Odyssey II Part 7

Part 7

Monday morning Larry arrived at Bill's home at 7:oo am to begin his lessons on farming. Bill greeted him with a firm handshake.

"Yu're a brave man, Larry," Bill chuckled. "Wantin' to be a farmer ain't an easy job and the hours be long. I'm right proud to be teachin' ya. First, Ah'll take ya on a tour of the dairy barns. If ya got any questions ya just ask."

"Thanks Mr. Dougherty," Larry smiled. "I've got a notebook and camera to take notes and pictures to help me remember things."

"If yur gonna call me Mr. Dougherty ya can jus’ turn round and go," Bill declared gruffly. "Mah name is Bill. Ah hope ya got a lot of ink in yur pen.”

Bill spent the week teaching Larry about the ins and outs of the land. Where to plant what, which areas to avoid because the ground was to soggy, and the myriad other things a farmer must know about the land he's working. Unlike Bill's own children who hated the hard work and long hours, Larry was eager to make the land grow. Long discussions between Bill and Larry had brought them together, almost like a grandfather and grandson.

Bill remembered how fertile the waters of the Chesapeake Bay had been sixty years ago. Even before the Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost-Share (MACS) Program began he had investigated ways of cutting down the possible water pollutants coming from his farm. He was one of first in the state to switch to no till farming. Once the MACS program was started, he was one of the first to sign-up. There was little he had to change in his farming techniques as he was already in near full compliance with the Nutrient Management Program requirements of the Maryland Department of Agriculture(MDA). When Larry explained he wanted to go to an organic no-till farm, Bill readily approved as he had investigated doing so but felt he was simply too old to make such a change. As a certified organic farm, the crops and products the farm produced would have a ready local market as well as more distant markets. Larry had already contacted the federally accredited Maryland Organic Certification Program (MOCP).

(Organic is a legal term which is defined and governed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled "organic," a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards.)

With in-put from Bill, Larry decided on a small starter dairy herd of about fifty head. The Clan Wells Point Organic Farm would supply milk products with no preservatives. They would make their own butter, cheeses, and yogurt as well as ice-cream. Chickens would be the same, a hundred or so, enough to supply themselves and a few others with fresh eggs and meat. Steers would figure prominently in the business as the grazing land was lush and normally available year round as the few times it was covered with snow it quickly melted. There would be horses for the tourists and the B&B, to ride as well as to harness to wagons and buggies. There already were several horses and steers on the property.

Since Bill farmed Jane's land, he had already enrolled both in the state winter cover crop program designed to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay. The reimbursement was Fifty dollars an acre if planted before October 1st Bill had gotten two hundred fifty acres in by that deadline. The next deadline for a forty dollar per acre reimbursement was October 15. Those rates were if the cover crop was not harvested. The reimbursal rate was twenty five dollars an acre if harvested. There was an eighty acre field of corn yet to be harvested and that plus another one hundred twenty acres needed to be planted with winter cover. The chore would be to get it done before the October 15 deadline.


Holly and Ivy joined Teri, Lyndi, LJ, Pete, and Sandi on the school bus to Tilgham Elementary. Leroy, the Spades, and Heather followed with the girl's transcripts from their schools in Cecil County.

Quite a few people had seen the effort to wake Jasmine on Saturday and it had been replayed as part of the Sunday interview. To their fellow students, the seven Clan Wells Point students were celebrities. All were greeted warmly and welcomed to the school. Sandi, who had tried to be a quiet mouse was suddenly drawn into the spotlight as were Holly and Ivy. By the end of the day, they had sorted out those who could be true friends from those with momentary infatuation with their celebrity status. The staff really liked the moniker The Clan Wells Point as all thought it was quite appropriate. In the five weeks since the school year began they were already aware to expect unusual but positive things from The Clan Wells Point.

Once the kids were settled into their classes, Frank headed back to their new home to begin to give the place a thorough once over and take measurements to draw up rough plans for The Clan Wells Point Landing. Sarah and Heather headed into Easton to work with Jasmine. Leroy drove to into Neavitt to the post office and opened a large PO Box in the Post Office under the name The Clan Wells Point.


At St. Michaels Middle High School Krista and Tony were swamped with greetings for their appearance on TV. Amy Beck and Ferdy Hammond begged to be allowed to set up the Facebook and Youtube pages for The Clan Wells Point. Krista smiled and said she was going to ask them for their assistance. At lunch the four sat together and worked out the general details and layout. Krista nor Tony had any idea what was involved but the data duo sure did and promised to set to work.

The snobbettes were starting to come around. They admitted they could not compete with Krista but also finally realized that she was not even trying to compete with them. Their niche in the school society was safe even if it wasn’t quite as envy inducing as it would have been without Krista. Besides, they had to admire Krista for all she did even though they couldn’t understand how she could remain so humble and unassuming.

The only students still upset with Krista and with Tony were Dwayne and Phil. The redneck hooligans linked up with a the trouble-makers from the junior class, Freddy Grant and Barney Flint. For the most part, they were the go-fors. But they got transportation and once they proved themselves, the booze and pot came their way. They took joy in driving around vandalizing vehicles just for fun. Paintballs left nice round dings in the doors and fenders and if the hit was just right, shattering side window glass. They would randomly hit and run before they could be identified and move on to a site a few miles away.

The students were excited about the prospect of holding the Halloween Dance in the barn on Wells Point. The $500.00 price tag was a bit daunting but nearly everyone wanted to try it. One of the seniors suggested selling Raffle tickets to raise the money. Some felt it was a good idea but others were hesitant about gambling. When Krista heard about it, at first she didn't like the idea, but the more she thought about it, the more possibilities arose.

Krista got word to the student council president (who was always a senior) Gwen Moore to ask for a brief student council meeting during the last period to discuss the issue. Gwen already knew she had a firebrand on her hands with Krista and went to the office to request permission. By then the principal also understood Krista was a force to be reckoned with and approved. In both cases, neither objected to Krista's gung-ho attitude and in fact were impressed by her positive energy. Most of the council members made it to the meeting. Gwen called it to order then turned the floor over to Krista.

"I'm not sure who came up with the idea of holding a raffle to raise the money needed for the liability policy but I want to thank them," Krista began. "At first I didn't like it as it seemed a bit selfish, but as I thought about it, I realized we could also use it as fund raiser for another cause. We sell raffle tickets for $5.00 each. We shoot to raise a minimum of $2000.00, more if we can. That's a minimum of four hundred tickets. We advertise the income is to be used to pay the costs to print the tickets, which I hope will be under a $100.00 with $300.00 given in prizes. A first place of $100.00, second of $75.00, third of $50, a fourth of $25.00 and fifth through tenth of $10.00. Then the next $500.00 is for the liability policy for the dance. Everything above that amount would go toward the Toys for Tots program. If we sell four hundred tickets, we donate $1000.00 to Toys for Tots. If we sell more than four hundred tickets, all the extra goes to the Toys for Tots. We'd be helping ourselves while doing a worthwhile community activity."

Ken Poore, the student council vice president (the VP was always a junior) stood. "I make a motion we accept Krista's plan with one change. I think our goal should be to sell a thousand tickets. The more we give to the Toys for Tots, the easier it will be to sell."

"I second the motion," Tony called out.

"We have a motion and a second," Gwen declared. "Is there any further discussion on the motion, if not, all those in favor say AYE. (the response was overwhelming) Opposed say NAY. (No one spoke.) The AYES have it and so ordered. Now we need a committee to run the raffle. I nominate Krista and Tony from the seventh grade."

Two students were selected from each grade to serve on the raffle committee. Gwen and Ken served for their grades. Ken’s dad owned The Poore House, the local printer, who could print the raffle tickets for under $100.00. Together, the new committee headed to the office to present the plan. Dr. Harris, the school principal liked the idea and promptly forwarded it on to Dr. May, the school district superintendent. He too liked the idea. Since waiting until the next school board meeting would be too late, he had his secretary send an email to the members of the board asking for a prompt yeah or nay so the kids could move on.


After school, Jane drove Holly and Ivy to the St. Michaels Middle High School where she swapped the girls for Tony. Jane drove Tony back to the farm so he could work with Kylie and Pat took Krista, Holly, and Ivy to see Jasmine.

Jasmine was physically tired but feeling great. They'd had her in a water tank where she was able to move about on her own due to the buoyancy of the water. Her muscles were still too weak to allow her to stand and even sitting upright was tough as her back and abdominal muscles were not up to the task of keeping her erect. Everyone realized it would be a long road to recovery but Jasmine was pumped and pushed herself as hard as she could.

After greeting Jasmine, Sarah, Heather, Holly and Ivy left to find supper. Pat and Krista stayed to keep Jasmine company. Pat brought the fifth grade social studies textbook and with Krista's assistance, they began to review the lessons. This allowed Jasmine to physically relax while helping her brain get back into learning mode. It was slow going at first but by the end of an hour and a half, they had covered a great deal of material. The plan was to do this each day to bring Jasmine up to grade level.


The rest of the week flew by. Larry was an eager pupil which delighted Bill. Holly and Ivy easily adapted to their new school. Jasmine grew stronger. On Thursday the student council was notified the idea for the raffle fund-raiser was approved with the caveat a strict public accounting of all funds be maintained. Ken had already produced a sample two-part raffle ticket the committee approved so Thursday night he and his dad printed a thousand tickets. The Friday morning announcements detailed the raffle to erase any misconceptions created by the rumor mill and every member of the student council was given twenty raffle tickets to sell. Selling these would leave two hundred eighty tickets to share with anyone who sold out.

After Jasmine’s Friday evening tutoring, Krista looked up Dr. Olsen while Pat just smiled and followed. “Dr. Olsen,” Krista began. “I know Jaz isn’t strong enough to leave here yet, but I know she’s going a bit stir crazy in here. The Tidewater Titans teams are playing at the North Easton Sport Complex. My brothers play and Sandi cheers for the mitey-mite team. My sisters cheer for the junior pee-wee team, and Tony plays and I cheer for the midget team. My family always makes a day of it picnicking and we’re taking Holly and Ivy with us. I think it’d really do Jaz a lot of good if she could join us, in a wheel chair of course. I know Heather will never leave her side and my mom is a nurse, so she’d be well cared for. If she gets too tired, they can always leave and bring her back here. I’m positive she’d love the outing and I think it would keep her motivation up to get better. Do you think she’s strong enough to go?”

Dr. Olsen chuckled. “Jasmine has only been awake a week after being in a coma for two and half years! If such a preposterous request was coming from anyone but you I wouldn’t hesitate to say NO. However, since you ARE the one asking, I’d say okay IF you can find a doctor willing to accompany Jasmine.”

“You’re welcome to join us, Dr. Olsen,” Krista gushed getting the hint.

“I’d be delighted to join you,” Dr. Olsen smiled. “If it doesn’t rain and my family can join us.”

“The more the merrier,” Krista smiled. “”I’ll help Gram prepare extra food when I get home.”

“Well I wouldn’t dream of going to a picnic empty handed,” Dr. Olsen smiled. “We’ll bring pretzels, potato chips and corn chips.”

“Great,” Krista smiled. “Can we go back into her room and tell Jaz?”

“Sure,” Dr. Olsen laughed as Krista scurried off to break the news. “How do you keep her under control?”

“I don’t,” Pat chuckled. “I just try to keep up with her.”

At that moment they heard the delighted squeals of the three Reese sisters.


Saturday was bright and sunny with only a bit of wind. A tilt and recline manual wheelchair with torso abductors and a chest harness had been located for use by Jasmine. Leroy put the chair in the back of the his truck after Jasmine was lifted into Pat’s Expedition. Dr. Olsen rode beside Jasmine while her husband Greg and sons, eleven year old Marcus and nine year old Chris followed.

After everyone parked at the sports complex, Leroy unloaded the wheelchair and brought it over to the get Jasmine. Although initially leery of all men when she awoke, Jasmine had already learned she could trust some, and Leroy was one of them. She wrapped her arms about his neck as he picked her from the seat of the SUV and gently placed her in the wheelchair. Pat and Heather strapped her in place then covered her with blankets. By the time they had her ready the others had the picnic goodies unloaded. As they headed towards the picnic tables near the playing field, Jasmine saw a shiny Harley-Davidson V-rod motorcycle in the space by the walk. Knowing she liked motorcycles, Heather stopped so she could admire it.

“Would you like to hear it,” a pretty girl on the arm of a good looking guy said as they came up to them.

“Sure,” Jasmine enthused.

The guy sat on the bike, pulled it off the kick stand, and jumped on the manual starter. The big machine thrumbed to life, purring like a full throated tiger. With a smile he revved the engine into a roar. “When you get better, I’ll give you and your sisters a ride,” Larry smiled.

“This is my brother in law, Larry Scott,” Pat introduced. “This young lady is his fiancee Kylie Masters. She’s the mechanic that keeps this baby running so smoothly. We’ll all be neighbors once you’re discharged”

“Wow,” Jasmine smiled. “Your family is really cool!”

“OUR family is really cool,” Krista corrected as she and Tony scampered over. “Larry and Kylie like to show off the Snarly Harley. I’m so glad you could make it today!” Krista hugged her friend.

“I’m glad you invited me,” Jasmine replied.

Soon they were at the picnic tables. Larry and Kylie had arrived early and staked out a pair of tables. The tiny-mite teams were just finishing their game and the mitey mites were getting ready to go out.

“My sons LJ and Peter are on this team and our soon to be newest daughter Sandi cheers for them,” Pat explained as they watched the teams take the field.

Jasmine and her sisters watched the cheerleaders as much as they did the players. Heather never left her daughter’s side. Dr. Olsen kept an eye on Jasmine and periodically shifted the chair’s position. Greg Olsen and his sons Marcus and Chris stood by Leroy and Larry as they intently watched the game. The boys had wanted to play football but neither was athletically gifted and so were afraid to even try for fear of being teased. Now they saw the poorer players were rotated into and out of the game so they could all get playing time and the better players who were in nearly all the time encouraged their teammates.

“This is what I like about the Tidewater Titans,” Leroy explained as he noted their interest. “At this level no one who tries out is cut and everyone plays. It’s only once you get up into the midgets that cuts are made. But even then they don’t cut kids who came up through the ranks. They may not get as much field time, but they’re still part of the team.”

“It sounds like we’ll have to look into this next year,” Greg smiled as he saw the wistful expression on his son’s faces.

When the game ended, Sandi, LJ and Peter ran to the tables for a drink. Lyndi and Teri hugged their brothers and new sister before they headed out to the field to cheer for the junior pee-wee team. Holly, Ivy, and Jasmine saw the family comradery and knew they wanted to be part of it.

Seeing this, Krista called her three siblings over. The Reese girls complimented their performance. Seeing the boys were getting squirmy, Tony snagged them and led them to Marcus and Chris. With Tony as mediator he soon had the boys engaged in shop talk. Sandi, Holly, and Ivy moved closer to watch Lyndi and Teri cheer.

“Tony really seems like a nice boy,” Jasmine said a bit wistfully.

“He is now,” Krista chuckled. “When we first met I wound up decking him.”

Jasmine was surprised. “You decked him?”

“Yeah,” Krista replied then told her of their first meeting.

“So after you beat him, you helped him save face,” Jasmine said.”

“Sure,” Krista said. “It wasn’t too long before that I mistakenly thought I was a tough guy too. I knew guys that behaved like that did so for self preservation. I could tell that emotionally Tony was really hurting and I just couldn’t let him suffer because of something I did.”

“Then I found out Tony was Kylie’s cousin,” Krista continued. “It turns out Tony was a bully because his dad was a big bully and abusing Tony and his mom. Tony couldn’t understand why I wanted to help him instead of humiliate him. His mom showed up and my mom was there, we wound up setting a trap for his dad. Remember, Kylie is transgendered like me and her uncle, Tony’s dad, hated her for being a sissy. His dad found out I’d decked Tony and got drunker than he normally did. My dad set it up so the police would nail Tony’s dad for drunk driving, so by the time he got home he was totally pissed. When he saw Kylie and I there he lost it and tried to kill us. We were ready and my dad and other police were hiding and they arrested him and took him to jail. After that, Tony and I just meshed.”

“Gee, you really are into saving people,” Jasmine declared.

“I don’t go around looking for people to help,” Krista demurred. “But people stepped forward to help my sisters and I when we needed it without being asked. I just decided to do the same. Kylie was the first person I saved.” Krista went on to tell how her coming out as transgendered to her extended family triggered Larry to take off and save Kylie from committing suicide.

Jasmine was clearly awed by Krista’s attitude that she hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. “So even though you killed his dad, Tony still likes you?”

“He knows I didn’t set out to kill him and that it was either him or us,” Krista whispered clearly not liking what she had done. “That’s the one thing I’ve learned about life. It’s not fair. It wasn’t fair my mom got cancer and drowned herself to save my sisters and I from going into foster care. It wasn’t fair I had to kill a man. It wasn’t fair your dad skipped out on you. It wasn’t fair you and your sisters were taken from your mom and put in foster care. It wasn’t fair you were molested. It wasn’t fair your mom was so betrayed by the system she felt she had to stop the man that hurt you. It wasn’t fair that Sandi was molested. But then Jesus never promised us life would be fair. He promised to save our souls and all we have to do is believe in him. To me, that is much better than fair.”

“Krista, you are simply amazing,” Heather said. “Your faith solves everything.”

“Yes, it does,” Krista declared with simple honesty. “If not in this life then in the next. God was working through me that night when he compelled me to confess to my family that I was a boy when they all though I was a girl. My mother had sacrificed herself for us then came back as a spirit to delay Kylie’s suicide long enough for her to be rescued. Kylie saw her ghost. My dad, grandad, Uncle David, and Larry saw the fresh sea water and sea weed in the barn when they saved Kylie. I have no choice but to have faith in God.”

“I wish I could have your faith,” Heather sighed. “But why does God let bad things happen?”

“My mom used to say if bad things didn’t happen, no one could appreciate good things,” Krista said. “God uses bad things to check our souls. It’s a test of our faith just like he tested Abraham’s faith when God told him to sacrifice his son. Just before she died, I asked mom if she ever asked ‘God, why me?’ She smiled and said ‘NO, I never asked God why me when I fell in love with your father. I never asked God why me when you or your sisters were born. If I didn’t ask God why me for the good things that happened in my life, what right do I have to ask God why me for the bad?’”

Heather was biting her lips and fighting back tears.

Krista stepped up to her and hugged her while whispering in her ear “God forgives you. Stop fighting him. Open your heart and let him in.”

Heather cried and sank to her knees in prayer as Krista held her. Jasmine was also crying as she reached out and touched her mother. Mother and daughter had started the long road to healing.

As none of the extended family was involved in the pee-wee teams, they used that time to really chow down. Heather was amazed at how open and friendly everyone was. David and Laura were there with their little ones. Sheila and Robert seemed everywhere checking on their kids and grandkids and didn’t miss the adopted or foster kids which meant they included Jasmine, Holly, Ivy and Sandi. Jane and Lisa Nelson manned the food line and made sure everyone had enough to eat while Ed Nelson manned the grill. The Spades took over watching Jasmine so Heather was able to mingle and Dr. Olsen could join her family. Mindy Welch the cheering coach and Mr. Warren the football coach stopped by for a moment, then returned to the pee-wees.

The cheerleaders and midget players used The Clan Wells Point family gathering as the gathering spot for the teams. All the cheerleaders and several of the players greeted Jasmine and those that went to school in St. Michaels told her they looked forward to having her join their class. One boy in particular lingered at the edge, trying to get close to Jasmine yet was too shy to actually do so.

“Jimmy,” Krista called out and waved him over when he looked up.

Not suspecting anything he made his way over to her.

“Jasmine, this is Jimmy Boswell, “ Krista introduced as she pulled Jimmy right up to Jasmine.

“Hi,” Jasmine smiled at the red-faced boy.

Jimmy was too tongue tied to say anything. Tony smacked him on the back of the head.

“Don’t be a dufus, you dufus,” Tony chided. “Say hi to the girl. She won’t bite.”

Jimmy was almost purple with embarrassment but managed to look up at Jasmine and mutter ‘Hi.”

”Man, Jimmy, you gotta lighten up,” Tony scolded with a chuckle. “Jasmine is a nice girl who knows nothing about you. This is your chance to show her the real Jimmy instead of the shell you’ve been living inside. Come on, man, I changed for the good, so can you! It took Krista to get me squared away. Maybe Jasmine is the girl who can get you straightened out. But you won’t find out if you don’t talk to her.”

With that, Tony and Krista ushered the others away leaving Jimmy and Jasmine alone. Both realized they were being set up. Jasmine was understandably hesitant about guys. Jimmy was a nice guy but just terribly shy around girls. At the same time, both knew and trusted Krista and Tony. By trying to set them up, both obviously thought they’d make a good couple, perhaps as good as they were. Jasmine began to discuss the set-up with Tony. They were surprised they both had the same thoughts about the plot which lightened their mood and they actually began to talk. By the time the midget game was ready to start, both were smiling and seeds of a strong friendship had been planted.

Dr. Olsen and Heather had watched the interaction and set-up. They too trusted Krista and Tony to select a none-threatening young man with lots of potential. Jasmine would have to work to get him to open up and by doing so would be able to learn about him and trust him.

Pat urged Jasmine to be moved to the sidelines bedside Krista and the Midget Cheerleaders as they cheered the guys on to their win. She sang along to ‘Mickey’ and cheered wildly when their team won.

As everyone left the field, the cheerleaders and the players from the Tidewater Titans surrounded Jasmine. They were all glad to see her there and heartily welcomed her. The cheerleaders were overjoyed they had a hand in helping her wake up. The guys were curious to see the girl the cheerleaders had helped and who had become a local celebrity for her Rip Van Winkle time.

Jimmy again stayed in the back, until the crowd thinned, then he made his way forward to give her his personal welcome. Jimmy’s mom, Betty Boswell, came over to see what was taking her son so long. When she saw the girl in the wheelchair, she realized it had to be Jasmine Reese. Her timid son was actually talking to her. Rachel, seeing Betty, went over and greeted her, then introduced her to Heather and the Spades.

By this time Jasmine was visibly starting to fade. The excitement of the outing and meeting all the people, especially Jimmy, had worn her out. As everyone packed up, Jimmy, totally oblivious of his mom, walked beside Jasmine as she was wheeled back to the SUV. After she had been lifted into the back seat and buckled in, he reached in and took her hand. Then he gallantly kissed the back of her hand.

Jasmine smiled soppily as Jimmy turned beet red. He had no idea why he’d done it, but he was glad he did. As he stepped back and closed the door, he saw Krista and Tony holding hands watching the exchange. Krista smiled and winked while Tony gave him a thumbs up.

Jasmine was asleep before they’d traveled a block. She never woke up until the next morning in her bed in the Requard Rehab Center.


Jasmine spent most of Sunday sleeping as she recovered from her trip. Dr. Olsen was delighted because the few hours she was awake, she couldn't stop babbling about how much fun she had at the games and how she looked forward to recuperating enough to be discharged.

Kylie, Tony, Ed, and Krista spent the afternoon working on the DUKW. The water-tight drive assemblies for the wheels had been rebuilt and were reinstalled. The new tires were mounted on the rims and they were installed. This meant the behemoth could be towed, and important step as the unit would have to be moved out of the barn for the dance.

Robert brought an old but sturdy enclosed car transport trailer. The inside dimensions were eight and a half feet wide by twenty four feet long with an inside height of seven and a half feet. The sides and roof were constructed by one and a half inch steel tube welded frame covered with sheets of aluminum. There was a person door on the right side about four feet from the front and the rear had double doors that swung to the sides. At the back entry a pair of eight feet long by eighteen inch wide ramps were tucked beneath the trailer. They were easily pulled out and set pins anchored them into place for use.

The trailer was backed into the barn and using a BobCat with forks in place of the bucket they lifted and moved inside the trailer all of Kylie's tool chests and boxes as well as those Tony brought and the tools left by Krista's grandfather. They arranged everything so it was accessible from a center aisle yet balanced side to side, then bolted them in place. A work bench six feet long and thirty inches wide was built in by the back doors. Powerful twelve volt flood lights were installed along the ceiling to make the inside as bright as day. The trailer had a built-in small back-up generator and twelve volt battery as well as a power cord set up so it could be plugged into a regular outlet. This would allow the tool trailer to be locked and moved to a job site if that was needed. It would allow the tool trailer to be removed for the Halloween Dance.

Getting everything mobile took the entire afternoon.

Krista and Tony had no problems selling their raffle tickets. The Nelsons, the Spades, Jane O'Brien, Robert Scott, David Scott, Larry, Kylie, Leroy and even the normally tight fisted Bill Dougherty bought five each. Rachel and Evelyn wanted to purchase five each but they were going to have to wait until Tony and Krista could get more tickets.


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