Some Kind of Wonderful Part-10

Some Kind of Wonderful-
Part Ten


Charlie Sandsmark and his mother, Helena, travel around the world from one archaeological dig to another, looking for evidence of the ancient Amazonian culture. So far they have found nothing, until Charlie discovers something wonderful about himself on a small island in the Aegean Sea.


Author's Note: Here's Ch. 10, things are moving along nicely. Kudos to anyone who figures out who the two DC characters are that I introduce in this chapter. I'd like to thank djkauf for the wonderful editing and DC Comics for their wonderful characters.


Chapter Ten:

“Are you out of your damn mind?”

I shrugged. I didn’t know what else to say or do. I didn’t intentionally clothesline the guy. It was some kind of instinct. He was running toward me and my arm acted on its own. Ok, so that’s only partially true. I heard the woman scream, knew she was in trouble and needed help. There was a split second thought before I put out my arm and I felt pretty satisfied about it afterwards. Only for a few seconds afterwards. Then the severity of what I did had sunk in and I realized that a part of me acted without me knowing it. I think the same part that acted against the fake Andreas men on the island. It was the Amazonian hardwire again. It had to be. But the strangest part about it was that a part of me didn’t think it was so bad anymore.

“Don’t shrug” snapped Cameron, passing the small room. “This is serious.”

We were in the mall’s security office. Ok, technically it was a small room off to the side of the office but who’s trying to be technical. After I subdued the purse snatcher, mall security were quick to respond. There were three of them and I think they were a bit confused as to who the bad guy was. I’m not really sure what happened after that. All I know is that one of them drew his tazer and tried to stick me with it. I think I might have overreacted because the next thing I knew, he was flying through a nearby storefront. As you can imagine, things didn’t really sit well with security after that. I calmed down enough to allow them to cuff me and bring me here. The only thing that was keeping me here was Agent Chase. She identified herself as a federal agent and they brought us here instead of calling the police.

Now the three of us were waiting for the detective in charge to get here. I looked over at Donna; she was trying to keep herself occupied by filing her nails. I know, it’s a really girly thing to do, but that’s Donna for you. She tried not to make eye contact with me though. I think she was still a little embarrassed about how she acted before. I was still a little steamed about it too. She tried to apologize for it as we were leaving the food court but I wasn’t going to hear it. I still didn’t want to hear it. What she did was pretty low and I think she knew that. But I suppose in her defense---not that I was defending any of her actions---she was only trying to help. I just wasn’t ready for that stage yet. I’ve only been a girl for a few days and it’s bad enough that I’m a damn sexy one.

“Miss Sandsmark, are you even listening now?”

I groaned. I hadn’t been listening. For the last minute or so, Cameron had been lecturing me and I hadn’t been paying attention.

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, ok. I didn’t mean to do it, it sorta happened.”

She groaned. “The clothes lining I understand. But that guard, what the hell were you thinking. They had to take him and the purse snatcher out of here in an ambulance.”

I had heard the sirens but I figured they were police cars. Was I upset that I hurt the guard, sure, but the purse snatcher not so much. He was a thief, he got what he deserved. I hated watching the news and seeing guys like him get off with a slap on the wrist. It wasn’t just him either, rapists tended to slip away too. Crimes against women should be punishable by death. Death? Whoa, where did that come from? I think rapists should be punished but not something that severe, castration maybe but not death. I groaned, shaking my head.

A knock on the door drew me from my thoughts. I’m not sure why anyone would be knocking. Then the door opened and a thirty something man walked in. He was tall, brown hair, a strong chin. He liked like one of those PI’s from those old black and white movies grandpa used to get me to watch. Not that I’m saying there was anything Bogart about this guy, he just had the look of him that’s all. It didn’t help matters that he was wearing a tan trench coat. I mean who wears a trench coat anymore.

He stopped in the doorway and looked at each of us in turn. His eyes lingered a bit on Donna and then over to Cameron. He didn’t even give me a passing glance. “Afternoon ladies, I hear you three have had a busy day.”

Cameron snapped right to it. “Agent Cameron Chase, DEO” She flipped him her badge, his eyes got real big. “And you are?”

