The Ice Tiger - Chapter 1

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The Ice Tiger

by Kelly Blake

edited by Andrea Lena DiMaggio


Notes on The Ice Tiger...

A bit of an explanation of this tale is warranted because of the “X” rating. Aside from a bit of graphic sex and a pinch of gratuitous violence…oh yes…and the merest hint of bestiality, there is nothing other than rants, raves, and ideas that truly might create offense. Sooo, if you are easily offended by words and ideas, then please look else where for your reading pleasure.

“The Ice Tiger” came to me in a dream. I envisioned a huge tiger-like animal that lived on a frozen planet. This animal was at the top of the food chain as a terrestrial predator, but also hunted in the great sea beneath the ice.

I have also (of late) been enthralled with the thought of an all female society. One in which new life was created through genetic engineering and that ‘product’ implanted into the woman. Sooo…naturally…I decided to construct a tale combining the two themes.

My time in this country is coming to an end and I will be going home to a place called Longphuirt Ui Fhearghaill on an island my people call Eirianne. Whilst I shall continue to contribute to Big Closet, it will be via long distance.

I have made some truly good friends here in this cyber wonderland and have used some of the names of those who supported me, and my writings, in this tale. This in no way implies that the characters are representative of these fine women. It’s merely a way of saying thanks for your friendship.

Lastly, if not most importantly, this tale would not have been possible, or posted, without the help of Andrea Lena DiMaggio and her staff of gifted editors, proof readers, and graphic artists. She has been a constant influence and ‘sounding board’ for my slightly wacky ideas. Her support has been paramount in my writings, and in my life. Thanks Mom! 

My Love To You All…Kelly

The Ice Tiger

‘…I’d rather be home…’

The Alpha was having trouble as she dipped the dart into the storm. The winds were far greater than her telemetry indicated and the small craft was taken up into the turbulence. She had to make a decision quickly before Mother Nature made it for her.

If she flipped the craft over and pointed her into the winds, she could make a quick touch down and wait out the storm. If not, she would be forced to come down at some other ‘hole’ and it would be another day before she could return home.

Her Beta awaited her return. At least that was what she told herself. But the truth was something quite different. Na-Lin’s, or Na as she was called, Beta, La-Gen, or La as she was called, was special. And Na felt something she couldn’t quite define when she thought of her La.

Na wanted to feel her warmth, drink of her beauty, and inhale her fragrant essence. Na wanted to feel that essence dried upon her face so that she could taste and smell La long after their communing had occurred.

But it was even more than that. They could lay side by side, finger tips touching, and know what the other was feeling and thinking. Na needed that at this moment. She had been off world for too long, or at least far longer than she had envisioned when she took this mission.

As her decision point rapidly approached, Na instinctively knew what she needed to do. Stick back and right pedal to the floor and the dart would flip up and turn bringing the nose into the wind upright. Na reached for the inflation switch that would inflate the leg portion of her suit and the neck collar. She would not pass out from the extreme gravity force and her neck would remain in one construct; a very important consideration.

With her eyes glued to the heads-up display projected in front of her, and without a second thought, Na executed the maneuver perfectly in one swift motion. As quickly as she spun the dart around, the clunks of ice and snow caught up in the wind began to pummel the shields of the tiny ship. Na quickly deflated her suit and spun in her seat to face the ship’s navigational computer. She switched it on auto pilot and began to put in her descent coordinates.

Na spun back around to view her display and confirm her planned descent. She, and the ship, would flutter slightly back and forth like a large snow flake slowly descending to the frozen ground. Na felt the almost gentle rocking motion of the descent. She took a deep breath and felt all of the tension flow out of her as she exhaled.
Raising her left arm up and over her head, she began to plan her trip to her home. Her shoulder was quite sore. ‘I really should have withdrawn and had it properly fixed’ she thought as she massaged it with her right hand. ‘La can make it ease a bit’ she smiled and thought of the gentle warm touch of her Beta.

Na swiveled around in her seat and carefully exited the cramped cockpit area of her craft. She stretched her arms out and arched her back. It was a long run for a dart with short legs. But she had done it. Few others would have even tried.

