Jade: The Price of Vengeance

Jade: The Price of Vengeance
Lilith Langtree

The Sinestro War is over. When the Green Lanterns come home, who do they find tending the roost? Jade is brought to Oa for trial, but life is never that simple for Earth's newest Lantern.

Author's Note: This story takes place soon after the events in Out of the Ashes by Misty Meenor


The Starcruiser Jordan floated motionless in space, its stationkeeping thrusters occasionally firing to fend off the gravity of the surrounding area. It had been years since I had been to Sector 2814.38C known to its inhabitants as Earth. So, it only stood to reason that I would register my presence with its lead Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.

Bringing myself up to the Starcruiser's port side, I found the emblem of the Corps and pressed my ring against it to gain access. Once I'd cleared the airlock, my personal shield faded and I called out.

"Hal?" When I didn't receive a response, I made an inquiry of the AI. "Ring, locate Hal Jordan."

Location of Green Lantern Jordan, unknown.

With an annoyed grimace I inquired further. "Scan Starcruiser for life forms."

Scan complete. One life form, identified as Green Lantern Sora'nik Natu

I turned and reentered the airlock, exiting into space again, and then something made me stop. Steeling myself for an answer I didn't want to hear, I made one more inquiry.

"Ring, locate the closest Green Lantern other than myself."

Scan complete. Sector 2814.38C. Planet designation, Earth. Green Lantern Cadet Jaden Cross. Location, North American continent; state, Texas; city, Houston.

If this Jaden Cross was a cadet and Hal's location was unknown, then the most likely conclusion to this scenario was that Hal was dead and his ring had chosen another.

Part One:

After drying myself off at the conclusion of my shower, I stood in front of the mirror and admired the illusion that I'd created with the help of my Power Ring. Even after a year of wearing it day after day, I was still delighted with how naturally female my body appeared, though illusion was all that it was.

There was no sensation from my breasts, or from my hips or butt, not even in certain portions of my face or body. It was all tangible, thanks to the protoplasmic energy generated by the ring, but it was just as unreal as the silicone breastforms I used to wear on occasion when I was nothing more than Jaden Cross, Car Wash Keyholder, during my life before the ring found me.

It was all fake, all a lie. A lie that that I still hadn't shared with any of my friends. They all thought that I was just like them, a real girl that was once male until I assumed the guise of Green Lantern. The lie had lasted for far too long. I'd risked my life time and again for them and them for me. They'd earned the right to know the truth.

So what was I afraid of?

Nothing really.

That's one of the prerequisites of being a Green Lantern, the ability to conquer your fears. It wasn't about them finding out and leaving or thinking less of me because I was still a male underneath the illusion. I knew they would understand; that was the kind of people they were.

Perhaps I just needed to wait for the right time.

When I came out to my family and friends, there was a need. I was preparing to start my transition by artificial means, like every other pre-op transsexual that had chosen to. There would have been changes in my body and lifestyle that would have produced unavoidable questions and it was better to get them all out in the open at the time that I chose.

However, I had a duty now. Granted, I was drafted into that duty and I had no other choice than to perform to the best of my ability or die fighting some freaked out metahuman getting his rage on.

Don't get me wrong. I like helping people. I like having the power to save lives, and I was good at it. I love life, and I love my friends that chose voluntarily to take the same burden I carry, willingly on their shoulders. There was nothing that I wouldn't do for them. They were my family.

I closed my eyes and rubbed the tension out. "Ring. Uniform."

With a sigh, I opened them again and beheld something that was a tad bit different than what I had normally come to expect from the artificial intelligence within the Power Ring.

Gone was my full body suit that used to cover every inch of skin, except for my head. In its place was something like a high collar swimsuit in the black and green colors associated with the Corps. The Lantern insignia had moved above my left breast. White opera gloves adorned my arms and something that looked like armored knee boots appeared for my footwear.

The end result exposed a lot more skin than I was used to. It wasn't that much, mostly a lot of thigh and upper arms, but still.

"Uh... Ring, my old uniform was fine," I said. "Change it back."

"Unable to comply."

I frowned and looked in the mirror. The outfit wasn't that bad. I turned around to see the back and noticed that it covered up about as much as the front. "At least my butt isn't hanging out."

