Hiking Lessons

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WARNING! This is a very explicit story. It contains non-consensual sex (rape) and subjects/language that may be offensive to some. The real acts prtrayed here are in no way condoned or encouraged as the reality of the events are too grusome and criminal to be tolerated. However responsible CONSENTING adults do have wants and needs that can in no way be considered improper. This story is NOT intended for immature audiences. FOR THOSE THAT CONTINUE: I hope you find it erotic and please let me know what you think, good or bad.



A masculine voice startled me. I hadn’t in my wildest dreams, expected to see another soul on the obscure and less traveled trail I had chosen. He had over taken me from behind and apparently had been there for some time, escaping my notice.

“Hey, would you like some company?” He asked from behind me.

I turned to see a large man about six and a half feet tall and an easy two hundred and fifty pounds. He appeared muscular and his thighs bulged against his hiking shorts. I noticed that his thighs weren’t the only thing straining against his shorts. A full head of wavy black hair covered his head and medium side burns framed the ruggedly handsome features of his face, you know the classic square strong jaw and bluish beard shadow.

“I’m fine, thank you.” I answered and turned back towards my direction of travel, away from the mid morning sun.

He stunned me by roughly grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

“That’s not very nice.” He told me.

I pulled away from him but his grip held firm.

“Let me go!” I said in as firm a voice as I could manage.

“For a kiss.” He countered and then yanked me towards him.

As I opened my mouth to protest his lips forcefully met mine and his tongue jutted into my mouth. His thick arms surrounded me and lifted me off the ground, pack and all, as I struggled futilely. When he sat me back down and unwrapped his arms from me I slapped him, to which the giant of a man responded by landing a sweeping punch against my cheek. It felt as if my face exploded as the light of the day faded into blackness.

As I dazedly became aware that I was waking and realized that I was lying on my side, I rolled to get to my feet only to be hindered by the fact that my arms would not respond. It took me a moment to realize that my wrists were firmly bound behind me. My pack was gone. My hiking boots and socks had been removed and my ankles were bound together. Rolling over, I saw him standing over me smiling.

He reached down and ran his hand up and down my pantyhose covered thigh. “I was going to treat you real nice,” he began, “but you had to be a bitch. Now I’m gonna teach you a lesson.”

“HELP!” I screamed

My captor just chuckled. “Sweetie, there ain’t nobody for miles. You and I are the only ones out here so you can scream if you like but no one can help you or even hear you.”

I realized that he was right, the chances of someone hearing me was slim and none. Much to my protests, he reached down, picked me up, and tossed me over his shoulder and pack as if I had been as light as a feather pillow.
As he started up the trail, I could feel his muscular shoulders rippling against my stomach. I tested and pulled against my bonds as he carried me, catching his notice, only to have him tell me amusedly that I could struggle all I wanted but there was no way I was going to get loose.

“There’s a shelter just up the way here.” He said. “That should be the perfect place for your lessons.”
The walk didn’t take that long and he didn’t falter at any point on the inclined path. The shelter was just that, a simple four walls, roof, and open rustic rafters. He carried me into the shelter and sat me onto one of the sleeping platforms. Removing his pack he withdrew a length of rope and tossed it over a rafter. Lashing one end to the bindings around my wrists, he hoisted and lifted me into a strappado position in the center of the floor. With another rope he looped my ankle bindings and pulled them forward, tying the free end to the base of one of the sleeping platforms. Bound like this, I was bent at the waist and helpless. I couldn’t move forward or back, and I couldn’t rise up from my bent over position.

My captor walked in front of me and was admiring his handy work.

“If you let me go, I won’t tell anyone.” I told him almost begging.

“You’re not going to tell anyone anyway.” He responded

At this my heart and hope sank, did this mean he was going to kill me?

He seemed to realize what I was thinking.

“Oh sweet thing! I’m just going to have some fun with you. Then you and I are going to go our separate ways. You’ll never see me again and the chances of you even being able to trace me are zero. So you can just relax and enjoy the lessons that you’re about to receive. There are plenty of women who would readily trade places with you right now.”
I again pulled against and tested the bonds that held me in place. They were well secure and I resigned myself to the fact that I was unable to keep this man from doing what he wanted to with me. The other thing that worried me was when he reached between my thighs, that he would find an “outie” instead of the “innie” that he was expecting. Would his good will change? Would he get angry? Would I be just another tragic statistic?

When he stepped back in front of me, he was nude except for his oiled brown hiking boots and slouch socks. His semi rigid member hung to his mid thigh and had to be about three inches across and not fully hard yet. His tan muscular body glistened with a fine sheen of sweat. In one hand he held a straight knife. My stomach flipped again.

