I just had to give an update here: I have come out to my boss at work. I have talked about my assault, and was giving her an update, and she asked me (making sure to let me know that i had the right to say it was none of her business), if i was gay, and that gave me the opening to tell her about my trans status. She was fairly nonplussed and gave me some indication that if the day came that i wanted to be working as Dorothy FT, she would do what she could to help. (unofficially) It is a big weight off my shoulders.
Lovely news.
[Warning! Grammar pedantry ahead!]
Reading through your post, I'm not certain that "nonplussed" was the word you were looking for. From the context, I'd guess something more like "unperturbed" might have fit better. Nonplussed is one of those words that frequently cause confusion, which is quite apt, because that's what it actually means! Bewildered, perplexed, at a loss of what to think.
Anyway, never mind all that. Lovely news!