He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 3

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He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 3

Chapter 6 - That night.

When I got in bed, I just laid there for a bit, thinking about all that has gone on in the last two days. I still couldn't find a reason for Don acting the way he did, and that attorney Connors threatening Hal if he didn't get to speak to me. Somewhere during my thinking I fell asleep. When I woke up to use the bathroom, I saw that Gary had slipped in to the bed with me. Very carefully I slid out from under the covers, and used the facilities. When I came back, I got in bed as carefully as I could. Poor Gary, he was knocked out. I laid there for a while just watching him sleep. I brushed an errant hair from his eye, and he grumbled and turned over, but he didn't wake up. I fell back asleep, and when my alarm went off, Gary hit the snooze button.

But, I had to get up, because I had to be to work by eight. So I ran my bubble bath, and decided on my rose scent again. Then I went in the bedroom, and got out my clothes, and laid them across my vanity bench, except for the dress, which I hung on one side of the mirror. I went in to lounge in the sweet scent of the rose bush. I used my oversized sponge to cascade the water all over me. I did a few dips up to my chin, and then washed. When I got out of the tub, I patted myself dry and went to get dressed. But remembering Gary was in my bed, I wrapped the towel around me, and went to get my under things, and put them on in the bathroom. When I came out, I put my makeup on, and then my nylons, and stepped in to the dress. I stepped in to my casual rose colored Mary Jane's. As I looked at myself in the mirror from all angels, I heard a whistle.

"Now that is a vision worth waking up to."

"Well, good morning, sir knight." I went over and kissed him, and he pulled me on to the bed. He smothered me with kiss after kiss. Just then Connie decided to come in.

"Girlfriend, could I ... oh! sorry, I will be back later."

It seems women can understand muffled, because I just went mpfmpft, which meant wait, and she did.

"Morning Connie," I said, my lipstick all a mess.

Connie laughed at the sight. "Girlfriend, repair your lipstick, and go down and have some breakfast. I came in to ask you if I could borrow your yellow sundress."

"Yes, it's in the closet, four from the right." Then she gave me that look that said I want details, girl, details.

One thing about girls, is we always want details from our best friends or our sisters. I was both to Connie and Joyce, and it felt really good. I remembered the last thing my dad said to me, when I left home to go west young lady, go west. But I ended up going east.

"Well boy, I guess the time has come, hasn't it. You behave yourself, and write us often so we know how you are doing."

How did that part go in the song Reverend Mr. Black by the Kingston Trio? Oh yes! "He was a mountain of a man and I want you to know, he could preach hot hell in freezin' snow..." That was my dad. He wasn't a preacher though, but he was awfully strong and worked as a longshoreman at the docks. But he was even tempered, and when he spoke, he spoke in a gruff voice, but it had a soft way about it. He was never mean to any of us, and I wrote my parents often. I called them a few times, and it was getting on time for me to go home for my birthday party. Mom and dad both insisted that I come.

My mother was tiny compared to my dad. She was five foot, four inches to his five foot, seven inches. But she was always telling me that no matter what I decided to do, or how I decided to live, I would always have a home with her and dad. Mom and I could always talk, but we had never talked about my wearing dresses or makeup or having a pony tail. Dad never noticed that my pony tail was feminine, but mom must have, even though she never said a word about it. Well, when I go to my birthday party, they are going to meet Gary, as well as their daugher, Joanne. I want Connie and Joyce to come too.

I went to the store, and told Hal about my plans that would be a month from now. He said to take as much time as I needed. I hugged him because he was a decent man, and he never had to be cross with me, nor did he ever tell me to increase my sales. He knew I worked hard, and even though he told me he would do the heavy lifting from now on, I did some of it too, when he wasn't looking. I'm not strong like a man, and my body mass is more female than male, but I can lift certain things that aren't real heavy. I guess it's in the genes and I take after my mother more than my dad.

The day was fairly quiet, just a few customers all day long. It was going on three o'clock when Gary came in the store. When Hal had seen Gary, he smiled, then told me I could punch out and leave.

"Slow day?"

"Yes, Gary. We only had a few customers since we opened. That happens sometimes. I mean we are pretty steady most of the time, but when stores like Dunham's has a sale, we get slow.

"Well, are you ready??"

"Ready, Freddie."

"No angel, my name is Gary."

I lightly nudged him in the tummy, and he feigned like he was hurt. Then we both laughed. He placed his arm around my waist, and we headed for his car. Hal just stood there with a smile, watching us.

Chapter 7 - At the district attorney's office.

That night was dull and boring. I had no dreams, and no Gary in my bed. When I woke up I took my bubble bath and decided to go Lavender. After getting dressed, I was stopped at the kitchen door.

"You, girlfriend, have been ducking out of here with nothing more than a glass of juice, and maybe, a slice of jelly toast. Today, you are having breakfast. Besides, I have already called Hal. He said take the day because I told him the district attorney's office called. Mr. Daniels wants to see you, after you file your restraining order against Mr. Connors."

"Did he say what he wanted, Connie?"

"No, just that he wants to see you. Gary called and he is on the way to take you."

"He is a dreamboat. Isn't he?"

"Yes, he is. You lucked out with him, girlfriend."

So, being trapped in to having breakfast, I went in the kitchen and had one egg, one slice of toast, two strips of bacon, and juice and milk. After I had rinsed my dishes, and set them in the automatic dishwasher, I repaired my makeup and went to get my purse. As I was making sure my makeup was perfect, Gary beeped his horn.

I went out, kind of trotting down the stairs. He got out of the car,and opened my door for me, then he kissed me. After we got in the car and I buckled my seat belt, I used the vanity mirror on my visor and fixed my lipstick. He just watched with a smile.

"I love watching you put makeup on. You do it so perfect, just like you were an artist painting a picture."

Then he kissed me again. OMG! This man is a dream. This is the third day that I have been with him, and he has acted like a gentleman all the time. Even when he was in my bed, all he did was have his hand around my waist. That is why I had to get out of the bed carefully so as not to wake him. I would love to meet his parents and see where he grew up. I would love to have a talk with his mother.

There was something about Gary, though. He never told me what he did for work. I needed to ask him, because it wouldn't do to find out he was career criminal. I giggled.

"What was that giggle for, precious?"

"Gary, you know where I work and what I do. Where do you work?"

"Do you really want to know?"

I nodded when I said, "yes, I do."

"I will let that be a surprise. Right now, you need to get that restraining order against Don and that Connors guy. Then you have an appointment to see Mark Daniels, the ADA in charge of the case against Don. After you are finished with all of that, I will take you to my office."

"Office? You work in an office?"

"Yes, but not just any ordinary office that you might think. I will show you when you are finished."

We went to the office of Family, Women and Children. That is where you file your restraining orders. I was given two forms, and each one was to made out against each man. I made them out, and it needed a witness to sign also. Gary signed the witness line, and he had the initials I-SD-3452 after his name."


"Yes, I will show you what that means when we are finished seeing Mr. Daniels."

I took the forms to the desk, and the lady told me to raise my hand and asked me if I swore under oath that the statements in the documents were true and correct. I said yes, and she notarized them, and gave me two copies. One for the police and one for me. The other two were for the court and district attorney. Then Gary went with me to the district attorney's office. We told the receptionist who I was and who I was to see. A little while later, a tall man, over six foot with sandy blonde hair called my name.

"Hello, Jo, I'm Mark Daniels and I will be prosecuting Donald Sinclair. He is charged with attempted kidnapping, endangering safety by conduct regardless of life, and felony stalking. Let's talk in my office. Hi Gary, you know this young lady?"

"Yes, Mark, this is my fiancée."

"Oh, this is the Jo you have been talking about. Well, young lady, it is a pleasure to know you."

"How do you know each other?"

"You haven't told her, Gary?"

"Not yet, Mark, but after we are through here, I am taking her to my office. I think she will see what kind of work I really do."

