause at the end.

I met Janette at the door as I said goodbye to the matron, she was wiping her eye,

“What’s the matter, Janette?” I asked.

“It must be some grit in my eye, come on we better be going,” she replied.

Back in the car, she sat, still wiping her eyes. “What is the trouble with your eyes?” I asked again.

“Its you, damn it, its you, Tim! I’m crying! Do you know what you do in there? Do you? The matron tells me that for a whole host of people in there your visit is the high point of their week, they talk about it for days after you’ve gone and then are always asking is today Sunday? Is Timmy coming?”

“Well some of them get very few visitors, so that’s sort of bound to happen” I said.

“Tim, as I was leaving, one old lady, Mrs Cavendish, you know her?” I nodded, “She grabbed hold of me and asked, ‘Are you young Timmy’s sister? I want you know if he hadn’t started coming to visit I wouldn’t be here today. I get terrible pain in my back and legs , my family haven’t visited for three years now, they are getting old as well I suppose, I was planning just to stop taking my pills and passing slowly away. Then your little brother came, he talks to me every week, bless him, we hold hands and he sings and makes us all forget how old and decrepit we are. He is a lovely boy and so talented, you must be so proud to have him as a brother’. THAT’s why I’m crying Tim.” she almost yelled this last bit at me.

She went on, before I could speak, “Tim, there are people two and three times your age who couldn’t do what you do in there, I just thought you were helping to tidy up, now it turns out you are, according to the Matron ‘the person who holds the place together’, all that and my god, you’re hardly 12 years old”

“Well it makes my next task easier,” she continued, “In some things you are mature beyond your years. There are things you need to know about your mom and your dad and you need to know right now. I’m worried for you Tim, you are going to be alone with mom after Cathy goes to college next week, you will need to be very careful and very brave.”

Oh no, I thought, I sensed that dizzy feeling coming over me again, there was so much going on in my life I didn’t understand, with my mom, with Jason and with Aubrey as well and now Janette was going to tell me about mom and dad and being brave.

I sat with my own thoughts for a while and then I noticed we were not driving home, “Where are we heading Janette?” I asked.

“Somewhere very special Tim, - the place where I last saw your Dad” she replied


To be continued


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