“Hold still,” he warned, “while I get you out of those confining clothes. You wouldn’t want me to slip and cut you.”
Deftly he used the knife to cut down the sleeves and back of my shirt, pulling it away. A few quick slices and my bra fell, allowing my “C” cup breasts to swing free. Carefully he ran the knife up the back of each leg of my shorts and they fell away as well. With his fingers he hooked the back of my pantyhose and pulled them down over my ass. Two more slices and he pulled my panties from my crotch and slid my pantyhose back in place. I shuddered as I felt sure he saw exactly what was between my legs.

I looked cautiously over my shoulder. He was staring right into my eyes.

“Yes, I know what you are,” He said matter of factly. “Ass fucking is ass fucking Sweetheart!”
He stuck the knife firmly into the wooden wall and walked in front of me. His musky smell assailed my nostrils as he eased forward.

“Suck my cock, Whore!” He commanded.

I shook my head only to receive a slap across my cheek.

“We can do this the hard way or………” He trailed off, “Okay, I kinda like the hard way.” He finished.
He slapped me again and I opened my mouth to cry out only to have it filled with his savory tasting cock, one of his massive hands holding the back of my head preventing recoil.

“Don’t you dare bite me, Bitch” He threatened as he pulled back before shoving forward again.

Grabbing my long blond hair on both sides of my head he pistoned in and out of my mouth as my saliva ran down my chin and dripped onto the earthen floor beneath us. His huge cock began to swell in my mouth, filling it completely and stretching my jaw till it ached from the strain. With each thrust he went deeper and deeper into my throat. I struggled not to gag but concentrated on relaxing and swallowing him as I had learned from previous mutually consensual encounters. This man though had one thing in mind, taking what he wanted. Within minutes I had relaxed and his heavy ball sac was slapping against my chin with every thrust. After a few moments his pace quickened and became more savage. I thought sure that my lips would be bloodied by the impact with his pelvis if he didn’t let up soon. Finally with guttural moans he pulled back and I felt and tasted the thick ropes of his cum jet into my mouth, throat and across my tongue. He never pulled his penis completely out and I had no choice but to swallow the massive amount of semen pooling in my mouth and throat in order to breathe. The spurts of cum continued for minutes it seemed and I was amazed at the sheer volume being produced by this man.

“Very good!” He told me. “Apparently you’ve had lessons in cock sucking before.”

He pulled his now softening member from my mouth with a faint pop. Finally I was able to catch my breath. His dick had filled my mouth so fully that I was struggling to breathe during his oral assault.

I gasped for air and could only mutter, “You bastard!”

“Oh!” He responded. “Such a foul mouthed girl you are!”

My head drooped and hung tiredly until he grabbed my hair and pulled it painfully upward.

“Ow!” I exclaimed only to have my protest cut short by his thick fingers forcing a scrap of cloth into my mouth.

I quickly realized that the scrap of cloth was my shredded panties that he had just cut off of me. He pulled a small cylinder from his pack and began to unwrap and tear off a short piece of duct tape which he placed over my mouth and then another, effectively sealing my panties in place and silencing all but unintelligible sounds from escaping. There would be no further vocal protests.

“That should make your next lesson much more pleasant.” He said. “At least for me that is, now don’t run off”

With that I heard him walk from the shelter leaving me alone and straining against the precariously uncomfortable position that he had put me in. I was only able to reposition myself slightly as the rope pulling my ankles forward was fairly taught. As I moved slightly forward the upward pressure on my wrists and arms increased. I shuffled backward as my ankle bindings only allowed a slightly twisting movement and I realized that I could move if I transferred my weight from the ball of either foot to the other. I “mmmppphhhggged” in frustration. This “bondage” thing was not as nearly as much fun as those folks in the adult films made it appear. Not to mention the fact that I had no idea what was coming next. I stared at my feet for what seemed hours. The bright pink nail polish on my toes showed brightly through my pantyhose. And why had he left only my pantyhose on me? As suddenly as he’d left, he returned his hand caressing my hose covered ass. I stood still and let him, as if I had a choice.

“Ready for your next lesson?” He asked.