"Do you two mind not talking around me. I am right here." The both laughed lightly.

"Alright Jo, I have the complaint right here, charging Donald Sinclair with his outrageous behavior at the store where you work. I have talked to your boss Harold Denton, and he corroborated what the police told me. I need you to look at this complaint, and see if what I have wirtten here is true and correct. If it is, please sign under oath and affirmation, that the information contained therein is true and correct." I read the compaint, and it said there too that the defendant maybe arrested and dealt with according to law. I showed it to Mr. Daniels, and asked him what it meant, since Donald Sinclair was already arrested.

"It means that we can keep him in jail. Without this complaint, we would have to let him out after seventy two hours. Now we can take him for an arraignment, and get bail set. But don't worry, I will ask for high bail, and remand. That means he will be sent back to jail from the court." I signed the complaint. "Well Jo, that does it until tomorrow. You will not have to appear, but just so you know, he won't bother you again. So, good luck you two. You have a good man there, Jo, make sure he behaves himself." We all laughed lightly, and Gary and I left.

Chapter 8 - Gary and I become closer.

When we left the district attorney's office, we went to the elevators, and Gary pressed for the sixth floor.

"Gary, we're going up."

"Yes, I actually work here in this building."

"As what?"

When we got off of the elevator, there were two sliding doors that you needed a pass code to get through. Gary tapped a few numbers on the pad and there was a woosh. The doors opened. The logo on the door said Sheriff's Department, Office of the Inspector. I looked at Gary, and he just kept walking. There was a young woman at the desk, and she gave him a few pieces of paper that had messages on them. The she said, "good morning, inspector."

When we got in Gary's office, I saw that there were awards for bravery, from the various clubs in town, and one from the mayor.

"You're a cop, Gary?"

"Actually, what I do is more in the line of investigations. But yes, I am a deputy sheriff inspector."

"Do you uhm carry a uhm gun?"

"Yes princess, I do."

"You are a cop and yet you love me as I am?"

"Yes, angel, I do. You may have a male body, but there is no man living in it. You are a beautiful woman, and you have such an innocence that I rarely see these days. When I saw you at the tennis court, I knew you were the girl for me. When you told me you weren't as you appeared, I knew what that meant, because I have heard many transgendered say the same thing. But even telling me that, I still fell in love with you. I want you to be my wife, Jo, after your surgeries are complete. Until then, we can have a wonderful engagement.

"Gary, I love you, too. I would be honored to be your wife."

Gary called Connie to pick me up at the front doors of the courthouse. He went with me, and waited until Connie got here. When Connie pulled up just a little to the side of the front doors, Gary kissed me,and said he would see me tonight. I left him standing there, and watched him watch me until Connie turned the corner, and we were out of sight.

When we got back to the house, I decided that if Gary wanted me to be his wife, and wanted a wonderful engagement until my surgeries were complete, then I was going to give him a special night.

"Alright, girlfriend, I want to know details, and why didn't Gary come with us."

"He had to go to work."

"Where does he work."

"Connie, you wouldn't believe me even if I drew you a picture."

"Try me."

"You promise you won't tell anyone. This has got to be a secret."

"I promise, why, is he an axe muderer?"

"No, he puts axe murderers in jail. He's an inspector in the sheriff's department."

"Get out! Really?"


"But, if he's a cop, then why does he love you."

"He said that when he saw me at the tennis court..." I explained it just as Gary said it to me.

"I knew he was a winner. Girlfriend, I am so happy for you." She hugged me, and said that we needed to have an engagement party. "Now, we have no time to lose. We have to get ready. Did he say what time he gets off of work?"

"No, but I think it is after four, maybe five."

"Alright, I need to call Joyce and tell her, and then I will call Jaime. We need to get supplies, but no alcohol. This is going to be a wonderful party. We have other friends that you two should meet too. I will invite them to the party too."

"There are four other people I want you to invite too. His parents and mine."

"But we don't know where his parents live."