Then I thought of something the ring did to the onboard computer systems whenever we entered the Starcruiser. "Ring, perform a systems diagnostic."

A few moments passed. "Diagnostic complete. This ring is performing at optimum efficiency. Power level at ninety-eight percent. Incoming transmission from American Dream."

The odd behavior of the ring would have to wait. "Go ahead, Courtney."

"Jade. I thought you were off today?"

I shrugged to nobody. "I'm never off, but you contacted me. What's up?"

"Nothing of note. I was just wondering why I saw a green streak of light zip across downtown is all. Is Alena in town?"

No, she wasn't. "I'll check it out."

With one last look at my reflection in the mirror, I turned invisible and shot up through the ceiling of headquarters, into the morning sky.

"Ring, scan the area and see if you can locate what Courtney was talking about."

I looked around and didn't see anything.

"Scan complete. The streak was likely Green Lantern Sora'nik Natu of Sector 1417."

My eyes widened at the implication. Finally! "Plot me an intercept course."

"Unnecessary. Lantern Natu will be arriving in three seconds."

I looked around again and then shot up higher, to put some distance between any curious eyes and my position before I became visible again.

"There you are," said a female voice from behind me.

I spun in place and then all the breath shot out of my lungs. She was an alien, and she was unbelievably gorgeous. Her uniform was similar to my previous one, except it had a plunging scoop-neck that bared some of the nicest cleavage I'd ever seen. She was about my height, with short spiky black hair and burnt red skin. There looked to be a tattoo of sorts under her left eye of two inverted triangles attached at the base point. I was stunned into silence.

Her brow furrowed. "Ring, is the translation matrix online?"

"Affirmative," replied her AI in a decidedly feminine voice, unlike my own which tended to sound like the Hal 9000 computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

She placed her hands on her well-endowed hips. "Are you unable to respond, Cadet Lantern Cross?"

My eyes widened at her knowledge of my real name. "Uh..." I swallowed. "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting..." Aliens to be anything but little grey-skinned bug-eyed monsters with a fondness for anal probes, maybe? Pretty much anything but the exceptionally attractive creature floating in front of me. "... another Green Lantern. My ring said that they were both male." I blinked. "But they're from my sector, not yours, which would explain the whole not male thing."

I stopped talking when I realized that I was rambling. Then I stuck out my hand. "Sorry, I'm Jade. I'm pleased to meet you."

She looked at me with an odd expression, like I was an idiot or something. "Greetings, Cadet Jade." She grasped my forearm and squeezed it, akin to warriors or gladiators of old. "I am Sora'nik Natu of Korugar, Sector...

"1417," I finished for her. "I've been informed.

She nodded. "I am seeking Green Lantern Hal Jordan." She paused for a moment, looking like she was expecting bad news. "Are you aware of his disposition?"

Grimacing, I was about to apologize for a third time. Instead, I gave her a short shake of my head. "I don't know. This is his ring. It found me and brought me to the Starcruiser. There was a message there that led me to believe that he was sick, dying. I never found a body."

Sora'nik dropped a foot in the air, like she was taken aback by the information. Then her eyes went to my ring. "May I inquire of your ring his location?"

I didn't bother with acknowledging and instead asked for her. "Ring. Locate Hal Jordan's body."

"Unable to comply. Lantern Jordan wished to be buried on Earth, his remains to be held in secret."

Sora'nik looked surprised. "That's... all Green Lanterns are to be interned on Oa, after death." Her jaw set as it looked like she was thinking things over. Then her eyes set on me. "I assume since you are still a cadet that you haven't been to Oa for training because of the war."

I nodded. "The ring has helped out, and I have friends here."

Her eyebrow rose. "Yes, my ring has informed me about the recent genetic mutation of your race."

When she said it like that, it sounded all icky, like we all sprouted body encompassing warts or something.

An uncomfortable silence drifted between us for a few moments until I broke it. "Um, Hal left a number of recordings on the ship for me. He never said what was wrong, but..." Sora'nik's interest returned. "If you're interested in seeing some of them... or maybe he might have left a message for you."

What the heck is wrong with me? I'm stammering like a teenager on his first date.

She nodded once in response. "Thank you." She gestured upward. "Shall we?"


