Odyssey II Part 17 (the end????)

Part 17

That evening Krista began researching adaptations to saddles for amputees. Most of what she discovered were to accommodate prosthetic limbs which Freddy would eventually need, but she thought a saddle that accommodated an amputee without prosthetics would be better for those in recovery.

Finally she found the description of a stirrup adapter that had been patented in the mid seventies. This invention consisted of saddle stirrups for leg amputees which can be adjustably attached to a saddle to enable either single or double leg amputees to attain a safe and comfortable saddle seat while riding horseback.

The patent description explained that in the past it had been very difficult for leg amputees to enjoy the pleasurable experience of riding a horse or to derive any of the therapeutic benefit associated therewith. A principal element of riding a horse well is the requirement that the rider maintain a good seat. The word "seat" refers to the manner of sitting on horseback. A good seat is attained when the rider remains in control of his equilibrium, whatever the actions of the horse may be. Such a seat must provide security as well as ease and comfort for both horse and rider. For a non-handicapped rider such a seat is dependent upon balance, augmented by suppleness, muscular control of the body and use of the legs.

Since a horseback rider is continuously receiving impulses from the moving horse, he is frequently in danger of losing his equilibrium and can retain it only by clinging to the horse with his knees and thighs, necessitating a relatively strong leg grip. Good balance reduces the necessity for this continuous leg grip and is a principal requisite for a secure seat. Since a leg amputee cannot depend upon the use of his legs, the use of balance must be maximized, supplemented as much as possible by whatever suppleness and muscular control of the body is available.

Saddles and saddle stirrups have been developed which enable both single and double leg amputees to ride horseback. Generally, in previously known saddles and stirrups for leg amputees, the rider is fastened to the saddle by the use of belts, straps, harnesses or the like. There are numerous drawbacks and objections to such stirrup and saddle arrangements in which the handicapped rider is fastened to the saddle. In contrast with the theory supporting use of automotive seat belts, it is much safer for a horseback rider to be thrown clear of a horse in the event of an accident or runaway, rather than to be fastened to the horse. If an accident should occur with the rider fastened to the saddle, there would be a great chance that the horse would fall or roll upon the rider. Since the average riding horse weighs in the order of about a thousand pounds, a rider upon whom such a horse falls or rolls is very likely to be badly injured.

A further objection to most stirrup and saddle arrangements in which the rider is fastened to the saddle concerns the philosophy behind the use of horseback riding as therapeutic exercise for leg amputees. Horseback riding helps the handicapped person adjust to his disability, not only by improving his balance, muscular control, co-ordination and posture, but also by restoring his self-confidence.

The invention Krista found is a saddle stirrup designed for use in conjunction with a saddle and which alleviates the objections and drawbacks discussed above. The invention allows a leg amputee to ride a horse in a natural position or seat without the aid of other people or mechanical devices. Thus, not only will the leg amputee enjoy the pleasurable experience of riding a horse, but also he will develop balance and acquire independence and self-confidence.

The invention provides saddle stirrups for a horseback rider who has had one or both legs amputated. Each stirrup comprises a cup, for example, in the shape of a truncated right circular cone having its two planes parallel, and means for securely attaching the stirrups to a saddle without fastening the rider to the saddle. A double leg amputee can utilize two such stirrup cups to ride a horse. When two of the stirrup cups in accordance with the invention are utilized, a leather strap passes from the front of one stirrup cup, over the top of the saddle, to the front of the other stirrup cup, while a second strap similarly connects the rears of the two stirrup cups. Each strap is securely fastened to the saddle. The straps can be adjusted so that the stirrup cups are at the height and angle preferred by the rider. A single leg amputee can utilize a single stirrup cup fastened to the saddle in conjunction with a standard stirrup.

The device sounded perfect. What took a lot more time was to find someone who could supply the device.


Sunday the Clan Wells Point discussed the proposed purchase of a building in College Park just off the campus of the University of Maryland for use as housing for Clan members who would be students as well as a rental rooms for other students. The building would be made fully handicap accessible. The idea was quickly and enthusiastically embraced and would be completed by the time Gretchen was ready to enroll next fall.

