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The Ice Tiger
“Stormy Weather” by Kelly Blake edited by Andrea Lena DiMaggio |
“Stormy Weather”
Na lay on her back and La snuggled into her side, her hand gently caressing and gliding its way around the Alpha’s breasts and belly. ‘It’s like padded steel!’ La thought as she moved her hand down over the abdominal muscles and back up again. Her head rested on the crotch of Na’s arm.
Na reached down with her right hand and cupped her Beta’s rounded butt cheek in her hand. She pulled La even closer. La moved her right leg across Na’s powerful thighs and swiveled her hips slightly so that her crotch came to rest against the Alpha’s right thigh. La gently thrust herself against Na’s muscles. It was the slightest of movements; almost a gentle rocking.
“I can feel your wetness and I can smell your excitement.”
“You can smell me through walls. You can sense me from a mile. I swear it.” La giggled.
She moved her head to Na’s nipple and gently kissed it. Then she grasped it between her lips and sucked on it as it distended into her mouth.
“Mmmm…” A low throaty moan escaped from Na’s mouth as she moved her left hand over to the back of La’s head holding her to her task. “I keep thinking of what I thought Eve was going to do. I can’t get that thought out of my mind.”
La looked up into Na’s eyes. “You mean about taking me? You know she would never do that.”
“I know. But…” Na took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.
La bit her lower lip. Her eyes darted to the left and then to the right. Then up at her Alpha. She was thinking, plotting, and conjuring. Dare she suggest it? If it was put to her carefully she may have it work.
“You know...” La paused for a moment and looked at Na. The Alpha’s eyes were still closed. “If we were bound, then there is nothing she could ever do to separate us.”
Na remained still; her eyes shut. She did move her right hand to La’s back and began to lightly stroke her. La took this motion to mean that Na was indeed listening and could possibly be amenable to being bound.
“Anyway, with the war coming…”
Na suddenly opened her eyes. She felt her blood rise and her heart rate increase. Her first instinct was to snap the Beta’s neck, but not before finding out who told her about an impending war. She would take a head for that disclosure, but not before finding out who else might have been told.
“…I wanted to feel more a part of you.” La smiled and hugged herself to Na’s body.
“Who mentioned the coming of war?” Na remained as calm as she could.
“Lilith, the Commander’s Beta. Why? Do you not know?”
“Tell me her exact words.” ‘Two heads and one neck’ Na thought to herself as she smiled pleasantly at her Beta.
“Well… We were talking about things in general I suppose. She asked me how often we communed, you know, just talking.” La became more animated as she spoke of what was said. “So I asked her, you mean in a day? You know how we get…” She giggled. “But Lilith seemed surprised that we were so active considering we weren’t bound. So she said; ‘What with the war coming you two should thing about it. You really commune more than once a day?’ I guess they are not quite as active as we are.” La giggled.
Na sat up. She took her Beta in her arms and held her with one large powerful hand supporting La’s slender neck.
“Who would have told her?’ Na was still smiling as she supported the weight of La on her lap and leaned her back so that La’s weight was also against the arm and hand around her neck.
“Oh…it definitely was her Alpha, the Commander. She said so when I asked.”
Na looked into La’s eyes. She felt her anger leave her as she then looked at La’s trusting smile. As quickly as she decided to kill all involved, Na again decided that maybe this could be used to her advantage; her’s and Eve’s and maybe she could still take a head or two.
Na suddenly smiled and leaned in to kiss her Beta on the lips. She then held her tightly as she spoke.
“You must not tell anybody else about this…war business. You must make a promise.” Na pushed La away from her just enough to look into her eyes. She mustered all of her inborn instincts to detect whether she could trust the Beta in matters that really shouldn’t be of concern.
“Yes. Of course I promise.” La could see the seriousness of what she had said before from the look in Na’s eyes. She had never seen this look before; or at least not since the early first few days of her being with Na. “What is this all about?” Now she was a bit concerned.
Na reached behind herself to the plexicon board on her night table and lifted it up. She pressed a series of numbers on its translucent face and suddenly Eve appeared. Na placed the panel on her knee so that Eve could see the both of them. Eve smiled.
“I must say that I think I enjoy seeing you both in this manner. Nudity suits the two of you.” She laughed. “What brings you to call at this hour Na-Lin.”
“We need to speak; the three of us.”
Na’s seriousness left no doubt that she was concerned about something very important. Eve rarely heard from Na with any regularity and when she did, it was usually something urgent or very important in nature.
“These phones are secure. You may speak freely Na-Lin.”
“Not for this.” Na frowned. There was a moment of silence as Eve frowned and thought.
“Our terraces are separated by only a plexicon partition. I will meet you both outside.”
Na leaped out of their bedding platform and offered her hand to La. She gently assisted her up and out and, hand in hand, they walked to the door leading out to their terrace. As they exited their quarters and looked to the left, they could see Eve’s head peeking out over the railing and at them.
The night air was cool and Na wished she had brought something for La to wrap around herself. Na placed her arm around La and pulled her close as they walked the few meters to the partition. As they arrived, La turned and pressed the front of her body into Na’s side.
“You could have gotten her a gown to wear you know.” Eve said looking quite serious. “So tell me what’s so important before she freezes to death.” The sarcasm was lost on Na, who looked down at her Beta and again at Eve.
“La told me that Lilith said there would be war. She also told La that the Commander said this.”
Eve didn’t say a word. At first she appeared to be stunned by this news. Then, slowly, her face took on a saddened appearance and a tear welled up in her eye.
“Why don’t you go back inside La-Gen. Leave us to speak for a few moments. Come back with something to keep you warm.” Eve smiled gently at her. Once she left and hurried back inside, Eve spoke. “How long do we have?”
“Not long. I need the other Gen-7s as soon as possible.” Eve nodded.
“What will we do?”
“If the Commander has betrayed us, her entire staff becomes suspect as well. I would take their heads but it would expose our knowledge.”
“We don’t take heads here. There is only exile. That is our only punishment. If we begin killing our own, where does it stop. I have another idea. If we can train a force using your Gen-7s as commanders, then we can submit falsified reports to the Gen-6s and circumvent them entirely. What do you think?”
The big Alpha smiled her crooked half smile and nodded.
“That is why I need the others. What about Lilith and La?”
“I’m a bit surprised you didn’t kill her.” Eve snorted and smiled. “A very wise decision. You wouldn’t find another like her…anywhere. Let the Beta befriend Lilith. Send them shopping. Obviously Lilith cannot spread this information any further so let her confide in your Beta. Ah…here she comes.”
La returned wearing her sea dog coat and her comfortable slippers. Na explained what they wanted her to do.
“You must make it very clear to Lilith that she mustn’t tell any others of what she knows. She must talk only to you. Do you understand?”
La smiled and nodded. She opened her coat and brought the ends around Na’s body as best she could. Na placed her arm around the Beta holding her close.
“We need to get started first thing. I want you to appear before the table in the morning.” Eve looked off into the distance as she spoke as if she were reading from a list in the distance. “Wear your formal uniform. I want them to feel a bit intimidated. It’ll make what we need to do easier.” Na agreed. “Then you’ll meet with your Gen-7s. I will summons them here tonight and inform them that they too must wear their full uniforms for tomorrow’s meetings. Anything else?”
“The rest can wait until tomorrow.” Na felt a slight scratching from his bedecked Beta. “Oh…yes. La would like us to be bound.” The little Beta began to bounce slightly on her toes as she appreciatively rubbed Na’s belly.
“Bound?” There was a definite note of surprise in Eve’s voice as a broad smile broke out on her face. “How wonderful!” She laughed. “Have you agreed?”
“I’m thinking about it.” Na smiled.
“Well…if you agree…I will stand for the both of you. I will have the Mother Superiors perform the binding. It will be the event of the year for sure.” Eve couldn’t hide her excitement. “We’ll use the main Temple for the ceremony.” Looking at Na, Eve continued. “Your other Gen-7s can serve as an honor guard. Oh by the Spirits this will be an event the entire city will witness.”
La was bouncing quite rapidly on her toes. She was totally overwhelmed by the conversation she was hearing through the hood of her great coat as she kissed the side of her Alpha. ‘The entire city’ she thought. Suddenly she felt a slight tapping on the top of her hood. She looked out from beneath the fur to see the face of Eve smiling into hers as tears of joy fell from her eyes.
“By the way dear child, are you a true believer?” La nodded her head.
“She places wreaths and grass bundles about the quarters up top. And she’s always lighting candles and mumbling to herself. And there’s…”
“I do get the idea.” Eve laughed. Turning to La again Eve spoke. “Our Lilith is…” Eve suddenly had a wry expression on her face. “…or once was a true believer. You might suggest the baths at the Temple as a place to…refresh. You might find that she will tell you more interesting tidbits that could be of use to our cause.”
La smiled and nodded. With everything discussed that was of importance, the three said their good nights once again. This time Eve embraced La and kissed her cheeks with extra fervor. Eve went so far as to call her a little treasure.
As they laid on their bedding platform, La back beneath the blanket and huddled up close to Na who had her arm around the Beta, La couldn’t resist asking.
“You were angry at me when I first told you about Lilith.”
“What were you thinking? You looked so intensely at me.”
“I was thinking of breaking your neck to keep the war secret.” Na didn’t hesitate. La was shocked and stunned. She had a difficult time dealing with the idea of Na wanting to do that.
“Why didn’t you?”
“The pain.” Na pointed to her chest. As she thought about it again, a tear or two fell from her eyes. “The pain.” She said with resignation as she closed her eyes. “You are truly my only weakness, and I think I like that.”
La slid her body on top of Na’s and rest her head between her breasts. La softly kissed Na’s breasts as they laid together in silence. Na put her arms over La’s back and hugged her.
“I think this binding business will be a good thing.” Upon hearing that, La uttered a blessing in silence.
There was silence when Na entered the meeting room. She walked straight and tall to stand directly behind and slightly right of Eve at the head of the table. Na clasped her hands behind her back and spread her legs to shoulder’s width. She didn’t move a muscle but simply moved her eyes from Director to Director. There was a frown on her face and an angry glare in her eyes. Eve arose from her arm chair and placed her right hand on Na’s shoulder.
“Ladies, you all know of Na-Lin. She is our most renowned warrior. She certainly is our most decorated warrior. I wish to nominate her for a seat at our table.” Eve smiled up at Na as a murmur arose from some of the other directors. A hand shot up from one of them. “Yes May-Li.”
An older woman stood up and, taking a deep breath, spoke.
“You can’t be serious Eve.” She was quite upset but visibly contained herself. “We all know of her exploits in the waste lands. But this is where civilization exists. She knows nothing of our laws or our ways. She is feared rather than respected. And what possible need do we have for the likes of her.” By now May’s face was blushed with emotion. She took her seat as Eve responded.
“That is precisely why I need her. We may be facing a threat someday and I need someone who is able to organize and actuate a plan of defense for our city. She will be reporting directly to our own Commander Sue and otherwise act as my assistant. I have too many tasks to tend to and need someone who can represent me if I am called away to attend to other matters.” Sue’s hand came up and she was recognized by Eve.
“We are all certainly honored to have Na-Lin amongst us…” Sue spread her arms for emphasis and smiled as she spoke. “But we really have no need for a highly trained force. My Gen-6s’ are certainly up to any task that might arise.”
“She has a good point!”
“Hands please!” Eve grinned. “Everybody will be heard.” Eve turned to Sue and smiled as she nodded to continue.
“Certainly there are many other tasks in the city that might benefit from Na-Lin’s presence. We really have defense under control.” Her voice had a slightly pleading sound to it. Eve smiled but now she knew for sure; Sue was a traitor.
“Well…all you say is true…but I also want an offensive plan and certainly Na-Lin is somewhat offensive?” Na chuckled with Eve.
The banter went back and forth for quite some time before Eve had it put to a vote. There were three votes of dissension. All others voted for Na. There was a round of applause as she took a seat to the right of Eve.

“Oh I think it would be great fun! I’ve never been there before but Eve…”
“You mean you spoke with Eve?”
“Oh yes! We’re neighbors. She told me about the baths last evening. I think it would be wonderful to go. We can have something to eat and do a bit of shopping…I would love to go to that crystal shop again…and then go to the baths.”
“Oh…that does sound so wonderful. I am so glad we met! How about…I’ll come around in about an hour?”
“Yes. That sounds perfect.”
“See you soon.”
La was excited about her day. She had gotten up with Na and helped the Alpha ready herself for her meeting. Then she waited until a more ‘decent’ hour before picking up the plexicon to speak with Lilith. They had spoken for nearly an hour making plans for the day. Although Lilith was unwittingly in the center of the web that led to war, and La understood her place in this circle of deception, she couldn’t help but like Lilith.
They shared a faith that was strong and they shared their lives with people of important position. La couldn’t wait to tell her of the impending binding and promised her an excellent seat for the event. Lilith couldn’t wait to go to the crystal shop to help pick out potential rings. And it had been years since she had been to the Temple’s healing baths. All in all the day promised to be filled with wonders and excitement.
La wanted to look her very best and her preparations rivaled any ritual known to the women of Eden. She began with a hot bath in the carved marble tub, a luxury unknown in the frozen wilderness, laced with fragrant oils and spices. After wrapping a towel around her lush body, La applied an organically compounded skin lotion.
After removing the towel she wrapped around her hair, La sprayed her long rust colored locks with a mixture of natural ingredients and let it set as she combed out any tangles that might have occurred while washing. ‘I could become accustomed to this’ she thought.
Whilst letting her hair air dry, La proceeded to ‘put on her face’ for the day. She often applied some color back home if for no other reason than her Alpha’s color sensitivity. The aroma of her cosmetics seemed to please Na as well.
La felt herself to be lucky enough to find a shade of lipstick that closely approximated the shade of her hair. And the earth colors, browns and grays and greens, did her pale green eyes justice. It seemed that when she came to the city with Na on previous occasions, there simply wasn’t enough time to deal with these matters properly. After doing her applications lightly, a touch of mascara, and she was off to her wardrobe closet.
