I unpubbed some recent comments. I really dislike doing this and I dislike trying to explain it. I read the comments carefully and decided that they came across as clueless.
It's like complaining about a Laurel and Hardy film, "Why would anybody hire those two to do anything?" Because if no one did, there would be no movie.
Authors need space to use the machinery of their genre, at least in public. Private discussions of plot mechanics may be useful and public discussions not attached to a particular story can be illuminating. But genre fiction is genre fiction, the author can break the rules with a good enough reason but for a critic to insist that the rules should be broken is rejection of the idea of genre fiction entirely.
Readers of mysteries centered around private eyes have to accept the premise that the police are incompetent, ineffectual or corrupt, otherwise the story does not work -- there's no need for a private detective if the police can do the job better. No one can be a serious fan of heroic cinema and deconstruct the very idea of a masked vigilante in whispers during a Zorro movie. It's a good way to get Gummi Bears stuck in your hair. When the Killer Bees come on stage, pointing out "It's Elliot Gould in a stupid costume," is irrelevant and rude.
It's rude to the fans of the kind of entertainment that is being presented and it's beyond rude to the author; it comes across as an attempt at demoralization. It's an in-your-face accusation of incompetent writing, well-meaning or not.
Genre writing is genre writing. Bodice-rippers must have bodices to rip. There were at least 1751 dukes in early 19th century England, all of them handsome and in need of lusty but chaste brides. Be willing to believe that for an hour or two or stay away from Regency Romance.
Attacking an example of any genre by pointing out the inconsistencies and contradictions of its conventions is like insisting on criticizing the Bible for its lack of rigorous forensic science and the shallowness of its chemical analytical technique. And it's like hitting the author of the piece with a cold, slimy salamander while exclaiming, "Not a chicken! Not a chicken!"
Yes, a salamander is not a chicken. And yes, everyone who comes to BC to post their TG fiction knows that they are not writing the stuff that is deconstructed in post-graduate dissertations with titles like "Coercive Costuming in the Works of Writers of the American Diaspora, Paris, 1923."
The phrase "willing suspension of disbelief" presupposes willingness to suspend one's disbelief. Without this willingness for a particular genre or sub-genre, why read any example? Why should critics attack the authors of these pieces for the critics' failure to approach the work with charity and comprehension?
There's no defense possible against hostile literary criticism. Cops love their bullet-proof vests because they can save their lives. And they hate them because they don't cover their face and every cop knows that there is a bad guy out there with the minimal smarts to aim for a headshot. Cops can't wear face armor and do their jobs. Genre fiction writers cannot protect themselves against literary criticism that is hostile to their genre.
So, I will continue to remove comments that I judge to be hostile to the very reason BigCloset exists as a friendly place to read, write and discuss TG fiction much as I dislike doing the job.
What else is there to say???
Just one thing.
Where can I get a copy of "Coercive Costuming in the Works of Writers of the American Diaspora, Paris, 1923?"
That book
I have a copy. Of corset will cost you, or it stays on the shelf.
double groan ;-)
I laughed so hard
I thought I would bustier! Of course that shelf would have to be in the closet wouldn't it?
Carla Ann
PS Thank you Auntie Erin, for all you do!
Nearly made me busk a gut
Carla that last comment was a cincher!
I can't be the only person thinking it...
Of course not
But one of the things about keeping bad puns as my stocking trade is the ability to basque in the warm afterglow of something delivered so brasenly that people think I must be a heel of some kind.
THAT explains the gummi bears in my hair...
Very well written, and I absolutely agree.
But I just hate the orange ones... and my Alejandro was whispering... and you were talking...
sorry some of us made things difficult for you
We should be trying to make your job as easy as possible. Hugs.
"Let me succeed. If I cannot succeed let me be brave in the attempt." Pledge of the Special Olympics.
Yeah, Lets get a rope!
A friendly rope. We'll put some bows and glitter on it to make it real friendly like?
Maybe some of the rest of us should get all vigilante and gang up on the meany commenters that have been driving authors out of here. How can we do that in a friendly way? :)
Dear Sweet Hostile Commenter,
I just love you sparkly foo foo outfit, now f... off and die.
With deepest sincerity, Supportive Commenter
Erin, I promise I'll work on it, and keep it as friendly as I possibly can, ok?
No Furries were hurt in the delivery of this message.
All I can say is ...
Thank you, Erin! for keeping this site going and for the most part, peaceful.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Well said,Erin,
'but Cyclist,you are punishable! Seriously though,many thanks to Erin for a job so well done.
Clear, well-argued and concise
What more could anyone want? (Other than Maynard's Wine Gums - so much better than Gummibären, IMO)
Thanks for this and all the other stuff 'what you does'.
P.S. just checking to see if
P.S. just checking to see if this animated gif works, as it's appropriate
where did you find that ?
I want to use it!
"Let me succeed. If I cannot succeed let me be brave in the attempt." Pledge of the Special Olympics.
But seriously
There are all sorts of comments. I have only one person on my ignore list, as I simply could not be arsed to get into a flame war with someone who seemed to misread what I said, and rather than use this place for a needless and unwanted fight I walked away. There are comments I ignore, and comments that make me give a theatrical and occasonally written sigh before I address them as a correction.
One particular strain of comment I restrict myself to muttering darkly about on PMs, and those who talk to me know exactly what I mean. When it comes to typos, or errors of fact that I think may be important, or most specifically use of the foreign languages I speak (such as English...er, I mean French and so on) I do that by PM.
People, one or two in particular, do the same for me, and I am duly grateful.
Now, I do not hold myself up as a great writer. I try, and sometimes I get it as right as I can, and feel the buzz, but no illusions here. That said, there are some people here I simply do not read, either because, to be blunt, their writing doesn't interest me, or, in certan cases, because their subject matter is either not of any interest in itself or actively offensive.
So I ignore them. Simple, effective and nobody gets upset. I hope.