He smiled. “Detective Mike Schorr, Robbery.”

He didn’t flip his badge. The two of them began to talk shop. I listened intently as Cameron did her job and kept me out of trouble. She tried to explain the situation as best as possible, telling him only what he needed to know and leaving out the rest. I’m not sure what the rest was considering she told him I was a Meta and that the guards got a little overzealous earlier. He seemed to listen though and only looked at me once or twice during their conversation. Me I tried to occupy my mind with trying to figure out a way to get Donna back for earlier. Because if she thinks she’s gonna go unpunished for the food court thing she was sorely mistaken.

My thoughts were interrupted when Detective Schorr finally spoke to me. “Miss Sandsmark?”

I nodded. “That’s the name I’m going by.”

Ok, smart ass doesn’t work for me well, especially in front of authority. Cameron glared at me. Schorr smiled; maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. “The state of Illinois and the city of Schaumburg wishes to extend its thanks in what you did today but asks that you keep your actions to yourself in the future.”

I nodded. I think I could live with that. Well, unless someone tried to taze me again that is.

“Ok, ladies” he said, looking a bit longer at Donna than I think even she would have liked. “You’re free to go. But in the future, I ask a little caution next time.” Then he turned to Cameron, nodding. “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.”

He then turned and left. I turned to Cameron, half expecting to see her blush. But she was emotionless as ever. “What was that all about? Did he ask you out?”

She smirked. “They’re having problems with a group of bandits, they’re at their wit’s end and the detective asked if I could lend him a hand while we’re in town.”

I nodded and frowned. I’m not sure why her not going on a date upset me so much but it did. Maybe it was the new girl in me or maybe it was because I had envisioned seeing her in something black and leggy. Ok, see there’s still some guy left in there. Ok, it’s a small part but it’s there still. So the Amazonian hardwire wasn’t in complete control of my brain, just the parts that seemed to control my reactions. So maybe if I could just learn to avoid dangerous situations, there would be no more police visits for me.

We didn’t stay around much after that. I think Woodfield security was more than happy to see the three of us go. Detective Schorr escorted us out the back way, though. Apparently, someone in the media heard about my “heroics” and was looking to interview. Cameron thought it would best if I didn’t plaster my face all over the television. Apparently, they didn’t want another Terra on their hands. I was glad for it, too. Someone once said with “great power comes great responsibility” and frankly, I wasn’t ready for any of that yet. I won’t deny that I thought being a superhero might be cool but I don’t think I was ready for the world just yet.

When we got outside, our SUV was waiting for us. Cameron had called the driver en route. A couple of the security guys carried my bags, putting them in the back. I thanked them but they gave me cold stares. I think the next time I wanted to go on a shopping trip I’d avoid Woodfield, at least for a while anyway. When Donna and I got into the car, Cameron gave us the rundown. Apparently, they had protocol in place for this kind of incident---not that it really was one. We weren’t allowed to tell anyone what I just did nor were we to speak to any media if they called. The DEO was starting to enact strict policies into things concerning Metas and the press. I guess the Jade incident a few months ago and then that Terra girl really shook the government up.

We drove back to The Gates in silence.


When we got back to grandma’s house---I mean my house---the driver stopped in front of the driveway. Apparently, while we were shopping, it had snowed and the snowplow had put most of it into the front of the drive. It was one of the things I hated most about winter and living in a cul-de-sac. The driver grumbled a bit about it and I smiled. He grumbled even more when Cameron ordered him out of the SUV to help the three of us bring my numerous bags into the house. My grandma was in the living room watching television. Her eyes widened as we carried the first few bags inside. They got even bigger when the others came, too.

There were twenty bags in all. Quite a haul and half of the crap I didn’t even want.

On the last trip, Cameron pulled me aside. “I’m going back into the city. But if you’re going out, I want you to make sure you’ll call.”

I nodded. “Is someone going to follow me to school tomorrow, too?”

I tried to make sure she heard the disdain in my voice. I was already sick and tired of my government babysitters. I felt like a criminal, having them following me around like this. I think she detected the disdain too because her response was dripping with it, too.

“You won’t have an official escort but someone will be there.”

“I’m not the bad guy you know.”

She nodded. “You might not be but there are some out there like you who think that power can make them above the law.”

Cameron nodded to my grandma then to Donna. I didn’t show her out. When she was gone, I walked over to the nearest chair and flopped into it. I sighed. I couldn’t believe how exhausting shopping could be. I looked over at Donna, who was practically asleep on the couch. I smiled, wondering if now was the perfect time for revenge. But then I changed my mind, knowing that she might be expecting it. So I decided to wait, which gave me time to plan. Then I looked over at the television, which my grandma had muted. It was the news and there was some fluff piece on there at the moment. I half paid attention, as the reporter silently droned on. I grabbed the remote, about to shut it off when the story changed and I saw an exterior of the mall. I bit my lip. Son of a bitch. I was about to shut it off when my grandma saw, too.

“Not so fast, missy” she said, snatching the remote and unmuting.

“Here we are at Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg where I’m told that a nearly an hour ago a mugging took place. The victim, seventy five year old Dolores Barnes.”
The pretty brunette reporter smiled. “In most instances, this would have ended in heart ache for Mrs. Barnes if not for a brave Samaritan.”

The scene on the screen changed. The mall exterior and the reporter disappeared. In its place was a grainy overhead shot, it looked like it came from a surveillance camera. It showed a quick scene of the purse-snatcher running off with the old woman’s purse then someone---a banner blocked most of my head---clothes lining the bastard. I smiled. It happened so fast. When it happened in real life, it seemed like an instant but on video, it was so quick too. I couldn’t believe how fast I reacted. One minute the guy was running and the next he was on the floor---on his back---not moving. There was pandemonium after that. The guy tried to get up but someone---a familiar arm from off-screen---grabbed him.

The television switched back to the reporter. “Whoever this Samaritan was, mall security refused to comment. This reporter tried to get an interview but was unable to do so at the time…could this be another young hero in our midst. This is…”

My grandma clicked off the television and gave me a look. “That tall girl in the jeans looks awfully familiar.”

I slumped in the chair. “It was a reaction,” I said softly. “I didn’t even know I was doing it until it happened.”

Grandma frowned. Donna was silent. “And the man?”

“They took him to the hospital, but he’s all right.”

I smiled. I didn’t know if he was all right or not. I was just glad that the video didn’t show what happened afterwards. My grandma was a good person and she was pretty decent when it came to me doing bad things. After the incident in Victoria’s Secret, she listened to my story and then delivered the punishment she thought was fair. My mother pitched in too but everyone knew it wasn’t really her decision---she stopped making real decisions for me long ago.

My grandma’s eyes narrowed a bit but then softened. “If the man had been anything other than a criminal I would have been extremely upset with you.”

I was shocked. She said nothing more. I waited; I waited for the scolding or even the punishment. But there was nothing. “That’s it?”

She smiled. “Do you want me to punish you?” I shook my head. She laughed. “I think you’re old enough to realize when your actions have consequences. These new gifts of yours are going to take some getting used too, for everyone involved.”

She switched the subject after that. I wish she had kept it because next she wanted to know everything I bought. I begrudgingly started taking things out of the bags. I was glad that she didn’t make me model any of them for her. I was also glad that Donna’s exhaustion got the better of her and she was now slumbering peacefully on the couch. Neither of us disturbed her. It took me a while to show grandma all my new clothes. Then I had to show her the accessories, which included the earrings. It took about an hour or so. After that, she made me carry Donna up to one of the spare bedrooms. I laid her on the bed, putting the covers over her. I thought about taking a marker and drawing a mustache on her for payback but thought, it would be too cruel.

Instead, I went back downstairs, got my bags and took them up to my room. It took me another hour or so to put everything in the right place. I’m not sure how I knew, but somehow I did. It took me about an hour or so to do that too. By then I was so exhausted I flopped down on my bed. My stomach grumbled, which as everyone knows is the universal sign for being hungry. But I was too tired to get up and look for something to eat. It was strange because I shouldn’t have felt tired at all. If I was supposed to be some super Amazon chick, shouldn’t I have super endurance or something? I mean, I beat the hell out of all those guys in Greece without breaking a sweat. I could have gone hours. But ever since I got on the plane and came back home, I was getting tired just like I normally would.

