Lulu - 3 - Shaken, Not Stirred

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A Dark Comedy About Mistaken Identity

Chapter 3
Shaken, Not Stirred

by Lulu Martine

The big blonde put a small keyboard into my lap and angled the screen of a fancy laptop sitting on the bedside table to where we both could see it.

The nurse picked up a clipboard from some holder on the end of the bed and asked, "Which name does she prefer to go by now?"

I stared past the lumpiness of my chest under the hospital gown to the keyboard. "She? She who?" I typed.

"Lulu Martine," said the blonde and spelled it.

"Lulu, that's cute," said the nurse, writing something on the clipboard.

"My name is Marthy," I typed, saw the error and backspaced to retype.

The blonde smiled at me.

The nurse put the clipboard down and said, "We'll have a nice protein shake for you in an hour or two, Miss Martine. Then the doctors will remove some bandages later tonight and you can probably go home tomorrow. Remember to take small sips so you don’t get strangled.”

“say what?” I typed.

"Thank you, nurse”, said the blonde. "Isn't she a sweetie?"

"Yes, she is," agreed the nurse on the way out.

"she who?" I typed. "you mean the nurse?”

"I did," said the blonde. "But you're a sweetie, too."

"who are you?" I typed.

She laughed. "I'm Alice, of course. Are you being silly?"

I typed, "dunno whats going on?" Already typing was beginning to wear me out.

"Anesthesia," she said, nodding. "Always left me confused too. You'll be okay soon, honey. Oh, the girls are coming to say hello."

"the girls?" I typed. "who?"

"Dixie, Sugar, Tiffany, Bobbi-Sue, LeeAnne, whoever else they can find to come along, I guess. Everyone is so happy for you."

"don't know them do i?” I typed.

She grinned. "Okay, they are all jealous as hell. Some of the real queens won't come, of course; they think you're nuts. But all the t-girls are happy for you and jealous, too, I guess."

"none of that make sense" I typed. I felt tired. I wanted to type a question about what had happened to my chest but I didn't have the energy.

She took the keyboard back. "Why don't you nap for a bit? I'll wake you when the girls get here or the nurse will when she brings your shake."

I didn't want a shake. And a protein shake sounded awful. I wanted to wake up and have the confusion be only a dream. So I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Want me to crank the bed down again?" she asked.

I didn't even nod, too near to sleep already to care about it.

I slept and I dreamed. Very disturbing dreams about a mistake the hospital made. They cut out my testicles, turned my penis inside out to make a vagina, put in breast and butt implants, reshaped my larynx and my face and even did something to my feet.

While I was out–in the dream?–I heard a doctor say, "Hey, this kid has a hernia."

Someone else said, "Well, fix that, too, long as we're in here."

Oh, good, I thought. At least, I won't have to worry about that anymore.

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Not a bad story, it is

Not a bad story, it is developing slowly, which is OK.

But I wonder how much permanent suspension of disbelief will be required.

I'm surprised that Marty didn't type;
Who are you ?
I want my Mom and Dad !

Meanwhile the pathologist is comparing all of Marty's medical records, x-rays, CAT/CT/MRI scan, etc as a result of his accident and treatment to the body on his table; and they do not match ! Not the same bone fractures and no aneurysm on the scan.

Marty's parents when they view the body are not happy to find a stranger in place of their son.

The plastic surgeon who was LuLu's doctor but worked on Marty, would have noticed that the face was not the same !

Interesting to see how it all falls apart and realigns ? or not.


Who are you?

Actually, Marty did ask that.

I have a particular story to tell and I'm just going to ignore certain complications that would derail the plot into something else. It's like a faster than light drive in a SF movie. They don't exist, they probably can't exist, but they sure are useful to fiction writers.


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

I wonder...

...if Marty will be able to convince the medical staff that he's not the drag queen at some point in time. Of course, having the complete works done probably doesn't help his case, but presumably upon discharge it wouldn't take the girls long to realise that something was up, and although "she" looks like their former colleague, things don't quite add up...

In such a case, presumably while Marty was trying to pursue a case against the hospital, the girls would have to teach him the ropes of their craft, so he'd be able to earn some money to both pursue his case and survive (especially if the case failed).


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

It's a little more twisty than that

Not too terribly twisted. Oh, well, maybe it is.


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

Lulu - 3 - Shaken, Not Stirred

She seems to be accepting events, but that I guess is the meds. I hope that she can live as a girl and her family and friends accept the change.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Those wonderful drugs

Amazing what a few grams of opiate can do.


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

suspension of disbelief

The little mistake the hospital made isn't any more ridiculous than say, a meta-gene. Once you buy in, the story progresses nicely, and that's whats important.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



Mistakes were made

But that's not important now, on with the brainwashing!


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine


I'm sure not everything will add up. But that's why
they call it fiction. Even in the real world things
don't add up. But the story is good and interesting
and that is what counts.
Thank You

Adding up

Since I'm telling it from a limited poin of view, Marty's, it's a safe bet that some things that I may know about what happened will never come to light. But comments have caused me to cover a couple of plot holes in future episodes, already. Keep them coming.


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

What happens when ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... the real Miss Martine discovers all she got was an uneccessary appendectomy? (I suppose he/she could have died on the table of complications - poor Marty's family.)

BE a lady!

She did die

Of an undiagnosed aneurysm, it's in the next to last paragraph of chapter 1. I did label this as a dark comedy.


- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine