Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure: Page 3

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Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

By Melanie E.

Page 3

"You answer the voice..."


Again, if you don't know how this works, check out the first entry and catch up from there!


"Uh... hail?" you call out nervously.

As the haze before you starts to part, a tall figure appears, clad in a long coarse robe and carrying a lantern. A toothy grin appears on his scarred and bearded face. "Ho there, fellow-me-lad, are you ready?"

"For what?"

His grin grows wider. "Well, for the adventure of course!"

Not seeing much choice, you shrug your shoulders.

"Then follow me," the man says, turning to your left and heading down a path that has mysteriously appeared through the haze. After what could not be more than five minutes, he turns to you and hands you a bag. "Fare thee well!" he calls, then disappears, his lantern resting on the ground where he had once stood.

You heft the bag, and it jingles as you bounce it in your hand. Looking around yourself, you find that you are in a small cobbled plaza. There is an exit to what you will arbitrarily dub the north, and three doors leading into various shops.

What do you do?

---Enter the shop called "McGrue's Adventuring Paraphernalia"
---Enter the shop called "B&B Blacksmith's"
---Enter the shop called "Arwen's Magical Emporium"
---Head north looking for answers

The voting begins... NOW! ("Page 3) posted on 1/19/2011, voting to close at noon CST on 1/20/2011)

NOTES: It was mentioned on my blog entry that some people would have liked to have known ahead of time that the first three or so choices would decide the overall "genre" of the story. I apologize for not making that clearer, and I will do my best to correct that in the future if there are any such major decisions to be made by letting you know ahead of time. The exception to this, of course, will be the method of your change. It is coming soon, but how? Though you'll decide, you'll never know when! HAHAHAHA, MINE IS AN EVIL LAUGH!

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Pickles: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure: Page 3

---Enter the shop called "Arwen's Magical Emporium"

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Go to McGrue's!

Adventuring Paraphenalia? Sounds right!


i agree

---Enter the shop called "Arwen's Magical Emporium"

The most options

Jezzi Stewart's picture

McGrue's has my vote: "Adventuring paraphanelia could include just about anything, including magic stuff and the stuff a blacksmith would produce.

BE a lady!

In true adventuring sense.....

KevSkegRed's picture

..... an adventuring emporium would include general adventuring gear ie clothing, backpacks, camping equipment, food etc. Purely mundane stuff. For weapons and armour use the blacksmith and the magic shop solely for magical supplies.

Kev [Ρĥàńŧāśĩ»ßő™], Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

KevSkegRed, Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

Enter the shop called

Enter the shop called "Arwen's Magical Emporium"

The only bad question is the one not asked.

The only bad question is the one not asked.

"McGrue's Adventuring Paraphernalia"

as good a place as any to start, I guess.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



McGrues for better service?

WebDeb's picture

With an abundance of paraphernalia, sounds like one would be spoiled for choice.


laika's picture

So decreed my magic decider die...
Which had only been set up to choose from three options,
So now with 4 I just decided that the 5 and 6 dot sides didn't count;
but interestingly, I rolled a five twice before I got a useable reading.
Could the die in its all-seeing plastic wisdom be telling us something? No. No it couldn't...
~~hugs, Laika

(Phillip K. Dick cast his I Ching coins to determine the plot of his MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.)

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


You should've used......

KevSkegRed's picture

.... a d4. For those who don't know, a d4 is a 4 sided dice, simples......

Kev [Ρĥàńŧāśĩ»ßő™], Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

KevSkegRed, Skeg Vegas, England, UK.



Head North

Well, there was no choice "go West", so this is the best we can do. Hugs,Wendy Marie

Wendy Marie

McGrue's Adventuring Paraphernalia

KevSkegRed's picture

But do we have any gold??

Kev [Ρĥàńŧāśĩ»ßő™], Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

KevSkegRed, Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

Continuing in the same vein

That is - giving my reasoning.

I wouldn't head north right now - I'm woefully unequipped. And, since I know nothing, I start at a place that seemingly offers me most options - including asking the shopkeeper for explanations.