On Monday Steven used his business connections to locate a trustworthy realtor in College Park. Steven didn't beat around the bush and explained what they looking for and what they intended so the building had to be immediately available and in an appropriate zoning locale. The fact it would be an immediate cash deal if an appropriate building was found spurred the realtor to quick action.

By Tuesday the realtor contacted Steven with photos and dimensions of a prospective building just two blocks southeast of the main campus. The only drawback was that the students would have to cross US Route 1, which ran right in front of the building. Fortunately this potential hazard was somewhat alleviated by the traffic lights and pedestrian crossing signals at the intersection. Robert, Jane and Steven made the trip on Wednesday to inspect the partially vacant building. When they completed the tour, they made an offer on the building.


Although he liked living on the Clan Wells Point estate, Jamie felt lonely. Krista and Jaz were nice but their interests were different. The same held true for Tony and Jimmy. Having cut himself off from the jocks he used to hang with, his new geek buddies lived too far away to make visiting convenient. Ruth was busy learning how to be an effective secretary/receptionist for a lawyer so their time was limited to working out at the gym and meals.

"Jamie, I've been thinking about Freddy and Barney," Krista said on Wednesday December 19 as they were riding home from school with Pat. "They're being tutored to bring them up to speed for when they return to school, but you know how boring teachers can get and they're so far behind they're getting frustrated. Since you're in the same grade, maybe you could help them with their homework."

"I guess I can give it a try," Jamie replied still nervously unsure how the two would react to his being transgendered in a more private setting.

"It'll help you get used to being a girl amongst classmates and help Freddy and Barney leave their redneck past behind them," Krista smiled.

"That does sound like a good idea," Pat spoke up understanding what Krista was trying to do.

"Besides, they told you to correct them if they get too nasty," Krista added. "Mom, is it okay if we stop at the hostel today and see what the guys think?"

"Of course," Pat smiled glad Krista at least asked rather than just assuming they could stop by.

Realizing there was safety in numbers, Jamie readily agreed. A few moments later, they were pulling up in front of the Rehab Hostel.

Freddy and Barney were glad for the visitors and told Jamie she'd be welcome to join them whenever she could. Pat and the others left, leaving Jamie with the guys.

It didn't take long for the awkwardness to fade and conversation to flow smoothly. Jamie brought Freddy and Barney up to date on the latest goings on at school. Of course, since the main topic of conversation at school was the Christmas dance, they discussed that. None of the three had ever attended. Jamie because while she was pretending to be a guy never felt comfortable asking a girl on a date. Freddy and Barney never went because they thought going to a formal dance was just dumb.

As they discussed their reasons for never having attended, they realized a rather large part of them felt shortchanged by their former macho persona. They all realized if they hadn't had their experiences on the Halloween Dance night, they would still be in denial that they wanted to attend.

"Part of me would like to go, but only if I could go as the girl I really am," Jamie sighed.

"I'd like to go too, but what girl would go with someone in a power chair," Freddy admitted. "I mean, there is no way I could dance, plus what girl would even consent to going with me?"

"Yeah," agreed Barney. "With only one arm I couldn't even hold a girl to dance."

"Both of you could dance with a girl," Jamie asserted. "Sure, it wouldn't be like a normal boy/girl dance, but you can still move to the music. I doubt anyone would hassle you for trying. In fact, I think they'd applaud you. Besides, no one would be expecting you to be there so just showing up would knock their socks off. It'll also give you a feel for what it'll be like when you return to school after the holidays."

"Even so, at this point all the girls already have dates for the dance," Barney said. "I sure don't want to go to a dance like that stag."

"I guess you're right," Jamie agreed. "I wouldn't want to go without a date and there is simply no way I could ask a girl even if there was one without a date. I'd feel like a lesbian or something. It'd just be too weird."

Freddy began to chuckle which made the others look at him wondering what was so funny.

"I know a girl who doesn't have a date," Freddy smiled. "I know she'd really love to go too, but she's too timid and unsure of herself."

"I don't know who it could be," Jamie frowned as she thought of the girls at school. "As far as I know, they all have dates lined up."

Freddy laughed a bit, then grew serious. Pulling himself upright in his power wheelchair he looked at Barney, then at Jamie.

"Miss Jamie Ewell," Freddy began as he bowed forward a bit. "Would be so kind as to accept our offer to accompany Barney and I to the School Christmas Dance?"

Jamie's mouth fell open and gaped open and closed like a fish.

"Please, Miss Ewell," Barney caught on. "We would be honored by your presence."

"I thought you guys weren't going to tease me," Jamie pouted.

"We're not teasing, Jamie," Freddy replied with a kind smile. "Not only would the dance be good for Barney and I to get back into the swing of school life, it would also be good for you to stop hiding. We can see you're a girl. The way you behave now is nothing like the false face you presented when you tried to be James. You are Jamie and your still pretending to be a boy in school is the joke. By being our date, everyone can find out you're transsexual like Kylie and Krista. The gossiping will peter out by the time we return to school and you'll be able to return as the girl you really are."

"But I'm not ready," Jamie whined as she put a hand to her mouth. "I'll look like a guy in drag. Everyone will laugh at me."

"They'll be surprised," Barney agreed. "But they'll be surprised to see us there too. With you as our date it'll only be one more surprise, not a big one all by it's self. Beside, if Freddy and I are your dates, no one will hassle you. They know we're straight and would only date a girl. Being our date will only reinforce the concept you're a girl."

“I don’t know,” Jamie sniffled. “I do want to stop pretending to be a boy but I’d make an ugly girl. I’d rather keep on pretending to be a boy than to make a fool of myself.”

“I don’t mean any offense, Jamie,” Freddy replied seriously. “You’re not fat, in fact you’re fairly lean and strong, but you’re simply big boned. That’s what made you so awesome on the soccer field. You know you’ll never be a supermodel. Even if you have the facial surgeries and wait for the hormones to round out your figure, you’ll be a big boned woman. There is nothing wrong with being a large woman. Heck, the way I am now, I don’t think I’ll ever find a woman who is shorter than I am.”

That comment made Jamie and Barney chuckle.

“I know it’s not proper to ask a girl this, but I’m curious,” Barney said. “Just how big are you?”

“Last I checked I was six feet two inches and weighted two hundred twenty pounds,” Jamie blushed.

“Definitely big boned,” Freddy smiled. “But take a look at your shape. Your waist is narrower than your hips and chest. With a bit of modest padding up top, you’d have a decent girlish figure. Get your hair styled and some expert make-up, I bet you’d be hot.”

“But I’m so hairy,” Jamie demurred.

“So shave,” Barney added. “Look, Jamie, the more I think about this, the more I like it. Krista is always saying we need to pass on the help people give us. Freddy and I can’t do much of that yet, but we can help you... and we want to help you. We want you to be our date for the dance. The three of us showing up showing the entire school what we are... well, it'll be great.”

“But I don’t have any idea where to start,” Jamie sighed.

“Krista and Kylie would,” Freddy smiled. “We swear them to secrecy and let them guide us through this.”

"Let Krista and Kylie guide you through what," Cora asked as she entered the room. "Jamie, you're staying for supper, I already spoke to your mom and she's going to join us. Now what are you three plotting?"

"We want to go to the school Christmas Dance," Barney said. "Freddy and I want to take Jamie as our date."

Cora raised her eyebrows as she looked at Jamie who was blushing. "How do you feel about that, Jamie?"

"I'd really like to do it, I'm already tired of hiding who I really am," Jamie confessed. "But I'm afraid I'll look like a fool, like a guy in drag."

Now I understand," Cora smiled. "Jamie, we have two days to get you ready. Call Krista and Kylie now, invite them and their moms for supper. Tell them it's not an option. Boys, you stay in the background of this while we eat and then find something else to do afterwards. I'll guarantee you don't want to get caught in a female council of war."

Everyone invited showed up for dinner. With Jane gone to College Park, Pat had made supper with the help of Lyndi, Teri, and Sandi so the girls could easily serve their menfolk. As soon as they sat at the table, Cora laid out the scheme for the dance.

Krista and Kylie were excited and immediately started encouraging Jamie. Ruth was a bit a hesitant but quickly fell in line as she listened to the others. Pat smiled and said she'd contact Charisma Clothing Boutique about a gown. Mary Willis, she was sure, would jump at the chance to help Jamie become a beautiful girl.

