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Darkchylde: In Touch With Your Inner Chylde 5 of 5
by: Lilith Langtree
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Author's Note: Kudos to djkauf for betaing this for me. Thanks for all the comments and interaction with you all. I'm humbled by your response.
Chapter 5
The outside commons area seemed to be the place to hang out before school started. There was a coffee cart where I bought a passable latte before going to sit down at one of the many concrete picnic tables. I set my camera aside, which was one of the helpful hints on the contest sheet. You couldn’t capture the picture without easy access to your camera.
Anyway, I perused my schedule again to make sure I had it and the classrooms memorized.
“You’re new.”
I cocked my head slightly and followed some fairly attractive legs up to their owner’s face; a brunette that was really trying too hard to look older via makeup. You didn’t have to be a girl or a boy to figure that one out.
“Yes I am,” I said matter-of-factly and then folding my schedule I tucked it into one of the side pockets of my backpack.
She shuffled her feet for a moment until I looked back up. “Was there anything else?”
Her face flushed red and she turned to stalk away. A group of boys seated at the table across from me broke up laughing. It was then that I noticed all of them were strategically seated for maximum view of my body.
No, I’m not being cocky. I know this because I used to do it all the time during puberty and maybe a couple of years after, until I actually had built up the nerve to speak to a girl without engaging in massive amounts of sweating. Luckily, I remembered to cross my legs properly.
Seeing a moment, I held up a finger. “Stop. Don’t move a muscle.”
They all froze in place and a couple of them looked at me strangely while I grabbed my camera and hit a couple of settings. “Okay, resume.”
Setting the camera back down, I heard some hushed and rapid whispering while I sipped at my latte. Then before I knew it one of the boys was sitting across from me.
I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Are you the winner or the loser?”
He wasn’t a jock, that was obvious, but he wasn’t completely nerd-bound either. He kind of reminded me of how I use to look not too long ago.
“That’s yet to be decided. It all depends on if I crash and burn.”
My lips moved to the side as I tried unsuccessfully to hide a smile. Recovering, grit my teeth and tilted my head slightly sucking in a little breath so I could sound doubtful.
“Brave move admitting that. Leaves me in a difficult position of holding your ego in my hands,” I said playfully.
He nodded ruefully. “It’s tough to be smart and stunning all at the same time. So many responsibilities.”
Seeing the girl I snubbed at the door looking at me like she’d like to see my hair on fire, I lifted my camera again and took a hard zoom of her face.
Her eyes flashed and then she turned to go inside the school.
“Is there any reason you just pissed off Abigail Alstine?” he asked.
“Call it instinct, and sorry to cause the burn portion of our discussion, but I’m a lesbian.”
He instantly deflated and sighed. “Does this mean when we hang out, we’ll both be scoping out the same girls?”
I grinned and shouldered my pack. “It depends on your rating system.”
“We normally just use the tried and true one through ten.”
Giving him a weak shake of my head I stood and grabbed my camera with one hand and the coffee with the other. “That’s kind of weak, don’t you think?”
He shrugged. “We’re always open for new ideas.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. See ya.”
That was the extent of my excitement for the first day at school. Yes, I did meet more people, and did the class thing, but seriously if you’ve been to one school you’ve been to them all. Seeing as I was working on my third one in the same year, I knew what I was talking about.
That was why I was actively trying my best not to make friends, hence my snubbing of makeup girl earlier. I just couldn’t take being ripped away again from someone that I cared about. Call me gun-shy, but I’ve lost my mother, father, and first serious girlfriend in too short of a time. It tended to make me less than sociable.
“Jennifer, I’m home!”
She was floating above her star on the fifty-sixth story of the Bank of America building in meditation so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to startle the crap out of her. She jerked, but didn’t fall. Her glare told me she wasn’t exactly pleased.
It’s the little jabs of revenge that helped me through the days.
“What are you wearing?” she said with annoyed displeasure.
I looked down at the gold sports bra and yoga pants. “It’s the yoga uniform the school issues. I’m not all that thrilled about it either.”
Her lips pursed. “What was wrong with any of the ones I bought you?”
I looked to the side and knew what I was saying wasn’t penetrating her brain. “It’s--a–uni–form. Everyone wears the same style and color. The boys have to wear purple and a tank top. They’re not all that thrilled about theirs either.”
“There are boys in your yoga glass?”
I nodded. “Yeah, where else can sixteen year old guys get to stare at sixteen year old girls in odd sexual positions and not get slapped?”
Jennifer had that faraway look like she was trying to picture that scene and then shook her head like she was trying to get the thought out.
“A Kale doesn’t become one of many; it is the many that attempt to emulate a Kale. Wear one of the others tomorrow.”
A laughed actually popped out of my mouth at her snobby attitude. “I’ll get graded down and probably sent to the office.”
She extended her legs and floated downward until she touched the floor. “I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Just do as I say, please.”
“It’s not that big of a deal, Jennifer. I’ll wear their outfit.”
Picking up a towel off of a nearby table she dabbed at her forehead. It looked like she wanted to argue with me, but held herself back. “Well, change into something else for now. All that gold is about to make my eyes bleed. Hurry back. We have serious issues to discuss this afternoon.”
With a shrug I went downstairs to my room and pulled out one of the Unique Magnifique outfits, which was a cami and yoga pants that pretty much looked like a lot of the ones you see everywhere else, except the material was a little different — softer I guess — and it had a Henna embroidery between the breasts and on the leg. That was it. The big difference was that I could buy a very similar outfit for about twenty to thirty dollars at Target and this one was bought at a Galleria specialty store for ninety-two dollars. You tell me if it’s worth it.
By the time I’d made it back upstairs the windows were darkened, which I thought was pretty cool considering that I could see out of them before. Jennifer had a table set up with a couple of chairs and two mugs of what smelled like herbal tea sitting on top.
She waved me on. “Much better. Come have a seat, Ariel.”
I briefly looked around as I was making myself comfortable. “What’s with the windows?”
“Considering the topic of conversation I thought it prudent to add a few layers of security. Members of our government would love to get ahold of the details of my more sensitive ventures.”
I raised my eyebrows at her paranoia. “Are you serious?”
“There are a number of surveillance devices from the adjacent buildings pointed at this very floor and you can bet that there are a number of federal agents scrambling around trying their best to break my enchantments that prevent their eavesdropping.”
That made me a little shifty-eyed thinking that people were watching me, and what did that mean when I was in my room in only a pair of panties and a pink robe as a boy the other day. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Was my picture making its rounds through government emails with the Re: blank filled with Look at the sissy boy.
“Can you darken my windows in my room?”
Jennifer shifted and the smiled. “Don’t worry; they’ve never been able to see in here. It’s the audio that I’m concerned about. If I thought for a second that they’d penetrated my veil with visual equipment then there wouldn’t be an FBI anymore. I would have obliterated them off the face of the Earth.
Somehow I believe her.
With that said, I relaxed and sipped at the tea she provided. Yuck, rosehips. “So, what’s the big hubbub?”
She set her mug down. “Tell me what your doppelganger has said about its origins and the dragon’s origins.”
“I thought you knew all this stuff?”
She nodded once. “I do. What we’re doing here this afternoon is finding out if you do.”
I blew out a breath as I thought about what DC had told me. “She told me that she was me, a different part of me.”
“What’s her name?”
“I call her DC, but she told me her name is Darkchylde.”
I waved her off. “It was a screenname she used for a videogame. I wouldn’t read anything into it. Lots of us use over-the-top names like that.”
Jennifer looked at me pityingly. “Go on.”
“She said she was the go-between with the dragon and that she’d teach me magic from the book.”
“That’s it?”
I nodded.
“What about the dragon?” she asked.
“Uh… she said that the uh, demon-guy…”
I cringed a little. “She said not to say his name, that it calls his eye on us.”
“Pfft. He’s next to powerless in this dimension. He can watch all he wants, but he still can’t do anything without a willing gateway. Call him by his true name.”
“Okay… anyway, she said Dormammu trapped the dragon and I’d freed it from its captivity. In return it was supposed to keep me healthy and powerful for hosting it.”
Jennifer sipped at her mug again. “That’s mostly true. In addition to your little pick-me-up from Dormammu, the dragon has added to your potential.”
“Is that a good thing?” Please let it be a good thing.
“It depends on your way of looking at the situation. I didn’t bring you here to annoy me endlessly, Ariel. I brought you here to train you in the use of magic so that you can keep a tight rein on what you have inside you.”
My eyebrows rose. “What’s inside me?”
Her face turned a little grim. “Have you ever heard of the Obsidian Stone?”
I shook my head.
“How about the Coin of Solomon?”
That sparked a little memory. “Are you talking about the Bible guy that chopped a baby in half?”
Jennifer rolled her eyes. “He didn’t chop a baby in half, but yes, that Solomon from the Bible; the son of David.”
“He had a coin?”
“I can see a history lesson is in order. It’s amazing what children these days actually learn in school. What’s the point in spending hours on end learning things you will never use in real life?”
Somehow I think she might have a hard time convincing pretty much any school board that Bible history was necessary in any form. Most of the kids I knew thought of the Bible as mythology akin to Greek and Roman gods. In other words, nobody really took it seriously anymore.
“Solomon lived about 3000 years ago. He was the person to build the first temple that housed the Arc of the Covenant between God and Man.”
I sat up. “Oh cool, I saw that movie. You mean the whole Indiana Jones thing is true?”
Her mouth hung open and I received the are you stupid? look again. I thought it best to just sit back and listen.
“To continue… in order to build this temple...” She paused and looked at me, probably to see if I was going to say anything else she didn’t like. “He called forth the supposed power of God. What he really called forth was the power contained in the Book of Zhered-Na.”
So the big guy back then had Mom’s book. That thing was seriously old.
“So he built a temple with the power of the book?”
Jennifer tilted her head. “Somewhat. What he did was use the power of the book to call forth seventy-two demons to perform his bidding. They’re the ones that built the temple.”
Something didn’t seem right to me. “Hold on. One of God’s supposedly main guys, at the time, worked with demons? Isn’t that kind of hypocritical?”
She snorted. “Ariel, if you are looking for consistency of thought and belief, the last place you should look is in organized religion.”
I snickered after her. “Says the witch.”
She sniffed haughtily. “I’m a Sorceress, not a common witch.”
“Pardon me,” I said with just a touch of sarcasm. “So what does Solomon have to do with the book and me?”
“The book has many mutable properties.”
I looked at her with cluelessness.
“It can change shape to suit the owner’s needs.”
“You must understand, Ariel. The Book of Zhered-Na is a very powerful artifact that has been on Earth for many thousands of years. Its presence must be kept secret for its power is immeasurable.”
Considering what she was saying, I thought about where the book was exactly… namely inside of me.
“Solomon held it in two different shapes, the first being a bronze coin, but that was an oddity at the time. Coins weren’t generally minted until the fifth or sixth century, so he transferred it into a ring with an obsidian stone.”
“Gotcha. Coin, stone.” I could tell she was doubtful about my concern.
“Knowing all of this, you should also know that it is one of the Thirteen Artifacts.”
I cocked an eyebrow at her. “There’s thirteen books?”
“No, just one book. All of the artifacts are different; they represent different forms of nature, creation, the cosmos, and reality. Some mask themselves as jewelry, or innocuous items and some are what they seem.”
I leaned forward since it looked like this info dump was starting to produce some information. “Such as?”
Jennifer shrugged. “The Angelus and the Darkness were the first. You think of them as representations of the light and the dark.”
“Good and evil?”
“Not necessarily. The powers of the dark can be used in service of good and vice versa. It all depends on the user.”
“What else?”
She looked off fondly. “The Witchblade. If I could capture that Artifact I would be nigh invincible. Rasputin would be a joke.”
“You said that name before; who’s he?”
Jennifer’s face turned hateful. “She… a tiny pre-pubescent girl that holds the Eye of Agamotto, the focal source of the Sorceress Supreme. It should have been mine.”
Her fist slammed down on the table almost overturning my mug with the force. I grabbed it, only spilling a few drops in the process.
“Angry much?”
I had to push my chair back from her fiery eyes when they were trained on me. “I have held the Amulet of Agamotto for two decades. I was the one who battled the hordes of Mindless Ones when they invaded this dimension. Not that anyone noticed. It was me that pushed back Dormammu’s minions, alone with no help from dabblers of magic… and the Vishanti gift her with the Eye!”
I was sensing a bit of sour grapes, just a touch — I could be wrong. I had no idea what she was talking about, but I just nodded along and agreed with bits of encouragement so she wouldn’t take out her grudge on me.
“Yeah… assholes. What were they thinking?”
She raised an eyebrow at me and abruptly cooled down. “You’re an acceptable faux-daughter, Ariel.”
“Thanks… I think.”
“Bah, it’s ancient history. What was I talking about?”
She nodded and her eyes narrowed. “Right. The rest is not important. Just know this: the Right Hand of Doom has been claimed. Luckily by an ally.”
I nodded knowingly. “What’s that mean?”
“It is the Thirteenth Artifact, the one with the power to end all existence if holding the rest.”
Pressing my lips together, I leaned back in. “This would be bad, I’m guessing.”
“You don’t have to worry about that just as long as you stay away from her, being a lesbian and all.”
“Uh-huh. Does she have a name or am I just supposed to not have sex with any girl in the near and distant future.”
She blinked and chuckled after. “Saunderson... I think. Shit, what was her new name? Geri or Gertrude, something like that. Anyway, you can’t miss her. She’s got red skin, two horns on her forehead that look like they’ve been sanded down, and a prehensile tail.”
I think Jennifer had truly lost it in her paranoid delusions. “So, female Satan. Okay, important safety tip — no messing around with a female Satan.”
That was the end of my briefing and my lesson for the day — thank God.
It was then that I started my plans to get the hell out of there at the soonest possible opportunity. All I needed was to master magic, grab some cash and take the earliest train out of Dodge. So, ten, maybe fifteen years tops. I was screwed.
I went downstairs, showered and changed. A casual reference that I was going to the library for research and I was on the streets of downtown Houston looking for somewhere where I could score a beer or maybe something a bit stronger.
Thirty minutes later I was so incredibly lost it was pathetic. All the buildings started looking the same and I couldn’t see much of the skyline in order to work my way back to somewhere that looked familiar.
“Dammit, where the hell am I?”
“Probably not the best thing to say since you’re just a couple of feet from a dark alleyway.”
I spun around and stepped back, raising my hands in defense. A blonde girl stood there, short in the mid-five foot range, wearing a camel-colored mantled coat in the middle of August. My guess was that she was dangerous. But it was a hot kind of dangerous.
She was flinging her right hand out, which was dripping with a blue goo of some kind. Then the smell hit me.
“Eww. What is that?”
She shook her head and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe off the worst. “You probably don’t want to know.”
Something seemed to be off about this girl, something otherworldly. “Demon? Zombie?”
Her eyes widened and a grin rose on her face. “Nearcek demon. Should I know you?”
Shrugging, I tried to look nonchalant, but this girl was getting me hot just by standing around smiling. There was something truly compelling about her that I couldn’t figure out. “Depends.”
“What’s your first name?”
“Gemma. What’s yours?”
“I’m Ariel, Ariel Chylde.”
She was stronger than she looked, which was evidenced by her urging me up against the wall and lifting my legs around her hips. We met in a searing kiss.
Shit, she probably thinks that I’m some sort of slut out to get laid. Fuck it, if I am then so is she.
“You taste really good,” Gemma said as she lifted off my neck. “Sorry, but I can’t keep my hands or my mouth off you.”
“And the problem with that is what?”
Her hands went to my butt and lifted me higher until I ground into her… hold on. “Ow… what’s that?”
“Oh, sorry, the Samaritan got into the way.”
I stopped and push back. “Is that some sort of new name for something?”
She tried to find her place back at my neck. “Can we not talk? For some reason I’m really horny right now.”
I knew what she was talking about, but something just felt off about the whole thing. Yeah, I liked sex and ever since I’d met Susan I liked it a whole heck of a lot more, but I didn’t know this girl from Eve.
“Hold stop… just stop.” I dropped my legs down and tried to back away, but Gemma was hard pressed to give up that easily. It was like she was a heroin addict and I was her next dose.
A flash of light came the next second and Gemma was flung off of me and across the alleyway.
“Red Broom, you horny bastard. She’s sixteen!”
Oh shit. “Hi… Jennifer.”
She pointed her finger at me and I winced. “I’ll deal with you in a minute.”
Looking back at Gemma I saw something that nearly made me piss myself. Horns, tail, red skin; it was the Satan girl with a humongous hand right hand.
“What the hell? Oh, it’s you,” she said as she got her bearings.
“In the middle of the alley, Red? What were you thinking?”
Gemma hitched her leather pants up with her normal left hand. “As I recall, you liked it up against the wall, Jen Jen.”
Jennifer crossed her arms. “That was when you had a dick. I can see you’re already making up for your inadequacies with giant guns between your legs.”
“Hold on… you used to be a guy?” I said, accusingly. “Oh eww. Phft phft.” I spat, trying to get her taste out of my mouth. The problem was I was still seriously turned on.
Jennifer spun on me. “And what did I tell you? No boning the girl with the Right Hand of Doom!”
“You told me her name was Geri or Gertrude! This girl’s — and I say that in the loosest term — name is Gemma!”
“Gertrude?” Gemma laughed.
I didn’t let the interruption stop me. “Additionally I’d like to point out that she was a perfectly normal blonde girl a few minutes ago.”
“Wait a sec,” Gemma said, poking her horned head into my argument. “Why can’t we bone?”
Jennifer pushed her back. “Because she’s the holder of the Obsidian Stone you idiot!”
Gemma’s eyes went wide and she backpedaled a lot faster than I’d ever thought possible. “What the hell is she doing in Houston? You didn’t think that might be something that I should — I don’t know — maybe know?”
A portal opened up against the side of the wall and I recognized my room beyond. Jennifer pointed. “You, you’re grounded.”
“No but’s. Get to your room, now.”
“This isn’t fair,” I complained.
“Go, or you can be grounded for two weeks.”
The millisecond I stepped through in a huff, the portal closed.
I scowled at the clock which told me it was just past eight in the evening. Flipping on the light I went ahead and changed into some pajama pants and a cami before going to sulk on my bed.
It wasn’t too much longer before Jennifer came striding in with her version of righteous fury.
“You lied to me? Did you even get within a block of the library?”
I shrugged. “I feel like a prisoner here.”
She huffed. “Well pardon me for making your security a relatively high priority. Do you know what would have happened if you and Gertrude would have completed your public copulation in that urine scented alley?”
I just sighed and looked to the side.
“I’ll tell you what. It would have been all nice and shiny right up until the point where your insides decided they wanted to be on the outside.” She stood there tapping her foot against the carpet. “Well? Do I at least get a thank you for saving your life or would you like to get right to the punishment phase of the evening?”
My lips firmed and my hands clinched in my lap but I still didn’t say anything.
“You’re grounded. Here and school, during the appropriate times, are your only destinations for the next two weeks. If I find out that you’re lying to me about anything before this punishment is up then you’ll be grounded for an additional month. The only thing that will be coming out of your mouth from here on in is the truth. Are we clear?”
I wish I had something to throw at her, but the only thing nearby was a pillow. I didn’t yell or scream. I didn’t even raise my voice to a loud level like she was doing. Instead I just filled it with as much venom as was humanly possible.
“You want the truth, Jennifer. Here it is. I hate you.”
She stared at me in silence.
“If you think that I’m going to be the least bit grateful that you took me away from my home and the people that I love for this, then you’re stupid. You’re no better than that Dormammu guy. He wanted to use me and now you’re using me. I don’t care about your money or you or this stupid city and magic. I just want my life back. So go ahead and ground me. I really just don’t care.”
With that I turned around and dropped to the pillow.
The next morning I dressed in the pair of distressed jeans Susan picked out for me and an A&F long-sleeved vee-neck tee-shirt. Red running shoes gave me color coordination, but I wasn’t really aiming for that. Stuffing my assigned yoga outfit in my pack my camera followed. Then I went upstairs and sat down to stare out the window until it was time to leave.
About twenty minutes later the door to the stairway opened and Jennifer entered the massive open room.
“You’re not eating anything? And what are you wearing? That isn’t one of the outfits I bought you.”
I ignored her only as far as not saying anything. Instead I shouldered my pack and stood to look at the wall where she opens her portals.
“Hmpf. I can do the silent thing too, you know.”
Good, then use it for God’s sake.
“And just so you’ll know…”
That didn’t last long.
“… I’m not too fond of you either. I give you everything you ask for and still you treat me like dirt. I save your life and you throw it in my face like I did something wrong. Well, let me tell you something little missy. I’m Jennifer Kale. If it wasn’t for me, that whole backward town I saved you from would be sucked down into hell and you’d be the butt monkey for its ruler.”
I let my eyes drift to her. “Are you through monologuing? Can I be your butt monkey in this hell now? I believe you sentenced me to school at the appropriate time.”
She growled in frustration and flung her hand at the wall. “Go to school and then straight to your room after. I don’t even want to look at you today.”
I gave her a short chuckle. “Believe me, the feeling’s mutual.”
The portal closed as I stepped through it. No, I really wasn’t angry; I think apathetic would be the proper term. Nothing really mattered to me anymore. Well, nothing except for a decent cup of coffee and maybe a cinnamon roll or two.
After my purchase from the coffee cart I went to find the table I sat at the day previous. It was being occupied by the guy I talked to. His friends weren’t around like the day before. I frowned, but went over and sat down anyway.
“Back for more abuse?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I’m kind of a masochist that way.”
“I’m still a lesbian.”
“Don’t they have a pill for that?”
“Not for my kind. Besides that pill makes girls grow hair on their chest so what’s the point?”
He grinned and I felt a little better for the light banter. “I’m Dick.”
“How nice for you.”
Dick leaned back then rocked forward. “You’re not going to tell me your name are you?”
I shrugged. “I find it better not to get to know anyone too closely that way it doesn’t hurt when it all comes crumbling down in the end.”
He blinked and looked at me somewhat hard. “That awfully fatalistic.”
“That’s an awfully big word for a sophomore.”
“I’m a senior.”
I unzipped my pack and took out my trigonometry homework to double check the solutions. “Well, senior, I don’t really need a sidekick and I have work to do….”
“Who said I had to be the sidekick? We can’t be partners?”
It was tough to figure out where he was going with his side of the banter, but I played along. “I’m kind of doing a Lone Ranger thing and he had a sidekick.”
“I’m not an Indian, just a plain ole American guy. I think my great-great grandfather was Scottish if that helps.”
Taking a sip of my latte I faked thinking about his Highlander heritage and then sighed. “I’ll let you be my sidekick, but only if you wear spandex.”
“Damn there goes all that leather and PVC I bought yesterday. I had a cape and everything.”
I shook my head. “Nope, I insist on green tights and maybe a red tunic. Yellow cape is optional… oh, and you have to have a domino mask.”
Dick cringed. “Holy colorblind sidekicks, Lesbian-Girl.”
My best dubious glare went back at him. “Lesbian-Girl?”
“That’s the best I can do since you won’t tell me your name.”
I looked around and then whispered. “Ariel Chylde. Don’t let it get around.”
Dick’s eyes widened and then a great smile lit up his face. “Wild Chylde; excellent name.”
A grimace from me let him know what I thought of that. “It makes me sound like some sort of jungle girl, like half animal or something. I prefer Darkchylde.”
He looked like he was judging it for a few moments. “Kind of like an anti-hero? Torn from the quiet world she once knew by an evil magician and thrown into the chaos of a new school and new life, Darkchylde, a statuesque lesbian school-girl by day and action-packed hero by… what?”
My face must have shown the shock at hearing my life played out as a comicbook tagline must have showed. I grabbed my pack and haphazardly stuck my trig homework back in before bolting.
“Ariel? What’d I say?” Dick called out from behind me. “I’m sorry!”
The last part I heard as I was going through the door. Even though he was playing around, Dick was way too close to the reality of the situation. The last thing I wanted to happen was for him to figure it all out and have Jennifer screw up his life as well. The thing was, I knew she would, at the drop of a hat.
She was mental. One second she can sound very confident and sane then the next she goes off the deep end, paranoid and egocentric. I needed to escape, and find some way to mask myself so she couldn’t find me. Not knowing how she accomplished that task in the first place made my leaving problematic. If only I could get a hold of DC, she could give me some magical hoodoo that could maybe mask my trail or give Jennifer a migraine if she tries.
My alter-ego’s disappearance worried me, and since it happened at the exact same time as Jennifer’s interference in my life, that led me to only one conclusion: she was the cause.
Throughout the day, whenever I had a free moment, I concentrated on breaking whatever barrier Jennifer had erected between DC and me. During lunch I even had a teacher stop at my table, during her normal rounds, to ask if I needed to see the nurse. She thought I was cramping or something.
It was all for nothing. By day’s end I had accomplished squat. Not knowing what I was up against made it an impossible problem to solve; though I was now the proud owner of four Midol and a stool softener.
“I thought I told you not to wear that horrendous outfit anymore.” Jennifer didn’t waste any time starting in on me when I stepped through the portal for my return trip to prison.
Making a mild smacking noise with my mouth I said, “I thought you didn’t want to look at me today? I knew it was too good to be true.”
“Go to your room. There will be no dinner for you tonight. We’ll see if your attitude changes on an empty stomach.”
I chuckled. “You’re going to starve bad behavior out of me? Yeah, I’m sure Child Protective Services is going to love that one.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Go ahead and call, Ariel. By the time they get here they’ll have completely forgotten why they came.”
Turning, I made my way to the stairwell. “You’re such a bitch.”
“You better believe it. The sooner you become compliant the better off you’ll be.”
Storming downstairs did nothing but make my feet hurt. By the time I’d made it to my room I was on a full boil. I wanted nothing more than to throw myself on the bed and cry again, but I was through with that. It didn’t do anything for me except make my eyes swollen and my nose red. Instead, I pulled out my phone and called information. When I hit Send, all I got was dead air.
Jennifer whammied my phone with her mojo, so I dropped it. The computer she’d set up in my room only allowed me to access to Wikipedia and various programs to do homework with.
By the time I’d discounted throwing a chair at one of the many windows, in order to grab somebody’s attention, I realized that she’d covered all her bases. This was so unfair. Even real prisoners got to eat.
I’d had enough. When I reached the door to go have it out with her I found it was locked, and considering the lock was on my side that was quite a feat.
So I did what any teenager would have done: I threw a fit.
Banging on the door and screaming didn’t help, that was until my hand was so raw that it started to bleed. Then I started kicking it until my foot began to hurt. Nothing worked.
As a last ditch effort I sat down about five feet from the door and let my rage seethe as I stared at it.
“Aná¡il nathrach, ortha bhas betha, do cheol déanta.”
With all my might I willed the door to explode outward into the hall, but nothing happened. I tried again and again, altering the pronunciation slightly. The problem was that considering the number of syllables in the phrase and the ways they all could be said, the odds of coming up with the exact one I needed wasn’t so good. But that didn’t cause me to give up.
Two hours later, I stopped to take a break, get some water out of the bathroom tap to drink and to change clothes. If by chance I stumbled across the right pronunciation I wanted to be ready to run.
My school supplies were set aside and I’d filled my pack with a couple changes of clothes and the camera. I might be able to pawn it for some cash if need be.
Again I sat in front of the door and began the Incantation of Making. Eleven o’clock rolled around and I was on the verge of falling asleep while incanting.
“Fucking useless. I should have insisted that DC teach me one offensive spell.”
My hand ached and the knuckles were swollen. I took a shower and planned to just take off from school the next morning. She couldn’t do anything about that. There were too many witnesses.
By morning my hand was throbbing painfully. I took all four Midol and left the stool softener on the desk for Jennifer. Her ass was so tight she had to have needed one.
As expected, the door opened easily enough. The smell of cooked eggs made my stomach growl, but I forced myself upstairs and waited for her to show up and let me go to school. When she did, it was with a smug look on her face like she’d won.
“Feeling more agreeable are we?”
“You’re a sadistic twat, Jennifer Kale. How’s that for agreeable? How’s it feel to torture a sixteen year old? Does it make you feel all warm and gooey inside? Does it get you off?”
There was a flash, however brief it might have been, of regret on her face. So naturally I pressed on, raising my swollen hand.
“When my teacher asks why I can’t write today, I’ll be sure to point her in the right direction. Not that it will do any good, because you’ll make her forget and just torture me again tonight. What’s it going to be this time?”
She sighed. “If you’ll only admit I’m right and treat me with the respect that’s due…”
“Respect? HA! Jennifer Kale can’t get any respect so she has to use her magic to get some. I’ve got one word for you: Karma. I’d be willing to bet everything that you don’t have any friends, true friends. The only people that will associate with you are the ones you can buy or magic into liking you.”
Her lips bunched up and it looked like she was going to explode, which would probably make my life a lot easier.
“You don’t know anything, Ariel.”
I nodded sardonically. “Yeah, you’ve made that abundantly clear. I’m nobody, just a little puppet that needs you to pull my strings. Big Jennifer Kale, she’s in charge and will never let you forget it. Go on; show me how big you are. Show me how pathetic you have to be to starve a kid. I bet that Rasputin girl is a hundred times the Sorceress you are.”
In retrospect that was probably pushing things a little too far. I don’t really remember the magical blast that threw me half the length of the floor.
When I stopped seeing stars, I wiped the blood off my face that was trailing down from my nose and started chuckling.
“I knew you could do it.” When I looked up at her she was emitting an aura of red all around. “Go ahead, big witch. You know I’m right. Why else would you be so mad?”
“Shut up!” she screamed.
A swift wind scooped me up and I twirled in the air before being tossed the remaining length of the building. Something snapped when I landed wrong and I screamed.
My flesh felt on fire and I heard loud pops. Something tore at my back until I was curled up in a ball. I was sure this was it, my final moments on Earth. She was going to kill me. I’d almost welcome it, if it wasn’t so damn painful.
Ariel! DC yelled in my head.
I spat something out. It was red and black, most likely blood. “Now you decide to show up?”
Let me take over, quickly before she regains her senses.
“Aná¡il nathrach, ortha bhas betha, do cheol déanta!” were the first words out of my/her mouth.
Every window on the floor exploded outward simultaneously raining glass at least a hundred yards or more over the city. Wind blasted through the exposed level, which might not have been such a good idea considering how close I was to the edge of the building. Before I knew it, I was airborne and plummeting quite rapidly to the concrete street below.
Quickly Ariel, call forth the demon Count Ipos.
I was still in panic mode at the idea of going splat in a few more seconds.
Do it now or we’re dead!
I closed my eyes for the last part and put my trust in the one person that hasn’t let me down. “Count Ipos, come forth!”
It felt like my back exploded over my shoulder blades. Something gave a loud WOOMPH! and I stopped falling only to arc deeply back up into the air barely missing a large truck that was slamming on its brakes to avoid hitting me.
Something flowed though me that felt like a cleansing energy. My injured hand and my left arm gave a quick painful lurch and then I felt almost normal again, except for the huge black feathered wings that were flapping at my sides.
Now, for retribution! Turn back Ariel and we will make the witch pay dearly for what she has done.
“No, I just want to be away from her.”
She has to pay!
“I said no. Let it be, DC.”
Rage tore through me from Darkchylde, but I kept on moving away from my prison, weaving between buildings as effortlessly as a bird. Wind batted at my hair, tossing it about, but I didn’t care. For the first time since all of this started, I felt free. The air was warm as I whipped around a building over black glass and flapped my new wings to gain altitude.
Somewhere in my head I knew this had to be aerodynamically impossible. I mean it wasn’t like I was a bird or anything, no tail feathers, no streamline shape, nothing. Everything was the same about my body except for the addition of two black feathered wings that stood out a good six to seven feet on either side. I was like a dark angel in the sky.
Higher I climbed until I’d reach a point where I could land atop one of the taller buildings. The air was fine, even though it was obviously much stronger and choppier because of the interference of the many buildings, but I navigated it like I was born to do so.
My shoes scraped across the rooftop until I came to halt with the wings stabilizing the abrupt stop, then they folded behind me at rest.
“Oh gheeze. I got wings.”
The implications of that settled on me. I wouldn’t be able to look like anything normal. There was no camouflaging something as big as they were. The tips of the wings were just touching the rooftop and the arches were at least a foot above my head.
They will recede, Ariel. When you have no more need for them just concentrate on bringing them back into your body.
“How’d this happen? Who is Count whatever?”
Count Ipos is a Prince of Hell, one of many that you can call forth certain aspects from through the power of the Book of Zhered-Na. His wings and certain avian aspects is what you needed at the moment so those were summoned.
I nearly lost the strength in my knees. “Prince of Hell? Like a demon Prince of Hell?”
Like a Fallen Angel, Ariel. You may call upon any of the seventy-two so-called demons, as Solomon once did, to do your bidding. In this case you only take on their aspects. They cannot fully emerge in this dimension without assistance from Him.
Even if the wings came from some fallen angel, it was difficult to argue with the results. They saved my ass from going splat on the sidewalk. Speaking of which, I realized I probably shouldn’t hang out there for much longer. That’s when I realized that I didn’t have my pack.
“Dammit! I must have dropped it.”
If you can get us in visual range I can summon all that is yours.
“You can? Cool!”
Without a thought I took two leaping bounds and jumped up to the edge of the building. I was amazed that being sixty-some-odd stories in the air and the thought of jumping off the top of a building didn’t bother me.
We must be swift, Ariel, in case she is erecting additional protections that would make retrieving your possessions more difficult.
I didn’t delay any longer. Tilting over the edge I felt the wind against my face and smiled. Falling ten stories was a rush and when I opened my wings I arced back up and headed to a building I was quite familiar with after staring at it for so long from my room.
In less than a minute I was literally perched on the edge of the rooftop overhang. I felt my feet trying to bend in an under-curled position so it could grasp the edge better, but my shoes prevented them from anchoring myself. The windows were already repaired where it looked like nothing ever happened.
A simple spell that she is more than qualified to do, Ariel.
“How are we supposed to get my stuff out?”
DC giggled in my head. Blow them out again, of course. Do you remember the pronunciation?
That moment was seared into my brain. “Yes.”
After the windows explode then give control to me. I will summon all your belongings.
“Just the stuff that I brought with me, and my pack, DC. I don’t want any of the crap she forced on me. Besides, I don’t have anywhere to put it.”
Trust in me. I won’t let you down.
I concentrated on the two floors in question and spoke the Incantation of Making. It was quite the experience to witness the explosion from the inside of the building; from the outside it was equally as awesome. I had to hold my arm against my face so I wouldn’t get pelted by any stray shards, but I came away clean.
Giving DC the reins she held my hand up and I saw my pack zip around the building and various clothes from the floor below. In midair my pack opened and all the extra clothes I’d left behind folded themselves and were stuffed inside.
Reaching out I caught it and didn’t know what to do other than flip it on my shoulder. I couldn’t wear it properly because of the wings. When I stood to leap off the building, I spotted Jennifer on the top floor looking at me. Rage filled her face.
“I think we better leave.”
Diving off the building I waited until I was at least halfway down before opening my wings and curving around the building. There was no telling if Jennifer would wind up taking a pot shot at me.
“Where to?”
I think it would be wise to leave this city, but I like the idea of being lost amidst a large number of others.
Bringing up my knowledge of the states in the surrounding area I didn’t see much of a choice. “Well we have Dallas, San Antonio; I think there’s a college in Austin, so a lot of people would be there…”
Austin. We can enroll you in college and hide amongst the students.
Banking northwest — don’t ask how I knew, I just knew — I exited downtown.
“I don’t know if you noticed, DC, but I’m kind of only a junior in high school.”
No matter. Seeing as we are now in constant communication I can help you with your studies.
There were so many things wrong with this idea that I didn’t know where to start. “Then there’s ID, money, transcripts, birth certificate…”
Ariel, ask yourself this question. How did Jennifer acquire so much wealth?
Magic. Put your trust in me again and I will not let you down.
It took me all of about five seconds to reach a decision. “Fine. But for our next lesson, you’re teaching me some offensive magic. I’m not going to be trapped like a rat again.”
Story arc to be continued in: "Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick."
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that wrapped up better than
that wrapped up better than expected. NOt being familiar with the comic the Jennifer Kale bit seemed forced onto the story like it was added to get get out of a plpot hole if had known the original perhaps it would not have felt that way?
This is understandable,
This is understandable, since she's such a force ( be reckoned with,... of nature? one of those) But she was added for a reason in the long run. It's more of a third story thing.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
I thought the description of
I thought the description of the outfit sounded familiar. Dick Grayson. Why couldn't it be Nightwing?

