My emotions seem to follow an irregular cycle. Sometimes the ups aren't all that high, and the downs are pretty darn low. I had a moment around the beginning of this year, on the drive home from work, when the idea popped into my head that all I had to do was put my foot down on the gas and let the car drift over into the trees lining the road and I wouldn't have to feel that bad ever again. I had to fight to keep from doing it, too. Scared the #*!@ out of me, as you can imagine.
I haven't felt that bad since, thankfully. But I've been on the downward part of that cycle for a while now. It's been bad enough that I've written almost nothing in weeks, and even have trouble reading lately. You know things aren't good when I don't feel like reading!
Just writing this blog is a struggle right now, as I really don't have any energy worth mentioning. So I'm really hoping this is as bad as it's going to get this time.
What makes it even worse, is that I really don't have anything to complain about! My life is better than it has ever been; I have a good job, my family is great, I've been full-time for four years now, and my debts should be paid off in a few more months. Surgery is still at least a couple of years away, but it will happen. So many people, especially here, have things so much worse that it makes me feel foolish for being so down right now.
I started going to a TG support group a couple of months ago. It's been great for me, especially as it has helped me with my social anxiety issues. But sometimes I really feel like I don't belong. Just about everyone I meet there has all these problems, some TG related and some not, and the only problem I have is my own whiny self!
If I haven't already made that abundantly clear, I'm not feeling very good right now. ;)
Anyway, sorry for the whining. Guess I needed to vent. On to the important, practical side of things; writing!
I have four chapters left in my buffer, which will last less than three weeks. With Christmas and everything, it's entirely possible that I won't have anything new written by the time I run out. So there may be a break after those four chapters are posted. Actually, now that I think of it, at least one of those chapters takes place too far into the VC storyline to be posted before the other story lines catch up, so it may happen sooner than that. On the plus side, at least there is another VC chapter finished, so I won't be having a break after only one chapter. And this break won't be as long as the last one (for VC at least), I think it's safe to say!
I'd really hoped I could maintain my ten week buffer, or even grow it, but I can't say I'm surprised this happened. It's not like it's the first time, after all.
Wow, this is a long one for me! And whiny! Sorry folks, please go read something happy now! :)
Hon, take it from an expert on downs, it has nothing to do with circumstances, and everything to do with brain chemistry. If you never have seen a doc about it, I would. Regardless, it does help to count your blessings. hugs.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
Been there, got the T-shirt
Not belittling your experience in any way. My own problems are not cyclical, but tend to surge every now and again as a result of outside events. I am very familiar with those thoughts. If ever you need an ear, feel free.
Chin up Baby !!
I think my transition went fine; I was finally ME ! Missing my family and church connections made life not worth it. I took it very hard for a while.
HOWEVER, in the intervening 6 years, I have learned some very good tools for coping with those downs. I am gonna ask you to try to see that those downs are just normal for some of us. With me, they pass within a few minutes or an hour. I fast cycle. I was on some very heavy drugs after my divorce, but we found out that they just made me more depressed, and a zombie to boot. YUK, dubble YUK !!!!
Finally the Veterans Hospital grabbed me, and would not let go. It took them 4 years, but they finally helped me to get better. NO drugs now either.
I do not have good experiences with TG support groups; always feel like an outsider. Sorry to be snippy, but I just felt like lots of them wanted to dress in women's clothes but still act like men; spitting, farting, watching sports, drinkin with the boys, and all that. Myself, I was working as hard as I could to learn my new life; trying very hard to learn a new voice, way of being, choosing good colors, cooking, cleaning and age appropriate clothing. Yes, I did do mini skirts and tank tops for a while, but for someone almost 60, well, what was I thinking? LOL
There are some really good books out there on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. That is what they used on me, and it has worked the best. In America we are so enured to depending on the Docs, but many of them just load you up with dope. That is what is called palative treatment. YUK !
If you ever need to talk; just someone on your side ... I will pm you with my email addy.
Merry Christmas
What? Those are readily available! :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Excess speeding
I had similar experiences about 19 years ago. Strugling with my - then unknown - gender identity, I would take my car on Saturday nights to the only highway then in existence (from the city limits to the airport and back), stop on the shoulder at the begining to put on high heeled sandals, and the race to the airport and back, reaching a top speed of about 125 km/h. Along the way was one underpass where the highway passed below the only rail line in the country. I always hoped that the car would break right there for a crash and deliverance from my struggles. Obviously, my guardian angles worked overtime! Now I have the challenge of two teenage daughters, a pending divorce, a potential of re-opeing custody proceedings, earning my graduate degree, therapy for childhood abuse that is causing depression and identity issues.
I wish you all the best and a lot of strength for your struggles, and that you may overcome to become victorious.