"Let's look in the phone book. They may live here in town."

"Alright, Jo, you do that and I will make the calls."

I got the phone book out and looked for the last name of Buford. There were four of them in the book. I called one of them, and they gave me Gary's parents number. All of the Bufords in the book were related. I invited them to our engagement party. Then I called my parents and invited them. Mom probably won't be surprised, but dad, well, that may be a different story.

Joyce came in just as I hung up from inviting my parents.

"Jo, you and Connie get the supplies from the store, and while you are gone, I will make a banner. A large banner."

"What will you put on it?"

"Wait and see."

When Connie was done making about two dozen phone calls, we left for the store. We bought crab, shrimp, burger patties, bratwurst, Italian sausage, chips of different kinds, we bought spanish olives and a lot of soda. When we got to the checkout, the young lady ringing up our things asked if we were having a party. When we said yes and that it was an engagement party, she asked which one was getting engaged. When we said me, she congratulated me, and let us have the olives for free as a present.

When we got back to the house, Joyce had already put the banner up across the living room/dinng room door. It said in really humongous letters Congratulations Gary and Joanne. I decided it was time for me to get myself ready for my engagement party.

I went upstairs and looked though my closet. I took out my red party dress, my red slip on heels with the three inch heels, my red lengerie, and my tan stay up stockings. I decided to take a nice rose scented bubble bath, and I even washed my hair with the bubble bath soap. After soaking, washing and drying off, I went to my room to get dressed. I put my lingerie on and then my makeup. I blow dried my hair, and set it in a nice bun style with a pony tail and tendrils hanging near my eyes. I stepped into my dress, and then my heels. I looked at myself from all angels, and declared myself ready.

I stayed in my room, until I heard all the guests arriving. Then I heard Connie call me to come down. I walked slowly until I got to the top of the stairs. Joyce was at the bottom with a camera. As I descended each stair, I heard some gasps from the women and I heard "she's pretty" and "I love her gown". When I got to the bottom of the stairs, Gary let me take his arm, and we walked out to the middle of the floor.

Then my dad came over to me and kissed me on my cheek and wished me good luck. He even said I was pretty. Mom was just gushing. She came over and hugged me with happy tears in her eyes.

"Good luck, baby, you deserve it."

After being kissed and hugged by Gary's parents, my dad decided it was time to make a toast.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to congratulate this young couple and wish them all the best as they take off on their journey through life as man and wife. It's too bad all we have is ginger ale to toast with." There was laughter.

After that, there was dancing,and Gary led me out to the middle of the dining room that was set aside for dancing and the buffet was along the wall. As Gary twirled me around, I could see my parents watching us closely. I just smiled at them, and they smiled back. I can't wait until I get them alone to find out what they think of their daughter, because quite frankly, this is the first time they have seen Joanne completely dressed and in her element.

Gary and I danced four more dances, and then we had to take a break. The table we were sitting at was where Connie, Joyce, Gary, Gary's parents, my parents and I were sitting. When we went back to sit down, Gary's dad started the conversation.

"Well young lady, you know you hooked quite the man here? He is well respected in his job and by some of the most influential people in this city. He has awards longer than the Eastern shorleline of the USA."

"Mr. Buford, as long as he is my husband that is all the award I want. He is a deputy sheriff inspector, and I have seen some of his awards in his office. He has manners, and he has respect. He treats me like a lady everytime we are together, and he has such a wonderful soft laugh. When he talks he never shouts, and he never cusses or swears. Yes, Mr. Buford, I know that my fiancé is quite the man. When he asked me to marry him, I told him it would be my honor to be his wife.

"Mr. Buford, Gary is a wonderful man, my knight in shining armor. We will have a good future."

"Well, all I can say is, may everything you set out to do be granted." He lifted his glass of ginger ale and everybody said, "to Gary and Joanne".

Someone put another song on, and Gary led me out to the middle of the floor. As soon as we were there, everybody joined us. This was a slow dance, so I laid my head against his chest, and we danced like we were in a dream. When the song had finished, he led me back to my seat, and held the chair for me and then pushed it under me as I sat down. Mom watched how I sat too.

While Gary's parents were dancing, mom talked to me and Gary.

"Honey, you are so beautiful. Is this what you want for the rest of your life?"

"Yes, mother. I love Gary and I want to be his wife. Gary said we will not get married until after I have my surgeries completed. You see how he treats me. He is a real gentleman."

"Yes, precious, I can see that. You have a good man there. Gary what do you do again?"

"I'm chief inspector in the sheriff's department. Our office does the investigating when the regular deputies get stuck and can't find anything. Then we go to work and see what we can find. The deputies and inspectors in our office are specially trained to know what to look for. The regular deputies just want to leave a crime scene as fast as they can. The evidence we collect we take to the crime lab on Lapham Boulevard."

"Well, I don't really know how my daughter caught you, but I can see she is going to have a wonderful life."

"Thank you, ma'am. She also won't have to worry about me when I am on duty, because I don't actively chase suspects. I just investigate and collect evidence for the crime lab."

"Oh you mean like on CSI."

"No ma'am. CSI if you have ever noticed whether it is CSI New York, CSI Miami or CSI Las Vegas, is filmed in the same building, with the same set up. We have two crime labs here. One in the state capitol, and the other here. The buildings are not only built differently, but they are not identical inside, although similar. What I mean by that is, they have offices and labs, but not in the same order as you see on television. I do like watching CSI though when I need a good laugh.

"Yes, I know that. They do tell us the following program is fiction. Do you arrest people that violate the law, outside of investigating?"

"Sometimes, my car is set up with what we call a "bubble" light. That is a portable red, revolving light that has a magnet to hold it to the car. I have a siren, and red and blue lights inside my front grills, as well as on the back by the tail lights. There are times I do need to stop someone to see why they are behaving like they are. Usually that is just stopping someone that has ran a red light or is driving erratically. But, I have to be prepared to defend myself because you never know what that person is thinking."

"I see. Aren't you kind of young to be a chief inspector?"

"I guess, but when the job became open when the other inspector had retired, nobody wanted the job. See, we put our names on a list for a specific job. I figured I would have had to pay my dues before I got a job like this. But they went down the list, and told me I was the fourteenth person they had called, and said that the office for chief inspector for investigations and criminal evidence just came open. I took the job. I got a five dollar per hour raise in pay, and a nice cushy office." He laughed lightly. "So, that is how I became the youngest deputy sheriff to hold that office. We're doing good though, because there is no lack of business."

"Well, it seems you will be able to support my daughter well enough. I wish you both the best of everything." Mom got up and gave us each a big hug.

"What have you been talking about, while I was otherwise indisposed?"

"About Gary being able to properly support Joanne."

"Well they will make it, I'm sure. I also have a present for my angel and her fiancé."

Daddy handed Gary a small gift wrapped box. When Gary unwrapped it, there was an angel in there, that had an inscription on the small base. "I bring you good tidings, that the Lord is with you." I gave daddy a hug, and he just held, and whispered in my ear. "You're my sweetest angel, and only child. Make sure you keep him in line." I kissed his cheek, and sat back down, with Gary holding my chair for me.

At about midnight, nobody seemed ready to leave. Gary took me by the arm and led me out to the middle of the dance floor. We danced one last dance, and then Gary made an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family members and dear friends. It is midnight, and Jo and I need to go to work in the morning. I want to take this time to thank you all for coming, and we will save opening all the presents everybody brought for this weekend, and we will open them then. If you wish to come back then after twelve noon, you are all welcome. Good night ladies and gentlemen, and drive safely on the way home." I stayed on Gary's right arm, as everybody gave me a peck on the cheek as they left. This was a glorious night, and one that has brought Gary and I closer together.

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Nice to see a new chapter

littlerocksilver's picture

Your story gives me many warm feelings. Did he tell his parents?



He Didn't Seem To Care - Part 3

What a wonderful couple they make.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine