Odyssey II Part 5

Part 5

It was 7:45 when they arrived in St. Michaels. Krista was dropped off at the school to catch the dance. Rachel had promised to pick her and Tony up when it was over and take her home. Leroy drove the ten miles to Wells Point in fifteen minutes.

As they arrived, the SUV was swarmed by Jane, LJ, Peter, Lyndi, Teri, and the Spades. The Reeses were overwhelmed by the open acceptance and love. Holly recognized Sarah as her teacher and gave her and Frank an extra hug for helping them out.

Jane and Sarah had prepared a good hearty Eastern Shore meal for the homecoming. After all the hell she'd been through in prison, Heather had a difficult time accepting the unquestioning, unsolicited and no strings attached sharing, support and love. Except for the Spades, these people had never met her family, yet they had pulled together the reuniting of her family in three weeks.

The party was still going strong when Rachel brought Krista home. Naturally she invited Rachel and Tony inside to meet the Reeses. Heather had been surprised to learn that Krista was transgendered and really had few issues with that. But what threw her was that Tony was her boyfriend even though he and everyone in school knew of Krista's genetic gender. Yet when she saw them together, there was no hint their relationship was anything other that of a normal boyfriend and girlfriend. If they were able to go to school and to the dance, either the area was quite a bit different than any she'd seen or this extended family simply overwhelmed any opposition with their openness and love.

It was late and quite an emotional separation as Heather hugged her daughters goodnight to head back to the home the Spades were still in the process of moving into. Krista led Holly and Ivy up to her bedroom. The girls smiled at seeing the cozy girlish bedroom. The sisters insisted Krista spend the night in her room but Krista shook her head no.

"You two need to spend the night together without anyone else," Krista explained. "Besides, I can't sleep in the same room with you."

"Sure you can," Holly insisted. "We won't mind."

"I'm sure you won't," Krista stated. "You see, I'm a transsexual."

Both girls were clearly puzzled.

"I'm a girl," Krista explained. "You know that, right?"

"Sure," Holly agreed. "But you've got a boyfriend so you can't be a lesbian."

"I'm not a lesbian," Krista smiled. "Although there is nothing wrong with being gay. A transsexual is a person who has a major birth defect. In my case, I'm a girl who was born with a boy's body."

"No way you're a boy," Ivy burst out.

"Exactly," Krista smiled. "I am a girl. It's just I have male bits. I'm seeing a doctor who's helping me correct my body and I can better explain that to you later. But for now I'm a girl with boy's bits so there is no way I can sleep with you. We told your mom about me before we picked you up and she's okay with it. So I'll sleep on the sofa until we get bedrooms sorted out. I don't mind. It's worth a bit of discomfort to see you so happy. Now have a good night and I'll see you in the morning."

The girls changed into their PJs and slipped into bed. Sleep was a long time coming as they cuddled and talked until they fell into an exhausted happy sleep.

Over at the Spade's new home, Heather had a long discussion with Frank and Sarah. Frank tearfully confessed he'd been the one who notified the school guidance counselor about the girls.

"Leroy explained why you had to report our situation," Heather said as she gave him a hug of forgiveness. "I don't hold you responsible for what happened. I never knew who began the process, all I knew was that it came from the school. The system failed and I just lost it after Jasmine was hurt. I feel terrible for killing that man and will never forgive myself, not that he didn't deserve it, but it wasn't in my place to be judge, jury, and executioner. Even up to this morning I had vowed to get revenge on whoever was responsible for the disaster that happened to my family. But once I met Krista and her parents, I realized it was better to seek legal rather than physical revenge. I'm ashamed I wasted over two years in festering anger when I should have been seeking legal recourse. But after all the failures of the system and being in prison as one of the criminals, I had no hope the system could work the way it's supposed to. I've finally learned my lesson. You set this entire correction of misjudgement in motion when you helped Krista and her sisters. That young lady reminds me so much of Jasmine..."

Heather broke down in tears. Sarah pulled her into a hug and comforted her as she cried out the long repressed tears of frustration.


A sense of time returned to Jasmine as she wormed her way forward. The tunnel was too low to crawl so she was forced to sinuously snake her way forward. It seemed she was squirming forward for days and had covered miles but the end seemed as far off as ever. The only consolation was that the voices did grow louder and she could occasionally make out a word. The effort was tremendous but whenever she felt herself yielding to frustration, the angelic voice was with her encouraging her onward.


The next morning, Heather and the Spades headed over to Jane's home for breakfast. Holly and Ivy ran to Heather for welcomed hugs. The Spades would take the Reese family to Requard Rehab to see Jasmine while the Jane and the Scotts headed off to the away football games. Dr. Olsen was there to meet with the Reeses and Spades to give them the details on Jasmine's condition. Holly and Ivy were horrified by the description of the condition of their big sister.

"We don't know if Jasmine can hear and understand what's said," Dr. Olsen summarized. "It's important you do not cry or choke up when you're in the room with her. If you feel the need to do so, please leave as quickly as possible. No one will think any less of you and if feel the need to cry, please do so, just not around Jasmine. There is an observation window into her room, and you'll be able to see her through the window so you can feel free to get as emotional as you want. Get the crying out of your system before you go in. You can talk to her, hug her, kiss her, or hold her hands. Any positive stimulation you can provide can only help her. Girls, do you understand you can't cry or complain when you're in the room with Jasmine?"

"Yes," they simultaneously answered. Both were doing their best to be brave for their sister.

Dr. Olsen led them to the window. Heather, Holly and Ivy gasped at the emaciated curled up figure. It was only because they knew it was Jasmine that they recognized her. All three broke down in tears. Dr. Olsen and the Spades were near tears as they did their best to comfort the devastated family.

Heather recovered first and hugged Holly and Ivy. The Spades assured her they would stay with Holly and Ivy while Dr. Olsen led Heather into the room. It took all of Heather's strength to buck herself up to enter. Bravely she entered the room.

"Hello, Jaz," Heather hoarsely whispered as she reached out to stroke Jasmine's stubbly hair. "Mommy is here, baby. Mommy is here."


Jasmine was growing weary of her trek. While in the void she had no need to eat or sleep, yet it seemed the further she crawled into the tunnel, the more her body weighed her down. Muscles ached and demanded rest. Somehow she understood that if she stopped to rest, she would never move forward again. Near exhaustion, after what seemed forever and with the angelic voice almost constantly urging her onward, it happened.

"Hello Jaz," a new familiar voice called from outside the tunnel. "Mommy is here, baby. Mommy is here."

Jasmine shreiked for joy and jumped with excitement. Not the best thing to do in a cramped tunnel. She hit her head and the sound of her own squeal of delight momentarily drowned out the most wonderful sound in the world. Her mother's voice! The pain of hitting her head hurt something fierce and it almost felt as if she could feel her real body jerk in response.


Jasmine twitched.

"Talk to her," Dr. Olsen excitedly urged. "That's the first motion we've seen."

"Jasmine, mommy is not going to leave you alone," Heather promised in a firm voice.

Dr. Olsen nodded her head. "We can move a cot in for you. Jasmine, we'll do all we can to help you get better but we need you to help us. You must try to wake up, sweetie."

Holly and Ivy entered with the Spades. As Heather stroked Jasmine’s inch long hair Holly and Ivy split to either side of the bed. Even though tears were trickling down their cheeks, they each took one of Jasmine’s hands and began to stroke it.

Hey, Jaz,” Holly spoke bravely. “We’re all here to help you. Our family is getting back together and we need you with us. Please try to get better.”

“Yeah Jaz, get better quick,” Ivy added. “I really need my big sister!”


Recovering from slamming her head into the roof of the tunnel, Jasmine quickly began squirming forward with renewed vigor. Her mother kept talking and she could hear her! It was wonderful!

Then she heard her sisters calling to her! Again she jumped for joy and again hit her head. This time she was sure she felt her physical body jerk in response to the blow.


Both of Jasmine’s hands jerked.

“She hears you,” Dr. Olsen gasped. “Come on Jaz, you can do it! Wake up sweetie.”

Over the next hour the sisters and mother spoke to Jasmine and touched her with gentle caresses and kisses. Jasmine’s hands jerked several times and they saw her lips move. The EEG monitor began to spike and jiggle as long dormant areas of her brain began to fire. Then slowly the activity settled down but not to the previous low levels.


Jasmine realized her mother and sisters were visiting her body and speaking to her. The tunnel widened and she was able to get up on her hands knees. With determined eagerness she drove herself toward the still faint light.


“It’s okay, Jaz,” Dr. Olsen spoke tenderly. “I know you’re tired and you did really good. This is a definite improvement but we need to take it one step at a time. You just relax. Your family and friends are here to help you. They’ll be here every day until you’re well enough to go home.”

Leaving Heather with Jasmine, Dr. Olsen ushered the others back to the conference room. “Holly and Ivy, you did very well in there. I’m delighted with Jasmine’s response to you. But you have to understand, it could take months for Jaz to wake up. You need to be patient and encouraging. Now I want you to think about something. Is there any particular music or even a TV show or movie she really liked? If there is, playing it for her may help.”

Holly and Ivy frowned as they thought. It had been two and a half years and they couldn’t think of anything right off the tops of their heads but they promised to think about it. After another visit with Jaz while Heather got something to eat and took care of nature’s call. The Spades took the girls on a short trip to join the Scotts at their football game.

They arrived at the field just in time to see Krista and her squad take the field as Tony warmed up with the guys. Lyndi, Teri, and even Sandi welcomed Holly and Ivy with hugs. Out on the field, Mindy Welch gave the girls a count then hit the button on a boom box. The cheerleaders went into a dance routine that attracted the attention of everyone on the field. The girls really rocked out as they put everything they had into the routine.

Holly and Ivy stood there with wide open mouths as they watched the talented girls. They exchanged looks of delight! “Pat, can we please talk to the cheerleaders,” Holly begged as she held Ivy’s hand.

“I’m sure they’d be willing to talk to you as soon as the game’s over,” Pat smiled.

“No! Please, we MUST talk to them now,” Holly insisted. “It’s about Jasmine!”

“Okay,” Pat agreed. “But we must leave if they tell us to go.”

Krista saw them coming and waved. When she saw their excitement she wondered what was going on.

When they reached the cheerleaders they both began to chatter so rapidly no one could catch what they were trying to say. Pat got them to slow down but by that time they had gotten the attention of the entire squad.

“Do you think you guys could come to the hospital and do that routine for Jasmine,” Holly begged. “Dr. Olsen said we should think of some music that meant a lot to Jasmine and before our daddy left, we were all cheerleaders. Jaz was the head cheerleader in her group and they loved doing that routine. The music just grabs you and makes you want to move! If you can do the routine, I think it might help Jasmine wake up! Please?”

Pat and Krista gave a condensed version of the horrible events that split up the Reese family and about the molestation that had left Jasmine catatonic. The entire squad and their coach were in tears. The girls all wanted to do it and they would somehow convince their parents to allow them to perform for Jasmine.

Pat called into Requard Rehab and spoke to Dr. Olsen. Dr. Olsen agreed the idea might just work. While she couldn’t have the girls perform in the Rehab center, she would get the okay for the girls to perform in the grassy lawn by the front entrance of Washington Street. She’d also get Jasmine ready so they could simply roll her bed to the elevator then down and out to the driveway when the girls were ready to perform.


After what seemed like forever to Jasmine, the tunnel widened again, this time soaring to several feet so she was able to stand and run to the light. She was going to make it out of the void! She was going to return to the real world and her family!

Then disaster struck. The tunnel began to slope upwards and was so smooth it was slippery. Several times she slipped and fell, sliding back a considerable distance. She felt as if she were trying to run up a slick sliding board with nothing to grasp for leverage. At one point she slid all the way back into the smaller section of tunnel. Frustrated she began to cry and buried her head in her arms.


As soon as the game ended the cheerleaders ran to their parents or whoever brought them to the game and begged to be allowed to perform for the poor girl who was in a coma in an attempt to snap her out of it. The parents gathered around Krista as she stood atop a picnic table to gave a brief description of the family break-up, Jasmine’s rape, and her subsequent two and a half year coma. Leroy and Pat were there to back up the veracity of Krista’s tale. Then as some were still wavering she called Holly and Ivy up on the table finishing her story by introducing the two sisters.

Krista’s sincerity and the pleading eyes of the sisters broke down most resistance. That plus their knowledge of Krista’s odyssey, how she ended the kidnaping, and how she had saved Sandi made them almost eager to have a hand in this adventure.


"Don't stop, Jaz," the angelic voice called. "It's difficult but you MUST continue. If you stop now you'll never get out of here."

The voice seemed close and more real, no longer disembodied. In addition, the scent of jasmine was joined by the salty smell of the ocean. Jasmine raised her head and looked forward. Up ahead where the tunnel grew she could see the shadowy shape of a woman standing. The voice was coming from her. With renewed hope, Jasmine got back on her hands and knees to crawl forward.

As she reached the point where the tunnel expanded, the woman reached out a hand to pull Jasmine to her feet. As she stood the light emerging from the tunnel behind her illuminated the woman.

At first Jasmine was stunned. The angelic voice belied what she saw revealed by the pure white light. Instead of the expected angel, she beheld a weary haggard woman wearing a worn and tattered nightgown that was soggy with water dripping off it. Bits of seaweed clung to the gown and her wet hair. Jasmine realized the smell of the ocean was coming from the woman.

"It's going to be all right, Jasmine," the woman spoke in her wonderful angelic voice. "God has allowed me to help you through this hard part. There are hundreds of people pulling for you. Several girls your age are going to help you wake up. You need to put everything you have into this as physically, your body is not ready to wake up. But God has decided the effort these girls are putting in to help you wake up will invigorate your body. Now, we don't have much time. We have to get to the end of the tunnel!"

Normally Jasmine would have been terrified by this apparition, but the smile and sparkle in the woman's eyes revealed a powerful spirit in a body that had been severely ravaged by disease. Hand in hand Jasmine and the woman began running toward the light. Every time Jasmine started to slip, the woman helped her remain upright.


A caravan soon set out for the Memorial Hospital in Easton. The hospital security had cordoned off the drive way area. Word of what was going on spread quickly. The girl at the center of the Apple Tree debacle was going to receive an unusual therapy. Everyone in the hospital had been told so the noise wouldn’t startle those in the normally quiet environment. Someone had called the Easton radio station WCEI - 96.7 FM and WBOC-TV Channel 16 the Fox network affiliate from Salisbury and told them there was going to be a breaking story at the hospital. Both were on site and set up in the curved driveway when the cheerleaders and families arrived. It quickly became apparent the boom box would be insufficient for the music so the radio station remote van offered their system. The TV cameras were up and ready to roll as the front doors of the hospital opened and the bed with IV poles attached was rolled out. Everyone who saw the girl was horrified. The TV cameras showed the comatose emaciated girl curled into a near fetal position as they went to a live broadcast. Heather kept a hand on Jasmine and when the bed stopped in front of the grassy area, Holly and Ivy rushed to their sister. The crowd fell silent as the cheerleaders took up their positions.

“Please raise her head so she can see if she opens her eyes,” Holly enthused loud enough for everyone to hear. “Jaz... MICKEY... Jaz... dance to Mickey!”


As they ran, the light at the end of the tunnel began to grow bigger. As they neared the end, a familiar drum beat began. She heard her sister speak "Jaz... MICKEY... Jaz... dance to MICKEY!"


The nurses and Dr. Olsen uncurled Jasmine until she was in a prone position as the music began with the familiar rousing drum beat and chant. The cheerleaders immediately began their routine. With a wide angle, the camera showed Jasmine and the girls shaking their pom-poms doing the routine. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4CyNvEfWoE)


Jasmine heard a number of girls begin to sing
"Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey, hey Mickey..."

Jasmine and her companion burst out of the tunnel into the real world. Other than a swirl of colors Jasmine couldn't see anything but the woman. "You made it Jaz," the woman enthused and hugged her. "I've got to go back, but YOU, young lady, need to get back into your body."

With that the colors faded and the woman disappeared. Panicked at first, Jasmine realized she was back in her body! Slowly her senses began to return as the driving syncopated beat pulsated through her body. The girls were in front of her doing a rousing version of the song she had loved to cheer. MICKEY!

Jasmine concentrated on the song and used every ounce of her being to try to dance to the music.


In a few moments Ivy squealed. “Jaz, you’re moving your feet!”

Slowly, her feet picked up the pace until both were moving to the beat. Then her fingers began moving in time to the music. Everyone was watching as the girl who had not moved in two and a half years began to move!

As the song wound down, Krista called out, “Don’t stop the music, play it again!”

The radio station DJ hit the repeat button as soon as the song ended. The girls went into their routine again.

This time Jasmine’s head began to nod in time to the music. By the end of the routine her feet, hands, and head were keeping perfect time with the driving beat.

Tired but exhilarated, Krista called out “One more time!”

The DJ hit the button to restart and the girls launched into the routine for a third time.

Jasmine immediately began moving in time to the music. After a few moments her lips began to move as she was mouthing the words.

Heather was openly crying with undisguised delight.

“That’s it Jaz,” Holly squealed. “Dance to Mickey!”

“Go for it Jaz,” Ivy exclaimed as she urged her sister on.

Dr. Olsen was totally stunned and delighted. She’d never seen such a spontaneous response in a patient that had been comatose for so long.

By the end of the third run-through whispered “Mickey”s were audible form Jasmine’s lips.

Pat was by the hospital bed and she signaled Krista to try it again. Krista nodded.

“Again,” Krista urged. “If you need to rest, just sing.”

The DJ repeated the song for the fourth time. None of the girls stopped. Although tired, they could see the routine was having the desired results. Their adrenalin pumped them up to continue.

This time through, Jasmine was whispering the entire song.

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey Hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey Hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey

Hey Mickey
You've been around all night
And that's a little long.
You think you've got the right
But I think you've got it wrong.
Why can't we say goodnight?
So you can take me home Mickey.
Cuz when you say you will
It always means you won't.
You're givin' me the chills
Baby please baby don't
Ev'ry night you still
Leave me all alone Mickey.

Oh Mickey
What a pity you don't understand.
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.
Oh Mickey
You're so pretty
Can't you understand.
It's guys like you Mickey
Ooh what you do Mickey
Do Mickey
Don't break my heart Mickey.

Hey Mickey
Now when you take me by the who's
Ever gonna know
And ev'ry time you move
I let a little more show.
There's something you can use
So don't say no Mickey.

So come on and give it to me
Anyway you can
Anyway you want to do it
I'll take it like a man.
But please baby please
Don't leave me in this jam Mickey.

Oh Mickey what a pity you don't understandYou take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.
Oh Mickey
You're so pretty
Can't you understand.
It's guys like you Mickey
Ooh what you do Mickey
Do Mickey
Don't break my heart Mickey.

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey

Oh Mickey
What a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.
Oh Mickey

You're so pretty
Can't you understand.
It's guys like you Mickey
Ooh what you do Mickey
Do Mickey
Don't break my heart Mickey.

Oh Mickey
What a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.
Oh Mickey

You're so pretty
Can't you understand.
It's guys like you MickeyOoh what you do Mickey
Do Mickey
Don't break my heart Mickey.

Oh Mickey
What a pity you don't understand
You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.
Oh Mickey

You're so pretty
Can't you understand.
It's guys like you Mickey
Ooh what you do Mickey
Do Mickey
Don't break my heart Mickey.

Oh Mickey
What a pity you don't understand

“Agin,” Krista panted.

During the fifth run through Jasmine’s forearms struggled as if she was attempting the pom-pom moves. By the end she was shaking both arms from the elbows in time with the music. Her hips were also twitching to the beat

“Once more,” Krista urged as the perspiration was rolling off the girls’ faces.

The music began for the sixth time. The nearly exhausted girls pushed themselves through the routine again.

Jasmine was moving her feet and knees, hips, forearms, head and singing to the music. Her rhythmic movements were making the bed shake. As the song wound down for the sixth time her eyes fluttered open. Directly in front of her were a dozen girls dancing to MICKEY.

“Again,” Krista begged as they all saw Jasmine’s eyes flutter.

The music began for the seventh time. Reinvigorated the girls began the routine again. Jasmine began to smile as she followed the beat with virtually every part of her body. Her eyes were focused on the cheerleaders and her smile gave them the strength to push through the routine for the last time.

When the music ended, most of the girls simply dropped to the grass. Krista staggered to the bed and put her pom-poms in Jasmine’s hands. Jasmine smiled and shook them. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Startled by the noise, Jasmine looked around to see she was lying in a hospital bed... outdoors... with several hundred people surrounding her. Then she saw her mother and sisters.

“Mom! Holly! Ivy!,” she gasped. The pom-poms were dropped as she reached out for hugs.

The cheers grew louder as the family was finally reunited.

The other cheerleaders gathered around the bed to smile at Jasmine. Their hearts were filled with joy that they had played a part in the miracle of bringing the girl out of her coma. The reporter from the TV station tried to get to the Reeses but Leroy met him.


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