A Sister's Love

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Tommy crosses the country by rail to spend the summer with his sister. He is surprised, and thrilled by the things that happen there, but becomes sure of the love he shares with his sister.


A Sister’s Love ch. 1


Paula Dillon

Tommy’s blog

June 6, 2005 3:30 pm edt

Hey this has been a crazy time for me. I got on the train today at New York’s Penn Station and am headed to my sister’s place near Los Angeles. I don’t know why but she called home and talked Mom and Dad into letting me come to her place for the summer. When she talked to me she asked, no make that begged me to come and spend the summer with her.

Two whole months with my sister Susan. She is pretty cool I guess for a sister. She is an RN down there for some big hospital, but she said she’s taking some time off to be with me.

I could have flown there as I have done several times before, but for some reason I asked Mom if I could take the Amtrak there. It would take a lot longer but I would really get to see more of the country. It is about a three day trip, Mom was a little apprehensive about me traveling alone as a sixteen year old boy, but she was happy that it would save a whole bunch of money over flying. Mom actually gave me a lot more spending money cause I saved her a bundle.

The train is pretty cool too. I am sitting here working on my laptop as we are getting near Chicago. I will have a six-hour layover there before catching the train from there to Los Angels.

Can’t wait to get there. My sister Susan now twenty-seven is very pretty. I remember her while I was growing up. She always dressed so very nicely. She treated me half way decent too. We weren’t like a lot of brothers and sisters. I guess I kinda had a crush on her, when I was eight or so. I liked all her soft pretty clothes and her pretty shoes.

Oh well I guess I will write some more later. The Conductor told us we were fifteen minutes out of Chicago.


Tommy’s Blog

June 7, 2005 10:00 am cdt

My first time sleeping on a train was pretty good. I slept like a rock. The motion of the train kinda lulled me to sleep. I did wake a few times as the train blew its whistle, but I got use to it. I am somewhere in Texas now. We just left Dallas and we’re headed due west now.

The food in the diner car was a whole lot better than the food they serve on airplanes, but boy is it expensive.

I’m amusing myself by watching the scenery go by, playing games on my laptop and writing in my blog. I still have about twenty-nine, thirty hours to go before I get to LA.

Going to do some reading now, so all I can say is


Tommy’s Blog

June 8, 2005 3:15 pm pdt

Boy is my butt sore. I can honestly see why the long distance train rides are so unpopular. After 59 plus hours of being shaken, listening to the trains clanking, and the incessant whistle being blown, I can honestly say that I will be glad to reach LA.

It ain’t been all bad, I guess, at least I can get up and move around a little; something they discourage on a plane ride but then again ain’t no plane ride that is sixty plus hours long that I know of.

Oh well got to get my stuff ready. We should be pulling into LA in an hour or so. I’m also going to clean up a bit. I want to look at least halfway decent for my Sis.


Tommy Blair got his things together and changed clothes after giving himself a washcloth bath so he wouldn’t smell. He was in a pretty good mood. He hadn’t seen his sister in over a year and a half and he really missed her.

He had given her a cell phone call when he was about two hours out and saw that he actually had service. Cell phone towers didn’t always follow the rail lines too much, so he had watched closely as they had approached a city to call. She sounded really excited to hear from him and promised to be there for him on time.

As the train pulled into Los Angeles Union Station, Tommy got all his carry on gear together. His heart began beating more fiercely as the train neared the station, anticipating the reunion with Susan. He giggled to himself as the train slowed to a creep and came to a stop.

He looked out as he reached the top of the stairs and saw Susan. She was even better looking than he remembered, he thought as he saw her wave. He took the final three steps to the landing and ran to meet her. She almost swept him off his feet in a great big hug.

Susan was still a little bigger than he was. She was five foot eight, and about 125 pounds to his five six and 120. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair came to the middle of her back; his light brown came to just past his shoulders in a pony tail. Both of them had incredible blue eyes that sparkled in the light.

“Oh Tommy, you don’t know how good it is to see you, you shrimp. I have missed all of the family so much.”

“Hey! Who you calling a shrimp? I ain’t that much shorter than you Sis, and I still got a few years to grow. But it is good to see you too Sis, I have missed you lots too,” he said, his voice sounding somewhat girlish, since it only dropped a little once he started puberty.

“Hey at least we are together now, let’s get the rest of your stuff and head on to my car. We still have at least an hour and a half drive to go.”

“Oh shit! My backside is already half asleep right now.”

“Tommy! Watch that language. I know I am not mother, but I still won’t have you talking like that.”

“Sorry Sis, the train ride was fun at first, but that wore off after the first day of the ride.”

Susan looked Tommy over before she took his hand and headed to baggage claims. He hadn’t really changed much in the last few years except to get a little taller. She thought he had a better figure than she had at sixteen, except he was a little thicker in the waist. He had a really cute face; you really wouldn’t call it handsome because it was closer to a girl’s face. That along with his long hair, she thought, would make him a very pretty girl.

On the ride home Tommy at first talked about a mile a minute. He was so excited; he actually giggled several times which caused Susan to break out in giggles. Exhaustion though claimed him after about thirty minutes. He looked so cute sleeping in her car, as she drove.

Her watch’s alarm beeped and she looked at it and saw it was time for her pills. She opened her pill pack up and poured out three pills into her hand and swallowed them with a bottle of water she had brought with her.

“Tommy, wakey wakey you sleepy head,” Susan said sweetly, as she lightly shook her sleeping brother. “Wake up Hun, we are home now.”

Tommy woke with a start and shook his head as his eyes opened. “What, what? Are we there?”

“Yes Tommy we are there. Let’s get all your stuff inside and then it is off to bed for you.”

The two of them got all of Tommy’s things inside. Susan led him to the bedroom he was to use. Tommy’s eyes went very wide and almost popped out of his head when he saw the room. It was very pink, white and yellow in shades of pastel. There was lace and ruffles everywhere.

“What! Is this my room! This is a girl’s room.”

“Yes, I am sorry Tommy. This room was a girl’s. This room was like this when I bought the house and I never got around to changing it. This isn’t the same house I had when you came down last. It will have to do for right now.” Susan said. She sounded a little ashamed that she was sticking him in this room. It showed on her face too.

Tommy wasn’t a Neanderthal and realized that he might have hurt his sister’s feelings and said, “Sorry Sis. It’ll be alright.” He hugged her and the smile returned to her face.

“We can change it later if you want. It’ll be up to you. It’s just so good seeing you again. Let me fix you something to drink and you really ought to lay down for a bit.”

“I don’t really need to sleep, but I guess I will lay down for a bit.”

Susan went to the kitchen and made two drinks. To his drink, she added something a little extra to help him rest. Tommy was pretty thirsty and drank it down pretty fast before he laid down on the bed. Before he knew it he was fast asleep.

Susan got out her measuring tape and expertly undressed him to his underwear before taking lots of measurements.

It was early morning when Tommy woke. He found that a very soft, lacey, pink comforter covered him. His bladder felt like it was about to explode and he frantically looked around for the bathroom. He ran for a door he hoped was a bathroom, and luckily it was, and pulled down his briefs as he approached. He thought he would never finish peeing once he started. It was almost like one of those comic scenes in the movies as it came out like water out of a fire hose for a ridiculous length of time.

Feeling much better and rested, he realized that he stunk. “I guess three days on a train are a bit much. Damn how long did I sleep?” he thought. Looking around there was soap, shampoo, and stuff so he decided to take a shower before going down to the kitchen.

Tommy took a nice long shower. His Mom use to complain about him using all the hot water in the house, but Tommy always liked to smell nice and clean. He was definitely not like his friends; some of them only bathed if they were made too. He dried himself off and saw a white terry robe hanging on a hook on the bathroom door. He put it on and then proceeded to dry his hair using the blow dryer that was there. When his hair was dry he put it back into a low ponytail. He often wished he could wear it differently, but then that would cause him so much trouble.

Dried and deodorized he went back to his room. He couldn’t see his bags anywhere but he did see some clothes on his already made up bed. He went over to them and saw pants, T-shirt, ruffle top socks, and girl’s under-things. He wondered, “What the hell is going on.”

He looked closely at the clothes. They were very pretty and looked like they would go well together and it wasn’t like he hadn’t worn girl’s clothes before. Tommy had always liked the look and feel of girl’s clothes. As a young boy he often wore some of his sister’s old things. She never threw anything away. Mom would get tired of the overfilled closets and end up making a Goodwill run every year or two as Susan grew up. Tommy had been able to snag a couple of things that fit every now and then. He had always been careful and didn’t think his Mom or Sis knew what he had been up too, but now he wasn’t too sure of that.

“Well it ain’t nothing I haven’t done before, and obliviously Susan wants to see if I’ll do it, so what the heck,” he thought.

Tommy took inventory of what was there. He found a pair of lacey blue nylon panties, which he put on. The feel of them as they slid up his legs was electrifying. He hadn’t had the opportunity to dress up in a while, having outgrown his other things. He also found a panty girdle that had padded hips. It was a struggle to pull these up and he had to rearrange his stuff but he got them up. He was not so big down there. He had seen a lot of guys at school in the locker room that were a lot bigger, but it didn’t really bother him. The girdle’s waist was tighter than at the hips and took a couple of inches off his waist, effectively hiding any sign of his masculine parts.

He looked at the bra next, it was heavy and he realized there were some gel things that looked like breasts contained in some pockets. He slipped the bra up his arms till it rested on his chest. After several tries he was able to reach behind himself and hook it up like most girls do. He was amazed at how heavy they seemed and how they moved. The band of the bra was very tight, but he realized that would help keep the breasts from shifting in an embarrassing manner. He couldn’t help himself he reached up and cupped himself. He had never really had a girl’s breasts in his hands before but he imagined that they would feel no different than what he now felt. He next found the ruffled ankle socks, they were short and the material was lighter and silkier than his own.

Next came the T-shirt, it was so soft, it felt great in his hands and was a light powder blue, with three quarter length sleeves. The shirt clung to his body as he pulled it on, and helped to define his figure. He could see the white of the bra and the top of the girdle through the material.

That left a pair of jeans and a shiny metal chain belt on the bed. He sat down to pull the jeans on. It was incredible how tight the jeans were, he had to work them up his legs a little at a time. The jeans molded and shaped his calves and thighs like nothing he ever wore before. He tucked the T-shirt in and fastened the top button. The hips fit alright even with the padding of the girdle, but it was hard to fasten the button at the waist. At least the material had more give than his jeans had or he would never have gotten them on. The jeans even pushed his butt up and helped give him a more girlish figure. There weren’t any belt loops so he just fastened the belt around his waist. Lastly he saw two pair of shoes on the floor, one a pair of black pumps that had bows on the instep with a one and a half inch heel and a pair of white girl’s sneakers with pink piping. Tommy chose the pumps; they were like shoes he had worn before.

Standing up Tommy found a full-length mirror on the closet door. He looked at himself. What he saw wasn’t entirely feminine but then again it was far from masculine. Inside the closet he saw that there were a lot of girl’s clothes. He saw a white cotton short sleeve blouse and pulled it off the hanger. He left it unbuttoned and put the belt on over it.

Looking about the room he saw a vanity and went over to it. He had experimented a little with makeup, he wasn’t good at it but he could put mascara and lipstick on pretty easily. Inside the vanity he found some makeup not as much as any normal girl would wear but he did find lipstick and mascara. He brushed the mascara on his upper lashes; he never had been able to do the lower lashes very well. The lipstick was a deep pinkish red. It looked pretty good as he carefully put it on. He looked a lot better with a little makeup on he thought. Lastly he found some ladies cologne in a mister. He loved the smell so he spritzed himself with it lightly. He had never worn cologne before it would have been so hard to hide the lingering scent.

Tommy’s Blog

June 9, 2005 8:15 am pdt

My sister really surprised me today. When she use to live at home I use to dress up in her clothes. I really liked it, girl’s clothes always seemed much nicer and well that just felt so right.