"But her daughter Melinda is in our class at school," Jamie cautioned.

"She'll keep quiet," Krista smiled. "She intends to join her mom as co-owner of the boutique. They couldn't get better advertizing for their business than making you look beautiful! Every girl in the area will want to shop there once they see how you look!"

True to Cora's warning, Freddy and Barney kept quiet except to acknowledge it was their idea to take Jamie to the dance as their date. They eagerly slipped away from the estrogen fueled war council as soon as they finished eating.

By the end of the meal, Pat had called Mary and outlined their plan. Mary was delighted and agreed to reopen the store which normally closed at six on Wednesdays for a private fitting. Pat also contacted Dr. Sykes who agreed to join them. By 7:30pm they all arrived at the Charisma Clothing Boutique.

Melinda had been watching the front door and opened it to allow them to enter. Upon seeing how frightened and apprehensive Jamie was, she smiled broadly and hugged her. "Relax Jamie. Mom and I will fix you up, not only for the dance, but also for school. Once you see yourself as the girl you've been hiding inside, you won't be able to go back to being a yucky boy!"

Krista and Kylie both giggled at the comment and assured Jamie Melinda was right.

No one was really surprised to find Jamie wearing panties and a camisole under her drab boy costume. Once down to basics, Melinda took Jamie's vital measurements. Once the hips, waist, and chest were recorded, Dr. Sykes and Mary went in search of an appropriate girdle to hold in Jamie's undesired male bits and a matching 'B' cup bra.

Jamie was once more lamenting her hairy body but Melinda quickly shut her down. "I can see you've already started electrolysis so you're serious about being a girl. Have you been getting it done up at Serendipity Salon and Spa?"

"Yeah, they've been very nice about it and haven't given me any hassles," Jamie admitted. "They've been telling me if I let them give me the works I could start living as a girl right away. But I just haven't felt confident enough to try it."

"Well girlfriend, you're going to do it now," Kylie declared. "After school tomorrow we'll set you up for the works at Serendipity Salon & Spa. They'll give you a full body wax, clean up your eyebrows, and trim and style your hair. They did me when I finally decided to go girl full time. By the time they're done, the boy you've been masquerading as will just be a bad memory."

"But if I do it tomorrow, I can't go to school on Friday," Jamie protested trying to put off the inevitable. "They won't let you in the dance if you missed school."

"You'll be at school," Dr. Sykes declared as she and Mary returned to the changing room. "Just not at your normal school. I've already called a friend of mine to make arrangements for you to attend special classes in feminine deportment and movement in Bowie. The place is called Charm School, Inc. They pride themselves on the guidance they provide to aspiring talent and professional models. No one compares to their distinctive style and reputation. They are specialists in personal presentation, image make-overs, and social development. Their team is dedicated to empowering students with the gifts of self-confidence, poise and distinguishing character. I know the owner and she's been running a successful business for ten years. I'll also contact Serendipity Salon and Spa to make arrangements for you to have your treatments done tomorrow evening so we can squeeze in two days of classes. Of course, I had to promise you'll come down at least three days during the holidays to give you the confidence you'll need for day to day girlhood when you return to school."

"I'll explain what's going on to Principal Harris," Pat said. "Since this crash course in girlhood will be quite educating for you and since it's coming at your doctor's recommendation, there should be no issues with you attending the dance. The biggest issue will be getting tuxedos for Freddy and Barney."

Jamie’s head was spinning and she was crying tears of joy. Going to school each day had been getting harder as her masquerade as a boy was increasingly becoming a major effort. Now that she had begun liberating the girl in side, it took all her effort to hold her back. Ruth was crying too, as she saw the gratitude and hope in Jamie's eyes.

It didn't take too long for them to outfit Jamie in an ankle length gown with billowing long sleeves to hide her muscular arms. With the right undergarments, she looked femininely statuesque. With a proper hairstyle and make-up, she'd be quite pretty.