Of course it was a rhetorical question. I couldn’t have answered if I had wanted to. But I did shake my head vigorously, side to side, almost involuntarily, which he didn’t even acknowledge. He moved to a position directly behind me, which made it fairly obvious what the next lesson would involve. This time instead of hooking the waist band of my pantyhose and pulling them down he ripped a hole in the back of them producing a clear path to my tight opening. His huge hands worked between my ass cheeks and forced them apart. I gasped as a dollop of something cold dropped right onto my hole and felt his fingers begin to smear the slippery substance around. I guess I should be thankful that he was at least using some lubricant. Suddenly one of those thick digits was inside me to the knuckle. I would have fallen down had the ropes not held me in place. A muffled moan escaped through my gag. He moved his finger in and out and I could feel my muscles relaxing. Apparently that was the indicator he’d been waiting for as another finger joined the first and soon after that another and another until all four fingers were working in and out of my now relaxed ass pussy.

“That’s a girl.” He whispered as he quickly removed his fingers from my now slightly gaped hole.

I felt empty and needed his attentions back inside me. My wait was short as the warm fullness of his penis pressed against my opening. It was much bigger than even all four of his fingers but the viscous lube facilitated his penetration. Oh he was big and as he eased forward, the fullness was almost unbearable. I had no choice in the matter though. I knew he was completely inside of me when I felt his hips against mine. He pulled backwards and just before his bulbous head completely left my stretched hole he shoved forward again. And just as quickly he repeated the movement with a little more force and again and again, each time increasing in intensity. The stimulation was so extreme that my body took over, contracting my muscles in an attempt to expel the monster that was invading my bowels. The effort was for naught as the man fucking me from behind was much stronger and his animal like thrusting would not be impeded. I couldn’t control it, that impulse, his considerable effort stimulated it so I was trapped in a vicious cycle of pleasure that threatened to take my every rational thought. Again my bindings held me up, my legs failing as if my body could only take so much punishment before requiring a pause to recover. My captor apparently had no intention of pausing. He continued to pound my hole, my protests stifled by my now soaked panties held firmly in my mouth. He seemed to know exactly the effect he was having on me and it was evident that it only served to heighten his desire and savagery.

And as if my ecstasy couldn’t be heightened any further, the assailant’s big hands began to wander from my hips, beneath my bent form to my pendulous breasts swinging back and forth with each brute thrust. His strong grasp encompassed each breast squeezing and kneading them. Eventually his thumbs and forefingers found their way to my swollen gumdrop sized nipples. His vise like grip sent a shock of pain through my chest and as he began to pull and twist I thought I would pass out. No such relief would come however. My nipples seemed to serve as an anchor point for his assault, using them to lever his manhood forward into my now very sore hole. Screaming through my gag only seemed to increase his efforts and passion, but it was the only release offered me.

I don’t know how long we were coupled in the animalistic scene of him breeding my helpless form. I seemed to loose all track of time and place, my being associated only with the huge cock deep inside me and the beautiful agony of being stretched so broadly and filled so completely.

His breathing was starting to become heavily labored. I knew it wouldn’t be long now. The punishing thrusts were becoming more and more staccato. Finally, with one violent lunge I was lifted off of the ground, impaled on the huge spasming member his grip on my breasts threatening to tear them from my very body. I could actually feel the warm jism filling my insides and his cock rapidly twitching with every spurt. My body convulsed, as if every muscle seized at once. The edges of my vision began to fade when I realized that I was not breathing. It took conscious effort to draw a ragged breath. The muscular body that had me suspended mid air jerked several times in a tremendous shudder as the last of his orgasm spent its self inside me. I felt my feet again touch slightly onto the ground and the vicious grip that held my chest slowly subside and eventually relinquish the hold completely.

Easing backward the man slowly pulled his still huge and semi erect member from my aching ass. A near flood of semen ran down the back of both legs pooling in the dirt at my feet. The emptiness was unbearable. My opening futilely contracted but would not close and I was not sure it ever would again. My entire body shuddered as I moaned loudly and deeply so wanting but fearing more punishment to my now tender cock receptacle.

I opened my eyes and realized that was alone in the shelter. He couldn’t leave me here like this! I wouldn’t survive the night! As panic rose within me I saw his pack lying on the sleeping platform. He hadn’t left me……..yet.
When the man returned he put on his hiking shorts and shirt without a word.
I moaned through my gag.

“Oh, Sweetie,” he started, “that was wonderful and of course I can’t have you following me or attempting some sort of payback so here’s the deal.”

Walking to me he caressed my hip and continued, “About three hundred yards up the trail, no easy crawl by the way, is a small folding knife tied to the base of a Poplar sapling with a piece of neon pink para-cord.”

I looked at him questioningly as he untied the rope that connected my ankle bindings to the base of the sleeping platform.

He placed his hand under my chin and lifted so that I was looking at him. “I’m going to release you from the rafter and leave. Your wrists and ankles will still be tied but if you work really hard you can get to the knife and cut yourself free before nightfall. I will of course have put a few miles between you and me by then. And the fact that you are only dressed in your pantyhose, which are sexy by the way, especially with those cum stains down the back, might slow you down just a bit. Oh and your pack and boots are about a mile further up the trail hanging on the side of a pine.”

He untied the free end of the rope that had held me suspended while he raped me. Without that support, I collapsed to the floor and lay there not moving. I screamed at him through my gag, which seemed to amuse him as indicated by a huge grin.

Reaching down he removed the rope from around my wrist bindings. As he began to coil the rope he said,”Hon, you were a fantastic cocksucker and fuck and as it turns out, the only lesson you really needed was a little humility, which I believe you have received. Well at least you received a belly and ass full of cum anyway. Good luck!”

After placing the small coil of rope in his pack he threw the pack on his back and walked out of the shelter. I mppphhhed through my gag again. Rolling I surveyed the shelter. It was completely empty. The man hadn’t even left the scraps that were once my clothes. After a few minutes, I realized that he had really left me here, tied up and alone. I hoped that the knife was where he said and I began the long arduous crawl out of the shelter and up the trail. Luckily the late summer temperatures were moderate and the crawl took about the time the man had predicted. Finding the knife exactly where the man had indicated, I carefully sliced through the rope that held my wrists behind me and then the ankle bindings. The duct tape was painful to remove and my muscles ached from my mouth being held open by the mans cock and then my panties for so very long. I could barely move my jaw.

Gingerly and with some difficulty I was able to stand. I hung the knife around my neck by the piece of para-cord and started up the path towards where the man had told me my pack was located.

Just before dusk I found my pack, and as he had said and my boots hung over the pack by their laces. I grabbed the boots, put them on my now sore and dirty feet, found a water bottle, drank it down, threw my pack on my back, and made my way back to the shelter. I built a fire, fixed my dinner, and spent the night.

I’ve hiked that trail many times since that fateful day and many others as well. I’ve never seen the man that tied me and raped me again, nor have I ever told anyone, until now. My feelings and emotions are so conflicted about the event that I’m not sure I even understand them. The uncertain episode left me a bit apprehensive but on the odd night, when I’m alone, I find myself thinking longingly of the beauty and strength the man possessed, and fullness of him within me. And during long treks on less traveled trails I often look over my shoulder maybe not so much out of fear but of longing.

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Hiking Lessons

I must thank you for warning us about your story as by giving the warning, you actually made me want to read it just to see what you wrote.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Squeal like a pig!

laika's picture

I wonder why it is that some of us have fantasies of being raped. I do, and I feel terribly guilty about it, having known so many survivors of the real thing, whose hearts and sense of self were shattered by the experience, and whose efforts to find healing and reclaim what had been taken from them are an inspiring triumph. I don't share my darkest fantasies with them, and because so many of them are here at BCTS I would never post a story like this here. Not saying you shouldn't, just that I wouldn't; on the chance that they'd ignore the warning and reading it would cause them pain. Real pain.

Women who have fantasies like this know we wouldn't want to really undergo something like this for real. We're aware of how unspeakably horrible it would be. In fantasy you never actually lose control of the situation, you're directing is. The guy is a hunk, not some smelly, funny looking goon. In a richly domineering voice he says the exact demeaning and objectifying phrases that have the power to get you squirmy and wet. You feel no actual fear, the kind of fear that makes your head pound and your stomach turn inside out with nausea, only a horror movie-type thrill. And in these stories we make up for ourself there are usually hints of a strange sort of caring, of being prized---somewhat, somehow---by our abuser that are horribly absent in the real thing. "Objectification" in fantasy or role play is weirdly liberating to those of a submissive sexual bent, whereas the genuine article does to the spirit what chlorine gas does to the body.

Are we to be forbidden from admitting we have fantasies like this (or from sharing them with those of a similar kink) because they don't mirror the hideous and all-too-common reality of rape? I don't think so. But I do understand why some find stories like these offensive and get angry when they are posted. They've been to hell and back (the ones who make it back) and their stories are amazing testaments of courage and often of (a very hard-earned) wisdom...

~~Good first story BTW, for what it is. Hugs, Veronica

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)


Thank you for the warning



Thank you for your warning. It was bold and in the readers face. Some authors are not as considerate.

I had to stop reading about 1/2 way through. The story went way beyond what I like. But at least I knew going in that I might be shocked. Through the point I stopped it was well written, and I am sure that those who like these stories, would find it a good work.