La opened the door to a closet the size of their anti room back home. She looked at the scant few garments that hung neatly and the vast empty space remaining.
“By the spirits!” She really had little to wear. Even if her clothing from home should arrive, there was nothing to wear at the middle levels where the climate was quite different then where she lived now.
The middle levels were much warmer. That’s where the gardens and fields were. The Temple complex was located in those levels for its central proximity to all. Many of the older residents enjoyed the warmer climate of the mid and lower levels. Seven hundred feet down made the thermal ducts and springs more effective for they were only another eight hundred feet below that.
At the Temple level, the air temperature would be over eighty five degrees and the humidity much more felt. La needed something very light and sweeping. Even a length of fabric that could be gathered at the waist would suffice. La walked over to the plexicon and called the name of Lilith. In but a moment her image appeared on the small screen.
“I’ve nothing to wear!” La was beside herself and verging on tears. Lilith laughed.
“Our first stop then.”
“Meanwhile…back at the ranch…”
Eve arose from her chair indicating that the meeting was over. All followed suit. They had few matters to discuss after the secret ballot electing Na to a directorship. As the directors filed from the room, each stopped at the head of the table to congratulate Na in her new position. Even Sue kissed both of her cheeks and had a smile and a kiss for Eve.
Na was unaccustomed to such familiarity from women she didn’t know and she only knew two well enough at this point. But while she realized that change was the order of the day, she still was initially shocked at the touch of another. She was still a bit startled as Eve grasped her fore arm gently and leaned in to speak softly in her ear.
“I know two of the three votes against you but I would really love to know the third.”
Na turned to face Eve and backed up slightly. She gazed into Eve’s eyes but said nothing. She was sure of what she saw but she could smell and sense a fear within Eve.
“I pray we don’t have another traitor amongst us. We should probably keep alert of those who our Commander sees and speaks with.” Eve’s expression soured as she spoke. “I detest this sort of thing you know. Reading other people’s mail is so…distasteful…” Eve’s body shuttered. “…disgusting. It belittles us all. And we must find out how they are communicating with the men.”
“It really doesn’t matter. As far as I’ concerned, they’re all traitors…and all the Gen-6s along with their commander.” Na spat out the last few words. Then her eyes narrowed and she smiled her half smile. “We must only look to the off world communications…to see if any other holes…”
“Please Na…refer to these refuges as cities…at least for my sake.” Na looked at Eve with a confused stare. “I have knowledge that very, very few of us do.” Eve sat it her chair and beckoned Na to follow suit. “These crevasses resemble our own sexual organs; do they not?”
Na took a moment to think and then nodded her head in agreement. Eve continued to speak.
“The word ‘hole’, in ancient times, is how men sometimes, in a very negative way, referred to us.” Eve knew that she needed to go slow on this. Na was so very unaware of the past. “I will ask you to refer to this…place…as Eden. It truly is a garden in which we all flourish. Do you understand?”
“Not really. But I will do as you say. We must check the other…CITIES…” Na emphasized the word and smiled. “…for off world travel and communications. I do not think they will try a direct attack on us but they may try for a weaker point or a city that is…compromised. None-the-less we must plan for the worst. Our defenses must be strong.”
“I will leave that all in your hands. We cannot afford any war, but we certainly cannot afford to lose this war. We cannot return to the way things were.”
“What about the Commander and any others we find? Shall I have their heads taken after our use of them is done?” Na’s eyes were aglow with the thought of killing these traitors. But Eve was quick to respond.
“No!!! No Na…we don’t do that sort of thing here. The punishment is the same as for any other crime. We do not have blood on ours hands and we certainly don’t wish to begin.”
“Then why make this war? Will it not lead to blood? And many will die.”
“This is different. They would drag back to the ancient ways and that is not possible. Many would rather die than submit to their twisted ways. We are free to live as we are and I will see us remain free.” Now the fire was in Eve’s eyes.
“I will need more gold stars.”
“Five are not enough?” Eve laughed.
“Not for me…for the others. Just one moment.” Na reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her plexicon. She looked at it and touched in several times. “My La is going to the Temple baths with the Commander’s wife. It would seem that they are spending the day together.” Na looked up at Eve and smiled.
“I will let them know at the Temple. They should have a private location, perhaps in the gardens. I want that little Beta of yours to learn as much as she can about the activities of those two. I have to tell you that I am so very disappointed with the Commander.”
“When may I meet with my people?”
“We may go now if you’d like. It’s across the hall in the smaller meeting room. I don’t think the others know about the ones who were killed the other night, or about the injured one.”
Eve got up from her seat and began to stroll out of the room as she touched the numbers to connect her with the Temple. Na followed her as Eve spoke to one of the sisters. Once she made her desires known to the sister, Eve put the thin piece of clear plastic back into her jacket pocket and took Na’s arm in her hand.
“They will be surrounded with all the beauty we can offer and their privacy will be complete. I do want those two Betas to become…’good friends’. This special treatment is something that Sue’s Beta won’t be able to resist. She does love to live well and Sue takes special pains to see that it is so.”
The two strolled up to a closed double door with four Gen-6s posted outside. They stood upright and affected the salute. Eve returned their acknowledgement and they opened the doors for the pair. The Gen-7s, who were sitting quietly at the table, stood up and also saluted. All eyes were on Na as she strode behind Eve to the head of the table. Eve remained standing as she indicated for the others to sit. Na stood with her.
“Ladies, a very special situation necessitated your being brought here today.” Eve looked into the hard cold eyes of the Gens at the table. “We are verging on war with the men.” There were smiles and a muddled whispering between the Gen-7s. “And…” Eve slapped the table top twice to get their attention. “…I was in need of women who I could trust to prosecute this war to its successful conclusion. I have chosen one of you to plan and lead our people to victory.”
Eve turned to Na who remained standing to her right and slightly behind. Eve turned back to the group before her.
“You all know our Gen-7 Commander Na-Lin. She has received every possible decoration and honor for bravery including the Tree of Life three times. Na-Lin will tell you more about what challenges await us.”
Na nodded and smiled to Eve as she moved to the head of the table. In one lightening fast moment, Na drew her long knife and swiftly stabbed in into the table several inches. The swiftness of her movements and the noise of the point penetrating caused the other Gens to sit up in surprise. Na leaned over the table and placed her weight on her knuckles. She looked into the eyes of every Gen-7 at the table with her grey eyes and half smile. She spoke softly.
“If anyone wants my job, now is the time to say so.” She giggled for an instant and again looked into the eyes of those before her. “Good. We will need each one of you.” She stood up and quickly removed her long knife from the table and replaced it in its sheath and, taking her seat, spoke. “Now, let’s get down to business.”

La and Sue were on their way down to the Temple. The short shopping trip had been a great success. There were three basic climate levels in the city and the clothing stores seemed to specialize by level rather than style. The style and mode of dress varied widely but the materials and the cloth weight varied according to which level one was spending time on.
The upper levels were quite temperate. There could, on rare occasions, be snow during a particularly harsh storm. The second group of levels was sub-tropical. This was the Temple level. Most of the gardens, parks, and recreational fields were on these levels. Although the temperature range was relatively stable, between eighty five and ninety five degrees, the humidity was nearly thirty five percent.
La was completely thrilled with the wrap dress she found. The material was very light weight open weave cotton in a sand color with threads of ancient gold running through it. The design was almost like a sari that wrapped and draped her loosely. A rose colored thin silk sash gathered the waist. Lilith encouraged La to buy a pair of heels to match the sash but La, being the simple soul she was, took a pair of skimmers with a one and one half inch heel.
As they sat in the transport on their way down to the seventy fifth level, Lilith locked her arm around La’s and hugged it.
“I am so happy you are here. I really hope you don’t mind me chattering on and on.” She giggled as she continued to speak. “I don’t really have anyone I can talk to or do things with. Most of the others work but Sue didn’t want me to. She says that she’s all the work I need. Do you do anything other than take care of your Alpha?”
“No, not really. But tending to a Gen-7 can be quite…fulfilling?” La thought of how difficult it was at the beginning to do anything for Na. “It’s actually fun. She gets this expression of surprise on her face when I do things for her.” La giggled. “It’s kind of strange though.”
“What is?” Lilith smiled and listened attentively.
“Well…she doesn’t say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ or anything like that. It’s as if she doesn’t know the words. And if she does…” La leaned in close to Lilith’s ear. “…she doesn’t know what they mean.” La laughed. “So I must watch her face to see the reaction. She’ll smile if she likes something I do.”
“And what if she doesn’t like something you do?” Lilith spoke wide eyed and straight faced.
“I don’t know. She seems to like everything I do.” Na smiled. She was quite pleased with herself and with the manner she had ingratiated herself to Na.
“Sue is sooo difficult. Everything must be exact…just so. If it’s not, then she’ll require me to do it again. Sometimes I become so frustrated. I suppose it’s the way in which she is constructed…you know…military types can be so precise in what they want.”
Lilith curled her lip downward and glazed at her feet. La could tell that she wasn’t quite happy with how she was being treated by her Alpha.
“It’s a tough job and the hours…are long…you know? And I understand that Sue can be a bit short with me sometimes.”
The shuttle came to rest at the dock outside the Temple grounds. ‘Just as this is getting interesting’ thought La. They got up from their seats and preceded into the entry gates. The Temple was an impressive structure rising some six levels in height and three levels below. The walls around it were one level tall and had barred sections so that women could look into the compound’s grounds.
The ‘halo’ sky was always nearly cloudless and the gardens were alive with flora that bloomed at different times of the year. The main gates were always opened and there were always visitors throughout the day and evening. Aside from the spiritual activities that regularly occurred, the big attraction for the city’s denizens are the baths.
Aside from the purification rituals and health regimens, the baths represented the epitome of luxury. The carved stone tubs and, in many cases, the accompanying fountains, were available to all women in the city. Very often large groups would take advantage of the sulfur or mineral waters in the larger areas resembling more a pool than a traditional bath. There were smaller facilities available for more private needs and everything in between.
The huge carved wooden main doors to the Temple were open and upon entering the two women were greeted by an enormous wall depicting the Passion and Death of the Savior. La and Lilith held hands as they viewed the spectacular mural that ran the one hundred meter wide and six story height of the atrium.
Flowered vines climbed the tall columns of marble and small fruit trees abounded amid the gilded frames holding paintings of long departed Saints. La had only been here once before and she was just as struck by the elaborate design and décor as the first time. Her mouth was agape as she took in every little detail, often touching Lilith’s hand to point something out.
Lilith finally managed to drag La by the hand over to the information desk to the side of the great doors. A young novice sat speaking to another visitor. La noticed that she wore her vestment, hood, sandals, and nothing else. Dressing styles certainly became different as one descended to the lower levels of the city. La felt on the edge of comfort in her new clothing and the humidity was certainly starting of have its effect.
Having finally satisfied the first visitor, Lilith stood before the novice.
“We are here for the baths?”
The novice smiled and nodded her head. She took out two brochures and handed them to Lilith, who gave one to La. The novice looked up at La but spoke to Lilith.
“The baths begin one level down.” The novice smiled at La. “What a beautiful dress! You look so lovely and comfortable.”
“Thanks.” La blushed, looked at Lilith for a moment, and back to the novice. “I had good help in choosing it. We only just came to live here yesterday.” The novice became quite excited.
“By the Spirits! Your La-Gen? We have been told to expect you. The High Priestess herself called to inform us.” She stood up and came around her desk to hug and kiss La on both cheeks. She then took La’s hands in her own. “We’ve been abuzz since yesterday waiting to see you and your Gen-7. I am sooo thrilled to meet you! Oh dear Goddess…you are so gorgeous.”
La smiled and blushed. She wasn’t accustomed to being told such things by other women. The novice accompanied La and Lilith to the wide circular staircase leading down to the bathing level.
“Enjoy!” The novice smiled, waved, and called as they walked down the marble steps. The floor below was in reality a balcony. The ground floor of the pool area was three flights down. One could see the top spouting of water from some of the larger fountains that were pre-washes prior to entering a bath. The odor of sulfur mixed with fragrant spices and minerals.

This time a full Sister of the Order met them. She too was scantily clad in only a light vestment and her hood. She was a bit older than Lilith and La but she absolutely radiated beauty and health. Her bronze colored skin glowed with the sheen of fragrant oils and her eyes shone with intelligence.
“A blessed day ladies. Oh…you must be La-Gen. Our Holy Mother Superior spoke to me about you. She said you were among the faithful and that you are cast in the image of our Savior. I am so very pleased to meet you.”
The Mother Superior hugged a blushing La and kissed her cheeks. She then turned to Lilith.
“And a blessed day to you as well Lilith.” She hugged Lilith and kissed her cheeks. “It’s been some time since we’ve seen you here.” Lilith looked at her shoes and assumed a demure stance.
“I’ve been…busy?” She giggled slightly.
“Well…” The Mother Superior said in a very animated voice. “You’re here now and that’s what’s important. I’ve arranged a very private room with its own small altar should either one of you decide to say your prayers and graces.” Gesturing with her arm, she continued. “Please, follow me.”
They walked to another smaller staircase and descended. As they walked the Mother Superior spoke.
“Remember that in these areas you should remain nude until you are ready to leave. We do encourage communing between couples that are bound and offer privacy for those who wish it. We also encourage the use of prayer whilst communing and if one needs help with the proper order, or any other kind of assistance, we are here to serve. Ah, here we are.”
The room was indeed private. As the Mother Superior opened the door into the room, La could see the entire plexicon wall opened up onto the central core of Eden. The view was spectacular. Directly if front was a magnificent garden of flowering orchids and lilies.
La’s face lighted up and she bounced slightly on her toes with excitement.
“Oh dear Goddess! This is beautiful.” She turned to the other two women and smiled with a tear in her eye. The Mother Superior laughed and hugged the little Beta.
“The changing room is over in the corner. I will have a novice bring some fruit and drink. You will notice the small altar facing the gardens. I you wish, I can have the novice also set up the altar for your use.”
“Oh yes! That would be wonderful.” La was excited about that opportunity to make this a true celebration of Na and her arrival to this marvelous ‘new’ world.
“I will leave the two of you. Please call for me or your novice should you need anything at all.”
“Keeping the Faith”

As the Mother Superior exited, the women looked at one another and smiled excitedly.
“Oh my Goddess!” La grasped Lilith’s shoulders.
“This is sooo gorgeous! And what a view! I’ve never had a private room here. In fact, I haven’t been here in…years?” Lilith was surprised by her own answer. “Let’s get naked and do this!” Excitement poured out of her.
Sliding the door to the changing room and water closet, they found padded hangers for their clothing and a shelf for any under garments they might be wearing. After placing their purses on the shelf, they both stripped off their clothing in no time and hung the delicate garments up after kicking their shoes off.
Upon entering the room, they found a young novice placing bowls, a pitcher with fruit drink, and two goblets alongside the tub.
“Would you please set the altar for me?” La asked with a slight pleading in her voice.
“Certainly! It would be my pleasure. Would you like the spiced incense?”
“Oh yes…everything. It’s not often I have the chance to do the entire ritual. My Alpha is sensitive to aromas and doesn’t ‘indulge’…” La mimicked Na’s manner of speaking. “…in such traditions.”
“Oh…” The novice had sadness in her voice.
“Oh she believes.” La was quick to add. “But she really has no time to reflect and meditate with prayer.”
“So many don’t these days.” The novice started to place various items on the altar. She turned to look at La. “May I help you with your offering? Would you like to have the book of prayer?”
La laughed. “No…no…” She shook her head for emphasis. “I know it all by heart. If I weren’t to be bound, I would probably give myself to the order.”
“Really? I think that’s so wonderful. You still could you know. You could become a Sister of Salvation.”
La laughed as she helped arrange the various materials for the rituals to be performed. There were three candle stick holders; one candle was blue, one white and one red. There was a chalice full of incense. And there was the Eucharist.
When all was readied, La looked to the novice. “Would you care to join us for a few minutes?” She nodded happily. So La began.
Standing before the altar, La first took a drop or two of their blood into the chalise of wine, then lighted the white candle.
“This is the candle of light. May it keep the dark from our lives and show us the way of freedom and salvation.”
Next the blue candle was ignited.
“This is the candle of peace and prosperity. May we never know want and may our lives know only joy.”
She lighted the red candle last.
“May we know love and passion and all the wonderful emotions life has to offer.”
She then lighted the incense. Once the smoke began to rise, she passed the chalice around so that the other two could deeply inhale the sweet fragrance that emanated from within.
“May we only know the sweetness that our wondrous lives have to offer.”
La turned to the altar. She closed her eyes, lifted her arms upward and began to chant the Sisterhood Creed. Lilith still remained standing back as La and the novice were kneeling at the rails.

“We believe in one Goddess, our Mother, the Almighty, maker of heaven and the world, of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in one Lady, Josie, the only Daughter of our Goddess, eternally begotten of Our Mother, Goddess from Goddess, Light from Light, true Goddess from true Goddess, begotten, not made, one in being with Our Mother. Through her all things were made.”
La looked upward with opened eyes and the tears welled up as her heart opened with emotion. The novice looked at her and she too felt tears begin to flow.
“For us women and for our salvation she came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit of Freedom she was born of pure woman, and became woman. For our sake she was crucified under the hand of Men; she suffered, died, and was buried.”
Both women were crying openly as they recited the Creed together. Lilith had been watching and listening to this point. But now she moved forward and knelt at the rail on La’s right side. Her hands were folded and she rested her forehead upon them. She silently wept as La continued, her eyes now closed and her heart in a state of true ecstasy.
“On the third day she rose again in the spirit of our Freedom; she ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of Our Mother. She will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and her Queendom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit of Freedom, Our Lady, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Mother and the Daughter.”
At this point the Mother Superior came silently in to see what had happened to her novice. She could instantly feel, and see what was happening. She felt the open spirituality of the little Beta and silently moved toward the altar. Not wishing to break the magic moment of communing souls, she knelt behind and out of sight of the trio.
“With the Mother and the Daughter, she is worshipped and glorified. She has spoken through the Prophetesses. We believe in one holy Sisterhood and its Salvation. We acknowledge baptism for the cleansing of our souls. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.”
“Amen.” The four echoed.
La continued with the recitation of the Eucharist. She turned and lifted the bread up. She was surprised to see the Mother Superior partaking of their little service. She smiled at the Mother, who smiled in return through her tears.
“Blessed are you, Our Lady, Goddess of all creation. Through your goodness we have this bread to offer, which our world has given and women’s hands have made. It will become for us the bread of life.”
“Blessed be Goddess for ever.” The little group responded
La now held the goblet of wine, anointed with the drops of their own blood, high and continued.
