Part 2
Krista was once more feted as a hero for rescuing the battered child. This time instead of killing someone she'd saved someone. Saving a person definitely felt better. While pleased with saving Sandi, Krista was also disturbed by the incident. She felt there was something very important missing. Saving Sandi was only part of what she needed to do.
It took Krista until Wednesday just before lunch until she figured out the missing link. As she walked the halls between classes that morning Krista saw a boy gobbling down a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared after the boy. She realized he had set off the alarm bells in her head. It only took an instant until she realized what was niggling in the back of her mind. It was the Spades! They had said they had been involved in trying to help three sisters in the school where they taught. The girls' father had abandoned the family and the only job where the mother could earn money was as an exotic dancer in a strip club in Baltimore. The mom was deemed unfit and the girls split into separate foster home. The oldest girl, the mother hen of the flock much like Krista had done during their odyssey, was raped by her foster father. The girl had retreated within her mind and had not come back out. The distraught mother killed the man who had molested her children. Their surname was Reese!
As they headed into lunch, Krista excused herself from her girlfriends explaining she needed to take care of something important. Heading over to the geek table, she asked Amy and Ferdy if they could join her for a private conversation while they ate. As Krista was an interesting person and had a warm, friendly yet dominant nature, they agreed. Both were horrified by what Krista told them and asked if they could help her locate the Reese girls. All she could tell them was that the girls had attended Perryville Elementary School in Cecil County, Maryland, that the Spades had been teachers there, and that it had happened about two to two and a half years ago. Amy and Ferdy were excited about becoming involved in Krista's new adventure and eagerly agreed to see what information they could find.
By the next day the data duo had located the oldest girl, Jasmine Reese, now 13, in a nursing home. She was in a persistent vegetative state and kept alive by nutritive feedings and hydration. The mother, Heather Reese, now thirty one, was locked up in the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women in Jessup serving fifteen to twenty five years for second degree murder. Leroy explained they would have to hack into the Cecil County Courthouse files to find out where the younger girls were. Both he and Amy seemed delighted at the prospect.
On Saturday the family, now including Sandi, headed out for the football games. Krista and Tony took Sandi to the sidelines as the twins cheered for their age bracket team. Dressed in a sweater and pleated skirt in the team colors, Sandi did the cheers along with the girls. All thought she was cute.
Mindy Welch, the cheerleader coach, took note of the perky girl being watched by Krista and Tony. Having heard what happened last week, Mindy sidled over to Krista. "Is that the girl you found last week?"
"Yes," Krista nodded. "My parents took her in as a foster child and she's doing really good. She's been practicing the routines with Lyndi and Teri."
" I have an open position on the younger cheer squad," Mindy declared. "Do you think she'd like to cheer for the team LJ and Peter are on?"
"I think she'd love to," Krista smiled. "We'll have to ask mom first. Tony, can you ask mom to come here for a moment?"
Tony smiled and nodded as he took off at a trot. A few minutes later he returned with Pat in tow. Mindy explained her desire to have Sandi join the cheering squad for the younger boys.
"That sounds like a great idea," Pat enthused. "But I'd like to surprise her. I'll order a uniform in her size on Monday. How about we bring her to practice and you can ask her if she'd like to join her age group cheering. After practice, we'll stop and get her uniform."
"Sounds like a plan," Mindy smiled.
By Monday the data duo had the results on the Reeses. Holly, now 11 and Ivy, now 9, were still in foster care in separate families and different schools in Cecil county. Once Krista had all the information, she thanked them and told them to never hesitate to ask her for help in anything they needed. Both smiled.
Krista wanted to get the Reese girls back together with their mother. She hoped that once the family was reunited, Jasmine would emerge from her catatonic state. When she had as much information as she could gather, she asked her parents she needed to have a private discussion with them. After supper they sat on the porch.
