Minor Update on the Therapist search

I received a response from Margaret Cohen, the therapist in LR that I contacted last week. She was very friendly, and gave me the name of another therapist that might be a little closer (I'll have to check after I post this :-))

I'd be lying to say I'm not petrified to take this next step. It took every ounce of strength I could muster just to contact Margaret, but she says Mary is a terrific therapist, and like I said, she came across as very friendly, so I'm going to gather my nerve and write to her.

I spoke briefly to Mom about it, and she essentially told me to do what I need to do, and we'll make it work somehow, as far as getting there. I have no idea how I'm going to afford this, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. :-)

This represents a big step for me because I'm getting to a point now where the line between peace and apathy is beginning to blur. I thought I'd turned a corner today, but the more this feeling lingered, the more I realized it wasn't ease I was feeling. *sigh* It's going to be a long night, but I'll get through it, and things will be brighter tomorrow.


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