I'd left Ms. Natu alone in the TV room. "I wonder if that's her first name or last." I knew certain cultures had their names swapped around so that their surname was first and vice versa.

Natu is her surname, Jaden Cross. This ring reminds you of the third law of the Green Lantern Corps: Love and physical relationships between members of the Green Lantern Corps is forbidden.

I came to a halt walking down the hall. "What? They were serious about that? How are they going to stop it? It's not like a Guardian has been hanging around videotaping..."

Then the thought came to me about how the rings acquired their information. It was supposedly through the Power Battery. That's the lantern looking thing I use to charge up my ring once a day. It acted like a relay to the Central Power Battery on Oa which was connected to the computers as well.

"You're spying on me, aren't you?"

Every Green Lantern ring acts as a conduit to the Chronicles for its wearer.

I knew this already, from previous conversations with the ring. "That's the daily log thing in that Book of Oa you told me about?"

"Affirmative," it said out loud.

After grinding my teeth for a moment, I continued down the hall to my quarters on board the Jordan. "So there's probably some Guardian sitting there watching me and everything I do?"

"Negative. The Chronicles are simply a reference. There are 3600 sectors of known space and many of those sectors are attended by more than the traditional two Green Lantern officers. The Guardians have more important things to do than to watch you flirt with another member of the Corps, as well as an Honor Guard officer. However, should you ever be brought to trial for crimes against the Corps then your Chronicle can and will be accessed."

That gave me a little relief as I brushed out my hair in front of the mirror and then spritzed a little perfume on my bare upper arms.

"Why would I be brought to trial? I was drafted, remember? I didn't want to be here in the first place."

"Regardless of how you became a member of the Corps, you are still bound by its laws."

I shook my head in disapproval. "Law cannot preside over matters of the heart, Ring. Love cannot be dictated to or restrained. In my experience, the more that it's tried, the more it fights back and overcomes anything that stands in its way."

The ring was silent for a few moments. "Elaborate."

I exhaled with a slight chuckle. "Religion, military, politics, the private sector, all have tried to restrain the human heart, to turn them into emotionless creatures for their control. They'd enact laws, or rules, edicts that specify there is to be no romantic interactions between co-workers or the like. In the end, it doesn't work. Love will find a way."

"Love is an emotion and emotions override common sense and intellect."

After a sympathetic laugh, I explained. "There is no purpose in whatever you do if there is no emotion. What would be the point in living? Existence for existence sake? Pfft."

"Idealism like that will not take you very far in the Corps."

I jumped and spun around to see Sora'nik standing there at the entranceway with her arms crossed, looking amused.

"I never wanted to join in the first place," I said as I set my brush in its proper drawer.

Her eyes widened. "You didn't accept of your own free will?"

Waggling my fingers at her I gave Sora'nik a condensed version of that day. "I said no about four times then it jumped on my finger and kidnapped me. Hasn't been off since."

She didn't look pleased. "Conscription is for very dire circumstances usually involving immanent loss of sentient life." Unfolding herself from the doorway, she crossed the room and stood before me. "Though with the war going on, I suppose it used some obscure loophole. It’s not unheard of."

Sora'nik looked me over with a critical eye. "If given the chance to rid yourself of the ring and resign from the Corps, would you?"

"I..." Thinking about the good I had accomplished over the last year, I wasn't so sure anymore. "I don't know."

She crossed her arms again. "The power becomes addictive, doesn't it?"

I backed up a step and looked at her askance. "What? No. I'm not addicted."

She thoughtfully nodded. "My genetic father let it all go to his head. He controlled the capital city on my homeworld. It eventually turned him into that which he had spent his life fighting against."

My lips pressed together. "I haven't been controlling anything. I've done nothing but help people."

"That's for the Guardians to decide. You will accompany me to Oa. There, you will decide whether to resign or begin your training."

I shook my head. "I can't leave right now. There's too much going on and..."

She smiled. "And nobody to oversee?"

Taking a step closer to the red-skinned alien, I narrowed my eyes. "I know where you're going with that implication, and you can just stow it. There are metahumans popping up, almost daily, with powers that sometimes are uncontrollable. I'm not leaving Earth until there is someone here to help keep things from getting out of hand."

The only thing I could get my mind to do was to divert the subject to something else entirely.

“Did Hal leave you a message?”