"When we first met the Spades, we were two weeks into our trek, " Krista began. "We were at Mystic Seaport looking through the fence at the exhibits wishing we could go inside. They approached us and after a bit of dithering, they paid our way inside. They were really nice and thought we were homeless while mom was away at sea as a cook. We slept on their boat and they brought us clothes. They told us they wouldn't turn us over to the authorities because they had a bad experience in the past when they reported a family to the Children’s service agency. The father was gone, I don't remember if he took off or died, but the only way the mother could support her daughters was by becoming an exotic dancer. The children were taken and split into different foster homes. The oldest girl was raped by her foster father and has been catatonic since. The mother shot and killed the rapist so now she's in jail serving fifteen to twenty five years for second degree murder. The catatonic daughter is in a nursing home being kept alive and the younger daughters are in separate foster homes and attend different schools. Lyndi, Teri, and I reminded them of the family they destroyed. The girls are all in Cecil County and the mother is in the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women in Jessup. Saving Sandi felt good but at the same time I felt guilty like I was missing something. It finally hit me on Wednesday. It was the Reese girls. I know this sounds silly, but I need to help them." With that Krista gave her parents the data she'd collected.
Pat and Leroy smiled and nodded their heads. Krista was a marvelous person.
"Some of this is restricted data," Leroy said as he skimmed the papers. "How did you get all this information?
Krista blushed and bit her lips. Then with a sigh she answered. "I plead the Fifth Amendment."
"So you know quite a bit of this was gotten illegally," Leroy sighed as Krista squirmed. "I guess I'll have to retrieve it through legal channels. Tell whoever got you this to make sure they covered their trail."
"Will do, dad, Thanks," Krista smiled.
"I'll check to make sure the younger girls are safe," Leroy said. “If they are, it'll be better to leave them where they're at until we can get other issues resolved. I'll contact Kevin Stewart, he's the best defense lawyer in the county. I'll have him take a look at Heather Reese's case to see if we can appeal the conviction."
"I'll call in some markers to find more about Jasmine's condition," Pat said. "You'll have to be patient as this will take some time."
"I understand," Krista nodded. "Do you think we have a chance of getting the conviction overturned?"
"Kevin will figure that out," Leroy explained. "But it looks like she had a court appointed public defender. Sometimes they simply are too busy to do a good job, especially in a case where the accused admitted to the killing."
"We'll need to find them a place to live," Krista said as she was already moving on to how they could help the Reese's.
Gram came walking up to them. "Now who are we moving?"
Krista once more explained the situation.
Gram just nodded and cryptically stated. "I'll see what I can do on the housng end."
The next morning, Jane contacted Robert and Sheila Scott, Krista's paternal grandparents and asked them to join her for lunch as she had something to discuss.
After they finished eating Jane spoke up. "Are you still interested in moving out her on the peninsula?"
"Yes we are but so far we haven't found anything," Robert said.
"I was talking to Bill Dougherty yesterday," Jane said. "He's thinking of selling off his farm, just keeping a water-side site to build a small place. He wants to make sure the farm continues and doesn't get developed. That's why he hasn't listed it. If it's listed, some developer will gobble it up."
Robert and Sheila exchanged glances then Sheila asked. "How much land does he have?"
"Basically the rest of the Wells Point peninsula," Jane replied. "His land adjoins mine. In the north it runs along Leadham Creek into Long Cove, from the south western tip of the cove about fifty yards to Wells Point Lane. The property line follows the south west side of the road as it heads northwest along the tree line. Then it follows the tree line south along the Bozman Neavitt Road. Once it nears the houses and developments north of Neavitt it follows the tree line south east to Balls Creek. It includes Johns Cove and the docks."
"There is a big house with barns and outbuildings off the docks at Johns Cove," Jane continued. "There's another house about eighty feet further up Johns Cove Lane. About two hundred fifty feet north on Johns Cove Lane is the main farm with a large house, two barns and a shed. About three hundred feet north Dougherty Lane splits off heading north west five hundred feet until it meets Wells Point Lane. There is a house, large barn and a shed there. Heading west on Wells Point lane for four hundred feet is another house with a garage. Going back to John's Cove Lane where Dougherty Lane split off, about hundred feet north on Johns Cove Lane is a large barn. A further four hundred fifty feet Johns Cove Lane crosses Wells Point Road. The farm on the intersection of Dougherty Lane and Wells Point Lane is about five hundred feet from the intersection of Wells Point Lane and Johns Cove Lane. Heading north about three hundred fifty feet on John's Cove Lane from the intersection is the biggest house on the property. Eight hundred feet east of Johns cove Lane on Wells Point Lane, Locust Neck Lane travels south two thousand feet to the forest on Locust neck Point. Steves Cove Lane heads south from my barn into the trees and then runs along the property line for two thousand feet to the east of Steves Cove to end at the forest on Balls Creek Point. It's about six hundred and fifty acres. My farm is about four hundred twenty five acres as a comparison."
"That's a big area," Robert acknowledged. "I don't know if we can afford it."
"You can get the kids to join you," Jane suggested. "You'll have six houses, five barns, six sheds, one garage, and one boat house. David and Laura and their kids could take the big house. She's mentioned more than once she'd like to open a Bed and Breakfast and that place would be ideal. I'm sure Larry and Kylie would jump at the chance to live out here and I think Evelyn Masters would be willing to sell her place to move in with them. The same goes for Rachel Masters and Tony. You'd take another house so that would leave three open."
"I've known you too long, Jane," Sheila chuckled. "So who do you have in mind for the other houses?"
“Well, Krista has come up with the idea of saving a family that's been torn apart," Jane smiled. "It involves the Spades but they don't know that yet. They could take the house at the dock and operate the dock in conjunction with the bed and breakfast. It'd be a better location to launch the DUKW too. The environmentalists wouldn't look too favorably if we tried to reopen the route we used to use."
Jane went on to explain about Krista's idea to reunite the Reese family. Robert and Sheila both smiled proudly thinking about how caring Krista was about people she'd never met.
"I really think if Bill knows you'll buy the place with your extended family, he'll cut you a deal," Jane finished. "Besides, neither of you'd have to pay a real-estate agent's commission."
"Well, I guess it won't hurt to talk to Bill," Robert replied. "I saw his truck on the way in so maybe I can catch him to sound him out"
A few moments later, Robert and Sheila pulled up beside Bill's truck parked by the side of the road. The old man was down in one of the many small streams unsuccessfully trying to pull some trees that had been downed by a recent storm from a drain pipe. Robert pulled his F350 Ford truck around until it faced the pipe. Sheila slid behind the steering wheel as Robert walked around the front to pick up the winch cable. As Sheila let it unwind, Robert climbed down into the ditch/streambed.
"Wrap this around the trunks," Robert said as he reached the heavily perspired older man.
"T’ank ya kindly, Robert," Bill said as he wrapped the half inch steel cable around the trunks.
The two stood clear and signaled Sheila who began to rewind the cable. Once the cable was taunt, it shook for a moment before the trees begrudgingly let loose. Sheila winched the offending trees right up to the front of the truck as the men clambered out of the ditch. After unhooking the cable, Sheila wound the slack cable onto the winch while the men threw the branches into the back of Bill's beat up old 1968 F150.
"T’ank ya ‘gain," Bill smiled when the task was finished.
"Anytime, Bill," Robert replied. "We were just talking to Jane O'Brien and she said you were thinking of selling the place but didn't want to let it go to a developer."
"That AH am," Bill answered. "If ya know anyone who might be interested, le’ me know."
"Well, I might be interested if the price is right," Robert replied with a genuine smile.
“Ah know ya don’t want ta become a farma and Ah don’ want to see it all divied up fer development,” Bill surmised. “So what ya want it fer?”
“You know my granddaughter made her way down from Massachuset,” Robert began. “She and her sisters are living with Jane. My oldest boy, Leroy and his family have moved in with Jane since he’s Krista’s father.”
“Yep, heard all ‘bout her,” Bill nodded. “She’s one feisty gal, took out Jack Masters and then rescued that ‘bused girl. Not to mention she put some life back into Jane. That ‘bused girl’s stayin’ wit’ ‘em ain’t she?”
“Yes, Sandi is staying with them at least temporarily but I think it might be permanently,” Robert replied. “Kylie Masters has set up a repair shop in Jane’s barn. She and my youngest, Larry are engaged and will probably marry next spring. My other son Dave works with me and his wife Laura has been talking about buying a place to live in and make over into a bed and breakfast. Sheila and I have been talking about moving into the country for a while but haven’t found anything that suits us. Jane suggested your place would be big enough for my family. The big place could become a home and bed and breakfast for Dave and Laura. Larry is a good worker but his heart just isn’t in the construction business. He’s always liked gardening, so I think he’d be interested in farming, besides which living out here Kylie would be next door to her garage. I’d assume Evelyn would sell her place and move in with them. Then there’s Rachel Masters, Evelyn’s sister and her son Tony. They could have a place out here too. We’d all be nice and cosy out here on Wells Point.”
“Does sound perty good,” Bill mused. “But Ah could easily get five million fer the place, especially wit’ all the water frontage. Ah don’t tink even ya could handle that.”
“I could but I don’t want to,” Robert answered honestly. “I’d have to hock everything and that’s just too risky. Besides, the only way you’d get that is to sell it to a developer. “I’m thinking more of giving you a million in cash, and paying you a consulting fee of a thousand a month to stay on as agricultural advisor for Larry. Plus, I build a cabin and a dock for you down on Balls Creek. The house would be masonry. The ground floor would be open plan for use as a garage or boat storage. The second floor would be above a fifteen foot storm surge and we’ll build a ramp for access and a full wrap around balcony deck. We'd keep ownership which would free you from property taxes and sign a contract allowing you rent free use for life. We'll do the upkeep for free and install whatever type of heating/cooling system you'd like. Your only expenses would be utilities. We can also add in a title stipulation limiting the development of the land to keep it either a farm or wildlife sanctuary."
"That's a mighty fine deal," Bill acknowledged. "The cabin sounds good and ah know just where ta put it. The consultin’ fee will pay ma bills plus Ah'll have my social security. Ah never was one ta travel, so the million should be more’n enough to keep me happy. Ah'll give it some thought."
"Think about this," Sheila added as she had joined them while Robert was talking. "Our extended family will be here so someone will be nearby at all times. Living with us will also make you like one of the family so you'll be included in all our get togethers."
"Now the deal sounds even betta," Bill chuckled. "Mah ungrateful kids t’ain't even called since Edna passed t’ree years ‘go. Tell ya what, let's sit down with a lawyr and hammer out a deal. Ah wanna make sure mah kids don't try ta steal me blind. Ah don't want ‘em to get anything of value. Family photos ‘n such, but nothin’ more. Ah'll want an iron clad deal fer us ‘n mah will."
"Well, Kevin Stewart is the best attorney around here," Robert said. "He handles all my legal matters and Leroy trusts him."
"Sounds good ‘nough fer me," Bill answered. "If a sheriff trusts a lawyer, he's gotta be good."
"I'll call and set up a joint consultation where we can tell him what we want," Robert said. "When he gets it together, he'll let us know so we can review it to make sure it's what we want. Then all we need to do is sign."
"’n get me a million dollars," Bill added with a chuckle.
Leroy had set up and appointment to meet Kevin Stewart for lunch. Being friends since high school, the men sat and talked as the ate. When they were relaxing over desert and coffee, Leroy presented the information packet Krista had assembled.
"We don't know where some of this information was gathered," Leroy said. "All I know is my daughter had some help from some classmates but she took the fifth about saying any more."
"I take it you're referring to Krista," Kevin chuckled. "You got your hands full with that one."
"Yes, but she's a good person and only wants to help others," Leroy answered. "Do you think you can help the mom get out?"
"At first glance it looks like a great case can be made," Kevin said. "The lawyer who represented her is at best incompetent in a court room. This could run into some money for appeals and documents. While I'll run the case gratis, I can't afford the costs."
"Check it out," Leroy said. "If you think you can get her released, I know some people who I'm sure will pay the costs. "They were teachers who started the initial child services investigation because they were concerned for the children but everything went south. They've been tortured with guilt since."
"That's good," Kevin smiled. “If they filed the complaint against the mother and are now willing to testify their motives were good but misguided, it can only help the case. Give me a couple of days to root around. Let's meet for lunch on Thursday and I'll be able to give you an answer."
"Sounds good,' Leroy stood as they shook hands. "If you think it'll be a go, I'll contact the couple. I don't want to get their hopes up before then."
After school on Tuesday, Gram gathered LJ, Peter, Sandi, Lyndi and Teri and drove them to their football and cheering practice. Pat met them there with Tony and Krista. As LJ and Peter took the field with the Mitey-Mites, Krista and Pat led Sandi over to the Mitey-Mite cheerleaders. Mindy Welch greeted them warmly.
"Sandi, I saw you doing the routines on the sidelines at Saturday's game," Mindy said.
Sandi immediately hunkered down by Krista afraid she was about to be scolded.
"Oh Sandi, it's okay," Mindy knelt down to appear less threatening. "I thought you did a good job. I talked to Pat and Krista. They said it was okay if I asked you if you'd like to join this group of cheerleaders. We're short one girl and I think you'd be perfect to fill up the squad. So , what do you say, do you want to be a cheerleader for the Tidewater Titans Mitey-Mites?"
Sandi was gobsmacked. No one had EVER asked her to join in anything! She looked at Krista and Pat for guidance.
Krista knelt down by Sandi. "My mom and I are okay with you doing this, but we're not about to make you do it," Krista explained. “The choice is yours and we'll support you either way. If you want to join, we'll get you a uniform just like the ones Teri, Lyndi, and I wear. You'd be cheering for LJ and Peter. Are you interested?"
Tentatively Sandi nodded her head still not fully comfortable with being allowed to make decisions.
"I'll tell you what," Mindy smiled as she stood and reached for Sandi's hand. "Krista, will you come out to help me keep an eye on the girls to make sure they’re doing the routines correctly? Sandi, you come with us and meet the other girls and practice with us. If you have a good time and want to join the squad, you can let me know after the practice is over. So come on girls, lets go cheer!"
Krista took Sandi's trembling hand and put it in Mindy's outstretched hand. "Go for it, Sandi! I'll be right there the whole time and promise that nothing bad will happen to you."
With a last look to Krista for reassurance, Sandi allowed herself to be led to the other girls. As soon as the other cheerleaders found out Sandi was thinking of joining the squad they squealed with delight and swarmed her to hug her telling her they needed her to fill out the squad. Sandi actually smiled. Soon she was doing the routines with the other girls. Krista proved to be adept at improving the performance of all the girls without upsetting them. When the other girls asked Sandi how she could be so good so she explained she had been practicing with Teri and Lyndi while Krista coached them. By the time the practice was over, Sandi was happily nodding her head in response to the girls' unanimous requests she join the team.
Lyndi and Teri welcomed Sandi aboard as they headed out for their Junior Pee-Wee practice. Pat was helping LJ and Peter out of their uniforms as Sandi ran ahead of Krista to hug Pat in thanks for helping her. When they joined Gram, Tony listened as LJ and Peter explained their team's strategy. Pat and Krista headed to the car with Sandi to go try on and pick-up the cheerleader uniform they had ordered.
Sandi was so excited as she modeled the cute outfit she never questioned how the store had a perfectly fitting uniform with her name embroidered on it in stock. Of course she had to wear it out of the store. They arrived back at the practice just as Lyndi and Teri were finishing their practice. The twins swarmed Sandi and Mindy congratulated Sandi on becoming such and adorable cheerleader.
Gram produced her picnic basket of goodies and the family ate while the Pee-Wee teams practiced. By the time they were done, it was time for the Midget practice. Tony headed out with the guys while Krista joined the girls. Krista was well enough to do the steps and kicks but had to refrain from the jumps. Sandi watched her idol with devotion and mimicked her every move.
By the time they arrived home, everyone was tired. Leroy had to see Sandi model her cheerleader costume and he told her how cute she looked. The girl went to bed that night with a smile on her face. It was the first time she slept through the night without nightmares.
By Wednesday Pat was perplexed. No matter who she contacted to try to find information about Jasmine Reese she found a brick wall. The long term rehab center that the data duo had uncovered as the location of Jasmine Reese was out of date. It was the location Jasmine had been admitted after being discharged from the hospital, but at some point she had been moved and no one seemed to know where she was now. No one she contacted was able to find where the girl had gone or even if she was still alive. Growing fearful, she contacted Leroy.
Realizing this could be a danger sign of gross misconduct, Leroy contacted Judge Watkins.
Catherine Watkins had Leroy in his role as deputy sheriff in her courtroom on many occasions and had always found him prepared and professional. Whatever evidence or testimony he presented was always beyond reproach. The judge respected Leroy as an officer of the law and as an honorable and judicious man. It had been her great pleasure to handle the adoption of Krista and her sisters. She was the judge who signed the warrants to search Sandi’s home for evidence of her molestation. She would later sentence Sandi’s mother for her role in the abuse. Abuse was something Judge Watkins detested, especially when it involved juveniles.