As someone mentioned in an earlier chapter and something I've noted a number of times to potential authors, I think the stories that aren't superhero intensive, with the BAMB! SLASH! KERPLOW! are better received. I know I enjoy a long tale about the person more than the outfit, but it has to have a little KERPLOW! every now and then to keep it real.
For Ariel, that's what I wanted. We don't have a new superhero/ine here. We have a girl thrown into a situation that happens to have some powers that she barely has a clue how to use. The same will go for Dick Grayson in his origin story.
Since I've already noted in the title that Dick has an aversion to being the sidekick, you're on the right track with Nightwing, just not anytime soon. Plus we still have a few unresolved issues to deal with concerning Ariel, Jennifer, DC, Dormammu, et al.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Ariel - Ariel
I wonder what copy Ariel does and how the time change affects reality. I wish for Ariel that they'll be able to reunite.
Btw. did I overread it or why did DC reappear when Jennifer attacked Ariel?
You read it right. Once
You read it right. Once Jennifer was so enraged, she lost her hold on DC.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
And I completely missed the
And I completely missed the Dick Grayson reference. I was so wrapped up in what was going on with Ariel, that he seemed a distraction at the time. Great story!
Finally! I thought that
I thought that Ariel was going to have to change her name to Matt, because she certainly let everyone walk all over her.
Now all we really need to know is who is really on what side.
Will she go back to switching genders now, or will stay a she?
With Batman in Chicago, just who's sidekick does Dick get to be?
Gotta read that title for
Gotta read that title for the next story again. ;)
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Never once did I call him "Batman". His a vigilante that runs around in a black suit but more on that later, I promise :)
Let me amend my previous statement, With BRUCE WAYNE in Chicago, just who does Dick apprentice with? :)
More importantly...
Which Super Hottie does Dick become? Batgirl perhaps? Ooh Ooh - I got it - The Huntress, yeah I can totally see that - that'd be Awesome!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
The nature of Monkey is - Irrepressible!!!
A nice bang up finish, Jennifer had it coming to her.
It's nice to know we'll be seeing more of Ariel, find out what happens to him.
I'll be posting Dick's first
I'll be posting Dick's first chapter tomorrow morning. A lot happens and virtually none of it is good. (well, hopefully well written, I mean good as in nice... but you probably figure that out.)
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Is Dick's first mission to
Is Dick's first mission to hunt down the hot lesbian that didn't quite shoot him down completely?
You say it changes
You say it changes perspective now? Too bad, feels like we were just getting to know the real Ariel.
I don't think it will be
I don't think it will be Ariel's last story. I am writing the third now, and I have ideas for a fourth, but I'm not going to get ahead of myself unless I'm sure it will work, and then there's if I hold your interest in the story for long enough. Lots of factors.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Lilith your writing is so
Lilith your writing is so awesome it just leaves my mouth agape in wonder.
I'm doing one on the Darkness and Angelus so I was really glad to see you bring them into the story- however indirectly.
I don't read about Jennifer Kale in the comics but here? what a character- paranoid, delusional, half- insane and no redeeming social virtues. Amazing!
Darkchylde, Jennifer- I don't know who to trust anymore.
Keep up the good work and I'll continue reading your stuff.
I tripped over her character
I tripped over her character when researching Doctor Strange. At one time she was considered for the role of Sorceress Supreme, instead Doctor Voodoo got it. Lame. Jennifer's been around for a long while, but she's usually been a bit character until fairly recently. Now she has her own comic with Satana and some other Witch called conveniently enough, Witches, but she's not psycho.
Ariel in my story is an amalgam of Jennifer Kale and Ariel Chylde of the canon comics. It was actually Jennifer that was the descendant of Zhered-Na and her Book. Then I threw in an Artifact to go with the bigger story arcs of the 13 Artifacts that Hell-Girl et al are a part of.
So you'll need to contact me regarding the Angelus and the Darkness since they'll be a part of that arc as well.
Who to trust... that's a good question.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Good stuff.
Definitely approved of the introduction of the artifact mythology, with the Seal of Solomon (and her powers make much more sense now). Are you planning on utilizing any of the other thirteen in future stories? It seems like there could be something pretty significant built off of that.
Also, with this chapter/story done now, I really have to wonder if Dormammu was -really- responsible for killing Terry or not. DC is rather vindictive, and since Ariel had the "dream" about eating Terry...I dunno. It seems like it may well be that DC just told him that it was Dormammu to quiet him.
Yes, the 13 Artifacts have
Yes, the 13 Artifacts have been in play since the introduction of Hell-Girl.
The Right Hand of Doom is the 13th artifact.
The Spear of Destiny is another which is under the control of the BPRD and Hell-Girl
The the Coin of Solomon/The Obsidian Stone/Book of Zhered-Na is yet another.
The Witchblade of course is Maggie's character
It's all part of a massive story arc that I'm trying to create. I still need to finish Hell-Girl, though...dammit.
So future stories from me will include The Magdalena if I can get the stupid outline original and not a copy of canon. Then I'll take it from there. Past that, we'll see. There's a lot that can be done with that arc so it offers massive potential.
Regarding Dormammu's involvement, or lack thereof... I'll have to keep that to myself or ruin the third story.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Okaaaaay, didn't see that
Okaaaaay, didn't see that one coming. I think it's fair to say that I hadn't expected the stay with Miss Paranoid-Control-Freak to be so short. It was nice to see a cameo by Gemma as well though I have to say that Gertrude is a name more superheroes should have. lol.
I also didn't expect to see an appearance by the youngest member of the Flying Graysons either. I'm intrigued to see where you take the Robin character.
So all-in-all, lots of plot twists and new questions. Y'know, I think you need a sequel or something to build on this...oh wait, there is one! :-)
Thanks for an interesting story and an interesting character.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Great story, pity Jennifer
Great story, pity Jennifer had to be such a bitch glad DC's back though. Looking forward to the next story
Hugs Claire :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Jennifer may have been an egotist and control freak
but Ariel is still an ignorant kid who still lets her emotions rule her and that is gonna get her into a lot of trouble. Stupid teenagers. Frankly I do not think DC has earned Ariel's trust either but Ariel is so blinded by her resentment and hate of Jennifer that she can not see reason and Ariel seems to lack patience and circumspection.
As a teacher, Jennifer is a bust as she surely lacks empathy and has an ego out to there and it all gets in the way of establishing a relationship as Jenn automatically expects everyone around her to follow her lead and is puzzled why Ariel refuses to be lead by the nose. She forgets that she still has to earn a stranger's trust.
A really important question is how long she can avoid Jennifer as Jenn is far more skilled in the arts. Jenn is Joneseying to get the McGuffin for her own use and if not, get control indirectly by controlling Ariel I think. That may or may not be a bad thing, depending on how she treats Ariel and her motivations for getting control of he book. She may not be likable, she just does the right thing in a bull headed way but I do not believe she is a liar and Ariel reuniting with the other Ariel is not a good thing I suspect.
Look, it would be a great world if you can love all of our teachers but sometimes it just is. Hopefully Jenn and Ariel can come to an understanding and these children can then come to a compromise.
All of these questions and
All of these questions and more will be answered very soon.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Is the next one going to be daily like this one?
Looking forward to more
Yes. Dick Grayson's story if complete and will be parceled out over the next three days. I'm almost finished with the first chapter of the third story as well, but it will probably be about 5 chapters as well. That may take a week or so to finish if everything goes smoothly.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Thank's for the great story
Thank's for the great story Lilith! I'm looking forward to reading Dick's story and learning more about Ariel, Dick, Jennifer and Darkchilde.
