Psylocke: A State of Mind, Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I was exhausted after three hours with Sensei Ozawa. I spent more time on my back than I had in 5 years of training. I was thrown every which way that a person could be thrown. I even played the “I’m just a girl” card, with no luck whatsoever.

As I rubbed by backside from the thirtieth throw, sensei told me, in his intimidating Japanese accent. “Center of gravity off! Energy is not flowing. Feel energy flowing through you, not around!” He growled in frustration. “YOU should be defeating ME, girl! Again!”

He barked. “Focus! This is very important. Someday, you will face opponent who is bigger, stronger than you. Your life will depend on your ability to focus!”

We faced each other in our combat stances. He charged at me, and something happened. I knew what he was going to do, and countered. As he flew at me, my leg shot out almost of its own accord and drove into his gut. He “whoofed” and hit the mat hard.

“Very…good…girl.” He wheezed. “This is…what…I meant. Very good”

“Are you ok? God, I’m so sorry, Sensei. I don’t know how I did that!”

“Don’t apologize, girl! This is what I was waiting for! You learned focus. Your powers will help you in combat, but only if you relax and focus your energy. Are you tired?”

I thought about it, and other than being a little bruised on my bum, I actually felt quite good. “No, sir, I guess not”

He smiled and leapt to his feet. “Good! We learn meditation now for one hour.”

This concerned me. “Uhhh, Sensei?”


“Is that such a good idea? I mean the last time I tried that, I ran into that Shadow guy.”

He shook his head. “You do not focus out this time. Only focus in. Explore yourself, not others”

I couldn’t help thinking how much he sounded like a certain little green puppet. “Okay, Master Yoda! I’ll do my best”

He looked at me grimly. “There are similarities here, Betsy. Your joke is more apt than you may realize. Your life will truly depend on how well you learn these lessons. I just do not know when.” Looking out at the street through the window, he shook his head. “For now, we meditate”
We sat down on the floor, in the traditional lotus position. I found it was a lot easier to get into this position as a girl than it ever was as a boy. I felt twice as limber as before. I closed my eyes, and focused inward. Slowly, the outside noise faded away. I began to see different colors. I could sense where my abilities laid. I was gaining a better sense of what I could do and what I needed to do to perform those abilities.

I was rattled out of my trance by Sensei. “W-ww-what? I just got started!”

Smiling, he replied “Sorry, It’s been an hour. Very good, Betsy. You are learning fast!”

I gasped as I looked at the clock. “Crap! I’ve got to get home. It’s almost ten o’clock, and I haven’t done my homework!”

“Some things are more important than homework, girl. You will learn this.”

I laughed sarcastically. “Yeah, well you don’t have to face my teachers in the morning!”

I quickly changed out of my gi and put on a pair of yoga pants and a loose tee. I left my hair in its ponytail and grabbed my backpack and bag and ran out the front door. My car was a half a block down the street, and I walked quickly to get there. I then felt a sense of foreboding wash over me. A large man walked out between the buildings just before I reached my car.

“Well, well. What have we here? Hello, beautiful. How’s about we party?” he stepped toward me.

“Sorry, sir. I have to get home, my parents are waiting on me” I tried the innocent approach. Trying to calm myself, trying to buy time. I started to walk by him and he stepped in my way.

Then another three men approached from the rear. “I think mom and dad can wait on their princess a little bit, don’t you, Abdul?”

Abdul, who was evidently the goon in front of me, said with an evil grin. “Yes, this flower must be plucked now, while she is still in bloom.”

“Flower, allow me to introduce my friends. Sharif, who you just met. Osama, and Barouk. We will be your husbands tonight. Then, we send you to our leader, Amahl.”

I tried to back up to the street. “Please, I don’t have any money. Take my car.”

“It’s not your car we are after, Flower, but something much more…precious.”