Na walked down the twelve foot long corridor to the ‘kitchen’. She opened the double air locked door and entered the reactor room where the two ‘cookers’ that powered the plasma units were cooling after being so heavily taxed by the run and this horrific storm. She eyed the two small ‘pots’ as she walked past. They would need servicing soon…and refueling.

Na continued onward through the double air lock at the rear of the ‘kitchen’ and into the storage section of her ship. It was empty save for two terrestrial vehicles; each a two seated sub-gravity craft designed to fly less than thirty feet above the ground. She opened the canopy of one and switched on the power.

She could have powered up the vehicle from the cockpit but she always liked to inspect her craft before, during, and after, a voyage. She examined the entire storage compartment as well as every other compartment on her way back up to the forward control deck. Her eyes scanned every seam and port. She was very careful when it came to her craft.

On her way forward, Na stopped into her cabin. The tiny cabin had a bed, a desk, and a locker. Na slid out the desk’s seat, sat down, and began to undo her flight suit. She had been living in it for too long. In zero gravity it was an unnecessary hindrance. But now it was a heavy burden weighing some one hundred pounds without the helmet.

She unsnapped her boots and detached the pant cuffs. Na then unzipped the tunic portion and slipped her broad shoulders out. Then her heavily muscled arms followed as she peeled the top down till it hung about her narrow waist. Na hung her head and rested her arms on her legs. She enjoyed the sudden freedom from the heavy top and the coolness of the air on her skin.

After a moment or two, Na stood and let the flight suit fall down around the tops of her boots. She then stepped out of her boots giving the second one a slight kick. She removed her socks and turned to view herself in the mirror attached to her locker door.

Na ran her hands through her chestnut brown hair. She noticed a streak of grey here and there. La had wanted her to let it grow out a bit. ‘Hmmm…maybe…’ she thought. ‘I look tired.’ She unconsciously ran her finger tip along a razor thin scar that ran from her right ear across her cheek to her jaw line. Na turned and walked the two steps to her bunk. She sat down on the edge mindful not to hit her head on the overhead stowage compartments.

Rubbing her well developed large aching arm muscles and then rapidly rubbing her powerful thighs, Na then carefully stretched out on the bunk and placed her hands behind her head. She noticed that her nipples erected themselves against the silk tank top she wore. Na wondered why the cold and thinking of her La, made that happen.

‘I will wait out this storm a bit till I can get a firm reading of location’ she thought. She then closed her eyes and imagined her La lying next to her in the bunk. Na soon fell asleep.

La sat in her rocker, her legs curled up beneath her and her long robe covering her knees to keep warm. She could hear the sound of the winds blowing as she ran her brush through her long auburn hair. Her thoughts were of her Alpha and if she was safe.

La didn’t know exactly when her Na would return from the voyage but she knew that this storm would delay her Na’s arrival. She had food prepared and waiting as well as Na’s favorite drink. La knew that Na could only detect ten distinct flavors but La always tried to vary their diets with color and texture if nothing else. She knew that the different colored foods did seem to please Na.

Picking up her mirror, La’s very pale green eyes surveyed her hair, making sure each strand of her hair looked shiny and set perfectly on her head. She always wanted to look her best for her mate, especially after not seeing her for several days. La wore merely a bit of color on her eye lids and a touch of color on her full lips. She was indeed quite beautiful by any standard and was envied by any Alphas she might encounter in the ‘hole’.

But she was also the companion of a Gen-7; and not simply any Gen-7, but one of three remaining from the original first dozen. La was told, indeed warned, about her choice of Na as her Alpha. Gen-7s were so aggressive that only twelve were allowed to exist at any one time. Na was the most aggressive of the group. Every Alpha in the ‘hole’ knew better than to even look to closely at La if she was with Na.

Of course this made her somewhat of a tease much to Na’s delight and consternation. La loved looking attractive and though she did this mostly for the eyes of Na, she did love the looks on those very rare occasions that they ventured into civilization. After all, she was designed in that manner.

The two were opposites in so many ways. La was ultra feminine in build. She had large breasts, a breeder’s breasts, and wide hips. La loved food and her slight belly and curvaceous butt were ample proof of that fact. Spread over a nearly six foot frame, her proportions were as perfect as scientifically possible for a breeder. She was, as some called her, a walking anatomical invitation to commune.

Yet her heart and mind had bonded with her Alpha. She considered herself to be Na’s…property…and she would consider no other for a mate. When her focus was not on herself, it was totally fixed upon making Na’s very Spartan and exceedingly difficult life more barely.

During times like this, when her Na was off on some mission for the Directorate, or some basic function for which she was designed, La was at a loss of what to do with her time. So she planned and dreamed of the future and munched on treats that Na would never be able to fully taste.

She wanted to breed; to have a child, maybe children. She needed to feel the experience and to hear their sounds as they played. Even in this barren and forsaken part of their world, she knew she could provide enough of anything and everything they could possibly need.

As La munched on one of her confections, she could only see an objection coming from Na. Na was a loner by design. How else could anybody survive out in this frozen wilderness with such success? La found it very difficult to be here for only several days alone. Na could go on indefinitely and nearly eternally in solitude. Even one additional body might prove overly taxing.

Then there was the Directorship. Would they even approve of such a thing? They could very well demand that La come into the ‘hole’ to bare her bodily fruit. She did not know if a Gen-7 would be permitted to reside in the ‘hole’. None had ever done so before; at least not with any success. They would certainly raise issues with having Na among the populace of the ‘hole’.

Could she forsake Na? They had been together for several lunar cycles and had formed a unique bond. La remembered how Na didn’t speak to her for nearly her entire first menstrual cycle! La kept up a stream of chatter and singing in her constant attempts to engage Na in any kind of verbal exchange.

La went so far as to rearrange what little furniture items they had. She ordered various adornments for the extremely Spartan home that Na inhabited for so long. Now there was some color and spots of interest where only barren white walls existed before. Rugs, ice tiger fur rugs, adorned the floors and now one could walk barefooted around the home without feeling the extreme chill of the ice beneath its floors.

But ultimately it was the food that caused the breach in the wall of silence. One eve Na entered their home after a long day’s patrol. She quickly walked to their bedding room and changed out of her uniform. She showered, as was her custom, and donned a simple black long flowing caftan belted with a golden cord.

Upon walking out of the bedding room and into the galley, she was immediately taken with the colorful array of food stuffs on freshly made bread slices. La watched with a smile on her face as Na sat down and stared at the plate’s contents. Na’s head rested in her palm and her elbow was on the table as she stared as if something was going to occur.
Finally she bent her head down toward the plate and sniffed at the food, not yet even touching it. Without looking at La, Na spoke.

“What is this?”

“This is food. Something different.” La grinned as she slowly moved toward Na. “Try one. I think you’ll like it.”

Na looked up at La. There was a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

“Do you like this? Have you eaten this before?”

“Yes. Many times. This is something I learned while still in Cryo. Try one. I really think you’ll like it.”

Na looked away from La and delicately picked up a slice of the bread topped with bits of yellow, red, green, and orange vegetables on a bed of soft cheese. She sniffed at it once again and then took a bite of it. A grin broke out across her face.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes. Do you know the bird they grow that doesn’t fly?”

“Yes. I think you speak about the chicken?”

“Well…it tastes like that.”

Na ate everything on the plate and they spoke as she did and then consumed two more plates full. It was the beginning of their relationship. As La sat in her solitude waiting for her Alpha, she thought about their first touch and smiled. In spite of Na’s ferocious nature and ominous aura, there was a touch of timidity about her. It was almost a kind of caution.

Although they shared the same bedding room and bathing room, La slept in a separate bed constructed by Na when she heard of another impending Beta en route. Na had little choice but to accept La’s arrival but she didn’t have to like it. And every evening when Na would return from her duties, La would seek to help Na undress and throw off the wear and tear of the day’s events.

Na consistently refused La’s help. This refusal even existed after they began to speak and interact with each other. It was not within Na’s nature to accept the help of others or readily admit the need for help. She got along well enough spending far more time alone then in the company of the previous Betas sent to her.

But one day things dramatically changed. Na was tracking a large ice tiger on foot. She was well prepared for the frigid temperatures in her environment suit. There was a fair wind blowing at sixty miles an hour and her visibility was slightly hampered by the ice and snow carried in its wake. Suddenly the ice she was on gave way. Evidentially the weight of the tiger had weakened it.