In addition to the gown, they selected a mini-wardrobe of skirts and dresses with appropriate undies so she could attend the classes in Bowie. Needless to say she was a bit surprised when they put her in a denim skirt and long sleeved pull-over sweater for the trip home. It was only then she realized since she didn't have to attend high school the next two days, she'd never have to dress as a boy again! Her sixteen year masquerade as a boy had ended! This time she broke down in tears of joy as everyone hugged her and welcomed her into the sisterhood.

The next two days were hectic for Jamie. Cynthia agreed to be the chauffeur for the trips to Bowie. During the long drives, Cynthia served as a prime example of feminine deportment and kept their conversation centered on feminine topics, correcting Jamie's still often male oriented movements and phrases. The ladies at Serendipity Salon and Spa were more than glad to swarm Jamie in a special Thursday evening session of waxing, manicures, and hair styling. Cynthia and Gretchen had already volunteered to do Jamie's make-up for the dance. The classes were busy and tough but the teachers were kind and considerate. They insisted she wear heels as it aided in a feminine bearing but kept them at one inch. They pushed her hard, but not to far that she'd be too tired to enjoy the dance.

Freddy and Barney were confused by the secrecy surrounding Jamie as they were taken into Easton and fitted for Tuxedos. All they were told was that they would be expected to show their mutual date a good time while being assured her appearance would make them proud to have such a pretty girl on their arms.

It took all of Krista's will power not to divulge Jamie's secret, even to Jaz, Tony and Jimmy. Of course, Kylie made sure to keep Tony busy.


Steven, Robert and Jane returned to College Park on Friday to complete the cash purchase and take possession of the building. That evening they spoke with the apartment renters explaining their intentions to add two stories to the building and eliminate the apartments in favor of single dorm like bedrooms. They would be allowed to finish the semester in the building. The remodeling would begin sometime in late January and the noise and dust would most likely be inconvenient at best. They offered to pay the fees for a rental agent to locate a new place for them, would waive any further rent and would give them their deposit back to use as a deposit on their new place. Everyone had to be out by the end of January. They also explained their plans for the place and that if any of the current residents wanted a room once the renovations were done, they would be given first choice. While not happy, the renters admitted the offers to assist relocating were fair.

The sturdy brick two story building was on the northeast corner of Baltimore Avenue (US Route 1) and Calvert Road. The portion along Baltimore Avenue was forty feet wide south to north, then made a right angle turn due east for twelve feet, then turned southeast at about thirty degrees for sixty two feet. The portion along Calvert Road ran west to east for seventy feet then made a right angle turn due north for twenty four feet to meet the angled back northern wall. The street level had a vacant store at the intersection. The windowed store front ran twenty feet east from the intersection and thirty two feet north with a door in the corner at the intersection facing Baltimore Avenue. A three foot wide canvas canopy/awning stretched over an arched tubular steel frame wrapped around both exterior sides of the store front. The last eight feet of the western wall was an entrance door to the second floor apartments and first floor warehouse. About twelve feet beyond the store front on the southern wall was an entrance door to the indoor garage/warehouse with a flight up to the second floor apartments serving as an emergency escape route. Eight feet beyond the door was a steel overhead garage door ten feet wide and eight feet high. There was another sixteen feet of building beyond that. There was a door on the eastern wall next to the corner at Calvert Road that served as a rear entrance with a flight of stairs to the second floor. The sidewalk on Calvert Road was three feet wide from the curb, then another 3 feet of grass except where pavement lead to the doors. On the very edge of the Calvert Rd. side of the building at the intersection was a fire hydrant. The sidewalk along Baltimore Avenue consisted of six feet of brick sidewalk from the curb with four feet of concrete sidewalk up to the building.

The Clan Wells Point Contracting and Construction began drawing up plans to remodel. The plans included installing sprinklers throughout the building, adding an elevator six feet square and adding a complete third and fourth floor with a partial fifth. Solar panels would be installed on the new roof for electricity and a super high efficiency heat pump system installed to provide heating and cooling. All windows and doors would be replaced with energy efficient units and all exterior walls sealed and insulated. All interior walls and floors would be insulated for sound suppression and fire resistance. Before Christmas the plans were submitted to the town planning board for approval.

The first floor consisted of the twenty feet by thirty two feet store-front which would serve as an eating/study area for residents as well as a coffee house type study lounge for customers. There was an office eight feet by twelve feet behind the store front on the Calvert Road side. A pair of four feet by six feet restrooms opened from the store front. Then there was a kitchen area twelve feet by sixteen feet. A walk-in refrigerator/freezer six feet by eight feet opened from the kitchen behind the rest rooms. The area behind that was a large open garage/storage area thirty eight feet long taking up the remainder of the floor except for the elevator which was next to the kitchen. Other than installing the sprinklers and elevator, the first floor merely need to be cleaned up and painted.

The second floor would be gutted and the third and fourth floors added with the same basic floor plan. The front and rear stairs connected by a single 'L' shaped hall with the elevator in the middle. Each floor would consist of twelve bed rooms averaging about a hundred forty four square feet with two shared eight feet by twelve feet bathrooms, one for guys and one for girls. This would provide thirty six rooms, most of which could be rented to pay off the investment.

The fifth floor would consist of a three bedroom two bath apartment between the elevator and the rear stairway away from the street. This would be the residence of a full time manager for the kitchen who would double as building manager. This person would over-see a limited home-style menu available for three meals a day with snacks and drinks in between and after meals. Room rentals would be funneled through the campus housing office with the proviso that those students who needed accessible facilities at reasonable costs would have first shot. The rentals would be priced below off but near campus prices but high enough to pay the expenses. Renters would be provided one meal a day, with options for pre-paid two or three meals available. Any other meals and snacks would be ala-carte.


Quite a few people wondered why Jamie was absent from school the last two days before the holidays but the excitement of the approaching dance and holiday kept their wondering brief.

The teachers knew that on Friday December 21 it would be foolish to try to teach. It was the last day before the Holiday vacation and the day of the Christmas dance. Most used it as a review day or for a fun activity related to their subject. The girls were gossiping about their dresses and the guys were just playful, nervous about screwing up their date with the girl they were trying to impress.

Many girls had made arrangements to leave school after 1:00pm to get to their makeover appointment with the local beauty salons. The excitement was palpable.

Krista and Tony spent most of the day with the rest of the dance committee making sure the gym was tastefully decorated for the formal dance. Streamers were stung, balloons were placed, refreshment were tables set up. The DJ had all his equipment sound checked and ready to go. Kent Photography had a quiet corner of the hall by the main entry set up as a makeshift portrait studio to photograph the couples or just the girls. Kent Graham and his wife/assistant Hannah charged five dollars for a single five by seven color proof shot. They made their money off those who wanted copies and enlargements, plus it placed them in the forefront of the students and their family's minds as a reasonable professional photographer.

Krista and Tony with Jaz and Jimmy arrived at 6:30pm as the doors opened, as did most of the student council. They had their photos taken then headed inside to double check that everything was ready. As they moved about in their gowns, Krista and Jasmine felt wonderfully girlish, especially on the arms of their handsome although uncomfortable tuxedo clad dates.

Leroy, in uniform, stood by the door with Craig Holtzman, a St. Michael's policeman to screen all the attendees for contraband booze and drugs. After the incident at the Halloween Dance no one tried to sneak anything inside. Principal Harris was there to ensure none of the gowns were too revealing and that everyone met the requirements of the formal dress code.

The DJ began to play at 6:45pm even though the dance didn't officially start until 7:00pm. Quite a stir erupted at 7:15pm when Dwayne and Phil arrived like all the other couples, hand in hand. Both wore tuxedos and looked quite handsome. They had their photo taken and then headed inside. Tony and Jimmy had saved a spot for them at their table by the DJ and the boys nervously took their seats. Krista and Jaz welcomed the couple and told them how nice they looked.

The chaperones had all been descreetly notified the boys would be attending as a couple, not to keep them from being together, but to keep other students from hassling them. As was expected, 'gay' and 'faggot' comments swept the attendees as they watched the boys. But other than holding hands and staying together at the table, they did nothing untoward. The fact they were sitting with Krista went a long way to curtailing an open hostility as they understood the school was aware of and accepted the gay couple.