Where do they cross over?
Great and complex storyline. Interesting connection to the Hellgirl story. I'm just trying to figure out how the personality and storyline in "Hellgirl" matches the person Gemma in this story. Are they the same or different people? Maybe I'm just dense and have missed something! Regardless, the story is a LOT of fun!Thanks again!!!!........ Adoy
Gemma from Hell-Girl is the
Gemma from Hell-Girl is the same person as the Gemma in this story. You saw correctly. The Hell-Girl timeline is at the beginning of the year, if I'm not mistaken and this is much later. So after several months as a girl, she's changed a little, but Red Broom aka Gemma Saunders has always been a "Kill the demon, kiss the girl" kind of guy. That still translates into this story.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Dick Grayson?
Giggle. Glad she got away from Jenifer though, Lady has SERIOUS issues.
The end... :(
NOOOOOOOO. Not the end! More! More!!!
Network for
Talents and
Network for
Talents and
Jenniffer Kale may be a
Jenniffer Kale may be a bitch but I'm still giving her the benefit of the doubt. Not that I blame Ariel for reacting like she did. I wouldn't have lasted that long. However Jennifer did save her life, at least twice. Not to mention changed reaity so that the guy she caused to be eaten wasn't. Ms Kale may not be a nice person, but up to now she has been a good person. I know which of the two I prefer.
exit stage left
Magic, dragons ... Liked the sorry from A to Z
PS lolz nice ref for Boy Wonder
Thank you for the story!
Hopefully this posts correctly, since I'm new here. I was driven by your little paragraph at the beginning of the third chapter/section to post a comment; I can imagine how frustrating it can be when people don't speak up.
Anyhow, I'm extremely glad that you can somehow find the time to produce such writing! While there are minor editing mistakes here and there, I find it simply amazing that a person can write such nuanced and researched work so quickly (I noticed from an earlier post that the time it takes you seems to be on the order of days?!). I am not familiar with comic canon in general, but really I did not even realize that the work is part of a comic retcon universe until I was mostly done (even though it's in the subjects/details line thing). Having read through this, I am much less intimidated by your other retcon works and probably will read them very soon.
Super impressed by your work, and again thanks for all the awesome writing!
Usually, I take about a week
Usually, I take about a week of research (between writing, and other RL issues) before starting a story then if I'm writing well, I can produce between 4000-10000 words a day. It just depends on what's going on. There are some days that I'm lucky to get out 1000.
Darkchylde took me about a week to produce once writing started. Dick Grayson was another 2-3 days (that one really moved). The third story is taking a little longer because I've been busy in RL, but I'm still moving along well when I get in front of the computer.
I'm glad you didn't recognize it as being from the CRU. In my opinion, the story is more important than the setting. Thanks, and welcome to BCTS!
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
After all the buildup in the comments on the last chapter, I expected some serious shit from Jennifer in this chapter. Just wasn't there.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I have to agree
Jennifer has many, many, MANY character flaws... but she hasn't done anything outright evil to make me hate her. On the contrary, a lot of what she's done could be considered good... just done in an outrageous and unfriendly way.
On the other hand, I still don't quite trust DC. Don't quite distrust her either though. However, I noticed that Jenn and Ariel never quite finished their conversation regarding what exactly Darkchylde and the Dragon ARE. And summoning a demon only makes me more wary, especially with Dormammu waiting in the wings to use any excuse necessary to corrupt Ariel.
On the hand, I'm really happy to see Gemma again. I was rather disappointed that her origin story never got entirely finished, but c'est la vie.
And I'm guessing that Dick Grayson isn't going to have any association with Batman in this universe... at least not yet. Looking forward to reading his origin.
Karen, this one is for you
Karen, this one is for you too, I'm melding the two together so I won't comment pad as much.
Jennifer Kale isn't going anywhere just yet. I didn't want her to go all out "Magical war over the skys of Houston," for a reason. As HP notes above, she doesn't seem outright Evil (with a capital E), up until the very end when it might be questionable. Knocking around a kid with magic and no defenses would be akin to child abuse, at least in this instance, while wrong and more than enough reason to get her ass handed to her by someone stronger, it's not Megamaniacal (sp?).
She's more than talented enough to have swatted Ariel out of the sky like a bug, but she didn't. The question is why.
HP, I've been working on Hell-Girl as well. The next chapter... possibly the final one of that story will be finish soon, hopefully.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
So far, it's been fun.
So far, it's been fun.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
What was the sudden attraction between Ari and Gemma? Something involving their artifacts? or just their magnetic personalities?
Agree that Jennifer was a letdown :(
Ah, caught that did you?
Ah, caught that did you? Let's just say that it isn't because of their hormones.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Lokking Forward
I am looking forward to the next book of Darkchylde. I have really enjoyed this series Thank you so much for writing this and all of your other stories
I know this isn't specific to the story...
But I just came across this on Yahoo :)
Network for
Talents and
Network for
Talents and
Confusion abound
Overall, I enjoyed it. But if I had written this comment last chapter, I would admit to hating the progress.
I like the idea behind the entire 'universe' you have created, but I feel like I'm walking into the middle of season 6 of Lost without any of the previous seasons. I'm going to try and start at the beginning the stories, which I believe started with 'Samplings of a Population' but I could be mistaken. If anything, some type of score card to say who had appeared in which completed stories in order to find a common ground and the connection. Its a problem I have with comics overall, and why I buy the graphic novels instead.
But I liked the ending and the sense of suspense you build as a writer. While these characters are a bit lacking for me, your writing style makes up for it (if that makes sense). Again, the addition of other characters that I have no idea who they are or why they are there (Gemma for example) makes it difficult to follow important plot points. I was able to infer that she was 'Hell-Girl' and looking at your other stories, found it, but it still is a difficult to follow everything as a new reader. Again, your characters confused me, but your writing style and voice kept me reading.
Darkchylde: In Touch With Your Inner Chylde (Part: 5/5)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Love it
Wonderful - Thank you for writing this. I love it.
Good Story
Good story, or the beginning of one. Obviously a piece of a whole universe; one I'm not familiar with. More story and more details please.
A little patience about comments though. We can't all read all the posts are soon as they go up. And, for those of use who like to read whole works, a "Part 1/5" marking reads, wait, the rest is soon to follow.
Real life gets in the way too, particularly as the unpostponeable April 15 approaches.
Pax-Roma, Shalom Lilith
Thank You,
Please forgive me, a Reader. Yes, I read and read and read.........
Were I not a Reader, perchance I would be a Writer, also in need of the
incouragement of kind words from those who read and enjoy.
Quite rightly You and Your fellow Writers deserve words, words written,
to let You all know and understand, You are being read and accepted.
You Lilith, touch me, when I relax into your words, Your vision, I feel
the scent of reality. Well the scent of a reality, slighly twisted...
Giggles, Thank You.
Darkchylde rocks, me little Reader's Boat.
Please allow me, a Reader, to read more.
Your Reader, in SUGARTown
Abrupt ending!
~pouts~ Things were getting to be so exciting, too. It was like rushing downhill, thrilled by the wind flying by, and whammy!, hit a brick wall lol
It'll be interesting to see how the 'Grayson' story fits
Twas awesomeness, Lil, thanks ^^
So Ariel is on the loose.
Okay, am I glad she got out of Jennifer's influence? Probably. I'm witholding my thoughts on Jennifer Kale as of yet, she's done good things for Ariel even if she has been an egotistical B about a lot of things.