She swiftly managed to swing her ice axe and stop her fall but she heard a snapping sound emanating from her previously damaged shoulder. The jolt of her drop had dislocated her shoulder. The pain was excruciating as she dangled by the hand strap of the axe and the muscles and tendons of her powerful arm. Na, almost instinctively, drew her second axe and with all the strength she could muster lifted herself with her damaged arm and swung the second axe up and just over the edge of the crevasse.

Loosening the hold of the first axe, Na was able to lift herself up and over the edge with her good right arm. Na lay on the ice and rested from her exertion. When she was able to finally move enough to sit upright, Na summonsed her craft by remote control. She got into her craft and set the controls to automatically return home.

La immediately realized that something was very wrong when she heard Na’s craft return. This was way early in the day to have her Alpha coming home. La rushed to meet Na at the hanger bay’s hatch entrance to their home. A blast of frigid air blew through La’s hair as the hatch opened and Na stepped through. Both of La’s delicate hands flew to her mouth when Na turned to her after securing the hatch shut. La could see the pain etched on Na’s face and noticed the drop of her left shoulder.

“What has happened to you?”

“Nothing. I’ll be fine. I must get this suit off.”

She walked past her Beta and into their bedding chamber. Na turned and sat down on the edge of her bedding platform. La followed her in. She watched as Na took a deep breath and, with her right hand, lifted her left arm resting it on her thigh. Then, as she bent down to unsnap the clamps of her boot; her left arm dropped causing her to cry out in pain.

La quickly recognized this as her chance to initiate another change in their relationship. She quickly knelt down and began to undo the clamps. Na grabbed her wrist to stop her.

“Don’t! I can do that.” Na’s jaw tensed in pain and anger at her own weakness.

“I know you can…but so can I.” La looked up at Na and smiled as she spoke. Her voice was soft…and gentle. “Please…” she pleaded. “You’re hurting my wrist.”

There was a look of confusion on Na’s face as if for the first time in her life…she was not sure of what she should do. She let go of La’s wrist and nodded her head.

“See? It’s not a big deal…” La giggled as she undid and removed Na’s boots, and then her socks. Then she began to unzip Na’s tunic. “It is my desire to serve you…and ONLY you. You are fulfilling your mission as a good citizen by allowing me to do so.”
La looked into Na’s slate grey eyes and raised her eye brows in question. Na nodded her head in agreement. Things were definitely going in the direction La had hoped.

“Right arm first…” She assisted Na in getting her right arm out without having to move her injured left one. She carefully brought the garment around Na’s quite broad back and gently, and very carefully, slid it down the injured arm.

“I’m afraid we will need to cut off your top. I don’t want you to move your arm at all right now.”

Na reached into a ‘cargo’ pocket on her trouser right leg and retrieved a six inch stiletto. She pushed the button on the hilt and the blade forcefully came out of the front. Na handed the knife to La who then carefully sliced through the cloth and removed the shreds. La carefully inspected Na’s shoulder. It was still dislocated, swollen, and a dreadful assortment of unnatural colors.

“I can fix this for you if you wish. But it will be very painful.”

Na nodded her head. La placed one hand on the bicep area and the other on the elbow.

“Let me know when you are ready, okay?”

Na nodded. She took several deep breaths letting each one out slowly. She took one very deep breath, let it out half way, looked at La, and nodded her head. La swiftly pushed up on Na’s elbow and pulled out slightly on her upper arm, with all the strength she could muster. Na roared through clenched teeth as the bone popped back into place. Tears of pain came to her eyes and she pounded her right fist on her leg.

“I want you to remain still. I am going to the storeroom to get some things that will help ease the pain and help with the healing. We must also bandage your arm so that it remains still through the night.”

Na didn’t look at her. She simply nodded her approval. La got to her feet and within only a few minutes returned with a pneumatic injector filled with a powerful Geno-
Steroid and Genocaine, and several bandages. She injected Na’s shoulder in several locations and then wrapped the water proof bandage around Na’s body to hold the arm fast to her side. Na sighed in relief as the Genocide took effect.