---Enter the shop called "McGrue's Adventuring Paraphernalia"

As for telling in advance that a choice might be crucial to future development - I guess the only times it's needed is when it is not clear from the context. Still, I think it's a nice little tidbit - the author's notes, that is - that I would likely have fun reading, especially if there will be comments regarding the choice previously taken, and the situation. :)


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

> go mcgrue

(Title written in the style of a text entry to Adventure or a MUD)

I have a fair idea of what to expect in a blacksmith's or a magic shop, but "Adventuring Paraphernalia" is bound to contain the most variety of things for sale - and you never quite know what it might stock.

Presumably, whichever shop comes out top, the next choice will be what item(s) to pick up, then the choice after that will be after exiting the store, so leaving the possibility of heading to one of the others or heading North to whatever may lie ahead...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

mischief vote

The Blacksmith

I did too

With certain games, the word 'grue' has a rather unfortunate association.

Oh, come on...

You've got a lantern handy anyhow, surely you aren't worried? :D

Melanie E.


Perhaps I should blow up the inflatable Captain.....

My pick

...would be Arwens Magical emporium

BTW: I´ve just digged up some old gamebooks from Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson - here we, City of thieves, Deathtrap Dungeon and (of course) Sorcery! Here we go again!

I used to love those books

KevSkegRed's picture

Deathtrap Dungeon and City Of Thieves I had, plus most of the others.

Great times had by me, till I discovered the internet.

Kev [Ρĥàńŧāśĩ»ßő™], Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

KevSkegRed, Skeg Vegas, England, UK.

As any Zork player knows, a

As any Zork player knows, a Grue is something likely to eat me, and I want to avoid McGrue's Adventuring Paraphernalia. It looks like a trap. So I say go to Arwen's Magical Emporium

--Brandon Young

--Brandon Young

Shop? I don't want no stinkin' shop

I go north. To the great unknown, find me some answers. Or an adventure even. But I certainly won't go into any arbitrary shady shop.. McGrue! Yeah, right *snorts* And who needs a Blacksmith anyhow, no, not for me. And Arwen's Magical Emporium ? Oh pleaasse. Magic isn't real, it's for little kids.
Magic and fairies and wizards and stuff, give me a break. I am cold, and miserable, and spooked. So why do I go north? I don't know, but I am certainly not going into any stores like this.

Maybe, if I go for the one entrance which _isn't_ into a store I can get back home. To warmth and comfort. Ugh.



terrynaut's picture

I vote for Arwen's shop.

Thanks and kudos. :)

- Terry

To be different ;3

I vote BBs black smith ;3

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

One More Vote...

...for McGrue's, though I appreciate the concerns about the name. But it's hard to tie a blacksmith shop into this confusing scenario, and magic, when we're unprepared, is more likely to make things worse than better. Similarly, heading north with no preparation at all seems foolish.

My biggest concern at McGrue's, assuming we find something there that we'll need and don't get waylaid or worse, is what they'll want in payment. Something tells me that our grocery cash won't be much good here.



The weird guy did leave some coins for the protagonist from the looks of it.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


I'm surprised I missed that.


The adventuring emporium sounds the best IF...

he can figure out from the bag what his adventure is and why he was chosen. That is a big if here, why did he end up in that unfamilar village and then assumed to be an adventurer? Not knowing what is expectd of him he may make the wrong choices.

Magic shops if magic is real, are potentially very dangerous BUT if he could buy a spell to *devine* what he needs for his adventure... Forwarned is forarmed. But if it was the SRU magic shop he'd end up with four arms, four large breasts and female.

Give me WHY. Mars, um *I* need mortvations!

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Head north!

Head north!

Voting Closing Early

Due to both fairly overwhelming response and a need to get sleep, I am closing the voting an hour and a half early on this page.

And the winner, with half the votes cast, is McGrue's!

Melanie E.


But what happens now?

I love you all...


He gets eaten by a grue, of course.