After sitting for ten minutes to let the rest of the students acclimate to the gay couple, Krista rousted everyone from the table to dance a slow dance. The three couples made sure to dance in a group on the side of the dance floor nearest their table with the Dwayne and Phil dancing between Krista and Tony and Jaz and Jimmy. The boys didn't press their bodies together but kept about an inch between them. They danced smoothly which surprised everyone. The boys were glad their moms had made them practice. Other than a few disdainful glances, everything went smoothly.

As the dance ended, the three couples returned to their table. Soon afterwards, another disturbance rippled accross the gym. Standing at the entrance, was a tall beautiful girl holding Barney's one remaining arm while on the other side she held Freddy's arm as he sat in his power wheelchair. Dispite their obvious lost limbs, the tuxedos had been descreetly tucked to minimize the obvious. Both guys looked good all dressed up. Most of those attending were surprised to see the formerly swaggering redneck duo dresssed in tuxedos and attending the dance.

Once they had their pictures taken, Gwen Moore and Ken Poore, who had been told of the threesome, headed over to them to escort the threesome to their table on the other side of the DJ where space had been saved. As they made they way around the edge of the dance floor, many wondered who the tall pretty girl with them could be. She was obviously school age and knew Gwen and Ken. She also smiled and waved to Krista's group. That's where her identity was revealed.

"That can't be Jamie Ewell," Dwayne exclaimed when Krista quietly explained to those at the table who the mystery girl was.

Murmurring spread rampant through the students stiffling all other conversation. Jamie froze like a deer in headlights. Panic began to build as Barney and Freddy held her arms to prevent her from bolting.

Krista stood and headed to the microphone. "I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome Freddy and Barney to the dance and we all look forward to their return to school after the holidays. I think we all should applaud their bravery and stamina in coming here tonight.” With that she began applauding. In moments the entire audience was standing and applauding the duo.

Once the applause died down and people took their seats Krista resumed speaking. "We also need to applaud Dwayne and Phil for being brave enough to admit they've become a couple. It took them awhile to realize they were more than best friends. I know some of you are opposed to gay couples, you have the right to be opposed to anything, but you don't have the right to interfere with the lives of others. I hope Dwayne and Phil coming out will encourage any others in the school who might be gay to come out too. Everyone deserves the right to live their lives as they see fit, if you don't agree, well, get over it. They're here and are not going away. Let's give them a round of applause to welcome them." Krista again began to applaud and everyone followed suit even though a few did so in a definitely desultory manner.

"Then we have Jamie," Krista began when the applause died down. "Not everything about what really happened the night of the Halloween Dance has come out... until tonight. James saw Kylie at the dance. She was so pretty it ate at him and finally got to be more than he could bear. James ran off, intending to drown himself in the marsh behind the barn. Tony and I chased and stopped him but he broke down. With help from my family, we got him back to our house and called his parents. You know what happened then. What you don't know is why James tried to kill himself or why his dad flipped out. You know James changed after that night, he stopped being so macho and started studying harder. He also asked everyone to call him Jamie. Well, Jamie is just like Kylie and I, she's a transsexual, a girl trapped in a boy's body. She's known this for years but her father tried to beat it out of her. Once he was locked up, she began transitioning, but was too ashamed of her boyish body to try to start being the girl she is."

"You may find this hard to believe but it shows you how much they have changed. Freddy and Barney were the ones who urged Jamie to just do it," Krista explained. "They were discussing the dance earlier this week and the boys decided they'd like to come but didn't want to come stag. They knew Jamie wanted to attend, but not as a guy. The boys asked Jamie to be their date for the dance. It took a lot of convincing and a lot of effort during the last two days, but as you can see, it was well worth the effort. Fellow students, I'm pleased to introduce Miss Jamie Ewell. She will be attending school after the holidays, so please, make her feel welcome!" Krista once more began to applaud. There was little hesitation amongst the rest of the attendees about joining in. The applause continued until everyone once more rose for a standing ovation.

Most were surprised by the revelation that Jamie was a transsexual, but what really floored them was that the scrappy redneck duo of Freddy and Barney had not only urged Jamie to come out but do so as their date. They understood the boys had really changed their attitudes.

Jamie smiled and blinked back tears as she nodded her head accepting the applause. Soon she and her dates were seated at the table with Gwen and Ken and their dates.