“Now comes the fun part.”

La then opened Na’s belt and unbuttoned her trousers. She assisted Na in standing and pulled her pants down. Na put her hand upon La’s shoulder as she stepped out of her pants. La tossed them off to the side of the platform. She turned back to Na and found herself facing Na’s crotch. La looked up into Na’s eyes, smiled mischievously, brought her face so close that she was nearly touching Na, and inhaled deeply, taking in the strong, intoxicating scent of her Alpha. La giggled as she then removed Na’s panties.
She quickly planted a kiss on Na’s abundant soft downy pubic hair and stood up.

La had noticed Na’s coarsely haired legs and arms as well as the tufts that extended beyond her arm pits. The scent that emanated from under her arms was strong but not wholly unpleasant. The Beta actually found it to be intoxicating and very…heady. She had seen the body hair before but never from this very close and intimate distance. La wanted to bury her nose into it and feel it on her face and hands from the first time she had seen it.

“We must bathe you but first there is one more task.”

La took the last bandage and fashioned a sling for the injured arm. Na lowered her head so that La could slip the sling into place. She very gently placed Na’s numbed arm into the sling. La raised her hand up and tried to touch Na’s cheek but the Alpha moved her face away as she watched curiously as it approached. It was as if the movement itself triggered this automatic response.

“Please?” The Beta pleaded. “I would never hurt you.”

Na looked at her and realized that her response was not correct. Although she couldn’t stop from watching La’s hand approach, she didn’t move this time. La’s hand was warm to the touch and the Alpha closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft smoothness of the hand against her face. Na even moved her face against the hand to further savor this unusual sensation.

“Thank you.” La smiled as she gently spoke those words.

“For what?” Na’s face betrayed no particular emotion though her eyes remained closed and calmness overtook her being.

“For permitting me to serve you.” Na couldn’t see the tear that dropped from La’s eye.

Even now, as La sifted in her rocker, a tear came to her eye. It seemed like so very long ago that these events occurred. She smiled as she took the cloth from her lap to gently pat her eyes dry. The shower that eve was sheer heaven for her.

The large Alpha was letting the very warm water rain down upon her weary and beaten body. Her eyes were closed and her back was to the plexicon door when her Beta entered. She could barely see La for the fog created by the warmth of the water obscured her sight.


“Ssshhhh! Don’t speak. Close your eyes and enjoy.” La spoke only loud enough to be heard over the rush of the water from the multiple jets. She had quickly learned that her Alpha didn’t respond well to loud noises…or voices.

The Beta took her scented body wash and began to gently massage the Alpha’s broad back talking special care not to aggravate Na’s injury. La could feel all the tension drain from her Alpha as she began at her neck and worked her way down to the small of the back.

“Mmmm… That feels so…good.” Na’s voice was throaty. She suddenly leaned against the shower’s wall with her strong right arm and rested her head on her fore arm.

La took this as an assent to continue. A smile crossed her lips as she filled her hand with the wash. Putting the bottle down on the plexicon shelf, she put some of the wash in her other hand and began to massage below the small of her Alpha’s back. La relished the sensation of massaging those hard and powerful ass cheeks, her wash slicked fingers gliding smoothly over Na’s ass cheeks.

La kneeled down and rested on her haunches on the white tiled shower floor grabbing the bottle of wash on the way down. As she filled her hand with the gel, La inched her torso up against Na’s thighs, her nipples touching their backs. She found herself at the same level as Na’s ass cheeks. As she spread the gel between both her hands she leaned her face onto Na’s hard powerful butt.

The Alpha’s thigh muscles curved outward from her slender waist into large hard cords of muscle. La rubbed her hands down the backs, and then the fronts, of those cords. She elicited a deep throaty moan from Na, who remained motionless as she leaned against the wall. La wrapped her hands around Na’s thighs and hugged them against her pendulous boobs and erect and thickening nipples.

La raised herself to her knees as she drew her hands up those thighs again along the inner side. The Alpha’s knees began to buckle as she slid down against the wall to the floor. La supported her Alpha’s drop by placing her left hand against Na’s crotch as her right arm hugged Na’s belly.

Na came to rest on her knees, her arm still against the wall and her head still resting upon it, La firmly but gently slid her left middle finger up along the lips of Na’s vagina in a long slow motion. La’s right hand moved up to cup Na’s breast and distended nipple in the palm of her hands. Na trembled and shook as La’s finger passed over the plump large clit that poked out from between the lips of Na’s vagina.

“By the spirits! Aaahhhh…that feels so good.” This was all Na could manage to say as La slowly continued her ministrations. ‘My time has come’ La thought to herself. And she couldn’t count on it ever coming again.

La continued to run her index and middle finger alongside the large protuberance between Na’s legs as she also started to playfully tug on Na’s nipples and roll them between her fingers. Her Alpha began a low groaning sound and began to slightly rock her pelvis in time to the steady stroking of La’s fingers. La stretched up to lick, kiss, and nibble on Na’s ears. Na was becoming sensory overloaded rapidly and her breathing increased as her inner tension built.

This was something totally new to the Alpha. The touch of her Beta was making her feel sensations that she never knew existed. La could feel the tension grow and grow as she teased Na’s clit without mercy, and every squeeze and stroke produced another moan of pleasure.

“Yessss…” Na hissed as La, on a down stroke, curled her two fingers around and up into Na’s sopping pussy. La continued to tease her still engorging clit as the tremors within the Alpha’s body increased in power as well as frequency.

Suddenly Na’s entire body tensed as her head lifted from her fore arm and looked toward the ceiling. Her powerful right hand clasped La’s right and La felt her Alpha’s clit suddenly thicken and extend to its maximum size.

Na’s body began to undulate as a half scream and half roar came out of her mouth as she became over whelmed by an enormous orgasm; her first ever. La had a difficult time keeping her hold on Na as her body shook and quaked with the overwhelming force that every muscle seems to emit simultaneously. But La did hold on as she held Na’s belly and breast until the ‘earth quake’ had passed.

Na sat back on her haunches with her head down totally exhausted by the strength of what she had felt for the first time in her conscious life. La wrapped her arms around Na and rocked her slowly as she felt all of the tension leave Na’s body. She softy kissed Na’s back and neck and she began to giggle as Na’s breathing slowed to a normal rate.

The big Alpha began to rise to her feet and La clung to her rising as well. They both went into the shower of warm water and washed themselves off, La using her hands to get the cleanser off of Na’s body, and then her own. Na still felt the aural after glow of her intense orgasm and held onto La’s shoulder with her right hand. She looked down at the Beta…her Beta…and spoke.

“That was…” Na took a moment or two to try and find the proper word to describe what, and how, she felt. “…wonderful.” That was the best she could do in her current condition. She still felt a bit wobbly.

“Yes, I am glad you enjoyed that. I did as well.” And La began to giggle.

“You can do this all the time?”

“Yes…that’s one of the things I’m here for.” La giggled again. “I can do that for you again now if you’d like?”

Na laughed with La and shook her head not believing her. La again moved behind her Alpha, took her around the breast and with her left hand once again drew her two fingers up along the lips of Na’s pussy. Na quickly exploded in an orgasm this time. It was not quite as powerful as the first one but she roared nearly as loudly.

This happened so quickly that Na was clearly shaken a second time. She darted away two steps and held up her hand in front of her keeping the Beta at a distance. Na was giggling as well as La.

“I think that’s enough for now.” The Alpha actually smiled!

La held up her hands in mirror image and nodded her head in ascent. She opened the plexicon door and reached around for the towel. Bringing it back into the shower, she began to pat down her Alpha and dry her off. La reached for a bottle of body lotion and poured some into her hand. After putting the bottle down, she spread the lotion onto her other hand and turned to the Alpha.

“What is in your hand?” Na looked with a curious expression on her face.

“It is a lotion for your skin. Want to see?” La held her hands out for Na to inspect. Na brought her nose within smelling distance and smiled.

“It smells good…like…the things with bright colors that grow in dirt!” Na grinned. The scent was quite pleasing.

“You mean flowers?” La giggled. The Alpha nodded her head. “Come, I’ll put some on you.”

Na followed the motion of her hands as La began to apply and rub in the soothing lotion. Na closed her eyes and luxuriated in the sensation of her Beta’s application of the lotion. When La had finished, Na turned to face La and held her hand out. La looked at her and smiled as she poured a bit into her large meaty hand.

Na began to rub the lotion into La’s back. “Your skin…it’s so smooth,” was all she could say. In truth she had never seen or touched anything that came close to feeling the way La’s body felt. She managed to cover La with the lotion, which she was finding to be more difficult as she went on.

The natural aroma of her Beta was something her never paid much attention to…until now. Na couldn’t help but bring her nose close to La’s arm pits and when she got down to her denuded pussy, Na tarried for more than a moment, inhaling the scent she found so very intoxicating. Na had never really paid much attention to her other Betas and certainly not to any other woman.

When they were finished ministering to each other, La escorted her injured Alpha to her bed and helped her situate. Na slept on her back in the center of the large bedding platform. La then lighted several scented candles around the room and went out to perform the night check on security systems. She had watched Na do so several times and had paid very close attention so that she could now perform this most important task easily.

When she returned to their bedding room, La stopped at the doorway and watched her Alpha. Na was asleep and snoring very gently. La thought it sounded like a large cat purring. She smiled. Tonight had been a major break through in their relationship. She was so happy that a tear welled up in her eye.

La began to walk toward her bed. As she did so, Na suddenly, with eyes still closed, pulled aside the blanket covering her right side and patted the bedding with her right hand. La froze immediately and looked over at her. Na didn’t move save her hand. La slowly walked to Na’s bed and slowly got up onto the platform. She kneeled down and crawled up next to Na. Na opened her eyes and raised her arm up. La settled down against Na’s body, her head resting on the crotch of Na’s arm. Na pulled the blanket back over the two of them.

La felt safe and warm beneath the blanket and next to her Alpha. She also felt surprised. She never imagined that this evening would have completely turned their relationship around so quickly. La rested her right hand atop Na’s breast and buried her face into Na’s side. She felt so full of emotion that she couldn’t hold her tears back. Na felt the wetness. She lifted the blanket only enough to see La’s face.

“Why do you cry? Are you in pain?” There was a look of real concern on the Alpha’s face.

“No…” La smiled. “I cry because I am happy.”

The Alpha looked at her without any sign of emotion at all. It was as if she couldn’t figure out this very strange creature with who she shared her bed. Na turned her head back and closed her eyes. Then she spoke.

“I am happy as well.” Then she fell asleep. La inhaled the aroma of her Alpha and soon followed.

The next morning La awoke to find her Alpha sitting on the bed, legs crossed beneath her, staring at herself in a small mirror. More specifically, Na was looking at her pussy and then looking up at her sleeping Beta. La got up on one elbow, smiled, and looked at Na.

“What are you doing?”

“I wanted to see what you were doing last evening…in the shower. Do you look the same?” If her expression wasn’t so serious, La would have broke out chuckling at the question.

“Yes…I look the same. Want to see?”


With that La kicked off the blanket and, turning to face Na, spread her legs open. Na got down as low as she could to the bed surface. La, to accommodate Na, gently grabbed her nether lips and pulled them apart. Na still couldn’t get the view she wanted. She pushed La over onto her back and as her legs came up Na grabbed her left, holding it up and resting it on her broad shoulder.

La laughed as Na began to have an in depth look. “Mine is so much larger than your. Yet otherwise we are the same.” Na looked up at La.

“Yes…well…everything on you is much bigger than on me.” She giggled at the conversation but understood that Na didn’t have anyone else to compare herself to and the visits to the ‘Hole’ were not social in nature. The big Alpha lay down on the bedding to get as close a look as she could.

“Well…not everything.’ Na spoke as she looked at her Beta’s breasts. Turning her gaze back to task, Na spoke again. “It looks like a...” Na was searching for the word. “Ah yes. A flower! I think I once saw this whilst in Cryo.” A broad smile came to her face.

“Some people think it looks like an orchid.”

“An orchid…” Na bent back over to look but was hampered by her bandage and sling. She turned over and sat back up, removing the sling first and then starting to undo the bandage.

