I rode out yesterday to do my weekly shop at the supermarket, and being a sad tart I did my usual trawl through the cheapo DVDs. I came across one called "Freebird", which is a British biker flick. People go to the Black Mountains ('Cold Feet' visits the Black Mountain, a different place)where Welsh is spoken by two boys, one of whom is clearly a Gog (North Walian) and the other clearly either speaks Welsh as a second language or has worked hard at learning his lines, but sounds like a Sais. What with motorbikes and SE Wales, and great scenery, and Arthur 'Fire!' Brown, and a truly awful plot, I was one happy little Cymres for a while.
The bottle of wine helped!
How odd...
I thought that I was the only soul, who after drinking a whole bottle of
wine, heard other people apparently speaking Welsh. How Odd. I always thought
I was unique?
Speaking Welsh
Well, I talk to myself....the contrast between the Welsh speaker and the Welsh 'reader' was hilarious, better than Pobl y Cwm
That's nothing !
When my only son turned 40,he and I demolished a good quantity of excellent Merlot and my daughter in law said we were speaking
fluent Japanese backwards. Nothing odd about that, is there? Can't speak Welsh, though it may sound similar.
Everything's better after a bottle of wine!
And it's amazing how clearly all the solutions to the world's problems appear. I don't think I speak Welsh, but I might, because no one can understand me. Well that's nothing new, but what I mean is, they can't understand the words I'm saying.
One thing I've learned, however is not to log into work and do some brilliant programming. Because next day, I spend most of the time saying things like, "What was I thinking?" I wish I could stay brilliant all the time, but I can't afford the tab.
It's a Dirty Job, But Someone Has to Do It
I will tell you, it is brutal be of Welsh ancestry and growing up in a town where all the other kids were either Irish Catholic or Polish Catholic.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
No Chapel then....I have to go to a wedding near Machynlleth in a few months, which will be Chapel, and one family is JW, so they are complaining it's not a 'Kingdom Hall',and as they are offcially gogs up there they will talk funny,and am trying to explain to friends that the hills in winter will NOT be frock weather and.....you know the score!
In your case, I can imagine the variation on the old Ulster joke:
"You Polish or Irish?"
"Welsh, actually"
"That Polish Welsh, or Irish Welsh?"
Don't worry ...
... both my little sister and my SO wore trousers at the wedding we attended at the weekend. I don't think anyone bothered. Anyway, it must be OK because my sister lectures on design at Uni :)
Me? I was just glad to be out of the church after the ceremony because we had to sing 3 hymns all the way through and I hate singing (so I didn't). I can't believe people do that every week for fun.
People hate my singing,lol, but I still try....
I can hear a lot of hiraeth churning away on this blog. Funny, I never got much hiraeth when away at sea cos I really only started to find, recognise and then eventually acknowledge my roots after meeting the better half. My family speak Welsh, brother, sisters, nephews nieces even my own children but I only have a rudimentary command of it. One of the consequences of what happened to me but not having Welsh is not a big issue. My kids speak it so the roots have been recovered.
A Gog but a 'Lerpwl Bach yn Cymru Gog'. We're special, we don't do sheep just ships, aircraft, steel and car engines.
Now where was that Capitol city again? - Oh yes, North bank of the Mersey.
Grammar Nazi
'yng Nghymru'...treiglad trwynol ar ol yr arddodiad!
Hiraeth, yn wir!
Hawdd i anghofio
Mae e'n amhosib i anghofio Gymru.