I thought it was just my secret. Well to my surprise, when I woke up this morning, I could find none of the clothes I brought with me. Instead I found girls under-things, pants, blouse and heels laid out for me. Guess I didn’t keep my secret as well as I had thought I done.

I went ahead and dressed up in them and found a little makeup, which I put on. I finally found some perfume to spritz on. People wouldn’t believe me but I look pretty good.

Well, I bet my sister is worried about me. She hasn’t seen how I dressed yet. So I better go face the piper.


“Well I guess it is either go down and see Sis like this, or take another shower and yell for my own clothes,” Tommy said to himself out loud.

At the last second he took off his boys watch and saw some jewelry on the vanity. He found a few bangles, a girl’s watch, a heart shaped silver pendant on a fine silver chain and some heart shaped clip-on earrings. Everything matched as well as he could tell, so he put these on too.

Back at the full-length mirror he saw that he now looked pretty good. He looked as good as he ever looked. He blew himself a kiss and stepped out of the safety of his room.

He saw his sister sitting in the living room. She looked like she was sitting on pins and needles, probably wondering what he was doing and thinking. She was a little heavily made up for this early in the morning, but looked absolutely spectacular. Her face brightened as she saw him. She nearly jumped up and met him halfway.

“Hey Sis. You look great and that scent is wonderful on you,” she said as she hugged him.

“Thank you Sis, you look pretty good yourself,” he said, looking a little embarrassed. “I guess you knew my secret, how did you find out. I thought I was careful?”

“You were but it was the little things, like the things in my drawers looked like they had been moved around, clothes I had outgrown were missing, and such. I finally went into your room once and found your stash. Don’t worry I really didn’t mind.”

“I guess everyone back home knows then?”

“No I don’t think so, at least Dad doesn’t know, I’m not sure about Mom, but I never told anyone.”

“So is this why I just had to come see you Sis?” Tommy said with a little edge to his voice.

“No Tommy, not at all. I did want to see my baby brother. I just thought you might like to try this out with someone else helping. I figured you might have a little fun doing it. Are you hungry? You must be famished. When was the last time you ate?”

Tommy’s stomach was growling, he couldn’t remember when he last ate. “Yes, now that you mention it, I think I could eat a horse.”

Susan looked up and down at Tommy, as tight as his pants and girdle were he wouldn’t be eating that much she thought. “Come this way Sis, the restaurant Le Su’san is about to open dear.”

Tommy followed her into the kitchen where she made him a light breakfast. Susan made less than he thought he could eat but more than he would actually be able to finish. While Susan had some toast and coffee, Tommy dug into milk, coffee, eggs, bacon and hash browns. As they ate they talked, Susan wanted to know more about his cross-dressing. Tommy explained that he had started about the time he turned eight. He admitted he had a crush on her at that age, not realizing that brothers and sisters aren’t suppose to be like that. He had always liked the way his big Sis looked, and even though her clothes were a little big for him, some of her older things fit well enough. He really liked the way those things felt and how pretty they were.

Susan said it surprised her that he had actually started so early. When she finally realized what was going on, she had really wanted to see what he looked like. She said she always thought that he looked to good to be a boy; he looked just too cute. She had wanted him to come because she wanted to get to know her brother better and not as a little kid he had been, but as the young adult he now was. She also wanted to know if he still liked dressing up.

Tommy told her he didn’t dress up as much now, because it was harder to get things that fit. He never lost the craving he had for girl’s clothes. Even now Mom let him pick his own clothes; he always picked the softer, more colorful clothes. Still it was hard to achieve the look he had grown to like with boy’s clothes.

“Tommy, you really look so good as a girl. You even went farther than what I had laid out for you. How would you like to dress like this for the rest of the time you are here? I would really like it.”

Tommy blushed at the thought of living as a girl while he was in LA but after thinking it over he said, “I would like it, but I don’t really think that I could go outside as a girl. People would see me as a boy dressed up as a girl. I would be too scared to go out dressed like this, Sis.”

“Are you kidding Tommy, you look better dressed like that than I did when I was sixteen. You definitely have a bigger chest than I did. It wasn’t till I was almost eighteen that I went from a small B cup to a large C cup. Right now you would be a large B or small C and that fits your shape pretty good, I think. I bet you could walk outside now and nobody would catch on that you were a boy.”

“Quit teasing me Sis. I know I don’t look bad, but I know I couldn’t fool most people. Also I don’t know how to act like girls do and what about my voice?”

“Brother you are in denial. Yes your mannerisms could give you away if you hung around a group of girls for a while, but your appearance and the pitch of your voice are great. You just need to learn how girls do things and the way girls talk and nobody would twig on you.”

Tommy thought on that for a bit. He really did want to say yes. He liked the way he felt right now. It somehow felt so right to him. Did that make him a pervert or something? He didn’t know. He felt exhilaration and dread at the same time. “Mom and Dad could never know. I would never be able to live it down if they found out.”

“I don’t know about Dad, but I know Mom would be ok with it.”

“No! Not even Mom could know Susan.”

“Well, it would be hard for her to find out that is for sure. Come on how about it, for me please? It would be a lot of work, but I am sure you would enjoy it.”

Tommy hung his head down as he considered it. He didn’t know why but tears started to fall from his eyes.

“I am sorry Tommy. Don’t cry. You don’t have to do it,” she said hugging him tightly.

“It’s not that Sis. I really want to do it. I’m just scared, I guess.”

“There is no reason to be scared little brother. I wouldn’t let anything happen to my bestest friend.”

Tommy’s emotions were at war inside him. This was something he had always enjoyed doing, but around other people he didn’t know if he could pull it off. “Ok Sis, if you’ll help me I will.”

“Oh Tommy, we are going to have so much fun, you’ll see,” Susan said joyously. “Now first off, I can’t keep calling you Tommy if we are going to do this. Do you have a girl’s name you like?”

“Well, you know Mom was an old Debbie Reynolds fan, she used to watch all her movies over and over again. Debbie played a girl named Tammy, I really like that name.”

“That is a great name for you Tammy, like Tammy Tyree,” Susan said looking over her new sister, “And with a little work I think we could even make you look a little like her.”

That brought out a little giggle from Tammy, “Ok Susan, Tammy it is.”

Susan took Tammy’s hand and led her to her computer. She booted it up and when she got her browser going pulled up a picture of Debbie in “Tammy and the Bachelor.”

“Gosh she is beautiful,” Tammy said.

“Yes and so are you.” Susan said as she printed out several high rez pictures on her color printer. “Let’s go to the beauty salon Tammy to get started ok?”

Tammy hesitated for several seconds before nodding her head in agreement.

“Let’s fix you up a purse first,” Susan said leading Tammy back to her room. She opened a drawer on the vanity and pulled a small white purse on a gold chain. She opened it and emptied it on the table and explained why everything was in there, even three tampons and a panty liner. She put everything back in including the lipstick Tammy used and a powder compact after Susan used it on Tammy's face. “Your ready, wait here a sec and let me get my stuff.”

Susan retrieved her purse and they were on their way. She opened her pill pack and poured out six pills, which she took.

“Let’s go Tammy. One thing; outside keep your head up high, stand straight, take shorter steps and just act like you own the world. Don’t worry about anything else.”

Tammy stepped out. There were other people around but they just smiled and waved at Susan. The two of them got in her car and were on their way. It was a short drive to the salon. Tammy’s stomach was churning all the way.

“At the Salon you’ll be taken in the back and given a smock to dress in, take off your pants and blouse put the smock and your shoes on and then come out. You’re going to have a lot of work done on you today, nothing that we can’t reverse when you go home though.”

“Ok, Susan I trust you,” Tammy said, not being sure she actually meant it.

Susan turned into a parking lot of the salon “Hair Today!” Together they headed into the salon. It was a nice upscale salon; there were already a lot of women and girls there. The inside of the place was very nice, there were nice couches, flowers, paintings that appealed to the feminine, pictures of various hairstyles and such. It was definitely ‘no man’s land.’ Susan went up to the receptionist up front. She spoke to her, then she and Tammy sat down.

“They’ll be ready for you in a second, dear.”

The receptionist brought them some hot tea. The tea was good and helped calm Tammy’s nerves. There were copies of Cosmo, Elle, Seventeen, Vogue and other ladies and teen magazines on the coffee table. Tammy picked one up and had just opened it when she heard.

“Tammy, Susan?”

“Hi, Helen, this is Tammy my sister.”

“Hi Susan, hi Tammy I will be your stylist today, my name is Helen would you two come with me, please,” Helen gracefully motioned with her arm.

They followed Helen to her workstation. The smells overwhelmed the senses as Tammy followed. Helen stopped by a chair and motioned for Tammy to sit. The chair was a salon type and was set before three angled mirrors with lots of lights around the edges. Tammy sat and Helen turned her to face the mirrors.

“Now what can I do for you ladies today.” Helen asked.

Susan pulled out a handful of pictures from her purse. They were the one’s she printed today off the computer. “Tammy is getting the works today and she wanted a much updated look similar to these,” she said proffering the pictures to Helen.

“Oh yes, I love this look,” she said as she took a good look at Tammy. “You have some lovely skin dear, your hair is nice and healthy, a few splits but we’ll take care of that.” Helen turned the chair in a full circle looking closely at Tammy, “Yes I can see just what I’ll do.”

Then Helen and Susan began talking specifics, they might as well have been talking Greek because Tammy didn’t understand but a few things they talked about. Hair styled this way, lightened, and a few other words were all she caught. Tammy just smiled and shook her head when they called for a response from her.

“Okay Susan, I think I can get this done in three hours if you want to go somewhere, your sister will be just lovely when you get back.”

“Ok, but don’t let anything happen to my sister Helen,” Susan said, “And Tammy be nice.”

“I will Sis,” Tammy said and waved at Susan as she left.

“Ok, let’s get started,” Helen said as she motioned for Tammy to follow, “Just change into one of the smocks hanging in the room Tammy, I’ll take you to the shampoo station when you’re ready.”

Tammy went in the changing room and set her purse down. She took off her blouses, pants and socks before taking a medium smock off the hook. The smock screamed PINK! at her, but she still put it on. It fit snug around the collar and hung well above mid thigh. She realized that, she would have to be very careful or she would show almost everything she had on. She smoothed the smock under her as she sat and put her shoes back on. She took one last look at herself in a mirror before she exited and tried to remember what she looked like.

Helen was waiting for her as she exited; she led Tammy to the shampoo girl.

“Marcia this is Tammy. Tammy, Marcia is your shampoo tech today."

Marcia couldn’t be much older than she was, Tammy thought. Tammy sat in the shampoo chair and Marcia tilted her back till her neck rested on the edge of the sink. Marcia warmed the water up and wet-down Tammy’s hair. She lathered up Tammy’s hair and massaged her scalp. She had such wonderful hands Tammy thought. She rinsed, shampooed, rinsed, conditioned and rinsed her hair. Tammy was in Nirvana when she finished.

Marcia led a very relaxed Tammy to Helen's station. A cape was wrapped around Tammy and Helen went to work on her hair. She combed out the tangles and parted it several ways looking at it. She then parted it in the middle and started trimming the hair in layers. After she finished trimming the hair, a foul smelling lotion was put on her hair. Helen then had her sit in another chair for twenty-five minutes.

Time’s up and after her hair was checked she was back at the shampoo station being washed and conditioned again, before she was led back to Helen’s station. Tammy was shocked to see her light brown hair now a very light straw blonde. Helen then wound Tammy’s hair tightly on some rods with some sponge thingys. Then Helen put some moist cotton around the edges of her face, followed by a fouler smelling brew on her hair and a plastic cap. She was again led to a different chair. While she was there a girl came by and did her nails, giving her a full set of nails, while her feet were soaked in a vibrating tub. The girl finished painting her nails a nice Coral Blush, Tammy was told before the girl filed and painted her toenails with the same polish.

When a timer went off, Helen checked Tammy’s hair. She again wound up at the shampoo station being rinsed and another solution was put on her hair. She was again sat in the waiting chair as Tammy named it. She was rinsed again and wound up back at Helen’s workstation. The rods were taken out and replaced by rollers and she was taken to a padded table and asked to lie down.

Her legs were rubbed with a lotion. Tammy was in heaven as the girl massaged her legs. Then something very warm was spread on them followed by a cloth strip. Then in one motion the strip was yanked off and Tammy nearly hit the roof. “Yikes,” (actually a transliteration) she said, or something to that effect. The girl working on her giggled, but then apologized for it, telling her we find it easier if the client doesn’t know about it the first time. This was repeated numerous times on both legs. It hurt no less each time but at least she overcame the shock of the first strip. The lotion that followed and the massage of the legs kinda made it all worthwhile though.

She was then put under a dryer for a time. Tammy couldn’t believe all that she was going through. Back and forth, up and down, go here go there, sit and wait, back and forth. So girls have to go through all this, Tammy thought.

After her hair was dry she was led to Helen’s station again. Helen went to work on her face plucking her eyebrows. Tammy had never plucked her eyebrows before, that was something that would have been discovered back home. It hurt a little with each pluck and Tammy wondered if she would have any eyebrows left at all. She wasn’t turned towards the mirrors so she couldn’t see.

Next she felt her ears being rubbed by a cold pad and being marked by another girl. Helen and the girl looked back and forth at both ears. She felt something take hold of one ear and then felt one, then two small stabs of pain, which was repeated on the other ear. She knew she had two studs in her ears now without looking. Helen then went to work on Tammy’s hair. The rollers were removed and her hair was combed, brushed and teased. She finished messing with her hair and stood back to look, smiling. Tammy started to turn to look but Helen stopped her.

“No, no, no girl, you can’t look till I’m finished.”

Helen then wheeled a cart next to Tammy and held a wheel of sorts, up to her cheek. “You have a nice summer look. Tammy, it would be nice if your skin were a little more tanned, you’re obviously not a southern California girl, but don’t go laying out on the beach all day trying to tan dear. I want you to come back next week and we will do an airbrush job on you. I’m selecting your makeup right now. Ok follow along with what I’m doing, first skin care, do this routine at least three times a day. First I use a cleanser on your face it will open and clean your pores, remove your makeup and help prevent zits to a point. Next use an astringent, it will tighten your skin, make your pores appear smaller and reduce any wrinkles a little. Then we moisturize your skin, this cream blocks harmful UV and increases the elasticity of your skin, while keeping it soft and smooth. You have such lovely skin and don’t need much makeup, but let me show you how to do your face.”

Helen proceeded to put foundation on, using it sparsely. She then used a powder to set it and lightly brushed her cheeks with blush. She then used some eyeliner behind the edge of Tammy’s eyelashes, mascara, eye shadow and a pencil on her brow. She used another pencil on the outer edge of her lips and filled it in with a Coral Blush lipstick.

Several ladies had stopped to watch what Helen was doing. Their presence was beginning to unnerve Tammy a little, but she tried to take it in stride. When Helen finished she stepped back. The ladies ohed and ahed at Tammy and finally she was turned to face the mirror. Tammy’s jaw dropped, she wouldn’t be replacing Debbie Reynolds as a look-a-like, but the word wow formed on her lips. Helen turned her back around and took several pictures. Helen then showed her how to clean her makeup off and with a bare face she did it again, slower this time so Tammy could see how she did it.

“When you comeback next week, I will teach you to do this and other looks. We’ll change your makeup after we airbrush you.”

Susan pulled into the parking lot, her watch beeped and she checked the time, took out her pill pack and took four pills, before heading into the salon. She walked right by a pretty blonde who had been sitting in the reception area, before she stopped and turned around to see a smiling Tammy now standing behind her.

“Oh my gosh, Tammy is that you?”

“Do I look alright Sis?”

Barely in control of her emotions, Susan said, “Alright, Tammy you look great,” and she reached out and hugged Tammy.

Tammy was shocked by the strength of Susan’s reaction, and hugged her sister back. Susan then found Helen and gave her a big hug and tip. Susan then paid the bill for Tammy. Tammy had her purse and a bag full of makeup.

Susan and Tammy left the salon and drove out.

“Well what do you think, Tammy?”

“I like it, but it is so strange. In one way it feels so normal to look like this, but when I look in a mirror, it’s like I’m looking at an alien.”

“Are you happy looking like this?”

“Yes, I find that strange too. I don’t know why I cared how I would look, but I did want to turn out good. I just didn’t expect to look this good.”

“Yes, you could be a heart breaker looking like that. We have two more stops today, Tammy. One of them is a dear friend of mine and she knows all about you dear. Trust me she is a nice lady and she is good at what she does.”

“You weren’t supposed to tell anybody, Susan,” Tammy said sounding very worried. She was trembling a little as she looked at her sister.

“Don’t cry Tammy and please don’t worry, she won’t make fun of you or hurt you. She is a dear friend of mine and she makes medical prosthetics. You have to trust me on this one.”

“Ok Susan, but don’t surprise me with these things,” Tammy said.

It was easy to tell she was pissed about this. Susan had to be careful with what she did; at least right now.

They pulled into a medical complex; there was a pharmacy, doctor’s offices, a physical therapist office, an outpatient nursing care office and other medical establishments.

Susan led Tammy into one of the stores. It was indeed identified as a medical prosthetics store. Inside there were displays of various sorts of prosthetic items. Susan saw someone and led Tammy over to her.

“Hi Susan, it’s good to see you and who is this?”

“Carol this is my sister Tammy, Tammy this is Carol, the lady I told you about.”

“Please come into the back with me and we can talk.”

Carol was an older lady maybe early to late fifties. She still looked quite vibrant. She couldn’t be called pretty, she was a little on the heavy side and her face showed her age, but her smile radiated warmth and care.

Carol indicated for them to sit on a couch, while she sat in a lounge chair. Carol and Susan talked for several minutes catching up on this and that. Carol commented on how beautiful Tammy was and asked her how long she would be down here. Tammy answered and slowly fell into the conversation.

“Susan let me get to know Tammy a few minutes, Ok?” Carol asked

“Ok, Carol, I’ll just go out and get us some cokes.” Susan said as she left.

“Ok, Tammy I know you’re probably a little scared about being here. Know this, most of the people who come here feel the same way for different reasons. Most of my clients are women who have had breast surgery.”

“Really, that must be awkward for them,” Tammy said.

“Yes it is, Tammy, the women who have had the indignity of having their breast, or breasts removed and then they have to face me. Well I try my best to keep their spirits up and give them some form of hope and restoration. It isn’t perfect, but I am pretty good at it. I also deal with men who want to appear like women too, Tammy. They have a right to be treated with dignity and respect too.”

“You really work with men too? I didn’t know?”

“Your sister told me about you possibly wanting to look like a girl. Tammy, don’t hate her for that. She really loves you. I can help you fool almost everybody; if you want too. You could stand naked in a room full of women and without close inspection, no one would know. I do want you to know, how you feel about this is very important to me. I won’t do it if you don’t want it, dear.”

“Yesterday I would have left here screaming if you had said that to me. I’ll admit that I’ve have liked dressing as a girl for a long time, but it has been hard. I don’t know Carol, what was done to me at the salon simply amazed me; I’d never thought it was possible. I’m just scared about it.”

“I have heard many men say some of those same things Tammy. Their biggest fear is being found out or being seen as a fraud. I show them that the chances of that happening can be greatly reduced. I’ll say this though, when I first saw you Tammy, I thought Susan had been fooling me about you not being a girl. You are one of my prettiest clients. You are a natural. Nobody down here knows you as a boy. You already have a grace and presence about you some of my other clients would kill for.”

“I like you Carol, what’ll you do for me then?”

“I’ll start out by giving you breasts. They are made of a combination of materials that will look and feel as natural as your sister’s, or your mother’s. I’ll also make you an appliance that will give you a natural, feminine appearing crotch, if you want it. I’ll apply these with a cement that is not harmful to the skin and will last about two months. I also have a solvent that you can remove them with.” Carol said, as she opened an album of her appliances. “The breasts are on the first five pages; notice the different shapes, nipples and areolas or the dark areas around the nipple. Breasts are as varied as the number of women there are. You can find breasts that look like these on normal girls.”

There were all sorts of breast shapes with various nipple and areola combinations.

“I like these with the large areola and the smaller nipples; I would be embarrassed to have large nipples all the time.”

“That is smart Tammy, the large nipples some find interesting, but with real women the nipples can change with arousal, temperature and such. The large nipples here wouldn’t change; it would be harder to hide and could send mixed signals you don’t want.”

Tammy blushed because she understood exactly what the lady meant. She had seen girls whose nipples had suddenly gone firm and could be seen through their clothes.

“Here are the other appliances I was talking about. You see there is a very natural pubic mound and feminine crotch. It will hold you in place, you wouldn’t have to worry about a poorly timed erection, and you could wear this with normal swimwear to a point. If you got a tan and this wasn’t covered it would show, but with the right makeup you can appear tanned with it. The hair in the pubic mound is human hair treated to look like pubic hair. You don’t have to take it off to use the rest room, but you would have to sit and you would need to be careful with your hygiene. It’s also padded and will give you hips and a feminine derriere.”

Tammy had never seen a naked girl up close and this was fascinating to her. “Which of these is more natural?”

“All of them are as natural as possible. Women are as varied there as their breasts Tammy, but I think this one with the smaller features, would look good on you. Just like with the breasts, extremes are harder for my clients to disguise all the time. I know it’ll be embarrassing, can you strip to your panties for me dear.”

Tammy’s face did show a deep flush, but she suspected that the lady needed to take measurements. So she stood up and started to undress.

“Not here my dear, we have a changing room over in the corner there,” she said pointing. “There are robes in the room, and call me when your down to your panties.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Tammy went to the dressing room and undressed. She didn’t know if she should do this or not; but pushed on. She started to leave the girdle on, but went ahead and took it off before she put the robe on. The robe was so soft and silky; it felt really nice.

“Carol I’m ready.”

“Ok, come on out, I am ready for you.”

Tammy came out and saw Carol standing next to a table that looked like it came out of a doctor’s office.

“Over here Tammy, stand right here, please.”

Tammy moved to the indicated spot.

“Ok for the hard part, stand up straight, hold your head up, smile and please don’t be embarrassed,” she said, “Take a breath, let it out and take your robe off.”

Tammy did this, yes she was embarrassed by having the strange lady seeing her almost naked, but hey, she was really nice about it.
Carol took a bunch of measurements, chest, waist, hips and one at the chest where she held the tape away from her at two points.

“Now stand by this wall Tammy, you’ll notice the lines going up and down, left and right. It is a scaled wall; it helps me make the appliances fit and look right. I want to take four aspect pictures; left and right, front and back. I’ll use them in a computer program to fit you. Nobody will see them but me dear; I’ll delete them after I use them.”

Tammy stood by the wall.

“Ok, stand up straight, head up, arms hanging by your side, look into the camera. That’s it,” she said as she snapped the first picture. “Turn left…, again…., again… good. Put the robe on and come over here.”

Tammy put the robe on and stood to the side of Carol. She had four windows open, one of the aspects was in each frame.

“Here is what I suggest Tammy,” she said clicking a few keys on the keyboard. The breasts she liked popped out, her hips widened, her masculine part disappeared. In the side views she saw her breasts and butt grow. Another click and there was a three D image of Tammy naked and rotating. Another click and Tammy was wearing a bikini, click then a skirt and blouse, click jeans and blouse, click and a dress. The computer then began rotating through the images.

Tammy was entranced by the various images. She had a nice chest, large but not too large, a waist and hips. She looked better than she had ever looked before.

“I love what you’ve done, please do it for me,” Tammy said, smiling brightly as she gazed at the images.

Carol smiled when she saw the look on Tammy’s face.

“I need to take several molds of your body Tammy. Please take off your panties and your robe and sit on the table.”

With a lot less embarrassment, she followed the woman’s instructions. Carol sprayed something on her chest and then stretched this plastic sort of stuff over her chest. She worked it for several seconds working out air bubbles and making sure the material was snug to the chest. She covered Tammy’s head. She felt a cooling spray across the area. Several minutes went by, the thing on her chest got a little warm, and then Carol pulled off a mold. Carol shaved Tammy’s pubic region and her butt, and then took molds there too, down to about mid thigh.

“You may put your robe on now and have a seat.”

Tammy put the robe back on and sat. Susan came in and sat next to her handing her a coke. They talked for over an hour and a half. Susan didn’t ask about what went on and Tammy appreciated that. They did catch up on what had happened at home and here. Carol finally came back in.

“Ok we are ready, would you like Susan to go or stay Tammy, it’s up to you.”

Tammy looked at her sister. She had a look that said it didn’t matter to her on her face. “She can stay; she might have to help me with them someday.”

“Up on the table. Robe off Tammy,” she said as she left and came back pushing a trolley in.

Carol took a soft cloth and sprayed it with alcohol and wiped Tammy’s chest clean. When the skin was dried she made several marks and spread something on Tammy’s chest and on the forms that were on the trolley.

“Last chance to stop Tammy, although you’ll be able to remove them later with the solvent.”

“Go ahead Carol.” Tammy said.

Carol picked up one breast and carefully placed it on her chest, making sure she had it positioned right before pressing it down.

“Hold it there and don’t move it for five minutes.”

Carol then went to the other side and carefully positioned the second breast, on her chest, making sure the nipple aligned with the other nipple and pressed it down. After five minutes she had Tammy sit up. The added weight on her chest caused Tammy a little bit of a shock, as she now jiggled when she moved. Carol rechecked the positioning of the breasts vertically, horizontally and the spacing between breasts. Years of her doing this helped her do it right the first time.

“Alright, they look good, very good in fact. They’re set in place, but the cement’s full strength won’t be achieved for a couple of hours yet,” Carol said.

“Now slip this on like a panty, but stop when you get to the hip.”

Tammy saw and felt that this was a substantial appliance as Carol had called it. She was very careful with it and got it up to her hip. Carol then went about making sure everything went where it was suppose to and began working it up a little at a time. Tammy was a little uncomfortable being handled like that but she just stood there. She felt the appliance snug up and Carol made some final adjustments before having Tammy turn around.

Tammy heard her sister’s breath catch as she turned. Carol then led her to a full-length mirror. Her breath caught as well, when she looked at the girl that was being reflected back. She did some very feminine poses as she looked at her body. Tammy’s eyes began to shed tears as she looked at herself. This was her she thought, this was what her body should’ve been all the time. Tammy saw how her skin tones matched everywhere and how it looked all so real to her. She was crying, but at the same time she was as happy as she could ever remember being.

“Are you ok Tammy,” Susan asked putting her arm on Tammy’s shoulder and handing her a tissue. She was afraid that she had been wrong about Tommy.

“This is what I should’ve been all along Susan. I never knew it, but that is me. Tammy is me.”

“I know Tammy, I thought I knew it a long time ago, but it’s only now I could do anything about it.”

They held each other for several minutes. Carol excused herself to let them share the time together. She came back after a few minutes and said, “Ok Tammy, up on the table, I need to finish everything.”

Carol pulled out a pair of stirrups on the table and positioned Tammy in them. She checked the crotch carefully and made sure it was lined up properly before she started gluing the edges down. She then had Tammy stand so she could glue the back and top down. All glued down Carol took a semi-permanent makeup and started blending all the edges. When she finished, it was all but impossible to tell where the skin ended and the appliance began.

“The appliances are a little cool to the touch now, but in a couple of hours your body will heat them up to your skin temperature, Tammy. Now let me re-measure you. You’ll need to know your sizes dear, that is something every girl knows about herself when they go shopping, so pay attention.”

Carol started at the chest just below the breasts and then at the fullest part of the breasts. “You’re a 34 C or 36 B depending on the bra and such.” She measured the waist at 30 and the hips at 36. “You really need to trim your waist down a few inches, but you have nice hips now. Go with a size five or six in a hipster or bikini Tammy. When your waist gets smaller you can wear a brief if you want. In pants start with a six and work up or down depending on the cut. In dresses and tops a small or medium, a six or an eight depending on fit. You need to try your clothes on before buying them, you are a little larger than average in the waist. Some clothes that will fit your bust and hips won’t fit your waist. Now tell me what I said.”

Tammy recited what she remembered and she did it correctly. Susan had written it down.

“Well, nothing but the blouse you wore here should fit now, Tammy. Guess you’ll have to go home semi nude,” Susan said giggling as she looked at her sister.

Tammy had a frightened look on her face; as she thought about what Susan had said.

“Oh gee, that’s right; let me go get the bag I brought. It’s out in the car dear. Carol and I had already talked about that possibility and I was prepared.”

Susan left the room and a few seconds later she entered carrying a bag. Inside the bag were panties, bra, camisole, blouse and jeans. She pulled the panties on first; they were hipsters and fit well. It was a new experience putting on a bra with something that actually fills the bra’s cups. Tammy had to call in her sister; the bra’s shoulder straps were just way too tight. Susan helped adjust the straps so they fit well. Susan then helped her with the camisole, the blouse was a button up chiffon; Tammy found this easy enough, seeing how she had done it before. The pants were different from any Tammy had worn before, they only came up a little half way up to her waist, just five inches from her crotch. The legs were tight and the top fit her hips well. The blouse barely touched the top of the pants when she stood straight.

Susan brushed out Tammy’s hair; it fell right in place and she helped fix her makeup.

Tammy checked herself out in the mirror, turning this way and that way. She turned to face her sister.

Susan looked into Tammy’s eyes lovingly and asked, “Are you ready to meet the world.”

Tammy hugged her sister and said, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Arm in arm, they left the dressing room.

“My, my, don’t you look good Tammy.”

