Being Christina Chase | Chapter 11: Finding Christina Chase

        Chris now realized that it was going to take more than just a casual effort to resurrect Christina Chase. It had been foolish to think he could just throw on some old clothes and hop on a bus. It was going to take planned and determined effort. He was going to work on being Christina every day until the end result was flawless. He decided on a few steps early on. First, he was going on a diet. Chris had always been tall and thin, but he wasn't going to take any chances. From now on, it was salad for lunch. Secondly, he was going to change his workouts. He hadn't spent much time exercising, but after his experience in Oak Grove, he'd tried some weight lifting. That was over. He was switching to aerobics or Yoga.

        Step three was to let his hair grow. He'd let it grow back out after he had it all cut off upon returning home, but he needed more. He still had long hair by male standards, but it was short as far as girls' hairstyles went. He was going to let it grow as long as he could before the Fourth of July. Finally, he vowed to wear his waist cincher twenty-four hours a day. He knew he wasn't going to like the temporary changes this plan would induce in his body, but it would resurrect his girlish figure.

        Chris knew that he couldn't stop there. During lunch on Monday, he went to a bookstore and bought three books on applying makeup and two more on how to style hair. His determination and his love for Nina helped fight off any feelings of embarrassment, but still, It was an ordeal just to make it past the checkout. Chris now spent his train rides studying hair, makeup, and all the other female mysteries that Christina Chase should know. Every night he practiced fixing his hair and his makeup in the bathroom mirror.

        Still, it was not enough. Perhaps Chris could have pulled off a visit as Christina with all he'd learned, but he wasn't going to settle for a mere imitation. This vacation was for Nina, and she needed Christina. Chris was determined to become Christina Chase for his cousin. He tried to look at every situation in a new way, constantly asking himself, "What would Christina do?"

        After two weeks, all of his efforts were having an effect. He began to see Christina Chase smiling back at him when he looked into the mirror. He noticed that not only did the waist cincher not feel too tight, it was actually starting to feel loose. Chris had the beginnings of curves even when the cincher was off. He'd been hiding it at work with baggy clothes. Since his waist had rebounded from the last time he'd warn the cincher, he wasn't terribly concerned. He was focused not on any current inconveniences; his thoughts were on having the perfect vacation with Nina.

        That night, Chris browsed the online shops with his computer. He'd been trying to get inside the mind of Christina Chase, and he realized that she wouldn't show up with the same clothes she had last time. Perhaps she could take some of his old clothes, but she needed something new to wear, and some of it should not look brand new. He looked at all manner of clothes and undergarments. He remembered that he'd never seen either Nina or his aunt wear pants, but decided that was one tradition Christina was going to break.

        Chris grew concerned when he realized that a lot of the summer clothes showed off the chest, cleavage, or a lot more. Chris was lucky that he had his bust enhancers during his visit. They were a big part of selling Christina Chase. Though they looked fairly convincing, Chris knew that a lot of it had to do with the kind of clothes he'd been wearing. Also, there had been too many close calls. He'd had to undress with his back to Nina in Steph's salon, and he'd slept next to Nina in his bed one night. Those situations could have been disastrous.

        Chris did some research online on masectomy breast forms. He was shocked by what he found. There were several kinds of breast forms that could be attached to the chest to give the illusion of real breasts. He looked at the online photos in disbelief. Having a pair of these would make his detection remote at best. He could actually relax without the fear of being discovered. Man, they were expensive. A few more clicks and Chris found a store in the city that carried them. He clicked on the link that took him to the Transformations Boutique. Chris was appalled by what he found.

        The Transformations Boutique was a full-service salon for drag queens and crossdressers. Certainly they would be able to fit him for breasts, but there was no way he could ever go somewhere like that. Chris wasn't a crossdresser, at least not technically. He wished he was certain about that assertion. He definitely didn't get a sexual thrill from being dressed like a girl. It was actually quite the opposite. It was an imposition- a burden even. No, Chris thought, as much as realistic breasts would make his shopping and his time in Oak Grove much easier, that was a line he wasn't willing to cross.

        Chris yawned as he closed his browser windows. He would sort out what he was going to buy later. He realized that Christina would actually go to the store and try clothes on, but Chris had limits.