The dance continued with many stopping by the table to welcome Freddy and Barney back to school and to tell Jamie they were surprised but would be there for her. Quite a few students also stopped by Krista's table to thank her for her persevering and opening the minds and horizons of the school. They also let Dwayne and Phil know they were brave for coming out. A few even thanked them and said they hoped things went smoothly for the pair so they too could feel safe in coming out.

Jamie spent quite a bit of time on the dance floor as she had two guys who wanted to dance. Dancing with Barney wasn't too awkward although he had a bit of concern over maintaining his balance during fast dances. But it was with Freddy during slow dances where her grace showed. After driving onto the floor followed by Barney, Jamie stood between the front caster wheels of his power chair as Barney reached down and disengaged the motors to allow the power chair to free-wheel. As Freddy wrapped his arms about Jamie's waist, she placed her hands on his shoulders and the couple swayed to the beat as she stepped side to side deftly avoiding the casters while turning the wheel chair just as normal couples moved about on the dance floor. This would have been physically tough for almost anyone, but drawing on the strength and agility James had accumulated as the star forward striker on the soccer field, Jamie easily moved the chair and Freddy in time to the music. Everyone was in awe of the spectacle of their graceful dancing.

One tradition was that between nine and ten, everyone voted for the couple they'd like to see crowned king and queen of the dance. The ballots were counted and Principal Harris took the microphone at 10:30pm.

"For the first time in the history of this dance, you have chosen the winners of the ballot by a majority vote," he spoke. "The winners received sixty five percent of the votes. It is my pleasure to ask Miss Jamie Ewell and her dates Freddy Grant and Barney Flint to come forward to be crowned."

The gymnasium erupted in applause and cheers as Jamie just sat in speechless shock. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever expected to be even nominated much less win. Freddy and Barney were equally surprised but recovered quickly. They pulled Jamie from her seat and escorted her toward the microphone and the crowning.

Barney took the microphone. "I'm flattered and humbled, but we all know I'm merely the odd man out. We can only have one king, I'm merely the official court jester. Freddy is the man of hour and he deserves the crown." With that, Barney handed the mike back to Principal Harris and stepped back from the couple.

"Court jester indeed," smiled Principal Harris. "Let's hear it for our knight errant, Sir Barney!" The applause resounded for several minutes as Barney bowed and made circular motions of acknowledgment with his remaining arm.

As the applause petered out, the King's throne was quietly removed and Freddy parked his power chair in the spot. Jamie gracefully swept her skirt beneath her as she sat on the queen's throne. Tears of joy were flowing down her cheeks as the royal robes were draped over the shoulders of the couple and the crowns placed upon their heads. The final touch was the bouquet of roses.

Everyone stood and the applause was almost deafening as hundreds of photographs were taken, including dozens of official portraits by Kent Graham.

Once that was done, Principal Harris announced the last dance of the evening, to be started off by the king and queen. Barney once more deftly disengaged the motors and took the bouquet as Jamie led Freddy and chair onto the floor. Everyone watched so mesmerized by their style and aplomb as they smoothly followed the music that no one else joined them. When the dance ended, as was tradition of the last dance, the couple kissed.

"This simply won't do," Principal Harris announced when the song ended. "Play the song again, this time, everyone out onto the dance floor!"

As the music started again, everyone did go out to the dance floor. Jaz and Jimmy cuddled and barely moved. Krista and Tony did likewise as Krista rested her head on Tony's chest. Even Dwayne and Phil danced closer. This time when the last song ended, EVERYONE kissed their partner. Most were chaste, but quite a few were most passionate.

The dance was rated the best Christmas Dance ever by nearly everyone. The crowning of the king and queen not only headlined the local news, it made the national news. The tale of Jamie's triumpant emergence as transgendered on the arm of the classmate who had both legs amputated in a car crash two months before, the very night Jamie's dad was arrested for abuse and subsequently choked out by Krista, was simply fodder for the scandle seeking press. Of course they just had to mention the gay young couple. It was evident to anyone that Krista had been a prime mover in the lives of everyone involved and she once more became the focus of intense scrutiny.


End of Odyssey II

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