“Yes she does Carol, very nice indeed.”

“Thank you Carol, thank you very much. Would you mind if I called you Aunt Carol.” Tammy said leaning in to hug Carol like the girls she had seen hugged.

“I wouldn’t mind that at all. In fact I think I like it.”

The three talked a few minutes more before Carol said she had other people to help. They all hugged again before Susan and Tammy left.

“She is a nice lady Susan, I really like her.”

“She is nice Tammy; she is really good at working with people, many of whom are not in the best of moods, if you know what I mean.”

“Yes I do. You said you have another stop to make before we head home Sis. Where to next? I am starving now.”

“Well, I want to take you to a corset shop. Everything about you is in a good proportion, except your waist. We need to reduce it about four inches overall.”

“Ok, I can see that.” Tammy groaned. She had never worn a corset but she knew the principle. She had worn tight girdles before but a corset would be new to her.

“I want to fit it to you, so you’ll have to try it on. Will that be ok?”

“That’s kewl, I guess and you’re right about the waist.”

Susan turned into the parking lot outside the lingerie shop. They went inside and picked out some more bras, panties and other things all girls need. Finally Susan found four corsets she wanted Tammy to try. Susan went into the dressing room with her sister and together they went through the things they had. Some bras they accepted, others they rejected. Tammy tried on all the lingerie except the panties. She had a big pile of things they were buying. Then it was time for the corsets. Three fit pretty good unlaced and one they rejected as too short. The last corset had cups that lifted her breasts up.

“Lace me in one Sis, no time like the present to get started.”

Susan did just that, after taking the tags off. She made three passes tightening the corset. Tammy thought she would be cut in half, but Susan only took about two inches off her waist.

“It’s a little loose; Tammy, but we’ll tighten it more later. Remember we only take off a little at a time.” Susan said, while Tammy groaned at hearing that it was ‘a little loose.’

Susan had to help get Tammy dressed. She couldn’t bend at the waist.

“As you get use to the corset you’ll adapt to getting dressed with it on. But I’ll help you till you do.”

Tammy looked at it in the mirror; it was a very pretty white satin corset with lots of lace and fancy stitching. She could imagine a woman wearing this pretty corset on her wedding day. As her pants came up they fit over the bottom of the corset, and her pants were a little tighter in the hip and butt now. Even her bust looked bigger as she had some actual skin and fat forced into the bra. The big difference she could see was her posture; she stood straighter than she ever remembered before. She even looked taller. Susan buttoned up the blouse, leaving the blouse open from just beneath her bust. She was showing off the pretty corset and a bit of her cleavage.

Susan paid the bill. The sales lady had a big smile on her face as she rang everything up and packaged it up. Tammy carried it all back to the car.

On the way home Susan stopped and picked up two regular burgers and salads, no fries though. The sun was going down when they finally got home. Susan’s watch beeped and she went to her room where she took three pills. Tammy went to her room and set her things on her bed.

In the kitchen she started on her salad first. She realized she would need to watch her weight now. Susan joined her and they ate and talked. Both finished the salad but neither of them ate the whole burger.

“Tomorrow we will go through the things in your closet and drawers Tammy. We’ll keep what fits and get rid of the rest. Then we’ll go shopping and fill out your wardrobe as we see what you need.”

“Ok will you help me get out of this corset, Susan?”

“No, for the next two weeks I want you in one twenty hours a day at least. I want you exercising and bathing without one on, but I’ll loosen it for bed, but not take it off.”

Tammy groaned again.

“It’s for your own good Sis.”

“I know, but still.”

“Yes, I know too.”

Susan helped Tammy get ready for bed. The corset was loosened about an inch and Tammy put on a pretty sleep shirt. Tammy remembered to clean her face before bed, and then she sat in front of her computer.

Tommy’s Blog

June 9, 2005 10:15 pm pdt

Wow! What a day. To say that I am in shock would be an understatement. My sister, it seems, knew of my hobby of dressing in her things and convinced me to spend the summer as a girl. Things got stranger from there.

First she took me to a beauty salon. I have been inside a few but that was just to pick someone up or such. This time though I was a customer. I couldn’t believe what all was done to me. I got a permanent, hair color, fingernails a half an inch long, legs waxed (beware this is a form of torture), a pedicure (I think they call it that), my eyebrows were ripped from my head, ears pierced, makeup and skincare junk. All this took untold hours to do.

I thought all the weirdness was through, boy was I wrong. We went to see a lady, whom my sister informed of my habits. I went in not liking her at first, but I found she was a really nice lady. She likes to help people who have had a rough time, feel better. She works with something called medical prosthetics (you know arms, legs and things for people who have lost those things). She said she works mostly with women who had lost breasts to cancer. I know of a few ladies who went through that and anything to make those people feel better about themselves is good.

I was really shocked though when she said she also helped some guys who really wanted to look like girls, to look right. Well she showed me pictures of what she made. This lady is good, the things she made, she called them appliances, (no they don’t wash dishes or cook food). Anyway before I knew it she convinced me to try them, tops and bottom (that was a big shock). She took measurements and made molds of my body. She made a set of those things for me. Well when I put them on and looked in a mirror, I no longer saw Tommy. They looked great. I have to admit the closest I have been to seeing a naked girl, was at the beach, but now I could walk butt naked into the girl’s showers at school and nobody would be wiser. BUT! That wasn’t the biggest shock. When I saw myself I knew that was the real me, or rather what I should have been.

I have never really been a crier. I have seen girls that could cry at the drop of a hat. I have got to tell you, when I saw myself I had to cry. I knew I was different from most boys, but I never knew I should have been a girl till then.

After we left that place we went to a lingerie store (A place where girls buy their girly things. I guess I can put myself in that group now.) Sis bought me all sort of things girls wear. I am wearing two of the things right now, a corset (a medieval torture device that girls who don’t have small waists wear) and a sleep shirt.

Well it is getting late and I am really tired. Tommy will definitely no longer be blogging anymore. So starting tomorrow you will have to read Tammy’s blogs from now on.


(to be continued)


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