When Judge Watkins found out Leroy wanted to discuss another possible abuse case that Krista had uncovered, she agreed to meet Leroy privately after normal court hours in her chambers. Judge Watkins was well aware of Krista’s odyssey, knew what Krista had done to save Rachel, Tony and herself from Jack Masters, and how she had not only discovered Sandi, but had eased the child’s terror by staying with her throughout her ordeal in the hospital. The judge had learned to respect any concerns Krista brought to her attention.
Needless to say, Judge Watkins was not pleased by what Leroy laid out before her. The stonewall they had run into concerning Jasmine Reese raised her concerns. She also told Leroy that if Kevin Stewart found probable cause for a bad verdict and sentence in the case against Heather Reese she wanted to be notified as she could use her connections to expedite handling.
Leroy thanked Judge Watkins and headed home knowing they’d have soon have answers.
Judge Watkins contacted a trusted friend who was a lawyer in the Maryland State Attorney General’s Office. When Amanda Frost learned of her friend’s concerns she had someone from the evening research staff begin going through the computer records to see where the state welfare stipend to care for Jasmine Reese were being sent. She also ordered copies of the trial transcripts for Heather Reese as well as records of her time in the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women in Jessup.
Krista was scared by the mystery of Jasmine’s location but Leroy assured her Judge Watkins would get to the bottom of the dilemma before too long. Knowing Judge Watkins was involved reduced her fears to concerns.
Robert and Sheila Scott and Bill Dougherty met with Kevin Stewart Thursday afternoon, September 20. The three explained their verbal bargain about the sale of Bill’s farm and that they wanted to have it drawn up all nice and legal as well as Bill’s desire to have an iron clad will drawn up cutting his ungrateful children from everything but designated family heirlooms. Bill also insisted it be in plain simple English as he didn’t trust legalese. Kevin made copious notes and questioned them to clarify any questionable area before he finally read his summation to them. Robert and Sheila said they were satisfied with the summation but Bill frowned.
“Bill, you don’t seem happy,” Kevin said. “Did I miss something?”
“Wa’l, Ah’ve been thinkin’ while we were chawin’,” Bill began. “Ah don’t like that million dollar cash sale.”
Robert and Sheila were shocked and disappointed. Kevin was equally confused.
“It just don’ seem right ta me,” Bill said. “Ah mean, Ah’d have ta pay taxes on a million dollars ‘n then Ah wouldn’t have a million, now would Ah?”
“All right, Bill,” Robert sighed. “I’ll up the price to a million after taxes.”
“No, no, man, are ya nuts or something? Ah’ve been thinking, what will Ah do with a million dollars, even after taxes,” Bill groused. “Ah’d die before Ah could even spend a tenth of that, then mah kids wo’ld ‘xpect the damn money. If Ah get feeble minded ‘n need to be put in a home, they’d put me in some fleabag place ’n just gobble up the money. Hell, Robert, you build me that cabin ‘n dock ‘n le’ me live there fer free ‘n pay me that fancy consultin’ fee ‘n Ah’ll be happy.”
“Bill, are you sure,” Kevin said. “That’s an awful lot of money to give up!”
“Money, shmoney.” Bill chuckled. “A roof over mah head ‘n a fishin’ pole is all Ah need. ‘Sides, thar’s a mighty fine young gal livin’ out on the point that’s concerned ‘bout helpin’ others. Ah may be an old dog but Ah’m not too old ta learn new tricks. Ah’m too old ta figure out how ta go ‘round helpin’ others, but this here Scott family’ll be able ta do a lot more good for people if they don’t go a million dollars in debt! Mah mind’s made up. No million bucks. Now ya'll take it or leave it!”
Sheila had tears running down her cheeks. “Why you old goat! You had us going there for a minute. If this what you want, I can promise you we’ll make you proud of the confidence you have in us.”
“If Ah did’n believe that, Ah wo’ldn’t be doin’ this,” Bill said. “Now, Mr. Lawyer, you draw this up jus’ like Ah said ‘n do mah will. The sooner the betta!“
“Kevin, do as this gentleman says, and be sure to send me the bill,” Robert said as he extended his hand to Bill.
Bill just smiled as they shook.