        He looked at the clock in his taskbar, seeing that It was one thirty in the morning- he had to get some sleep. As the mouse hovered over the clock, he noticed the date. Tomorrow would be his twentieth birthday. He shut down the computer and wandered over to his bedroom. Between the crushing grind of his twelve-hour workdays and spending all his free moments studying how to be a girl, Chris had lost track of time. It didn't really matter; his birthdays had become just like any other day. With Amy out of his life and no friends to speak of, it was not as though he were planning to celebrate anything.

        Chris cleaned up his makeup from his earlier practice. He was far from an expert, but he'd learned the basics. He brushed his teeth and went back to his bedroom, took out the satin pajamas that Nina had picked out for him and slipped them on over his cincher. He'd taken to wearing his girl pajamas the past few days to get back into the habit. This was the one thing he didn't mind so much. Girl pajamas were far more comfortable than any others he owned. He got into bed and tried to fluff his pillow to a respectable height. Chris was looking forward to staying in Anastasia's room again. Not a night had passed that he hadn't wished he was sleeping in that bed.

        As Chris lay in the dark room, he wondered if his aunt and uncle would call him on his birthday. He decided it was wishful thinking that they would even remember. His birthday had come up over dinner one night, but it had barely been touched on. Chris decided not to hope too much and went to sleep.

        On the train ride home next day, Chris was groggy. He'd stayed up too late the previous night shopping for his trip. Shopping for boy clothes was easy. You picked out pants, you bought them, end of story. Shopping for girl clothes was a major production. You had to find deals. You had to consider cuts, and colors. Would it look good on you? Would it accentuate your figure? Hell, you had to plan entire outfits. Buying a pair of shoes that would work with with a particular skirt was like planning the D-Day assault on Normandy. Everything had to be considered. It was only made more difficult by the fact that he was really a boy, and he had to find girl clothes that would hide that fact.

        He tried to keep his eyes open as he read one of his makeup books. He was reading about the eyes and different looks for different moods and times of day. Did it really matter? He had a hard time concentrating as he kept nodding off. In his dreams, he struggled with his eye shadow. He wore a Spring shade, and he was an Autumn. Or maybe he was a Summer? In ether case, he was doing his makeup for a day at the office, but he was dressed for a night on the town. What a nightmare.

        Chris was startled out of a light sleep when the train blew its whistle as it stopped at his station. As he threw his book into his backpack and hopped off the train, Chris felt as though he was swimming in his shirt. The combination of the cincher, his diet, and his new exercise routine was having a profound effect on his body. He was starting to get strange looks at work. Wearing his long hair back everyday wasn't terribly out of the ordinary, but Chris knew there was something off about his body. He didn't think anyone suspected what was going on. At worst, people would assume he was overworked.

        Chris continued to battle with his sleepiness on the ride home. He was going to skip his makeup and hair practice tonight, he decided. He had read about makeup all night. He was even listening to pop music on the radio. He'd done enough girling-up for one day.

        When Chris pulled into the parking lot behind his apartment building, he rested his head on the steering wheel, waiting for a minute, searching for the energy to carry him up all those stairs. He dragged himself out of the car feeling as If gravity, and not his own will, was moving him forward. Entering the foyer, he checked his mail slot, finding only a few bills. Turning from the slot, he headed for the stairs and nearly fell over when his foot made contact with a large cardboard box. He looked down at the package and saw it was address to "Christina Chase."

        The package was from the Levchenkos! Chris perked up as though he'd never been tired. He smiled as he picked up the large box. It was heavy. What could be inside? His smile vacated his face when he realized that the box was addressed to a "Christina Chase," at his apartment. His face turned red and he looked around to make sure no one was looking.

        Chris bolted up the stairs with a new found exuberance. He rushed to his door and burst into his apartment, dying to know what his family had sent him. He sat down on the floor with the box between his legs. Using his keys, Chris ripped through the packing tape and opened the flaps. He reached in and pulled out a white envelope that was labeled "Christina." He opened it and pulled out a pink birthday card. Each member of his family had written a small note and signed their name. Both Nina and Andrei mentioned that they were looking forward to his visit.