“Blessed are you, Lady, Goddess of all creation. Through your goodness we have this wine to offer, fruit of the vine and work of women’s hands. It will become our spiritual drink.”
“Blessed be our Goddess forever.”
“Pray, my sisters, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to our Goddess, the almighty Mother.”
“May Our Lady accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of her name, for our freedom, and the freedom of all her Sisterhood. Amen.”
“Our Lady be with you.” La said.
“And also with you.” They responded.
“Lift up your hearts.”
“We lift them up to Our Lady.” Even Lilith was now reciting what she could remember as La smiled at her.
“Let us give thanks to Our Lady, our Goddess.”
“It is right to give Her thanks and praise.”
“Holy, holy, holy Lady, Goddess of freedom and might, Heaven and the world are full of your glory. Mother in the highest. Blessed is she who comes in the name of our Lady. Mother in the highest.” They all sang in unison.
“Let us proclaim the mystery of faith: Our Lady, by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. You are our Savior and the Salvation of the World.”
“Through her, with her, and in her, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Mother, for ever and ever. Amen.”
“Our Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; your Queendom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from slavery and evil. For the Queendom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever.”
They all again recited the prayer in unison. La continued as though she had been doing this her entire life.
“Lady Josie, you said to your followers: ‘I leave you peace, my peace I give you.’ Look not on our wrong doing, but on the faith of our Sisters, and grant us the freedom, peace and unity of your Queendom where you live for ever and ever. Amen.”
“The Peace and Freedom of Our Lady be with you always.”
“And also with you.”
“Let us offer a sign of Freedom and Peace.”
The women turned to one another, embraced fully, and kissed. La then took the bread broke it into pieces saying: “Lamb of Our Goddess, you take away the evil of the world: have mercy on us. Lamb of Our Goddess, you take away the evil of the world: have mercy on us. Lamb of Our Goddess, you take away the evil of the world: grant us peace.
La picks up the bread and circles it in front of the sign of the cross and then makes the sign of the cross with it. She continues by giving the Eucharist to her congregants.
“The body of Josie, our savior. Amen.” Each one took a bite; La being last. She then does the same for the cup of wine.
“The blood of Josie, our freedom and salvation. Amen.” La gave all a sip from the cup. She drank last.
Petitions to the Mother was something that La had though of but never tried out in practice publicly before. She felt that this point of the service would be a good place for the congregants, now renewing themselves as Sisters of the Savior, to ask ‘relief’ for those in their hearts and minds. La, of course, went first.
“I petition you dear Mother, in the name of my Na-Lin. May her hand not weaken. May her heart have strength, and may she always be a shield to us. In the name of our beloved Priestess Eve, may her mind be clear and her heart open. May she never weaken and may she always be our guide. In the name of Lilith…”
Lilith turned to La with surprise and shock. They had only met one day ago and they had already formed a bond between them. But Lilith never dreamt it would take on such depth so quickly.
“…may she always be a light unto me and a joy to my spirit. For this novice, our sister, may she become a river of strength and faith to us all. And in the name of our good Mother Superior, may she ever remain a river of strength, faith, and peace to our Sisterhood. And lastly, I petition you in the name of our beloved sister Alison Mary. May she know only joy and fulfillment, strength of heart, and great length of days.”
The group was in shock that the Beta blessed them all by name. There really wasn’t much that Lilith or the novice could say. But the Mother Superior stood and walked to the front of the altar. She smiled down at La and held her hands over La’s head.
“I petition you dear Mother, in the name of La-Gen. May she rise high as a guiding light. May she show us the way to true freedom and peace and may she sit by your right hand, surrounded by your Saints.” There were tears of joy in the Mother’s eyes as she bent low to kiss La’s head, and then her hands. The Mother Superior continued the service.
“The Mother be with you.”
“And also with you.”
“May almighty Goddess bless you, the Mother, and the Daughter, and the Holy Spirit of freedom.”
“Go in peace to love and serve our Lady.”
“Thanks be to our Goddess!”
More Ice Tiger soon...
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Interesting chapter!
First the talk of war, then a female version of Catholic rituals...
The Ice Tiger - Chapter 4
Makes me wonder if these People have roots in Earth Culture with their vesrion of the Church.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I must say
that this chapter was very well done. Great writing!
Grand Sci-fi
This is quite wonderful. I love the world that you've built. I'm not religious but I can appreciate the warmth and love expressed towards the end of this chapter.
The political intrigue and talk of war doesn't usually sit well with me but it works well here I think. It's to be a war of women against those icky men so I have to sit up and take notice.
I wonder if the men have women of their own. I'd be surprised if they didn't. They probably keep them as slaves. Ugh. Men! *giggle*
Thanks and kudos! Please keep up the good work.
- Terry