Swimming Pool - 1 - Alice's Story

Preface: The swimming pool water was found to have a chemical compound that would interact with the Y chromosome in males and change their bodies to be XX from XY. It also change bone structure and other physical characteristics of the body from being built like a male to be that of a female and other features, including reproductive organs. Only male children that had swam in the pool were effected, none of the females who swam were effected. The water from the pool was collected and stored in a safe and secure place by some government agency. It was then completely cleaned of all traces and fresh water installed. Monitors were install at a number of locations so that this would not happen again. Military and civilian investigations are being made. Overseas known perpetrators have been 'taken care of' and the lab that most likely made this was destroyed just to be safe. This incident was then classified top secrete on a need to know basis. Help is being given to the children effected. This case is otherwise closed.

Swimming Pool — Alice's Story

Swimming pool — Alice's Story.

Chapter 01 New Rules for School

It happened to all of the guys at school. After the hospital, and the last few days I still wanted to stay at home, closed up in my room. My mom wouldn't let me. She made me go to school. This was not fair.

Up on arriving at my first class that should have been history.

The teacher said. “Welcome back to class. This class is no longer history it is now grooming for this semester. People, you will now be assigned lab partners. Each tom-girl will be assigned with a Jane-girl to help each other with their home work. The class will cover everything that you will now need to learn to do in life. Tom-girls have missed years of learning how to be a girl and a lady, so the school board and others have decided that all things female will be taught in this class. For example, many of you girls have already had periods, but all of you new tom-girls have yet to experience that wonderful characteristic of being female, the morning sickness, the offensiveness of having to change your tampons. This is just one of many things that we need to discuss immediately. You new girls will also now have need to change your manners and also to change your habits. For example, you use to go out and play ball till after dark. Now you will have to learn to always not be alone after dark, for your own self protection. None of you have the size or muscles to protect yourself anymore. But some of you realize the need that girls have to learn, and know to protect themselves from those yucky old boys. Are there any questions so far?”

“Is there anyway that someone can change us back” someone said.

“No, I'm sorry but it looks like those that were changed are changed for good. What ever changed you is to complex for anyone to understand. It took scientist years to just know and understand what the human genome is. It is going to take centuries to understand how to make even minor changes, yet over a couple of weeks all of the tom-girls were change completely. I'm sorry but you Tom-girls are a miracle. Yes a miracle. But no one has a magic wand to change you back. To put it another way. Your stuck! What is, is done. It's crude but you are going to realize it that there is nothing that anyone can do about going backwards. We are who we are, and we are going forward from where we stand today. Or as the saying goes. 'Today is the first day of the rest of you new life'.”

“Can't anyone do something?”

“There are hundreds of people asking the same questions that you are asking. And the answer that they have all come up with for you is to now teach you to be the best Tom-girls that you can be. There is no scientific or medical way to change you back today, but that does not mean that tomorrow someone might find a cure, but don't bet on it please, it's not likely to happen, but many, besides yourselves are wishing for it. Doctors could cut off your tit's and put a sock in your pants, but that is about it. I was told that if you can accept being girls, you will find life a lot easier and better. Who here were able to select which gender that they were going to be when they were born? You have been accidentally or intentionally changed to to be girls now. You didn't get to pick to be a boy or a girl when you were born, and you can't pick to be a boy again now.”

“Why can't we just still do the things that we use to do?”

“Girls can do almost everything that guys can do, and even more, lets see a guy give birth. Guys couldn't get pregnant and have children. But Tom-girls, you can, and you also now have to worry about that same miracle of creating life inside you. You can no longer be the carefree guys that you were. You can still do everything that you use to do. But this class is here to teach you what else on top of that you now have to do. You will now learn everything that girls have to go through in their daily lives to be girls. Which brings us to our first important lesson. Tampons and PMS, that wonderful time of the month for women. I have been told that every one of you are now going to have to watch out for when you start peeing blood. Gross isn't it. But someone has to tell you and I was volunteered to do it. Questions so far?”

“Do you mean that we are going to just piss blood from down there?”

“First, piss is a crude word, something that a lady never uses, second the blood will seep out slowly from down there. Third, down there now has three place's for leakage to happen, not two. Forth guys had a penis to pee from, but girls have two holes, one for peeing, which I am sure by now you have all discovered and another hole for hmm babies to come out of as well as the once a month blood to seep from, and it is also where those yucky guys with cooties stick that penis during sex for a few seconds of their pleasure, and then nine months later you girls get a baby to come out that you have to take care of for the next 18 years. Any questions? And this time lets see some hands please.”

I zoned out at that point. I knew that stuff and the other tom-girls were asking questions that I already knew the answer to. After all I had an older sister and learned it already.

I did learn a few things. First a new dress code was now in force. All Tom-girls had to wear dresses, jeans were no longer allowed for Tom-girls, even though, all of the girls always wore them in the past. The length of the dress or skirt is the length of your hair from your crotch. That means that anyone that has short hair has to wear a skirt that is at your crouch. However if you wear a wig, then it will be the length of the wig. So if you didn't grow your hair, then you had better be ready to wear short-short skirts or wear a wig. In two months if you didn't have your hair down to your shoulders you would be wearing skirts that showed your bum. And there was an underwear dress code to go with it then which one of the new counselors would talk to you about if you didn't meet the hair length. But basically it was panties and a bra. Second every student would have to talk to one of the new counselors when they got set up in the new buildings that were coming. Third, dress making, cooking, and other skills that women needed to learn was a load of crap. I was not going to learn. I was going to either skip school, or get my classes changed from this. Another thing, all of the tom-girls had their licenses revoked for not less than a period of three months to make sure that we were physical fit to drive again. Then we would have to take the drivers test all over again. Which we would have to have new birth certificates for from the government showing that we were all females.

Right after class I headed toward the office. I wasn't the only one. Thirteen others had the same idea. When we got to the office there was a already a crowd. The principal was talking to the students. When he looked up he said to everyone. “If you are here to get your class changed forget it. There are no class changes allowed for anyone this week without notes from your doctor - period.”

So that meant that I was just going to skip first period from now on.

The rest of the day was the same. PE was replaced with an assembly. Most of the other classes did the same thing though. Math was now going to teach about how to handle a household budget, write checks and figure the best price for buying small vs in bulk. The world had gone mad. It was like I went to sleep a smart guy and woke up a dumb blond, OK, I was blond but I don’t think my IQ changed to be 70.

Before I wanted to become an engineer, and now it seemed that I was being educated to become a wife. It was just to much. I could either laugh it off or take it seriously. Was that all girls were good for? Being a nice little home body that cooked dinner, made children and warmed some mans bed. I was getting a little more than angry as I made my way home after school. I had had enough of school.

When I got home mom was already home from work. She worked as an assistant in a law firm. Mom saw that I was a little upset when I walked up the driveway.

“Mom, I'm not going back to that stupid place. It's no longer a high school but a kindergarten class for girls.” I said.

“But Alice, you are a girl now, so just go with the flow for a while.” Mom replied.

“But it's stupid mom, we are learning nothing. And my name is not Alice.” I said while gritted my teeth every time she used that name.

“Yes I know it's hard dear, but it's what has to be done. So unless you come up with a better solution I'm afraid that you have to follow along. It'll get better shortly I'm sure. After all, a few of the tom-girls didn't get through the transformation with everything. Remember Douglas, well she lost all of her memory. So she is going to have to learn how to read and wright also. She has to re-start school in kindergarten. Just because you got off so easy, be a little compassionate about the other students that didn't get through it so easy.” Mom said.

She continued “Your father and I also know about the new dress code. So do you want to go with me to get yourself a skirt and blouse today?”

“I'm not wearing a skirt and blouse to school” I said.

“Well your not going naked, so what are you going to wear?”

“exactly what I have on” I said.

“Well I guess that I should tell you that I'm on the committee that is in charge of dressing the girls that show up dressed in jeans tomorrow. We have nice short skirts that we were given. I assure you they will show your panties off nicely. But I guess that you would want to show off the nice little pink panties with all of that lacy?” Mom asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Alice, rules are made to be enforced. The experts have set a course of action. You are going to have to follow it weather you want to our not. They say that you have to wear skirts because it is needed to get you over the hump to accepting that you are now female. And females have to learn certain things. One of these things is that girls can wear skirts.”

“Not all girls wear skirts Mom” I said.

“That's true, but all girls can wear skirts. So you are a girl, and girls can wear skirts, so what's the problem?” Mom asked.

“I'm not going back to school if that's the way that I'm going to be treated.” I said.

“I hate to say this, no that's not right, I love to say this but any girl that doesn't go to school will have a transiency officer at her door asking why she is not in school. And if you don’t have a good enough reason then the parents have to take her to school and check her in every day. So you will be going to school. You will be wearing a dress, because if you don’t then when you get to school, you will be re-dressed into the dress code plus a lot of lace. And the dress-code says that any girls that is fighting the system is going to get to wear one of the nice short skirts that has been provided. But if you go to school in a dress, they are going to ignore the length requirements for two months. So what do you want to do?” Mom asked.

“What if I run away?” I Asked.

“OK, if you run away: First, where are you going to eat, Second where are you going to sleep, and Third, how are you going to pay for it all? I might tell you that there are very few jobs that let girls work in pants and not look good in dresses and dress suits. So when you get those three questions answered I'll help you run away, and you can get the experience of having to wear a dress working, oh, that's where we are at now, you learning that you have to wear a dress. Alice, we are not out to get you, we really are trying to help you adjust. I know that it's hard.

Parents spank their kids when they do something wrong, so that they don't do that wrong again. I'm not spanking you now. But it hurts you just the same. I understand that you are hurting from all of this. I wish that I could just make it all go away. But I can't. There are things that have to be done to all of the tom-girls, not just you but everyone. That thing now is to wear a dress. Wearing a dress and going to school are two things that is going to happen. So you tell me what you want to do.”

“I don't want to wear a dress to school” I said.

“And I don't want to pay taxes either” Mom said “But I have to, and you have to go to school and wear a dress. If you don't go to school, then they will come and get you, and by the way make you wear one of the short skirts when you try to ditch school, which believe me you don't want to do. But if you want to try, then I'll let you learn that the hard way.” Mom said while looking me straight in the eye.

“OK I'll wear a dress to school, but tomorrow only.” I said.

“That's a major hurdle Alice.” Mom said.

“Can you stop calling me Alice?” I asked.

“Nope, sorry but a mother and father gets to name their child. And since you didn't, then I get to name you. There are no girls named John, so I named you Alice. I'm sorry that you don't like your new name, but it's one of the hurdles that you have to get over.” Mom said. “If you tell me of a girls name that you like then we can discuss it. But until I agree to call you anything else, your official name is Alice. Now lets get ready to go get you something to wear to school.”

Shopping was a major pain. And I was not the only Tom-girl I saw shopping. After mom went through store after store I finally ended up with five outfits, and the underwear to go with them. Mom insisted on calling shirts, blouses and calling underwear, panties. Guys don't have bras, skirts, nylons, and the things that mom got I would call ankles breakers, but mom called them high heel shoes. The person said that all of the low heel shoes were already gone. I also got a wig. The shortest one available, which happen to be long, as everyone else got there first and bought the short ones. So mine was blond and curly down my back. The last thing that any guy would want to wear. And mom had them glue it on me, just to make sure that I always wore it.

I quickly learned that you had to keep your legs together. Clothes were meant to cover, but skirts were meant to show. They might have been down to my knees, but any movement other than walking could cause them to show a lot to much. Even walking in a breeze I realized could show off. I was not a prude before, but now, even though the panties covered me more than a bikini did, which mom had me try one on, and bought it.

In grooming class the next day three students didn't wear a dress. The teacher called the office and soon six people showed up at the door. I guessed that three of them were parents like mom who was
'helping' and three must have been security guards called in to help. They were the biggest guys I'd every seen. They had muscles on top of muscles. They also wore the same jeans and t-shirts that said 'We are here to help you!'. The three students were escorted out. Near the end of class they returned in skirts. Or should I say micro mini skirts. The skirts didn't cover their pink lacy underwear. They also had heavy makeup on. Really heavy makeup on. They look so like a call girl. Even their wigs was curled tightly on their head. One of them had longer hair, it was half way down his back. I knew it was a wig, but I couldn't tell from where his hair was parted. He also had 2 inch loop ear rings that went through his ears. He was escorted back to his seat with two guys holding her arms. One of the guys said. “She needed a little more encouragement to wear some of the cloths.” she was dressed all in pink, unlike the other two that had a white blouse and soft blue skirts that were a little bit longer.

She was sat right next to me, so I whispered to her, “What happened?”

“I argued with them that I was not going to be a girl and come to school. Then I tried to go home, so they assigned one of these goons to escort me to all of my classes and bring me to and from school. I also have to wear this until they say so and do special detention. I'm mad as hell at them right now. But they made it clear their is nothing I can do! They called my parents and explained what they were going to do, Then they put my dad on the speaker box and he gave me the riot act with everyone listening. Man am I pissed. Not only that I have detention after school for the next two weeks. Detention means going to a debutant class after school until I can pass it. They had a long list of what I had to learn before I could get out of it. Man am I pissed. What they have on their shirts is a crock. They said to me to consider my self in the army, and if I didn't follow orders that their would be consequences.”

The rest of school was the same. The teachers said time and again, they were sorry, but Tom-girls had to learn what it was like to be a girl now. So just go with the flow for now and adjust. There will be time later to make changes. Pretend that everyone is in the army, and this is boot camp.

When I got home I went to my room and got out of the dumb cloths and into some jeans and t-shirt. I still wore the bra because it did help hold my new chest in so they didn't jump around so much. When I got to the kitchen Mom had left me a note on the refrigerator like she usually did.

It said. 'Alice: Call me when you get home so that I don't worry about you. You need to have a salad only. You need to start watching what we girls eat you know. Also, you need to do your home work and no TV until you finish.'

So I called, and after the receptionist gave her usually company response I said. “Hello, this is Alice Barbara's new daughter, can I talk to her?” It would sound foolish to say 'hi this is john' in my new girls voice. Just one more thing to hate.

“It's so nice to hear from you Alice, I know that's all Barbara has been talking about for the last two weeks, you know that we need to get all of the girls here to have lunch with you sometime, you know a girls only lunch. Just a minute, she's available now.”

I waited for a few seconds before mom answered. “Hello Alice, I see that you have made an impression on our receptionist. She just told me that she is arranging for a girls lunch this Friday to welcome you into womanhood. I think that's so sweet, don't you?”

I couldn't tell her what I really thought. “I have to be in school, I also no longer have a drivers license to drive. So I guess that that's not an option”

“Oh, well I'll tell her. Thank you for calling Alice. Are you going to be there when I get home? And do you need to tell me anything about school today?”

“Yes mom, I'll be here and when you get home I'll tell you about the three guys that are being punished by wearing those skirts that you warned me about. Are there anymore surprises that's going to happen?” I asked, because Mom was very heavy into PTA and stuff.

“You wont have to worry about anything if you just follow the rules Alice. I have to go, but I'll see you at home around 5:15 tonight.”

“I love you too mom, buy” “bye”

As I hung up the phone I knew that mom and the PTA had other surprises in store for sure.

Chapter 02 A New School Day

School went as usually. Adjusting was really not that difficult. They changed the sign on all of the boys bath rooms and they now said “tom-girls” on them with the same picture as the girls bathroom. I saw the girls sneaking in and using them when the girls restrooms were full, as well as some tom-girls sneaking into the girls bathroom, especially when the lines on one of the tom-girls got to long.

