Angel Marquez begins her classes at Sarah Adam's Academy. She gets to meet her new roomates and finds out what the school year holds for her.
Angel Marquez-The Angel Blossoms
Paula Dillon
Angel Marquez had to hurry back to her cottage after leaving her friend Janice. It, was fifteen to nine and she had to be in her room in a few minutes. She would hate being on Mrs. Westfall’s bad side before school even began. It had been good seeing Janice Fletcher again and she looked forward to going to school with her. Mrs. Westfall was waiting by the door as Angel came back in.
“Cutting it close on your first night here, Angel?”
“Sorry Mrs. Westfall.”
“There is nothing to apologize for yet, Angel. I just want you to be aware of the rules.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Westfall. I will pay closer attention to the time.”
“You have five minutes to do as you want, Angel”
Angel chose to catch the last bit of what was on TV, so she sat with a couple of the girls. She had no roommates yet and wondered if that was to be the way it was. The ending credits were just rolling when there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Westfall got up and answered the door.
“Hello, can I help you?”
“We are so sorry for our lateness, please forgive us,” a male voice said, in a thick Japanese accent. “Our plane had to divert southward to avoid some severe weather. Please don’t hold it against our daughter.”
“Oh, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi. I am Mrs. Sandra Westfall, welcome to our school. There is no problem with the lateness, it is better to be safe than sorry.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Westfall. I am Takahashi Akio and this is my wife Chiharu and our daughter Natsuko.”
“Angel, please come over here.”
Angel got up and went over to Mrs. Westfall. There were three Orientals standing at the door. Two were clearly in their late thirties and one was a teenage girl. The teen was strikingly beautiful; she was about five foot five, slim, a round face with a bright smile, dark hair and eyes. Her silky black hair came down to her lower back and she had a very proportionate figure. Angel envied the girl’s appearance.
“Angel, this will be your first roommate, Takahashi Natsuko, with her parents Akiosama and Chiharusama.”
Angel had read enough manga to respond, she thought, appropriately. She bowed about halfway and said, “Konnichi wa. Watashi no namae wa Angel Marquez desu. Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.” Of course, she made about a hundred errors in pronunciation and choices of words.
The Takahashi’s smiled and bowed back to Angel. “Konban wa, Angel Marquez,” Akio said. “It is good meeting the girl our daughter will be staying with,” he said in a crisp clear but accented English.”
“Angel, why don’t you help Natsuko chan get settled while I talk to her parents,” Mrs. Westfall directed.
“Natsuko, let’s go get your things,” Angel said.
“There is no need, I have my men to help,” Akio said. “Just make sure the girls in your room are decent and they will do the rest.”
“Natsuko chan is my first roommate, so that will be no problem.”
Angel led Natsuko to their room and the chauffeur and another man, began bringing her things in.
Natsuko turned towards Angel, smiling; she had such a pretty smile. “Arrigatou gozimasu, Angel chan.”
“You’re welcome Natsuko chan. Just call me Angel.”
Natsuko gave Angel a big smile and said. “Then you must call me Natsuko.”
“I have the last bed there by the bathroom, you can take any of the other beds.”
“If it doesn’t bother you, I will take the bed next to yours.”
“No problem girl,” Angel said, smiling back. “Then that will be your closet,” she said pointing, “and your desk is over there.”
Natsuko then directed the men bringing her things in, in Japanese. They worked efficiently, bringing all of her bags and things in. She pointed to where she wanted this bag or that box. One man brought in two violin cases and set them on top of her desk. When they finished, they bowed to her and said goodbye, Angel thought.
Natsuko grabbed Angel's hand and said, “We must say goodbye, I won’t see my parents again till summer time.”
When her parents finished talking with Mrs. Westfall, they thanked her for her patience and asked her to take good care of their daughter. They then turned towards the two girls. Both parents looked like they were fighting hard not to cry.
Akio bowed to his daughter and said, “Natsuko chan, we are sorry for having to leave you here. You have been our cherry blossom and bright morning star. Work hard and make us proud, daughter,” Akio said.
“I will work very hard, father and mother. I will make you very proud of me.”
Natsuko’s parents then turned towards Angel, “Angel, you are such a beautiful girl, please take care of our little girl.”
“It is my honor to help Natsuko in school this year.”
Her parents then hugged and kissed their daughter before tearfully leaving.
“Angel help Natsuko get her things sorted out, and then it is bed time. Six o’clock comes early,” Mrs. Westfall said.
“Yes ma’am.”
Back in the girl’s room, the girls got busy. Angel made up Natsuko’s bed, took her hygiene bag to the bathroom and then helped sort out her desk. Natsuko first hung all her clothes and then worked on her dresser.
As they worked, the girls traded information. Natsuko was fifteen, a Taurus and had type A blood. Angel didn’t know why that was important, but she told Natsuko that she was fourteen, a Virgo and had type AB blood.
“Then we are very compatible, as my grandmother would say. We are both earth types by our Zodiacs and our blood types are compatible.”
“I can only get blood from an AB or an O,” Angel said.
“No, that isn’t what I mean Angel, Japanese use to believe that certain blood types were only compatible with other blood types. I am an A and I am most compatible with A and AB. You are an AB and you are compatible with everyone.”
“If you say so.”
“It is an old Japanese tradition that has lost favor in the last few years. Still they sometimes share that information when they meet someone new that they date, or work closely with.”
“I see you play the violin.”
“And you play the guitar. What kind of guitar do you play?”
“I can play any guitar, but I prefer the classical guitar. That is what I have with me.”
“I play the violin, electric violin and recorder.”
“Cool, I haven’t seen an electric violin being played before.”
“It is different, but the same.”
The girls then talked about what kinds of music they liked and found they had a lot in common. They then talked about their parents. Natsuko’s parents worked with diplomats and were headed to Madrid. Her father was a trade attaché and her mother was a cultural/protocol officer.
Angel told her that she had a great, great, great Aunt that lived near Madrid, and that she had just come back from Madrid last month. Angel then told Natsuko about her extended family.
“Do you speak many languages?” Angel asked.
“I speak Japanese and English very well, along with a little French and very little Spanish. What can you speak?”
“I am fluent in Spanish and English. I picked up a little Japanese from my mangas and animes.”
Natsuko giggled, “Are you an Otaku?”
“I know that word, but I am not certain of its meaning,”
Natsuko explained that an Otaku is a person that is obsessed with one thing or another, above all else. Most often it described someone obsessed with Ecchi or Hentai manga or anime.
“No, I am not obsessed with anything, I think, although I work very hard at playing my guitar. I think I am pretty balanced in my habits.”
They finished getting Natsuko sorted out enough to begin getting ready for bed. Angel changed out of her clothes and into panties and sleep shirt, while Natsuko brushed her hair, teeth and washed her face. Natsuko came out wearing just her panties and pulled out a red silk pajama set from her drawer. The pajamas were almost as pretty as she was.
Angel saw that Natsuko’s breasts were large for her age, but not tremendously so. She didn’t hazard a guess at Natsuko’s bra size, but there was no doubt that what she had seen earlier was all her.
Six o’clock came early the next morning. They both headed to the showers when the alarm went off. The showers had a wet and dry area, so the girls could change into their underwear before exiting the shower. It was one thing that Angel loved about this school. After a quick shower and a brushing of hair and teeth, they dressed in their white blouses, red plaid skirts and blue blazers. Then they made up their beds.
There were thirteen girls sitting around the table for breakfast. Mrs. Westfall looked over every girl there and smiled as she saw all her girls in their uniforms. She straightened the tie one girl wore, patted a few stray hairs on another girl’s head and picked at some lint on another girl’s blazer. She thought all her girls looked so adorable in their uniforms. These girls were her family now. The table was served family style and plates loaded with food were set on the table.
As the girls ate, Mrs. Westfall continued. “If you girls have any special foods that you like, please leave me a note. I will try to accommodate any request daily, or at least periodically, if it is a special food item.”
“Today, I will tell you your schedule, in the future you may check the bulletin board, in the common room. I will also inform you of any major changes to your routine. At seven forty five, a senior will come to pick you up to take you to orientation. Your rooms will be inspected today, after you leave. So they had better be in ship shape.”
Many girls hurried to their rooms to restore some sense of order after they had eaten. At seven forty five, they were all sitting in the common room waiting, when there was a knock at the door. Angel smiled when she recognized the voice of Amy Spencer.
“Girls, this is Amy Spencer. She is here to escort you to your orientation.”
“Hello Amy,” Angel said.
“Hello Ms. Marquez, when we are in school attire, we will refer to each other by Ms. and their surname. At least when we are in a group.”
“Yes, Ms. Spencer,” Angel corrected.
Amy then led the group to their Chapeltorium, a combination Chapel and auditorium. The freshmen were led to the front rows. There were twenty or thirty upperclassmen present already. Angel sat next to Natsuko and waved at Janice when she saw her group come in. They were all seated by cottage.
When everybody was seated, Ethel Beckman made her appearance at the podium.
“Hello Ladies, it is good to see all these new faces here today. I called you ladies, because that is what you are and how you are expected to act while you are here with us. A lady takes pride in herself and in the institutions she is involved with.
"Here at Sarah Adams Academy we have a tradition of excellence and we expect no less from each of you Ladies. Many of our graduates have gone on to other esteemed institutions of higher learning; like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, Julliard, MIT or Oxford.
"We will accept no intolerance from any of you, to anybody, for any reason. Any infraction of this will be harshly dealt with. You are on an honor system here, at Sarah Adams Academy. I expect you to report yourselves, if you inadvertently violate a school rule. Bullying will not be tolerated. Just because you are all girls doesn’t mean there won’t be bullying. In the outside world, you will be expected to work with those you don’t like. Not liking someone is fine, just keep it to yourself and you will be alright; but don’t get caught spreading your hate around.
"You freshmen may ask any student here, bullies are sent packing, if the case warrants it. We sent two girls home last year for gossip mongering. It wasn’t just simple gossip the girls were engaged in, but hate filled rumor spreading. I know it isn’t easy to not gossip amongst yourselves, but you need to be very careful about crossing the line into prejudice.
"This afternoon you will all meet with your counselors to receive your schedules and there will be students who will take you around campus to show you the ropes, so to speak. Our class schedule is quite unique; as you will find out. If you find yourself falling behind, feel free to ask for help. We find that it works well for our students. It is better to ask for help, before you are told that you need help.
"Tomorrow, you will meet with all of your teachers for your Monday/Thursday classes and your Tuesday/Friday classes; you will receive a course syllabus, books and your first reading assignments. Wednesday, you will meet your Wednesday classes and do the same.
"If you work hard, there will be no weekend home work, so those days will be yours. If you fall behind in your coursework though, you will be expected to make it up over the weekend. It can be grueling at times, but it isn’t anything you can’t accomplish.
"Lastly, as a form of announcement, there has been a change in the school’s policy on makeup. We have adopted a school nail polish. It seems one of our girls is in a position where she needs to use it, so to be fair to all students; we have chosen a lovely shade of pink polish. This will be the only polish that is acceptable. If you ladies want to use it, you may purchase it at the school’s Student Union building. Please limit yourselves to two bottles till things settle down. Please don’t try to push us on makeup issues. The only allowed makeup, will be the school’s nail polish. There will be no mascara, foundation, lipstick or lip gloss, eye liner, eye shadow, blush or any other makeup. Violators will earn two demerits; don’t ask what happens when you get to ten demerits, you won’t like the answer.
"Uniforms are another area to earn quick demerits. The seasonal uniform will be worn complete at all times, when it is worn. Skirts will be no higher than two inches above the knee, while inside the quad. Students are not allowed to wear pants, jeans, shorts or T-shirts in the quad. PE clothes most definitely are not allowed inside the quad. You all have your uniforms on now. Wednesday is formal day; all girls will wear their long black skirts, with your white blouses, ties and black blazers. Gym clothes are accepted, but are not allowed inside the quad. If you go to the library on your own time, remember, it is inside the quad. In the cottage areas and Student Union, clothing is more relaxed, but must be tasteful. If you need guidance on this, you may ask your housemothers, or an upperclassman.
"Lastly, we all like to have fun at times. I am no different than you on this. Joking around is alright at appropriate times, but there will be no return of the trickster of last semester.” Mrs. Beckman said, focusing her eyes like lasers at a specific point, in the back of the room. “You won’t want to see me mad at you.”
Angel felt sorry for whoever was the focus of Mrs. Beckman’s attention. The lights on the audience were down, so it was impossible to tell who she was looking at.
“Pranksters may find that the joke is on them, so think before you pull a prank on someone. Thank you.”
Mrs. Beckman left the podium and was replaced by one lady or another over the next two hours. They passed the girls all sorts of information that the girls needed and gave them their encouragement.
At eleven they were allowed to take an early lunch and they were expected back in the Chapeltorium at two. Angel took Natsuko’s hand and dragged her over to meet up with Janice. She was standing there with three other girls.
“Hello, Ms. Fletcher.”
“Hello, Ms. Marquez.”
The girls made their introductions for the others.
Janet’s roommates were Melissa Conroy, Rebecca Alan and Danielle Stanford. They each smiled and welcomed Angel and Natsuko.
“Let’s go eat together,” Angel said.
“Great,” the girls excitedly replied.
As the girls were leaving the Chapeltorium, Angel was intercepted by a senior girl, who was escorting another student.
“You’re Ms. Marquez, right?” the girl asked.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“Good, I am Delores Crane and this is Ms. Madeline Boucher. She is your new roommate.”
Another round of introductions followed. Angel was glad to have another girl in her room.
“It is good to meet you Ms. Marques and Ms. Takahashi,” Madeline said.
Madeline was another raven-haired beauty. Her voice was a sweet mezzo-soprano with a heavy French accent. Her skin was a flawless ivory. She was the tallest of the troop, at about five foot eight, and she had to be a slender size two, except for her ample bosom. Madeline could easily pass for an eighteen year-old girl. She easily had the biggest chest of the freshman class. Her face was a perfect diamond, which reminded Angel of a young Katherine Hepburn. Her long black hair came to the middle of her back and was a mass of lovely curls. She had two of the bluest eyes, with a hint of violet, that Angel had ever seen. She had an incredible smile and walked with the grace of a runway model.
Angel led the troop to the lunchroom where she and Natsuko got to know their new roommate. Madeline’s mom was indeed a runway model. She had just entered a two-year contract with a New York house and would be jet setting quite a bit. Madeline was also a music student, she played the piano quite well, so she said.
During lunch, the girls all had a grand time talking with each other. They were quite at ease with each other. There was such a diverse quality to all of their backgrounds, but the girls also had a lot in common. Janice suggested that they all meet up at the student union after dinner and play some music.
“We just have to make sure we get back to the dorms by nine,” Rebecca said. “I am afraid of Mrs. Davis, our house mother.”
“I think Mrs. Westfall could scare the pants off a marine,” Angel said.
“It’s a date then,” Natsuko said.
After an hour, Madeline said she had to leave to get her room in order, as she had just arrived. Angel and Natsuko volunteered to help the girl and left with her. Angel took both girls by the hand and together they headed to their cottage.
Mrs. Beckman met them at their cottage and told them that there would be no one else would be in their room at this time, but that there was always the possibility of another girl transferring in.
The three of them got to work unpacking Madeline. Angel and Natsuko both wanted to drool over her keyboard. It was even better than Joyce's keyboard. Her clothes and things, were just as fabulous. She had clothes from many of the top designers, dresses, blouses, pants, slacks, shorts, skirts and such. Everything was so nice, even her exotic, luscious, lingerie was designer brands. Angel found out that Madeline was a 70F. Madeline explained that that was equivalent to a 32DD. She also had some really lacy, sheer, sexy sleepwear.
The three girls had her unpacked in record time. Madeline was so happy for their help. When they finished, she placed both of her hands on the girls upper arms and air kissed their cheeks as the French were custom to do.
“Thank you so much, I was at a loss about when I would be able to get this done.”
“You’re more than welcome, Madeline,” Angel said. “We need to stick together, girl.”
“ je vous en prie,” Natsuko said, in a Japanese accented French.
Madeline got so excited at hearing Natsuko speak French that she launched into a thousand words in French.
Angel, not to be left out, began talking in Spanish, while Natsuko joined in, in Japanese. The girls were loud enough, that Mrs. Westfall heard them out in the commons. She thought it odd hearing three different languages. She knocked on their door and entered.
“Keep it down girls. What are you all talking about?”
“We don’t know, we were just each talking,” Natsuko said, giggling.
The other two just nodded their assent.
“Geez, I know which room is going to be the wild one this year,” Mrs. Westfall said, in mock sternness, but she couldn’t hold back her smile.
The girls just giggled, as they headed out to the lunchroom. They all stopped by the Student Union to pick up a couple of bottles of nail polish and accoutrements.
Angel met with her counselor, Ms. Gwyneth Holtzman. She went over Angel’s schedule.
Monday and Thursday
8:00-9:20 a.m. Algebra (Math and Science room 104)
9:30-10:50 a.m. Biology (Math and Science room 216)
11:00-12:20 p.m. Government (Humanities room 208)
12:30-1:20 p.m. Lunch
1:30-2:50 p.m. Piano (Music Rehearsal room 4)
3:00-4:30 p.m. Orchestra (Music Orchestra 1)
Tuesday and Friday
8:00-920 a.m. English (Humanities room 110)
9:30-10:50 a.m. Spanish (Humanities room 204)
11:00-12:20 a.m. History (Humanities room 211
12:30-1:20 p.m. lunch
1:30-2:50 p.m. Reading music (Music Rehearsal room 6)
3:00-4:30 p.m. Guitar (Music Rehearsal Room 6)
Wednesday (formal uniforms)
8:00-11:20 Library (Study Hall) Wi-Fi access available.
11:30-12:20 p.m. Lunch
1:30- 3:30 p.m. Orchestra (Music Orchestra 1)
3:40-5:30 p.m. Music Appreciation (Music Auditorium 1)
“Music will be flexible, except for Music Appreciation and Reading Music. You might be working with the choir one day, or working in sections the next. You will spend a minimum of two days four hours in orchestra a week though. Do you have any questions about your classes or schedule, Ms. Marquez?”
“No Ma’am.”
“Tomorrow, you will go to your first Tuesday classroom, for forty minutes, after which, you have ten minutes to make your first Monday classroom, for forty minutes. From there, you go to your second Tuesday, second Monday and so on. Do you understand this procedure?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Good. Then you may tour the buildings and find your classrooms.”
“Thank You, Ma’am.”
Angel left and joined a group of students that had received their schedules. There were a lot of new students wandering the halls of the various buildings. She easily found all of her classrooms and where all of the restrooms were.
In the music building, she met up with her roomies, Natsuko and Madeline. They searched the Music building and then decided to call it an early day. They got back to their cottage at ten till four.
In their room, Madeline suggested that they show each other how well they play their instruments. Just play them loud enough for each other to hear. She started first on her keyboard. She turned it on and turned the volume way down. She then played Chopin’s Piano Sonata no. 3. She played about twenty measures and then made some adjustments to the keyboard. Soon she had a full orchestra, with percussion, playing Ravel’s Bolero.
When she stopped, Natsuko hooked her wireless receiver to Madeline’s keyboard and then got out her electric violin. She clipped the wireless transmitter to her waist, “turn the audio way down and bring it up slowly.”
Natsuko then began adlibbing some Reggae’. It was a very high-energy piece. When she was on the right key, she fluidly shifted into Pachelbel’s cannon. It was nothing like what Pachelbel ever imagined. She fluidly then shifted into Bach’s Partita No. 2, for Violin, in D Minor, BWV 1004, playing this piece properly.
When it was Angel’s turn, she started with Recuerdos de la Alhambra. She then played Classical Gas and finished with Neil Diamond’s, Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show, which she also sang softly to. The girls accompanied her with clapping and halle-hallelujahs.
“We are going to make out like bandits,” Madeline said, giggling when Angel finished playing. She pulled the two girls into a group hug.
After dinner, Angel, Natsuko and Madeline asked for permission, from Mrs. Westfall, to head to the student union. She allowed them to go after telling them to be back before 9:00 p.m.
Angel grabbed her guitar and Natsuko her non-electric violin, before the three headed out.
The girls met Janice with her guitar and her roommates, Rebecca brought her guitar, just inside the student union. On the first floor of the student union was a recreation center, with table tennis tables, pool table, dart boards, shuffle board and other games available. There were also rooms with stereos and TVs. They also had a few reading rooms and a snack bar. This was also the building where the cafeteria was located.
On the second floor, were music rooms with pianos, some were upright and some were grand pianos. In the largest room, there was a concert grand piano, the girls wound up in this room. The girls each grabbed a stackable chair and made a semi-circle near the grand piano. They sat and chatted a bit, before Angel started everything by getting out her guitar.
Angel played some fun songs that really didn’t tax her abilities. The girls really enjoyed her play. Natsuko got out her violin and tuned i, as Madeline sat before the grand piano.
When they were all ready, Madeline said, “Canon in D. Do you know this piece Rebecca, or Janice?” When the girls said no, she said, “Natsuko, you take first violin and Angel, take the second violin.”
Madeline began playing the bass line, with Natsuko coming in at the appropriate place, followed by Angel. She then took the viola part on the piano. Pachelbel’s Canon starts off slowly, so Natsuko and Angel easily fit in, as their parts came up. It is basically a follow the leader type piece of music. They sounded as good as any group that had been playing together for a while.
They received quite a bit of applause, their four girl audience had become about ten, with a few more girls coming in, following the music with their ears.
Angel turned to Madeline, “Bohemian Rhapsody?”
“Ok, I will play the intro, you lead Angel and we will back you up. Anybody else want to join us?”
A couple of girls stood. One of them said, “We’re choir girls, if you are going to sing, Angel, the choir mistress had us practicing after we heard your video.”
“Come on up.” Angel said.
Madeline began it, and Angel and Natsuko came in. Then Angel began singing. The choir girls provided her back up. There were some rough spots in their timing but they all knew what they were doing and soon they fit together like gloves. There were about thirty girls applauding, by the time they finished.
“Janice, did you learn Green Sleeves?” Angel asked.
“Yes, but I am not in your class.”
“Come on up, the only way to get better is by playing. How about you Rebecca?”
“Yes, I know it.”
“Madeline, you and Natsuko sit for a bit?”
“Can I sing it with you?” one girl asked.
“Come on up,” Angel said.
Angel helped Janice and Rebecca tune up, and then nodded to the girl, as she began to play. Angel played lead and followed the singer, while Janice and Rebecca played their acoustic guitars. Rebecca was obviously better than Janice, although she did a fair job too. The singer, Joyce, had a beautiful Alto voice.
The audience applauded their efforts as enthusiastically as they had the other performers. Various girls played and sang, till they broke it up by eight thirty. The student union closed at eight forty five.
Back in their rooms, Madeline undressed all the way, right in front of Angel and Natsuko. Angel saw that her fabulous figure was all her. When Madeline saw them blush, she apologized, “Sorry, my mom is a model, I have seen her get undressed so many times in a room full of people, male and female. I did some modeling too. I would undress and dress in front of other girls too, although they never let men into the teen dressing rooms.”
She put on a sheer black lace gown and peignoir. Angel went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and change. She was a little worried about things, but resolved to do her best.
Tuesday, Angel got to meet all of her teachers. The course work was as expected, till she got to Spanish. For some reason, she was put in a low intermediate Spanish class, along with Natsuko. Ms. Rosales, her teacher, asked her to stay after the bell for a few minutes.
“Ms. Marquez, we know that you are fluent in speaking Spanish. You are in this class for several reasons. First, we don’t usually advance a freshman in foreign language classes, we usually put them in a lower level class for at least one semester, so we can get a gauge on how well they write. You are in this class, but you will mostly be doing three things. First, you will help the other students in my class. I don’t usually do this, because most of the Spanish-speaking students, don’t speak pure Castilian Spanish, They speak a cultural variety, or dialect. You know what I mean.”
Angel knew exactly what they were talking about. “It’s like Canadian French, or Cajun French, true Frenchman might not be able to understand them. The Spanish many speak can be quite confusing. My family came from the Madrid region of Spain. The Spanish Spaniards speak, can be radically different, depending on which region of Spain they came from.”
“Exactly Angel, and even though we found some Americanization in the Spanish you speak, it is still closer to the Castilian we teach, than what many of the Hispanic students speak.”
“We also want you to work on translating. We will be giving you Spanish and English texts and we want you to translate it into the other language. Having you do this in self-study mode in this class, will make it easier for you at the intermediate level. We want you to understand the piece, and make your translations give the reader a better understanding of what the author actually meant. Sometimes, intent and meaning are lost in translation, especially in legal translation. We won’t be giving you any legal documents to work with, but this will help you see the difficulties legal translators face.”
“I understand, I think.’
“Good, hopefully, things will become clearer to you as the semester progresses. Now head on to your next class.”
Mrs. Delores Bloomington, Angel found out, was her guitar teacher, piano teacher and her music-reading teacher.
“I teach guitar here at school Ms. Marquez, but I have to admit that I am an acoustical guitar player and I’m not even in your league. I won’t be able to teach you much about guitar technique, not that you need much training in technique. I will expand your repertoire, help teach you to read music better and help you learn your pieces for orchestra, on top of teaching you to use the piano. I will also liaise with the choir, the chamber music groups and other groups that want a piece of your time. I will also help you develop your stage presence. After seeing you play for us this summer, that part won’t be hard. You do very well on stage. You seem to feed off the audience and then give them what they want.”
“You will need to work on your guitar every day; I don’t think I need to tell you that. I will want to hear you when you practice. I have a very good ear and can tell if you are letting things slide.”
“We have many very accomplished musicians at this school. I include you in this group. You may be in the top three students here this year. You, Ms. Takahashi and Ms. Boucher will become the foundation of our music department in the coming years. We have high expectations of you.”
After talking for an hour, Mrs. Bloomington took Angel to the Music Director, Mrs. Samantha Grogan. Mrs. Grogan gave Angel a large folder of music, and showed her where her chair was in the orchestra. She was to be seated next to a lute player, near the percussion section and behind the string section.
“Angel, for the most part, you will play the same music as the Lute player. But we hope to have you do two solos with the Orchestra by our Christmas program.”
“I will do my best to be ready, Mrs. Grogan.”
Wednesday, the girls dressed in their formal uniform, (black long skirt, white blouse and black blazer) and headed to the library after breakfast. All of the freshman girls headed there at the same time. There were four rows of girls entering the library. The girls had to scan their ID cards at the head of the lines.
The girls were called out by groups of ten and then taken on a tour of the library by a senior student. Angel’s group was led by a very tall blond girl. She had to be nearly six feet tall, very slim and had blue gray eyes. None of her roommates were in this group and only one cottage mate.
“Hello, I am Sandy Peterson; I will be your senior assistant this year. It will be my job to assist you in finding your answers, and help supply you with ideas. I won’t do the work for you, but I will help point you in the right direction. During this time slot you will be expected to do your homework, do any research that you need to do and do most of the writing that you need to do.”
“This is your study time; it will help you if you use your time here judiciously . Our school days are longer, but if you work here well, you won’t have to work as hard at home, or in your cottage. All you may have to do after school, may be some reading. If you have a wi-fi laptop, bring it so you can log onto the library's information directories. It will save you some time. If you need Internet access, see me. I can arrange Internet access for legitimate research, but no chatting, emailing, or just surfing. Now follow me.”
Ms. Paterson gave the girls the nickel tour. She pointed out everything the girls needed to know. She finally led them to their table.
“When you come here in the morning, scan your id cards, which are also your library cards for checking out books, at the door. Then come by this table. I will need to acknowledge your presence. That is our morning roll call. No scanning a friend in, if I don’t see you, you aren’t here. If for some reason you need to leave the library, check out with the librarian, Mrs. Newman. She has the desk right by the door. She will have to give you permission. Don’t try sneaking out the fire exits. There are surveillance cameras and alarms on the doors. That would be a major discipline for you, and an automatic Parent conference. Not good, believe me.”
“You may whisper with anyone here, if you need to, but no protracted conversations, please. You are here to work, not to gossip about boys, makeup or fashion. Books maybe checked out for up to two weeks, except for reference books.”
The library orientation took nearly two hours, after which they were released for a long lunch. Angel met up with her friends and Janice’s friends; the seven of them headed to the Student Union.
After they ate, they played pool and ping-pong, before hitting the school store. The girls were surprised to find that they could rent movie DVD’s from the school store, they were all PG 15 or G rated, but they could watch it on the TV’s, or their computers.
Angel and Natsuko had to leave and head to the dorm to pick up their instruments and music folders. In the orchestra practice room, the senior girls for each section made sure the girls got in their correct seats.
Natsuko was surprised to see herself sitting third seat, in the string section, ahead of some older girls. Madeline sat next to an adult pianist. She found out that if she could play the repertoire, she might be the orchestra’s pianist. Angel sat next to a junior girl, a Thelma Sue Watkins, who played a fifteen-string lute.
“My mom named me Thelma, after my Grandmother, but please call me Sue. I saw your videos, I just loved them all. Do you know that you just are so cute, etc. etc. etc,” Sue said, in a rapid fire New England accent.
Angel had never heard a girl talk so fast. She never got a word in edgewise till Mrs. Grogan called them to order.
“Girls, please put your instruments away for today. For you new girls, I am Mrs. Grogan. I am the Music Director for this school, and this is Linda Jones. Ms. Jones is our student conductor. Either of us may conduct you throughout the year. You will give her the same courtesy and respect you would give any conductor that stands before you.”
“Ms. Spencer, please stand… This is Amy Spencer, she is the Concert Mistress and First Violin. She, with Mrs. Bloomington, will work with the string section. Ms. Spencer will set the bowing and will play the concert A for tuning.”
Mrs. Grogan then introduced many other girls, who led their section, before getting into mundane matters.
“In your folders you will find a study schedule, a list of music, a calendar with play dates, and most of your music. We have three performances this semester and we will have six next semester. You will see we have our first performance in six weeks. I know that that is quick, but none of you are beginners. Work hard and we will do well. Slack off and we will suck, if you will excuse my French,” she said, smiling.
That got many of the girls giggling.
“Seriously girls, you are all pretty good, or you wouldn’t be here this semester. We may add some new students this spring as we do have some beginning students, but you will be our core.”
Mrs. Grogan then got down to the music. She read from the schedule and told the girls to read over the music carefully and practice it on their own and in small groups.
“Tomorrow, we will hit the ground running, so be ready.”
The orchestra then broke up into sections. The section leaders led their groups to different rooms to talk turkey. Angel and Sue followed Amy. In their practice room, Amy introduced herself again and talked more about her role. She also introduced Carol Rawlings, second violin and Natsuko Takahashi, third violin, explaining what their status was, why they were so designated and their roles in the group. Angel heard her name called and stood up.
“As first violin, I will have several violin solos. As good as I am with the violin, I feel that Ms. Marquez has the potential to be better with her classical guitar. She has three solos to learn with the orchestra this semester and another seven if she can manage it next semester. She can read music a little, but Ms.s Rawlings and Takahashi will help her, if she needs it.”
Amy then began arranging the seating. Angel sat next to Carol, but at an angle to the other girls. After they were seated, Amy went over some more administrative things.
“Girls!” Amy said, checking her watch. “I am dismissing you forty five minutes early today, but don’t leave! You are expected to be in auditorium one in fifteen minutes. You may leave your instruments here. I will lock the door. I need to see Ms. Takahashi and Ms. Marquez. Dismissed.”
“Angel and Natsuko, follow me and bring your instruments.” Amy said, after the other students had left.
Three other girls were waiting outside Mrs. Grogan’s door. There was their roommate Madeline, and two other girls. Amy made the introductions.
“This is Angel Marquez, classical guitar, Natsuko Takahashi, violin, Madeline Boucher, piano, Lila Dunn, flute and Terri Coulter, saxophone.”
The girls, except for Madeline, all had their instruments. It’s kinda hard to haul a half-ton concert grand around on your back, after all.
Mrs. Grogan smiled at the girls, as she exited her office. “I guess you are wondering what this is about. We are showcasing you today to your fellow students. You are the best of the new crop. We do this every year. We want you to put together a fifteen to twenty minute solo performance. Begin by extemporizing for a few minutes and then play several other pieces. Be as eclectic as possible, we want you to really show off, but the main thing is for you to enjoy yourself as you play. The order will be, Ms. Boucher, Ms. Dunn, Ms. Takahashi, Ms. Marquez and Ms. Coulter. ”
The five freshmen were escorted backstage by Mrs. Grogan and Ms. Spencer, who carried her violin. Amy, Natsuko and Angel tuned up together. Mrs. Grogan had Amy go on stage with the curtains closed.
She then began playing Bellini’s ‘Casta Diva’ as the curtains began parting. She then went into Vivaldi’s Summer, Paganini’s Caprice, and Bach’s Sonata no.1. When she finished she addressed the audience.
“Welcome to our first Music appreciation class for the year. I am Amy Spencer, first violin and concert Mistress of the orchestra. To all of you new freshman, this is when we students. You were each passed out a notebook. Print your name and the name of the teacher for your first music class on Monday in large block letters on the cover. You will be expected to keep notes on who performed, what they played if you know it, or were told what they played and you will be expected to critique their performance. This is an important part of your grade; so don’t forget. Also, be truthful, but tactful, in your criticism. Turn them in as you leave and your teachers will return them on Monday. Your instructors will be reading your notes. Use some intelligence in your criticism.”
“Tonight we have five of our best freshman musicians here tonight. We have many good musicians at our school, so don’t be offended if you are not up here tonight. These girls though, are a cut above most of us.”
“Also, remember, you will probably be in their position at least once this semester, so start planning and practicing, what you would play.”
“Tonight, you have already heard me play and you will hear from Ms.’s Madeline Boucher, Lila Dunn, Natsuko Takahashi, Angel Marques and Terri Coulter. Pay attention to each girl and take good notes. Please hold your applause till they are all through.”
Madeline walked on stage and sat before the concert grand piano. Amy introduced her to the audience. She then played some Chopin, Beethoven, some soft pop and some Jazz. Her play at times was dynamic, other times it was mellow.
Angel liked what she heard. She made her notes in the notebook, Mrs. Grogan had given them.
Lila then came out on stage. After she was introduced, she began with Tchaikovsky’s ‘Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy’, Moody Blues’ ‘Nights in White Satin’, some Mozart and some Beethoven.
Angel got some chills up her spine as Lila played Nights in White Satin. It was such an enchanting melody. She imagined how it might sound with a full orchestra.
Natsuko then took the stage with her electric violin. Angel already knew what to expect, but the girl blew everyone away. She played some Reggae, Pachelbel’s Cannon, some C&W, Rock and finishing with Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca. It was a very athletic performance that had the audience going.
Angel hated to follow a performance like that, but she did. She started off with a favorite Classical Gas, transitioning for a few bars into a Beatle’s tune and an Elton John tune for a few measures. She hammed it up a bit like Tommy Emmanuel, playing it with more energy than she usually did. She followed it with Recuerdos de la Alhambra, Mediterranean Beauty, Paganini’s Caprice no. 24 and finished up playing and singing New Kid in Town.
Terri played a high energy Yakety Sax, Careless Whisper, Bad to the Bone, Baker Street, Money, Harden my Heart, My Love and Its Still Rock and Roll to Me.
When Terri finished, Amy led the other girls on the stage to a rousing applause. The audience had been so thrilled that they gave the girls a standing ovation as the six of them bowed to the audience.
Amy quieted the crowd down and said, “Is there any doubt that these girls are good?”
The audience again gave them a thunderous applause.
“These girls have set the bar high for you and gave you a target to shoot for. I know you may not meet their expertise, but that is not an excuse not to try. It is only by hard work and trying that these girls have gotten as good as they are. Let’s give them one more round of applause.”
The girls bowed to the audience as they applauded and then hugged each other.
Angel called her Aunt’s home that night. She found out that her Mom was in London and would be home in two weeks. Aunt Carmine told Angel that she would pick her up the Friday before her Mom got back. She talked to her cousins and introduced them to her roommates. She had a good time talking; it helped her, as she missed her mom.
(to be continued)
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Angel Marquez
It's wonderful to see the continuation of Angels story.
Thank you
Nice beginning so far, like
Nice beginning so far, like how you introduce the setting. Given the length of it compared to how far in story progression you got, I assume this is going to be a long runner?
Nitpick: Rondo alla turca is Mozart, not Bach.
Great to see another chapter
Great to see another chapter on Angel. Somehow I feel she is going to rock the school when she and her new roommates come up with a special music get together.
So nice to see Angel back. The music had me pulling it up at youtube, and nodding along. :) I do hope the next chapter won't take as long, but it was worth it!
What everyone else said!
I'm pleased to have the opportunity to read more of Angel's story. Thanks Paula, and I hope there's more on the way.
Perfect Synchronicity
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Angel Marquez-The Angel Blossoms
The electric violin was featured on a "HOW IT'S MADE" episode,
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I am glad...
to see Angel back. You did really good story there. I like to see her making new friends. And I am quite curious about that prankster too.
Though I have a few remarks to consider, mostly based on my own experience in school. Well I only attended public school, but the dress code seems rather strict. I wonder what they would say about lipbalm for instance. Then I wonder about lenght of periods. 80 minutes is awfully long from sight of pupil. We had 6 periods per 45minutes a day and even if we had interesting things and teacher made things interesting it was quite tiring to pay attention whole time (mostly I could pay attention 35 min. of 45, then started count time). But we had double hours for some subjects, yes, but it there was always short (5 - 10min.) recess. With long period time joins my another remark - long day. It seems to me, thats too long for it to leave time for any afterschool activities and hobbies. Especially when school neglets subjects like art and dance, Etiquette, PE, IT, Workshop, Planting, Physics and Chemisty. One and half most day before supper is just short time for me.
But most weirder thing of all (at least for personally) is that pupils of this academy have to each other in classes by surname. It just too stiff for me. And more this policy supports people with noses high, which seems weird together with police we tolerate differences.
I hope I will see next part soon. Its really good reading.
Re: I am glad
I appreciate your concern, Robin. It is true in a fifty five minute class, the students only get thirty five to forty minutes of instruction. I personally have heard teachers complain about this. At Sarah Adam's Academy they shoot to get more instruction in each day but give the students time to actually get their work done. They also have Wednesday to do their weekly homework. When the students leave for the day they are free to do as they like. How many times have you gone home from school only to have two hours of homework to do?
Also many private schools are very strict on uniforms, even some public schools are picking up the trend. Chapstick and most lip balms are not the problem, but try wearing bright red lipsticks with smoky eyes and clothing that would look right on a sex worker at a Parochial school (I shudder to think what the nuns would do).
Sarah Adam's Academy doesn't ignore PE, but Angel has this physical problem, actually more of a birth defect, that would hamper her ability fit in with other girls in PE. Yes she is living with two girls. I won't say more right now. The school also has a very good soccer team and fast pitch softball team, there are also cheer leaders. Angel is involved with arts though, music. The school does have chemistry, physics and such, but Angel was recruited for her music. In many ways she is a very advanced music student, in other areas she is barely intermediate (reading music). There are or have been many fine musicians who don't read music well, Paul McCartney and David Crosby (CSNY and CSN)are a cople, but that would be a major handicap in an orchestra setting. Hence the extra tuition in music.
Also Freshmen don't get many elective courses at most schools.
Dance, there is dance, Sierra and Nevada are being actively recruited for their ability to dance.
Etiquette, yes I will give you a half point on this one, although I never saw that on any curriculum of the schools I went to. I mean who does this Emily Post chick think she is anyway.
Finally this story is a fantasy with a foot in reality.
I think this school sounds pretty good. Having senior students helping out, that doesn't sound snooty to me. Giving students responsible role in school, like being the conductor and basically being teacher's assistants and bringing in students that are not true bluebloods sounds like a good idea.
Anyway I still want to thank you for your comments Robin.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
The Return of Angel
Thank you for continuing this special story. I wonder what Madeline meant when she said “We are going to make out like bandits� I think she sees the three if them as a group and a finacially successful one at that. It should be an interesting ride. I wonder when the Mountain Girls are going to show up and stir up the mix a bit.
I look forward to many more chapters of this warm and loving story.
As always,
As always,
I am delighted to see further developmemts in this charming story.
Yes, many of the academy's practices may seem quaint but, in my day, much of this was enforced but without pupils' cooperation and an explanation by staff. I do like the concept of mentoring with responsibility - not available or encouraged at my school. And I'd have loved to wear the girls' uniform.
It seems to me to be a wonderful place of learning and I hope that Angel can learn and grow herself and her talent.
Oriental is deprecated
as a term to refer to people who come from that part of the world. The generic term used now is 'Asian'. Oriental translates to 'foreign and exotic' so is a relative term.
Personally I would have liked going to the school even if it is a bit stilted as it provides a sense of discipline compared to the overly casual school environment in say public schools. I went to school with a lot of low class Puerto Ricans ( ironically from the mountain regions of PR ) and they are quite a contrast to higher class PR or true Spaniards. The worst was at the public middle school I went to where I really wish there was more discipline.