I lay there a long time thinking about it. About twenty minutes later, I came to the conclusion that it was exercise. The reason I was so pumped in Greece was that I was so pumped. I jumped up from bed and ran over to my dresser. I pulled open the second drawer, knowing that’s where I put my stuff. Somehow I knew that I’d be running again, I’m not sure how. So one of the numerous shops I dragged Donna and Cameron into was a sporting goods one. I think it was the only place we went to that Cameron felt at home in. I got several weather appropriate outfits, all for running.

I pulled out my winter outfit now and stripped quickly. I put it on just as quickly, too. A thermal shirt---way too tight I might add---a pair of thermal pants, my new running shoes and muffs for my ears. It wasn’t exactly my favorite outfit in the bunch but the salesgirl said all of it was top of the line. It would keep the cold out and that’s all that mattered I suppose.

After I dressed, I ran downstairs. Grandma was in the kitchen, preparing dinner. It smelled like Italian. Grandpa and I used to use the kitchen door to run from. It was always our starting point. We used to set our watches there and then take off, going around the development first and then striking out from there. I bought a fancy watch in the sporting goods store too and an iPod. Donna insisted I have one of those, even though I had no music to put into it. I left the iPod in my bedroom---still in the package. I’d fiddle with that thing later.

“Going out?” my grandma asked, as she put spaghetti into a boiling pot.

I nodded. “Just for a little run. I need to keep my mind preoccupied and my body pumping.”

She smiled. “Are you going to call Agent Chase?”

I frowned. I hadn’t planned on it. I was only going a little way from home. My grandma smiled and nodded. She didn’t say anything more. I think she knew that I wasn’t one for babysitters. But she also knew the importance of making sure I was safe. So even though she smiled she frowned a bit too. I sighed and walked into the living room, finding the place where I stashed the card. I pulled it out and picked up the handset, giving Cameron a call. She picked up on the second ring, she sounded as exhausted as I felt a few seconds ago.

“Chase” she said, yawning a bit.

“I’m going for a run, do I need an escort?”

I think I heard her moan. “Didn’t you get enough exercise today?”

I laughed. “Apparently not. I think I need to keep active to stay active.”

She groaned again. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll make arrangements.”

She hung up before I could say bye. I walked over to the couch and waited, hating the fact that I had to wait for someone. It annoyed me that I had to have a babysitter every time I left the house. Did the government really think I was that much of a threat to them? Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. About twenty minutes later, my doorbell rang. When I opened it, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t the guy standing there. He was twenty-something, tall and blonde, dressed in the male equivalent of what I was wearing, except his shirt was red. He had chiseled good looks but there was this air of cockiness about him that was very off putting. Ok he was cute but it was going to go no further than that.

He smiled, holding out his hand. “I’m Jay; Cam said you were going running?”

I shook his hand. “Cassie” Then I added, “You better keep up.”

I didn’t wait for him. Instead, I brushed past him and went out the door. Ok, so we didn’t go out the kitchen door but I was bound and determined to show this guy up. I took off into a dead sprint, not wanting to hold back. Surprisingly it didn’t take long for him to catch up with me. He was fast; I guess I could give him that. He kept good pace with me, which was pretty impressive. I was always a pretty decent runner back when I was in shape. But after grandpa died, I kinda stopped caring about everything. So I stopped running. I think it upset my grandma a bit because I think she thought I was going to go out for the track team. I guess it was always in the back of my mind. But running was always something that grandpa and I liked to do together and without him there to cheer me on, I lost interest in it.

I took him for my usual run. Well, the usual one that grandpa and I used to take. Jay was surprisingly good. He ran alongside me, keeping good pace. But I think I was going a little slow for his benefit.

“Is this one of your meta powers?” he asked, pumping along.

I shook my head. “I don’t know. I used to run before but I haven’t in a long time.” He nodded. “Seeing as we’re asking, what’s your story?”

He smiled. “I used to run in college. I was All-State you know, almost made the Olympic team.”

“What happened?”

“I found the Marines” He sighed. “I was in Iraq up to about a month ago. Then the DEO came recruiting, looking for a few good men. We were given a choice, serve there or come home and fight a different war. I decided to sign up with them.” He laughed. “I once was called the Fastest Man Alive.”