“Wait! It’s too soon!” La leaned in and tried to stop Na from undoing everything. “Just the sling. See how it feels first.”

“It’s fine.” And with that Na ripped the bandages of. She first stretched her bad arm skyward and then tried to rotate it. Her face tightened in pain, but she remained silent. “It’s much better. I must see this.”

She smiled and got back down on the mattress. She brought her face so close to La’s pussy that La could feel the teasing of Na’s warm breath. She giggled when Na gently pulled her lips apart to study the organ more carefully. Na took a deep breath inhaling as much of La’s scent as possible.

“It smells like the ocean.” Na smiled and inhaled again.

“You’ve smelled the ocean?” La’s face lighted up.

“Yes. It is under the ice. I have seen it and hunted the sea dogs. But you smell even better.”

Na grinned. She then ran her tongue from the bottom of La’s slit through the lips and up over La’s clit, eliciting a squeal of pleasure from her. Na looked up at her Beta with a worried look on her face.

“Are you alright? You sounded like you’re in pain.”

La laughed. “Nooo…” She laughed again. “That felt wonderful.”

Na shook her head in a combination of disbelief and wonder then she lowered her head to continue licking and playing with her new toy. La couldn’t remain still or silent. Being designed as she was, she orgasmed almost at the merest touch of Na’s tongue and fingers. And when Na tried to explore the depth of La’s vaginal canal…well…it was as if a major explosion occurred within the Beta as she shook and spasmed and screamed.

Finally, too physically exhausted to respond any further, La simply laid back and breathed heavily and deeply. Her Alpha got to her knees and laid down next to La. Na, resting her head on her elbow, looked into the eyes of her Beta with a curious expression on her face.

La opened her eyes and looked up at Na. She smiled and giggled and, getting up on her elbow to face Na, kissed her on the lips. Then she ran her tongue along Na’s lips, tasting herself on her Alpha’s face.

“We must do this again.” Na was so serious when she spoke that La had to laugh.

“Yes…I think we will.” She answered as she kissed the Alpha again. Na had such a surprised look on her face when La kissed her. This was something new and different. Na thought it a nice custom.

La wiped a tear from her eye as she thought back to that night and the ones that followed. That day her bed was gone from their bedding chamber; it was as if their separation never existed. And La started to defer to her, on occasions, on various things. ‘Do you like this picture here?’ “Should we get a plant with flowers?’ And even more surprisingly, Na would give her an answer. It might be one word, but that was far better than before with none at all.

La giggled as she thought of those times and some of the things her Alpha would say and do. The body lotion became a daily regimen. She remembered the time that Na tried to drink the lotion because it smelled so appealing. Na immediately spit it out in dismay. She had one general taste sensory that was for ‘bad’ or ‘not food’ and the lotion hit it majorly. Plants with flowers also became a challenge because they did taste very good to the Alpha.

A dozen more incidents that caused her to giggle ran through her mind when the sound of the docking bay’s doors interrupted her. Her Alpha had returned home…and in such a terrible storm! La jumped out of her rocker and quickly straightened up her table. She quickly ran to put out the food she had prepared earlier and then to the hanger portal to await Na’s entry. La met her ever night at this place. Na was not truly home until La had hugged and kissed her.

La heard the portal open on the other side of the air lock that kept the frigid cold at bay. She heard it close and then the portal on her side swung open. Na, in her under wear and carrying her dress uniform, stepped through. La put her hands together in front of her mouth as tears gathered in her eyes. Na’s mouth curled up in one corner creating a crooked smile as she hung her uniform on a hook by the portal.

As soon as her arms were free, La rushed into them, curling her own around her Alpha. Na’s skin was so cold from being out in the hanger for only a few moments that La shivered as their bodies touched. Na looked down at her Beta and, pulling her long dark red hair back till their eyes met, planted a kiss on La’s lips. Na laughed as she spoke.

“I know. You cry because you are happy, right?”

La simply nodded her head. “It is sooo good to have you back safely here, at home. I did miss you sooo much.” La’s tears flowed as she alternated between smiling and frowning through quavering lips. “You look sooo very tired.”

“Well…” The big Alpha laughed. “…all in all…I’d rather be home.”

Next: Eve's "Hole"

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