        Chris stood the card up next to him on the floor. A card alone was more than Chris had expected, but there was still more inside the box. Chris reached in and pulled out a large, circular piece of Tupperware. It was nearly a foot and a half in diameter and at least half a foot deep. He pulled off the top to reveal multicolored cellophane. Chris pulled the cellophane to the side and saw the largest pile of cookies he'd ever seen. There were cookies of every size and flavor. Some were plain and others were covered with rainbow sprinkles. Chris reached in and took a bite out of a peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie. He knew such a sinful treat was not allowed on his diet, but he didn't care. He placed the cookies next to his card.

        Chris stood up and started to push the box off to the side with his foot when he realized there was still something heavy inside. Could there be more? He sat back down and reached inside. His hands felt the smoothness of leather, and he lifted a very large and impressive looking book out of the box. He marveled at it as he held it in his hands. He opened the book and saw that it was a photo album. Inside were prints of all the photos the family had taken the last day he was with them. There were pictures of everyone- even Boris. Chris couldn't believe just how many pictures they had taken; the book must have held at least sixty images. Chris looked around and was struck by the bareness of his walls. He owned no pictures except the ones he now held in his hand.

        He looked at Nina and Andrei, his aunt and uncle; they all looked so happy. Chris looked at the smile on his own face and could not prevent that same smile from forming on his lips. He sat back and flipped through the pages. Chris felt all the same wonderful feelings from that day rushing back. He couldn't think of a time he had felt more loved. He was standing on the brink of despair, and these people had rescued him. It felt as though a switch had been flipped in Chris' head. These people seemed more real to him now. It was as if his daily life were some distant dream, and his memories of Oak Grove were reality.

        When Chris came to the end of the album, he found some pictures from Nina's graduation. She was smiling in most of the pictures, but Chris could tell there was something wrong by the look in her eyes. He felt a fresh stab of guilt from his broken promise to her.

        Chris ate a few more of the cookies then sealed them up, vowing to stick to his diet. He called his family to thank them, and he spoke with them all night on the phone. He couldn't think of any gift he'd received that made him as feel as wanted as the photo album. He talked with Nina about all the fun they were going to have on the Fourth of July, but he could sense that she was holding back. She wasn't entirely convinced that this trip wasn't also going to fall through. Chris wasn't going to let her down again. He was determined to fulfill the promise he had made to his family- he would return to them.

        After Chris had hung up the phone, he went to his computer and looked up the website for the Transformations Boutique. He was willing to do whatever it took to be with his family, and if it meant he had to swallow his pride, then that was a price he was willing to pay. He dialed the number for the salon and made an appointment. He told them he was interested in being fitted for breast forms, and they signed him up for a full makeover package. They were able to take Chris over the weekend, but he pushed the appointment to the day he was planning on leaving for Oak Grove. He could take his bags to work and take an overnight bus to Dover. One way or another, Christina Chase was going to be the one getting on that bus.

        After his appointment was secured, he went shopping online again. He bought some new clothes for himself with the assumption that he would have a more realistic bust line. He felt nervous spending the money, but he had to have faith that everything would work out. Between the breast forms and his ever expanding wardrobe, Chris had spent most of his savings on Christina- it was just like having a girlfriend. The only difference was that he was the girl. His last duty online was ordering a bus ticket. There was no turning back now, Christina Chase would visit her family in just two weeks.

        Chris felt renewed by talking to his family and looking through the photo album. He went to the bathroom to practice making up his eyes with the techniques he'd studied on the train. The only question was, was he a Spring or a Summer?



        After a month of intensive girl practice, it was finally time. Chris looked out the window of his yellow cab. He'd left work early- he took a half day that Friday. The plan was simple, he'd go to the Transformations Boutique and have his make over. Then straight to the bus station and catch the ten o'clock bus to Dover. Andrei would pick him up in Dover at seven in the morning on Saturday, and he'd be in Oak Grove around eight-thirty or so.

        When the cab pulled to the curb, Chris stepped out, paid the cabbie, and got his suitcases from the trunk. Even though he'd only be gone for four days, he found that Christina traveled heavier than Chris did.

        The cab left, and Chris was standing in front of the Transformations Boutique. He took a deep breath and steeled himself. This was for Nina. It was for Nina and the others. He walked down the steps, below street level, into the store.

        Chris put his suitcases down and looked around the store. It was part salon and part clothing store. The clothes ranged from casual clothing to gaudy dresses. He saw a row of wigs in the windows. Some of them looked fake and were brightly colored while others appeared tamer. Chris didn't see anyone in the store and there was no real waiting area, so he started to wander around. He looked at the clothing rack. Everything looked as if it were a costume; a caricature. They were nothing like the clothes he had with him. There was a wide selection of lingerie, but it fell more into the category of saucy uniforms or playwear. Chris walked up to the cash register, lifted his sunglasses, and looked over the glass display case on which the register sat. Still no one. Chris looked down at his wristwatch to check the time. When he pulled his hand away, he was looking directly though the glass counter into the display case. Chris went white when he saw the wide array of dildos, vibrators, and butt plugs for sale. Chris stood up straight in fright, as though he'd seen a dead body. He turned around slowly and started walking to the door. He was obviously in the wrong place.

        Before Chris could make it to his bags, he heard a woman's voice call, "Mr. Chase?"

        Chris froze and looked over his shoulder.

        The older woman said, "Are you Mr. Chase?"

        Chris turned around and faced the woman. She was dressed in a white business suit, and her short brown hair was speckled gray. She walked up to him and smiled as though this was any sort of normal shop, and she was an average salesperson helping a customer.

        "This is your first time isn't it?" She said incisively.

        Chris nodded.

        The woman smiled sympathetically. She walked to the door and flipped a sign that read closed.

        Chris gave her a shocked look.

        "Oh, don't worry," the woman reassured him, "We operate only by appointment."

        Chris nodded again.

        The woman held out her hand and said, "Hello, I'm Lucille. I believe we spoke on the phone."

        Chris shook the woman's hand and found the words to speak. "Yeah, I'm Chris."

        The woman smiled again, trying to put him at ease. "Well Chris, why don't you follow me, and we can discuss how we can make your fantasies come true today."

        Chris blushed and followed Lucille to a small office in the back.

        Lucille motioned for Chris to have a seat and she poured him a glass of water from a water cooler. She placed it in front of him and sat opposite from him at the desk.

        Chris took the water and started drinking.

        Lucille arranged some papers and said cheerfully, "As I recall, you wanted breasts?"

        Chris coughed violently and put his water down.

        Lucille could tell the boy was uncomfortable, so she walked over and patted him on the back. "Okay Chris, I know this can be awkward, but you need to relax and tell me a little bit about your fantasy. I'm not here to judge you, just tell me what you want." She gave the boy a friendly rub on the back then returned to her seat. She produced a large book from one of the desk drawers. She opened it in front of Chris and flipped through the pages.

        Chris looked at the book and saw a collection of middle-aged crossdressers and drag queens. This was harder than he imagined.

        Lucille continued to speak as though she was selling Chris an automobile. "As you can see, there are a number of ways we can go. You can go drag, a sissy style, or a nice club kid look."

        Chris took the side of the book and politely closed it. "I ... I uh ..." Chris stammered, "I just need to look like a girl."

        Lucille had been through this sort of thing before. She was going to have to drag what the boy wanted out of him. "I know Chris, I just need you to give me a description, or perhaps you can point out a picture of something you like."

        "I don't like dressing like a girl." Chris said plainly "I just-"

        Lucille nodded in agreement. "I understand," she said, "Your mistress sent you here."

        "No!" Chris blurted, "It's not like that ... not at all ..."

        For the first time, Lucille looked genuinely confused.

        "It's not a sex thing," Chris insisted. "I just need to look like this for the next week."

        Lucille watched with curiosity as the boy in front of her reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture. He handed it to her and she studied it. It was a picture beautiful, vibrant young lady- Christina Chase. The girl was radiant in her sleeveless dress, posing for the camera in a sea of wildflowers.

        Lucille looked up from the picture and tried to console the boy. "I'm sure you would like to look like this, but you have to understand that there is no magic wand we can wave to turn you into a girl. Now if this is the sort of look you want to shoot for, we can try for it, but there's only so much you can reasonably ..." Lucille's voice trailed off as Chris removed his sunglasses and let his hair out of his scrunchie. Lucille squinted her eyes at Chris and then looked back at the picture. She again looked at Chris, then to the picture.

        Chris' burned bright red in humiliation.

        "This ..." Lucille said in disbelief, "Is a picture of you ... isn't it?"

        Chris closed his eyes and nodded twice.

        "I see," Lucille continued, "I guess I spoke too soon."

        "Look, this is too complicated to get into right now. I just need to look like that again, and if it can be helped I need to look more ..." Chris stammered along, "More like a girl even ..."

        "When you're naked?" Lucille finished.

        "Yeah," Chris said uneasily.

        "Well Chris, let's get right to work." Lucille took Chris out of the office and into another room with a table. "Okay Chris, I'm going to need you to strip."

        "Excuse me?" Chris fumbled.

        "You heard me- strip. We have a lot of work to do."

        Chris blushed and took off all his clothes and placed them in a pile on a chair. He took off his necklace and placed it on top of his clothes. Chris stood in front of Lucille, naked, with his hands over his privates.

        The older woman picked up Chris' cincher and looked at his waist. "You've outgrown this one haven't you?"

        Chris nodded and averted his eyes.

        "You'll need a smaller one to keep you on track. You've got a pretty shape already." Lucille tied a smock around her waist and looked back at Chris. "Chris, it's okay. You don't have to be embarrassed. I've seen it all before." Lucille walked up to him and forced his hands to his sides. Lucille tilted her head in confusion as she stared at Chris' petite penis and testicles.

        "What?" Chris blurted out.

        Lucille tapped her finger against the side of her mouth. "Nothing really, it's just that most men are ... aroused at this point."

        Chris didn't think he could blush anymore than he was now.

        Lucille looked him in the eyes and said in a sultry voice, "We're going to turn you into a sexy woman." She looked at Chris' member for a response. If anything, it shrank. A look of understanding crossed her face. "You really aren't turned on by dressing as a girl, are you?"

        Chris insisted, "No."

        "It's a shame. Most men who come in here would die for a body like yours." Lucille patted the table and Chris hopped on. "You certainly are a mystery. I must say, I can't imagine why you need to look like a girl, but I promise you, this will be strictly business. Okay?"

        Chris nodded and laid down on the table.

        Lucille put on a pair of latex gloves and sprinkled talcum powder over Chris' body. He gritted his teeth when she mechanically rubbed it over his genitals. She had him roll over, and she did his back, including his inner thighs, between his butt cheeks, and around the rosebud of his anus. Chris had never been so humiliated in his life as when he felt this strange woman tracing circles around that hole. He closed his eyes and tried to picture Nina and himself standing in the wildflowers having fun. He had to close his eyes and pretend he was somewhere else.

        "The good news is this shouldn't take long. There's not a lot of hair to remove."

        Chris grunted in response.

        "The bad news is, it's still going to hurt."

        Lucille put hot wax in key places on Chris' back and shoulders and all over the back of his legs. Once it was ready, she began to rip the cottons strips off the boy. It wasn't as bad as Chris had expected. She sprayed a cool mist on Chris' back and had him roll over again. Lucille repeated the process on his chest, his underarms, and over every inch of his long, slender legs. The pain was intense, but Chris lasted through it all.

        Lucille misted his body and moved to his head.

        "What are you spraying on me?" Chris asked.

        "Don't worry," Lucille responded, "It's just an inhibitor."

        "A what?"

        "A hair inhibitor sweetie. It'll keep your hair from growing back for a while. We use it on you each time you come back for a waxing."

        Chris did not like the sound of that.

        Lucille applied wax to Chris' face, and in no time his cheeks were as smooth as his legs.

        "Thank God that's over," Chris exhaled.

        Lucille walked to the counter and retrieved a pink electric shaver. "Not just yet," Lucille said as she positioned Chris flat on the table. She grabbed the head of his penis and held it straight out as she trimmed his pubic hair. She joked, "I see you're a natural blonde."

        Chris sat completely still, surrendering to yet a deeper level of indignity.

        Lucille put more powder in Chris' bikini area and covered it with hot wax. Chris grew apprehensive as he waited for the inevitable. Lucille ripped off the cotton strips and Chris gave out a wild yelp.

        "I know it hurts, but trust me, it's worth it." Lucille consoled.

        A few more tugs and Chris was completely bare between his legs. Chris thought he'd suffered the ultimate indignity until Lucille held his feet and pushed his legs up against his chest. She applied hot wax against his butt cheeks and his taint. Chris tensed when she pulled the hair off his underside. He gasped audibly when he felt Lucille spread his butt cheek and rub more powder over his hole. He felt all the air suck out of the room when hot wax was applied around his rosebud. The pain was unbearable when she pulled the wax from that tender spot. He cried out, and tears streamed down his face.

        Lucille finished by spraying his once private parts with hair inhibitor. "Now just lay here a moment and just relax. Your skin has been through an awful lot."

        Chris didn't know how long he laid on the table. He looked down at his chest and saw that there were a few red patches. He could still feel the sting from his abuse between his butt cheeks and a few other places, but in time it did subside.

        When Lucille came back, she brought several boxes with her. She opened one of them up and held a pair of realistic looking breasts to Chris' chest. She had Chris sit up as she tried different sizes on his frame. When she was satisfied, she showed Chris how to apply adhesive strips to his chest then she attached the breasts over the strips. Lucille then showed Chris how to blend the sides of the forms into his skin.

        "Now these will stay put for well over a week, so you should have no problems. You can remove the breasts with a good hard tug, but be certain to hold your skin flat. It's better if you do it in the shower," Lucille explained.

        "Oh yes, these are completely waterproof. You can shower in them, swim in them, anything you like." Lucille held them up with her hands. "They will come close to matching your body's temperature, and the nipples will even respond somewhat to extreme cold."

        "Wow," Chris muttered.

        When Lucille let Chris' breasts drop he could feel the new sensation of weight on his chest. Chris cupped his breasts in his hands. He played with them and could feel some of the pressure transferred to his skin underneath. He'd wanted to get his hands on boobs like these since he was fourteen years old, but this isn't what he had in mind.

        "I've got something else you may like." Lucille pushed Chris flat on his back. She walked to the other side of the table and spread his legs.

        Chris tensed up, though compared to the waxing, this was a minor intrusion. Chris felt Lucille slide his penis into a sheath, and she strapped something around his crotch.

        "Okay, have a look." Lucille helped Chris up and brought him to a mirror. He- no she, saw her reflection. Chris was smooth and hairless from cheeks to toes. She marveled at the breasts hanging proudly from her chest. She traced her eyes downward and saw her girlishly shaped waist and hips. Her eyes went wide when she saw a two precious lips nested between her legs. She reached down and felt her new, artificial vagina. The device was holding her manhood securely between her legs. The breasts were a shock to her psyche, but the vagina was a mental blow from which she could not recover. She jumped slightly when she touched the artificial clitoris. It actually transferred some pressure to her penis!

        "Looks like the real thing doesn't it?" Lucille still had a tone of voice that implied there was nothing unusual transpiring.

        Chris continued to stare at his new feminine parts. His crotch was completely hairless which made the girl in the mirror look much younger than she was.

        "As you can see, it looks very realistic from all angles," Lucille said as she spun the girl around and bent her over.

        Chris looked over her shoulder into the mirror to see a young girl presenting her hairless lips and rosebud. The look of fear on her face made the scene appear all the more exciting.

        Lucille returned with one more item. She helped Chris into a new, nude colored cincher. Chris winced with pain as the impossibly tight device compressed her waist. She looked back into the mirror and saw she had a perfect, hourglass figure.

        Lucille broke Chris out of her spell when she handed her a fluffy robe to wear. The girl put it on, and the two of them went out front to the salon. Lucille shampooed Chris' now shoulder length hair, and then set him down in a salon chair in front of a mirror. She fetched the picture of Christina Chase and put it up on the mirror as a guide.

        Chris was put though the entire gauntlet. Her fingernails and toenails were manicured and polished. Her eyebrows were teased into pristine arches. Her hair was cut and styled into her old coquettish style, with the exception that it now came down to her shoulder blades. Lucille then went to work on Chris' makeup. It took over an hour, but when they were done, they could see Christina Chase staring back at them in the mirror.

        Christina was in a daze. Lucille let her out of her chair and she carried one of her suitcases into the back room. Christina grabbed her male clothes and looked at them. It now seemed absurd that she'd put them on this morning. She transferred the contents of her pants into a dainty purse, then stuffed her male clothes into her luggage and pulled out a pair of side-tied bikini panties. She pulled her panties up her legs and examined the topless girl in the mirror. She noticed the delicate mound her new lips made in her panties. She covered her breasts with her arms and studied the sexy, but innocent girl.

        Next came the moment of truth. She removed her new charmeuse silk dress and held it in front of her. She stepped into it and pulled the straps over her neck. She zipped up the side and looked in the mirror. It was a flowing pink, floral dress with a halter style strap. The skirt was knee length, and there was a sash attached to the bodice. Christina tied the sash into a bow on the left side of her waist. She was wearing the dress with no bra, though the bodice provided support for her breasts. She looked down the front of her dress and saw her flawless cleavage. She looked back into the mirror; the illusion worked all too well. Christina placed her necklace around her neck, slipped into a pair of pumps, and returned to the front.

        Lucille looked very impressed. "I wish I could take credit for this, but you're a natural beauty, Chris."

        Christina nodded. She was beginning to feel confident about the way she looked. This felt different from when she had been in hiding.

        "There are a few more touches we can make." Lucille led Christina back to her chair. Lucille dabbed a solution on Christina's earlobes and produced a piercing gun. Before Christina could think to protest, she felt the hot needle press though her earlobe. She soon felt the same sensation in the other ear. Christina looked in the mirror and saw that hear ears were adorned with silver studs. Lucille then wrapped a few bracelets around Christina's right wrist.

        The older woman smiled and proclaimed, "Now that's a look."

        Christina glanced at the clock and realized her time was running out. She gathered her things and the two women went to the cash register. Christina felt very uncomfortable standing, dressed as she was, before the display of pleasure devices. It was as if she was taunting them. Lucille rang Christina up and gave her a receipt. She thanked Lucille for all her help as she left the Transformations Boutique.

        Christina could feel electricity where her hairless body came in contact with her dress and her panties. She stepped up onto the sidewalk and placed her bags down on the curb. She could feel the thick, summer air on her bare chest. She raised her slender arm and hailed for a cab. One of the yellow cars screeched to a halt so quickly that Christina jumped backward. A surly looking man jumped out of the cab and lifted her suitcases into the trunk. Christina slid into the back seat and crossed her legs.

        She said, "Bus depot, please," and the car sped into traffic.

        When the cab arrived at the bus station, the driver retrieved Christina's suitcases and insisted on carrying them into the station for her. Christina thanked the cabbie and tipped him handsomely.

        Christina's heels clicked through the empty bus station. It was dark and deserted this time of night. She sat down at an empty bench and looked at the few people who were waiting for busses. Dressed as she was, she felt exposed, and a little frightened. She scanned the terminal looking for a police officer and was disappointed to find there were none present.

        Christina reached into her purse and took out her cell phone. She pressed the speed dial button for the house in Oak Grove and waited patiently. Christina felt relieved when her uncle picked up the phone.


        "Hello Uncle Alek," she said.

        "Christina, my girl! Where are you?"

        "I'm in the station waiting for my bus. It should be here in about fifteen minutes I think."

        "I don't like you traveling alone so late at night," he admonished.

        "I don't like it either Uncle Alek, but this way I can spend more time with everyone. Do you think you could maybe stay on the phone with me until my bus gets here?"

        "Certainly, sweetheart," Alek responded warmly.

        The two of them chatted for the next twenty minutes. Christina felt more secure with her uncle on the line. When her bus was announced, she said goodbye to her uncle and walked to the terminal.

        Grateful that her bus was mostly deserted, she was able to find a row where she could sit by herself. She did her best to make herself comfortable, and she closed her eyes as the bus left the station. Christina Chase was on her way home.

Edited into coherence by Holly H. Hart.
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