DC is back and to be honest, I'm not sure if that's all a good thing at this point. Currently, it is though and Ariel missed her presence. But again, at this point in the story arc, DC is part of Ariel isn't she?
Oh, Jennifer Kale wants the Witchblade, too? Interesting. (Wheels turning here) Well The Withchblade tends to go where and to who it wants to, so that might me a bit difficult even for Ms. Kale.
Ariel and Gemma. Now that attraction was unhealthy for a lot of reasons and not just for Ariel and Gemma, I'm thinking. The Hand of Doom uniting with that book? Even for a short time? Shudders.
DC is a part of Ariel
DC is a part of Ariel according to Jennifer, as well as part of the Book and the Dragon.
Jennifer wants everything at this point. The Witchblade would be a massive feather in her cap.
Yeah, it would have bee quite messy in that alley if Jen Jen hadn't of stepped in. Poor Gemma, destined to to have coitus-interuptus for the rest of her days.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Love your stories
first time posting so sorry if my comments are not helpful.
i have got to say i love your stories and the only thing i don't like about any of them so far is waiting for the next part to come out. XP. being serious i have to say i have read all your stories and loved them and i enjoy reading the stories from others in the universes you have created.
So I'm guessing Jennifer held DC back?
I'm not sure how I feel about Ms. Kale, but does this put Ari back into Dormammu's sights? Calling up Demons was a problem before-I 'm guessing it won't work much better now. I look forward to the next story!
There will be a price for
There will be a price for calling up demons, for sure. It's a little different when she calls them up purposely and when they are forced on her.
As for Dormammuu, you can bet that he has his fingers in a number of pies, but he won't forget the potential minion that got away.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Ack! Such breakneck pace!
I really am struggling to keep up you know!
Jennifer. Well we already discussed her previously, so I just want to say a bit of her life - she is
apparentlydefinitely older than she looks. If such a hint as needing to apprentice for fifteen years or so to become a mage isn't enough, she ranted out she held the Amulet of Agamotto for two decades. We can probably assume she isn't in her mid-twenties but in her mid-forties at the very least. Mid-fifties even. :)Faraway
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Yep, Jennifer is no spring
Yep, Jennifer is no spring chicken. I think you find out her general age in the next chapter.
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Good story. One suggestion.
This is a good story.
One suggestion. If you decided to continue to write on the adventures of Ariel. You might want to have her next teacher be Jason Blood.
They have similar problems, dealing with magic and demonic possession. Jason Blood has had centuries to learn magic and handle Etrigan. He could be of great help to her and also being one of the few people to understand what she is going through.
Also, I wonder what all those damned souls that Specter has killed with play in the coming demonic wars.
And I wonder if Dormammu is the same Dormammu that is working on invading Marvel Universe 616. He is a dimensional traveling being.
I've read a little about
I've read a little about Jason Blood. I agree if DC turns out to be and Evil Demon that would be a good road to do down. As it is, Dr. Fate might be a better teacher... if there was a Dr. Fate that is. Hmmm. (wheels are turning)
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Dr. Fate
As an advantage, there was a period when Dr. Fate was sort of TG. Dr. Fate was made of two people, Eric and Linda Strauss.
As I started reading this chapter, I wondered whether you'd be able to end this well. And though I feel like parts of it could've been expanded, I did feel like it ended well. There are a lot of unanswered questions but you promised some answers in subsequent books. That's cool. I happen to like some questions left unanswered anyway. It leads to some interesting speculation sometimes.
I like how only certain parts of the demons manifest in the summoning. The wings are very cool.
It's too bad Jennifer doesn't have better social skills, or at least was a better listener. I think she might be okay if she'd just listen more and dictate less. Oh well.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
Shows that "good" isn't always nice.
Thank you for this story
Interesting development
I read the five chapters of this story in one go, it was a pleasure to see you return to the Comic retcon universe. Ariel is a fun main character, and I really liked the sequential hermaphroditism thing. The story itself was pleasant to follow and rather original. Keep up the good work!
Enjoying the story, but I am completely lost on what's going on with all the changing of direction. I am sure it will make sense in time.
Not my thing
I'm afraid I'm not really enjoying this particular story, and I usually like what you write. I don't really know why not. Maybe it feels too choppy.
Way to mix it up!
Honestly at this point I'm not sure who is telling the truth and how much.
But it makes me hungry to read more.
Go Ariel!
Well, it looks as though Ariel's definitely starting to get some personality and attitude.
Although she probably understands why Jennifer yanked her out of her previous environment, she's still very bitter about the sudden-ness of it all, as well as the fact her only girlfriend (heck, about the only friend she had) is carrying on blissfully unaware of what's happened recently - with a 'clone' of Ariel. Added onto which, while Jennifer probably regards showering Ariel with gifts as an act of kindness, being from a lower wealth background, Ariel interprets this as Jennifer trying to buy her trust and cooperation. The paranoia, warding and effectively being grounded (even before it was officially imposed) didn't help win Ariel's affection.
So while Jennifer is slightly on the 'good' side of the spectrum, her excessive paranoia and avarice don't exactly help her win friends and influence people.
Actually...thinking of her avarice, I wonder what would happen if she bumped into Larfleeze? :D
Conversely, there's DarkChylde. She's got a better personality, but at the moment seems chaotic neutral. While the power to call up demons is rather ominous, DC/Ariel do have the power to control consciously summoned demons - and Ariel is maintaining sufficient control to ensure that enemies aren't killed, but left to be dealt with through legal means. It would be well worth Ariel's effort to research the various demons, as it's fairly likely some will be easier to control than others (summoning the one that ate Terry probably wouldn't be a good idea!)
In the long term, if some broker could be found to negotiate a deal, Ariel would probably benefit from being tutored by both mentors.
Meanwhile, I spotted a reference in the comments to Jason Blood. He's already appeared in a minor supporting role in Some Kind of Wonderful - the last we saw of him, he was dating Cassie's mum.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I just read all 5 chapters of this in one large beautiful chunk and I must say you've written some good stuff here.
I was a little sad that you moved Ariel out of her family unit and it's associated problems so swiftly as I was enjoying the conflict you'd crafted between the lies she'd been forced into and her lover and I was hoping all that would come to a head organically, which is testament to your powerfully constructed characters...however I feel the problem of Jennifer Kale is equally compelling so all's well.
Anyway, halfway through my reading session I came across your plea for comments, so here's mine. And a big Thankyou attached to it for sharing. I try to comment where I can, and if it feeds your creativity then all the better as I always look forwards to reading your stuff. :-)
Jennifer isn't bad. She's just kinda mad. And not in the "pissed" sense, more like in the "missing a few marbles" sense.
But I really don't feel a lot of compasion for her when Ariel escaped. DC being back when Jennifer's red hot with rage is proof enough that she was blocking DC. Jennifer's been making all the decisions without sharing everything she knows, and without a whole lot of compasion. I'll pick DC as the lesser of 2 evils for now.
I'm glad Ariel is on her own now. I wonder what's coming up.
Thanks for the story!
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
nice story
I really enjoyed this story, it definitely didn't go the direction I was expecting. Thanks for sharing.
In touch with your inner Chyld
Lilith, Spectacular.
I enjoyed every moment of this serial and am truly looking forward to the followup... i've been reading my way through the retcon universe for 6 weeks or so and a loving it. thank you
What a great story. I love you humor. You do a wonderful job of giving your characters a life of their own. I can't wait for the next chapter.
That was kinda fun!