I laughed. “Well come on then Mr. Flash, you can’t let a little girl like me beat you.”

He laughed and took the challenge as I ran ahead. Ok, now that I knew he wasn’t a lightweight, there was no way I was going to go easy on him. He took the bait. I put on the speed and he put on his to up the ante. He was pretty good, faster than I thought. But me, I was phenomenal. I knew I had been pretty fast before but now it was unheard of. The two of us were neck and neck for a while; he even managed to pass me when we passed out of The Gates and onto the road heading to the nearby park. But once we got into the open, away from the twists and turns of the development, I barreled ahead. He was still behind me, keeping a good pace but he couldn’t match me anymore stride for stride.

But he tried. We hit the park. He got a burst of speed and almost reached me but he had nothing left. For a few minutes, he was still a few feet behind me until I put on more speed and smoked him. I was thrilled. Never in my life have I ever run this fast. Hell, I just smoked an Olympic caliber runner. I took a glance back and saw him panting. Not only did I smoke him, I burned him. A big smile spread across my face and I laughed. It felt good to run like this. Better in fact now that I knew my theory was correct. I didn’t feel any change until we left the development but now I was certain. In order for me to not feel exhausted, I needed to perform strenuous activity. I don’t think that meant I was going to conk out in the middle of the day or anything but it meant that if I did a lot without exercise, then I was going to get tired doing it. I suppose that made sense. Amazons after all were the super women of their day.

I felt exhilarated with this new bit of information. I wanted to show off, too. I looked around and I saw the opportunity. Up ahead, there was a group of girls running. I knew them to be the track team from school. Well, the Indoor track team anyway. They were wearing the green and white of our school colors. Most likely they were out for an afternoon run, limbering up for the upcoming season. I took a deep breath and slowed down a bit, after all as a Meta I was probably faster than all of them combined. I smiled for the girls at the back of the pack, they were keeping good pace but they were falling behind. I ran up on them stealthily and wove between the two of them. I don’t think they ever saw me coming. I did the same with the rest of the girls, weaving in and out, passing each with very little difficulty. Then I aimed for the leader of the pack. I knew her by sight only. She was one of those girls that popped up on every athletic team she could get on. I didn’t know her name but it was hard to miss her with that long red hair of hers. She was clearly the dominant runner, making the other girls look frail in comparison.

I approached slowly first, not wanting to show off too much.

I’m not sure how long it took for her to realize I was there. But as soon as I got close enough, she put on the speed. She was good, built for distance and short bursts. She was well muscled too, I could see that through the lines in her clothes. Given a normal circumstance, this girl could probably out run me easy. Hell, she might have even been able to give Jay a run for his money. But I wasn’t a normal girl and this wasn’t a normal circumstance. Ok, so I was feeling cocky but for some reason I wanted to show off. So I tired of trailing behind and put on a little speed. I soon matched her stride for stride.

She tried to ignore me but it was kinda hard. She kept good pace with me, just like Jay. But even her endurance started to waver a bit. I smiled, not even breaking a sweat. I put forth the challenge, moving ahead of her. She took the bait. I heard an older woman call out to her. I looked around, seeing the girl’s coach standing on the sidelines. It took me a second to realize what we were running on. It was the outdoor track in the park. I didn’t notice before because it was covered with snow. These girls weren’t just running, I think I might have stumbled onto a practice. A real one with the coach and everything. I heard her blow her whistle angrily but we didn’t stop. Me I didn’t have to and this girl, well I think she liked the challenge.

Unfortunately, for her it wasn’t much of one.

I pulled ahead, letting out a laugh as I did so. She fell behind; I think I heard her curse. Then I heard her shout something. I turned around, putting an ear to my head. She put her hands on her hips and shouted louder.

“Do you have a name, Speedster?”

I laughed and shouted back. “Cassie.”

Then I took off. I think the whole track team watched me run after that. I suppose it was pretty impressive. I didn’t quit for a while, after which the team was long gone. I stopped at the bleachers, finding Jay waiting for me. He was drinking from a bottle of water and tossed me one. I caught it one handed and took off the top. I took a big long swig; the cool drink was extremely satisfying. I sat on the bench next to him, finally breaking a sweat.