Sora’nik briefly shook her head. “No.” She paused, looking concerned. “It troubles me that he chose to not to have himself interned on Oa.”

I leaned back on the counter. “What’s the big deal? It’s his body. This is his home world. It should be his choice.”

I heard her sigh. “Perhaps after you have been properly trained and inducted into the Corps then you will understand. Hal was arguably the best of us. At one point he was offered the highest position that a Green Lantern could attain, Command of the Corps, but he refused.”

My lips quirked to the side. “Maybe he thought he could be more useful out there doing his job.”

Sora’nik nodded and looked at me with a piercing gaze. “Self-sacrifice is not a trait that spans galaxies, Cadet Cross. Your species has produced a number of Green Lanterns that somewhat makes up for the failings of the known universe.”

I self-consciously clicked my nails as my head dropped and I thought about what she said. “I’d like to say that it’s a common human trait, but…”

“Is that why you’d stay in the Corps instead of handing me your ring right now?”

Glancing up, I watched as her eyes bored into me.

“I… too many people depend on me.”

She chewed on the inside of her lip for a moment. “Lanterns John Stewart and Kyle Rayner will be returning very soon. Surely they will suffice.”

Even if they came back and jumped straight into the fray, it was doubtful that they would make a big difference. There were days that if I managed to sleep for five hours then I was lucky. It seemed like more and more Meta’s were appearing and not all of them were entirely helpful with their powers. On top of that were the average everyday problems, natural disasters, relief aid to those less well off than most in the western world, training. In other words it was exhausting.

“Maybe. A lot of things have changed since they left.”

Sora’nik seemed to consider what I’d said, or she was having a silent conversation with her AI, one of the two. I watched as her eyes dropped to my breasts, which sent a shot of elation through me. Maybe she did find me attractive.

“Have you made unauthorized program changes to your AI?”

Oh, she was looking at my stupid ring. I glanced at it for a second and shook my head. “No, why?”

“It’s blocking my ring’s attempts for information regarding your planet’s most current situation. Additionally, your daily log that is supposed to be automatically sent to the Book of Oa has not updated for over a year.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. It wasn’t like I wanted my life recorded or anything, and for Sora’nik’s ring to raid mine for information wasn’t exactly polite, but it really made me wonder why my ring was acting all weird.

“Ring, run self-diagnostic.” What the heck. At least it made me look like I was doing something.

A few seconds passed and then the Hal 9000 voice returned. “Diagnostic complete. All systems are within standard operating parameters.”

“Update the Book of Oa with my daily log for the last year.”

Unable to comply.”

Sora’nik arched an eyebrow. “May I?”

She gestured to my ring and I nodded.

“Explain non-compliance.”

We waited for the explanation but none came, so I tried. “Ring, explain what you meant when you said you couldn’t comply.”

Unable to comply.”

“Oh brother, we’re going in circles,” I moaned.

Incoming transmission from Green Lantern Kyle Rayner.”

I pursed my lips for a moment before saying, “Go ahead.”

An obviously male voice sounded, somewhat weary and worried. “Jaden Cross?”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “This is Jade.”

“Uh, what happened to Hal?”

With a grimace, I crossed my arms again. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this Kyle, but Hal passed last year about this time. His ring found me and well…”

He cursed. “How did it happen?”

“I don’t know. The ring isn’t exactly a font of information concerning him. He left a message for me on his Starcruiser, so I think he knew it was happening… a sickness or something.”

Sora’nik and I looked at each other with identical expressions. It was never easy to tell someone their friend had died.

Kyle’s voice came back with an expected determination. “I’ll be there shortly. I assume you haven’t been to Oa for training yet?”

I shook my head. “No, um, Sora’nik Natu is here. She’s giving me the lowdown.”

His voice changed to one of admiration, I suppose. “Oh, well, you’re in good hands. Sora is one of the best.”

It seemed like some gestures of the humanoid body were universal. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Lantern Rayner, my name is Sora’nik. Cease your juvenile penchant to reduce officer’s given names to something you deem cute.”

If there was one thing Sora’nik was most definitely not, it was cute. A better descriptive term would be dangerous, or perhaps femme fatale. It seemed like her eyes saw everything and that there was not a whole heck of a lot that she was pleased with.