As Robert and Sheila left the office, Sheila called Jane and told her the news and asked if she could get hold of the Spades. Naturally, Jane was thrilled and jumped at the chance to have a picnic on the farm Saturday after the football games to announce the pending purchase and the rough plans for the place.
When she got back to the office, Sheila began getting the paperwork ready to apply for the permits to build Bill his retirement cabin and dock. She also prepared permit applications to remodel the existing homes and barns. The paperwork would be filed the same day they had settlement at the courthouse.
Jane called the Spade's as soon as she got off the phone with Sheila. They were glad to hear from her and wanted the latest news on the girls. Quite naturally they were not surprised by Krista's actions to help Sandi and were glad they had played a small part in getting the girls safely home.
"If you're not sitting, do so," Jane said once they'd caught up. "And make sure you're on speaker phone."
Once the Spades had done as Jane requested they let her know.
"Krista was delighted about being able to help Sandi," Jane began. "But something didn't set right but she couldn't figure out what. She said it seemed to dance around her mind giving her glimpses of something that needed to be corrected. It hit her when she saw a kid munching on a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup as they switched classes. She remembered your feelings about the Reese girls."
The Spades gasped.
"You know how Krista is when she gets and idea in her head," Jane stated once they had collected themselves. "She went to some of her classmates who are good with computers and asked them to see what they could find on the family. Heather, the mother is serving a lengthy jail term for murder but it appears her lawyer was at best incompetent. While their was no doubt that Heather had killed the man who assaulted Jasmine, her reasons for doing so were not adequately brought to light. Leroy has a friend who is a good defense lawyer looking into the case. Holly and Ivy seem to be struggling emotionally and academically. Their foster homes seem adequate but are no substitute for real family. The real concern in the matter is Jasmine. The records we've found indicates she's in a rehab center operated by Apple Tree Quality Healthcare Systems but when we contacted the center the receptionist said they had no patient by that name or age. Yesterday Leroy took the information Krista collected and took it to Judge Watkins. She was not pleased by the stonewalling and promised to get with a friend in the state Attorney General's office. I know Judge Watkins. She'll be on the warpath to reunite this family."
"Please keep us posted," Frank replied with a heavy heart. "Let us know if there's anything we can do."
"I was hoping you'd say that," Jane chuckled. "Robert and Sheila have negotiated a deal with my neighbor, Bill Dougherty, who owns the base of Well's point Peninsula. They'll be signing paperwork next week to buy the property. There are five homes as well as numerous barns and sheds on the property. The big home they want to set up as a bed and breakfast with Laura running it. Then there's the house on Balls Creek that has a boat ramp and dock. They want to set it up as a boating and canoeing landing that guests at the bed and breakfast and other tourist types can utilize. With your background in boating, your name came up as living in the house there and setting up the business."
"Well, that sounds interesting," Frank replied. "It sounds like something we might be interested in pursuing. We've both gotten a bit weary of living in our sailboat."
"Great," Jane replied. "We're having a picnic late Saturday so Robert and Sheila can let the family know what's going on. If you can get here by Saturday morning, Robert can show you the layout and then join us at the picnic. If you accept the position as head of the boating enterprise, you'll also get use of the house there. With a permanent residence, you would be in a position where you can offer the Reese family a secure place to live."
"We'll be there for the picnic," Sarah declared. "We're down around the James river now. We can get there in plenty of time. We'll dock in St. Michaels and call you when we're in."
"It'd be better if you call the Nelsons," Jane said. "If you call me Krista might find out and I'd rather surprise her."
"Will do," Sarah replied.
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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
I am glad to see you have written a sequel to A Summer's Odyssey. I am over joyed to see that you have entranced us all over again.
Knowing how Krista is I believe that the Reese family will be back together or there will be a feud that nobody has ever witnessed before....
I hope I haven't spoiled anything, and I know you will keep us on the edge of our seats waiting to see what is going to happen next.
Jayme Ann
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Odyessy II Part 2
That Krista sure has become a young lady with firm convictions and a true leader.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well done!
With Krista's spirit, energy and inate goodness providing the impetus, I know everything will eventually work out as best it can. I look forward to reading more!
another wonderful chapter to this story. krista is quite a gal. keep up the work.
It just gets better and
It just gets better and better for all the family and friends that Krista found and has made during her and her sister's "Summer Odyessy".