Jay waited until I was done drinking a few more sips before he talked. “Showing off, are we?”

I shrugged. “I felt so alive out there.”

He laughed. “I know that feeling.”

I got off the bench and started limbering up; stretching my body in ways I didn’t even know I could. I was as flexible as hell now. It felt good too, invigorating like the run. Jay watched with a smile. I think he was surprised that I still had any energy at all. When I was done stretching, he reached over to his side and held up a business card. I looked at for a few seconds then recognized the figure head on top. It was our school mascot.

“The coach was livid with you at first. She berated the hell out of me for you interrupting their practice.”

“I didn’t realize that that was what they were doing.”

He smirked. “Sure you did” I shrugged. “Anyway, after she was done scolding me she watched you run. That girl you smoked back there was All State last year, she led the team to a conference win and you beat her time without breaking a sweat. After that the woman kept bugging me for your name and where you went to school.”

“You didn’t tell her did you?”

He laughed. “I didn’t have a choice, she wouldn’t leave me alone.” I groaned and he laughed some more. Then he handed me the card. “She says as soon as you get settled, she wants you to come and see her. She won’t take no for an answer, she absolutely must have you on the team this spring.”

I reluctantly took the card. I didn’t even read it as I stuck it in my shirt pocket. Jay shook his head then got up. He groaned a bit, I think from the strain. I smiled. He might have been in good shape but it looks like I really ran him through his paces. I started to stretch some more, getting prepared for our run back to the house. But he apparently had other plans. He pointed toward the parking lot where I saw a black SUV waiting.

“What, I tire you out?”

He laughed. “You might be a wonder girl but I’m not really the fastest man alive.”

I laughed and followed him to the vehicle. There was a driver inside, reading a paper. When he saw us coming, he quickly put it away. I climbed into the back and Jay got into front. We didn’t say anything on the way back. It didn’t take us long to get there. Grandma was waiting on the front porch, looking a bit cold but not worse for wear. When I got out, she came over and invited both men to dinner. Jay was so happy to be anywhere but running that he quickly accepted for the two of them. Me, I went inside and up to my room to change.

Donna met me as I was pulling my top over my head. “Tell me you didn’t actually run after all we did today?”

I laughed. “You bet your ass I did.”

“You’re inhuman.”

I laughed. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Donna lingered about while I put on jeans and a t-shirt. Then the two of us headed down to the kitchen. We entertained Jay and the driver all through dinner. I quickly told them about how I became what I was. The driver remained quiet through the whole thing but Jay asked a lot of questions. I think I interested the hell out of him. He and the driver stayed about an hour after dinner then left. I walked them to the door.

“Thanks for the run, Cas” he said, shaking my hand. “It’s the best I’ve had in a long time.”

“See it’s not so hard to be beaten by a girl.”

He laughed and the two of them left.

Me, I went back to the living room. Donna decided to spend the night instead of going back to the city. I think the vacant apartment back home had something to do with it. I sat next to her on the couch and she clung to me. Even though she played a little tough. I don’t think she liked to be alone. So I let her cuddle while the three of us watched television. I made my grandma promise to stay away from the news. The last thing I needed to see was “Wonder girl burning up the local track.” Not that I think anyone would make that newsworthy but you never know.

When it came to bedtime, I scooped Donna into my arms and carried her upstairs. I took her to the spare room again and tucked her in. Then I walked back to my room. I flopped onto the bed and looked toward the window. For a while, I just lay there, until I noticed I was being watched. At first, I thought it was a normal bird until it shifted slightly. I was surprised to see an owl. I sat up and walked over to the window, opening it slightly. The owl cocked its head, staring at me with its large eyes. The tree next to my window was too far away for it to come inside but it still creeped me out a bit.

I laughed. “You got anything to say, bird?”

It cocked its head, ruffled its feathers and turned away. I laughed and closed the window. Apparently not. I turned and stripped, grabbing the same shirt I wore the night before. I walked over to the bed and climbed under the covers.

I fell asleep rather quickly, certain that the owl was still there.

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