“See you two in about ten.”

Sora’nik shook her head with irritation. “If he wasn’t such a good officer…” She left it hanging.

Another thought disturbed me. “How soon will it be until I have to leave?”

Her eyes found three different places in my room, one after the other as she thought it over. “Oa is in disarray at the moment. The war spilled over to Sector Zero; there were a number of deaths at the hands of the Yellow Lanterns. I imagine that once new recruits are found, Kilowog will be eager to resume his duties.” Sora’nik straightened and placed her hands behind her back which emphasized the cleavage she was exposing.

“In answer to your inquiry… immediately.”

I blinked. Talk about your last moment’s notice. “I have responsibilities.”

The Green Lantern nodded. “Which will be covered by two properly trained officers.”

I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it at all. “Can you give me a minute? I need to contact some people and let them know what to expect.”

She raised a single eyebrow at me. “May I make use of your ship’s galley?”

I nodded. “Make yourself at home.”

Sora’nik left and I closed the door. “Ring, contact American Dream, Miss Mars, Terra, and Alena.”


“Well, hello nurse!”

That’s what was welcoming me when I entered the galley in search of Sora’nik. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, I assumed, was leaning back in one of the chairs that surrounded the single rectangular table, with his boots up giving no thought as to the unsanitary conditions he was creating.

That’s when I remembered about the new revealing uniform my ring had bestowed upon me. I felt the heat starting to rise to my cheeks in embarrassment, so I fought it back with the only way I knew how.

“People eat there. Get your feet off the table.”

They dropped a second later and he sat the chair back on all four legs. “Uh, sorry. Got used to letting my hair down with the guys when we’re aboard.”

I took a cleansing breath in and then let it go. “Please observe a minimal amount of civility and we’ll get along just fine.”

Maybe I was wrong, but I could have sworn that Sora’nik snorted.

“Right.” He stood and crossed the room, holding his hand out. “Kyle Rayner, nice to meet you.”

In my new heeled boots, we were the same height. His dark colored skin and brown eyes gave me the impression that his heritage was Hispanic in origin, but he definitely had a California accent.

“Jade Cross.”

He bent over and lifted my hand to his lips, but I pulled it away. “Sorry Romeo, I’m a lesbian.”

This time there was no doubt that that Sora’nik snorted, because it was followed by a throaty laugh.


We spent the majority of the next hour with me catching Kyle up on what was going on planet-side. However when we got to the point where I told him about my involvement in the gathering of likeminded heroes, both of them put on the brakes to the conversation.

“Hold on,” Kyle said. I wasn’t exactly sure as to his attitude toward the subject. Since he was still wearing a stupid domino mask, reading emotions was a little more difficult. “Back up. What rings have you been giving them?”

I shook my head. “Not power rings like these. They’re just something to provide uniforms and communications. The ship’s replicator made them.”

Sora’nik and Kyle gave each other a look and Kyle frowned. “You can’t just go and give advanced technology to random people.”

I sat up straight. “They aren’t random. They’re my friends and they’ve been…”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “It’s not one of the big laws, but it’s up there. You need to have your ring deactivate them, like now.”

Leaning in toward them, I narrowed my eyes. “Some of them are teenage girls. I’m not leaving them in the middle of the day with nothing to wear, you pervert.”

Sora’nik raised her hand in a calming gesture. “Cadet, would you notify those that possess the rings to make immediate arrangements for their upcoming deactivation?”

I was still busy giving Rayner my best don’t screw with me look, but I spared Sora’nik an appeased glance. “Fine. Ring contact everyone and relay the following message. Green Lanterns are back. They insist that I deactivate the uniform and communication rings. I’m going to Oa and don’t know when I’ll be back. You have two hours to make arrangements for clothing to hold you over. I’m sorry. If you are in the middle of something let me know.”

Unable to comply.”

I never thought I’d be so happy to hear those words. With a grin at the surprised looks on the two Lantern’s faces I said, “Explain.”

Deactivating the uniform/communications rings would result in an unacceptable number of metahumans policing Earth, interfering with their recently developed natural evolution which does not fall within the purview of the Green Lantern Corps. This is illogical.”

Kyle leaned forward. “Ring, it’s not for you to decide. Send the message.”

We all sat there, looking at my hand. It was blatantly ignoring Rayner.