Now, I was starting to get angry. This shadow guy was sending people after me? No one was raping me tonight, especially not these three morons. I dropped my things and growled as best I could. “You guys are making a big mistake.” My fists began to glow purple. I tried mind warping one of them, but suddenly they all jumped forward at once. I leapt into the air and did a complete back flip and ended up behind them. Hitting two of them in the kidneys with my now bright purple fists, they screamed in pain and dropped like two bags of crap.

Leaping into the air again, I caught Abdul full in the face with a roundhouse right foot that had him spitting teeth.

“Bitch!” He screamed. Kill her! The one remaining attacker I hadn’t struck spun on me with a knife. A bolt of energy shot out of my hand and caught him squarely in the face. He dropped, and didn’t move. The first two were starting to get back up, and I hit both of them in the head. They also dropped, remaining still.

Abdul rushed me with a curved dagger. This was too easy. I grabbed his arm and sent him flying through the air. Another back flip and I was right in front of him as he sprawled on the pavement. I focused on his mind and put his lights out with another psi bolt.

I looked around, and our little tussle had attracted some attention. I knew what I could do. I suggested to each of them that they had just seen a movie scene and that they should go home. They all went about their business.

I focused on the mind of the leader. He had been given marching orders from a person in Dearborn, a city famous for its heavy Muslim population. This Farouk was an Egyptian, so it made sense that he would have connections in the Islamic community in the U.S. I could replay his meeting. He had no idea who he was talking to, but his orders were to get me however they could, and to abuse me as much as they wanted to before I was shipped to Egypt.

I felt sick knowing what they could have done to me. I listened on. The nameless guy also had another team waiting to get me at home in case the first team failed. Oh, God. Mom and Dad!

I got into my car and drove towards the house. I was speeding, trying to get caught, trying to lure the police to my house. Where were they? Any other time, the doughnut eating bastards are on every street corner. My little Prius wasn’t exactly built for speed, but I was doing at least 30 over the speed limit.

I dialed 911 and got a recording that the lines were busy. How convenient. What were the odds that this was connected to me? Why? What was it about me, one little girl that warranted all this attention from someone I’d never even met? There was no way I was that important.

I got to the street a block from my house. Parking my car, I got out and quieted my mind. Where were the sons of bitches? I began to pick up thoughts. They were focused on my house. Mom and Dad were inside, ok. They were being held hostage. Three men inside, four men outside. What could I do?
I felt a hand clamp around my mouth, stifling my scream.

“Shhh, girl. It’s me!” It was Sensei Ozawa. I was never so glad to see anyone in my life.

“They’ve got Mom and Dad!” I whispered. “Seven men total. Three inside, four outside.”

“I know. This is a very dangerous situation. Also a bomb inside the house”

Tears filled my eyes. “What do we do? Please help me!”

He grasped my face in his hands, forcing me to look him in the eyes. “Calm down, child. Focus on the problem. No crying. Time for that later.” I calmed myself.

After I had regained control, I thought more clearly. “I can take them out mentally from here.”

He shook his head. “Shadow King has protected these men from all but the most powerful and direct of attacks. You will have to confront them directly and one at a time to defeat his protection.”

I sighed. “We are so screwed.”

Looking me in the eyes, he asked if I knew what I could do. “Yes, I think. What do you need me to do?”

“What you did to the men in the street, your psi bolts.”

I looked at him with my mouth open. “You mean you saw me fighting those men and did nothing to help me?”

He covered my mouth again. “Quiet! Yes, I saw, but you didn’t need my help. Baby bird never flies if mother doesn’t kick her out of the nest.”

“Yes, but…”

“But nothing. Focus on problem at hand. Mother and Father are depending on you.”

“Okay, I get it. I’ll take the four outside?”

“Yes. You know where they are. Use your mind to shield you. Get close, then strike, like a snake” Follow my mind. I will tell you when to strike.” He moved off toward the house. I knew where I had to go. Soon, the command was heard. Go!

I found number one in a tree, looking towards my anticipated direction of travel. I focused, and hit him with a bolt of energy that stilled his thoughts. He was out. I walked quietly towards the next one. I couldn’t use my telepathy to knock him out, but I could cause him to hear a dog barking to cover my footsteps. I went behind him and chaged my fist and hit him as hard as I could in the head. He quit moving.

The next one was closer to my house. He had an ear bud and radio. He was speaking in Arabic. I rolled up behind him and used my “psychic dagger” to short circuit his brain. I felt him go limp.

The last one was in the driveway, behind a bush. I circled around the house and made some noise. The man came toward the sound. I was five feet to the right of the sound I had created for him to hear. Two fists to the solar plexus and one to the jaw ended his night.

All clear outside, Sensei.

Very good, child. Your parents have been drugged. I’m bringing them out, fall back towards the street.

Are they okay?

They are fine, just sleeping. I’ve got them now. He paused in his thoughts. Oh, no. Betsy! Run! Ru…

Then our house, my home, exploded. I was knocked back 15 feet by the blast. My ears ringing, I tried to focus on what had happened. Where was I? What was that fire? Was I camping? Slowly, my mind began to focus. Mom? Dad? Suddenly the realization of what happened hit me. I screamed for mommy and daddy, and passed out.

I was awaked by the sounds of sirens as they pulled up to the ruins of our house. I tried to get up, but a fireman held me back, saying that they had it under control. I screamed “MY PARENTS ARE IN THERE!” Immediately, rescue teams tried to enter the structure, but they were driven back by the flames.

I tried to get up, but there was nothing I could do. I tried to find Mom and Dad, but there was nothing. I tried to find Sensei Ozawa, but there was nothing. Please, God, no. Not Mom and Dad. Not my parents.

I was numb. I watched as my world burned down. I felt a pair of arms encircle me. “I’m so, so sorry, Betsy.” It was Tracy. Somehow, she found out about the fire, and came to me. I dissolved into tears. I wanted to die too.

A medic tried to get me to go to the hospital. I wasn’t leaving without my family. I screamed at him to leave me alone. Tracy looked at him and waved him off. I was fine. I wanted my parents.

Tracy! They’re dead. Everything is gone. What will I do?

I’m still here, Betsy. I’m not leaving you. You need to get to the hospital, honey.

I can’t, Trace. I have to know. For sure.

They’re gone, honey. You know. You don’t want to see the bodies, do you?

No. Take me away, Tracy.

Tracy rode with me to the hospital. I was fairly shaken up, with some cuts and bruises. They said I was lucky. What a joke. I wanted to die right there. Even Tracy being there with me wasn’t much help. I knew one thing. If that asshole in Egypt wanted to get my attention, he did. And he was going to regret what he did to my family. I would kill everyone he sent after me, until he got tired of sending people, then, I would kill him.

Agent Morgan was at the hospital two hours after I got there. I was pretty well cleaned up by the time he arrived. I wanted some answers. Tracy and her parents were with me. I told them to give us a couple of minutes alone.

He reached to hug me. I let him, because I could sense he was extremely upset by my loss. “I’m so sorry about your parents, Betsy. Is there anything I can do?”

“I need some answers, Agent Morgan. This was done by Shadow King. He killed my parents, and tried to kill me. How did he know where to find me? I didn’t give anything to him. I know it! The only way he could have found out about me was through your agency! You are the only ones who knew everything about me, and how to reach me.”

My voice was shaking. I continued. “I trusted you, Agent Morgan. I trusted the Government and look what it got me! My parents are dead, Agent Morgan! What has your precious Agency done to protect me? Am I some sort of asset that you help when it is convenient?”

Agent Morgan, to his credit, didn’t interrupt. “I understand what you are feeling, Betsy. I really do.”

“How? How can you know?”

“I lost my parents on 9/11. They were on the first plane to hit the Towers. I know exactly how you feel, Betsy.”

I was out of anger at that point. All I could do was cry on his shoulder. He was hurting too, I sensed it. He felt the same sense of betrayal I felt. He suspected a leak. I cried out my anger and frustration and sorrow. I lost my friend, Sensei Ozawa. I hadn’t even thought about him until now. He understood. How could this have gone so wrong?

When I had finished crying, Agent Morgan looked me in the eyes. “I promise you, Betsy. I will get to the bottom of this. Anything you need, anything at all, you call me, and it will be done. This does not happen on my watch. We’ll fix it, and make sure whoever is responsible pays. Okay?”

“Okay.” Was all I could say. I was exhausted. The events of the day and lack of sleep caught up with me. I passed out.

I slept for the next twelve hours. I had a private room thanks to Agent Morgan, and a guard was posted outside my door. Tracy and her parents never left.

I woke late the next afternoon. I was hungry, and Tracy called for some food. I was still in a state of denial, and I couldn’t deal with everything that needed to be done. I was an only child, and I had no close relatives. Tracy’s parents told me they would make all of the arrangements. I couldn’t thank them enough. They and Tracy were all I had now. Money meant nothing to me. I’m sure Dad’s insurance policies were in the multi millions, but I would have traded everything to see them one more time. I couldn’t think.

I ate in silence. Tracy was sitting next to me, rubbing my back. I loved it when she did that. I let her. I needed someone to touch me, to make me feel like I was still here. As I finished eating, I asked Tracy to let me meditate. I wanted to reach that state of peace again. She sat on the chair next to the bed, and I focused deep inside. The colors reappeard. Then, I was on a hill looking at the night sky. It was a wonderful, warm night. There were no clouds, and no city lights to dim the view. I was enjoying the peace.

“Nice night for stars, isn’t it, child?” It was Sensei Ozawa.

I was calm completely drained of emotion. It was like he had never died. “Why are you here?”

He shrugged. “Good question, one that I’m not sure I have an answer to. I guess a part of me imprinted on you. Or I’m not really all dead, a ghost, I don’t know.”

Looking at him, I asked the obvious. “What happened in the house?”

“I made a mistake. There was a trip wire. Then, nothing”

“Why can’t I find Mom and Dad?” I asked, leaning back on my elbows.

“You’ll find them eventually. They are happy where they are, And that should be good enough for now.”

“What is this place?”

It’s the source of your powers, I guess you could say its home. That’s why you feel so at peace here. It’s where you can come to get away from the care of life. To center yourself and gain control.”

“Why can’t I stay here?”

He smiled. “If you want your body to turn into a brain dead zombie, then I guess you could. I wouldn’t. Look, you’ve already been here for over three hours. Go back. We can talk later.”

My eyes snapped open. It was dark, and Tracy was asleep. I felt strangely rested and calm. The pain was dimmed a little bit. I could still visit with my friend and advisor, even if he was quite probably a figment of my imagination. Mom and Dad were happy now. I knew that. I still missed them terribly, but I would be able to carry on. The people that did this had to pay.


“Cain Marko on line 3, sir.”

Amahl Farouk picked up the line. “I thought I asked you to come here to Egypt, Marko.”

“You did, and I’m tellin’ ya I ain’t your lap dog to come whenever you call. I have responsibilities with my real job. You know, Security Chief? Queen Industries? Whaddaya want?”

Farouk smiled. Humans, so full of themselves. “It’s not what I want, but what you want, Cain. Power? An unlimited supply? It’s your choice. Come, don’t come. I’ll find someone to do my bidding.”

“You see? That’s your problem. I ain’t around to do anyone’s bidding but my own. I read what you sent me, about some little girl. I’ve got my plate full with another little girl runnin’ things here. Besides, she’s nothin’ that a big mouth like you can’t handle. If your freaks can’t handle one girl, then I may consider your ‘offer’. But remember, Cain Marko is no man’s slave.”

“I’m a patient man, Cain. This little girl has power, and the potential to cause me no end of trouble. There are more like her, too. Remember, I have what you want, something that a job will never give you. Consider my offer.”

“Yeah, ok. I’ll be in touch”

Cain hung up the phone. “One of these days, I’m gonna squash that arrogant bastard.”

Farouk rolled the red gem in his meaty fist. Marko would come. Eventually.

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