Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure: Page 14

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Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

By Melanie E.

Page 14

"You take the staff and book of spells..."


You don't know how to use a sword, and the last time you used an axe you nearly lost a toe. You spend some time considering the bow, but a glance down at your chest causes you to cringe. Not large, maybe, but still in the way.

All that's left is wooden staff carved with an intricate scrolling design and a book. You always thought magic would be cool to try, so you take the staff and book.

Turning around, the gnarled old man leers at you again. "Ye's think a slip of a gel like ye can handle 'at?"

You give the staff an experimental swing through the air, and unexpectedly an arc of rainbow light appears and throws the lecherous old man into the air, where with a 'pop' he transforms into a box turtle.

You hear clapping from your left, and spin to see the girl who gave you your ride standing there with a smile on her face. "He's been needing that for a while now. A little time as a turtle will do him some good."

"Uhm, okay?" You say, looking down at her chainmail armor, a sword and shield hung across her back. She had not been wearing them when she had delivered the apples.

Glancing down and catching on to what you are looking at, she laughs. "I'm Lisa, and I'll be joining you, if you'll let me."

"Why would I need an apple delivery girl?" You ask, confused.

"Because I'm not just a delivery girl, I'm a Knight. With the Mage's forces about, leaving deliveries to untrained merchants and drivers often results in those deliveries not being made. Nevertheless, we try to keep our presence hidden when possible."

You nod your understanding.

What do you do?

---Accept Lisa's offer to join you.
---Decline her offer, and go on your own.
---Decline her offer, and seek another partner.

The voting begins...NOW!("Page 1" posted on 2/2/2011, voting to close at noon CST on 2/3/2011)

NOTES: Sorry, I just had to sneak a couple more (quite obscure) computer puns into the mix. Anyone catch them? (Hints: one is a very obscure reference to a programming language, the other is a much more obvious reference to a computer from the early '80s...)

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Accept Lisa's offer, of

Accept Lisa's offer, of course. After all, it could be several knights and a day before all is straightened out with the evil mage, so Lisa as an associate would be really a good start.




Nothing to think about, choosing Lisa is the only way to go.


accept her offer

she did help you, after all

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



It's a no-brainer!

Since you've stuck with her through the past few decisions, there seems no reason to stop now!


As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

that's for sure

---Accept Lisa's offer to join you.

What can I say?

Sure why not, she seems nice. Let her join. :)

And do I smell LOGO?


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


She has knowlege you may need-accept her offer!


Accept Lisa's Help

terrynaut's picture

I think you must be referring to the moldy old Apple Lisa pc. Very old! Never had one but I'm aware of them.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

Accept Her Offer...

...unless the name-share with Apple's old Lisa computer is a bad omen.


Could be worse

I was thinking about introducing her younger brother "Macintosh" later :P

Melanie E.

Lisa is obsolete

Decline her offer, and seek another partner.

You've already got a power book, you can run circles around Lisa. Besides, she wasn't up front with you and I'm not sure we can trust her.

And bring the turtle. It could come in handy.