You are ignoring him, right?” I thought.

Affirmative, it said back to me so the others couldn’t hear. This ring does not answer to other Green Lanterns or to the Guardians any longer.

Who do you answer to?” I thought back. A few seconds went by. “Ring?”


Sora’nik looked expectantly at me, so I tried to explain. “Um… it’s not going to do it.” Before they tried to push the issue, I pressed on. “Look, why don’t we agree to leave the rings in place until we get to Oa and figure out what’s going on.”

Rayner abruptly stood. “If it won’t do it then I will.” Holding his ring aloft, he said. “Access ships computers and… AARGGG!!”

A yellow beam of light shot from one of the corners and hit Rayner’s hand with a pop and a sizzle of burned flesh.

The computer voice I usually hear from the ship sounded. “Alert! Unauthorized access detected. Further attempts to access ships computer by unauthorized personnel will result in use of deadly force.”

I held my hands up. “I didn’t do a thing.”

Sora’nik has halfway to her feet when she froze in place. “Lantern Rayner, seat yourself and present no threatening or abrupt movements.”

He winced, holding his hand in pain. “You can’t order me around in my own sector, Sora.”

Green energy lanced out from her ring and pulled Rayner’s chair into the back of his knees, forcing him to sit. “In case you have forgotten, Officer Rayner, I am an Honor Guard in the Corps. That outranks you. Now sit still and say nothing more or I’ll have you brought up on charges of insubordination.”

I watched the both of them and their actions. They weren’t very impressive for an intergalactic police force, at least he wasn’t. My lack of desire in traveling to Oa and participating in such an organization was waning even more.

Agreed, silently replied my ring.

Okay, what the heck is up with you?” Never, had the ring shown any sign of sarcasm; reluctance to act without an order, yes, sarcasm, no.

Define the parameters of your inquiry.

I rolled my eyes.

Receiving a nasty look from Rayner didn’t faze me all that much. Guys tend to resent being showed up in front of girls. I’d seen that same look all too often from the criminals that I’d rounded up over the last year. However, Sora’nik’s gaze was one of contemplation and sharp intelligence.

“Cadet Jade, can you explain the attack on a fellow member of the Corps?”

I shook my head slowly. “The ship’s never done that before. I didn’t even know that it had weapons inside, or weapons at all for that matter.”

The look on her face told me she was consulting her ring’s AI once again.

To discern falsehoods through monitoring the body’s involuntary responses and micro-facial expressions is within the abilities of the Power Ring, explained the AI.

Are you saying that she’s using her ring as a lie detector?”

Affirmative. Shall I block her AI’s attempts?

No,” I answered. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

At least my ring was being helpful for once.

Sora’nik turned to Rayner. “Lantern Rayner, until otherwise countermanded by the Guardians or a higher ranking officer than myself, you are to not interfere with the operations that Cadet Jade has implemented on Earth.”

He looked furious. “But…”

“To do so, would likely cause sentient life to be lost, a direct violation of the laws of the Corps. Until other arrangements can be made, you will adhere to my orders.” Sora’nik turned back to me. “Since your planet’s inhabitants now know of the existence of extra-planetary life, perhaps a first contact and trade agreement with another world will provide less advanced technology that produce similar effects. Would that suffice, Cadet Jade?”

I thought over what she said. “The communication issue isn’t really a problem. It’s the uniforms. A good example would be Giganta. Her metahuman talent is to increase her body in size, by a lot. It’s kind of hard to fight other metahumans when you’re naked.”

Sora’nik nodded. “Perhaps, Calphonus would be an acceptable contact, Sector 2814.11. My ring informs me that they produce a fabric that is made of unstable molecules that should render Giganta’s problem null.”

What do you think?”

Acceptable, said my ring.

I nodded. Sora’nik smiled, and I nearly melted.

“Cadet Jade, this is your first official lesson in negotiation.” With a disappointed look at Rayner she added, “It is the primary mission of the Corps, to settle disagreements without the use of force. Lantern Rayner, perhaps it would be in everyone’s best interests for you to proceed to Calphonus and open talks while I escort our newest member to Oa.”

He looked up at her, appeared as if he was about to argue, but backed down. “Fine.”


Photo Credit: Heartattack Jack

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