Wednesday was a surprise. In the morning mom handed me my usually gym bag and said that we were going to resume swimming. What I didn't know was that mom had put in that bikini that she had bought me when we had gone shopping. At forth period when I got to school the new PE teacher was telling everyone to get into their swimsuits. The gym of course had tom-girls on the dressing room where the boys gym had been. I went to my locker and that's when I first discovered the bikini I almost didn't put it on. But then I remembered what happened to the three guys on Monday. I decided that it would be better than naked, or having two buttons and a band-aid as my swimsuit, but not by much. So I put it on and went to the pool. The normal girls all had one piece swimsuits like usually, so I was of course embarrassed. They seemed to have more swimsuit in their tie up strings than my whole suit.
Some of the girls did wolf-whistles at me. That made me go red in the face. I almost turned around and went back to the gym, but then I seen one of those guys with the t-shirts that said 'We are here to help you'. I changed my mind. I figured it was easier to face the other girls than to face what one of those guys would do.
So I walked over to where the other girls were. “You're a beach babe.” this one girl said to me. I didn't know her, but she was wide eyed looking at me.
“Thanks” I said.
“No I mean it. You look like a million dollars. Most of the tom-girls look better than us. All of you are skinny like models, and have bigger breast that most of us do. I bet that guys would shit their pants if you just gave them a look their way, and would faint if you actually talked to them.” she said.
“Don't worry, I'm never going to look at guys, much less talk to them.” I said.
“Just because there are no more guys around here doesn't mean that there aren't any more guys. Some of us have been going over to Summers-ville. You should join us some time.”
“I'm a tom-girl, I'm not into guys.” I said.
“Are you a lesbian then?” she asked.
That question took me by surprise. It was something I'd have to think about now, because before I had a hard on every time that we went to the pool. But now I didn't have that equipment anymore.
“I don't know anymore, It's not like I can get a guy hard on anymore when I come to the pool and see all of you girls anymore.” I finally said. Something I'd never even think about telling a girl before.
“Why don't you come just for the fun of it. You might enjoy yourself and find out.” she said.
“What do you do there?” I asked.
“Well we go to this club where there is a lot of dancing with the guys. There is a military base close by, so there is always more guys than available girls to dance with. And the buy you all of the drinks you want. We'll go out Friday night, I am sure that I have a dress that will fit you.” She said.
“I don't like dresses. They make me feel self conscious when I am wearing them.” I said.
“Well duh, all girls feel that way, but that's what guys like. Guys are visual, they like to look, why do you think girls take so much time to take care of themselves? Come on it will be fun.” She was insisting.
“I'll have to ask my mom if I can” I said.
“Didn't you know one of the new rules is that any Jane-girl can ask tom-girls to participate in any thing that a group of them usually do and their parents have to give permission?” she said.
“You mean that my parents have to let me do what ever Jane-girls want me to do?” I asked. This seemed outrageous.
“That's right, and the teachers have encouraged us to include you in anything that a group of us do.” She said. And then continued. “As a matter of fact, I am having a sleep over tonight, and I want you to come, so you'll come. I'll inform one of the counselors, and so you'll come over tonight.”
“Who are the new counselors, I haven't seen anyone” I said.
“They are the guys walking around with the shirts that say 'We are here to help you!' she said.
“They are anything but helpful to us” I said.
“Why do you say that?” she asked.
“Well the second day back, three of the guys were dragged out of class and put into dresses that were shorter than dresses that they draw on those characters in comics.” I said.
“Well that's there job. They told us that it's there job to make you all girls now. You have the physical attributes, and looking at you in that bikini you have them in spades. So they have to work on your minds to make you think like girls. They said that you almost have to be brain-washed of everything that you ever know and then a whole new life made on top of it. That's what they meant anyway. I don't remember their whole speech. He said that it wont work on everyone but that most of you will come to accept being a real girl because of all of the hormones that you have in you now, and the others might have to have operations and stuff, and some of you might commit suicide if your not helped enough. But he said that if all of the girls work to make sure that you are accepted into our existing girl clicks that you have a better chance of succeeding in accepting what's happened to you. They also showed us some films of some of you during transitioning, it was horrible what you had to go through. So the girls and I decided to get three tom-girls and make them part of our click. Since you were willing to come to class in that skimpy bikini I decided that you will be a part of our click, in fact I just decided that you don't have a choice. Anything that two or more of us do, you have to do to.”
I looked at her. I couldn't believe her.
She walked over to the new teacher and started talking to her and pointing to me. Then came back as the teacher started talking on a cell phone.
“It's all set, your part of our group now. So tonight you're coming to our sleep over, it'll be so much fun, we're going to teach you how to do make up, talk about guys, and dance and just everything.” She said.
“Don't I get a say in this?” I Asked.
“Sure you do, you can say yes, and come, or you can say no and the nice counselors will be at your door tonight when you fail to show up. Your choice” She said as she smiled at me.
“Some choice” I said.
“Well that's how the cookie crumbles” She said.
“What's your name? If I'm going to have to spend all of this time with you, I might as well know your name?” I said.
“My name is Sally Smith, and your name is Alice Johnson.” She said.
“My name is John Johnson” I said.
“Nope, your name is Alice. Sandy had a crush on you, so she has been giving us all updates on your progress. So I know all about you, but seeing you here now, I decided that you are just the person to be a part of our click. Now that you know that Sandy had a crush on you and you can see if you really are a lesbian tonight, can't you? After all it's not like there is a lot of boys left our own age to pick from, in an effect all girls high school, is there?” Sally said.
About that time the teacher got off of the phone and told us to start swimming ten lengths of the pool as a warm up. I found quickly that is was not easy to swim with so little on. Also the water would push the top and bottom down if I tried to put to much effort into swimming. So I just took it slow and stayed close to the end of the girls swimming. I always figured that girls swam slower because they were lazy and weak, but I see that sometimes it was because of other factors, like the swimsuit they wore. I was going to kill my mother tonight.
Before the last class of the day, where Sandy was a classmate she approached me and said “Sally said some things that she should not have said. She told me during last period. I am not a lesbian. As far as I am concerned John is dead. Do I make myself clear Alice?” Sandy said.
Before I had never really noticed her. “Sandy, it is nice to know what you felt about me before, but I don't know what's going on yet. To be honest, I never even knew you were alive, much less how you felt. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it was. Now that I know, maybe we can be friends.”
“We don't really have that option now. Sally turned in your name and all of our little group. The counselors have already told us that you are now part of our group and will be around. So if I do anything with any of the girls you have to participate. I don't like it because you reminded me of John, but John's gone. I don't like you Alice, I don't know who Alice is even.” She said and then went into class.
I didn't really listen to anything in class. Sandy sat three rows behind, and to the left of me. She was kinda quite and reserved. If I had picked out a nickname for her it would have been mouse. She was small, and had brown hair. She did look well dressed. I guess that the female hormones are taking effect because I really didn't want to bed her. Well maybe, but I guess that it was left over mental habits, not physical desire. This was just so confusing.
After school, I got another note. “Mom I guess I have to go to a sleep over tonight.” I said.
“Yes, we have already been informed. I'll be home at 4:00 so that we can go shopping and get you what you need for tonight. You father is getting you a sleeping bag on his way home, isn't this exciting, your first all girl sleep over, you're going to have such fun tonight.
“Did you know that any group of girls at school can tell any of the tom-girls what to do, and they have to do it?” I said.

“Well not exactly Alice, They can make a tom-girl participate in an activity that a group of girls are planing, but the tom-girls can do what ever she likes, as long as she is acting like one of the girls in the group.” Mom said.

“So I don't have to go?” I asked.

“Yes, you have to go Alice. One of the counselors has already called me and informed me about it, and about Friday nights disco that you are going to. He also told me that Saturday you are going shopping with three of the girls, for more dresses for school. He faxed me a list of the things that you are going to have to buy, all with the approval of the other girls. So tonight I think that you had better learn how to dance like a girl, so that you are not made a fool of this Friday Alice, I have to go, I'll see you tonight so that we can go shopping for tonight's slumber party. Bye dear, I'll see you tonight.”

Well, my goose was cooked. Before staying overnight with a group of girls would be a dream come true to any guy, but I also now realized that the counselors were nothing more than the tom-girl police and if I didn't toe the line and follow the program, that they were the guys that would punish any tom-girl that was not follow the program to make them into more girly girls.

I got home only 10 minutes before Mom. She said. “Lets eat out tonight, so grab your purse and lets go.” Oh yea I have a purse, I'm almost always forgetting it if I lay it down anywhere.

Chapter 03 Sleepover at a Friends House.

After the shopping trip, which included a new pink barbie sleeping bag from dad. Mom took me to Sally's house. I was in our neighbor hood but a number of streets over. It was close enough to walk really. “Have a nice night Alice” Mom said as I went up to the front door.

I knocked and waited for the door to be answered. I hated this. It was not my idea of a nice night. It was Thursday, and a school night to boot. When I was still a guy mother would never have even considered to allow something like this.
Sally opened the door and said “Hi Alice, I'm so thrilled that you could make it.” as if I had any choice. I waved to mom and she drove off.

I decided to be sarcastic “Hello Sally, it's like, just so wonderful for you to invite me, like, I'm like just, like, so thrilled to be here, like, this is the best thing that has ever, like, happened to me.”

Sally only laughed at me. “Nice valley girl impression Alice, but you'll have to do better girl, cause there are some real valley girls coming.”

“Well it was worth a try. Do you have separate rooms for the tom-girls, and the normal girls?” I asked. “So that I can dump this stuff that my mother had me bring.”

“Oh, I'm so sorry Alice, but we forgot to ask any other tom-girls to come tonight, so I guess that you will just have to sleep with the rest of us girls tonight. Pick up your stuff and bring it this way.”

This way ended up being a really large den. There was already two other girls there with their sleeping bags already laid out on the floor. They looked up as we came in. “Well, well, well, if it isn't Alice” Sandy said.

“Hello Sandy, where can I put down my sleeping bag?” I asked.

“Why don't you put it next to Sandy” Sally said.

“I don't want him next to me” Sandy said.

“If it's a him, then you have talked to us for six months about how much you like him so here is your chance, and if she's a girl then there is nothing wrong with her placing her bag next to yours. Besides, you are the best at doing nails and Alice needs them done real bad. Just look at them, they look like a nightmare.” Sally said.

Mine was like every Tom-girls fingers. The fingers grew thinner, but the nails didn't much. They were a minor but constant painful distraction also.

“OK, sit everything down here next to me, and I'll look at your nails. Since I'll probably end up doing everyone's tonight.” Sandy said.

“It's OK with me if I put it somewhere else Sandy, I don't want to upset you any.” I said.

“Why don't you put your stuff down next to me” A girl said that was right next to me. Altho sitting it down there would be about two inches farther away from Sandy than next to Sandy, I sat it down. I didn't want to cause anyone any problems. I shouldn't even be here.

“Thanks, I'm sorry but I don't know everyone's name yet, but I am sure that I will learn them quickly.” I said.

“My name is Janet”, Janet said, as I put my things down and started to undo the sleeping bag. “Nice bag you have, don't tell me, you just bought it.”

“Yes, it seems that we have rules about what our parents can and can not buy us anymore.” I said. “We can only have it if it's girly-girl things. Like no pants of any kind. And to make it not be discrimination they are making you girls follow the some of the rules.” I finished.

“Ya, did you know that Karen Wesley came to school in pants like she always does, and they put her in a pink sizzler dress. She loved it because before they never let us wear our dresses more than three inches above our knees. She said that she had to wear it because she argued with them for two hours that she never had to wear dresses and didn't have any, and was going to sue the school, and so after two hours, to women just had to drag her to a room, strip her, and dress her like she was a barbie doll. They said that if she couldn't dress to the new dress-code that they would do this every morning until she learned. If she had problems being a good example for the tom-girls then they would be happy to make her an example of what they could do. They said that they had some dresses that looked like they were made for a three year old, and was just wanting to try them out. They even showed them to her. They also called her mom, and her mom gave her a real talking to. Her mom told her, that when she got home to take all of her pants and put them in her mom's room. That she was not allowed to wear pants anymore until this emergency was over. Period, no questions asked. Just do it.”

“I guess that tom-girls are not the only ones that have it hard?” I said.

“Ya, right, like we have to put up with a few things, while tom-girls have to do things to be a girl, that us normal girls never had to do.” Sandy said.

“What I mean is that it's not fair that you have to make changes, just because we got shit on.” I said.

“Alice, it's nothing for us. I hear there are a lot of places where girls have to wear skirts to school. Just take any catholic school, they have always had a skirt uniform to wear.” Sandy said.

“And in other countries they have to wear dresses, and in some places they don't even have boys and girls going to the same school. I know that we always gripe a lot, but it's not like we have it all that bad to begin with.” Janet said.”

“Like yea, like in England, they like, have all of the schools, like separated like, I mean like the boys in one school and the girls in another, like, I would be, like, so not OK with that.” The third silent girl said. I guessed that had to be the valley girl.

“Really” I said. I just couldn't resist it.

“Ya, like I heard from a girlfriend of mine that like some places they, like, don't even have girls and boys together, like, talking to each other. And some places they have, like who your going to marry.” she said.

“Put your hands out Alice, I'll do your nails, what kind of dress are you going to wear tomorrow to the dance with us?” Sandy asked.

“Sally said that I could borrow one from her. Being a tom-girl we don't have many clothes yet. After all most of us have only been awake for a week or two.” I said.

Sally then said, “So then lets go upstairs and find the dress first, and then get nail polish to match.”

“But if the dance is tomorrow night, then you expect me to wear nail polish to school? With the tom-girl police just waiting for some infraction on any of us, so that they can make us wear some stupid outfit. I don't want to be the first to wear that three year old dress all day.” I fumed.

“Don't worry about it. I'm am sure that anything that you do to make yourself more feminine will be ignored by them if not encouraged.” Sandy said. “Besides It'd be kind of fun to see you dressed up as a three year old. I wonder if they make you use a bottle, and have a teething ring all day?”

“I volunteer to be your mother that day and lead you around to all of your classes Alice.” Sally said.

“I'll remember that Sally.” I said.

“Hold both your hands out.” Sandy said. I held them out so that she could see the problem.

“It looks like your fingers just shrank, but your nails didn't” She said.

“That's exactly what happened. Bones where the only thing that shriveled, hair and nails didn't. But I was told that any new nails that grew out would only be the size of my fingers. But until then they hurt a little, at least until they grow out smaller.” I said. “Also all of the fat in everyone's body was used up. That's why all tom-girls all look so skinny. But being guys, none of us had ever had to watch our figure, cause we never had any.”

All of the girls giggled at that.

“Just wait until you want some guy, and then you'll do everything you can think of to catch his eye.” Sandy said.

“I think that we are all going to have problems with that. Since we have spend 14 to 18 years going after girls, it's going to be hard to reorient our focus from girls. But then I have been told that we have twice the amount of girl hormones that makes girls go crazy over guys.” I said

“So all tom-girls are lesbians then?” Sandy asked.

“I don't think so Sandy, I mean none of the tom-girls has any boy parts, you know, down there, to get excited anymore. And I have to admit that guys spent a lot of time with that head controlling this big head up here, but now, that's not the case. There are other chemicals going on that are controlling what we do, but it's not wanting sex with everyone everywhere anymore.” I said.

“So how much John is still left inside you” Sandy asked, as she looked up are stared at me.

“I have all of John's memories, but I know that I'm not a John anymore now. But I am far from being an Alice either. I'm somewhere in between. I guess that I'll be Alice soon with the way that this program is going of making all the tom-girls into normal girls.” I said while staring back at her.

“Maybe you always were Alice” Sally said.

“No, I was a guy, maybe not the star football player, but I never had any desire to be a girl. This just happened, so now I'm me, and this me happens to have two tits, and no dick.” I said.

“Like, we don't call them tits and dicks girl” miss valley girls said.

“I know, I'm sorry, it slipped out, please forgive me. I do that when I cuss and get anger about what happened to all of the guys. Call it a guy thing. I'm sure that the tom-girl police will find out and I'll be wearing that three year old girls dress tomorrow.” I said.

“There finished as much as I can do right now.” Sandy said.

I looked down and my fingers and saw pink finger nails. “What did you do?”

“Well, your fingers did grow small, so I filed off all of the parts that had come out the sides, and then painted them pink. It was a rush job. To do a good job I really need to work on them a couple of nights. But we have to all get them done. Your turn Sally.”

I moved back to let Sally sit on my sleeping bag, my fingers looked like a girls. Except for some nail being to wide, they were all narrower and covered with a light pink polish with rounded tips. The pink polish I could do without, but as mom said, just go with the flow.

“OK Alice, I'm next. Sandy does nails, I like do hair, and Sally like, does makeup. You don't have to do anything, cause, like, your just born a girl today, but, like, we'll like, find something girly for you do to next time.”

“Alice can be the model, cause she's got the best face and figure and we all know it.” Sandy said.

“Look Alice, obvious to all us quote normal girls. All of the tom-girls have come out better looking than normal girls. Yea, some normal girls might be better looking, but on an average tom-girls are better. I mean just look at their figures. Not a one of them are fat, but there are a number of fat normal girls. No one can blame you, it's just the way it happened. To put it bluntly, you have a beach babe body.” Sally said.

“So the three of us made a bet just before you came, we were going to keep quite, but, well we made a bet as to how many times you were going to get hit on tomorrow. So you have to keep count so that we can see who won.” Sally said.

“Can you tell me who bet what?” I asked?

“That wouldn't be fair” Sandy was quick to exclaim.

“Yea, she's right, you'll just have to keep count, and we will meet after the dance and see.” Sally said.

My hair was quickly done, and Sally's nails, and then Sally did the valley girls hair, while Sandy did her nails, I lost who did what to whom after that as Sally pulled hair out of my brow. She said she was arching my brows so that they looked like a girls, and not like Brook Shields in that old movie.

“OK, it's getting late, lets get to bed before my mother comes in and give us the lecture about a school night.” Sally said.

No one moved. They were all looking at me. So I went to my pile of stuff and got out the baby-doll sleeping outfit that mom had just bought me.

“Do you always sleep in that?” Sandy said. “It doesn't look like it covers much.”

I started to take my clothes off. “No, mom got it for me. She said that it's just fine for an overnight sleepover, and that most likely the other girls would want to make sure that I was a girl now, and not just a boy faking, and trying to see them all naked.” I had stripped out of everything by then. “So I guess that I get to show off first, and now I get to hum that strip tease tune while the three of you strip. After all I'm still male inside somewhat, I think”

I turned around slowly so that they could all see that I had females parts now. It was embarrassing, but I figured that it wouldn't hurt, and it would make them feel more comfortable knowing that I really was built like a girl without a dick now. But once around was enough, and I slipped on the panties and night gown, pink of course, what else would my mother, the official 'make him my daughter' fan club president buy me.

“We forgot to get you a dress today Alice, so we'll meet right after school tomorrow and pick you out one. Besides it'll take all that time to get ready.” Sally said.

“Yes, I've learned that it takes a girl about an hour to brush her hair, two for the fingers, and another three for the war paint.” I said.

“Don't knock it girl, and remember that we can make fun of you now, because it's going to take you twice as long.” Sandy said.

“I don't have to worry, since I've got the three of you to get me ready. And I'd only be an hour late, instead of five hours late. Aren't I lucky” I said.

“Oh no girl, you've got to learn it your self. We are not going to do it for you all of the time!” Sandy said.

They did small talk for an hour after that before Sally's mother came in and told everyone that there is school tomorrow, and this privilege will not be allowed if we girls didn't go to sleep immediately.

Chapter 04 Friday Night Getting ready for the Dance at the Army Base

Friday at school was just like any other of the previous four. Deployment class talked about body movement. And how to not move like a guy anymore. Guys walked, girls glided. So the class was nothing but walking, with a book on our heads of course. It was our new 'Modern Girls Debutant Guide' book of course. I was not the best in not dropping the book, but I was near the top. The running joke was, here it was guys could carry other guys around, but we couldn't even carry a book around. After that class we were only allowed to carry our books in front of us. I can't understand why? I mean carrying it that way was harder than carrying it your side, (unless you sat it on your tummy, or used both hands) maybe it was a way to keep banging it against your stomach to keep that trim figure that we were suppose to worry about day and night now, so that the guys would watch us.

The three Jane-girls collected me after my last period.

“We wanted to make sure that you didn't ditch us and run off by your self Alice.” Sally said.

They also had two other Tom-Girls in tow. Some how you could tell that they were Tom-girls, because of the lack of confidence that they displayed. Where as the three girls were always chatting with each other, the two Tom-girls remained quit.

“The counselors were nice enough to get us two more for our outing tonight and tomorrow Alice. This is Linda and Jane” Sally said.

“This tall shy one that I have is Jane” Sandy said. “I'll look after her now.”

After a pause the other one said. “Hello, my name is Linda. A counselor has instructed me that I will be accompanied by Janet here for the next two days of activities, and longer maybe if necessary.”

It was obvious to me now what had happened. Each of the girls had decided to get the boys of their dreams into the click, well except for me. From the looks that Janet kept giving Linda, they were a match. And Sally got me to be the match for Sandy, no matter what Sandy wanted. And that left Jane to be the ex-boy friend of Sally.

“Who is going to drive tonight?” I asked.

“A counselor is going to drive us their and back. Someone decided that we can not drive ourselves anymore.” Sandy said.

“Then could you help me with my nails again Sandy, since you worked on them last night they have felt a lot better? That is if you don mind letting Sally take care of Jane tonight and you take on my responsibility tonight?”

“I think that would be a great idea.” Sally said. “Then I could do Jane's make up to be better.”

“Like that's perfect you know Sandy, then like we can like, each help our Tom-girls with what we know the most, like, I could then put Linda's hair in, like, a braid around her head on the way, like she'd look like a princess like that I think.” Janet, our resident valley girl contributed.

“That sounds like an acceptable arrangement to me” Linda said.

Now I knew who Linda use to be. She was Thomas Williams the Third. The richest and best mannered guy in school. And us to be one that all of the girls would go after. No wonder that Janet, the valley girl wanted that Tom-Girl. Because she would never have had a chance to even get close to him before. Now none of the girls new that they wanted to have him/her as a girlfriend anymore. Only as a husband, and a checkbook. I wonder what Janet's motives were now? Honorable and above board or as a gold digger. I guess that I would just have to watch and see, after all it will all come out in the end.

“OK, then Sandy, would you redo my nails the color to match the dress when we get to Sally's?” I asked Sandy.

“We aren't going to Sally's first Alice. The counselors have dresses for you three Tom-girls. They want to make sure that you are dressed for where we are going. And also they have change the liberality of all of the guys tonight. Starting now, they guys are not allowed off base on weekends. They are changed it so that the guys have their two days off a week during the week now.” Sally said.

“How can they do that?” I asked.

“I think that my parents complained when the counselor called them to tell them that I had been added as a member of this click.” Linda said.

“So where are we going then?” I asked Sally.

“We are going to the base, where they are setting up a dance hall. I think that it is going to be required soon for all of the Tom-girls to go. So that they can socialize with guys in a safe environment.” Sally said.

“Safe, an army base full of guys is safe? What was they thinking?” I asked?

“Well there is a lack of males around anymore Alice, so they have to test Tom-girls out with guys sometime? But tonight it's only going to be officers, and most of them have wives. But we can have fun dancing anyway.” Sally said.

Just then a van pulled up in front of us and the door opened.

“Hello ladies, My name is Greg, I will be your chaperone this evening.” Greg was still a counselor, just in a suit and tie, and not in a 'We're here to help!' T-shirt.

Sally climbed in, and the rest of us followed. I noticed that there were at least three dresses hanging in the back. I could guess that those were going to be on us soon.

“Sir, what would be the order of events for this evenings schedule?” Linda asked in a singsong voice.

“This evening is a sponsored dance of the start of the Army's base hosting of weekly dance event for the high school dance club. Since there are currently only six member of the dance club, tonight will be for those member only with the officers and wives. So first we will stop at Janet and then Sandy's house to allow them to get their dresses. Next we will stop at Sally's house to allow you exactly 45 minutes to get ready for the evening. Then I will take the six of you to the Summers-ville Army base where you will be making a speech about how wonderful it is to have so many wonderful gentlemen available to practice dancing with. Then it will proceed with lessons in round dancing, including the waltz. Then I will bring you home at eleven pm. Any questions?” Greg asked.

“And the dresses from the 1950's hanging in the back are for this special event, I take it Greg?” I asked.

“That is correct Alice. It was felt that you and the other two ladies would not have suitable dresses for this event, so dresses of a suitable nature was provided. It was also mentioned to tell the other three ladies to not wear the type of dresses that they normally wear on their normal Friday nights, but instead to wear dresses suitable for this occasion. There will be later dances that would be for more popular attire to wear to impress the gentlemen, and I use that term loosely now, attending.” Greg stated.

“Like, you mean we have to wear a granny dress thing like that” Janet asked with a shocked look on her face.

“Janet, I have been informed that your mother has placed just such a dress, and the required accessories with in on you bed, as has just such a dress been placed on Sandy’s bed.” Greg said.

I could tell that this would not what either of the three girls had planed at all.

“I seem to have been lead to believe that we were going to be doing the activities that the three Jane-girls wanted.” I said.

“It was decided that at this time there was not enough training and immersion of any Tom-girl into the more feminine acceptance of themselves. This idea turned out to be just to good to pass up. And altho I will have to apologize for those that made this decision, it was expanded to include many more in the future. However, because all of the guys on the Army base will be restricted on Fridays and Saturdays, there will still be a lot more guys than Tom-girls and Jane-girls combined.” Greg said and then continued. “This that we are doing is a last minute thing to allow the six of you to get a jump ahead of everyone else. This way, you have a better chance to make an impression on the younger unmarried officers than anyone other girl. So you had better be on your best lady like behavior, because I know that between the three of you Tom-girls you have the intelligence to understand that things will never be the same. And so you had better keep your options open. Do we understand each other I hope.”

“To put it bluntly, in six months with female hormones coursing through our bodies, we Tom-girls might just want to be jumping the bones of every guy we come across” I said.

Nothing more was said while we stopped at Janets and then Sandy's to get their dresses. They turned out to be something that they were not happy with. I could tell by Janets comment of “I don't even thing that my mother would wear something that long past her knee.”

Chapter 05 The First Dance

After an hour and a half instead of the 45 minutes that Greg had set, we finally was on our way.

The dresses was something that was right out of a 1950's debutant ball. They all had layers and layers of petticoats to make the dress stand out at almost a thirty degree angle. When we sat down, it seemed that the petticoats were in our eyes. They reminded me more of square dance dresses than anything else, and I told Greg that.

“Just remember that you are a dance club tonight. After tonight I don't thing that anyone is going to care what you wear. “

“Did anyone think about the fact that some of us don't know how to dance?” I suggested

The other girls caught on and from small giggles some became laughter.

“Yes Greg, who is going to teach our Tom-girls how to dance tonight?” Sandy said.

“Well I thing that there will be enough young officers to teach you how to dance. So just tell them that the three of you just joined to learned how to dance, after all you are a dance club, which should include mostly beginners as well as expert dancers in this new club on campus.” Greg said.

“Is there any thing else that we should know in order to make this work for you.” I asked.

“We really are here to help, put the thing to remember is that you are doing this for the whole school. Both for the Jane-girls and for the Tom-girls, but for different reasons. The Tom-girls are going to need a place to interact with males in the future, and you are setting that up. The girls are going to want to have guys around also. I'm sorry, but it is just a matter of time before they do. This is going to be a release in that direction we think. What do you kids think about what us grownups think? After all it is your school, and believe it or not you kids do have some say in what happens, but not in everything that happens. I was told to get you to think about the future, and I mean the far future like next year or ten. We can't have all of the girls start stealing the younger guys that will be here next year. So here is a pool of available guys.” Greg asked.

I didn't like his use of the word 'pool' I shivered.

“Sir, are you telling us, that our parents have agreed to let Tom-girls be seduced by the available single guys in the Army, simply because there are to many physically girls available in this small area?” Linda asked.

“No Linda, I am not, I am saying just the opposite. Soon Tom-girls will start to feel the amount of hormones in their systems. We want all of the Tom-girls to prepared for it by being able to say no. You know how hard it was to say no as a guy, it will be ten times worst for Tom-girls to say no if they are in the same situation with a guy in a couple of months. We want you to be prepared, so that you Tom-girls wont become pregnant and have a child. We are wanting to look out for you, can you understand that?” Greg asked.

I was beginning to believe that Greg was actually believing what he was saying.

“How is the dress-code helping Tom-girls say no?” I asked.

“Life is complex, so is this. You don't know it, but there are at least 200 people trying to decide what to do. You would not believe the number of times that we are told to do this, and then do the opposite an hour later. But the one thing that everyone is agreed on is that as many as possible can be saved by making you aware of the fact that you are physically girls now, 100 percent. We need to make you also 100% girls in the head to. A couple of Tom-girls have already committed suicide. There are going to be more. Right now while Tom-girls still have a lot of mental toughness in them we are trying to use that to help you along the way enough so that it will avoid a larger number of suicides later when a lot of Tom-girls lose hope.” Greg said.

We arrived at the dance a little somber.

“Lets not be so morbid girls, This is a party, and you know what girls just live for now, Its Party Time” Linda said

The dance was not that bad. OK, we all had dancing lessons from guys, both single guys and old married officers. The three girls were shy, but the three Tom-girls weren't so shy after we learned that it was safest if we asked some old gizzard to teach us how to dance this or that. Linda, Sandy, and Janet did great, but the rest of us spend the whole time learning, on the arm of one guy or the next. I wanted to let Janet, our valley girl give the speech, but Linda was chosen because she sounded so old when she spoke with all of those formal sounding sentences.

I did have fun, but I don’t think I was quit ready for it yet. I know now that I am going to have to pay better attention, and participate in all of my 'girl' classes. Maybe next month I'll try again.

I was put on the committee to sign up the girls to go. We put a restriction on that every girl had to take at least one Tom-Girl.

Being a guy was OK, and I know that it is going to be a long road for most of the old guys. Being a guy in a girls body is not easy. To many did committee suicide, but then a lot more adjusted. I know that a lot of guys dreamed of growing up and playing sports, but now it looks like most of us will grow up and change diapers. It still seems weird that someday I'm going to start dreaming of guys, but I know that day is not far off now.

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